Your Support Makes a World of Difference

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Your Support Makes a World of Difference Your support makes a world of difference. TO OUR FRIENDS AND PARTNERS IN 2020, THANK YOU. Together we are providing vital assistance and crucial programs to Jews all over the world. The Jewish Agency is proud and privileged to represent the voices of Jewish people and communities around the world. Our friends and partners ensure we have the global reach and financial strength to address the needs of the Jewish people on a large scale, along with the infrastructure to quickly meet urgent needs as they arise. To all our many friends and supporters around the globe, we offer our profound thanks for your partnership. To The Jewish Federations of North America and Keren Hayesod/UIA, your core support powers our global partnership. No single gift touches more lives. We also thank the many Federations who not only provide indispensable core funding, but also make designated grants to critical programs and emergency campaigns. The Jewish Federations of North America Jewish Community Board of Akron Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester & Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation Salem Counties Jewish Federation of Arkansas Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta London Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Jewish Federation of Atlantic and Cape May Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Counties Jewish Federation of Delaware Orange County Augusta Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles Shalom Austin Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit North Louisiana Jewish Federation The ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Jewish Federation of Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Community of Louisville Federation of Baltimore Jewish Federation of Dutchess County Jewish Federation of Madison Jewish Federation of Greater Baton Rouge Jewish Federation of Edmonton Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires Jewish Federation of El Paso Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts The Birmingham Jewish Federation Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper The Jewish Federation of Western Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Fairfield County Massachusetts Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Flint Jewish Federation Memphis Jewish Federation Boston Jewish Federation of Florida’s Gulf Coast Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Broward County Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne Greater Miami Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo Jewish Federation of Fort Worth & Tarrant County Milwaukee Jewish Federation Calgary Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids Minneapolis Jewish Federation Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation Greensboro Jewish Federation Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Charleston Jewish Federation Valley & Jewish Community Center of Utica NY UJA Federation of Greenwich Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Federation CJA (Montreal) Hamilton Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford Metropolitan Chicago Tennessee Jewish Federation of Greater Houston Jewish Federation of Cincinnati JewishNevada Jewish Federation of Southern Illinois, Jewish Federation of Cleveland Jewish Federation of Greater New Bedford Southeastern Missouri and Western Kentucky JEWISHcolorado Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana Columbia Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis JewishColumbus The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey Jewish Federation and Foundation of Northeast Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut Florida (Jacksonville) Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Jewish Federation of Springfield Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey The Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley Bucks Jewish Federation of New Mexico Jewish Federation of St. Louis Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans Jewish Federation of Greater St. Paul The Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary UJA-Federation of New York United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, Jewish Federation of Reading PA New Canaan & Darien Jewish Federation of Central New York Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island Tampa Jewish Community Centers & Federation Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York Jewish Community Federation of Richmond United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Jewish Federation of Ocean County Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City Jewish Federation of Greater Rockford UJA Federation of Greater Toronto Jewish Federation of Omaha Jewish Federation of Rockland County Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona (Tucson) Jewish Federation and Family Services of Orange County, California Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region Jewish Federation of Tulsa Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County, Jewish Federation of San Antonio United Jewish Federation of Utah New York Jewish Federation of San Diego County Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Jewish Federation of Ventura County Jewish Federation of Ottawa Fund of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin & United Jewish Community of the Virginia Sonoma Counties Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County Peninsula Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler Counties Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Jewish Federation of the Desert (Palm Springs) The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington Savannah Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania Jewish Community Alliance of Northeastern Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Pennsylvania (Wilkes Barre, PA) Jewish Federation of Peoria Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley Windsor Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Jewish Federation of Sioux City Jewish Federation of Winnipeg Jewish Community Association of Greater Phoenix Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon & Youngstown Area Jewish Federation Warren Counties Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Keren Hayesod/United Israel Appeal English-Speaking Countries Campaigns European Region Campaigns Keren Hajessod Schweiz – Vereinigte Israel Aktion e. V., Zurich United Israel Appeal Australia Keren Hajessod- Vereinigte Aktion zur Unterstützung von Durchwanderern nach Israel Keren Hayessod Action Israël – Suisse Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA Romande Keren Hayessod, Belgium Keren Hayesod United Israel Appeal UK Collective Israel Actie -The Netherlands Keren Hayessod - Appel Unifi pour Israël, United Israel Appeal Hong Kong France Förenade Israelinsamlingen Sweden Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal Keren Hayesod – Vereinigte Israel Aktion e. V., Israelinsamilngen Denmark Singapore Germany Keren Hayesod Finland Keren Hayesod – Taiwan Campaign Keren Hayesod – Appello Unifificato per Israele, Keren Hayesod Hungary Italy Keren Hayessod Monaco Keren Hayesod Russian Federation Keren Hayesod Colombia Fellesinnsamlingen for Israel/Keren Hayesod Keren Hayesod Ukraine Keren Hayesod Ecuador Norge Israel United Appeal-UCF South Africa Fundación Privada en Defensa de los Derechos Keren Hayesod, Spain Eastern Region Campaigns Keren Hayesod Guatemala Latin American Region Campaigns Keren Hayesod Athens Keren Hayesod México, A.C. Campaña Unida Judeo Argentina Keren Hayesod Thessaloniki Keren Hayesod Panamá Fundo Comunitário Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Keren Hayesod CIS Keren Hayesod Paraguay Fundo Comunitário São Paulo, Brasil Keren Hayesod Estonia Keren Hayesod Perú Fundación de Beneficencia y Cultural Keren Keren Hayesod Latvia Hayesod Chile Keren Hayesod Portugal Keren Hayesod Lithuania Keren Hayesod Costa Rica Friends and Supporters Chairmen’s Council ($500,000 and over) Roman Abramovich Sol Goldman Charitable Trust One New Man Family Adelson Family Foundation The Goldrich Family Foundation One8 Foundation Belz Enterprises Alexander Grass Foundation Onward Israel Ltd. Blavatnik Family Foundation ICEJ: International Christian Embassy Moise Y Safra Foundation Jerusalem C4I – Christians for Israel Sedley Philanthropic Fund International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against (IFCJ) Jane F. and Larry D. Sherman Germany Inc. Iranian American Jewish Federation James S. and Merryl H. Tisch Foundation The Miriam & Arthur Diamond Charitable Trust Jim Joseph Foundation The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation The Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation Arlene Kaufman and Sanford Baklor Wilf Family Foundation Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation KKL - JNF Israel World Bridge Mission Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation Mortimer Zuckerman Genesis Philanthropy Group Lauren and Ezra Merkin / Tehila Foundation Anonymous (5) Betsy Gidwitz Ben Gurion International Leadership Council ($50,000 and over) Helen and Michael Abeles Blank Family Foundation Dan David Foundation Adnim Foundation Guenter Borg Foundation Helen Diller Foundation
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