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, ' , " " , ''\ '. , 8, 1953 ,'> ,'. ! \ 'POST JanuarY 8, 1953 .. (. -' :< Is'r~el l\n ,,'Answer to Racial \P~rsec~tic)'n McCarran ,'Gunning. For' , , B" J H' . Jews ~ho we~e convinced, that y,,,... e on. I t· I ' th ' . 'I ,', LES'TER B. EEARSON sa v.a,lon, ~y III ,e prIllClp es of Jewish Gov't :()Ff,icial ,~ ewish Weekly in W,estern Canada' C' anad' a s' S ecret" ary 0 f Sta t e f or, Ex'ternal self-lIberatIOn,t h d and'ed self-help, ' \ That ';!!IiJ;5~~~;i:'il~f~rh,~~~.~~;I~~"glO-Jhe"l:~!;":"~ of Jewhlh Qom,{,unltyactivltle. , 'Affairs, and recen,tly elected president of concep' a gam a ~IQer accep- By MILTON FRIEDMAN tions. DesPite 'the fact that Rosen­ ~ in, Western Canada), the United NatiW1s' General ~sembly tance a,nd w,e had to do' something (Copyright; 1953, ;ITA, Inc.) field .is a ,leading anti-Communist Jewish Telegraphic Agency b t t - liberal, McCarran sought to smear , ' , The stature' of a land is not a O~t ~~s also, I thi~k, the "general " Washington. into oblivion one of the most effec­ , Publisl)ed every Thursday by mea' sured- ,by'a surveyor's instru- belief of those who voted in the Sen. Pat McCarran is now trying tive voices raised in te defense of THE JEWISH POST LTD freedom in America. McCarran said '"he-'~ .• , ment, nor the gl1eatness of a nation, United Nations', General, Assembly ,to des~rQY a man who has done more Pllbl than any other individual to fight that Rosenfield attacked his act in BEN M, COHEN by· the census-taker. 's 'f.uture in favor of the principle'of creating MCCarran's bigotry on iqunigration a speech "which p'arallels the line' Business Manager and Managing Editor rests 'on .many things which 'mere, d d . matters. That man is Harry N. of the Daily Worker," Another Mc­ '," Phone 54400' E)venings 59l,129 statistics cannot show. This land,' an in epen ent JeWIsh state that Carran allegation was that Rosen- ' T Rosenfield, former U.S. Displaced " , LEO J 'LEZACK the Jews of-Israel' would one day field ',aligned himself' with an un­ .' MELVIN FENSO~, B.A., " , "now represe,nts, for a' gifted but b bi t t bl' h f" dl Persons Commissioner, who was , ,; (.", Editor' ,Advertising Manager £ d e a e 0 es a IS nen y rela- selected >by President 'll'umpn to name!i "lobby pressure group" which , . ';' " :Head Office: 213 Selkirk Ave., 'Winnip,eg, Canada scattered and often frustraLe tions with the Arab world, al- serve as executive, direCtor - of a fought McCarranism. Rosenfield did much to alert Jew­ :...... 'people, possibility of realizing though time would obviously be 'Presidential Commission created to ' ~t::~as;.e~co~n~d~c~laa:.~m:ai~l.~p~OB~t~O~ffi~c~e~D~e:p.~rt:m~e~n:t.~O~tta::w:.=, the' twinth~ principles of self~libera- required to achieve the necessary probe public opinion on tile Mc­ ish organizationS and other liberal , , , tion and self~help which-' are the mutual adjristmepts. All, men of Carran~Walter Act. groups thro~ghout the nation to the Ne~ded .__ A Forum td only 'adequate 'answers to anti- good will must be glad to note, Semitism, And in tb,at land Achad therefore, that already, only four' Pat's Role In Israel Arms CaSe' 'Ease 'G'row·.ng 'Pains' ," iRa'am1s ideal of the re-education LESTER B. PEARSON and a half years after the adoption ," of the Jewish people for normal of the partition resolution, there Cited In Washington Hearings living - their inner rehabilitation ' are I'ndl"cations that areas of wider agreement WASHINTON (Special) - Senator Pat MeC~ (D) of Nevada, is . _ is already beginning to, be realized. currently defendant in a million oolliir damage suit brought by Hank M, . In the past several' weeks we have witnessed, I think I am right in saying that of the may soon be established .between Israel and its Gt'eenspun,'publlsher of the Las Vegas (Nev.) Sun on charge that he m~st conspired with 40 hotel and gambling ca.Sino owners to withhold advertis­ a'flurry of disturbing, awkward, clumsy happ~n- delegates who'voted in the United NatIons Gen- neighbors. . ing n'Om the paper after it criticized him. " ings transpiring on the cqmmunal scene" which, eral Assembly in Nov~mber 1947 i?,favor of the Cooperation between Arab qovernments and , Senator McCarran told the committee that in 1950 he interceded with out 66",inch steelGAD, and a hlUu~ge~c~~:I~f:~~f~~~tl~~r1fo~ c, pipe give 'rise to the belief that -Winnipeg Jewry is 'resolution recommendmg the partItIOn of Pales- the Government of Israel hai! taken pla,ce in the the Justice Dep~t to save Mr. Greenspun from jail after the latter outstanding example of, Histadrut's C,oIltri.bUltion to the entering upop. its adolescent years. '9?mpared. to tine, within the frame'work of econo.mic past months, spontaneously and as a matt,er, of , plellded guilty. to charges of shipping arms to Israel ~ , , development of Israel, Yuval Gad employs immigrants from 26 coun.- unio~, " McCarran told his pretrial hearing "If it hadn't been for that; in my , tries, and is a "melting pot'" both economically and socially. The giant the, t,hree hundred _ year - old tr~dltlon ,behmd did so because of an underlying feelmg that It course,' in the face of a threatened plague of opinion, Mr. GJ;OOuspun would be in the penitentiary today. 1 didn't know tubes will be laid out from the Yarkon River to the heart of the Negev,' 'American Jewry, we have traversed between only had'been'made necessary by the slaughter of Je,",:s locusts. Fresh agreements have been reached the nature of the charge particularly," a distance of 165 miles, enabling the cultivation of millions of dunam one-fourth and one-fifth the, spap. of years already" in Europe during the SeCond World War. ThIS within the past few weeks jor the prevention and af fertiI" but arid soil. , ' \ ' " , At the time 'of Mr. Truman's ap­ dangers con~ained in the Act adopted assimilated into the, experience of U.S:' Je,wry. was a warning that it would be unwise to con-' control of illegal crossing of Israel's borders in last year, Ite knew what the various M:A. dRAY, MLA pointment of Rosertfield as a member , ' That.suchcomparatively ,raw youths'as we s~o~ld ' tinue any longer an experiment tending toward either direction. Also, when ships of ,Israel or of the DP Commission, McCarran provisio,ns would mean if they be­ Although it is unanimously agreed \ find the ready-made communal patterns sphttmg bi-nationalism or a forced federalism in the whole Lebanon are in distress, !jach ~ay now take refuge schemed in the Senate to delay con­ came the law of the land. He knew Musie 'Ball Patroqs at the seams, shrinking around the :ankle,$, and of since that experiment had already in the territorial waters of ,the other state and " '1irmation of Rosertfield's nomination. of the "neighborhood investl'gation" that hum'jn rights shoilld be de­ Rosenfield later introduced many required under the Act which pro­ fined and llrotected,- nevertheless the , , heading for the rag-pile is only as itf,should be. led to 'complete deadlock, in Palt::stinian affair~. then proceed on their way without hindrance. liberal reforms iIi. oUr DP program vides an excellent opportunity fer ineth'od of enactment of such a law' , i Ad~lesc~nts are hard on clothes, their par~nts, .It ,seemed imperative, moreoyer, a~ter the an~ll- i These agreements were reached without the pub­ which enraged McCarran. When the anti-Semites to' prevent their Jew­ has become a technical football ish neighbors from being naturalized , " theIr neighbor~ ~nd themselv~s. B~t there IS ~o hilation of six million Jews m variOUS countrI~s licity that seems always to accompa\ly. any bad " DP Commission expired, Rosertfield tossed hack and forth between two took the! lead in pointing out totali­ as American citizens. ' way of byp~ssm&, these growmg pams, and theIr it:l Europe~ that arrangements should be made. m news and ,represent ,the sort,of quiet adjustment sides. One side wants a bill of occurrence IS ultImately for the good. '. at least one country'in ,the world for the JeWIsh to a changed situation out of which stable condi- tarian aspects of the McCarran­ This particular provision requir8s Walter Act. In a speech before a a personal investigation ,by officers rights written into the constitution. , I That the board, of the Jewish Welfare Fund, people to be definitely' freed from th'e limitations tions often grow. , OJ ewish group, Rosenfield described of each' .naturalization applicant in I, ....". oilier SIde says we lack the con- the neighborhood of his residence should have reversed a re«ommendation of its and the fears imposed by minority status. Only There was an Irishman once whom we might component features of the Act as stitutional authority, and that, in "America's first Nuremburg Law." and employment d1}ring the past executive in regard to increasing the budget of in Palestine were the Jews willing and able to describe as the prototype of those' who consider five years. One purpose of this in- ' ~ last, analysis, civil rights are the the Jewish library; that a Jewish Welfare Fund undertake the heavy responsibility of establish- interracial rapprochement to be impossible. It On Dec. 24, the day the new Act result of an informed and intelligent became operative, McCartan issued vestigation is to ask neighbors if past president should have, aired serious doubts ing an independent Jewish state. It was not only See ISRAEL, AN ANSWER, page 8 a statement in New York alleging the applicant is a subversive. All public opinion, and that they can­ that Rosertfield had been associated the anti-Semites have to tell the not be fully guaranteed by putting' on the united-campaign issue ~t a Welfare Fund See McCARRAN, page 9 annual public' meeting; that, a tgroup of~ young with "Communist front'!' organiza-, them into ,a statute.' ' , '11 ,parents should have sought guidan~e from two Non-Jewish Zionist Friends A bill of rights for Canadian's is , Three I , local Jew~sh school systems, on operating a Jew­ are selected for encomia, for delineation as out- 6Ethnic' Cultures, in Israel not an acadenuc subject for debat­ ,I' ish class (when senior spokesmen ,of the said By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ societies;' but very' real, very [ I " , Editor, The Jewish News (Detroit) standing men of our time. . rieedE~d.:.t()(lay sohools still break out into a cold sweat at talk and very much " I There is no reference to Jos Wedgwood's Zion­ ~ I , of unity) ;, that steps to establish a 'Kashrut' set­ It Ther"" is no law ,in .CairiaciaI'rt?,tllPi't" '! I up at the YMHA restaurant should have had to Dr. Lewis B. Namier,' professor of modern ,ism. is regrettable that Prof. Namier do"ls not , await what amounts to a public referendum before history at Manchester University, one-time politi­ , discuss that 'aspect of the great rebel's career. being inaugurated ... that these events should cal secretary of the Jewish Agency, holds the What he writes about him generally nevertheless. have taken place .,each indicates, in varying de-,' distinction of ,having written some of the most may be applicable to the great efforts he exerted grees, a laudatory evidence of democracy in com- brilliant expositions of Zionism. In the move­ in behalf of the Zionist cause. States N:amier munity, affairs. They also indicate that there ment's darkest days, he was an able defender of about the remarkable Jos: t:;;$~t%~;r:1:~~.d~;~~ whatever, is , -exists' 'a less laudatory time-lag and space-lag a great cause. "He was sometimes inconsistent ill argument, our .powr.. td.icliil'ify and protect • ,) 1 confused in thought, inaccurate in his 'facts' -;­ I between the machinery of our community, and the In his-"Avenues of History~' he emerges as a within, , our own thinking of important sections and important brilliant interpreter of historical issues., This not a painstaking historian; hut a light burnt in , " individuals' of the community. splendid book, published, by Macmillan (60 5th him, 'a fire, more valuable than logic and preci­ There are among us ill' Ma;"itoba Perhaps it is merely that Winnipeg Jewry has • Aye., NYll) , ol:ltlines his~?17's fu~ctiohs and sion, and far more sacred, than mere intellectual many minOl;ities, racial, religi()us, , . outgrown the institutions, set up to ma~age its sKet.ches several Important mCldents m European achievements." economic, and political. They know affairs. Although, a humorous anecdote on our affairs...... That's it! If we waited for logic there may full well that if discrimination can II never have arisen an Israel.. The fire that, was , ' 'editorial page seems to indicate we are over- TypIcal of th.e entIr~ b?ok IS thiS ref~tatlOn of be practiced against one group with 1\ " institutionalized perhaps we need one more insti- the common claIm that ,hIstory repeats Itself: Wedgwood's made possible the reality of Jewish then it can be directed tution _. a foru'm, a panel, or ,all-inclusive Va'ad "'Does histORY repea~ its~lf?' No two events statehood. against them. I .agree that we can­ Ho'eir which will represent tile joint thinking o'f . or c1!-ai:t?-s. of events a~e 1.dentICal, any ~ore than Then there was Wyndham Deedes, the'friend­ not make people tolerant simply by , more than 'merely Welfare Fund beneficiaries, or' two mdivIduals,or their lIves .. Yet the hves of all liest man who held office in the British mandatory passing 'legisIation, but defining the I I, supervisors of, Kashrut, or other limited group- men ca? b~ summed up, ,as III Anatole 's administration in Palestine, the-man who resigned civil liberties by law would not be ings. ' story, m eIght wor:ds:, They. w~re :born,. ~hel that office out of protest against injustices to an 'empty gesture. Differences of opinion' are not objectionable. sl:lffered, a~d they d~ed. The ehmmatlOn of mdI­ the Jewish position, the brilliant interpolator who '{with' great pride, I acknowledge When Ithey, cease to exist, it will be because Win- Vidual variants, WhICh tend to., cancel o~t .each propagated the Zionist idea wherever he went, that the basic freedoms are more nipeg 'Jewry has' ceased to exist. But .channels other where larPie ,nun:bers are ~nyolved, IS lIkely Of Deedes, the first Chief Secretary in Palestine, highly regarded arid more secure to for utilizing them to constructive ends, and utiliz- to dIsclose. cer!am, baSIC regularItIe~, Th~re may who entered with Allenby and began the, individual in Canada than in ing ·them ,as soon as, the community, is ripe for J:e cycles m hIStOry and a r,hythm. but If there his servke in the Holy Land under Sir Herbert WALTER KAUFMAN the year, other country il1 the world, with decisions 'into which they congeal, is what Win- ?-r~, ,the. r!lnge of our .experience and. knowledge Samuel, Dr. Namier writes: "He gained the confi­ The Jewish Music Clubs' second Many, celebrities are expected possible exception pf Great , . eeds today 'IS msuffIcIent to establIsh them; and if there are dence and respect of both Jews and Arabs, and YEMI~jTE FOLK their colorful wares during annual Ball to beheld in the crystal be present, and" the ball will take I repeat this with pritle, mpeg n· not, the turn of our minds will still incline us to struggled hard against the anti-Jewish' bias of assume their, existence and to invent them. 'Is a Histadrut-sponsored'dance festival in Israel. The cultural depart- ballroom 'of the Royal Alexandra place under the distinguishd patron- a reaction is emerging for safe- '. Overheard in the second-floor Jewish Community offices at the many of his colleagues. He h~d remained a friend ment of Histadrut pays special 'atte~tion to the spiritual needs. of new hotel' on Jan. 21, promises to be the age of Mayor Garnet and '1oy's sake as well as' for the procia- YMHA - Canadian J.~!Visli Cf?ngress executive director speaking to there a thing whereof men say, See, this is new? of Israel to this day." And Israel can never forget immigrants from Oriental countnes, and encourages thell' self-, . .' . I ' f S P 8 Jewish Welfare Fund Director: • It hath 'been already, in the ages which were expression as well as adaptation to the rising Hebrew culture of Israel. outstanding ;!,e!!.s:;" :CI;' !v:t:: ______ee age "Aron _ are you using your board ro0m and Pave Slater Wednes- Deedes. day night '1 We need them for a meeting." before us'." , , ,The s~ory of the third, contemporary.,. Orde n •• m •• n •• m •••• m ••• ·=·.·.··ee.------~-- q , Prof. Namier's complete work is a captivating Wmgate, IS one of the most remarkable on record. Lady Canvasser to Housewife: Mrs., will you buy a raffle for a collection ot essays. It is enlightening and stimu­ ~ere was a military man, a devout Christian, a ' ' 12.39 p.m. car being given away by Hlldasaah 1 lating, worthy of a great master. lover of the Bible, who' was- willing to, sacrifice ,FRIDAY HE Housewife: No Thanlcs. "'1 EDIClt' AI,D 'L at the Lady Canvasser: But Mrs.,' for one dollar yoU help Hadassah and UAL , \ \ This reviewer is especially interested in o,ne career for a cause: can win a $2.000 car. \ , Housewife: Not this time, thanks. chapter, dealing with "Three Gontemporaries,"­ "Zionism was the cause nearest his heart. The JANUARY Sponsored by wives of the Jewish Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical and Allied Profess.ions ROYAL . Lady Canvasser: So maybe you'll .Jtive me a small donation for three greaf Englishmen who played important thoughts and prayers of his 'ancestors the faith I l" Pioneer Women? ' Emissary of Hebrew University and star ALEXANDRA Housewife: How come ... you collect for HadaBsah and Pioneer roles in the advancement of Zionism. Jos (Joshua) and teachings of his parents, religious'traditions 16th Women? Wedgwood, ,Wyndham Deedes and Orde Wingate See ZIONIST FRffiNDS, page 9 , of ISrael radio entertainment :tame. I Lady Canvasser: Ieh gay doch; sie vee sic, THREE , '.... " •••• k.uuu.u ••••• u ••••• w •••••• ~ ••• u ••••,.u.-.u ••••••••••••••••••• , , -. , ".