January Clearance Sale! Quantity on Hand Price Each ~ - -~· -··=~------,------Ostrich Troubles
" ,. ' ' ~ ' .• -~....:.r . ,; -~.. J • January 11951 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! QUANTITY ON HAND PRICE EACH ~ - -~· -··=~----------------,-------------------- OSTRICH TROUBLES. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. ss.,s 16 Cr:st:e-Kiko the Ka .. garoo Cartoon. Original ptice, $17.50. WOLVES OF THE RANGE with Bob Living5ton s29 95 8 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature pici·ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e -~ ,..a:.;.;::::ii.:._.c __________________ ,________________ ,_,_ _ _,__ BORDER BUCKAROOS with Dave O'Brie11 and Jim Newill s29 95 7 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picf·ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION, 1947. Rrcind new, 1-reel, 16mm. silent. SJ 98 32 Castle's film of the fun anc frivolity of 1h11 1947 convention in New York. Origi•al price, $8.75. • ------------~---~----~-·----·-----------~--- tOG ISLAND with Lionel Atwill, Jerome Cowan, George Zucco s39 95 5 Good used 7-reel, 16mm. sound faaf·ure pic~ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e SONGS OF LOVE. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound fiim in original cartons. S6 95 Castle Music Album with Gene G,-ounds, Syl-,ia Froos, Dove Schooler and his Swinghearts. • 47 Original price, $17.50. THE DRIFTER with Buster Crabbe and Al S·t. John s29 95 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound featura {'i :ture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e FISH IS FOOD. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. s:u.,nd film in original cartons. S6 95 There's nothing fishy about the bargain quolit ) of this lilm on the Fulton Fish Market in New York.
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