. VOLUME XXIl—NO. 10 ST. JOHNS. MICH, THURSDAY AFTERNOON.—OCTOBER 13. 1910. TEN PACES. kjUE dollar a year I Mf pncEDAin NEsnmiiitoiiiiewoMMi Happenings in iUiMD LYON iL i. nl^bcrwui MEO OF eORfllMGE MAPLE RAPIDS St. Johns SocietyWS SERIES Oe VERY SUDDENLY COUNTY SOLONS ■IHb rATUNK ftMlh PAMHEU Dr. Jamas Hyslop. former imstor of BEGINS nER IT WELL.k.NOWN RAN IM ILL BIT A, CITIZENS ROBBED tke Copgrepattonal church of Uiia HAS ROSY WENS AB A1 HI NDAY AT LANBINW. HALE HOri. dty, and Mm. Haralop Mat ThurBda.f IN SESSION HERE evening celebraied tke twenty-fifth KIMNT WARE THAT DATE RE* mm l%ulin« Cof>k. the tweaty-ons THKKE UOHKH KNTKItItll EAHLT anniveranry of their raarrlafe at their Willard Lyon died very suddenly at WBITKM BIFHINKM* MAN TWEE.N CHA.VCN; and MAi'k. BOARD CONVENED RONDAT AF* ymr uM dnuebaer of Mr. and Mrs. HtrNDAT MOKNIN41. new home tn .Newrinrt. Kentucky. Ua home on Want (Maa straat Tues­ Amil'T (4K.NKIUL PIILITIOM. ('onraA Conk of Wantphalta. died very They were Invited tn dinner at the day Hvenlag at 2 o'cloek from onpll- TERNININ AT 1 fIN'LOCk. sudde^ Bunday evenins at H.30 home yf one of their lavlsbon* ra, and Twe (lame* Each HrhedaM Inry bronchitis, a dtsanae that bad o'oloek in the odttce of Ur. M. L. Cuab- about 7:20 were aumnw>ned to the affUctad him at laterrais since early mnn. lAnains. where ahe had Rone at Hmall Hums of Woarj Taken Two (iiurrih to join in marriage a young Phlla and Cklaagw —Playars ^ spring. Mr. Lyon bad been oat of noon to underno a aMcht operation on (Kker Plarew Visited Befttrr couple. An autoinohile hastened them Elkrtkle far HarNas. ^ health for a king time but during a mSEVELT, Tim. OSBOiW OK her ibront. to tbe rhurch. which they found brll- ____ f^» days preceding hla' death had EyERYMEMBERIINSIIIEIISIIOLL The Unniedlat*' onuae of dea th was and After. Hnnlly lighted and deenmted with a ------I felt very well. On Sunday ha auead- bemorrhaee of the lunss. and wna In variety of flowers and plants. Al­ Monday. October 17. the world's! church sarvlcea la Bengal aad on UtTTliK Ih KXCELliKNT REPI BLI- no sray conneeted with the operation most the entire congregation waa series of ball games b«wedn the (Tn. Tuesday worked around hla hone and PIRMT.HEHHION TAkBN DP IN MAH* whMdi wna a very all0bt affair, and (Maple ilapida (^orres(M>adeDcel present. Dr. Hyslup wns given 2& CAN rAMP.IIWN .HPKKrH. cago Nationals and tbe Athletics‘ down on dinton avenua one* or INH niHMITTBE APINIINTHETH. was performed without oompUcatkma Three rewideiM'es were burglatiled tzraad new silver dollars, while Mrs. (Philadelphia I of the American retired at 8:20 and a few which would make M. serious. i In our village Raturday night between Hyslof) received from the ladles of the League will begin at Philadelphia, "tnutea later became 111 aad aaRad Mlsa Cook had been employed In an 12 o ’rlork and three o'clock. Mrs. Bn- parish twenty-flvs srhtte mass The This will be a Rght between the two : to sand for tbe physician. He m. JrIimii Baaker B«Btor«i> (Mflce in Lanaine for at least three llnda Wright, who Itvee alone, wna young ladies of the cburck served lee greatest baseball generals In the bus- however, to renpond to tbe Taesdny Psar ('amMissispers HpAs years, and-had been In soud htatUh un cream and caiie s^le the choir ren ­ HMmbIIiii mi4 Hbm N* Ca«»r awakened some time after ^rmlaalon rulosls and advised rhelr removal. The Hnrmonle bnll. adorned with au­ In case of weather dimciilties the ‘»>'n February 12. 1818. and settled on afternoon at 1 o'clock with all of the two aentlemen lntiT**at*Hl the Mr. Jones accompanied her to the ut»eTatlon wsm performed In the doc- tumn leaves, corn stalks, pnmpklns teams are to remain tn the Htlea * Bengal townahlp. On March members prsseat to respoad to the State (I.An8tna) Hepiibllcan of last . home of her daughter, Mra. B. W. lor'a office Buodny. and seemed suc- Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt were and other seasonable embleiaa. never named until the games have been he waa married to Mias Mary call. 13 Saturday printed portions of ti»e let- cennful In every smy. The patient ral­ looked more Inviting than it did Fri­ (Bayed. Halsey at Uma. Ohio. He con- ^*oon after tbe opening of the first tar which are herewith reproduced aroused and all returned to Mrs. lied nicely and duiine the afternoon day evening for the masquerade party The letter la written In ”J. W >'* rl*- Wright's home where It waa found In case other games are required to Ohusd to live In Bengal until about tneetlng. Chairman A. E. Cobb mads was able to walk around the office. given by a company of young ladies. oroua atyle and tiiakea a moat excel­ that the burglar erldently came In settle tbe supremacy, a fifth game when be came to Rt. Johns. A the followlnc committee appolnUnenta A sliBbt attack of couRblOK Inter in Ibe invitations, issued on pumpkin will be played Raturday, Oct. 22. af- years later he built the bouse oor- Equalisation —Alonso Webttsr, Wil­ lent Kepubliran canipalifn document; through a back door by way of the the day broupht on a bemorrha«e and shaped carda, brought out a large ga ­ ier a hurried run In a special train ^ Oka* *»«* Ottawa ttreeu. now ll»ni I^daad. William Sknlth. William but not for thiH le the letter reproduc ­ woodshed. He had secured one ting altbouirh a number of physicians ap­ and IR cents tn change when scared thering nf guests from all (sirta of the from Chicago to Philadelphia, and In ****upl<*d bj E. H. Wilson and fkmily, C. Rickies snd Frank Rkarret. ed, but bei*aua«- It ^nntain^ ao much plied their skill to the case, the rounic glob«*. Tbe Colonial dame was there that la Interest ina fr«»in th* vtew|Kflnt away. rase another game Is required, anoth- aad a few years since built the bouse Treasury—John W. Hunter. Bugens woman sank rapidly, dying at 8:30. and the old mammy from the Mouth of a purel> buaineaa man who keepa Runday morning when Eugene B. er hurry nm in a special train will be be resided at the time of hla Rhultera aad Mathew M. Hill, surrounded by a number of her aa well as a chink who represented hla eyca and ear** open and hl» band Parr, the auiyor of our city, asroke mad' from Philadelphia to Chicago In 4eath. Poor Andrew Henning. James H. friends whzi bad been with her during he couldn't find his lants; hla wife's the Cblnea«* government. Notwith­ time to play the sixth game In Chl- <'«>n'ng to tbU dty to live. Mr. Plah and John W. Hunter, on the piiblU' piilae iinil who miiat standing tbe grange mixture nf tribes keep abreaai of ihe times In order tn the operation ami others srho were help was enlisted and it was discov ­ cago on .Rtinday. Octob* r 23 Lynn was for many years employed Claims—Edwin E. Hall. Theodora iind races a most enjoyable evening be roiiiiK'tent to fill the (toaition he summoned later. ered that his entire suit was gone If the series should not be settled " *nd Richardson. Timothy H. Clark. Mur- was s|>ent. A buffet liiacbeon '»*as doea. which la an advla<»rv on«- to a The reniains were renmved to her and with It nearly tR.OO tn cash and hv this tluw the place of playing the ^* railroads. After re- ret Ridenour and John P. THrlch. served, and an Informal dance con ­ certain eat*nt tn a larae nutiiher of rnoniing place at the home of W. C. s gold watch, chain and charm. seventh game will be determin'd by Bring from th«* service he continued Appropriations — fSeorge Jarvis, Ilarker. West Alli Ran street, and were cluded the evening of merriment. cuatniiiera Entrance was effected tbmugb a th' toss of a coin manage Ma Bengal townahlp farm. Robert I.jindera and Andrew Henning. Mr Fitxaer.tld la an enthualaatic taken to Westphalia Tuesday where hack door. empires selected are for American o*'o««lonally spending tbe summer In nralna-- James H. Fish. Hayt^n Oahorn ;nan and he ha.~ thi.- tn aay of funeral services were held W«-dnesday W 11 ('aaterllD'-. our furniture Mr. and Mrs. John ilauiiigardner of leagtie- John F Rherldan and T H *•*** country. Rmith and C.eorge Jarvis. him mornlDR dealer awoke Riinday tnorning to^flnd Olive entertained about twenty-fhe Connelly. For the National league* -'** ‘* Y***! “o ohildren. Public huiidlnga- Eugene Rhultera. * ‘Ye*, th' p*** tple of .Mlchiaan will The youDK wonmn Ih survived by that his house had been -'Dtered and friends at dinner Wednesdaj- in cele­ Henry O'Day and Charles RIgler. besides bis widow the deceased la Robert Isinders and Hayden Rmith. elevate t'hase S..tiaborn tn the gov ­ her (tarenta and three brothers. She hie overcoat and a watch and chain brating tbe twenty-fifth .^nnlveraary Business representatives* John ■‘•»'*'Y'’* ’d by one brother. Dow Lyoo A statement from the Auditor Oen- ernor ' ''hair, he will le-at Heman- wna soon to have been nmrried u> a taken. At Mr rasterifne'a and also of their wedding. The bride and groom Heydler and Robert nB .McRoy. Their___ Petoakej. and one sister. Mrs. Em- ersl dsted September 24. and read by by a iiiajoiitv even *reBt« r than the youuR man In Uetrolt. Mr i*arr ’s it is thought that the doors of a quarter century ago received eertifled eheeks for llh.rtbo from rach Alexander, of this city, the clerk of the hoard shows that moat annsuine antlci|uite He will were unlocked by turning the key many Iteautlful gifts iti silver from club must be de{>os|te waya a remark­ watch which lay In easy reach on the Mrs. R. L. Klxby. and Mr and Mrs. seleeted by the national eommtssion church officiating. jqutred Ivr law. unless ft was paM able man; he can ro tiefore an audi ­ NEWS' OFFERING dresser. Joseph .Meboendorf and. Rev, Fr. are Francis RIehter of Philadelphia ! urlor tn Drtober 1. the Indebtednesj ence nf .tn> kind and make icn«>d. be The track of a rubber Ure buggy Lynch of this city were among the and Taylor Rpink of Rt I.et1tAoaed for a new counts ail cnine In tliin tn admire and praise In Mr. Parr's automobile as far as church attended the reosptlon given of a Runday game, the enmraisaion put house .The present one Is no longer hint That b ewill aeek to alve the IINK lilNTAl.Nb IIIMIII Nn-AfUI. Prenoh's corners where It was lost In the church luirlors Wsdneaday ev-. a provision In the rules that if nonsj sdequete snd Is oM and out of reustr paople nf .Mlchiaati a clean, capable among the many other tracks. ening for Rev. and Mra. J. H. Wilcox.' of the first four games' reeelpfs! The eommlssioners last rear e-xnlaln- K\UM IN IIALI.AS. Rhertrf Rchavey was notified and RRST XNNnRY Kovemment a acnernment with all The evening was spent In a manner equals those of the Runday game In ed to Hie supervisors that a new the reasonable reforms that will be came over from Rt. Johns and oollec- moat Informal. The ladies of the Chicago, in ease the latter game Is building was sadly needed h'lt a "^silcr- within bis iMiwer to arant. aoss 1 ted all the information possible.* Mrs. church served refreahmenis nlaved, that the players' proportion ­ Ifv of the.members were of the oedn- XAMlNir TEMPLE AMMN'IATIDN think, without saytoa do need ■Ssnu' Ki»|»ecially Fine Herds of Cowh Wright wr«s unable to describe very ate share «han he made on tbe basis •on then that It wss ns good vs aomethina of a hniive rleanlna at accurately the man ahe saw as bis of the .Runday game in Fhleago D AK YEAH HLD TTEHDAT. ' could be afforded Now the eommls- and llnnrhe* of llor«e<» Hther Mrs. I'tbn Hicks Is booiess t(Mla)' to I.dinalna :n the .>taie <-Apltol. w-e n* ed liack was to her all the Lime. about sixty-five friends at a I o'clock The following players are eligible to aloners are confronted hr a letter a civil service, or a merit r»Kle for A couple of places were entered at lle^imhle Block. dinner given in tbe celebration of her play In the series' from the Rtate Board of Corree*lons the enipinyes who are to r«*nder labor Perrlnton the night before and It may birthday annlveraary The giiesia. Philadelphia Amerleaqs Atkins. and Hiarltles, advising, almost de. to the state \Vt want Ui*- depart ­ Ke|H»rt Hhnws tialy Ahoat ♦sktt la* hare been by the same pnrtlea. nearly all o< whom are members of Bender. Rarrv. Baker. Coombs. Col ­ msndinr that a new house he hulP at ments run rni a business msis, waai Heller R»d meknrda, HaHas. the .Methodist cbiirnh. are sixty-five lins. Donotuik» Davis. Der­ debtedacks llegrre Ceaferred oa once The cmintr legfslstures hare a man 'fired w hen he ih inr«>mpetent; Two residences were entered In Celler ami Itinbards will have a years of age and over rick. Houser. Httrtsel. Krause. Taipp. ■ fheen ssked to make this question a want every :nan nr woman • mplnyt'd IMrtland Tuesday night, where more Toaagest V. R. |a Hlaie. real e-ftate and iM»rsnnal property sale Livingston. I/ord. Morgan.| Murphy, iineeZsl order of business In the stale hnii«e to understand that or leas of value was garnered from Mrinnis. Oldring Plank.' Thomas. f Durlnr the rear three old men hare It Is *atlsfB('!f>rv service the stat* Is two miles south and (Ui'-half mil*' east The members of the Black Kal Klub of FV>w|er boRlnnlnr at Irt o'clock Is not unlikely that the same on«- or temple In 81. Johns The event was ^hout fortr rear* At nre*. aliove lo(«l|nn while fh»- llvesfock In ­ They will entertain a number of their P'vxen. Hofman, Kling. Kane. McIn ­ the occasion fbr a fraternal and social thlrtv-two Inmate* st be expr< s.-i ai" any other citizen, an*! more did the jobs in all three villages tyre. .Needham. Overall. cludes hi»rseH imtlc sheep. hoRs Im­ friends at a n'cl«M*k dinner, curds h w tJ»at was St once profitable eountv home, fifteen male* snd not th' •iptnionv .tiiibltiuus heads of mentioned above. Pfelster. Richie. Reiilbarh. Rheekard, deitartriientf would like to hat* th' ni plements. etc .Matt INlne, the l*e- forming the evening's amusement and enjoyable There was a large •‘'■’^•oteen female* wamo auctioneer, will ert th*- sale Rteinfeldt. RchulU. Tinker. Weaver. crowd present—probably IsO—and Y’non motion of the board of *uper- •xpre.-H, to aid Honie nver-amblt.ous Zimm«’rrnaD politician, thereby makinK the capi The members of the ('ongregatlonal ____ _ ^ representatives of several neighboring Hmirman r-ohh snoolnted the chfTreh will bold a public reception In Ti^ " lodgss were among the number —- f^B'vwlnr five member* a committee to tol buildina of th' iaie a niiraery for John T. Kttsoa. Hvld. CIVIL SERVICE EXAM. ball expert* seem* to be that there the ehiirrh parlors Friday evening In son ClD'. Y*«»o. EUle. DeWItt. Wacou- s thorough Inrestlgstlon rela- the nropaaatlon of mbrob" with |Mt- Tuesday. October U* enmmencinit at will be nothing to It but rhsnoe's lltical attachnientx. at th' end of honor of Rev. skd Mrs. Matt Mullen "ta. Ovid. etc. l*' need of a new rountw lu o'clock, with lunch at noon, iohn and the trachers of the schools of the bunch; while the Quaker Hty fan* which hanRH a Joti lau us k> t down FOR FOREST CLERK W'ork in the M. M. degree wag con- Oeorge .Tarrls. .Tame* H, T KItaon will have a sale two miles dty. An enjoyable wictal evening is point to Pbila’s pitchers and nay It to hiialneas; let us lea\'' it to the elec­ so'ith and on*- mile weaf of vPiepards- ferred upon Jesae Meade, and he Is ^••'* Furene Rhulter*. Mathew M. antici|«ted. Isn't imssible for the "Cubs" to win. probably the >-ouiicett Matter Mason YTH1 and Robert lander* ThI* com- torate to say whom thev want for this vtlle The list Includes aome fine tinZZ WILL Hi: HELD IN THIN It will he a pretty contMt position and that, and not to cheap live-dock and may be fnuml in this Is­ In tbe .Rute. he having passed his ms- ntKlee will make a fnll report before CITY LATE IN NOVEHHER. Mrs. David Ridenour was hostess st and should be the closest bsttle ever jorlty but a couple of montha Yhe close of the session. clackera. men of inctuupefncy In sue K H C'arl of BhuftntxirR. a new fought foe supremacy on the world's their iKialtlons who would dlsapiiear a dinner given Tuesday noon at her After the •work'* and a social ses- anniuil report of the drain com- auctioneer In this vicinity will do the borne In Rlngham to the members of baseball diamond. from public view forever with the selllnR The Ignited Rtates Civil Rervlce Com- slon a banqutt was sorved by the mlssloner ha* been made and the ut- merit or civil service rub- put In op ­ mlaalon announcea an examination tbe Rand of Worker* of the D. of R. {•Jattem .Rfears that was a moat credit- number of claims nied. eration. as to the fitness of those who Thf afternoon was spent by the ladles able one in the ectlve retirement Johns and arlll constat of apeUlng, FOR FOWLER ( TRTOVERN. temple debt bad beon sabscrRlNl and missioner*. and Warren R. Caoterllnj, from th' Cnlt^ !^te« senate of J. H. {'. f'ase. Washington. arithmetic, penmanship, report-writ ­ Fourteen members of the N Y R 8. thnt moot of It had been paid —there la Oeorge T. Raldwtn and Fred R. Hff- (Nab were guetta of Mr* R F Rcfioen* oenter will eerre another term on the C. Hurrows; he haa been very itreatly Havtnc sold his farm near the Uag- ing. practice of bookkeeping and sten ­ a s.aall batance yet unpaid on the list. hal* at a 8 o ’clock dinner Tuesday ev­ Albert Moil of Fr>w|er in Rt Board of County Cnnvansera. over-estimated; he has rendered the gett echnol hniiae In WnahtnRtnn ography and typearriung All appll- There la a balanc* of $500 outalde of state to my juditmeni but little value fianta will be required to take all sub­ ening. .Music furnished the e%-entng ‘s Johns Tuesday on business the suhocribed amount which will be township. (Iratlot county. H C Onae entertainment Mr. Mott, who doe* the elder bus! rOW1l«HinNER*N NETTION. for all his years of service That this will have a sale W'-dneatlay. October jects. taken care of noon. This Is ness for the portion of (Tlintoo county an •tatement is true. Just notice how lit­ I5». ''ormuem'InR at sharp noon The An appllcalton, tn receive conalder- excellent showing but It Teachers' examinations next week tle will h«- said of him or what he did list In this Issue conalsts nf the usual stlon for the pending examination, In whinh h'* 1* located. Intormed The rcpr^^eiued a_ lot.... of... bard______work Thuradny and Friday at court hooae. after his lutssina We have in the new assortment of articles. J n Rowell must be properly executed snd filed KMTERTOKIN FARMER New* that he is Importing apples from by a few; but the result Is one of the commissioner's office. man. In ('harles K Towrosend. a splen ­ la the auctioneer with the secretary of the Rerenth civil Ohio to fiirnieh the farmers of bit finest-appointed lodge homes of whlck The Rtnte Teacher's meeting will bo did tyfH of manhood; a man who will district at Chicago before th** hour of nelgbb«»rhood with eider He has al- any order boost* In any outside of clt- held at Bay City Oct. 27th and 28tk. resdy ground one earlnnd and another |es many times the site of Rt. Johns brine honor to Mirhlaan, recmroltlon N. J. Hayden. Hlngkam. closing business on .November 5. DIED IN LANSIN6 Ruperintendeat L. L. Wright has an ­ to the stat' .tnd luiHd for himself a is on the road. The appiee were — nounced a Rtate lastttute to be beld M J Havden. rcsidtnc ! 1 '2 miles The field force of the pv>reat Rer­ bought 'wuth of Toledo, and the fruit reputation that will last forever I vlce DOW contains the grades of chief .SDFFEHKD .STROKE OK IIMIPLEXY at that time, which I''gall*ra the As­ am *lad you nvad* such a itnod flaht east and one mile south of th* Toun- Is no» very plentiful there but more sociation as an Institute. He urges ty FMrm havlna decided to i|uH farm- iaapettnr. Inspector, forest supervis­ WHILE AT STOCKVAKDH. than here. Mr Motx saying there are for his nominal Ion. | did what I could or. deputy forest supervisor, forest as­ RILEY REPOBUCAN GLOB all school officers and teaehora *». and aa you well know the result very iOR and mov- from the county, will very few apples shout Fowler tbroughooS tbe state to be present As have s sab- Tueaday October 18. at 1 sistant. lumberman, fOreat ranger, TYiere was time, when farmer* of Rreativ pleas' in* John Wellman, a farmer of Water- nwny aa can find it imsalble to be o'clock sharp "nick" Rlvby will be forest gusrrt. planting assistant and {'llnton roiinty and Michigan took ns {Continued on laiU pac. t clerk town township, suffered a stroke of iLL FEED OCTOOER18 present I'm sure will receive much auctioneer The list published In this much enre with and pride In tbefr or ­ good that can be carried Into tho Issue, contains some etrpecially very The positions nf chief Inspector aad apoplexy In I.anttng Raturday fore ­ chards aa they do noon and waa taken to the ritv hospi­ now In breeding f'tlNllKEHNMKN TOWNHEND, FORD* schools. A program aad an anaotmeo- TWO NEW OKIllNA.VrEB. deslrahle cowa. Insnectnr are filled only by the pro ­ stock, when we were not obliged to motion of experienced men. tal where he died the following (tey .NEY 4 .ND DIEKERA WILL TALK. ^ mailed to all teaehern In tbla iaaue of Th« News tuny be ship apples into the .Rtate; but It now this week. I note from the program found two ordlaaore'i reiatlna tn without havtng regained eonactoiis- Jnmes Mahar, m. Jabns. Is necessary aad we will see the time Umk some of the very best sdacstora nlectrlcUy and electric IlRhta adopted neoa. At the stnekvants In Rt Johns at 1 H4»rTH RILEY TEAR WINK. thla winter when even poor apples The Riley Republican Club will in the United RUlm will address the by the fifty council recently. Every While waiting bis turn tn unload o'clock Raturday. October 22. James will be enmenanding a fancy price have their annual banquet and talk-' teachers aad school officers at thnt naer of elootrkfly in the city shmad Roiith Riley finished the season of stock at tke atork yards shortly be­ right here tn Rt. Johns. Mabar. the well-known llveotock deal ­ feat tn tbe dance bnll of the Merle meetly. rand and flamHInrlae themaeivea with base ball by banding the American fore noon Mr. Wellman fell to the er. will offer S.Rfl 3munR breeding ewes Beach Resort hotel beginning at 8* Next May's Blghth Grade Kxamlon* Mie pmviotona nf thoae ordinances and rhit niaaa a shutout, the score being ground, striking hit bead with each for aale at auction Iteaide a carload of o'cloek Tueoday evening. October It. tloa la reading will bs based upon •Dvem themaeleea accordingly 2 and 0 it was one of ..the fastest force that It produced concussion of cows and young cattle Read deoerlp- gamsa of the season, excelleat hall be­ tbe brain. ('oagresoman (and to-be-oeaator ) lioagfsilow ’s Evaagsllne. I would tlve ad In this laawe Augtist Miller The body was taken to hi* country MRS. HEINIZ DEAD Townsend and CVrngri' hwuan FVmtnoy suggest that It be taken up now. and UVr INMT.TRY W ANTED. ing played by both sides aad almoot arlll do the selling. srrorleos. nettker sMe belag able to home Monday, aad fuaerat services have signified their tateatloa to be gone through with pretty thoronghly. I will load a oar of live poultry at score until the seventh Inning. RIs- held at the home Wedaeaday The in ­ WORYN OF 85 HAD LINED TN present, while ('.ongresaaMiD IHekemn When finished, go on with study st ■t. Johns on Thuradny afternoon and at Hollnad land who has Juot rttlred other tnntterplseea: than a abort timn aoll aad Miller were the battrerys fdr terment took place tn Ml Hope cem­ AHERirA THIRTY TEAHH. Friday. Oct 10 and 21 for which I will CiMRLES imi South Riley; Welllver aad Rolland for etery. lisaslng. as ohslrmna of tke RepubHcnn Rmte before tke examtantlon. again take up pny the hlgheay mnrket price H tIbr the Tut (Haas. Ronth Riley Js one of Mr. Wellman wbn waa bat forty-two Mra Chrlttlan Helntx died nt the' Onmmlttee • will be present If i the study uf, Evangeltue. making n ynnr old bens as I make a specialty the fattest fsrmsr tsama In the Slate yeara old was a brother-In-law of home of her grandttm. George Becker. milsa west of this ett^Rnturday ^ „ of them. H P. OAOR wl DIED IK HDHFTTAL AP* aad are deserving of niwch credit fttr Rhetiff Hchavey aad la survived by his a few TER BRIEF ILLNEM. ^ their Cleon playing Thoy hare met widow sad two soas. Rtanley, aged at tke advanced age of elgkty-rive may he nkmined from aay member of| Rsspectfully. Iff aad defeated some of the faataat teama sixteen yeara aad Willard, seven yeara ^ years. the oommIMee of arrangement* at THBO. H. TOW.VflEND. la the phone numhdr to anil whan {Charles R Plerea. naphew of Mra. in Hinton aad surrounding eooatlss. oM. rhrlatlaa Hnchrrran was bora April Merle Brnch honse. you wnnt a cord of wood or anythtnc Oao 8 rnrbM. diad at a hnapltal la 10. Ittt. at Alsace, Germany (France) CIDER AND JRLL natroM at ahoat R o'cloefc yaaierdny RNOW A TRAH A«0. In the flowr ayd I'aad llna. FNTERTAINWENT rorRSP. SOLEVN RRCiriEH HASH. When a young women ske wna innr- For enJe by Albert Mots. Fowler. WM. IILURON. morning, Oct. 12, 121®. from n nervona Fuaeral aervtoaa for the late IQi- tied to IHehold Hefau. aad to them Tks fine Omsk II' wantksr tkis sen- Will do cuotom work Mtmdnya and Sd Piinton Avenna. colinpae aad ffnnl haart fMInre. aged Tbo Wovnaa's Social I sogiir -rrlahrs win Frmer, wko pnoaed away Thure-! wore born two fiMMren. one dying la tloa has enjoyod tkas tar la tbs month Tueednys Whiskey hnrrele and kegi >2 years to aanoaace the dates of the entertain ­ day nf last week, were beld In Bt. early rklidkood. In 1272 Mr. and Mrs. will douMIsos canoe people to forgot far sale. 2wip Tha decaaasd waa bom at Raanett. ment eourae The first. Dotoker 25. APPLIfL Joaeph's Cntknlte ekurek Raturday Helau onnw to thla ftouaty. aad ftf- that last year on tks Ulk-Hine year .Neh.. apd la the last of three children RHsabeth DeRarrIe ni]|. harplat; aw*- nsnrnfag at 2:20 o ’clock, wtiea oolenni teen ysnra later the husband died ire or styttah hair rom manclng Oetobar lac will pnj ago yeaterdsy —ws were vltttsd by a am af hla fathar’a family. He graduated ond. Nov. 14. Stevens Oo.; third. Dse. 1 roquIsoA Mgh rasas was oelekrated by I Tbe aged womaa Is sorvlved by one i quite heavy fall of damp snow wbiehlDo 2Ysee fhtther flhgp^ ■0 oanta par IM I bn. for eldar npplan. with btiaore from fR Jobna high (Nark; PVuirth. Pah 15. Tzyrlr (2lee Rdv. Phther Andrew Porter of New' daughter. Mrs. Mary Beckar. fnar renmtnsd aa tke grouad eeretal days. Nm at Ct» •tr M. B. RMIfOlfa ■o haoA. The ramatpa will ha mat to CTIuh. TIekeia on sale nt W. R Do- York, son of tke d eesaasd. Rev. Fr.) maadchlldrea and twelve grentgrand-j hut wkluk wau foRowsd by seme Rneiof tha hnma of hla anat. Mina niiiMn good ’s furatture alore Branokonu of f anotn g wna donoon t Una onr "Roaa Tan”—40 aaaia On* (Wtldren wmtker Idler tn tke moslk. Plaraa. the Inat of her fathar’a fhmlly. and Rov. Fr. l^nok at thla otty, onbi rngeral servisse were held nt M or Mty ■nod M Fwtt. a aanr Whrwrly. Nah Thera win he d m party at Ijtti Finger Rlngi to ekeogs from party am J. C. Mr. and Mtn. Opvbit want feo Da- Rtnttk RNey Oraaiie Ftliny sraw The hodr mns tnban to Oraad Hnp- Wtloox of tks Metfcod ltt chureh at AlHeoab Jewelry More. We want troM lant mmUmm to tnhs ehnma of Me Inc. Oat. tl. Rill i Ms on the 10:14 train, amd laiorred In 4 PMt floiotlag. Tbe Inis nan wne mad< yaa to hnow thnt wa sarry n Mr IMo ome of the ooraolorloe of thnt ei^. Cf The St. Johns News far aaW. who will pay a literal flaara Of BapMa Brsaa. Om 1.) j You naturally faal saemra wte& you t CABLABB. t| (F PALIS AR) FLOWERS to gai «>iafltly wtet ttev waat * know that tte mediclae you ara ahout Geiabar, tile aoub which pr« May and Jim« for favor among tte ♦ I a M INDCraNDKNT .HBWBPAPBR. If you caa flad Mieto coatoawra. of* to take la afaaolutely pure and cou- poata. anivad today. Long alace t teT ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I talaa no harmful or habit producing i^ublUAsd •▼•ry Thur«*«y •ft«r«oo« taa turalac up to tte moat uaaapactrd vlolats have preachad thalr allaat sar- •4 Hi Walter MtmC. aMt. M. Jotaa. plaoM wteiv ao ac<*a;y but tte aawa* druga moa oa spring, tte roaas hava comr Bom to Mr. aad Mrs. L*ouU Austia.j Much a tnadteae ta Ur. Kllaer'a aad gone and now tte cannaa are I a son Monday morning. Oct. lath, papar would aver locate item, tte iSwamp-Root, tile great Kidaey, Liv- waving la tall atatvitaess. the purple liifllac «»at of tbe adTertlaluc will ba ar and Bladder Kentady. j Mrs. Tune ('rlpps visited ter moth-1 LftW F. nrrrBFOH, It4llar ami Fate. aBtars are nodding and tte vermilion 'Tte sMne standard of purity, • er. Mrs. Henry Rtepkens. Monday. paid for fifty tlwiea over. (MHnsettlas are in full bloom, (lay strength and excellence Is maintained I Mrs. Harry dates visitsd ter ora- i I WljirTT —nOND TBAR. aummer tea fled and autumn, glow ­ in every battle of Bwamp-Raot tbrr, Mrs. Alex. Furvas, last Friday, j ing with gypsy beauty aad only nrare “Tip" Atwood. **Job»nle" Baird, Hwaup-Root la sdeatlflcally com ­ & B Flayer and H. W. dates ex-j ••larte am aac—rt-olaaa naattar at tte attraetlve banause of tte tiage of and- ; and John O'Keafe hlmaelf could not pounded from vegetable berte. neaa whioh aoeins an iaevitahle part of pects to go to Bay City ftsblag this I poM offler at at JoteM. MIeh- It Is not a stlmulaat and Is taken tn week. I t^aa uater tte act ot I land' the attoraeyHieaeral nomlaatiosi the slowly dying ywar, la here. .Na­ teaapoonful donas. Marahall Oekermaa expects to move] Mareh t. ItTt for tte naan froa* Haglaaw (O'Keefe i ture's palette Is never so rich In var­ It is Dot recommended for every­ ied <* 01^ as It will be within tbe next on tAe 8. M. Hubble farm some timel at the Republloaa Btate conveatioa thing. few weeks In .November. | (tabaarlptloo by Ball FnlpaH. last week. The time la goae when the It Is nnture ’s great helper la re­ lieving snd overcoming kidney, liver The great world of out of doors aaamr deorge dage raised a new bam last uHBm Haturday. A lady from Uvld did tte i n team------Atwoods. Bairds, sad tte reat of that aad bladder troablea. will be a riot ot carmine, ruraet aad BBrnn buacb have much Infliieare In shap­ A sworn statement of purity Is with mauve. Regiments of bronzed leaves rooking. B W. dates aad wtta attend- - «r. Kilmer's Bwam|>- flecked with ecarlet and purple will scurry in nsad retreat before the wind There waa a mistake in so item. It I politics. New and younger aad more Root. If you need s roedirine. you should that the approaching winter 1lr«qithes should have read deorge doodrlch of' fHlS •APCR aePRCSiNTtO FOR FOREIGN I progressive leaders have uken their ss s warning of the chill days to come, Klsle instead of Jay 8cott who w*>at . AOVtRTliiaG bV THE have tte best. , places snd even they can't do any If you are already convinced that Tbe landa cape will be tinted with reds to ('allforala more than ^he other fellows did. The 8watnp-Root Is what you need, you that bum aad shimmer. The hillsides Truman F. Mitchell and mother' will be a (Mgeant of greed ahad- rank and file of all |«artles have tbe will flad it on sale at all drug stores ■l>ent Hunday at the home of Mr. and : In bottles of two sixes, fifty-cents and ing to crimaoa brown melting to warm Mrs darter in Dwosso township, i primary law to thank for clarifying acNCUAi. oaricaa one-dollar. yellow and orang*-. The tingle and They also enieiiained Mr. and Mrs. j NEW YORK AND CHICAGO the political stmoapbere. In Michigan. temple HalUc of Hwamp-Hoat Free by seat in the air will grow shartier and Floyd Ockerman. BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES There Is oae Imimrtant change to be BnU. keener, but the sunshine will have all J. n. tewls of ('bapln Is going to ' the glint of fairies' wings. made In the law—all officers on the Hemi to Dr. Kilmer A iVt.. Blngbaiii- move back to ('nriand. Mr. drabam.| Detober is the month of dreams, of State ticket should he nominated as ton. .N Y.. for a samitle bottle free by the cheese iiuiker is going to move in -1 coatemplatlon. It speaks of fulflll- to the J. C. Ranghart hoose and C. A. i well as governor snd lieutenant-gov ­ mall—it will convince anyone. You Tfl orB FBIBITDS. will also receive a iMtoklet of valuable meni and of attranment The «*ora- (('roel will move Into the Kd. dreen ernor; but this will not be doa.- so information, telling all about tbe kid ­ stalks are gathered in golden sheavea I btiuse which he lately purchased. Our readers and friends of and the orchards and the trees have long as members of tbe legislature neys. When writing b** sure snd Tbr 9t Johns News who hara like to meet In convention to renew mention the St. Johns Weekly News. been strlptied except for some vag ­ probate notices to publish, or rant fruit overlooked in the picking. who control them, will con ­ acquaintances, get their feet u|»on Thrift and careful husbandry have ♦ ♦ fer a fsror upon the publish­ i tbe footraii of the bar in a hotel In s won the rewards of labor. Yet In the ♦ HHFFAIlIRHVILLK. i ♦ rile Bemecrallc Flalfsrm. ♦ 4 er by requestinit Judse Mer­ wet county, “take on«* “ on their >*ong of gladness whinh ris«a from the ♦4444444444444444 rill to have the prlntlnc done friends, take another on the candi ­ (From Saginaw .News, Iml.l •wrth Is a chord «)f gentle, com|>elllng In The .News If such request melanclHily. It seems like a half- dates. “have something" on ‘* 11111” The Democratic platform sdopted Is made Judge Merrill will by the fitate c«invention at KalamazrM* dirge for the lilacs and the roses of ('laude doing was in Nt. Johns Hat-' kindly grant It and “Jim” and the whole round of is a characteristic arraignment of months ago. It tells that tbe beauty iirday on hustneaa. PT^BLISHER goodfellowship. Not until thia social what the (varty considers evil in It* - whicdi is seen on every hand Is robevl Miss .Minnie Olson aiwnt Hunday ^ WM frwturc of the convention syatem has publican principle and practice While for death. Tbe purple haze which with .Mr. and Mrs. Ruck near Elsie hangs over the golden scene la a veil been dlscredltJ-d will conventions be no (Hic will attempt to deny that there Miss .Mildr«>d Dunkel from near St., is truth tn much if not all it says, of mourning for the winsomeness that Johns s(»en( Saturday and Sunday at SHANKFn. TRUATBKNT «»F IIOV- done away with. •till there Is the (tosslblllty of choos ­ is flying. The fragrance of hiiynlnK horn*-. I WSM ing words of expr**ssion that will of ­ leaves which fills the city streets Is ‘I SuCYsrMl Mfitfi Kidney TroubK;. ~1 KKMIK B \KNFK. the Incense arising front the pyre (tf Miaa (iertrude Fanner of Toledo. fend Republican voters, to whom of Ohio, waj* a gtieat at J. \V Dunkel ’a Mr. Hobart H. Norris. MU Kaet lllh HU. Ksal Oakland, dal., wiitaa: According to refiorts from I’ortugal. course the (larty must Utok for sup- another summer which has g«>ne, The .NVwa has had no us** for Pr**d Hatiirdafy. **Wa bare never had any other medicine hut Faruna in oar home atn*'e the •'boy king. ” Manuel and “Hob ” (Kvrt If It is to be successful at tbe October days have all loveliness of th** M. Warner (lollllcally since he over ­ Chanlen of .New York "got theirs” (tolls Whether the langiMg* of the rainbow and all its transltorlness. The Misses Amsnads and .Mary Ol­ we have been married. stepped all precedent In Michigan Make tbe moat of them. son were guests of Miss Ubble L)ng- **i saffered with kidney and bladder trouble, bat two months* treatnu-nt from the same source —a pretty, at­ resolutions Is such as to repuls*- rath­ HUte politics and went after the nom ­ er than attract indefiendent Republi­ r*or near Muir over Sunday. with Parana made me a well and strong man. tractive and well-put-up vaudeville **My wlfa felt weak and waa easily tired snd was also troabled with vsr ination for llovernor the third tlm*- can voters we will not sltem|it to say. BRAIN LEAKS. F D. Cleveland la im(iroving the young woman. Hut t'hanler married but we think this Is a common fault looks of his home by a new coat of ioas pains, bat since she took Pemna she Is well and strong. and got It. This pa|M*r did what lit­ hia while the King was engaged to of many Deiiutcratic platforms where .Mostly what we have to do is to get l-alnt. Mr. Serr*-l of Ovid is doing The ••Wm atm hmtt rmry grmtmtml to you mod gtmdiy do wm gtvm tMa utno tle It could to defeat him for nomina ­ busy. work. marry l*rln<-ess l*atricla of h^gisnd. there are real evlla to be rem**dled llmtamd tmmttmtomUU, tmmUmg that H la thm tmmmt wm caa do In rmtura tor what tion in his third-term aspirations nnd and an inclination se his an Improvement over lha weak and Word has lieeu reerlv«-d from Mrs. Mr. Ira Hanney, Falrfkald, Freestone Mr.C. Hslloek, Antwerp, Ohio.writrw; As a man and a (lovernor The News evasive expression of th* Republican t()-b«- bride Hoyaity stands for most One mistake th* liar makes is that K. K. Keller who left last Monday t*» Oo., Texas, writes t **.My daughter Allie, after taktag believes Fred M Warner was l»adly. conv-entl«tn. Htlll. It Is a ((uestlon. he is S(it to mistake forbearance for }oin her husbaml in Montana. She ar­ ••I aoa eoBspletely cared of all symp- three hottl*w ot yoar Peruna, Isentirely* anything. execrably advise*! —he depended t»»o • ven here. If more iem(teraie lan ­ cr**duHty. rived safely after a (ileasant journey. lama of oatarrb. eared of catarrh of the bead of two guage would not have rarri**d great ­ much on such men as (tiaxler, Arm­ - 4 The M. E I. A S will meet with **I ean truly say that Pemna Is the years' siaiidiug. We riwommen*! I'e- er weiaht with the (teo(i|e than such (»ne trouble with the man who lik*s .Mrs Wm. Raker Thursday, October best medicine I ever saw. 1 will always runa *•* anylnMly who has catarrh.” strong, A f’ lllrd and others of that tSeneral Marrlsi>n Dtit. owner of the ex(irf-ssier will be served All mem- rerommeod Perunatuallmy friends, for Peruna is manufactured Ky the stainii. wIh» had only their own selfish Angeles Times, twit only had his plunders th«* many to *-nrlch th** few" ting other (>eo(ile u|i. , ters are r*-queBt**d to te present as oaiagfb.** Feruua Drag Mlg.Cu.,(; 4 >lumhus. O u *m» yea. dishonest grafting •nds to serve n<'ws(iai»er (»lant rtilned by dynamiters W.* have n«t mor** use for the l*ayne- ♦ this is the annual election of officers. and Warner gets th»- odium of their Aldrich act than imtst Democrats, hut If you want tn (lU-aa* an old man. but on toi* of that he has been sm-d it is not *-orrect to say the en- say to him, "I'll bet you were a dead- methods and th* curs, of their offic ­ (lood results always follow tbe use for criminal libel by a .ten Franclsc** tir* ‘ law is of such a character as game a(K*rt when you were voutig. ” jof Foley Kidney IMIls. They contain ial misconduct, and h.* is u shrewd labor l^•ader He was served with the th** altove (thras* (tortrays, but rather ♦ , just tbe Ingredients necessary to ton*- enough business man, or sup|K>sed to warrant while altout to attend the that Certain schedules are. Th*- as­ It is doubtless true that a man strengthen and regulate tbe kidneys sertion "that the ayst*-m call**«l ('aii- might drive bogs without swearing; a I .• nor to have been stung repeatedl> funeral of the young man sten«»grai»h- land bizuldir. and to cure backacta*-. Try News Liners; Cent a Word. nnniam can eople? Not j i»e«n kllle«l when th* Times building the hands of Progressive KepuhIleans. mor** than two w**eka. .xnd usually not and the people of It was blown up. F*irthermore. we believe It will he more than two davs. Hut. notwitbstamling th. dark side tetter for the Taft administration, and of the Warner |iolltlcal ledger, he of course if that is true tetter for th*- If you want to pleas* a young fel­ Hon Wlllism M Smith of this city country, to elect a l»r*>gresslve Repub­ low. no matter bow bony or fat h** j You Want was the Kepublican iiartT's governor, did not receive the nomination for at­ lican hous«* this fall than a Demo ­ may te. say he is of athletic build, j nominated once by the iMity's repre­ torney-general at Detroit last week, cratic l^use. for the simple r**ason and h«-’ll be your frl**nd for life. | sentatives in convention and twice by but he did receive «1 votes out of that the latter would emharraas (he tbe (tarty directly; and notwithstand ­ admlnlsiratinn ami render mor*- *llffl- Tbe fashions are still prett> hatl.| 12.'*:! cast D Keefe. the other «th dis ­ hut then is no denying that a step ini ing this. too. he was treated In a cult if not impossible the enactment Style, Quality, Value trict candidate, was in at the end with of needed legislation If we ar*- to advanc** was made when huuuinity got f measly, cowardly, rotten manner at lo.n votes Smith's next hlgh«-st com- have a F>em*>cratl* house, we think it away from r**d flannel underwear. tbe .State convention last w.ek. While (>etHor received TT Of the Xth dis ­ could scromtillsh much more and wotiid hav** a better •*ff**ct. if e|ect**d When you men and youn^ men buy the big pictures of other leaders of trict counties. (Minton and Shiawas­ I'apU llarardas Again HRs tte Bairs th. (tarty in .Michigan w.-re g|\en tw*> years hence, for a l»eniocratic see voted for .Smith ami Saginaw and house then would in all (trohahllltv Kyv. clothes you are always seeking style, qual­ "flrsf-(»age-next-t

Art nowiif la on tUd otok list. K. r Woodard bon boon aortonolF III MIso Koaa IWcr apabi WodntMidar' MAitmoB Is bulldtug o bow mmiEczEii U Lokona ofHHit SuBdBF Bt Tolodo. a fow dBFA. witli bar aum . Mro I. J. Mrad. I koror bant. "Dt!Kerce’sFavorite Prescrip Mro. B. Watora to rtolttan la Ohio. ; Mro. C. M. Koadan to rooortdias Jao. Kirk bad tbo mlofortuBo to cut Kninut Orubouab traaoactod bust- On Hands, Faca, Nosa and Mouth. J. llold.^B baa motraid bio faailr toffroai oa oiuok of broacbltlo (bio fooo vorr bodlf Iasi duadajr uiora- "**■ •< Owoaao Honda) OtooF ! Lb Bakor aad wlfr of roamoro apoat tan. Mr. and Mrm. M'lll MattoaoB aad Hard Crust Formad and Crachad Mias Cora Oullor to worklas at W.: Suadar wltb J. M’ HuoH aad wlfr Fniak RumiuAl a|M>at duadax at tbr dauablor Mabol aad alooo. Mian Hubr ' Opan. BkiadRan. Hchad Fright­ (lllbort ’a ' C. M. Curtlo aad wlfr of Victor aiMrat bomr of bin alairr. Mra. I. J. M««d. ^lt*«oa. tranaactad buslaaos at Bt.. rtdht ia tho prtraar Jsoar Btraator apaat Baadar aaar.BuudaF with ClaFtoa Albaugb aad and fatnllr. Jobaa last BaiurdaF fully. Mitts on Hands. Ho RaM. liaanlstrr | famll). Floxd Mrad aad famllF sprat Hub - Mrs Kuaard Hurfford aad to Mrs dbum of Hrrrtatoa Is Tlaltlaifi Tbr district ntlssloaary ('oavroUoa dax with bin sisior. Mrs Wm. Mar-; Mr. and Mra. Adam Btoinbauor wroC Gat Cuttcun. In 3 Days Raliaf. In at K. Uabir's at IMsolpIr cburcb at Cbapla was writ ktatnab. aad famllx. 1Tawas MoarUx to br goar for somr Mra. Marx RIabIrx Is rlalUac rrla> aftradrd Thit drrdgr baa «omplrtrd tu work ' • IKlIr outlag. a Weak Cured Without a Mark. tivss la Ohio. Miss Bwtttir OInrx of ITklrflald sprat lo this virialtx sad Is itrrparlac to Mrs. Cora (Irubaugb of Homprli aad , aa to thair AyptwA sm Mrs Rowr Is vlsItlBK bar daunbtrr . Bundax with brr parrats. Strpbrn Ol- movr risrwbrrr. Mrs Maud (Irttbaugb of Ann Arbor ' id Ml »al pssltlra ours ar istsrrad to tbs PaopU'a flom- **1 imrm a UtOa bAby AtaAoM a f«Ar a M. at Ml. I*trasant. ' nsx sad wlfr. Mr. aad Mra. Karl Hurll aad daugb- :*> ’'* visitlaic Mrs. John Crubaugb a; Mr—IMB pt^. aawly rovtAod a maama laasa Modiaal Adt WbMi U wAa 1*0 ■MAilw M tt sot M Mro. Jaa. PIrrer siwat Tuaodax at- laaar Hlrrsman baa brrn vorx low tor. lola aprnl Priday In Orld with brri^^'* '*«rs this work A ao a. raoaipc of 21 oim- tw a« both brr Ima ^a . os im Iata aa 4 la^ Plorrnc# Wllllants'. for a wrok and It is thought br <«n fatbrr. l.rv| Cabir and famllx. Mr. aad Mrs. Aadrrw Kustrr of bv aaaa AAd aAoUt. flhA rahiia^ !• driak AAd AAA Ol IMT AfAA Miss Lulu Lnrktas sprat Buadax not la*K aurritrr. Mrs. Prod Mrad and daugbtrr Ohio, who bavr boon visiting Mr. aad . with Cora Woodrtiff. Mrs. H. K. ('hurchill and ctalldrrn Plrotlo siMUit Pridax aad Baturdax Mrs. John Beoii tbr past wo«k. ro- SI itisiaa. Aim Ail ctaAAd up. A AdAtm* Dr. R. V. Piaasa. BaBMo. N. Y. bAfd cnia« lariAi Mrs. Harl Waltrrs sad Mrs. J. Cross | sprat a frw days with Ororgr Htrm- with ibrir aiiat. Mrs. Lydia Waltr. turned to their hiune Monday. AAd woidd rfATk ofAa sprat Bundsy at Ovid. ' er and family at KIba. Mrs H Waldron loft Monday for AAd the blAAil rAA oAl. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Prtrra apr tbej Mrs Jor .May and children of Milan to attend tbr fuarrsl of her It ttcAid AA frtgbt* proud parrats of s sod . ' Owosso returned home Hundsy after brotbor. J. Bala, who died last Priday. fuUr IhAt U* pAAT Hav4 Clotbaa Claott SIBvts Ui ImUa rbi foidd AAt .Mrs. K. Cibson and Mrs. J. W. Cross > visiting here a frw days. Mr sad Mrs C. Wsidrna aad chll- , rvAt. bAd ta kAAp are able to br out again. Mrs. Jrasr iMlr returned to her irm spent Baturday aad Buaday ai nutU AA hAf liAada I* krr|> bar f ro«a arrAtHt* H. Herron and wife s|>ent a few home at Brottsvllle. Mich.. Tuesday .NVw laHbrop with her sister, Mrs. bNt Al bAt lATA AAd days In Hrani last week. ' after a short visit here with relatives. Marble, and family. bar lAolbrf *aa foftwd The Thompaon brntbera are now on; Harry Walter and tJeorge Hhelpa Binltb Nethwa) and wife, Kmte __ to i4t In A rorblnc ^ifrAAtr wHb tb# the Chapin telephone line. and their famillea from Oak Crove and Huell and wife of ('hapln. also Ouy ■ IA Superi) SSiowiii^ 'dAV AAd nllbt. WA Miss Ix>ls M’eeks la rlatllng In thr | Klsle rtirnt Bundsy at C. M. lUndsll's. Sllvemall. wife and little daughter of had A tery mm4 dar- Mor and hr dn All IhAl southern |«art of the state. ' ------(Ireeabush spent Bunday at th*- home bp iioAAtblT rould to Mra Amy llatrhelor made a bual-j Porrod ta Leave Maam. of Karl Huell and family. Mbrp I hr hAbv*. fortiirr but thr rroulti w*n neAs trip to Ownaso Priday. Bvery year a large number of poor obat *r bad lookrtl lor. .Mra. Bid Watern and .Mrs. J. Hatch-1 guff,>|>,>rs whose lungs are sore and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A IFaU and Winter Qothin^ *’Wp had rrod «f Ibr OutlmrA rrmrdlrA AA or omt to thr droA •tore ajm I |ot io^ elor S|>ent Monday In Owosso. j racked with oougha are urged to go to ♦ ♦ f^if% wr iinM Thi- Disciple convention was well another climate. Hut this Is costly ♦ PKIf K. ♦ a lAooi )o*t A* dtrerird AAd In tbrrr dajrt tba attended last week St (Uiapln. and not always sure. There's a better ♦ ♦ • rroAt hman to cnmr off In a *rrb thrrroAA • Y’»»u mpn who are x-areful judges of c]othin)i( will ntite the mm nwrr Ar*J» and now thr habr !• ^ttrd .Mrs P Batchidor entertained com- way. Let I>r. King ’s New Discovery ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A •Ol o aAark d»pn* wMindlv In hrr rradlo and nor narmti In ll^r l>rd. wHh no morr drrp- l»an) fntm Owoeeo last week cure you at home. "It cured me of ------• many advanta^ea of makin); your Belections here, when yon HAi nlAbti hrcAUw of thr hahr** ii^rttnA. .Mrs D L. Lyons and Mrs. K Wll-!|„ng trouble." writes M’ R. Nelson, of latdles ’ Aid meet with Mrs Mwin flMllrurA arrm* a wondrftui rrmrdv for thij IlsiiiA a|»ent Bunday in Owosso I Calamine. Ark., “when ail else failed. Bkinner thla week. • come to e.xamine our handnome new line of SifeflMMr dUroap and anr oor havinc rcariAA iboold drlar In rrttln> H Mrwrr M. Focal, K. Cable and wife are the proud |»ar- and I gaiiP'd 47 pounds In weight. Its M’all is completed and lumber near- Pr n l.ItAlh Fa.Iirr •. loa*.- enta of a girl la>rn October 7th surely the King of all cough and lung ly hauled for the new house of Aahley • M CloilMS* ICvery well informed man and younvf 0AIIP1I.* Apopdoo wAd ihTPOtboAt ibp wrrtd- Mra. Jesse Hall from KIslv Is spend- ruras.'* 'Thousands owe their lives Hrothars MMp' !»»•« a •■hpo •'"€» . lAdP rrowA Wpa Iaa a man knowB, or ouf^ht to know, that thene famous Clothes ' o .•»»»Por« iMreA ing a few days at Krnest Hall's. health to It. Its positively giiarantsed A family reunion was held Bunday |Mil*oK,p vippnp iAp IrPitAiPA. nf HAW TpmiAWA Mrs. Amy llatchelor and daughter for ('ought. Colds. latOrlppa. Asthma, at the home of Mr and Mrs Jacob J desijftiers, who have made up these Bjiecial lines for us, are Haiel called at H. Rumsey’a Bunday. Croup —ail Throat and Lung troubles. Klaerman. Mrs J. Hotanhaiii of Owoaao Is vis- fiuic and Trial bottle free at J. Mrs John Pink and children of a ret'OL’’ni/ed authority tin correct styles, fabrics and coltirs for :tlnK her mother. Mm. Robert .Bmlth.. j. Mlllman't and VanBIrkle A Olas- FV»w|er are vUltlng her slater. Mm • mens wear. Antither fact that we want to imfiress upon ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Milton M'llllams has move,) his fsm-ipi^'a, Ceorge . ♦ ♦ ;ly to Chapin and will work In Kck- ♦ MKHI.i: IIPtl H. ♦ Ceorge Aidiley and .Nona Rartleft J yttiir mint! is that we can fit ytui re^jardless of your >\/a:: for tiian'x shop ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A were married laiu week U'ednenday ♦ ♦ S Nethway and wife and Krnest Congratulations are extende,) a tiur size ranj^e includes those for slim and ".tout men, tall ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A A Huel and wife ipent Bunday at FMrl A IV DIRT. A August Frieke and family and Mrs Hto ’l's near Klste A A Hand and son Vern*- and Ada Arthur • and .».hort men. Ctime in and .see them you won't lie dis- M- ind Mrs Michael I’ohl •r»- in Kmesf Riiel and wife .start Thursday AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sfxent Btinday with Ceorge |w4h*II and Ltn^inic <»n husin*Sf .> for Idaho where the> ex|»ect to make family. X apfioitUid. Monroe liollet. who has ie n at For- their future home A rece**tlon for R»*x Ran,'mft was Rufiit* D Doss to Rachel A. .Mc- h*«ld at the home of Mrs Ijatlmer »s» Mil) for a week, is at th* n-^urt .. .. D«>nougii. com IT rmls n of s,- cor se,- rhl« week lakes H« rowerfnl Man. last w*'**k Tuesday night, about thirty Hart Shaffmer A ' , .. .. 1 . , No man is .•*,» imwerful that he 7 NVat**rtown thene* w it; rds and 12 fiv*' Iteing present. ,, •Mrs ^al. ( ressman,, and , ter I, Miss iloes not hav, .to .take S«>xine um.Pills feet n 4 rds <• 1*; rds and 12 ft 4 rds .r«.in. w* *^. lallcr- .it Merl* Ileach . ^ i ■ .. j Th*' Cleaners gixe a piiin(ikln pi*- . j . when he feels knock<-d out There •'“n dderatlon ll.*»T koiis* Bunday M.rv K Maxon to Roma Ceorgta et social_ .... at...... the hrtni* of Wm Curtis Fri­ day niaht Kv**rylM»dy xxiiue, a go«id aad Owarcoata $18 to $28. M: K K Moor* w;,^ in Fowler, greatest tonic on earth They are ah- ** * * **'* *'***• Hengal. consldera- j, anticipated, Ovid and Wacnusta last •k ;n the -oliitely guaranteed for any form of Hrm II.imi Miss kTillth Bm*',)iey of l..tnsing Fiorenc* Raldwln to Kal*- Bhiitcs a int*Test- of the Mai-caites'S nerve wewkness In m*'n and wom*'n. spent iMirt of tb*' week with her moth- Other Good Htahes $8 to $22. Price SI a box; six boxes for $fi Ad ­ 1 2 ***' 1 4 s*'« 2i; and s 1 2 sw 1 4 sec. Til* man> frl-nd* of Minni* Hur- **r. .Mrs Fricke. and brother. August CmpjngU MswUSsgSwA %tmn dress or call VanBIckle A Claspie. 2i. DeWRi. consideration Fricke, and family. maii •-ongratulate her upon the pos- J Karl*' Rr,»wn to Ct-org*- T Wig- •essfoD of the heaiitifiil pian<> won druggists. Bt Johns. .Mich., where th*-)- S. lot. 2 ami a. and n 2.** ft in width "‘““-/J" sell all th*' princi|Ni) remedies and gin • Your Fall Hal Nifty Fail Furnishing Fit Out Your Boy tn th*' rearents of this plac*' Mr. Ander-I with th*' ('ilnton Democrat width of s 20 ft in width said lot 3 CLL'ET SHISTS s,»n of Ovhl spent Sunday with her. • Kvery dc-sirahle kind of In one of our new Ada ­ and w 7.'* ft in widUi n lo ft In width A oartv of hunters froui l..tnsiiig '■AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA • a hat to Ik * found here, See the new ( Oxfords, Mad ­ sp^'nt .Bunday at .Merle Reach in l^id lot 4. o , tan.s, pair of trousers, each pair A B.lTII. A le> sam* as aixiv*' d*''crlpiion new pattern and colors, at '•eisful in Sagging any gam* Monday ♦ A orous l>ody and a keen brain. Without • s^ivtan«l lilack.-. W,* t-all .Michael Dart to Anna V Rutter^ se • linen lined throuj^hout. T.'irninK -everal ducks wer* s*'en on AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA health there is no siirreas. Hut Klec- $1.30. :h* tk* and many c<>ntinu« to apie-ar 1 4 n*' 1 4 '•*•<' 11. Kagle *'onBid*'ni- • your a UentKin 1.* our To the hoy the Adamant tion tl iM) trlc Ritters Is the greateat Health Quit* a crowd gather**d .Bundax af- Ml Aiirilia Magamnn went to C**,»rge H Cllb'tt to John J. .Viiffer Riiilder the world has ever known. It • $2.30 Hat which top.s FALL LIMDERWEAR Suit means j^arments that • rn m at »h* resort ir* witn»'S- th- Hillsdale last w**>k *' 70 u *- 1 2 sa 14 B*'C 13 and w 1 2 ••ompeis i*erfeet action of stomach, • them all. Made in li(4th III* lv v.uir Cmierwear nee*l»*. will all w him an-l hi- lemler iiiuscle- >sT gam* hetw**en Bt lohns ('Itx R*'X M \V Hutton will mov* his sw I 4 s** 1 4 .'>*'C 13. Rengal. * onspb r- liver, kidneys. l*owe|s, purifies and • soft and stiff .sha|K*s. .Shirt'*, Drawer- and union <*iiit<< in lieal Ihe fiille**! play garment- that will *• and M*tI* Reach hiif th* Bt houi‘*'ho|d g<>«Nis to I'errx this week atl«*n loot**. 1* 0. "firlches the blood, tones and invig ­ make- and tine.t frabric*., .T()c lo take all l.he wrear piini-hmenl he ran Johr- Im)>> faiS'd to materlilire; how. Mr-* .Mies of Flushing cam*' last Kllza Wh.-at t«» (Iren I Wh.-at n 1 2 orates the whole system and .'nabk'* give them, ami wouUl -till take more you to stand th* w«'ar and tear of • GLOVES •V.'* good*' W.1S j»la>*-,i lH*tw.**'n H*ek td visit her son and family in na 1 4 sa I 4 1.** Rlngham also •• S2.30 to $U.OO M-rl* Reach and a iiirk,*,! nin* thi pine*' 1 ;; lot 7. *x. bl«*<'k r.i, Bt Johns .•on your dally work. ".After months of FINEST .NEW NECKWEAR suffering from Kidney Trouble." X New fall shades. Iirowns, T’ • ottles of Kl*M*trlc Ritters M- r'* R,*ach hail is no? x*-f d*-< de,| her children at Crand Rapids and ('lark lot and I 2 lot 2. bik 4H. Bt X all ^izvs. 30c to S3.00. overbKiked any of the new things W’e Special Roxn- Falls .lohn*. cons Idem (ion fl •**' mad*' m*' f*^'! like a new man." .'»0c. • call your s|»e«*ial attention to the rich -.jsU: 'iwing to th* far: that th*- • lui- at J T Mlllman’s and VanBIckle St Heavy weight hlue -erge with Txx. n* n* Mu-n whos,- |ir* s* n< <• is so much Mr' Kva My.-rs returned to her Ida K Clark to W.irr*-n Hans*' • A tomplele line ,»! .Vnll (laana. I'ers'aii )>allerns, at J.'ic. .141, and as speaker*^ for this la-casion hoiu* in .S*'atil*'. Wash last W*fln* s- •'1 and • 1 2 lot 2. I)lk 4S. Bt Johns, ' •"pC- X Dni* and Trunks nn Jd flonr. .Ml.INI. pair tirTROr-^HRs at (Mi.fMI have not as yet been heard fro?r. dav alt.'r s|>*n«ling s. veral months in .onsiiieratlun Is**** this plac*' with relatives . . ____ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA li i*'tn»*er th* dat*' of th* masquer­ Mr and Mrs Mat Robson returned ^ Mellahle Medkine .>•! a .Varratk. ♦ A Note Window Display $t. Johns, s' ,II Fndax exening. t)cto4»er 14 HFR. A A al Infltntlon Is • xr-nd*-,! tenier s. be largely attended lx Day th* voting t*e,*p|e ’s missionary .N’etii*' Bl* ighi and son Clen ai>ent u!>rislng AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bunday at .N T Bleigbt ’s at Rath Th* I. A S of th*' Raptlsi church A A ■Mr ami Mrs D H Rh*'UlM»ttoin , xvill hold th*'ir annual f.ilr in the has*- A VICTOR CK>TKK. A spent .Sunday at John Bieight's in u nt of th* church .Baturday after- A A Victor SCHOOL GIRLS niK»n aivl ‘•vening, OrtotxT ).'*lh AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .Mr aneni Sunday at A A Mart lluehler’s thed the Bloods mmking Tonic A KIVFRNIIIi:. O -lo lainaing Baturday — Treatment That Cared Thia A A Hilbert Morrell has moved Into .Mr. and Mrs Georg*'-Keck and chil­ AUCTION dren of Gunnisonville s|>ent Bunday .Tin Id AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Irant Btirhier's tenant house .'V.*; I sell niv farm, on account of ill health, I will sell at public auc­ Young Woman at South .Mrs Nellie ('rane visited friends in with bis brother Jacob tion on the premisc.s two niile.s south anti one-half mile cast of Fowler, coinmcncintj Portland. lanslng during the past week. .Mrs. Gregory and son Hoa-ard of Fred Peltier was In (Ireenbush over Thomas Swarthout won Isvyal Ar­ Rath spent Baturday and Bunday with at 10 o ’clock A. M., Any growing girl wiio fin*la that h«r Bunday. thur's (tear at the bear skoot Batur­ her daughter at Rert I,eff|er’s SrxMigtli IS failing ami elw* is l*<* *iiiung Mary .Stalker and family have mov- day .Mr. and Mrs Victor Clavey and pak' an*i iierxous, iiae mi aiiilMlioii aiM **d to lainslag. Walter Vlger. Jr., took a load of daughter .Mlaa l^ulu and Mr. White of • languid, tan !■* certain of Uw fact that TUESDAY, OCTOBER ISth Charles Cole of St. Johns was in potatoes and onions tn I^inslng Thurs­ DeWitt apent Bunday at M. R .Mead's. bar liiuiel is tailing to meet Um* tleiuands town Monilay. day Quite a number from Rhta way at­ the followinjj property: Mle i^ion It. l•ecalMr it u iiiifiutv and .Mrs Jerome Dills is improving In tended the i>arty at George Harper's lluti nlie IS wilfenug fn>ni chlor Mrs Chat Holley of near Bt Johns h**alth very rapidly now. visited her daughter,. Mrs Morrell, Frida) night and report a joll) gotul •tucfi IS simply a form of ar ■ VV’ni. Smith of Bt. Johns was a guest time HORSES: SHEEP: jCom. cultivator hloi^Mkeaii*-w* Steps slioul*l a ^ and family in Igilngsburg .Sunday. at M T VVttodniff ’s f4utida>. Will Bypher. Jr.. .Mrs J. N. Graham laktm P> stn-ngUieti the snaem Henry Bw.-nder and family of Ovid It Is reported that Mrs Nettle Sinp^lc bufjfjy .Bletght and son Glen are preparing to ; Marshall of I..analng and Mrs. Stirrel horse, weipht 1,40Y), .35 lireedinp ewes iag up an*l irtihfpng the 14 visited at T Btampfiy’i Bunday t^liaiiis’ Fins l*ilis * 1*1 this ail move to Isinsing They had an auc-11’- G ('hadwirk spent Bunday at Ger- ;Two surrey.s. nearly new tJeorg*' Brott of Capac visited bis ajjfc 14 ' Shrop. buck have cureil wo many casee of tlon last W**dneaday Sypher'a f'annitiR; mill aunt. Mrs Agm-s Brott. Monday aad Brown horse, weij^ht l.-WX), 15 ewe lambs that they may justly he caUe*! Miss Flossie Parker, who has been Mrs. Kdward Pierce and S train drill Isr Uiis common iliseae** of girll Tuesday emidoyed near Wllllamalon during ff*** Bt Johns. Mra. Hoyt ^erre of Mr*. Iliilip II Smart, of •Mrs. I,rla Henning entertained An ­ the iiast summer, is visiting her fath- Oregon. Mr and Mra. Alvin Boron of BayI. jjchlmK,VV a^^e■ 4..1 wt. l.UX)1 inn HOGS:' Iron roller laiiUi **W|iik aUen*tiog sriMvd I <-i and Frtdnx. : i,^re. Hnmn spent Bunday at Willie Moron's. Heavv hrootl mare, colt hv Sow with 11 pips md sulkmi frwn wsakntws fo Cutter .Mr and Mrs O B Dills cniled on , ...... side 2 hreedinp sows, with pijj.s mar. I woe all mn 'iown an Katella Dills. M. T. Woodruff aad 3 lop chains have a iiarUck of color M; Fmlly Cook Bunday. -.u A Tljiwntji fcw ? jSpan black marcs, cominjf 4. Ibooght T wae gmng into coni TT ny nCHVAIIC • n Ki-oL-r, Xhg'DT irmgi 2 heavy work harnesses 1 waa short of hrratli an«i was Mr and Mra O. R. DIHa enjoyed a;A KART DRWITT. A weP broken IMPLEMENTS: iainung spalls My Umhs sow delightful automobile ride to leasing A A B;iy marc, cominp 4, well ; Lipht driving harness •U tired oat ami I had hard! and tba M. A. a Raaday. Aa Offw That Invohret No broken Narrow tire wajjon 2 R’ood refrigerators Mmiigtli loget around My me .Nick Herhelet and family of Rath * Riik For ThoM Who Wide tire wapon .30 feet rubber hose S» wmit that whatevwr I she cm anti Kugene PeRier aad family spent i Mlaa Gladys Mahar spent Bunday Accapt h I\'iir hay marcs, coming .3 great •leal of pain Mj ki

  • noon. I Tank heater deehor's treatment M ahowi m nutter bow chronic It may be. thot we colt*; and well hrcd .34 spring tooth drap F M Gilbert hna retnraed fnwn Pe-; Mrs. A I.e»wis of Port Huron Is a offer to furnish It free of all coat If It aad laser gave IXr. WilUaoM ’ PI guest of Mr. aad Mra Phillip V'iges . Spike tooth drap ^ Hay fork and rope Mai. Saoo I roald eaa that I toskey aad has moved Into Mra. Mary i falls. iag in dreh and streng th. 1 Bulker's bouse la the vfllaire. ' Constipation Is eausod by weakaess CATTLE: : Plow SO feet of inch rope ^ I Mias rstherine Heller It on the sick ploaty of color in mv cheeks. Willis ^I.outb left Tuvtaday for |,« a D Hagadom of Itaaslag Is of the aerres aad musclea ot tbe larire Two cows Plano mower .Quantity of household fur- Me Imprrreeii and i was rarad Roulean. Canada to make bta daugh -1 atteadlag bar latestlaes or desceadlag colon To tMMy Innk Dr. WIHlaine ’ PInl ter. Mrs Harry Peteranmyer, a visit. rh* recant' windstorm of last week expect a cure jrou must tbvrefore tons Calf : .McCormick binder r nittirc. * a wonderfal raawly aad ctm up aad strengthen tkooe oranas sad MIm Helen Dills enterUlaed tke I completely demolished s power mill aHBDwml Ikawi.’* reatore them to bealthler activity. MIsasa Roy Peteraoa of W Jobaa. Rex j belrawlag tn Comfort Raaney. Dr. VroUanm Pink PUhi warn



    jAiufs F1»li«>r luu a hor«» «»ry Uek O. I*. Inaerawll waa in Bt. Johns on witb bloud polMie. Mrs Frost of llllnuto visited Mrs of froah aLt bualheaa last Monday. (Wla tknltb and wifi* wi*r» In Ljona A. A. Woodruff Inst week. out^loan and a Her. and Fra. C. W. I.yman wen* on buaia4*M laat wi>«k. Mrs. Heo. Fields of Lsxnslng railed in Dwoaan Monday laat. Kmnk HalMvad of near Lorona waa on DeWitt friends Inst week. plaamMurialiuig cBot aro Joaepb llankey suffered a stroke of at Jamaa rtaher'a laat weak. .Mr. and Mrm. Varney Penrre visited paralysis Bunday morninn. Mm. Wm. Benjamin of Baaea rlUted Mr. and Mra. Fenton Brink Sunday. •I food and helpful, but Mr. and Mrs Ohaa. Coutar were Ura. Judd Wllllaton laat Unturdar- Mr. and Mrs. A Whitaker of Riley the oKMt importaat of guests of relatives at Klale over Bun* Mr. and Mrs. Otia Bmltb will vlalt visited Mrs. Mary J. VanFleet last day. l.aaslna friends tbe latter part of tbla waek. >\ayne Bmothera returned last week < week. Nettle and Merle Hulett of Holt vis­ AUCTIONHavinjr sold my farm, 1 will soil at public auction on the premises on section 23, town of fen:n ua extended vlalt with relatives, a box social was held laat Tbura* ited their sunt. Mrs (!. T. Fisher, last S^EMbU in Ohio day at tbe borne of Mr. and Mm. week. Washinjjion, (xratiot county, one-half mile west of the najfjjett school, Add. Russell went to Mt. Pleasant lieorge Falor. Mto Mary Stalker has moved t'> last Friday to visit relatives and Miss Bessie M'ood of Maple HapMs loosing and rented her htiuse to Mr. friends. spent Baturday with her stater. Mm. Ollhert. k « the ataadard trea ('has. Hberman and family of Klale Kllery Berrine. .Mm Mary J. VanFleet visited Mr. visited their iiarentB. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oordanier of and Mrs Charles Cole in St. Johns ■MBt pteacribed by pb3F- K Kirby. Hunday. Maple Rapids visited Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. aiciaiia all over the worl d Mrs. Kmest Wright and daughter Wm. IMnkney Htinday. ('harles Cole of St Johns (*alled on Vada are spending ibis week 'n Ovid Mrs Melvlna JaquUb of Maple bis parents, Mr. and Mra Monroe Cole Wednesday, October 19 lor thk dread diaeaaa. k with her parents. Rapids visited in the home of her *on. Saturday (Mis Miller and family spent Bun* John Jaquish. last Bunday. Mm Charles Hammond was brought ia the food-medi- day at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Cal.; Kred lAimpbere and family of Klale to the home of her itarents, Mr and commencinjj at 12 o'clock sharp, the following prtijyerty: ciiie to heal the kuiga Brewtiaker in Orailot rounty. s|ient .tunday with his iiarents. Mr. Mrs Cole Verne Kaegle of Bt. Johns s|>eni,an«l Mrs Frank laimpbere. •Mrs. J T O'berry of lainsing visited and build up the waathif ' Baturday and Bunday at the home of p. m. l*1gRott and wife spent Bun- her sister. Mm. C. !«. Rouse. Monday , , B hlv grandfather. I N. Kaegle Uay with their daughter. .Mrs. John and Tuesday. body. B Mrs. Mattel KIder of Klkton came Bniith. and family iu Bengal L. Sumner of lainsing has purchas­ fop hujr^ry r«'*K SALE nv Ai:>RrGoi ed at the home of their daughter. Mr. Mrs. Hltunui Baldwin and her dau- dren of Wa«*ousta visited Rev and Mrs 2 plows Side spriit)^ Kitchen cabinet ta«tc» It <1 l:_4.j k • 1*m chairs acoTT 6 aowse. m» iwi at. n . y . Come to the M’ltodmsn Hall Batur- Andrew Bawyer and wife of Brigb- ghter. .Mm Harry Petemmyer. In Laiul roller 3 heavy platform, sprinjj waj;- Large rocking chair I day evening and get your supper, ion came last Thursday to visit his Saskairbawan, Canada 5 barrel kettle ons, new wheels and a.xles I* ur overcoat Fur cap I chicken pie. and other go«Hl things nephew, John Jaquish. and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Woodruff visited will be served to you. C. 8. Bllvernall and family of Ijin- her (varents. .Mr. and Mrs Theo. Ia>r- Hay loatler. new 2 road carts 3 Ct)w bells ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mrt. Mary Ingersoll. who has been sing will soon move back to Lebanon enx. in I.nnsing Sunday. 1 hiuble harness Stone l>oat on wheels, e.xtra .Acre sugar beets, on ground ♦ ♦ visiting her brother. A. Russell, and jind will occupy the Rice tenant house, .Mrs. Mary J. VanFleet. Mr. and Mm. 4 with* tire wagons |)oles and shafts Buffalo Rol>e ♦ HHKI'HOTTBM. ♦ sister. Mrs Barab W’ait. returned to Pred Benjamin and family spent Varney Penrre visited Mr and Mrs. ♦ ♦ Benile county Baturday. Sunday with Mrs Benjamin s parents. Fred Tucker at Prairie Creek last 2 hay racks Ck stove nearly new Boy ’s overcoat ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mr. and Mrs. Is»ren Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson. In Bs- w« ek 2 sets of dump Inyards two daughters of South (Ireenbush Mrs. Monme Cole was called to l^an-' Hard coal burner, Red-Cross Cultivator , , . , visited Mrs Bievens ’ |wrentB. Mr. and Alfred Munson and Henry Itadder sing Baturday on account of the III- L. J. Sleight I* milldlng a new tool Seymour Burrows, Sunday. will soon move from the Periine place neas of her daughter. Mrs t'harlesj house and corn crib Halili. Han returned from r>e- to a farm two tulles south of Perrin- Hammond. l*iMil Klaver and family visited at trolt Bunday The doctor, who has ton. .Mr. and .Mrs Ikvty Cushman of Bath Henry Hell's Sunday l»e**n very III In l>etrolt. Is much Im- Mr* .Matilda Balch of Three HP era and Mr. and Mrs. Ben lavtt of (iunnl- rKRMS ()1‘ S.ALK:—.All sums of 1^5 and under cash; over that amount one year’s time on Jacob Kiihnie purchased a row of 'T;.;;,jn'i;: hmne this week a sister of Arthur Chapman, died iMinville vlsiteti Mr and .Mrs K. D. good bankable notes drawing 6 per cent interest. Ass Morrl.« !4atiirday Mr and Mrs. Ployd I^earh and s<»n Tuesday* of last we«fk. She was burled Williams Sunday. The L \ ^ meet^ with Mrs Sybil WBIIs and Mr.%nd .Mrs. Prank Brew, at Ithaca. Theo. Bcbavey was calleil to lam- Doty (if-tobi r 2oth. at dinner bekt-r and son Alden were guests of .Martin Robinson and wife spent sing .Saturday on account of tht ser- .Mrs. A T Ferguson is having quite .Mr ami .Mrs Milton Hurk .Sunday. Bunday In the home of his brother, l(»us Illness of his son-in-law, John a serious tlnn with her hand having Mr and .Mrs Krnest lairkins and Harmon Roblns*>n. in Hiibbardston, Wellman, lavter .Mr. M'ellman died Injured it on a nail. daughter Treia of Bingham visit* ‘d who Is In very |M>or health at !i:3t» Sunday night Miss .Maggie Keck has l>*>en having •liilr Iiarents. Mr. and Mrs I^ester Jav Sessions has Just erect«*d a H. C. CASEly Prop. a ver* =ore hand I>r Banta lanri.d Wright. Thursday and Priday last Kenwood windmill, the rudder of "Pop. what a pity It waa that the her thiimh Saturday week which is nicely stenciled with his ancient Romans did not know aoy- ■Mrs A T Ferguson entertained her Csrrol Bamaby and family left name and the name of the home, the ibing about base ball." J. B. ROWELL, Auctioneer cousins, .Mr> H B Kne>-land of St. hen M the...... I*. B pamonage Mr Brown will Mr .and Mrs („ urtls tru-rw lark ofrir Columenium ­ ' Mall's ('.visrrh ('lire Is not a quack med ­ ♦ ♦ (•reach at the Free .Methodist church rhas Riddle and Arthur .Newman ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. W. Denison and dau ­ bus. n.. who visited relstives here r**-' icine It was prescrlbeil by <»ne of the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ .\I,W \KII LAki:. ♦ north of Kureka. also the church at ••esi phv'sirlsns tn this country for years each lost a valuable horse last week. ghter .Neva of St. Johns spent Satur­ Hi with the best blood piiMflem art- Clarence Parker has been on the arcomivanled them as fsr as Holly cemetery next week Tuesday at 2 p. sick list. here next Sunday beginning at 2 p tslt In the' ins illrectly on the mucous surfaces Ths The following from this C. E. so ­ .Mrs Mark Hill is suffering from a m •i the Chrlatlan church and the ’X^.hew " (•erfe<-t «-omis were visited St Ed. Smith's Sunday. sever* cold evening seaaion will h. conducted In * “*"7 * u ' 1 I„„ nf |.:a.ex results in Miring ('alarrh Bend for leetl- at Eureka next Sunday afternoon: J. !• Huot left last Tuesday for a the Kvangellcal church beginning at ‘“J ?ntenl ned banon's monlois free called to (irsnd Rapids last week to Mrs Flora Jamison la s guest In tbe Darwin Underbill. Roy Alcorn. How ­ few week, hunting trip at S- ney. I' • .to All are cordially invited to at- J/’V’ ^ I^banon a r J CMKNKY A rn Props Toledo. O. attend the funeral of her brother, Bert home of Mr. and Mrs I.A>yd Beckwith. ard Ridenour. Roy Huirck, Claude Oo- _ , nH tKia ..II.raiiv rarmersrai'in-fe *\’Iub at their pleasant home K..l,l liv Druggists price T5c Quigley, who died very suddenly of P. tend this rally Thursday The next club meet- Take Mali's I'amlly Pills for consti ­ .Mra. P. K. Oreen and .Miss Fannie. tngs and the Misses Ponds and Sarah heart failure. Hadley entertained their Sunday! Mr and .Mrs M J Tout of latnalng The remains of Mn* Kills, an aged ^eld with Mr and Mra Kt- pation .Montague. visited Mr and Mr- Fred Huot Sun- lady who (issaed sway at the home nest Wakefield in Bengal the first day of her daughter. Mrc l>ewis Kellogg. Thursday In .November Mrs Ruth Huffman who wa^ quite m Kll»a last Tueaday. was Interred |n Mr.^ Charity Millard. '.♦S years old 111 last we.-k. Is Iniitrovlng at this iJic Kureka cemetery Friday with th*‘ .Se|*tcmber !•», last, hs . u« en confined time. funeral at the K V church condiict- to :.i r room for -nine time on account Mrs M'MI T*-rliiish of fVeWitt v»a> .x **<1 by Rev (' W Lvtnan III Inflrniltl' s oY extrem«- old ago guest of Mr and Mr> John Miller i»on t forget th*- < hlck**n-plc suiiper Bh- ^its u|» a litti* while .trv .'a.'' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••< >•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sunda.v („. given at th* M \V A hall next and retain* all of her mental activity »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mr and Mr- i;.-i>rg* f’ulp vDIted *i«iiirday night hv th* ladles t** Sh** is the very oldest of th*- **arly Mr anti Mr- R*»v M* rrill in B* tigal hel|i b*>ar th*- ex|»enses of remodeling s<’ttlers of I>>hanon now living Hunda> th* Kvangellcal iiariomag*- The ladles — . . .MDs Mary Mill r v.sit.d Mr ami "HI pl*as. I*ear In mind that well- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mrs Chari*-** H*nn tir .n I.m lng .*ond ♦ ♦ .•ml -«• hel(* In H kimk I (-aus* viatt*d Mr and Mr rg- Brown ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ and family Biindav Th* following rom(»any wgs * nter- tiiln'd -t th*- horn*- ot Mr and .Mrs I, .Miss Martha .Martrk* o* l-tnsing Mr and Mrs C***o Brink vDlt*-d .Mr. Stoves and Ranges vislt*'d Mr and Mn- .\ll- r Martrke B SlDer* last Bunday. th*- occasion .,nd Mrc R Brink In D*-NVItt Sunday, Satiirdnv and Sunday tteing Mr Steven* birthday Floyd Mr and Mrs S W Xorrif visiti'd ^ .. ^ Wagner and children Mr and Mrs R. friends In Mulllken and C.rand I>*dge Mr and Mrs Mill Odinr of (,rand p T**etes Mrs Alice Havens and dsu- («■( week. Ix-dg* v|stt»d Mr and Mr* <>r*-! Mil- ,,( Kureka. .Mrs .Nora Stevens Mr and Mrs Deo Plk** csll*-d on his Havf yt*u .scfii iht* j^imhI olil n'li,il>lt* is simple, economical, anti will last a lifetime. dreth Saturday and .Sunday children and Miss Allene ,Mirents. Mr and Mrs M F Plk*-. In We have a full line of .Mr iind Mrs Andres Wager of Shumaker of .Sf Johns, Mr and .Mrs DeWitt Sunday I>e\V!it vlslt*d .Mr and Mr* FStner .lum Stevens and children of tJreen- Mrs. Charles Deck* of lainsing vls- M'ager Saturday and Sunday hush and Mr and Mrs Milton Stevens n,,,j her parents. Mr and Mrs S M*. Florence Heating Mr ind Mrs liouD Myers of Merl* and < hlldren of Kssex A pleasant .Norris, last w*ek Beach .and Mrs c.**f»rg* Mvers vlstt d '•»> "'*s spent and a hountllful din- Mr and Mrs Then Msrtxke visited General Hardware Mr and Mr** .1 M Rohrer In South n^r w.x.- nerved her |>areniB. Mr and Mrs John Smith Stove OIlv* Sunday — In Riley last week .All Seasonable j^rootls in stock — M< ssr* Blacket of latnsing and DyK|te|tsla Is America's curse Bur-^ Mrs D Pearc** visited her psr- this year with the new tlrt-ss.^ More hantl- Terhiish of D*-Wltt were guests of dock Blood Ritters conquers dyspepsia'^ ”**' ****^ Irving r,atnn In Mr an#J Mr^ nin>#*rT IdUf^biim and flme It drives rmt Ollir#* Saturday niffnt and Sun- .siiBif aiul iM'ticr than fvtT. .Also the really Crosscut Saws, Axes. family .Sunday tones th*- stomach, restores perfect | ‘^•y* , . w ^ Mr* Charles Sloan of DeWitt vis-: dlg*>ttlon. normal weight, and good! Jsck-wsy has moved woiuleiiul lied Mi r T Rockwell last Friday i health horn* from I-snelng on account of the We make a s|M?cialty of plumbinj^ aiul serious Illness of her mother. Mrs. Mrs Arthur St Clair was a caller i heatinj^ jobs. Let us furnish estimates for there last w*-ek ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Knapp. Favorite Mrs. Frank Vre*|enhurg of .St Johns ♦ ♦ your work. and granddaughter Marlon VsnVIeet. | ♦ HKNLAI. CKNTKK. ♦ CASE AFTER CASE visited at fJeorg*- .Stlniftson's from ♦ ♦ Base Burner We sell the Ralurdsy till .Monday ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PLENTY MBRF LIKE THIH IN ST.j Rev Wilcox will preach in the hall JOHNH. This stiive will heat the same space with next Sunday at 2:2n 2 Vi to 3 tons of coal where tither stoves will Royed and Elwood Cbas Travis sf»ent tbe latter part Scores of SI Johns people can tell 3.50 Milt CwM of laat week In I>etrolt you shout Doan's Kidney Pills Many use 3Vi to 4 tons. It will l)e lt> your atlvan- Miss Carrie RIsley Is visiting Mr. s happy citlten makes a public state, Lines of Fence and .Mrs. Oeo RIsley In F*ontlac. ment of hla experience. Here Is a tajre to inveslijjale. Wnk Mm-FREE Margaret Travis of l*ontlar la visit­ case of It. What better proof of merit We an* aj^ents for the ing St tbe home of her grandparents. can be had than sqch endorsement? These are unquestionably the best in the Henry Haynes, Trowbridge Street, , Tb^ap—Tow **'■• Cbas. Travis fit. Johns. Mich., anya; "T was afflict­ market. Osn Have It Bw flnxMwi The ('ablaet meeting which wns ed with kidney trouble for months and ■* , held St tbe home of Mr. sad Mrs. Chas. the remedies I took did not seem tn Megeetic Our stock is the Travis laat Friday evealag was well have any effect The principal symp­ I have m my s prasertpMsa stleaded Thare were thirty present. ___. __. Illy, task of rig or, wsok- Refreshmeats were served and a very tom of my complalat was a severe Scfc ,?*U I evealag was eajoyed by ail. pain In my hack that made It Impoa- Steel Range Best and Most Comfdste Sams^^be MiZ t ymiUi. tkat hZi Mr and Mrs C. C. Turk will eater- alble for me tn stoop or lift. Oa aev- •wrwl so imuiy worn sa« yvoos iwaa tain the aext cabinet meetlag. eral nccaslona I was obliged to lay off Htintlretls of satistieii customers will tell in Clinton county. We want you to call and rtah* F" th«tr own hawiaa wHhoot say from work until the attack passed addlttanal help or ssedlc tas that I thtali away. Some five years ago Doan's j ovary who wtshss to ra^n Ms . no# you why the Majestic leails all others. It see our line. ■wnly power astd vlrlltty qulaMWlT sad ▼ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Kidney Pills were brought to my at- | e«iv. shell hi have a copy ao f have ^ ♦ tention and I began their use, al- i Cermlneil to eeod a copy of the though I had prerlonaly taken several , ssnptloe free ef charao. lo a plain, ordl- ♦ •MIl'THKANT HHRENRrNH. ♦ oary seeled envelop to say man wtio will ♦ ♦ other kidney remedies wBhwut being ‘ write me. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ helped To my delight. I waa soon re. ; Ttwe prearrlptlen romee fnwn n pliyal- _____ lleved aad It was not long before my | •tan who hae made a special study of amn end I am rnnviaeod It Is the eoreat Hugh MrtNillough *Tf Bengal visited Im^vH In * artlng •'omMmitten fer the care of * ------wmmmnaftm I------Oan Hna#iltaldo. snnnewnenw•••••••••••••••••••••••< 9i tiHR I reetae M a I have been vlaltlag her parents, i cents. Foater-Mllhnm On., Roffiakh ree ef Warraa aad Ctnytan Fratt of New York, anta agonia far the TTnttad weoM ( Freaeh'a comera agant handny wtth FIIMaa. theta gmaiaaa. Mra Hary A4anM. lai Ramimher the Hoary y aaaaias. Ockabar* srottid be ballaaad. wMI cluaa daturday avualag. ”lf you pleaaa, sir.” latarruptad a t*. 'Tba ladlaa ^aiaat Z ooaii^ up to bar maatar, ”llr. Tbo luaiap alia fnralabaa oaa* > ♦ . aa^ Oraaary wabta to aaa you about a bal- SL.par. dowwe lot all eenMmbara — taraMM oat tor aad | J read mtn ~ •a WILUAM HAVBIia. M. D,—Homan, I will BOW Ball 1^047 Itar- tbe floor at tbe oar. aad. aflar matlaa addedjrtyh malsvolaat plas W. Hriwu* uk « to . - to mokr *1. . llT^r ^ la ao othar way an ebaaply aad ^ patble itbyaiaiaB aad aardaan of. eluteblap at Haary'* tad aaarly that tbe aaar^PBtatloa wwa five mllaa ■oat. Haary tboupbt baaaly of laatnat j ™"**"*^ Uy to proMMit tb«> pi1«— wMefc tevr flea over Daty A Roara aiora. Q|l ' koM woB by tbr cevpoUtors IB owr upaeitlap blai. abe ssatad baraalf wttb away, that tbare wjj bo trmlB dolnp ntdbt. aad Mr. Urapory. the fanaar j # poaraaiaafly aa by an ad laaarkad # bar haok apataat tbe fraaMwork. aad till tba aaxt dny, ba tbonpbt It MmeULT MMHMTNm. ^ la tbaaa nalamaa ..Man I —M ^ flaa hoars f to It a. m. aod 1 to 4 little ■ports. ’* appeared aad told bla tala at tbe bal* i p. m. Por Chrnair aad Aante da. Tkr Rov. Upbroim JayBoo BtoppaR after aaotbar barat of aapnlsbad aoba waa dolaK to rmlB. Mlaa Brtnptaa aat looa. j ”OartBP to tbe nMNlleal fraternity bo' —t. ‘Ml hBok frtNB tW table oa wbteb r«otad abe pave Haary what la olbar elrelaa uadar tba badda. aad tba aoMBd of bar ’I tbiak this waata looklac lato. ” lad iBtareatad la my oaaa. ” said tba ♦ iTaSa ^ ♦ tRe prtaos. aa4 La4y Mw/loy, tlM La4y would have baaa called a place of bar weapias was banrd la tbe laad. wbtia aald Mr. Hnaip when Uroipry bad Oaalflad Man. ”t’ve daaldad to will iny of tke MoBor. ouide bar aaBuai ■ioro> ralad. Haary, wlUi laaaaaate wratb. woadar- ooacludsd with a reqaaat for advica aa body to aoaie msdienl oollapa. ” otypoi •paeeb aboot tbe ealoa of atb- “it's diapracaful! ” abe moaaad. ”lt‘s ad wblcb of tbe roatlea would be tba to wbat should be doae sritb tbe "Wbnt ’a the uae?” asked tbe Liv* Wm BALI MB DR. B. C. LaVANRELKR. H. u. scaadalaaa. aad whatever will people saaiaat to klek. laClr ■porta to tbe commuBlty. aad straaar aad uapaialy tblap which waa lag dkeiatoa; ”1 never beard of a med* dt Jobaa wtMit a ploBBure It pave bor to be prao aay! It'a aot aa if we ware aniiaaad; ”I auppoae you ’ll pay for tba dam- BOW cumbsriap bla barn. teal school la whob stoae-cuttlac ir B LBT—Trom If to M ahaop J. B. ■at ;bBt antuiBO oacw mora. evea tbaa it would be had aaouph- adr doae to aay flaMr* said a irruff ”I think It dose. ” apreed tbs elarpy- I **«»dbt, have you? ” dtraaaar, dt. Jobaa M, THOMAfl l^NN. D. D. dL-OtOee ovm OBe altar anotbar tbe blusblBS *1*' aad I do waat a oap of taa aa badly. ” voioa. Aad a raaa la braaebss aad man . ”mr my brotbar ’s anbe I should ! ^ t-4r. Ivpd Bar* reoaleed tbalr piiiaa and It araa Heary. who had beea woaderiap oaltara coafroatad them, with aay aa* like to know why you are In the oon- i b MiRALt rrUFT. apread that tbe aporu of Httebia- whether they would be coaapellad to dry look oa bia faoa. paay of bla flaacee—and la a balloon. | Tbe boy that weat to tba city five FOB HALC (!BBAr-^ ATmBBBTR. Peirars bad aavar goae off boCtar. float about la space for ever. Uiraad "Laok bar*. ” aald Heory. atnap by too! ” I yaara bafoce waa back vlaitlap the old borae power paaollaa ’*ABd BOW.** beamed Lady Marlay, aaprlly oa tbe harasaad middle aped Mlaa BrtacUNi'h laara aad tba aarful He spoke of tbe baliooa aa If It' oelpbborbcMMl. To a fo rmer chum he order. Bapultw of J H. K. Walbrfdda D. W. Kriley wttb tboupbu of rbeetiap taaa In bor lady. aray la which tbiBda were polad- ”T'II were a dsn of Iniquity, and the humor reomrked aympatbetieally: "dtill alav- 1fV>wlar. Mleh. WALBRIDOR A KBLLRT. Attorm-M ralBd. ‘*1 have owe naore prlae to pro- “Will you please be quiet aad allow dive ytm my card, and you oaa aue of It all appealed to Ifeary till be; lap oa the farm, old pal? By (leorpe! M Law. over ooraar drag aiora. it aaat, aad tbeo. a* I aald last year------me to try to thlak wbat's to be doae. me. Only let me det away from here, shrieked aloud with laupbter. ! I can ’t uaderataad bow yew stand it.” FOB HA LB—imported Mack Ow! Oo! Help!” I believe you're slttlap oa tbe ballast, for poodaesa ’ sake -aad from that Then be in hts turn told bla ule, j ~lt'B dead saay now. Bill,” replied . Jack. » yra. old, wt. MO lbs. 16 I/S sad I tbink we’re sinklap apaln." HuZm Attaraay at Law Her ladyablp'a haada flew to her weepiap female,’’ he added under bis wblcb sraa received with looks of la- j the vnuap farmer, smillaply, <-** About | baada htpb. aad la a sure foat pet* ’’We shnll be killed. I know we dt. Jobaa. MJeh. boaoet. ber abrleka iBcreaaad la breath. credulity. ' two yeara apo. in our weekly twrti | tar; two brood mares In foal to «hall ’* shrieked Miss Brinpton. Jump- ”lf I could have a cup of taa first,” f’’lt‘a not my business, of course, ”; bout. I licked the old man to a fras* | ▼olune, aad were added to by other Jack: taro naile ooMa 6 moaibs old; BROWN, Attoraey at Law ladle# preeeat. for It looked aa If a Inp to her feet and luokinp over tbe broke la Miss Brlaptoo. said Mr. Hamp, “but I dim ’t tbiak It'a lie. ,>d^ of tbe car. “We aball stick oa oae mule two ysaia old: wIN aall QWleaa oaar diata Beak. St. John*. terrible diaaater awaited ber. aad ev- ’’You can po. ” sold the man quite tbe tblap to po off with another cheap If taken at once. 8. W. Doara- eryoBe waa powerleaa. that atheple. and the spire will po morosely; “and I’ll keep the balloon fellow's pirl—at least, diia flaacee—in A RAPID IHHIWUf. •r. l^aalop. Mldb.. frd No. 6; Bell JD® B- HOXIE, Attorney ripht tbrouph the hallfMB. Ob! please •t DIreetly over tbe prlae table hov­ aa security., Htraipbt tbrouph that a baliooa. Btlll. you may aa wall dry •‘The cook ’s crylap.” aald tbe affe>*« pboae Mb-SR. lOwS Raal Haute aad Loaaa. here’s a liver; thmw out somethiap. pate, and you ’ll find the road to 1^- youraalf. ” Morrison ered a bupe balluoB. with tbe trail tloante maid to the severe landlady. block. Jan. ‘eWltt. MIcb. R. emptylBjc out bla ballaat aaad to tbe enouph to do without beinp yelled at. whined .Mlaa Brinptoa. “I want a where we are. and then (wrbaps you ’ll mistake.” MONET TO LOAN—Oa taortgage aa- ■4tt down and po to sleep or some- cup------” »w4 I hope of lialBK- Moat* of It aeemed to apoloptxe. ” ^ “Oh lhal't of iu> coaaequence.” enrlty at reaaoanble rataa aad oa have UeareBded uo Lady Marley. aad. i thinic.** "roroe away.’,’ said Henry curtly, After tbia somewhat disjointed ut­ “Yes It Is.” pouted the maad. "Mr, j "OR HALa ■atlatactory terma. at Tbe Bute as oae of the rompaoy afterwards re- ’’You ’re '■ very Irapertlent youaic tboupb ioy Hsap In bis heart to think terance Henry airude off, and It was Bauer Kraut, l>rot» card > Bank of St. Jobaa. Large or amal) Yea. ..It —la. pouter the maid. "Mr. and I srill call for crock. marked It waa reolly too bad to have , man -Rood Rrarloiia! we were nearly that be was rid of the balloon. not till he waa well Into tbe vlllape hair he found in bis soup. ” 8. E. Loa- I amonau. rail aad aaa ua. J. W. emptied a bu^etful of Hand over the ! Into that tree! ('an ’t you steer the And with tbe hatlesa and dishevel­ that be found he had no maaey. ------ay. lOwlp I FlUperald. Caahier. tf led lady iiantlnp by hit side, he walk­ He stood helplessly In the middle Lady of the tlanur. But Henry Lem- . thinit properlyT* HIRKHIUHT. KfIR HALE Medium aited fire proof' MONEY TO LOAN__At low alre. up In tbe balloon, would have The balloon waa certainly babav- ed out Into the hiph road. of the road thinkinp. until the toot of rate of iB- emptled aand over tbe whole of tbe > Injc In a io6at extraordinary manner, ('omfiaasion smote htm aa be noticed a motor hum sounded stranply near "How^re you polnp to meet the safe, dImoat new, at about oae-half tareat. Farms and dty property for peerace if it would have bel|»ed him j and Henry waa by now tboroupbly her tired and worn look, and he offer ­ the snmll of his lia«k. j arputnents of your oppoaeatar* price. Harry E. Jlack llw3 ■ale. Inquire at offtw of H. K to riae. and lo desperation be emptied alarmed. More than once they near- ed her bis arm As he juni|>ed to one tide, the car j “Kaslly ” replied the staleaman. Walbridpe. half a bay full, a larye imrtlnn of Iv crashed Into a tree, and if they Milently they strode alonp for some drew up with a jerk. A female vole* ^ "They can ’t bold a auc^ceasful meet- FOR .HALE- Bradbury uprtpht piaao. j rnlnutea. and It Is hard to say which Inp. I've made exclusive contracts birdneye maple nniah. perfectly < which waa swallowed by the curate. , lldn ’t rise noon there would evidently hailed blni. and out. like an uaexpect- 1 ♦ ♦ hated the other most, and whether . , - ''^•*** !•*** brass band* In my dis- pood, also birdaeye maple dreaalnc , who was yaslnit skyward* wttb open ^ be a smash. ♦ MONEY TO LOAN on chattel ♦ mouth. , ”f>ut of the way. quick!” he said to murder or suicide loomed larf^est in "Oh! where have VOU beenr ,he table writh bevel plaea and oblffon- ' their thoiiphts er to match. Hast State street.; • mortpacea. Call at our office ov- O rp rose tbe balloon, carrylny on its , Miss llrlnytnn. as be bunted for more cried. "You look like a scarecrow. O er Rtate Bank and we will cheer- b prapnel the ptixe table, to be drop|»ed Iwllast: "we've pot to pet up some- "I believe It’s polnp to rain,” bleat­ We tboupht you would be killed; and. ___ Iwp • fully explain to yon our matbod • ed Miss Brinpton. ST. JOHNS MARKETS. five miles away ainonp a herd of won- ■ b<»w.” fortunately, Mr. Chester, the aeronaut, • of loanlnp money In auma of $10 • deiinp cows. And as it ms*-, over the ^ "So. no!" she shrieked, hidinp her i4he bad hardly spoken when a clap •uppested the motor, and we followed ! ____ —— FOR HALE—Hard coal stove, round oak stove, lumber wapon with rack, • and up for any ienpth of Uroe. • opposite side of the basket (teered the ^ face snd mistaklnp hts movements; of thunder heralded a storm of rain the balloon b> the wind and where's ; (’ORRRCTBD FOR THE NBWH BY- ♦ W. H. HICHMOND. «t. Johns. ♦ white face of a woman. ' ’ not * **■that“* -don ’t thmw me over!" ; which forced them to take shelter be­ Aunt [.duulsa. and are you burtT' . THURADAI BO HTTVO. double lipht bamega. tiouble wrorfc harnesa; scales, cutler and other ♦ Mleh. ♦ "Htarled a bit too early, didn ’t heT’ lt.” yelled Harry, and just In time be I nealh a tree. 'The rain was heavy. “Yes," said Mr. Jaynes, who had al­ ♦ ♦ said one of the farmers. ”1 tbuupbt :t,’’ yelled Harry, and just in time he i and as it splashed thmiiph tbe leaves so jumped out of the i*ar. and spoke I 8f. Johns. Oct. IS, ItlO. articiea. Mrs. J. J. Warren, •me. tbe lialloon ascent was not to he till oiled the bap and dropi>ed eaouph on tu Mlaa Brinpton's head, Henry’s with equal breathlessness; “where’s tlRAli«l« mile weat Frencb'a corners, Oreen -1 bush. 2w I after the prlxe-ptvlnp. ” •«and to send the balloon up apaln : pallantry aaaerted Itaelf. He took off Aunt Iami Iss—1 mean Emily - Miss Wheat, red ...... RH “Of coiirs*- it wasn ’t." snapiied .Mr. "Have you any Idea where we areT* ’ ! bis coat and wrapi>ed It round her. Brtnptonr ’ Wheat, white ______HRAHD TBTIIK RAILWAT STBTBE...... »7 FOR HALE CHEAF—3 yearltnp heif­ Jaynes, who was still trylnp to coupb timidly inqulr'-d Miss Brinpton, wh<» ’ i»od then, af her earnest entreaty. Ten minutes later Henry had mar- ; Hats ...... SO Schedule la effect Sapt. f5. 1910. up Hand: "and I don ’t know what Mr. Innw Htnod nomewbat in awe of this |ier- trled to <*hare It wjth her. sballed his witnesses at the (Iranpe Cloverseed. Mammoth ers. 2 male calves, all full-blood TrglM Bm8 fTM HI. ilaidM. ^..emalre was dolnp up In the balloon ] emptnry younp man. “If we could But «»ne ••oat doe* not po far with $8.00 A $0.00 Hborthorn. PVank Williams. 8t. and reaped bis triumph. erator, or whatever you only land somewhere near a bouse. I “I didn ’t know you were eopaped to , tTIoveraeed. June $8 00 • $9.00 call biiii** ’ ;im .ure they would pive 11* a ctip of foiiiul to hi* dismay that the only way Mr. Jaynes. Aunt l»uisa.’’ said Alice. Rye ------eept Sunday ...... 10:55 a. to disi»ose of his ripht arm was to ...... 86 FOR HALE—Keplatered “Here he l»." said a very cross-lqpk- tea “Well, you know now ’’ snapped tbe Choice hand picked beans ...... $t.00! Diiroc Red •*«» ax- inp rnan: "and where's toy balloon m.. - Mid H-nrr. .l—klM « r?""-'. Ml., llrln,. Other beans Sc par bu. for each lb. * Jersey swine and Ramboulette ab^p cept Sunday ______4:18 p. m. ton tiphed and murmured Inarticulate ­ overwroupht lady: "and If you ’re not that * what I’d llk«- to know?" with quiet emphasis, "but I don ’t be­ enpaped to .Mr. {.leiualre you miphtn’t picked. " ■■ Morllx. Fowler. Mich. Eastern Express, daily ____ 8:84 “I’p there.” spluttered Mr. Jaynes, lieve you quite realise tbe situation. ly that It was very wronp. but she , . . . .„ . . TrafaM West front SL Jdhno. wisely concluded that It was too wet ' ^ Henry dear. I’orn. shelled, per buahel ______tr, _ P iwlntlnp skyward and thinkinp wrath- We have eloped with s pentlenian's Corn'' -k*-irA ear— __ 30, FOR hale G'd RapMla Expraaa dally __ 8:88a.m. fully of the unfortunate endinp to the lialbKHt. for which I suppose I shall to ask him to unhand her. as they do "But We ar*- enp-iped." said Henry, House and lot. M by Mail aad Exp., daily exoapi day. “Wh) didn ’t .vou tie it up. or do have to |tay. and we are alan in what In melodramas, and when Henry found ’’aren ’t we dearT' In an undertone. LITE HTOCK. 107 feet, barn 22 by 32 feet. In ­ Sunday ______10:56 a.m. Boniethmp *0 that It couldn ’t pet mipht be called a deadly peril. And her head half sinkinp on his sbuiil- “I Bup|K>se Ro. Henry," came the Cattle, fatted ______$8.50 • $5.00 quire 311 McConnell at. 8w3p Veal mires Mail dally, except Sunday __S:50p. m. away?” >et sll you can do Is to sit there and der. h>- lliankeadful to be up Inp to her tbat same eveninp. Beef, dressed $6.00 Q $7.00 As he Iteered •Hit ho|»efully the you a couple of hundred." here with a younp man I’ve f»nly seen "Well. I fancy." answered Henry CaUrea, dressed ______$$.00 B $10.00 Bench post office. O-Md location. 1 . —'•*•'*• P-®-—1.3,5, "Oh! do you think he’ll be lost? ” one*- before; and If we wer»- «lown be- sound of wheels clattered ahmp tbe Pork, dreaaed ------$9.00 9 $11.00 flrst-claBa-bulldlBga. rich soil. For ! •• 1®* ‘ ® cnnoollad Sundnys road, and a waponette drew up op- boldly, "that it’s all due to the balloon anxiously inquired a very pretty plrl, Ujw you'd never dar»- to use such dla- ascent” Mutton, dressed ______$7 oO particulars addresa C. E. Gerbertoh. JnHtsnn Dtrlalnn, of the aeronaut Kiistlnp lanpuapi ’’ Itoslte them. Tallow ______^ 4 > Merle Beach.. Mloh.. R. F. D. IS. Umlted. a. m -8:30, 8:20. 10:20. “I wouldn ’t be surprised, mlaa.” was ’I apolrtpiie." said Henry; "but It •’Now then you two younp i*eop|e,“ LITE FOITLTBT. shouted the driver, showinp a cheery, ____52tf p. m.—12:30. 2:30, 4:80. 6:30, 8:30. the iinfeelinp reply, ’’•‘specially as: may perhaps be iinderstnod that I, too Hens . 9 ' I Locals, a. m.—5:30. 7:30, 9:30. 11:80. he’s pot a female with him They feel rom«' anxiety We seem to be po- wbite-whiskered. red face above bis Broilers ____ drippinp mackintosh ’’I’ll plve roo a 10 WANTED I P. m—1:30. 2:20. 5:30. 7:30. 9:30. generally pet In the way.” inp hipber than •>ver. and I don ’t know Grange Notes Ducks _____ 10 ------j ”A female—a woman!" exclaimed ; wbat on earth to do! ” lift alonp tbe road. I don ’t like to see Geeae. fat__ W A.NTBD -4ilrl for general bouse- 1 F.W. BROWN. Gan. Pass. Agt., Jaekaon fellow creatures In distress. (' well. There was I.” went on the | her bat and a iiair of ploves. and be- i RALE HELP WANTED—Balsa Mana-|^l»® « **- J®*«* “Of course he’s seen us." snapi>ed degree members Invited. Each Orange ' skliM. green —...... -...... 10 neronaut loudly, as he tboupht of hts ! pan to pull at ber lonp jacket. , ger for aintoo munty. Must be 1 J®to wrottjrs; "there was I. hardly turned j "That’ll only make It po up." Henry; “and what •« earth does It Is requested to send delegates. Mias ...... 40 ' matter’ f'ome al*mp ’'. Grange onlled in 5th degree at 10:80 “■••P P*lts ...... 28 to $1.50 mpable of organlxlng a aalee force j my back for a moment, when off she shouted Henry, "and If we po any to aecure aubacriptlona for our mag- yy^PWw^y attam^ to. hipher I hellere we shall hit apalnst .Mias Hrlnpt*>n cllmben’t blame me” falls." Will T. Plowman; rec^aa for No. 1 Clover ______------$9.00 CAPITAL PAID IN PPLL. $80,000. ‘ Aunt lAMiisa!" f-choed the curat**. | Miss Krinpton closed her eyes, put M*inpt it doesn ’t matter." uable." Brother Johnson. Ovid; sonp. also thank the choir for the mupic' Mias Brinpton thoupbt frenil>dly furnished. Tbree-per ••ent Interest 1 aid *>0 cer- frown tbat was on her face • merpenev cprd which fears the silk Elsie Granp*'*. ’’I>oes the mpid pro ­ ' (•'■r-ftes nf deposit and on savinga over the situation, and they drove fn ‘I hardly think that's HIkely with i envelope and allows the pas to es- duction of pold affect tbe price of llv- Mra .Mary Becker. ! tM,ok arroiints. Drafts Issued pood In Aunt Louisa. " sh< said. "But why cape at th»-’ Granpe pates decided to accept inp." Fldpar Bush. Eureka; "Hhopplnp .Mr. and Mr*. George Becker, vny aM of the Polled States or Can- the InevitabI* and allow It to lie as- don't you do somethinp. Mr. Jaynes, - Now If th* anchor will f>nly catch thrnupb the mails as a preaent da • .Mr. aad .Mrs John Becker ada sod In the principal cities of on to somethinp we shall be safe ” achievement.” Mrs. Byron Bowles. Fa .Mr. and .Mrs Edwrard Foer^'h.; Euro* e instead of standlnp there like a— rm Arenunts of farmers, mer­ Mist. .Marley just rs^fralned from ”Whv on earth didn t .vou do that i .M'dher. *h.»iiG^ the o d pentle- Essex; recitation; “If a portion of tbs .Mrs. T. J. Grimes. chants or mechanics recetved nn fav- addinp ’stuck pip. ‘ befor. asked MU* Brlnpron sharp- “•* * tide of labor now polnp to the factor oral le terms and every aceommodatSoc What can 1 do ’* ’ was th* pWa "I •If this I* SOIIJ* loke You ’ve been houte. "here’s a young couple. I j fee and stores could be turned back on For Sale r\HI) OF THA.VbO—We wish to e-- ' * ‘ the fnrm. wbat effect would it have on ex* n ■ -I •’v>us|*f*-nt w-ith safe i,ank 1np. mn t po u|i there after It " !’davtnp on m«- .Mr. I..emalre, I think found them half drowned under the tend our bearrfeit (hnnks to friend - Ste'Hrr**»r facilities for making oollec- hedge Pome and see to them, will "Don ’t try to be funny. It lioesn't '♦*»’>' I***! taste" the labor and tbe farmer": diacuasloa and neighbors who so kindly aaalat- firm of all kinds. suit the clergy " , vou? TTiere you are; that’s my wife. lad by Exra Finch, followed by Thao. ed IIS during the atekneas and death •NVill y*m b* quietr’ yelled Henry.' M Haiiip. and my name's George The Fred Richard Mon*r loan'M on approvad aecurItJes With which iinjiisiffabl*- sarcasm who was Inokinp down and wrmderlnp H. Townsend. Ovid Grange; question of our lieloved wife and mother; to Hamp.” Allc, Marley walke«l off, lepinp .Mr. whether the grapnel would . hurch roof a preenhouiw or a clump _ thinking to shield Mlaa Hnngton take tbe .'•th degree can do ao at this iiuuiy beautiful flowers, also tb< F. I. ’^hlley. OMa Fuller. degrees the threads of the story were of trees, and then 1® • rope, t future unpleasantness. meeting. tMMor for bis kind words J. W '*'i»ee-s’d H. B. Kneeland. gathered in from two repentant and Henry shouted to .Miss BrlogirHi. promptly lied. 134 acres, located G. R. Rice. I O. W 'iun-er. F. A. Tmvia. T F Ks , frightened rustics ’’Pllnp •m like grim death and yell ; "My name ’s Brown ’’ be anid. “and HANNKK GRANGE. Mr. and Mra. C M. Rice, Dr. M Welle-, Henry Lrmalre. a y«ninp resident, 11 it« for help at the top of your voice And this Is .Mis* Biiillh.” Banner Grange .Vo 1240 will meet .Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Rice. had. in a spirit of bravado pumi>ed In­ four miles north and now look out for th*- bump. Pgh!" Miss Brington gave him a grateful WHOwttb Mr.wr. and wraMrs wn.lOd. ItMenouritMenour Oct.Oct J T Mr and Mra. F. B (hmwell. to the bnlloon when the aer*>aaut s 2oth. Program: Bong by the Grange; , W0St ®^\-jr3>nCl L..6C1^C Mr. and Mra E. B. Rice. TEArHERB* EXARINA'nONH. back was turned And then, with a Th*- car touched ground in the field, j look and went toward* the house with skittlshneaa, which ill became ber and theni with a plant ’s hop. cleared 1 Mrs. Hamp. who looked at the mlddle- roll call responded to hy each nani- Far 1888 aod 1818. forty-eight years. .Mias Brington. Lady the hedp< at a bouml and after nearly I aged lady dubiously and the young ing a current event; "What la the beat i \KD OF THANkH We wish to ex­ uprooting a barn wHh the grapnel. > man siMpiclously; for she could not way to exterminate in(« from about For pkrticolars gpply to tend heartfelt tbaaks tn frUnds and I’nf” further notice Teachers* Rk- Marley’s sister, had Inalated that she • m’o. tk-ns will be held as follows: too would like to see what It felt like came to an undeniable standstill, and I undersund wh)- ber husband had the farm bulMIngaT ’ R. H, Forbea; se-, neighbors for their kindness during was at once seixed Iitmn by three stai- hrouirhl home two very wet strangera. leet reading. Mra Alma Wolcott; pa­ the Illness of our son. Eddie, and ®t *ohns. In the Pourt bouse, ba- to be In a balloon. And no sooner -rfeetnr second 'Thursday of August. were the two inside tbe enr than, led wart agiiciilluiista. with large and I ’’Bweetbearta.” said Mr. Hamp In a lter. "What are the advantages nf| especially to all those who contrib ­ •Magnificent Ideas of ••ompenaation for stag*- whisper. "I.ook after her. laa-j I*™' HG*.** Mrs. M8. RMenour; music. uted beautiful flower* Bt. .lohns. In Court house, hegtnatng on hy a nyaguided joker, the kee|>eni third Thursday of October. let go th eropes. and up soared tbe >isir employer and largeaae for them- | sle.’ Mr. and Mrs. Will Hefty; dtaeuaalon. L W. RKIARD (BIpnedi Mr. aad Mrs Lyman Alward. ] Bt. Johns, In Pourt house, beginaiag selves j That was quite enough for Mra. "Bhall are marFet our potatoes from tei .jirj--. a—a—'* m ■' " ■ " ' balloon! ‘Be tbat a balloon, miater?” asked] Hamp. who knew that sTsn at forty- third Thursday of June. Henry knew as much about balloon- 1 the field?" led by Hd. Ridenour; select Crmnd LadfD, Micli. COLLIE PUPPIES Ing aa a pig daas of lawn tennis, but j *>ne I eight love can •dMer a woman's heart. rsadlag. Mrs. nova Greetiveood: Hoa- PROGRAM. vaguely remembered literature told 1 “I have a fleeting Idea that It la," and the tend erly took Miss Brington ’a tng — Great workers, natural ht:lfKT5 . o,rfirng. ‘*Vrtthm^I?.*'oTa7''ISr^ agreed Henry “And where is the wet arm. him that If you threw nut sand the balloon would liae aad If you otteaed ^ nearest houae. what's the name of thia "Tome In. my boy. ” she said. "My OLIYK GRANGE. Bovefs Real Estate jrcKKl color, easy to learn. None fv; Art. Af^rnoog, Oao- graphy. Oovemment aad the gaa-vaive It would slak Place, and do you think you can pack j husband will look aftsr------” ^ lietter in Mich. U. 8. His- Far Dctfvber 15 Dpenlng soog by Agency c;. F. Ottman. Mearlbeach. In bis despair, be groped about In 1 up this thing without Irretrievably j A subdued shriek left Mias Bring ­ tory. ruining If” toQ ’s Ups. aad sbaklog herself free Grsog*-: aelactloii by Hmvna Ham- tbe oar aad. ftadlag tbe ballast hag. mood; roll call, saswered by f her hat. When the rustles, who la tbe tell now. me drown my- RefreskmegU of pumpkin pis. fried '■JJ'U* aaif, let me hide myeelf so me where." aalf aad sailed slowly aloag with the bad ventured too near the saeaplng cakes, plekles and txiffae will be sarv- • • good bMseand barn. cnM- Third *1ay—ffor first grade appli­ cants *mi 9B Oeaersl History. Physica wtad “Ob' look at tbat doud. We I gam. bad satisfied tbevaselvsa tbat a She clung half aobbing to Henry ’s ad and a goad attendance la desired: iground at $1,888. If shall bit It. I kaow we ahall.” I horrid death lay that way, they began ann as a stalwart young clergyamn and **onM forget to bring something ' ■•®® 2 Buyers- tor ranaa. city property ♦! .it______•iii h* , to demand extortionate sums varying etavl fram HHchin FsrreTa One of tha brother, aad yon talk ahont s&tm op a. The News Want Column. C. C. Vsg^haa was la Dntiwlt Tues­ mas Oertrude Phaaer of Toledo. O.. day. to a gust la the baam of R. J. Dieter. Lae Hart and W1H Putanm ware la Mra. B. M. Buoa. who to apeadtag YpallnaU Haadny. tha wtator la BL Johaa. to rtaiUng BIGMB Maa. Bsh BnilUi v1aiis4 In Ovid lai- meads tB~Xaiaamaoo this wash. uriny aad dnadny. Mr. aad Mra R. S. Armour have Mrs. Dalty FrisMe ratumad to Ma­ moved trtm Went Baldwla street to DIRECTORS ple RnpMs Moaday. their own new hoam reesatly purchao- sueFnopnni ed from the J. (Hhkard soiMe. Mrs. ITIsr tlesthM of Foaier aaa la this ..Mr Haturdny. AMTI.HALINIR LBAliUB WUJ. ('AJU lor BIm SaiMsb' of ClaioB CoMlgF far Ymr of Mra. C. C. Ohaat aaa the gsem of' ■r BLAB lim MTBII. If 10-11. PeaunM friesds Moaday. j IB Mm. A. T. I^Maan vlalted hsr par-j Lsw**WIH aim FlilM to Ptotoh eaaa la Ovhl Wedaeaday lensto HBBBKBtlilH THWEHHIP. Mina Mdaa Barlow of Isala asa la Wham Wato WM Dial. No. .Nmae of Dtmclo i aad pootofflee. at. Johan Fridnj aad ihturday. JMIK MirrMB m¥ baolb tabbk Dlst. No. NnaM> of IMrector aad postofflce. Mm. R. O. J effort sa has booa apead*! 1— Aaooo Rohy. Hoolatt. Mlchlann. 1— C. C. Smiloy. at. Johan No. 11. Te MBB A4U» PAMBKTH. 2— Frod Coehmae, Both, Mirhimn. lag a nuiahsr of days la Clars. 2— W. I. (^rtM. at. Johas No. 10. 2 fpl—•olooMMi ManJay, Shafinburg. Michigan Mta. Cyras Bmltti kas soar to ^f-; 4—Coluasbus Wagagr. 8t Johaa No 11. Joha DatBher, who was seat to the With the spring alsctlcMM aUll six 4—a. J. amlth. Bath. Mlohlgna. months away, the Michigan Aati-Ba- S frl—C. A. Uvtagotog. at. Johaa .No. 40. falo to spend some Uom * with reladvee. | Jaekeon peaheatlary It years ago. ua 6—11. B. Ploree. Bath. MtolMgnn loon laague to planning what fights It 7 — Joha Kahas. at. johaa No. 29. linaard Vtaher was hoam from Al-! a life sealeace after being (wavloted € frl—Aaron Clark. Bntb. Michigan. Is going to wage when the opportun ­ 8— AJox. Blagtaam. 8L Johaa 10. blaa oesr Sunday vlMtlag hla parsats.: on the charge of klHIag an old man 7 frl—Arthur Swaaey, Bath. Michigan. 9— E. B. Kotoar, 8t Johaa No. 11. Mrs. W. M. UeWUt vlalted frteads ia | aamod Lampman near Qmad l^edge, ity oomas. There are at present 40 dry ooun- 8 frl—Doty Cualuaaa. Bath, Mlchlgna 10— Lewis Cos. St Johas No. 29. Feataa from Saturday uatil Moaday. i waa la this couaiy a few days ago In 9 fri—Murray Cnrtar, Shaftsburg. Michigan. tie# in the stats, and Juat half of charge of a deputy from the piieou. Hi—Wendell McFnrren. Bath. Mlehlvxn.’'' Mra. A. J. Hlohs of DetroM vlaMed thrar will be la a positlan next April LBBAN01I THWimHIP. Mrs. N. J. Chapin the last of the weak. the srardeo hevlng permitted him to 12 frl—Millard BleMht, Bath. Michigan. visit his old home snd his aged fattier to recoaaMer the qusatlon of county (Mrs. a. M’. Noe of Ovid was In this option. The A. 8. L. expacts that the Dlst .No. Name of Director aad postofflce. who Is In poor beaMb. BBKNAL TOWKMfP. cHy on business oae day the last of Butcher has suffered much from question will be resubmKted in some 1 frl—C. I. Rlchmoad. Pedsamo. the week. rheumatism sluee being confined In of the counties, but not all. Dlst. .No. Name of Director sad pootofflee. t—William J. Tail. FMwIer. Mrs. Frederick C. Burk sad IlUie prison sad Is so badly crippled fiwm “Of course the liquor interests 1— John Halfmnn. Bt. Johna No. 2. 3— f^lvin Mundel, Fowler. daughter speat Tuesday with friends its effects that he to forced to support want it put to s vote again in most of 2— D. R. aiurgls. 8t. Johns No. 2. 4— A. L. VaaSIckle. Maple RapMs. In Pbwisr. himself with a cane. His father re­ the couatles, but I think that they 3— Melvin Severance, 8t. Johns .No. 8. •—Fred Pfell, Jr., FVswIer. Mrs Lots Root came from Flint | sides at Hagle. and It wms at the old can get the necaaaary petitloas'in but 4— Win P. Corwin. 8t. Johns No. 1. " Dl—Arthur (toapman. Maple Rapids 9—Florence O’Coonel, Maple Rapids ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mooday to visit her daughter, Mrs. W.^ home In that town sdiere he spent the very few.” says State Supt. O, W. Mor ­ 5— V. A. Walker. Fowler .No. 22. ♦ ♦ H. DeWItL day after an absence of 18 years. He row. “All but a few counties are per­ 1 frl--Frank Kills. Merle Reach No. 12. 6—Milton Sypher, Maple Rapids. ♦ IK TeWN AKD •ITT. ♦ Mrs J. C. Flyan and her mother. has always stoutly maintained his In- fectly satisfied with the workings of Mrs W. R. IJreaatt. were In LaaolBg noceace of any connection with the the local option law, and. where there MKMHAM TOWKMIIP. OTID TOW.NRHIP. ♦ ♦ is any dlsaatlafartloa It is baeause Wednesday. Lsimpman murder, snd the people of Hsgle are very much of the mme considerable liquor to shipped In from i Dlst. No. .Name of Director sad pootofflee. IMst. No. Name of Director aad postofflce. •Mrs K. ('hoBUy of Detroit was a opinio^ Anyway his friends there outside snd there Is still some drunk-1 1 frt—C. M. Rice, at Johaa . lomire with D. L. Hum. tf gueot In the home of Mrs. John Hlehs 1—A. J. Avery, at Johas. are mmhng a strong effort to have enneas in the county." 2 frl- August Mlllef, 8t. Johas. 2 frl—Mrs AJma Servlss. St. Johaa. Dr. Bugune Hurt of Barrka w«a in over Sunday. him released from the penitentiary The league will attack seven new this oicy W«slne«dn>. :(—RtdBey Sherman. 81. Johns. 8—W. H. Baker, Shepardsvllle. Mr. and Mm Fred Markem of Aan and a ptrttlan for his pardon to now counties this wintert Huron. Mont- 6— J. M. Cramer. 8t. Johas. 4 frl—W. E. Stocker, Ovid. C. E. Cuftla of Dumnd vIsHod St. Arbor vlalted Mr and Mrs. H. M. HMtee before the pardon hunrd with pros- uslm. .Mecosta. Iosco, iloatmoreaci. « frl—Clell 1. Kston. 8t Johas 5 frl—Jas. E. VanDyae, I.oiagaharg. John* frlendn W«. Wednesday. liects of s favorable action being tak­ Alpeas aad ('beboygan. The first four 7 frl—B. C. Emmons, 81. Johns 6— C. W. McCreery, Merle Reach No. 15. Mins Florenc** Adaim of* I.ADslnit Mr. aad Mrs. WilHam H. Maulson en in the iiuMter. of these voted on the question In 1to8 8'frl—Kdtrtn Bowen. 8t. Johns. 7 — P. W. Raae, Ovid. viilt««4. 3Uss AlU ('unningham returned Sunday-morning the Pastor will The league la pointing with great 4—City of St. Johns. C. A. Putt. St. Johns. 19- -Sldaey Howell, at. Johas. pride to four maps which It uses in 11— H. Hipollte, Ovid. W. N. Stocker was in Stanton and Mooday from an extended rtslt with s|ie«k on "Judgment. Past, Present Its campaign. 'Hie first shows in . nrPLAIK TOWNSHIP. (}rf>envllle »n buaineaa the first of the friends in .Sew York. snd Fiitiire.” In the evening we will continue our Studies in the Hook of white but one county dry in 1907: the OLITB TOWNMIIP. week. (Tlare Kinney returned to Decker- Dlst. .No. .Name of Director snd pootofflee. viile Monday after a week’s visit at Revalatlons. We are thankful to re­ second. 11 in 1908; the third. 30 In W. H. Brunson and Atty. H. K. 1909, and the fourth. 40 at present, I hla hotue In this city. cord the measure of Interest shosm 1— F. H. Alderman. Shepnrdsville No. 15. Dlst. .No. .Name of Director aad postofflce. Waibridge returned Friday from I>e- in thes«- “Studies. ” snd equally thank­ and the slogan is “We'll make the 2— M. R. Netsorg. Elsie. Mrs. Ktu Kreppa wna In Ovid 1— Augustus Lapham. Merle Beach., troH. ful for the gsaleful eapreaslono from map all white.” 3— Lewis Peck. Elsie .No. 22. Wpdneeday and Thursday selling 2— Lewis J. Ctorpeater. St. Johaa. Mrs. Mabal Harry of Ovid spent those who are getting good. We we|- 4— Walter C. Hler. Klste So. 23. coats for U. H. Ohspman. The already dry counties which 3— Mrs. Anna Halsey. St. Johas Sundso Id St. Johns with .Mrs. Jessie ('ovm all who wish to become better are entitled to vote next spring, are: | 7 — Jay Huffman. Elsie No. 19. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Havens vUked 4— ^eorge Meyers. DeWItt. Shepard. acquainted with this great and im­ Branch. Hillsdale, ('alboun. Jackson. A—James H. Ubey. Elsie No. 19. 5— D. H. Rheubottom. Bath. remtires in Uratlot county the last of 1 frl—Beorge Morriee. Shepardsvllle No. 15. Atty. D. W. Kelley was in Owoeao portant Hook of the Bible “Take IJvingston. Katnn. Allegan. Ionia 8 frl—Will M. Boren. lalagsburg. on professional buaineM the first of the week and over Sunday. heed until the sure word of Protihecy” Cenesee. Saniitoc. Tuscola, Oratiot, 3 frl—Perry I, Rarneby. St. Johns No. 11. the week. J. R. Mcl'oU of Detrok is spending 2 Pet. l-iJi Isabella. Newaygo. Clare. Benzie. 3 frl—F. B Hall. Elsie No. 19. R|LBT TOWlfftHIP. Mrs. (t. M’. l*ort returned to OrW the week with Ms wHe and daughter Sunday nchcMil at .\oon. Prayer Kalkaska. Charlevoix. Fhnmet' and OFWITT TOWNNHIT. Friday after in>endinjc a few days in at the'home of A. J. Baldwin. Meeting Thursday evening. Alcona. A. .Mclibiony srill be in fhl» city Sunday xch| snd Preaching Ser- IMst. No. Name of Director and postofflce. St. Johns The opinion in Jackson, ('alboun. IMtt. No. .Name of Director snd postofffee. tlciober 17. Leave orders for piano vire^ St liengsl-Klley as usual. Sun ­ (tenesee. Sanllsc. Is that those coun ­ 1— Bottfried F. Ottmar. Merle Beach 12. Mlaa (lrar«‘ Marsh of Syrariise. Y. r>—Ihiaiel Stampfly, Bath .No. 25. tuning at H uim ’s drug atore. day P. .M. epectal music will be a ties will return to the wet column, 2— Fred Jalson. Merle Beach No. 12. Hpent last week visltinit relatives at feature. 6— Henry N. Webb. DeWItt. 2 frl—Roma Beorgia, St. Johns No. 3. Maple Rapids .Mrs W. K. Drewau of Commerce. es|tectslly Jackson and Calhoun; and some of the less-|iopulsted rtmnties In 7 — Jacob Keck. lanslag No. 5. 4 frl—August Wott, DeWItt No. 27. F C. Mason returned Sunday from a Oakland (*ounty, visited her daughter, MPTHlllllHT KPlHl'tlPAI. rHI'KI H. 8— P E Dunham. I.giilslac No. .5. 5—John C. Brace. DeWItt No. 27. .Mrs. J. t*. Flynn, this week, the above list also Indicate a leaning two weeks’ trip through Mlnnea«ka. Service* on Sunday as uaiisr Morn ­ Msioonwsrds. If sentiment expressed Is 9— Kdward Spaeth. Lansing No. 7. 8— N. Roger Pratt. Westphalia No. 2. Mrs. H, Burlingame returned Satur­ Missouri and Illinois. ing ■ubject. '('hrlstlan Syintaithv.” an indicator. 1 frl—V T. Briggs, lansing No. 5. 7 frl—C. E Berbertch, Merle Reach No. 18. day from Saginaw where she had been Mrs. J. K. Henderson raine from De­ K\«eiing eubject. ‘A .New Te*tament 8 frl—I. M. Kaapp, Merle Beach So IS. troit Tuesday to visit In the home of attending the i*TthlaD tx>nvention. Hero " The Ktiworth league will meet V IMLLAH TOWNAHIP. Mrs. W. H. VauCoiiiuint left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Henderson. herenfler at 1^> the service lasting Dist. No. .Name of Director and postoffice. TirrOR TOWNSHIP. Mrs. ^klnl (*rawfOrd and baby re­ for Idltle Falls. N. V.. to visit her mo ­ Just on* hour All tuher service*, the SHMilSSE MUST 1—Frank Hufnagel. Fowler. turned to Detroit Tuesday after a ther and «gher relatives aiul friends. Sunday ’*cImk *I. Brotherhood, etc., will IMst. No. Name of Director aad postofflce. 3—William Rlsler. Fowler, ahon vialt srith Ht. Johns relatives. I. .N. Kaegle and Mr. and Mrs. Bert meet at the usual hours Viators to 1— Jas B. Craae. Ovid No. 17. STMD'IISPECIIILTIK t;—Arthur P Stow. FVvwler. hkiegie and daughter of Kureka were the city, new comers, and in fact all The Misses Besttrice Barlow. May 7 —Tha* Fsndel. PVvwler. 1 frl—Oeorge Holden. St. Johns Babcock and Helen .Marshall visited gueats of St. Johns relatives .Sunday. , will find a cordial welcome to our 2— Frank Giffels. Laingoburg. services .Nil MIINKY IN TH»:AMrHY AVAIL- A—William J. Thelen, Fowler. Miss Kdna Hsriow In Ionia Saturday. .Mrs D. 1,. kiaegle and .Mrs. M*. N. A—Henry Shafer. PVvwler. 3— Beorge W. Allen. Laiagsburg. StfK*ker were in Owoaao M’ednewday Iton't forget lb* «|tecial annoum * - AHLK FIIK HTBIIkL.F.\PKNMBH. 4— Ctolvin Setoon. laingsburg. Mrs. Rura Bixby has returned to ment. l*rof (* X. Roberts, s skillful 11— Benrgc Miller. Pewamo. —Albert Miller, Laing^urg. Hnntla<- after a short vistt in Bt. Johns attending the meetings of the W. K 12— W, H. Snelling. Fowler. blind musician, a graduated of the 7 — Ai. Parker, laingsburg. srith her mother and other relatives. X'ebraska I'niversliy school of miiaic. There is no moacy in tbe Shlawas- .Mr. and Mra. Kaos Bllssard were in 8— D. L. Stichler, Merle Beach. Mrs. Joseph Buaxks of (Ivid and will preside at the organ next Sunday. oee county treoaury to pay the bllto EAflLR TOWKHHIP. 9 frl—None elected. Mrs. H. H. ilreen of Carlaml were Maple Raidds .Sunday where they vis­ Incurred incidental to the Brand ited the former's mothe^, Mrs. Mary Dlst. guests of Mr. and Mrs W. 11. uble at Durand this No. .Name of IMrector snd posioffice. Btiamrd. summer. nllw aggregating SS..'’>30.38 1 frl—Ohms. H. ('lark. Eagle .No. 30. WATBBTOWII TOWIfSHIP. Friday. Dutdain RH>le srtoool at 10 o'clock Mra. Frank Huriwy and children have been rendered aa a consequeace 2 frl—M M. Jones. Brand Ledge Mias Mabel McKinley is in I.jilngs* preaching at 11. followed by the com ­ ba\e gone to lAacoln, Nebraaka. Mr. of the anil for troopa. and there are Dlst No. .Nome of Director and poatofftoe. burg this week, the guest of Dr. and munion service. 3— Hanison P. Doty. Engle No. 30. Hurley will go later and they will pro ­ more to come. There la alon a bill 4— H. C. Patrick. Hagle No. 31. 1— King Lae. DeWItt No. 29. Mrs. D. p. Austin and Mr. and Mrs. C. St. Johns RIble school at I0;30. bably reside in Nebraaka. for $600 for the service of opeclal dep ­ .V-M. R Hill. Eoirle. 2— Theodore Stoll, No. 7. R Bailey. Preaching in the evening at 7:00. All uties. A special tax muot be levied. 8 frl—M. W. Whitmore. Eagle 31. 3— H. Melvn King. Laast^ No. 4. Mr. and Mrs. A. (>. Jones and Mrs Mrs. Mary .McVeigh returned to her| are weicosD*. The board of supenriaorw now In 9—Henry Hewsoa. Bagla No. 29. 4— William Workman. DeWItt No. 21. O. P. DeMfItt went to Detroit M'ednes- home in Ithacw Wedaeaday after vlah- ssmlon shows a dispooitlon to buck 10 frl—Eldorus Barlock. Eagle No. .30. '•—Frank King. laaoiag No. 4. day. They will return this iThurs­ tng her mother. Mrs. Andrew Fell, and KIN4i*S BArHHTBKH. tbe bill which the State Is demanding 8—Edward Wlaegar. DeWItt No. 29. day! morning Sigler. Mrs Huy White. At the Htate convention of King's for the mobllizntion of two battalions 10 frl—Cbos. Summers. Lansing No. 7. Your watch will be ( KtoieX TOWNflHIP. Mrs. H. B. Kneeland and Mrs Mur- Daughters and Sons held In Durand of National Huard at Durand during promptly and prot»-i rltt Frink left IVednesday for Bteu- hmt week. Mrs R. H Steel of this the strike. The auditor-general sent Dlst. No. .Name of Director aad postofflce. WESTPHALIA TOWKHHIP. perly repaired if benvllle. Ohio, to visit their niece. city wra* elected one of the delegates the bill in several days ago. It was left with 1— K. 8. Jury. St. Johns No. 9. .Mrs r.eo Miller. to represent Michigan at the national Immsallately announced at the county 2— Frank Warren, St. Johns No. 9. IMst. No. Name of IMrector aad poatoffice. Mrs. Bertha DeVriee who hae been Mr. attd Mrs. L. K. Stowe of Detroit conference to be held in Haltimore sent that toe bill would not be iiald .3- (leorge Campbell. St. Johns .No. 10. 1— Theodore Hengel, Westphalia. some time this month. .Mrs. D, H. spending a few weeks with friends at were guesta of the latter's sinter. Mrs. at imee. The SbUe will be asked to 4 frl—B. M. Snyder. Maple Rapids 2— -Anthony Snitgen. Westphalia. Newberry returned tt» her home near W. KninM>as. Saturday while en Hunt was apitointed a member of the furnioh. through Bov. Warner, affl- .V -Bari Jones. Fowler No. 22. 3— C. L. Avery. Hagle No. SO. , • ••xecttflve l•oa^d. The other delegate Bt Johns Ftids). nuite from lanslng where they bnd itarlts ahowring that troopa were really 7- A E Chase. St. Johns No. 1. 4— William laanenuin. Kogle No. 21. from this state who will attend the Mrs. 8. (Mtteniiole of Dwosso ac­ Ireen .itiending a regimental reunion.. ordered by competent authority, and A—C A Mathews, St. Johns No. 10. 5 frl—Joseph Campbell. Portland No. 23. Baltimnr* me««tng i* Mrs S K Diltx the auditor general will atoo i>e asked companied by her e from out of the city wbu attended the of .St. Johns to visit St Johns friends ProseriMlng Attorney Hicks will b« funeral servicen for Mrs. H, W. Hol ­ expected to see If any legal flaws ran ton Saturday wer* Mr. and .Mrs. C W. Mrs. Richard .Bnow of lainsing. a MRS. J. M. MIHDNFY IIFFHATFB tie picked In the bill. The county is i-khiy of Middleport, .N. Y.. .Mr. and former resident of 8t Johns, was In I'PHN. still divided over the ne«'eaaitY of call­ the dty Ttiesday 'm route t«i Fowler Mrs .Ion Hardy and son and (Seorge ing out the troops. where she Is visiting friends Holton of I>eiroU, Mrs. ('barles Kston Mr* .? NV Fordnev of .Saginaw, wife of Congressman Fordnev. underwent This is the uime f sufiervlaorv have sine*- and Mr. and Mrs (' A Henley the number from tbe local OMer of statement after the o!»eratlon. "Mrs refused to airthortze the payment of ' IN BUTTING CONTEST SOUTH mm LEHGUE Mrs Henry IMImer went to firand lOastern Star wltu attended the (irand Fordnev is recovering nicely The the obligation It now remains to be Shoe^of Rapids M’edneaday lu visit her dau ­ Chapter in lainaing this week. Mrs. operation was a •‘erlous one and she seen whether the tmand can put one ghter, Mlsa Ruth l*almer. who is in J. O Wise. .Mre Rnimet Nichols. Mrs Is very III Hhe suffered cnnsidershle over on the State and not loiy a bill HK.4TW rilHB 1910 HKRIKH. Til IIKCIIIE PENN.I NT R.ICE. Mrs. M. Weller. Mrs. F. P Buck. Mrs A. B Bullard. Mrs. J. C. Flynn napers have announced that Mrs Mrs D. H. Hunt and Mrs J 8 Wol ­ and Mra C M. .Merrill. Fordnev |s nut of danger and pro ­ cott were sn»ng those from this city gressing <*t|sfsctorily l.nrry l.nlolr of the Cleveland Amer-1 Kalanuxoo finally oopped the pen- j QueJity K K (ioff of Onuiba. Neb., visited Iran l.

    ovB KPMnBrr llFITZliElillLD ' w HUS ROST nEIS (Co«llBU«4 flXNR 1.) HI*LR!«I»II> LM'TrKK nirSHK HowKrd Cro — of Laastms la I O tM oror Buadajr. Tb* ■-’raaeant aad Woman'a Prw- ffr^aalvc ('luba offar tbr propla of Urld Ct»u^ UoUu of BlMiMirdsville wm ~As tblnca In tbe state ara all lisht; oa* of tbalr boat outnbars oa tb** Ire- •a ihri6calior teturdax. aa time will cloar tbe atmoapbere and tan* coarar Krtdar ovraias- Thia ra- Wells Baldwin of Ml. Jobna wna in i brine ua a clearer undarotandlnit of Urtalnmaat will ba alvaa at tbe opera town tko laai of the w«wk. ouraalvea and our Inatitutloaa. ao are ^uar by Mr. aad Mra. Caia. wbo ara Ooo. WblU ban «old bin farm noutb- thinsa In the nation all rlebt; tbe and rug aecompltabfd muairiaaa. Tbar both writ of town to RotMTt liowr apliit of Inauinenry wbirb baa awept over tbe land will be our aalvntloa bav<> (larotad murb ttror aad oprat Mra Hi. W«al«> apo at part of laat' tbouMada of dollara In tbr atudy of w<<«k in Ht. Jobna wltb frlmd*. and not our undolnx: It bad to come inuali' and muateal laatnimrata of va- It baa come none ton quickly because liouA raoaa, I'opprlally tb<* Amrrlcaa ('ban. Waitr of Fliishlai; ba> b»en M>me of the iniereata of tbla grant ■fM*Bdiaj( a dam with bla motbar. i country who bad about come to tba whedier Indian. time—and Mr. on Its proa- > In tbe alaalajt of tbHr Maura and the rant. pertty throat, have been forced to ietj 3rou want playina of tbeir Inatrumeats that baa Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller of tensing «o *■ ‘1 ln«*inii»g of • new nig for the won tbeir admiration Thefr oollec were gueaia of t>vld reiatlvea over ‘^ngreaa. wblcb I hope and truat will Uon ear aa Indiana In Thursday to attend the reunloa of his Roosevelt: keep your eye on beautiful coetumea repreaentlnir vari- regiment. tbe political weather gage, but do not thorough saturactiem no matter what your requirements may be. forget that the nation will owe Roose ­ P oua trlbea of Indiana. .Mo worda or Mias flartnide Searles a|>ent Mon ­ velt a debt of gratitude for hit In­ pieturea mn adequately aet forth the day and Tuesday In I>e(rolt on a bus­ obam\ of an ••ntenalnment that la iness trip. surgency throughout the west this unique and pirtureaque with a roinbi- Don Daniels waa the guest of bis fall: he has no desire to become a nation of lecture, atory. aonp and In- ,m-t. Mr., ixlubc Hnillh. .1 Moll, ,'’,"••“”"*1 '^^"‘^.1' ‘’t 'J." atr’imenul mualc. unlike anythinx over Hunday. live longer in the hearts of bis ela»* >n the idatform t PYtd l^oeey returned from a vlalt countrymen for hla patriotism and Tbe price of aeaaon tlckeu is one reiatlvea In .\ew York aUle Frl- bla loyalty: for his unflinching de ­ votion to the caua*' of honesty In men HICKS dollar TIckata may be aerured of momlnit- JOHN in office and out of office; for the any member of the clubs. .Meadaroes U H. High and K. D. Ree- be were In Owoaao the last of the blows he has dealt the grafter and ST. JOHNS, MICH. MIHMIO^AKl MKKTim week on business. corrupt or In our liody {tolltic, than he 33 CUNTON AVE would to be their president for forty Tbe Ladies ’ Home Missionary So ­ Mrs M. n. Irwin of t'lare Is making terms. » a visit with her parents, .Mr and .Mrs. ciety of tbe Methodist church mat **l have t.een ainaxed at tbe puny Tu-sday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John .Htrasabiirger. .Mrs. .Mabel WIIHams was the guest little nnthing-lsnis in the press of the Wm II Hart, wbo residaa on Knot country claiming to Im* editorial senti­ Till: rKI THFrLNRHb III' RR.U'E. W’llllam street. After a abort bual- of her stater. .Mrs. Thomas Hyslop, a ••••••••••••••••••a #•••••••#•••••aooowooowwosssssss few days of laat week. ment. raising the question of harm neae meeting during which the follow* (oming to business from some of the The financial difflculllos which a Frank I.ieVan of Chicago has been lag officers were elected' Pres., uti»*rances of Ronaevelt. Ha all iMfsh; few years ago reduced Mra. Carewe home for a short time to visit hla Mrs R. J. Sle«: let vice pres.. Mrs. the rniintry is sound In Its business and her daughter Grace to the slend ­ mother. .Mrs A I... le^Van John Mentor: 2d rice pres., Mrs. N relationship; we have an abundance erest incomes have but served to Missea Margaret Woodworth and W Tenka: recording secretar). Mra. <»f money; everylMMl) Is busy aad bring out their gifts and graces- so h^lDs Parrish of Ryron spent Saturday H Moore: correa|M>ndlng secretary. ther* was never such proaierlty since M. K. rHI'Kf'H XMTRK. say all their friends MteK Anna I>e\Vltt; treasurer. Mrs. Sunday with tbeir parents we l»e«-sme a nation; the only thing .Mrs Csrewe has developed a per­ Miss June WiSvster went to (iraod Ther* will be Sunday school next Jennie IHIts: Mrs. John Mentor took which was banging like a nightmare Sunday at eleven o'clock, the usual fect genius for ‘‘making over" dress ­ Drain Tile Rapids Thursday and visited until the oharge of th*- program Tbe topic. about our necks was thos.- men high es; and Gra('«' well, p.-rhaps her real first of the week with friends. hour Everyone is Invited to attend "Spanish Speaking People of Ameri­ up In the roiimlls of the land who There was a go reatlng as well as •Mrs Ralph .Mason and son Arnold were trying under color of law to rob With which she wears the nuide-over i>f Reldlng visited at the home of 'Mr. .Suhday school last Sunday instrtictlve. Ixwfleta were rttul by us of our Inheritance; who cried stop The I-adles' Aid .Society mH at the things For It might be rather dif ­ Mrs Jennie Dllta, Mrs Anna Pearl and .Mrs. (!eo Arnold laat week thief at every Jump: who asaall«*d ficult for a pretty young girl to wear Mrs. (irabam Hunter returiwil Frl- home of W H. Sneltlng's last Tuesday We have on hand a large supply of and Mrs. Julia Jenks The meeting • very man who dared to think differ- afternoon, the same dresses, year after year, in waA then adjouimed until .N'ovember arents Tony Fox was in St Johns on hiial- RtlKliKR TO THi: nil'. of thes*' dishonest and corrupt public taet Friday. summer camp* where you "go back Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Damon eop|e are after them and let us on ’he wardrob*'. er of W. R. Bbaw of this village, was ing a two-weeks' visit with relatives biiaineaa last Wednesday. elected prealdent to fill the vacancy all proclaim* our inde{»endence and Gust AItvaler waa In Ht. Johns on A group of tbe campers was chat­ In Dundee. N. Y , returned home Tuea- determination to aid as best we can ting In Mrs Carewe s tent <»ne morn ­ caused hv the death of Morris L. Wil­ day busineas last Wednesday liams in the final clean up; let us not loosen A. Willyoiing wna in Ht. Jfdina on ing. when a new arrival Joined them. Mrs Henry Rmltherman of Detroit Hh« bad come onl> two days before, ' The election of Mr. Shaw to that our grip on the man or men who huatneas one day last week. Is in Ovid making a visit with her sla­ and was already enthusiastic over offtc- Is a fitting tribute to tbe man hafe proven themselves both faithful Mra. Joseidt Fox was tn HI. Johns ter. Mrs. Reo nieaann and other rel­ and honest; let ua get Iwck to founda ­ the camp. as w. iI as A recognition of tbe fitness atives. OB biislnesa one day last week. tion roek where we preached that ".And It such a good place." she of th* rhlng." said a banker after the Mr and .Mrs. K. C hidmonds of Ren­ Mrs. Tyler Georgia was in HI. Johns al-^ctton was announced. .Mr. .Shaw . _ . . j . *ti honest man was the noblest work on buainesa laat Friday morning said, finally, completing the Utt of Johii Hicks ton Harbor were entertained during „f dishonesty and w-nt in the Old First .National aa a .Mrs lYank Hlmutoss was. in .St. virtues, "to wear out one's last yaar’a the iMist week with Dr and .Mrs. (). R things " meuaengar and be worked bla way lo ciunpbVu (orrupiion had taken such a hold of Johns on business last Wednesday. "Yes. Indeed." asscnt>*d Grace Car­ th- top. Mrs Stephen Harvey and son Ken- us that something more than body Dr E .Schemer was In HI. Johns on blows were necessary to giv ua poll- huslnesa laat Thursday afternoon ewe "Tm Just reveling in my old ^»*p- of lauialng onme Saturday to clothes here" tical fre»-doni " Mra Tony Fox was In Ht Johns on ' spend a few weeks Witt Mr. and Mrs After the newcomer has gone, Mra gtvtag Mr. NMlilams first place at tbe Cross. business laat Wednesday afternoon (‘arewe began to look worried, so heao of Che new institution. It Is ftt- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ l-ucene Hturgla was In Ht. Johns on Mrs. Alie«‘ Richmond of Detroit baa much that her daughter solicitously Uog *hai he should succeed to the ♦ ♦ business last Wednesday afternoon. lH*en visiting at the homes of Dennis asked what tbe trouble could be presidency now. ♦ i:\MT RKSTPH.tM.t. ♦ Miss Florence Kast>er was in Ht Covert and Frank .Scofield, for the "My dear. I didn't quite like what Mr .'UuAw has an interest in the ♦ ♦ Johns on busineas last W«-dnesday paat week. you aald to Mrs. Rannock. Df course Oviu Elevator Company In this town. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Miss Irene Hchemer waa In Ht I Mr and .Mra. U Patrick were called the didn't say that you had a tniak- front their home In Clare on account Johns on busineas the first of tiriCTLT RED. .Mrs T-aiini Rrare G on the sirk Hat. ful of new dresses, as she has, but of the aerloua illness of her mother, week didn't you really leave the Impress­ Planning what they supposed would .Mrs Daniel I.,ewls. Mrs John TIedi ia also on the airk -Mrs. K K. Moore of Merle Reach won ’t lake you verv far— list ion ( )nf st»'|» b> a }oke and aurpiTae on tbeir Jrieoda Mr. and .Mrs. Tbos Htanton and visited Mrs Dr. K. .Hchemer laat "Mother." .xaked Grace, with dig ­ to keep on walkin^J. Mla« Anna Ktserman, daughter of Mr. children were visitors at the honu of The Infant son of Mr and Mrs Jas Thursday afternoon nity. "what did I say to Mrs Ran- Yturve ina Mrs. Jacob Hlaerman of Victor her slater. Mrs. Win. Hankins tn Kerr la very sick. Albert Martin has purchased the u«*ck^ and .Mr Hdward Anderson of this vil­ Inven ­ won ’t telLlolks what you are- Flushing last week. I^w MarletU and family were .Hun- Mock of the Hturgla I>rug Co "You said, iiry child, that you were (Jnt* word lage were married Monday afternoon tory Is now being taken •Mrs. G. G. Case and son Jack of day rialtora at Wm Rrace’s ___ _ „ . ’J"** reveling' In your old things, as You'vf ^rol to keep <»n talkinj;: ia :H John*. However, the Joke was Jackooo, oftent the paat week with her John. James and George Rrace tran- .,Mrs4 . al daughter Ger-,„ difference between aldine of Ht Johns spent Tueaday turned on them for a number of their mother. Mrs Underwood, aad •later, sacted business at the (Mpital City One inch won ’t make you ver\’ tall- friend* gathered at the depot to greet Mra Edgar (Reason, Monday. eltb Miss Irene Hchemer. "Rut. mother, dear, there Is a dlf- them with a plentiful supply of rice. Mr. and Mra. l>annla Hyde and Mra. Mtw jrho baa been " nw ' you ’ ^vV'r know me“Vo jTot to keep on ^ntwinjj; Mr and Mra. John Fedewa spent You ’ve ... ^ ------Wm Hathaway speM laat week in visiting her mother, Mr* Lawrence one day laat week wMh their son Ed ­ Jas Woodworth was an Elsie caller ('leveland. Ohio, attending the reunion Martin. In Grand Rapida the past two (*«rewe. who. better than "ad ” won ’t do it all— ward, and family ()nf little of the Warner family. weeks, returned home Monday after- Omce’a girliah lore wqmo m ss Mrs Jake Hoemer and obildren of noon You ’ve jiot to ketrp ’em jjom^:. Mra. Geo. Ueardalee waa lo O I Winifrsd Ashby went to at. ... # w 1 pretty thing* and the apeetes of ***u “"***' rTiarlea and visited over Hunday with Grand f..e- and daughter Kt- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ta, who have been vislilng for the iiaat ♦ KiHT RII.F.T. ♦ "You're so cold," she i»rnte*i>d OFFieSANOEUXIRo'SBINA. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ''fb*r m*n i»*v me homage though f five months with the former's brother. ♦ RKWITT. ♦ John Terr). In Aurora. III., returned efk It not Rut vou wh' I* it you IHKH CNAeiES (ME ID TORN RGSUIAR ♦ ♦ never -r« ni I** to care*" home laat week. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ■MTS DMiy. SO THAT ASSISTANCETO I) B Hhe)uird, wh«» waa Injured at ______Mla> R<>aler was home over Hundav T*. renMv •• he ^aill "It I* beat that Hhepardavllle « few mosth* ago by M,.^,.ral from DeWItt attended the O. K. Robson was In .Ht John* Tuc*- I ahnuld tell you The fart Is. I MURE Wy K 6RADUAU.V DISPENSED day worked for several year* In a dru*. ; ^••Ing knocked down by a team of f|,|,o,i*| of John Welintan last Wednea- •'tore ■■ j wm NNEN AO UM6EII NEEDED. AS THE horaes. ba* gone to Harper hospital at Fred .Nuffer ba* purchased a new Brass Detroit for treatment horse, Mflirr I'l, 1 >*» GIHMl TO Hg tSM. ^ BEST OF REMEDIES. WHEN REOUIRED .Mr and Mra. Herman Woodworth .Mr. fhiMerllne aad son Orria of Ma­ Wm Cole and wife srrent Tuesday CE1D ASSIST MURE AND NOriD SUP and children, who cane hare from Rl- ple Rapida visited Mr and Mra. Sam­ In Bl Johns ma. Washington, tn make a vlalt with uel Tucker Wednesday Orel Hildreth, carrier «wi Merle ’ a-t “I’ndsT." said the mystified ^ PUNT THE WnURAl fUNcnoNs imcn f“we bsd Mile Tretavanlo. th<*; Beds Mr vsd Mr* R H Woodw o rth, left Reach 12. drives a swell new wagon Mr. Rnrgdurfer of Hattie Creek was •etma <1nnnM In our choir The church ; m MSI HPSID HnNATEiy UPON PROPOI last Tbursda) for Hsattla. a guest at the home of Rev. and Mr*. Mrs. Fred Jason la speadlmt some time In Port Huron attending the •“•t ack' d hut our collection wa* I 'IrrffI On Wednesday of loot week a little Flober Wednesday nlpcht. erv •'mall I can ’t understand It " * .Art* more popular MNNSIMCNT. PROPER EFFORTS AND daughter came tn the home of Mr. aad miaalonary con veal Ion. Mr. aad Mrs. Marl Tuckor were "Fa*llv srenented for." said the ||l- Mra Grove Green of Hmratmll. Mra. Mra J M Hamer la coring for her than rvtrr h«rlorr* and MONT UVme CENBTAUY. guaota at the home of Mr. and Mra. tlr Mian with the sertuntiniring eyea. j daughter. Mro Wm. WeattnoreAaad. In 4 .J Green Is the eldest daughter of Mr. Fred Tucker at Prairie Creok Wednes ­ ♦he lad) •■ang so eff^tlveiy that abe the prices on them 1l«r rn eoRncML cprsTvAuMTs Wf me and Mrs I^eRoy DeLnVergne. aDIMK.9RMMwfl« AMD EUKM«rSCMIA day night. lauMdag who Is aary HI e-.*de everv man present feel that h* ~ are lower than last Roy Ralbhum aad wife aad son ‘’ed sM a big ••ntrance fe« to hear Mm ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4^♦w Married at tbe M. R. parooaoge Oorar opeat Huaday with Henry Boas year. Wr show many attractive patterns and the Wedaeaday night. her sing " prices on them an* ver)* low. : '•H-ri. VHIII.IIT. ♦ Rev. G. T. FMier offlcintlag. Marl Mlltoa Drake and family. Richard Tucker of DeWItt sad Mlaa Ruby Mil­ iO^AMOTTLt Welling and famfly at near Fowler, KXTHW tlU.NCi;. ler of Watertown Their laagy friaads Mr* Hd Rmwn aad •aas of laiaalBg wish theai good luck aad a happy life. '*ev. there I* no end to that man apent Run dar y with Hanrv Pitta and OoriMv'* • xtravaaanee*" Don ’t Forget We Sel Sellers Mr* Reita Kuhna nailed os Mra The sMertnlnnieat given at the M. family M’hal I* hi* latest freak*" riemma Roe Saturday aflcmoon W. A. hall Wedneodny night by Mr. "M’hy I’m told that he ua* alt hi* Mr aad Mra Kmeol Kiibne spent Rurgdurfer of Rattle Creek wm at- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ mna< N washeil in a hand laundry "— Kitchen Cabinet. -iusday In Ht Johns wRh hOe brother. Ir??. ._T.* fall house aad was en ­ g * ' Icv'iand l.tader SLYE John Kuhns joyed by all. Mr Rurgdurfer kopt hla ♦ HOITM flRFr?fRI'BH. ♦ Mr aad Mra. Hd. Peck spent Bunday * “ * good humor froai atari evening with hla parenia, Mr, and Mrs nnian. Ns Wonder Rkehi rrass. £. /. HULL le andar Peck The woman wbo hai a thotioand FURNITUKE AMD UMDEItTAKJMC Mr aad Mrs B K BtormheRg took 1 lag Bunday Mr and Mr* R H petty care* and annoyanres while the IS CLINTON AVENUE SatkfMctioa Gaimnt —d dinner wHh Mr. aad Mra Harty Pm- FnrOiaa took dinner with Mr and Mra •uffera with headache or sfdeocbr ; teraon Buaday CASTOfUA Dave Hhaw la M Johns mutt not he blamed If she cannot al- Mra Celia WIlUama of Ithaca l« Mr aad Mm. P A Rmnd and two wnya he angelically amlaki*. What IONIA, MICH. • spending the weak with her parents, ckUdrea. Rutg and Rainh. of Oakwood ake needs la tkoughtfulaeoa from her i Mr and Mra Alherf Ranai IMIhiTglM Ohm rialted fragfi Rngday until Tnaa- family aad such a riaapl* und aotaral Mra Alhsrt Baum and dan- day foreiwwin with Miatr enwsina Mr remedy aa Igge ’a fhmily Wadlatne. I gkter. Mra Wolawd Flam. rKumad aad Mrs I* G. Fklppriiy. Mr. aad Mr* tba herb tan that nmkaa weak woman ItT^ Will Hafiy aad Mr. ngd Mrs T%ea Mrong and welt. Maid by dr ug gM ta 1 two wsalM la Mkaaa. Marian mM Clara 1 Try News Lners; Ceg a Wwi Hefty at 9L Jokna and daniera, Mn. *