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One of the biggest advantages of using Oppenheimer products is that they contain a consortium and customized blend of micro-. This blend contains not only , Why are Important? but also includes a more versatile microbe group called Archaea. • Exist solely to recycle.

Archaea are a diverse group of organisms with their own unique type of DNA, different • Extremely versatile - breakdown a from bacteria. In many cases, they have developed mechanisms to protect them from wide variety of materials including hostile environments. fossil fuel hydrocarbons.

Archaea are found everywhere and make up an estimated 35% or more of our planet’s • Extremophiles - thrive in extreme . Bacteria and Archaea are and were formerly were lumped in the environments where other life same , but Archaea have since been given their own separate kingdom. Bacteria forms cannot exist. usually work under narrow conditions and will only work on one specific contaminant. • Are found everywhere and make up an estimated 35% or more of The Archaea in our formula can tolerate much harsher environmental conditions and our planet’s life. degrade a wide variety of hydrocarbons. These microbes recycle simple, complex and • Theorized to represent the chlorinated hydrocarbons into natural compounds . Crude oil is one such example. majority of soil microbes.

What are microbes?

Microorganisms (microbes) are organisms that are too small to be seen

by the naked eye. Microbes have

evolved a variety of enzymes to break down contaminants, using them as an

energy (food) source.

The role of a microbe is to recycle the 7 million organic molecules of life. They

are the greatest natural waste disposal

workforce on the planet.

do they look like? What • Archaea look like bacteria,

microscopic and without a

nucleus. • They control their like a

, , or human.

• They are with no membrane-bound

(this means no nucleus, no mitochondria, no chloroplasts). The cells are dried by a proprietary These microbes have been selected for process and concentrated in an inert their affinity for hydrocarbons – both powder base, providing a concentrate biochemically and physically. that is easy to handle and ship. In this What is the state the microbes are dormant. For enhanced activity related to Oppenheimer Formula? microbial-substrate contact, only These mixed cultures are capable of The formula essentially consists of a hydrophobic cells are selected. oxidizing a wide variety of the natural multitude of naturally occurring The Formula ® has a wide range of hydrocarbon molecules. These communities of aerobic and micro- metabolic functions and possesses an hydrocarbons may have up to 60 carbon aero-philic microorganisms that have increased salt / temperature tolerance. atoms. been selected from worldwide soil and We cultivate the microbes in a secret water sources. process, and use oil as the sole carbon These communities of microbes have source to exclude potential pathogens to the ability to effectively recycle a wide man and . range of compounds by converting them into non- toxic components.

DOMAIN ARCHAEA – Oppenheimer , Inc. www.OBIO.com / www.obiproducts.com 512.474.1016 2

Oppenheimer How do microbes locate Formula - Highlights What the material they are  Highly concentrated do microbes need to work? degrading and recycling? (100 billion cells per gram) Our microbes were selected by their ability For biodegradation to occur in the to stay with hydrocarbons. As the  Naturally occurring hydrocarbon move in soil and water, the  5-year shelf life subsurface environment, the following microbes will move as well. It will move on basic requirements must be met:  Organic water surfaces and be diffused in water.

 Non- toxic Aquifer movement will spread the microbes. • Energy source and carbon source – However, when nutrients and substrate (e.g.,  Aerobic/Facultative organic carbon is utilized both as an hydrocarbons) are depleted, the product will  Dry, gray powder energy source by releasing electrons reduce in number.  NOT genetically, or during transformation and it is used by altered/freeze dried the for maintenance and growth. Microbes normally move towards the engineered or GMO contaminant. Movement is thus controlled  Activated either fresh water or • Electron acceptor – the electrons by the substrate so widespread movement salt water released by the carbon transformation to other areas is generally not anticipated. The environments of origin and application  Temperature range 32F-120F must be taken up by some other are interchangeable.  pH tolerance 5.5-10.0 chemical. Bioremediation deals with soils and water. Microbes are ubiquitous being transported in The cultures are routinely analyzed by an • Nutrients – for bacterial growth to the air, water, and by living organisms. independent laboratory for potential occur certain nutrients are needed (e.g., dangerous microorganisms and are nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and certified to be human, plant and animal many trace elements). happens when the pathogen free. What

microbes run out of food? • Appropriate environmental conditions – When nutrients and food (energy source) are microbial activity is dependent upon depleted, the microbes will reduce in many environmental conditions such as: number and they will return to normal How do microbes work? background levels.  temperature • Enzymes released by the microbes  carbon Basically the hydrocarbons are degraded to break the contaminant/organic fatty acids, which can be used as food by matter down into digestible pieces.  salinity (<25%) water and soil organisms, and then into • The contaminant/organic matter is  pH (5-10) environmentally benign components like consumed as food by the microbes  pressure carbon, carbon dioxide, base elements and and ends up as a soil amendment.  % of pollutants water. • The remains of the hydrocarbons,  temperature (32F-120F) such as carbon dioxide and water,  Once the hydrocarbon contamination is are harmless to soil. water (>10%)  degraded the microbes die and can be used oxygen (>3) as a food source by aquatic and terrestrial  space organisms. Oppenheimer microbes employ the concept  presence of inhibitors of aerobic co- by multiple strains of microorganisms, primarily the Archibacteria, selected from the natural environment for their collective ability to degrade hydrocarbon molecules.

These microbes are active in normal soil and water. Biogeochemical cycling of both inorganic and organic compounds, specifically hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons - back to their primary elements, carbon dioxide and water through an intermediary of organic acids and pyruvic acid cycle.