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ISRAEL UNDER FIRE Emergency Support for the South of Israel

MAY 2021 Introduction The and Keren Hayesod- once again find ourselves at the forefront of the fight against terror, working closely with the Government of Israel and the most senior security officials in the country. As our brothers and sisters across Israel are once again facing rocket attacks, we turn to you, our dearest partners and closest allies, to aid us in providing critical support to those most deeply impacted by indiscriminate acts of terror. The security situation in Israel, particularly in the southern region, has deteriorated dramatically over the past few days and the need for intervention is immediate. Incessant rocket attacks have heightened the risk for local residents and as a result, schools have been periodically closed with families sleeping in bomb shelters. The damage caused by these attacks creates psychological, emotional, and financial ramifications. The trauma suffered may take years to even begin to heal from, and the after-effects could last a lifetime. Supported by Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal, The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror provides immediate financial assistance to bereaved families who have lost loved ones or suffered injuries due to terror attacks. We are currently seeking additional funds to respond to the current situation and ensure the safety and security of our nation and build long-term resilience among those who are impacted the most by the security situation and ongoing rocket attacks. The following items represent the most urgent needs during this current wave of rocket fire and acts of terror. We thank you for your consideration of support at this truly critical time.

Need Total Amount US$ Emergency Security Supplies $36,750 Respite and Recreation for Children $114,000 Psychological Services for New Immigrants $66,280 Respite for Absorption Centre Staff $109,800 Total Request $326,830

Primary Needs – Safety and Security in the Centre and South 1) Emergency Security Supplies The Jewish Agency’s head of security has identified several critical needs to support our program staff and beneficiaries during times of emergency. These include essential first aid supplies, non- perishable food and sanitation kits for bomb shelters, defibrillators for key residential programs in Israel such as Masa, and satellite phones to enable emergency communication in places where cell phone reception is unavailable.

30 emergency kits for bomb shelters - $6,000 ($200 per kit) 50 emergency first aid packages for shelters - $10,000 ($200 per package) 10 defibrillators for Masa program residential centres - $15,000 ($1,500 each) 5 satellite phones - $5,750 ($1,150 per phone) 2) Respite and Recreation for Children The Home Front Command has given directives to close schools Israel’s southern and central towns and cities to protect the well-being of children and their teachers. The Jewish Agency for Israel is ready to offer our mission-critical emergency response and respite activities to help mitigate the profound effect on young people as their primary tasks of attending school and learning are interrupted as a result of the crisis. We seek to provide some 1,000 new immigrant children in our absorption centres with activity kits and respite programming. Packages will be distributed to children in Absorption Centres in Ashkelon, -Ibim, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat and Be’er Sheva. Care packages for children (including craft activities) – $50 per child, for a total of $50,000 Respite activities for children in Absorption Centres – $64 per child, for a total of $64,000

3) Psychological Services for New Immigrants Living in a region where there is the constant threat of danger is associated with substantial emotional and mental trauma. These conditions have a profound impact on children and families who are recent arrivals in Israel, many having made Aliyah in the height of the global coronavirus pandemic. We are especially concerned for the well-being of families currently residing in Jewish Agency Absorption Centres and participants of programming in regions that have a high risk of bombardment from rocket attacks. Most new immigrant parents are ill-equipped to deal with the hardships that their families experience under duress. The situation is often exacerbated for adults who have limited language skills and as they are still in the earliest stages of acculturation and resettlement in Israel. We seek to provide tailored psychological intervention for the 3,000 new immigrants and program participants living in Jewish Agency Absorption Centres in the south, and in particular, for the 900 children who are already displaying signs of trauma. During these times of emergency, we require funds in order to provide the following services: Total Need Number of Units Amount US $ Individual counselling and trauma 150 hours of counselling $15,000 intervention for new immigrants ($100 per hour) 4 sessions, each three hours long, Parent/child therapy workshops $8,640 across 8 Absorption Centres ($90 per hour) Trauma services for elderly new 4 sessions, each three hours long, $8,640 immigrants across 8 Absorption Centres ($90 per hour) Therapeutic activity kits for 30 kits for each of 8 Absorption Centres $22,800 children in shelters ($95 per kit) Training workshops for Absorption Sessions in each of 8 Absorption Centres $11,200 Centre staff ($1,400 per centre) Total Request $66,280 4) Respite for Absorption Centre Staff While many in Israel and around the world worked from home over the past year, employees in absorption centres did not have that luxury. They put their individual and family concerns about the pandemic aside each day to attend to some of Israel’s newest and most vulnerable. At this moment, The Jewish Agency staff in the south of Israel - totalling 120 employees - are suffering. After the very long year dealing with the coronavirus crisis, they are now living under the worst missile fire Israel has known in recent times. Instead of returning home to take care of their families who are currently sitting in bomb shelters, our workers remain in the absorption centres tending to the needs of new olim. We realize that sacrifice comes at a very high price, one that The Jewish Agency and Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal must address immediately. We are asking for emergency funding for our 120 employees based in absorption centres throughout Israel’s Southern Region for individual and group psychological services and respite packages for each member of staff. These employees range from program directors to social workers to cultural specialists and many more. The Worker’s Union of the Jewish Agency has committed to match each philanthropic dollar raised towards employee respite packages.

Need Number of Units Total Amount US$ 120 staff members for four Individual psychological counselling $43,200 sessions ($90 per session x4 each) Three group sessions at each Group Therapy Session of eight Absorption Centres $33,600 ($1,400 per session) $33,000 Packages for 120 staff (50% of cost matched Respite packages ($550 per package for a night by Jewish Agency at a hotel) Workers Union) Total Request $109,800

With Our Appreciation At a time when people are experiencing living nightmares and are most vulnerable, The Jewish Agency and Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal are there for them. Our support is available often before government benefits arrive, providing immediate and effective responses to its beneficiaries, advocating for their rights, and referring them to treatment when necessary. We are profoundly grateful to our partners for joining us in reaching and relieving the wounds and losses experienced by members of our global Jewish family who are in harm’s way. Together, we can ensure that individuals and families in Israel receive the necessary assistance so they may live in safety and security while they begin restoring their fractured lives in the wake of terror and unimaginable hardship.

For further information please contact your local Keren Hayesod - UIA emissary or Projects Department: 48 King George St. P.O.B 7583, 91074, Israel. Tel. +972-2-670-1836 | Fax.+972-2-670-1928 | [email protected] | www.kh-uia.org.il | Join us on Facebook