STREET SPIRIT INTERVIEW WITH LEONARD ROY FRANK (7/03) Printed below is Terry Messman’s INTRODUCTION and INTERVIEW with Leonard Roy Frank (12,700 words) published in the July 2003 issue of Street Spirit (1515 Webster #303, Oakland, CA 94612;
[email protected]), a publication of the American Friends Service Committee distributed in the San Francisco’s East Bay region. INTRODUCTION Electroconvulsive Brainwashing The Odyssey of Leonard Roy Frank by Terry Messman Street Spirit Leonard Roy Frank's name is spoken with something approaching reverence by those movement activists, journalists, psychiatrists and psychiatric survivors who have come to know his work in exposing the abuses of psychiatry over the past 30 years. He has the bearing and intensity of an Old Testament prophet as he speaks gently and thoughtfully, yet with a deep urgency, of the countless lives that have been destroyed or irreparably damaged by what he describes as "psychiatric atrocities." Without hesitation, those activists who have built a nationwide human rights movement to resist psychiatric abuses compare him to past movement builders such as Gandhi and King. David Oaks, executive director of MindFreedom and a leading activist in the national movement of psychiatric survivors, says flatly, "Leonard Roy Frank is the Gandhi of the psychiatric survivors' movement. He's really helped bring a powerful spiritual discipline to this movement, similar to the work of Martin Luther King. Certainly in the 20th century, Leonard would be one of the foremost challengers of psychiatry, especially electroshock." Both in appearance and in his outspoken activism against injustice, Leonard somehow calls to mind such prophets as Isaiah and Jeremiah.