Jewish Agen'cy Denounces Soviet Slurs on Zionism
• , , " i,. r .,,/ , Page Fourteer.. THE JIEWISH POST Thursday, February 1, 1962 World News in Briel interpret BBYO to the community, ,by a study group is to be held and to iinprove relations' between Sunday, Feb. 11, at a place to be Suite for Rent Chicago BByQ'''a'iiJlts parent organization, announced. Large, 1:>right two-room unfur A dispute over the playing of the Hatikvah, Israel's national anthem, at B'nai B'rith. March 1.1 will see the Shaarey nished suite, upstairs. Newly decor Jewish meetings in the United States, was submitted to the U.S. Senate ated, 'self - contained. Immediate BBYO Month will commence Zedek Purim Carnival to be held at -Dep(lrtment for an opinion. William J. TOnesk, chief of protocol of the -. .' possession. Phone JU 9-2156. State -Depariment, informed the Zionist Organization of Chicago that February il7 with a gala affair in the 'the Synagogue. Tickets are now on the only ~ime Hatikvah should 'be played first on the program of a form of the annual Sweetheart Ball. sale' for 50¢. Those interested in FORT GARRY TV Jewish organization was when the organization honored a representative FOClJS ON Candidates for Sweetheart Queen participating in the "Persian Fashion ,ANTENNAS of Israel. ..In other cases, the Star Spangled Banner should be played and th"', respective AZA chapters Show" may call Naomi Levine at No Guys first, he wrote. T)'le issue arose when Sidney L. 'DeLove, organizer and Vol. XXXVIII ~ WINNIPl!;G, THURSDAY, FEBRUAEY'8, 1962 No.6 head ,of Independence Hall, an Am~rican hex:itage museum in Chicago, include: Terry Miner, Nagid; Jo HU 9-5547, or Mrs." Lazarek at " .
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