Vol. 117, No. 121 Monday, March 20, 2017 FIGHTTO THE FINISH

Photo by: Linsey Fagan/Collegian PAGE 2 | MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017 SPORTS THE B1G CHAMPIONS Peyton Jones, Liam Folkes lift Penn State men’s hockey Men’s hockey will face Union in to Big Ten tournament championship first round of NCAA Tournament, By Mark Fischer Penn State had difficulty setting up in the Bad- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN ger zone for the majority of the powerplay before team reacts to Selection Sunday Folkes buried a rebound from above the slot to put DETROIT –– Liam Folkes never received the the Nittany Lions on the board. The goal came By Jill Beckman bracket, coach Guy Gadowsky same praise and acclaim as some of his fellow right as the powerplay expired and fellow fresh- and Mark Fischer stepped into the hallway to take a freshmen throughout the regular season. man defenseman Kris Myllari and forward Bran- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN call with ESPN’s John Buccigross On Saturday night, though, he etched his name in don Biro picked up assists on the goal. as the crowd at Letterman’s fol- the Penn State history books. The Badgers, who are led primarily by 2016 first All eyes were on three televi- lowed along the interview on live In double overtime, Folkes took a pass at center- round draft pick Luke Kunin, heated up late in the sion screens in the front of the television. ice, raced down on a breakaway and slipped the first period. room, anxiously waiting to learn The Roar Zone was sitting at puck through Wisconsin goaltender Jack Berry’s Kunin’s linemate Matt Ustaski was all over the the Penn State’s destiny for the a long table toward the back of legs, giving the Nittany Lions a 2-1 victory, securing ice creating chances, but Jones kept the Nittany NCAA Tournament. the room, clearly waiting for Gad- their first-ever Big Ten Championship. Lions ahead after the first period. At Letterman’s, for an invite- owsky to mention the beloved stu- “I don’t know how I got that wide-open,” Folkes The second period didn’t feature much action as only watch party, Penn State dent section, and when he did, its said. “It was a really good pass [from Brandon both netminders fended away each shot sent their men’s hockey was joined by The members went wild. Biro]. I just made the move that I always go to in way. Roar Zone, the team’s student Liam Folkes, who was the hero practice.” Jones, who was magnificent throughout the section, several other fans and of Saturday’s Big Ten tourna- After playing the equivalent of over four games tournament, appeared well on his way to the third the media. ment Final with two goals includ- in three nights, the Nittany Lions were running on shutout of his career. The Nittany Lions locked up ing the game-winner, was put on fumes during overtime. But with 8:40 left in the game, Ustaski finally a spot in the program’s first- the spot by captain David Good- “Of course we’re tired. We played 13 periods [in solved the freshman netminder, scoring in tight to ever NCAA Tournament fol- win to give a speech in front of the three days],” Folkes said. tie the game at one.e. lowing their thrilling semifinal room.room. CCaught off guard, Folkes But freshman goaltender Peyton Jones bailed his From that pointt fforward,orward, WWisconsinisconsin tootookk tthehe wwinin over MMinnesotainnesota iinn tthehe BBigig was at a loss for words, and his teammates out over and over again to keep Penn game over offensively,vely, as tthehe NNittanyittany LLionsions fifinallynally TeTenn tournamenttournament sesemifinal.mifinal. BButut teammatesteamma later playfully teased State alive through the extra time. looked like a team tthathat hhadad pplayedlayed two overtovertimesimes wwherehere ttheyhey wouwouldld travetravell fforor tthehe himhim befobefore his interview with the During the first overtime, a puck soared over the night before againstgainst top-seededtop-seeded Minnesota.Minnesota. BiBigg Dance, and who thetheyy would media.media. Jones’ head destined for the back of the net, before Jones continuedd to tthwarthwart ththee faceface,, was unclear as the But FoFolkes immediately let the he reached back and swatted it away with his glove Badgers’ best efforts,rts, sendinsendingg PaPairWiseirWise ranrankingking reportersreporter know he was better at — one of many jaw-dropping saves for the Big Ten the game into overtime.rtime. — a statistical tool answeringanswerin questions than giving Tournament MVP. In 240:16 minuteses of actioactionn wwhichhich ddeterminesetermines speeches.speeche “A tight game like that, it’s definitely a goalie during the tournament,ment, Jones ththee tournament “I acactuallyt haven’t watched it duel,” said Jones, who made a career-high 51 saves. stopped 118 of 123 shshots.ots. fifieldeld — fluctu-fluctu- too mamanyn times,” Folkes said, re- About seven minutes into the second overtime The Nittany Lionsons were fa-fa- aatedted up untuntilil tthehe ferringferring his game-winner. “But I period, Folkes returned the favor. tigued during thee first over-overr- last coconferencenference was ggettinget a lot of notifications “It’s a nice move,” Jones said. “I’m not going to time, but Jones aagaingain kkeptept tourtournamentn a m e nt on mmyy pphone,h so everyone’s really tell you he scores on me every time [in practice], Penn State alive, stoppingstopping an-an- ggames.ames. excitedexcited forf us.” I’m not going to tell you he scores on me regularly other 12 shots in thehe extraextra ses-ses- The base-base- AlreadyAlread tournament bound, but he’s a good player and I’m happy for him.” sion. ment erupteeruptedd Penn SStatet locked up an autobid Folkes responded: “When I do score on him, I use Midway through oovertime,vertime, in cheerscheers as afterafter a 2-1, double-overtime win that one.” David Goodwin beganegan to EESPNSPN anan-- over WWisconsini in the Big Ten Losing eight players to graduation, and one more celebrate as if hee hhadad nounouncednced that TournamentTournam Final on Saturday to the professional ranks, Guy Gadowsky always scored the winnerer oonn the third-third- night.night. said he expected 2016-17 to be a rebuilding season. a puck he tried to jjamam seeseededded NNit-it- GadowskyGadow was unsure of his Not even the charismatic head coach, now sport- past two Badgers,ers, tantanyy LLionsions team’s cchances heading into the ing a playoff goatee, could’ve predicted that the Nit- but the refs immedi-di- woulwouldd heheadad FinalFinal aass the Nittany Lions were tany Lions would eventually be Big Ten tournament ately waved it off. to Cincin-Cincin- comingcoming off an emotional double- champions and NCAA tournament bound. Wisconsin hadd natnati,i, OOhiohio to overtimeovertime win that ended around Penn State will travel to Cincinnati, Ohio next multiple oppor-r- take onon sec-sec- midnight.midnigh weekend for an NCAA first round matchup with tunities to closee oond-seedednd-seeded “We hhonestly didn’t know if Union on Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Penn State out. UnioUnionn in we’dwe’d ggetet anything out of them at An exceptional season from an unheralded But Jones, andd ththee fifirstrst all,”all,” hhee ssaid. 11-member freshman class, combined with the the red iron framee rouroundn d AndAnd GGadowsky said he wouldn’t clutch play from upperclassmen and sophomores, behind him, kept thehe UUnionnion havehave blablamed the Nittany Lions if made it a reality in the program’s fifth year of Divi- puck out of the nett as (25- theythey ddecidedec to “coast” since they sion I competition. the teams headedd to 99-3),-3), knewknew theythe were already a lock for After taking down top-seeded Minnesota in a dou- double overtime. the NCAANCA tournament. ble-overtime thriller the night before, Penn State A defensive break-break- “But tthey had different ideas,” looked anything but exhausted to start the Big Ten down from the Badgersdgers wwhichhich won tthehe nana-- GadowskyGadows said. final. left Folkes, who wasas ro-ro- tional championship The ccoach referred to Satur- The Nittany Lions controlled play early, throwing tated in and out off the iinn 2014, is led bbyy a day’sday’s wwini over the Badgers as a pucks on net from every angle. lineup and had jjustust ppairair ooff ddominantominant “phenomenal“phenom physical feat.” Both teams tightened up defensively at about the three goals and nineine uppeupperclassmen:rclassmen: “What“What they did [Saturday midway point of the first period, but a devastating points all season, all sseniorenior MMikeike night]night] wasw tremendous,” Gad- open-ice hit prompted some chippy play from both alone in the neutralal VeccVecchionehione (62 owskyowsky ssaid. “And it comes from sides. zone. ppoints)oints) and them.them. IItt comes from the locker Alec Marsh went to retrieve a puck outside the He took a pass SSpencerpencer Foo room.room. IItt comes from how they offensive zone before he took a blindside, hit from from Biro before (60 popoints).ints). feelfeel aaboutbo each other and how Wisconsin’s Aidan Cavallini. Marsh appeared shaky ending the mar- BBothoth aarere theythey feelfee about Penn State Uni- as he made his way back to the Penn State bench athon game, and amonamongg tthehe 10 versity.versity. Because there’s nothing and locker room. Marsh took a beating Saturday weekend, for the HoHobeybey BakerBaker FFinal-inal- thatthat cocoachesa can say to get them night, as he was helped off the ice after regulation Nittany Lions. iists,sts, annuaannuallylly gigivenven motivatedmotivate at that point.” as trainers attended to his right leg. to collecollegege hockehockey’sy’s Just a minute later, the Nittany Lions went on To emailmail reporter:reporter: mmostost outstandinoutstandingg ToTo email reporter:r [email protected] and their first powerplay of the game as goaltender Pey- [email protected]@psu.edu. plplayer.ayer. [email protected]. ton Jones was tripped up by Wisconsin’s Cameron Follow himm on Twitter at MomentsMoments afteafterr FFollowollow ththeme on Twitter at #QKOÀVFKand Hughes. ##QKOÀVFKQKOÀVFK tthehe rereleaselease ooff tthehe #BMLOOEHFNPDQ

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MARCH 20 - 24 She also said they choose speak- “I think this Pride Week will Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ers who have impactful messages have a variety of events that for our LGBTQA students and many students can enjoy,” Kari their allies. Freudigmann said. “From a drag 2021 22 23 24 The Penn State LGBTQA is show to poetry to resume build- HUB Takeover #Blacktransmagic Pride Rally Pride March not the only organization hosting Check out various Come to the Old Main Meet at Boucke for events this week. Other events ers, students should be able to student orgs and ally Workshop find something that suits their Engage in steps for the annual the annual Pride this coming week include “Build- offices. solidarity work Pride Rally. March. needs.” 10am-4pm | HUB ing Your Personal Brand” from Pride week will kick off on Mon- that dismantles the 12pm | Old main steps 12pm | Boucke 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on March 20 Ground and 1st concept of allyship. Building Front Steps day with the LGBTQA Hub take Floors Angelica Ross in 223 Hub; a Networking Night over from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and a #Blacktransmagic from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on March 23 Genderf*kation: Founder of TransTech in the Business Building, and movie showing of “Gendef*kation: Performance Social Enterprises A Gender Emancipation” at 11:30 A Gender poetry, music, and speaks LGBTQA Prom on March 25 at 9 a.m. in 134 Hub. Amancipation good vibes. 8pm | HUB Freeman p.m. in 119 Theatre Building. On Tuesday, there will be a Movie viewing 6pm | HUB - PRCC Auditorium “Pride Week, for me, is a way #BlackTransMagik workshop at 11:30am | HUB 134 Library for our community to celebrate 1 p.m. in the Paul Robeson Cultur- our accomplishments as well as al Center Conference room and Ross will be speaking at 8 p.m. in everyone to get from Pride Week campus. It is a time to celebrate spread awareness,” Freudig- #BlackTransMagik performance Freeman Auditorium in the Hub. is that the LGBTQA+ community our community and the progress mann, LGBTQA Programming at 6 p.m. Paul Robeson Cultural Friday marks the final day with a is thriving at Penn State,” Sonya that we have made at our univer- Coordinator, said. Center Library. Wednesday there Pride March at 12 p.m. starting at Wilmoth said. “Our faculty, staff, sity.” will be a Pride Rally at 12 p.m. on the Boucke Building steps. and students can take pride in be- Wilmoth is the assistant direc- To email reporter: [email protected]. the Old Main steps and Angelica “I think the main thing we want ing able to be who they are on our tor of the Penn State LGBTQA. Follow her on Twitter at: @AbbiSales12. Jury selection for alleged Sandusky cover-up begins By Frank Esposito week in a Harrisburg courtroom. State’s focus on research during THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Originally Spanier’s co-defen- his tenure. dants — former Vice President He focused on this in his A former Penn State presi- for Finance and Business Gary “State of the University” dent will soon face a jury for his Schultz and former Athletic address in 2009. alleged role in the Jerry San- Director Tim Curley — faced the Spanier filed a lawsuit seeking dusky child sex abuse case. same charges, but pled guilty to damages from Penn State in Feb- Jury selection for the trial of misdemeanor child endanger- ruary 2016, as previously report- starts Monday ment charges, which carry up to ed by The Daily Collegian. morning in Harrisburg. a five-year sentence. Penn State previously accused Spanier faces three felony The two could testify against that when Spanier — Penn State charges for his role in allegedly Spanier in the upcoming trial. president from 1995 to 2011 — covering up incidents involv- Once the Sandusky case broke failed to disclose his knowledge ing Sandusky and the abuse of in November of 2011 Spanier of prior incidents involving Jerry children at Penn State. released a statement defend- Sandusky, he violated his duty to Endangering the welfare of ing Curley and Schultz. Spanier Penn State, according to court children carries a maximum initially defended Curley’s and documents. sentence of seven years and the Schultz’s actions in a press Penn State demanded Spanier conspiracy charge also carries a release, calling the charges repay over $6 million in compen- seven-year max sentence. against them “groundless.” sation for his alleged violations, According to the state’s argu- That release featured heavily as previously reported by The ment, Spanier’s alleged failure in the $13.9 million whistle blow- Daily Collegian. to report allegations of sexual er and defamation trial former The three former administra- assault in 1998 led to subsequent assistant football coach Michael tors were charged with conspir- assaults in 2002 and 2007 by San- McQueary won against Penn acy in regards to their alleged dusky. State in 2016. roles in the child Collegian file photo Spanier remains the sole Spanier presided as President sex abuse case. Graham Spanier and attorney Timothy Lewis walk into the court house on defendant after his two co-defen- of Penn State for 16 years. Span- To read the full story visit the first day of preliminary hearing on Monday, July 29, 2013. dants in the case pled guilty last ier attempted to increase Penn collegian.psu.edu OPINIONGarrett Ross Caroline Crasnick Maggie Elinsky PAGE 4 Editor in Chief Opinion Page Editor Business Manager MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017 Don’t leave older Americans behind In recent years, a growing essentially be an “age tax.” divide between generations has According to AARP Legisla- become apparent. OUR VIEW tive Counsel and Policy Director More and more members of David Certner, “The Republican generations past —the Silent bill to repeal and replace Obam- Generation, the Baby Boomers acare hits older Americans who and otherwise — have been bat- While members of the Millennial generation struggle financially the hardest.” tling with Millennials over who is It may be difficult to put the to blame for the most prevalent have their own battles to fight, it’s important to grievances with other genera- of problems in America. tions aside and brush off their It’s very easy to point fingers daily plights. While members of at those who came before you take older Americans into consideration when the Millennial generation have or after you when it comes their own battles to fight, it’s im- to many of today’s issues, to looking towards the future of the country. portant to take older Americans the point where it has almost into consideration when looking become a cliche — members of towards the future of the country. a younger generation who have It’s not only for your family led our country astray, or older major divides and “he-said, consideration. elderly people, as well as veter- members of older generations — Americans who have adopted an she-said” approach to the many Recently, President Donald ans and the poor. it’s a matter of empathy for your angry attitude and seek to blame generations that make up the Trump proposed a budget that In addition, the American As- fellow people. younger Americans for the na- American melting pot, members suggested slashing $3 million sociation of Retired Persons has Read proposed bills and pay tion’s shortcomings. of younger generations must of funding for Meals on Wheels, claimed that the GOP replace- attention to how they will affect However, in spite of these take something important into which provides food for many ment healthcare bill would people from all walks of life.

MY VIEW | CAROLINE BRISELLI Time to focus on town-gown relationship

Penn State’s town-gown rela- which attempted to restrict the “Most of us won’t be here to cast our ballots Scan the QR code to download the tionship with State College – number of people allowed with- official Daily Collegian app. or, perhaps, lack thereof – has in a fenced-in area – and which in State College during the primary election. been the sub- many students saw as an However, that doesn’t me that we are ject of much action to restrict day-longs. conversation Controversy like this stirs exempt from participating in the political this semester, action within the student com- Collegian Inc. James Building, 123 S. Burrowes St. process.” State College, PA 16801-3882 ©2016 Collegian Inc. especially as munity, and this is great – it’s we prepare for important to care about our Caroline Briselli a mayoral elec- local government. Columnist Board of Editors tion where However, we shouldn’t only Editor in Chief Garrett Ross longtime Mayor start caring when we feel that another surefire way to This year, you must apply for Managing Editor Hannah Sarisohn Briselli Elizabeth Gore- we are being treated unfairly. improve our town-gown rela- an absentee ballot by May 9 Digital Managing Editor ham will not be We need to fully participate in tionship, and a group of 12 and the County Board of Elec- Gabby Santoliquito on the ballot. the political system – from the Penn State students did just tions must receive your ballot News Editor Sarah Vasile At State of State 2017, UPUA start, the primary election – that when they sat down with by May 12. Assistant News Editor President Terry Ford spoke to and remain engaged community members to dis- If, during finals week, stu- Carter Walker the challenges of representa- throughout. cuss rioting in State College. dents took the time to apply Opinions Editor Caroline Crasnick tive local government in a col- This semester, much prog- Not all of their suggestions for, fill out, and send in an Arts & Lifestyle Editor Jenna Stoklosa lege town where the majority ress has been made towards were met with agreement, but absentee ballot, we could start of residents aren’t residing in student engagement in local Features Editor Jimmy Madden they were all met with dia- a tradition of becoming more Sports Editor Jill Beckman State College for the primary government. Penn State stu- logue, and we should be work- involved in our local Assistant Sports Editor Mark Fischer election – which falls on May dent Rylie Cooper is running ing to generate conversation. government. Photo/Multimedia Editor 16, some two weeks after finals for State College Borough This not only creates solu- With the controversial state Antonella Crescimbeni and commencement – and Council, with the addition of tions, but it shows that we are of federal government, many aren’t active voters in the gen- more downtown streetlights as invested in this community, people are more active Photo/Multimedia Chief eral local election, despite one of her primary priorities. despite only residing here for politically than they’ve ever Camille Stefani, Linsey Fagan being back in town. Inadequate lighting near stu- four years. been. Social Media Editor Waiss Aramesh As a result, our borough’s dent residences has been a Now, as we look to the end of However, don’t forget about Newsletter Chief Kasey Feather elected representatives aren’t long-running concern in the the school year, we know that getting active in your Copy Desk Chief Sam Ruland elected by the college students student community and having most of us won’t be here to local government. Copy Desk Assistant Chief who make up the majority of a student on the board to bring cast our ballots in State Col- Here, we can make a tangi- Brian Cunningham the town but, rather, by older this concern to the attention of lege during the primary ble impact on our community, Copy Desk Editors residents of the community. the council is an effective way election. and it can be as simple as Sydney Herdle, Kelly Chartrand, This unique dynamic is to get this issue resolved, However, that doesn’t mean sending in an absentee ballot Hyun Soo Lee brought back to our attention instead of continuing to com- we are exempt from participat- or showing up for a community every time the local govern- To contact News Division: plain about it. ing in the political process. discussion. News, Opinions, Arts, Sports, Photo, Graphics, The ment begins acting on a divi- If Cooper’s run is successful, As a result of the presiden- Daily Collegian Online and The Weekly Collegian sive issue, a topic about which lighting will just be the begin- Phone: (814) 865-1828 | Fax: (814) 863-1126 tial election, many of us are Caroline Briselli is a senior major- older residents and college ning – she will serve as a now registered in State Col- residents have markedly much-needed student voice on lege; let’s put that registration ing in history and is a columnist for different opinions. the council. to good use by casting an The Daily Collegian. Her email is Board of Managers In February, this came in the Dialogue between college absentee ballot before we leave [email protected] or follow Business Manager Maggie Elinsky form of a fence ordinance – students and older residents is for the summer. her on Twitter at @carolinebriselli. Advertising Manager Scott Witham Business Operations Manager Danielle Zatkos We want to hear from you verification. Letters should be opinion is determined by its als. Penn State students write Business Operations Assistant Manager signed by no more than two peo- Board of Opinion, which is made and edit both papers and solicit William Barrett Send us your comments on ple. Members of organizations up of members of its Board of advertising for them. During the our coverage, editorial decisions Creative Director Ander Andreades must include their titles if the Editors, with the editor in chief fall and spring semesters as well and the Penn State community. Assistant Creative Director topic they write about is connect- holding final responsibility for as the second six-week summer Cameron Mothersbaugh Email: editorinchief@ ed with the aim of their groups. content. The opinions expressed session, Promotions Manager Lucy Gordon psucollegian.com The Collegian reserves the right on the editorial page are not The Daily Collegian publishes Online: collegian.psu.edu Assistant Promotions Manager to edit letters. The Collegian can- necessarily those of Collegian Monday through Friday. Issues Allison Ulven not guarantee publication of all Inc., a separate institution from are distributed by mail to other Postal Mail/In Person: 123 S. Sales Managers Leen Obeidat, Burrowes St., State College, PA letters. Letters chosen also run Penn State. Penn State campuses and sub- Joe Brogna 16801 on The Daily Collegian Online scribers. Letters should be about 200 and may be selected for publica- About the Collegian Audience Engagement Manager words. Student letters should tion in The Weekly Collegian. All The Daily Collegian and The Complaints Alana Richardson include class year, major and letters become of Colle- Weekly Collegian are published News and editorial complaints Audience Engagement campus. Letters from alumni gian Inc. by Collegian Inc., an indepen- should be presented to the edi- Assistant Manager Matthew Fowler should include graduation year. dent, nonprofit corporation with tor. Business and advertising To contact Business Division: All writers should provide their Who we are a board of directors composed of complaints should be presented Advertising, circulation, accounting and classifieds Phone: (814) 865-2531 | Fax: (814) 865-3848 address and phone number for The Daily Collegian’s editorial students, faculty and profession- to the business manager. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Vol. 117, No. 121 Monday, March 20, 2017 the MAT DYNASTY Photo by: Tom Gannam/AP PAGE 6 | MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Penn State wrestling claims National Championship By Tyler King sylvania scored the next 18 points After Retherford and Nolf did THE DAILY COLLEGIAN of the match, rolling to an 18-2 what they were expected to — tech fall at the 6:42 mark. pick up another bonus point win Only one word can describe the “Everyone gives up points here — Vincenzo Joseph headed to the wrestling program Cael Sander- and there,” Retherford said after mat for a match not many thought son has built over the last nine the match in a Trackwrestling. he could win. years in Happy com video. “But you have to deal The redshirt freshman won Valley — dynasty. with the hand you’re given and two tough, hard-fought matches WRESTLING After one of the keep rolling.” to advance to the finals where he most dominant The tech fall victory in the fi- met up with Martinez, the man team performances in recent nals gave him his second national who made the jump to 165 pounds history at the NCAA Champion- title at 149 pounds and his second this season and beat Joseph twice ships, Sanderson and the Nittany bonus point victory in an NCAA this season. Lions have distanced themselves final. But the native from the rest of the college wres- Retherford finished the tour- wasn’t about to let Martinez beat tling world. nament with four tech falls and him for a third time. Eight members from Penn a pin and was named the 2017 Joseph entered the third period Tom Gannam/Associated Press State made the trip to St. Louis to NCAA Championships Outstand- of the match, tied with Martinez Penn State’s Vincenzo Joseph wrestles Illinois’ Isaiah Martinez in the compete at the NCAA Champion- ing Wrestler. at five and started the period on 165-pound match in the championship round of the NCAA Division I ships, and five will head back to The win gives Retherford a the bottom. He quickly escaped to State College as national cham- 28-0 record on the season, and he regain the lead, 6-5. wresting championships, Saturday, March 18 in St. Louis. pions. earned the 2017 Most Dominant Martinez took a shot on Jo- “I remember calling my dad were going crazy, and that fed into The Nittany Lions had the Wrestler Award for his season- seph, but he countered and used over and over asking him if I the final match of the evening be- team title wrapped up on Satur- long dominance. the same inside trip that he used could pull my redshirt, but he tween Bo Nickal and top-seeded day morning almost eight hours The second man to take the to pick up late takedowns in his kept saying no,” Hall said. “But Gabe Dean of Cornell. before the championship round mat for the Nittany Lions on Sat- previous two matches. coach [Sanderson] and I ulti- Dean was the first to score in got underway, thanks largely to a urday night was redshirt sopho- This time he used it to put Mar- mately made the decision, and I the match, getting a takedown perfect 5-0 team performance in more Jason Nolf. tinez on his back. And just sec- knew it would pay off.” with over a minute left in the first the semifinals. Nolf’s redshirt freshman sea- onds later he shocked the wres- Hall dropped his first career period, but Nickal was able to Although the Nittany Lions put son came to a bitter end after fall- tling world with a pin at the 5:25 match late in the third period, but quickly escape and reset. on a dominating performance in ing to Illinois’ Isaiah Martinez in mark. he has improved greatly since Nickal took the lead for the the first two days to clinch the the finals at 157 pounds. “I feel like I got in his head the then, and on Saturday he did what first time with a takedown near title before the main event on This time around, however, no first time I wrestled him by stay- many thought he couldn’t. the edge of the mat and rode out Saturday night, the team’s most one came in the way of Nolf tak- ing with him for seven minutes,” Just to get to the finals, Hall Dean for the remainder of the impressive performance came ing his rightful place atop the po- Joseph said. “So coming into the upset top-seeded Zahid Valencia first period. He chose down to during the championship round. dium. match tonight I was really confi- from Arizona State. start the second period, quickly The Nittany Lions had a partici- Nolf used two tech falls, a pin dent. I fully believed I was going When he got there, Hall met up escaping and eventually taking a pant in the last five championship and a major decision to reach the to win.” with Ohio State’s Bo Jordan for 4-2 lead into the final period. matches of the night as the round finals on Saturday night where he While Joseph’s victory may a chance to avenge the overtime In one of the most exciting pe- got underway at 197 pounds. took on Joey Lavallee of Missouri. have been the most surprising loss he suffered at the Big Tens riods of the tournament, Nickal That gave defending champ Bonus points are always on on Saturday, true freshman Mark just two weeks ago. fought off multiple shots by Dean Zain Retherford a chance to get the mind of Nolf, and although Hall’s performance since Janu- This time around, Hall picked and held on for a tough 4-3 deci- things rolling for the Nittany Li- he wasn’t fully satisfied with this ary has been the story of the sea- up the victory over the third- sion to earn his first national ons and get the crowd pumped performance, he rolled to a 13-5 son. seeded Jordan. Hall fought off championship. up. major decision to capture first The highly touted recruit from Jordan’s last second attempts The Nittany Lions finished Retherford faced Missouri’s place at 157. Apple Valley, Minnesota originally and picked up a late takedown the tournament with 146.5 team Lavion Mayes in the finals, and “I was really excited to go out decided to redshirt his first sea- to win 5-2, joining Joseph as the points, which is a new school re- after giving up the first takedown there and score a lot of points,” son at Penn State, but Sanderson only Penn State freshmen to be cord. early in the match, he flipped a Nolf said. “I think I could’ve and Hall decided to burn his red- national champions. switch. scored more, but that will keep shirt in the midst of the Big Ten After Hall’s big win, Penn State To email reporter: [email protected]. The junior from Benton, Penn- me motivated for next year.” season in Iowa. 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Linsey Fagan/Collegian Pitcher Taylor Lehman (10) attempts to pick off at first during the game against Michigan State at at Lubrano Park on Friday, April 8, 2016. Penn State lost 7-0. Baseball suffers second series sweep of season Pardon My Planet by Vic Lee

By Matt Martell a shaky start in the first two in- their weekend total up to 35. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN nings, the freshman found his “When you’re not scoring any groove. He tossed 4.1 innings, giv- runs, not putting the ball in play, Most of Penn State’s young ing up one run, four hits and two not putting any pressure on the season has been defined by incon- walks, and was credited with the opposing defense,” Cooper said, sistent starting pitching, timely loss. “we let three quality outings go hitting and a suit- The lone run came in the sec- for naught.” ond inning when Blue Hens (11- The three outings Cooper was BASEBALL able bullpen. The two games 7) center fielder Kevin Mohollen referring to were the starts from Saturday against singled past first baseman Willie Bartels Sunday and Sal Biasi Delaware, though, contradicted Burger to drive in Diaz Nardo. and Justin Hagenman Saturday. what had been a motif for the Nit- Nick Riotto threw out Delaware Altogether, the three pitched 16 by Hilary Price tany Lions most of the young sea- catcher Brian Mayer at the plate innings and gave up four runs, Rhymes with Orange son: strong starts on the mound, on the single to end the inning af- though only one of them was ter Mayer ran through the third too many strikeouts at the plate earned. base coach’s stop sign. Nick Distasio relieved Bartels and shoddy relief pitching. Penn State had its chances to with one out in the top of the fifth Sunday followed the previous put some runs on the board in the and retired the next two Dela- day’s pattern when Penn State third and fifth innings. Braxton ware hitters. dropped the final game of the se- Giavedoni grounded out to short- However, the Blue Hens plat- ries against the Blue Hens 8-0. It stop with the bases loaded in ed two off Distasio in the sixth was the second sweep the Nittany the third after Jordan Bowersox when Nick Tierno tripled to lead Lions (6-11) suffered this season, walked and Conlin Hughes and off the inning and Jordan Glover the first coming to then-No. 1 Willie Burger reached on back-to- drove him in with an RBI single. ranked TCU in the opening week- back infield singles. Doug Trimble followed suit with a end. In the fifth frame, shortstop double down the left field line to “They outcompeted us all Logan Goodnight walked with score Glover and give Delaware a Mike Du Jour by Mike Lester weekend, played harder than we one out, and following a Bower- 3-0 lead. did,” coach Rob Cooper said. “We sox strikeout, Hughes walked as The final dagger for the Nittany had great starting pitching all well. Blue Hens starter Kevin Mil- Lions came an inning later when weekend, but we didn’t do any- ley balked the runners to second Glover launched a grand slam to thing offensively.” and third, but Burger struck out right field off reliever Tom Mullin. Starting pitcher Cole Bartels swinging to end the threat. was making his second start of The Nittany Lions struck out To email reporter: [email protected]. his collegiate career, and after 10 times Sunday, which bumped Follow him on Twitter at @mmartell728.

Men’s lacrosse on path Non Sequitur by Wiley to ‘making history’ By Paddy Cotter longest tenure was held by his happen. The Nittany Lions were THE DAILY COLLEGIAN father, Nick Thiel, who coached tied with Fairfield, 8-8. The his- Penn State for 22 years. toric streak was in the balance as Nick Aponte couldn’t quite Tambroni was starting to mold the last few minutes leaked off the pinpoint the exact reasons Penn an image of what he wanted his scoreboard. State had made history, after the program to become after his third After freshman goalie Colby team set a program season, and Aponte’s recruiting Kneese stunted a long posses- class was the basis of bringing sion by the Stags with a series of MEN’S record with an 8-0 WORD SEARCH start to the season. that image to fruition. saves, senior Mike Sutton made LACROSSE When asked what “One of the biggest reasons a bounce shot that hit the top © 2017 PuzzleJunction.com went into making was to start that new program,” shelf of the net. That goal was the history, the senior paused. Aponte said, referring to why he last of the contest and sealed this “A lot,” Aponte said. “A lot, a chose Penn State. “I saw this as 2017 squad into Penn State athlet- lot.” a potential team to be one of the ics history. The senior had certainly seen best.” The culture that has been cre- a lot over his nearly four years as However, Tambroni sold his ated through Tambroni’s mes- a . During his fresh- program to recruits by selling the sage and Aponte’s authentic lead- man year, he was in the trenches university. He based his message ership is bound by certain values. One of the most important for as his team was denied a chance off of his own belief that Penn State was one of the greatest en- this year’s team is ignoring the to make a mark in the Colonial vironments in college lacrosse noise. Rankings, historic streaks Athletic Association tournament. to be a student and an athlete. and media criticism can get in the He participated in the Big Ten’s That message, which Tambroni way of winning. first lacrosse season in 2015. He still delivers today, has resonated “There are some believers; celebrated when his team upset with high-profile recruits. there are plenty of doubters out No. 1 Denver and grieved when But recruiting was just the there,” Tambroni said. “So I think his teammate, Connor Darcey, beginning. The road to reaching it’s important for our guys just died in a car accident. Those this success wasn’t easy for this to focus on getting better day to are just a few moments that led year’s senior class. day.” the Nittany Lions to this historic “We’re digging every day over Tambroni and Aponte know mark. the fall, over the spring, for four what’s ahead. The Big Ten is the “We’ve been through a lot of years,” Aponte said “And we’re fi- strongest it has ever been, and a struggles over our years,” Aponte nally getting some results.” huge target will be on the backs said. After Darcey’s tragic and fatal of the top-ranked Nittany Lions at Aponte’s journey started with car accident, a new element was the start of conference play. Jeff Tambroni. The coach was in added to the team. The meaning “There still needs to be a his third year as head coach of of being a teammate was ampli- growth mindset,” Tambroni said. the Nittany Lions after replac- fied, and Tambroni’s image of “It’s important for our guys to ing Glen Thiel, who had coached what he wanted the program to look less about the historical per- the program for 33 years. Thiel become was even clearer. spective and save that for when had the longest tenure in the Saturday was the culmina- the season is complete.” program’s 103-year history and tion of the hard work and heart- led his team to a 7-0 start in 1992 break the Nittany Lions had To email reporter: [email protected]. before falling to Towson. The next suffered, but it almost didn’t Follow him on Twitter at @PaddyCotter. PAGE 8 | MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN WHAT’S GOING ON Your guide to movies, latenight, meetings & events at Penn State


COMING UP ARHS Movies Presents FREE NOW - THURS 5/4, Room 205 SLEEPLESS WELLNESS Student Health Center Thursday 10 PM Friday 7 PM, 12 AM CLASSES: Learn pilates & yoga basics with local instructors. Pilates & yoga can help you & Saturday 9:30 PM UHOD[DQGLPSURYH¿WQHVV ÀH[LELOLW\ Class Schedule: SPLIT Tuesdays, 4 PM - 5 PM - Erin Raupers Friday 9:30 PM & Saturday 7 PM, 12 AM (pilates) Wednesdays, 4 PM - 5 PM - Anna Engels (Note Special Show Times) (yoga) Freeman Auditorium Thursdays, 4 PM - 5 PM - Lilith Antinori )UHHZLWK\RXU3686WXGHQW3KRWR,' (yoga) Contact 814-863-0461 or [email protected] with any ques- WLRQV 3HQQ6WDWH6WXGHQW$ႇDLUV8QLYHU- sity Health Services)

RUN FOR SAT 3/25 9 AM, IST Building LATENIGHT THE RED 5K: 7KH ZDONUXQ ZLOO WDNH SODFH RQ WKH 8QL- versity Park campus of Penn State. The SWING DANCE: FRI 10 PM–1 AM, Alumni Hall 5K event will begin at 9 a.m. In addition to (Sponsored by Swing Dance Club) online registration, day of event registra- MANGA NIGHT: FRI 9 PM–1 AM, Room 306 tion will be available. Registration is $15 (Sponsored by PSAO) through March 6 and $20 there after. All those registered by March 6 are guaran- CREATIVE Color your own mini plastic teed a “Run for the Red” shirt, afterward CRAFTS: Baseball Helmet! while supplies last. FRI & SAT 9 PM–1 AM, Ground Floor (Student Red Cross Club) LATENIGHT FRI & SAT 9 PM–2 AM, BILLIARDS: The Break Zone (not a free event) LEIGH THURS 4/13 5:30 PM Lewis Katz Building Room 118 MOVIN’ ON Winner will play at GOODMARK: BATTLE OF THE Movin’ On 2017! FAMILY LAW 3URIHVVRU/HLJK*RRGPDUNRIWKH8QLYHU- BANDS: SAT 9 PM, Alumni Hall PANEL: sity of Maryland: Carey School of Law will be speaking at . Professor FOOD Sbarro: Goodmark will be a part of a panel also SPECIALS: FRI 9 PM–11 PM featuring Penn State Law Professors Jill $1.50 slice of Cheese or Pepperoni Engle and Dara Purvis regarding intimate Pizza (limit 2 slices per customer), partner violence. This panel will consist of $2.99 Pasta Special, and $1.79 for prearranged questions along with ques- any size Fountain Soda tions from the audience. Following the panel there will be a keynote address by Burger King: Professor Goodmark. Food will be provid- SAT 9 PM–11 PM ed prior to the event. 69¢ Hamburger, 79¢ Cheeseburger, $1.19 Double Cheeseburger, $1.99 (Family Law Society at Penn State Law) for 10-piece Chicken Nuggets, $1.29 Small Fries or Onion Rings, and $1.79 for any size Fountain LAST LECTURE WED 4/26 6 PM, Cybertorium Soda OF WOMEN IN 113 IST Building INFORMATION This event is sponsored by Women in IST WHITE Open Recreation SCIENCES AND and will honor retiring professors in the BUILDING FRI & SAT 9 PM–12 AM TECHNOLOGY: College of Information Sciences and Tech- ACTIVITIES: nology. The most voted professor will give KLVKHU ³/DVW /HFWXUH´ EHIRUH UHWLUHPHQW Light beverages and refreshments will be served following the event. All students within the College of IST are welcome to attend in support of the retiring faculty. (Women in Information Sciences and Technology (WIST)

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