HEALTH SCHEME IMA GSB 2nd Floor, AMA House, Opp H K College, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad – 380009 Time : 02.00 to 06.30 pm – Phone : 079 – 2658 5430 Email :
[email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Our Aims and Objectives of are to provide financial assistance to the members and his / her spouse on the unfortunate events of hospitalization for management of the following diseases. Rule.4.(B) Member who joins the scheme will get the benefit of : (1) Coronary Heart Disease Group:- Angioplasty, by pass surgery & valvular heart diseases surgery & Permanent pace-maker implant. (2) Kidney Disease Group:- Haemodialysis, Renal Transplant, Renal Angioplasty. (3) Cancer Disease Group :- Surgical, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy required for the treatment of all the cancers (Except carcinoma in SITU). Locally active basal cell carcinoma. (4) Brain Tumors Group. (5) Brain Hemorrhage – confirmed by C T Brain or MRI, Carotid & Cerebral Angioplasty. (6) Joint Replacement Group: Surgery for Total knee and Total hip joints only. N. B. : Member above the age of 40 years at the time of joining the scheme will get the benefit of Surgery for Total knee and Total hip joints replacement after completion of 7 years of joining the scheme. Rule.13 (2) Members have to submit Original papers as well as attested xerox copy of bills and receipts. Original bill & receipts will be given back after verification. Rule.13 (4) Members will be given reimbursement depending upon. (A) Approved (Recognised Hospital) (B) Non-Approved (Non-Recognised) within the jurisdiction of IMA GSB In no circumstances non approved hospital should be out side jurisdiction of I.M.A.