Spotlight on East of Unexploded Ordnance Servicing Offshore

DECEMBER 2012 / JANUARY 2013 | £5.25


Wind Energy Network Skills gap initiative

We continue in this edition with 2 areas of interest...

• A general area where educational establishments are making considerable progress • Our next target area – Universities

Wind Industry Careers (WIC) Steering Group Our industry steering group met for the first time during RenewableUK’s event in ‘Spotlight On’ Glasgow recently. Strathclyde University was the very apt venue for the inaugural meeting and we pass on our thanks for all the East of Scotland present. The first meeting was merely to discuss Our regional focus in this edition We have received many comments from the issues and set policy for moving features the East of Scotland. We various organisations so we have selected forward – notes on our discussions will visited the area recently and there is a the most informative to give our readership be circulated in due course with a further very positive atmosphere. a balanced view within the industry in this meeting scheduled for February 2013 in edition’s lead article. London. We will keep you informed on As you will see it is a very substantial further developments. feature and the overall theme is one of Servicing offshore windfarms excitement and forward thinking which feature – part 1 will ensure Scotland is at the forefront of We have received so much interest to the wind energy industry – other specific this subject area that we decided to split areas of Scotland are planned for future the feature in to 2 separate parts. The editions. breadth of services and skills available by the companies involved is considerable. Moving on We keep hearing of companies and Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) organisations merging, taking on staff Rather a daunting subject area and one and also moving to larger offices, which is which we were asked to cover because of great news for the industry generally. its importance within the industry. As well as the subject area giving us a great cover We don’t like to miss out so we have image we feature articles and guidance moved too! – hence the new image of from our experts on the necessary tasks your editor in front of our new offices. involved.

Energy Bill and the Green Magazine and website Investment Bank interaction – QR codes With the recent publication of the You will notice that we have changed our Government’s Energy Bill and the official pink and green flashes indicating more launch of the Green Investment Bank, information online. QR codes have been the industry has certainly been given a substituted which means that you can substantial boost. scan the code with your smart phone and it will direct you to the featured company/ organisation micropage held within our website so that can learn much more in all sorts of formats. Duncan McGilvray Editor | Wind Energy Network 01 WIND ENERGY NETWORK

We were asked to cover the whole of Scotland, however we found that there Unexploded was so much going on that we had to split the area into 3 parts, to give interested contributors the opportunity to get Ordnance involved. UCover Image: Courtesy of RamoraXO UK The cover image was supplied by We will therefore be covering the West Ramora UK – quite a stunning image of Scotland and the North of Scotland in we hope you will agree. We have future editions been discussing this subject area with prospective contributors for some Servicing offshore windfarms time now and thought it worthy of a – part 1 special feature. This growth area has such long term potential in the industry, that we felt it Articles within the feature range from necessary to feature in more detail and general information to an actual case it has proved to be with far too much study following the procedures necessary editorial to fit into one edition. to make safe UXO found on the ocean floor – an occurrence which happens Part 2 is scheduled for the next edition. more often than the layman thinks.

Spotlight on East of Scotland Duncan McGilvray A wide range of articles from small Editor | Wind Energy Network companies to multi-nationals as well as organisations, educational establishments and membership groups are featured.


Page 46 Gearbox versus direct drive – the experts give their CONTENTS views

PAGE 4 Energy Bill and the Green Investment Bank – we Page 54 – Risktec, the leaders in the field, cover the reaction from the industry to recent continue their series developments Page 58 Skills gap feature – focusing on established progress Page 6 Your Industry News section starts here to meet the needs of the industry including our target area of Universities Page 16 Your regular events calendar and what’s new Page 64 RenewableUK 2012 – report on RUK’s annual major Page 18 Business Development section – regular advice from industry event in Glasgow our team of experts Page 66 All in a day’s work – Kirill Glukhovskoy from OGN Page 26 Unexploded Ordnance feature – the disposal of Aquind discovered dangerous devices Page 68 East of Scotland feature – a substantial regional Page 36 Quo Vadis – we report on this unique conference focus on a very important area for the industry

Page 38 Company profile – OGN Aquind Page 90 Company Management – Jim Doyle gives us advice on the benefits of non-executive directors Page 39 Company profile – SMD Page 92 Company profile – Aveillant Page 40 Steel Foundations feature – we concentrate on companies involved in innovative approaches to Page 93 Company profile – Abnormal Load Services (ALS) problems encountered Page 95 Servicing offshore windfarms feature – a fast Page 44 Law – Andrew Jackson Solicitors on ‘Keeping growing necessary service to the industry ahead of the game offshore’ UXO Page 104 20 Questions – Simon Harrison from Mott McDonald

p07 p39 p100

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Wind Energy Network magazine is happy to accept unsolicited contributions for consideration. Editorial opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of Green Energy Publishing Ltd and the company does not accept responsibility for advertising content. The publishers cannot accept any responsibility for omissions or errors. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission. 03 INDUSTRY ARTICLE

Energy Bill and the Green Investment Bank a positive pointer in the right direction With the recent publication of the Government’s Energy Bill and As mentioned in our last edition we will be introducing a new the official launch of the Green Investment Bank, the industry has Finance Feature to the magazine and we look forward to bringing certainly been given a substantial boost. you advice and helpful information from our experts in future editions.

We have received many comments from various organisations so we have selected the most informative to give our readership a balanced view within the industry.

Lord Smith, UK Green Investment Bank Chair Dr Gordon Edge RenewableUK’s Director Green of Policy “The Green Investment Bank has the potential Investment Bank to be a game-changing component of the “Now that we’ve been able to read through UK’s low carbon economy, and a profitable the long-awaited details, it’s clear that Earlier this year the Bank was established centre of excellence in specialist and the Bill will create a strong framework for as a public company, UK Green Investment renewable investment. investment. RenewableUK is looking forward Bank plc. Following state aid approval from to refining those details with the Department the European Commission last month it is “Over the coming months and years, I am of Energy and Climate Change during the now operational as an independent bank and confident that our excellent team will put its Bill’s passage through parliament. open for business. many years of expertise to work on building the foundations of that sustainable economy, “So far this bill is on track and on schedule, In the period before state aid approval for UK GIB, and facilitating the important investments that but we can’t afford any slippage if we are to investments have been made on commercial will ensure its long-term good health.” avoid a hiatus in investment around 2017, terms by BIS’s UK Green Investments team when the financial support mechanism (UKGI). To date, UKGI has committed £180 switches from the Renewables Obligation to million to specialist fund managers to co-invest Contracts for Difference. equity in smaller waste infrastructure, energy REA Chief Executive Gaynor Hartnell from waste, and non domestic energy efficiency “The Bill provides welcome clarity on how projects. Assets built up by UKGI have transferred “We are pleased that the first investment is CfDs will be allocated, reducing the financial to the UK GIB. a bioenergy project. We hope that biomass risk to developers. We also welcome the and waste-to-energy – as well as offshore Department for Business Innovation & Skills move to set up a Government-backed body, wind – will form a significant component of or counterparty, to write the contracts. Vince Cable, Business Secretary the Bank’s activity. It is important to get as This will decrease risk and lower the cost much leverage as possible from the initial £3 of capital. On initial reading, there are “The Green Investment Bank - a key coalition billion and investment in a diverse portfolio of some other terms which may need further pledge - is now a reality. It will place the green renewable technologies will be helpful. As the clarification – for example we want to make economy at the heart of our recovery and Bank’s funding expands in future, it would be sure that if any significant changes are made position the UK in the forefront of the drive to fantastic if it could follow in the footsteps of the to the regulatory environment in the future, develop clean energy. German state-owned bank KfW.” developers who’ve signed contracts should “Three billion pounds of government money will not lose out financially. leverage private sector capital to fund projects in www.renewable-uk priority sectors, from offshore wind to waste and Michael Moore, Secretary of State for non domestic energy efficiency, helping to deliver Scotland our commitment to create jobs and growth Maf Smith, RenewableUK’s Deputy Chief right across the UK. Having the headquarters in “The UK Green Investment Bank is now Executive ready to have a real and positive impact on Edinburgh is a powerful vote of confidence in the “The opening of the Green Investment Bank investment in our green and renewables Union, and a testimony to our commitment to comes at a crucial time for the renewables sectors that will take them into new areas helping Scotland lead the green revolution.” sector, the day before the publication of the and opportunities. We have the best of both Energy Bill which will set the framework for Edward Davey, Secretary of State for Energy worlds: a headquarters in Edinburgh, at the the entire energy industry for decades to and Climate Change centre of Scotland’s thriving businesses and come. Today’s unequivocal assurances on asset management, coupled with a team investment, from some of the biggest hitters “The Green Investment Bank will help attract based in London, the world’s leading financial in the Cabinet, provide further tangible proof the capital required to allow the green centre. economy to blossom, encouraging investors that the renewables sector is regarded by to market and kick-starting low-carbon and “The next step is to put that expertise into those at the heart of policy-making as one energy efficiency projects. In combination action and mobilise the additional investment of the main engines for growth. We trust with our electricity market reforms, there will we need to take the UK towards a greener that a similar message will be forthcoming in be lasting economic benefit as a result, with economy. This is the first bank of its kind in the the Energy Bill so that we can deliver more new expertise and jobs created, that will give world and this government has delivered it for than 88,000 jobs in the and tidal the UK a competitive edge.” Scotland and the rest of the UK.” sectors alone by 2021”.


James Cameron, Chairman, Climate Alex Dawson, Chairman of Energi Coast, Energy Bill Change Capital and member of the Prime North East ’s Renewables Group Minister’s Business Advisory Group John Cridland, CBI Director-General “The Energy Bill will bring much needed clarity “The Energy Bill will finally give government to the offshore wind sector that will drive “This package will send a strong signal to the tools to attract significant investment into investment and create opportunities for the investors that the Government is serious our power sector at least cost. Investment supply chain. about providing firms with the certainty they can now flow - creating jobs, helping need to invest in affordable secure low- “The North East is already a key location for recovery, spurring innovation - while ensuring carbon energy. offshore renewables activities with companies our long term economic competitiveness.” successfully serving early projects in the sector. “We now have political agreement on this Following the publishing of the Bill, momentum critical issue and the Government should get will build in the market and the next stage of the bill on the statute books as quickly as Maria McCaffery, RenewableUK Chief projects will begin to come online with support possible. Executive from our supply chain, which is poised and Dr Tim Fox, Head of Energy and Environment “This is a crucial announcement for the ready to go.” at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers sector. The news that there is rock solid support across Government “The publication of this new bill is good news for renewable energy, and clear evidence for engineers, investors and the general public Department of Energy & Climate Change that Treasury and the Department of Energy as it means we are a significant step closer to and Climate Change are in step, provide the “The commitment of the necessary budget for getting on with the job of building the major industry with exactly the kind of assurances the renewable power sector to meet its share infrastructure projects needed to keep our we’ve been calling for. This blows the last few of the 2020 target, is very welcome news. This homes warm, the lights on and industry working. months of political infighting completely out of should help to draw a line under the recent “With a looming energy gap for 2015, creating the water. politicking, which has been so damaging to a stable regulatory framework for the energy investor confidence. “This is proof that the Treasury really does get sector is absolutely crucial for investor it – the renewable energy industry offers one of “Today’s announcements finally give a confidence. our best hopes for economic recovery. This will suggestion that the Government is getting “The fact that energy intensive industries will be stimulate billions of pounds worth of investment behind the renewables agenda, which exempt from the additional costs to encourage in renewables, creating more than 88,000 jobs promises 400,000 green jobs across power, investment in low carbon power is also positive, in wind, wave and tidal energy alone by 2021. It heat and transport by 2020, along with a as it means UK industry won’t be placed at will enable us to hit our 2020 renewable energy much more secure energy future” an unfair disadvantage when competing in targets, and make sure renewables can play international markets selling products such as their part in protecting UK consumers from steel.” unstable international power markets. Ben Caldecott, head of policy, Climate Change Capital “The UK Government is sending a clear message that 30% of our electricity will be from “The £7.6bn financial commitment, together Sam Pick, of the Renewables Network, renewable sources by 2020. The lion’s share with the creation of robust, new price-certain Humber-based membership organisation will come from wind energy, with 31 gigawatts contracts, are significant victories that have created a framework for investment to flow.” “It’s very positive that government support for to be installed by the end of the decade. low-carbon energy will increase to £7.6 billion “The Government also clearly understands “As investors and investment advisors, we are by 2020. that renewables will be an important driver in not unduly concerned about the lack of a decarbonisation target in the Energy Bill, “This should provide stability and confidence for decarbonising our electricity supply by 2030. which is after all, meant to be implementing renewable energy developers to commit to the That’s great news. This will give investors the robust targets already enshrined in law. There UK market. confidence they seek for the long term. is already a clear legal commitment to build a “That in turn provides exciting opportunities Those investors put £2.5 billion into the industry cleaner, better energy system.” this year – this will now increase exponentially. throughout the supply chain for small British “By including a government backed counter- Now it’s full steam ahead, so let’s get on with businesses to break into this high growth party for new contracts, investors will have it”. industry.” certainty allowing for a lower cost of capital and a better deal for consumers.” 05 INDUSTRY NEWS IT’S ALL ABOUT you!

New contracts boost ODE’s international renewables’ ambition

International engineering contractor “These contracts add significant strength Iberdrola ODE has extended its overseas growth to our international foothold,” said ODE Iberdrola – Spain’s largest energy group and in renewables with a major contract for Chairman and Managing Director Peter the world´s largest operator of renewable a new German windfarm Godfrey. “Both support our ambitions energy projects – is developing an offshore to drive deeper into the European and wind project pipeline which amounts to With a 30-year history in the energy sector, American renewables markets, taking more than 11,000MW in Northern Europe, the London-based company is determined with us UK knowledge, skills and lessons most notably the UK, Germany and France. to use its extensive UK windfarm we have learned from windfarms such as In 2013, Iberdrola will be commissioning background to expand into emerging Ormonde, Robin Rigg, Gwynt y Môr and West Of Duddon Sands, its first UK offshore European and US markets. Scroby Sands - and from the German windfarm, with 389MW installed capacity DanTysk site off Germany, where we’re located in the Irish Sea. The construction providing technical assistance on the of this facility, jointly developed with Dong, foundations of the substation platform, currently employs some 500 people. living quarters and turbines.” “In Germany, the targets for renewables European 100GW milestone are ambitious and there are many He was encouraged by the rapid growth of challenges, particularly with grid the European wind industry over the past connection. Along with many other few years, smashing the 100GW milestone companies, we hope that the new for installed capacity. Extensive regulation proposed by the German opportunities are opening up in Europe and Government will help reduce risks and ODE intends to be involved. ease the bottleneck. Sourcing expertise from the UK will be important and we’re convinced our local knowledge can make an essential contribution to achieve those targets,” said Mr Godfrey.

Iberdrola Wikinger windfarm ODE It has announced a project management and engineering support services contract for the £1.6bn Iberdrola Wikinger windfarm planned in the Baltic Sea.

The 18-month deal is for a windfarm up to 80-turbines located around 30km off the Island of Rügen. Wikinger will be one of the largest projects in the Baltic Sea and Iberdrola’s first in Germany.

US Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico Meanwhile, ODE hopes soon to have teams working on two offshore demonstrator projects in the US, these being in the Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico, where the companies have been working against intense competition for funding from the federal government. A decision is likely to be made later this year, but ODE is optimistic of success with both projects.


UK’s most powerful onshore delivers to the grid REpower’s 3.4M104, the UK’s most Port of Blyth Chief Executive, Martin sector in the UK. Using larger capacity powerful onshore wind turbine, Lawlor, confirmed he was delighted turbines like this means that onshore is now delivering power to the to see the pioneering turbine erected wind farms can be even more productive grid for the first time at Hainsford in Blyth commenting: “This important in relation to their size and REpower Energy’s in development re-affirms Port of Blyth’s is leading the way in this respect. It is Northumberland. position as a leading renewable energy essential for the future of the industry that focused port, with the handling capacity we generate more power from available Open Day for the largest turbines, as a home for sites. The re-certification of the turbine This historic first phase of the Blyth major developments in wind and biomass, demonstrates REpower’s commitment Harbour Wind Farm re-powering project as well as having the facilities to to develop turbines that provide our was marked by a special ‘open day’ event accommodate renewable energy related customers with high yields in all wind for REpower’s clients and partners, in manufacturing and service companies conditions – the new certification will collaboration with Hainsford Energy and the and will only assist in attracting further make the 3.4M104 ideally suited to Port of Blyth. significant investment to the Blyth estuary.” windier conditions in UK sites.”

Charles Rose, founder and owner of Hainsford Energy said: “The 3.4M104 represents the first phase of the Blyth Harbour Wind Farm repowering project – the original nine 300KW turbines were part of one of the first onshore wind farms in the UK. Subsequent phases will see three further 3.4M104 turbines erected along the East Pier. We are also delighted to be working with REpower UK again, following a long standing relationship which goes back to 2006 when REpower supplied the turbines to Hainsford’s first repowering project the Caton Moor Wind Farm.”

Hainsford is one of the UK’s longest established renewable energy companies, owned by Charles Rose, who has been at the forefront of developing renewable energy and pioneering the repowering of existing wind farms in the UK for many years, as well as developing wind energy internationally in Europe, Southern Africa, Australia and Latin America.

Since its launch in 2004, REpower UK has delivered forty three onshore wind farms in Scotland, England and Wales and two offshore wind farms: Project Beatrice in the and its largest offshore contract to date, . Owned by Vattenfall, this offshore wind farm in the Irish Sea consists of the thirty REpower 5M wind turbines with a total rated output of 150 MW.


The REpower 3.4M104 was sold to Repower announcement at HUSUM Hainsford Energy Hainsford Energy in January 2012 for At the recent HUSUM Wind construction on land adjacent to the East in Germany, REpower also announced Pier at Blyth Harbour as the first phase of the expansion of their 3 megawatt turbine the repowering of the Blyth Harbour Wind series which will see a re-certification of the Farm, which was originally built in 1992. 3.4M104 machine for higher wind speeds. The 3.4M104 produces more power than the original nine 300KW turbines combined. Rick Eggleston, Managing Director of A single wind turbine of this model can REpower UK comments: “The 3.4M104 provide power for nearly 2,000 homes. signals the future of the onshore wind 07 INDUSTRY NEWS

Turbine Access System (TAS) wins further funding Houlder and BMT Nigel Gee have mechanism to further enhance its to rapidly install TAS for both new build announced that their jointly developed operability as a safe, reliable and and retrofit Windfarm Support Vessels. Turbine Access System (TAS) has been predictable transfer platform. awarded additional funding by the Delight Carbon Trust under the Offshore Wind Innovative design John Bonafoux, Managing Director of Accelerator – Access programme. The hydraulically damped rollers will allow BMT Nigel Gee, commented: “The whole The additional backing will be used the vessel to push up to the boat landing TAS team is delighted to have secured to develop an integrated bow roller on the turbine foundation structure in this support from the Carbon Trust, the conventional manner especially as it comes hot on the heels and the integral damping of our successful trials at system will reduce and offshore windfarm” He went on to say: control the vessel motion “The patented TAS system has benefitted thereby eliminating the from significant development effort by sudden movements of the both companies and interest is now being vessel, which can occur shown by a wide variety of operators”. with conventional fender systems. BMT Nigel Gee The development of the integrated bow roller unit Houlder will also enable shipbuilders

Technology ZephIR 300 The core technology behind ZephIR – continuous wave approved by the lidar – allows for very low measurements down to just Energy research 10 metres from installed level, Centre for the essential on offshore platforms, such as this installation, which Netherlands are already raised well above sea level. The Energy research Centre for the Netherlands (ECN) has completed Minimising the deck space Courtesy of ECN a 12 month offshore measurement required by the remote sensing campaign with the novel ZephIR device in this deployment 300 system as part of a 4 year took advantage of one of the campaign within the Dutch project many benefits of continuous wave lidar. anemometers and wind vanes as well as “Meteorological Research Wind at With up to 50 samples taken from the WindSensor p2456a cup anemometers. Sea” where the ZephIR has been full 360 degree scan, losing just a few All calibrations are performed in a compared against the 108 metre Met samples where the scan intercepts the MEASNET approved wind tunnel and are Mast Ijmuiden (MMIJM) at the ECN structure, has no adverse effect on the covered by ISO 17025 ILAC accreditation. Wind Turbine test facility EWTW. data gathered. On the announcement, Ian Locker, MD at ZephIR Ltd. commented: “This is an Correlation Commenting on the project, ECN’s Wind exciting development in the ZephIR During a 60 week continuous period Energy Co-ordinator of Experiments & programme – we never imagined that availability of the ZephIR was measured Measurements, Henk Oostrum noted: we would actually be operating within at over 98%, with the only period of “ZephIR is very capable of providing a met mast structure. The work that unavailability being attributed to a mast high quality, 10 minute average wind ECN has done independently, and now power supply failure from which the speed and direction data at all heights publicly, verifies not only the excellent ZephIR was being powered. well above traditional tall mast heights. core performance of ZephIR compared to Correlation is excellent to our IEC a mast but also the ability to be deployed Correlations during the measurement compliant mast and site. ZephIR in this unique way. In both onshore period were excellent and as such data can therefore be considered, in our and offshore applications, ZephIR has has been delivered to the wind energy initial opinion, to be used in a stand- been proven to operate in a stand-alone industry on behalf of the Netherlands alone application for wind resource manner providing finance-grade wind Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture measurements.” measurements for the progression of and Innovation. ECN’s initial conclusion is wind farm development and on-going that ZephIR can be considered as a valid Accreditation performance analysis and optimisation.” stand-alone system for wind resource Measurements at the EWTW and MMIJM assessments, especially given the industry’s are in accordance with IEC 61400-12. All Natural Power tendency towards higher hub heights. masts are equipped with Thies class 1 cup


highly skilled craftsmen with the ability to Alnmaritec Services to clients deal with all aspects of maintenance, refit Open Wimbourne With 150m of berths/ frontage and repair.” and over 100,000 square feet of covered Quay Repair workshops the new repair centre is in Global services a position to provide services to a wide However it’s not just at the 5 acre Blyth Centre variety of clients, as Managing Director site that Alnmaritec provide these repair Alnmaritec, based in Northumberland, Chris Millman explains, “Alnmaritec has a services. Mr. Millman said “we support is best known for the design and build reputation for providing high quality new clients and their projects all over the of commercial workboats. Recently build workboats but we can also utilise world in terms of maintenance and the company officially launched its the enormous depth of expertise within repair. As an example we’ve had men new Wimbourne Quay Repair Centre at our workforce to undertake all types of working in West Africa continuously for the historic Port of Blyth site. boat repair projects. We have over 120 the last four months on various projects for different clients. We’re happy to provide these services wherever the client needs them, not just at our own facility.”

Facility features At that facility however there are a number of impressive features, from the 100 tonne boat crane to the paint facilities and the mechanical and electrical workshops. All of which is designed to ensure that any client, from a fisherman with one boat to a multi-national with a large fleet, can expect the same highest quality service from the Alnmaritec team.


First apprenticeship at Tidal Transit With apprenticeships and careers in company, and in welcoming Kerry to she will make a great success of this the UK’s rapidly expanding offshore the company Commercial Director Leo apprenticeship.” wind industry currently high on the Hambro said: “Like many of today’s national training agenda, Tidal Transit young people, I believe that Kerry has Leo added: “I hope this is the first of a is pleased to have been able to take the personal attributes to succeed in number of apprenticeship opportunities on its first young apprentice. this dynamic offshore renewable energy that we shall be able to offer to North industry. She is on a steep learning Norfolk’s young people.” Kerry Crompton, who is from Docking, curve, but with the support of The Norfolk joined the company recently to College of West Anglia and the team Tidal Transit Limited undertake an 18 month apprenticeship in here at Tidal Transit I am confident that Administration. Her training will be totally work-placed based, although staff from the College of West Anglia in Kings Lynn will undertake a regular assessment of her personal progress through specific task allocations.

Kerry will undertake a wide variety of tasks across Tidal Transit’s spectrum of operations; she is currently helping manage the company’s Norfolk fishing trips activities. In her leisure time Kerry likes to play netball and socialise with her friends.

Continued growth The continued growth in demand from offshore wind farm developers and contractors to charter Tidal Transit’s state-of-the-art personnel transfer vessels Kerry Crompton has created rapid growth for this young and Leo Hambro 09 INDUSTRY NEWS Fendercare Marine receives International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) accreditation us. From day one we have been working in compliance with IMCA Achievement demonstrates IMCA recommendations and this accreditation Fendercare Marine’s commitment IMCA is the international trade association is recognition of the standards that we to the provision of a safe and representing offshore, marine and strive to maintain.” professional service to its customers. underwater engineering companies. It Diving Fendercare Marine provides an extensive range of diving services and equipment for sale or hire. The company’s own diving teams are trained and experienced in a wide range of techniques and procedures and are also a member of the Association of Diving Contractors.

Marine Diving Services “Since the launch of our Marine Diving Services division in 2010, the demand for our diving services has increased dramatically”, said Fendercare Marine Group Business Development Director Martin Dronfield. “As well as completing a number of diving and marine service contracts in the UK, we are now supporting our customers internationally including the provision of a 30-man team to support FPSO operations in West Africa. We see many opportunities to strengthen our capability in this area as part of the total package of we offer both above and below the water and our IMCA registration is a significant Audit is a respected voice around the world step on the path to achieving this vision.” Fendercare Marine is proud to announce it promoting good practice, particularly has received full membership accreditation in the areas of health, safety and Fendercare Marine from the International Marine Contractors environmental standards, quality and Association (IMCA) following a recent efficiency and technical standards. audit. Click to view more info Fendercare Marine Diving Operations Director, Bob MacMillan said “IMCA Accreditation is very important to


service to industry and wind farm engineers to equip people with skills University of Hull and support continuing professional development in the sector with greatly to develop virtual reduced risks and costs. “The main aspect of the project is the reality offshore 3D cave which will place people in an enclosed, constrained environment in which they have screens in front, to their wind turbine sides and below them. A 3D virtual reality ‘cave’ will be of Computer Science, and is part of “This virtual space allows us to simulate created at the University of Hull the multi-million pound investment in the journey to an offshore platform via to provide the offshore renewable renewables led by CASS, the University’s specialist vessel for instance, or prepare energy sector with an innovative business facing renewable energy and low people for the feeling of standing on top training facility. carbon hub. of a wind turbine in the open sea and experience what can be a very hostile environment. We will also be able to simulate the different weather conditions and sea-states that engineers and transport operators will face.”

Simulation and Visualisation Research Group The challenge of creating a uniquely interactive 3D space is complex and will be developed by a team of specialist software developers employed specifically for the project led by the University’s Simulation and Visualisation Research Group. As well as using a 3D cave, the project will also seek to simulate the winching experience to and from turbine by helicopter, using a head-mounted display.

Attracting young people The cave will also be used to provide young people with an insight into this type of engineering.

Emma-Jane Alexander added: “This is exciting technology and will be an inspiring experience. In addition to training for industry we will be able to show schoolchildren what it’s like to be wind turbine engineer.

“The offshore environment is not suitable for a work experience students and this Emma-Jane Alexander will allow users to practice and play without the dangers faced in the real world.”

The virtual reality environment will give HIVE award Important industry innovation people working or training for roles in HIVE has been awarded £240,000 Higher Professor Stephanie Haywood, director the green power industry the chance to Education Funding Council for England of CASS, said: “The project has real experience the hostile, dangerous and cash through CASS to develop the potential and over the course of two complex conditions that they will face ‘on two-year project, which will also see the years we expect to further develop our the job’. strengthening of the partnerships between range of industry partners. The work the University and industry with a view to is genuinely innovative and is of real 3D cave commercialisation and generating income. importance to the sector.” The 3D cave will be located in the Hull Immersive Visualisation Environment HIVE Coordinator Emma-Jane Alexander University of Hull (HIVE) at the University’s Department said: “The aim is to offer a training 11 INDUSTRY NEWS

UK Business Minister Offshore industry gathers Michael Fallon at launch of factory for world’s largest ropes

Industry’s biggest players watch UK Head Oddvar Hoydal, who Business Minister open state-of-the- noted how Bridon’s highly art facility engineered ropes could improve their companies’ Industry leaders from companies including heavy lifting and deepwater Heerema, NOV, and Certex assembled in deployment capabilities. Northern England recently to watch UK Business Minister Michael Fallon open a In addition to the switching-on facility that will manufacture the world’s of the facility’s rope-closing largest ropes. machine, the opening event offered a range of technical Bridon Neptune Quay (BNQ) seminars for attending The event marked the commencement industry leaders, designed to of manufacturing at Bridon Neptune demonstrate Bridon’s unique Quay (BNQ), a state-of-the-art factory services offering. Focused constructed by Bridon International which on ensuring customers get will produce the largest and most complex the most out of Bridon’s offshore ropes in the world. The facility highly complex ropes, this will have the capacity to produce highly package provides tailored engineered ropes in package support throughout a rope’s Industry’s biggest players watch UK Business of 650 tonnes, boasting enhanced development, installation and Minister open state-of-the-art facility breaking loads, optimised bend fatigue application. performance, effective lubrication, and minimal rotation under load. Order demand and logistics advanced in the world, but will also be capability uniquely tailored to tackle 21st century Unique factory facilities Now operational, Bridon Neptune Quay offshore challenges”. The occasion was marked by the is already taking on orders from major switching on of the factory’s rope-closing multinational operators, and its production Business and Enterprise Minister Michael machine, which is the largest of its kind schedule is designed to cater to the Fallon said: “Companies like Bridon in existence. The machine, which was highest possible levels of demand. The International are a great example of how constructed to a unique specification by factory’s portside location, along with its Britain’s manufacturers are leading the German engineering company SKET, will state-of-the-art Takeup Stand for lifting world. Through Bridon’s innovations, allow the company to produce far more reels directly from dock to vessel, will help the largest, most advanced ropes ever complex ropes than had ever previously Bridon to significantly improve logistics. made are being sold around the world from Britain – and helping to solve the challenges our modern offshore industries face.

“As a growing manufacturing company, Bridon are exactly the sort of firm the Regional Growth Fund was set up to support. I’m very pleased that we have been able to provide them with £2.2 million to help open this state of the art new facility.”

Peter Keith, Group MD CERTEX Division said: “We are particularly excited about been possible with such weights. Pulling Bridon Group Chief Executive Jon the complexity of the ropes that will be the lever to activate the machine was UK Templeman said: “I’m proud to announce manufactured at Bridon Neptune Quay, Business Minister Michael Fallon, who that Bridon Neptune Quay is open for as well as their enhanced bend fatigue praised Bridon for establishing a global business, making the largest and most life and reduced rotation and elongation. technology leadership position through its complex ropes the offshore industry has These technological advancements will consistent investment in innovation. ever seen. We have worked closely with make many new projects possible for our customers to understand the challenges customers and I look forward to be able Industry visitors they face in reaching greater depths to offer these ropes from our CERTEX Accompanying Bridon Chief Executive in some of the toughest conditions companies in the near future.” Jon Templeman at the event were a host on earth; thanks to this collaborative of senior industry figures including Certex approach, ropes constructed at Bridon Bridon CEO Peter Keith and NOV Cranes Division Neptune Quay will not only be the most

12 INDUSTRY NEWS New offices for Nprime Nprime Ltd based in Sheffield, is proud to announce the official opening of their new premises.

Special guest Prof. Keith Ridgway, CBE, Research Director at AMRC with Boeing (Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre) at the University of Sheffield will officially open the expanded test facilities.

Training facilities As a testing and analysis company specialising in data acquisition, measurement and telemetry and boasting such as Caterpillar, Jaguar Land Rover, David Brown Gears, Lloyds Register and BAe Systems among its clients, Nprime Ltd is moving into a new test facilities to enable better instrumentation of components and provide onsite training services. The training facilities have up to date video conferencing and teaching equipments. Data loggers, data acquisition and telemetry hardware are available for full hands-on learning.

Ciaràn O’Shea, Managing Director said: “We are excited about the move, which will allow us to provide improved services to our customers and help us develop our training programme.”


Marine report recommends installation of concrete gravity bases for deep water offshore windfarms seabed habitats and The impact on the marine relatively benign water environment of offshore conditions. For these windfarms is an important sites steel monopoles issue. A new report supports have been the the inert placement of foundation construction concrete gravity bases of choice. However, the against the disruption of water depths of 20m driving steel piles into the sea – 60m, more exposed bed. conditions of up to 200km from shore and Marine report mixture of seabed types The report, ‘A Review of Marine of the Round 3 sites Environmental Considerations will call for a different Associated with Concrete Gravity construction approach Base Foundations in Offshore such as concrete gravity Wind Developments’ by marine bases, tripod, steel consultancy MarineSpace jacket, suction caisson Ltd with specialist input from and floating platform. ABPmer and Fjordr, examines the environmental impact of concrete Concrete gravity gravity bases with particular bases reference to the issue of placing Concrete gravity bases, offshore wind farms in the deeper due to their robustness waters associated with the Round 3 offshore Tenders and minimum maintenance, look set to renewable programme. To date, The Crown Estate has offered have the advantage over other solutions five rounds of tendering for offshore when the harsh marine conditions of the Commissioned by MPA The Concrete windfarms. These include Round 1, Round deeper waters of Round 3 are considered. Centre and the Offshore Wind Gravity 2, Scotland, Round 1 and 2 extensions In addition the report has found that, when Foundation Interest Group, it focuses and Round 3. The majority of Round 1 compared with other foundation solutions, on the potential environment footprint of and 2 windfarm sites are located within concrete gravity foundations offer particular concrete gravity bases compared with other 12 nautical miles of the UK coastline and environmental benefits. foundation solutions for offshore windfarms. are typified by shallow water, sediment

BMT Nigel Gee Hits Hat-Trick in 10 days BMT Nigel Gee Ltd, a subsidiary Ed Dudson, Technical Director of BMT of BMT Group Ltd, the leading Nigel Gee, comments: “To finally see international maritime design, our designs come to life and take to the engineering and risk management water is an extremely proud moment consultancy, is pleased to announce - so for it to happen three times in ten that three new Windfarm Support days is fantastic. We are confident that Vessels built to a BMT design have these vessels will set a new benchmark been launched over a period of ten for quality and capability in the offshore days from three different shipyards, two in Europe and one in Asia.

Vessels The vessels range from a 19.4m propeller driven conventional catamaran design to a 26m Extreme Semi-Swath (XSS), fitted with active motion damping systems consisting of T-Foils and interceptors.

Sea trials for two of the vessels have been completed, both of which have met all expected performance criteria. The XSS is currently in transit to the open sea in order for trials to commence in the coming weeks.


During the development of Round 1 and “No piling is required for gravity concrete with the dredging activity. Evidence from 2 offshore wind farm projects, there was a bases. They are lowered into position,” marine aggregate extraction operations general presumption that concrete gravity explained Andrew Minson, Executive demonstrates that dredging noise levels are bases result in a considerable loss of Director of MPA The Concrete Centre. “The barely detected above those associated seabed. However, increasingly, the impact avoidance of piling noise installation is a with general dredger navigation and are no of the area being ‘over-shadowed’ by the major benefit of concrete gravity bases as more noisy than merchant shipping sailing total foundation structure, for example the the impact on marine life from piling noise in the local area. seabed area located under the lattice of is likely to lead to planning conditions a steel jacket and not just under one of being applied resulting in project delays Other considerations the feet, is considered to represent the and increased costs. With this in mind, Other environmental impacts to be real loss of seabed. In this respect, the retaining concrete gravity bases as an considered include the impact of tidal research carried out by MarineSpace found option through the planning process is a currents, which for all options was found to that steel jackets or tripods can result in prudent priority for developers.” be minimal, and the potential colonisation larger seabed disturbance and loss than by marine life of new ‘’ areas. This gravity concrete bases. This loss can only Monopiles, steel jackets, tripods and reef effect is common to all foundations increase as the deeper waters of Round 3 floating platforms all require drilling or types and may result in local changes to necessitate larger foundations. hammer piling to secure then to the biodiversity and habitat provision. seabed. The noise and vibration impact Installation impact of this will increase due to increased size “Overall, the report found that the The larger foundations required for of the foundations necessary for Round 3 environmental impact from concrete deeper waters of Round 3 have a further deep water locations. gravity bases are broadly comparable to environmental impact. Steel monopiles, other foundation types with one major tripod and jacket foundations typically Habitats Directive and the Marine exception”, said Minson. “The installation rely on piles being hammered or drilled Strategy Framework Directive of concrete gravity bases is far more quiet into position. The impact of installation The resultant sound waves from and less disruptive than other foundation is significant and this can have a severe piling, drilling and hammering could be at types. This offers a very significant detrimental effect upon marine life. In levels high enough to cause death, damage advantage to those offshore developers the shallow waters of Rounds 1 and and displacement of marine animals, choosing concrete gravity bases for 2 monopiles may be struck between sensitive fish species and some fish eggs Round 3 projects.” 1000-7000 times depending on seabed and larvae. Domestic and international conditions. With a of 225 T and environmental legislation, such as the MPA The Concrete Centre delivering blow between 200 – Habitats Directive and the Marine Strategy 500 kJ per strike, piling hammers can a Framework Directive, now reflect the significant noise and vibration impact during serious consideration of these possible Click to view more info an installation period that can take up to effects. By comparison, any concrete 4 - 7 days per foundation, excluding any gravity bases that require site preparation weather downtime. works will generate noise associated

wind market. We are now looking forward to these vessels entering service and continuing our support to deliver state of the art designs which are designed specifically to meet our customers’ requirements.”

BMT Nigel Gee 15 WHAT’S NEW Events and what’s new As you see below we continue to feature some of the most important events in the calendar, so that you can, at a glance, consider which events to support. A more detailed listing is available online.

There continues to be issues with the amount, scale and cost of events laid on for this fast growing industry. We will only feature those events which we believe are organised in the best interests of the industry as a whole.

Wind Turbine Noise: source to receiver The Scottish Offshore Wind & Supply Chain Event

When 11 – 12 December 2012 When 29 & 30 January 2013 Where Oxford Where Aberdeen Contact Contact

EWEA 2013 Annual Event Health & Safety 2013

When 4 – 7 Feb 2013 When 31 January 2013 Where Vienna, Austria Where Cutlers’ Hall, Sheffield Contact Contact


Magazine and website Forthcoming interaction features QR codes next edition

You will notice that we have changed our pink and green • Spotlight on East Anglia flashes indicating more information online. QR codes have been • Small/medium wind turbines. substituted which means that you can scan the code with your The developments. smart phone and it will direct you to the featured company/ • Ice Protection Strategies organisation micropage held within our website so that can learn • Skills Gap: Attracting from other industries. Oil, Gas & the Forces much more in all sorts of formats. • Onshore Substations • Specialist Engineering • Servicing Offshore Windfarms – part 2

Sample QR codes Please contact if you would like to be involved in Please scan any of these features.

Looking for a specialist service provider in the wind energy industry? E [email protected] P 01765 644224

Visit our online Supply Chain Register 17 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Global Wind Energy- india

Rob Bell from Archomai Current energy situation Onshore and offshore again continues his Current installed capacity is 205,340 MW Land based wind power is fraught with series on Global Wind – 70% generated by fossil fuels - but this problems on land acquisition but, with a Energy, this time focusing covers only 90% of demand. In recent coast line of 7,516 km, India is one of the years imported has doubled to over 60 best markets for offshore wind energy. on India million tonnes and, recent global set-backs Recent estimates highlight a potential like Australia’s flooding and Japan’s need for between 270 and 300 GW of electric Archomai specialises to plug the nuclear gap and a falling off power capacity from wind energy alone. in logistics and supply of chain coal imports further exacerbates Currently, with an installed base of 24 chain thinking and energy security and growth strategies. GW (around 12% of India’s total power practice in emerging and generation capacity) India is in the top 5 India has much to do to increase capacity of global wind power. Generating 45% of frontier markets across all energy sectors and needs a Indian wind power. significant renewable dimension; wind Wind Energy and Indian growth power will play a major part. Tamil Nadu In July 2012, India suffered the largest The Southern State of Tamil Nadu leads power outage in history affecting over 620 and, without wind, the State would have million people. That’s 10% of global and gone dark when the Neyveli Lignite 50% of India’s population. As Rajiv Kumar, Corporation and the Tuticorin Thermal secretary general of the Federation of Indian Power Station failed. Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), told the BBC “Energy is like blood in your Tamil Nadu is the best location for putting veins. It is as vital as that to economic up offshore wind farms with plans for a growth”, and there is no doubt that power 500 MW offshore farm being considered. shortages are slowing down the Indian Tiger.


Research – the Indian Ocean Ministry Renewable Energy For example, speaking at the Wind Power Dr L R Chary of AMET Maritime University is Group (MNRE) 2011 seminar in India Steve Sawyer, leading research into wind power potential Dr LR Chary sits on the MNRE Group General Secretary of the Global Wind on a number of small islands and this could working on Policy on renewables. To Energy Council (GWEC) highlighted a open up a wider Indian Ocean Study. reduce dependence on fossil fuel-based small wind-solar hybrid system that is ideal power stations with a huge carbon for the fast growing market for efficient, A wind monitoring station will track wind footprint, low and no carbon sources are cost-effective and sustainable sources of power and, with small islands dotting being prioritised. India proposes to add energy for local communities. And as UK the continental rims of this huge ocean at least 4500 MW through offshore wind PLC considers opportunities in India, we this research could have wider impact. energy once the policy is in place. This need to look wider at the Indian Ocean as The Indian Ocean accounts for over half policy is being heavily influenced by EU a whole. container traffic and, 40% of offshore oil experience and this opens up significant and 70% of all energy passes through it. opportunities for UK PLC. Rob Bell is CEO of Archomai, Visiting Wind energy next? Reader at Aberdeen Business School Maximising potential and, a Member of the AMET Maritime Assistance The Indian wind energy industry needs University Advisory Board, India. As with all power sources India needs International partners to maximise huge help on the business model – finance, potential; to plug technology gaps and Rob Bell technology and operational support. explore wider synergies with oil/gas fields. Archomai Going into deeper waters and setting up platforms will be Given the busy ocean, other areas such a challenging proposition for India. Dr as shipping lanes and the impact of hostile L R Chary’s team at AMET are looking monsoon weather/sea conditions need at how best to reduce O&M (Operation better understanding. In parallel, India has Maintenance) costs of offshore wind a lot to offer in terms of smaller, scaleable farms from the baseline of 23% for Indian solutions. installations. For example, wind turbines with contra-rotating rotors for offshore wind farms to effect economy of scale. 19 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT

The constituent parts of organisational Renewables Development competence are...

Programme Workshop 2 • Expertise – the skill, craft or technical virtuosity of the individual • Equipment – the tools or technical support instruments used by the individual and Competence • Environment – the workplace aspects Some people are happy to use the term in which the individual has to perform in relation to an individual. I think that this can only be valid if one is talking about Organisational competence is like a For me an individual performer. And even then, three legged stool. If any one of the the only when you consider the classic individual legs is shorter than the others, then the performers, it is difficult to conclude that performance of the stool is second rate. meaning of they are not in fact part of a larger team. If the short leg is a lot shorter than the others then the performance of the stool is competence A golfer has his caddy, a boxer has his rubbish … or firewood. trainer and his seconds, a violin soloist has is the his conductor, and an artist has his muse. In the context of the ultimate team scenario American football, the concept competence There are very few people who are truly of organisational competence can be alone. 99% of people who have to deliver understood in human terms more clearly. of an a result are part of a team, an organisation. To make a successful play the team organisation When it comes to delivering a result it is the has to move as one. Each individual competence of the organisation that has to must execute their specific task in stand the test, to prevail and to succeed. synchronisation with his team members to create the successful score, or the successful defence.

How do we describe the competence of the team in terms of the three constituents?

Expertise The linemen, who play up front, operate as a team within a team. Their expertise as individuals is the application of explosive power with upper body strength and swift lateral movement with fast feet, whilst staying in complete balance in the face of a 23 stone opponent or two. Organisational competence To develop this expertise, players have First of all let’s look at the constituent parts to practice specific drills until it becomes of organisational competence and see second nature to apply them in the game how that differs from the more popular situation. reference to personal competence. When I have heard people talk about personal competence I always understand them to mean skill, or expertise. That is good, as far as it goes but it doesn’t go far enough when trying to improve the performance of a team or organisation. An organisation in our world is no more than a commercial team, so I shall use those two terms as interchangeable.


The commercial world In the commercial world things are very much the same. Everyone in the team must have knowledge of, and So, we are at the stage where you need to commitment to, the strategic goal. With answer the three questions.. Equipment this the critical success factors can be The pads and the helmet are the visible identified, and the required competence(s) 1 Do you have knowledge of and equipment, but this category also includes of the organisation can be built. In the commitment to the strategic goals of the technical support instruments of the case of an O&M team the cascade to your organisation? job. For the American footballer this must competence might be... 2 If so, have you, as a team, identified surely include the playbook. the CSFs i.e. the factors critical to the • Strategic Goal – to contribute in successful achievement of those goals? This is the document that specifies what every way possible to the supply chain 3 And has that CSF identification each player’s task is for the given team achievement of a levelised cost of enabled you to specify the play. Each offensive play is designed to energy of £100/MwH by 2020 organisational competence(s) that your manoeuvre the defensive players in such • Critical Success Factor – to team needs to perfect? a way as to create space for a runner to minimise the time and cost of make yards, or for a receiver to find free maintaining offshore turbine If you have answered ‘Yes’ to these three space to catch a pass. installations questions then, I guess, you are hard at work to enjoy the delivery of world class Competence 1 competitive performance. Remote monitoring of turbine equipment If you haven’t answered ‘Yes’ then go back to Question 1 and work out what • Expertise – systems development success it is that you want to create. • Equipment – state of the art Without that you will have no chance, as a communications, monitoring tools & team, to make it happen. It sounds simple test facilities doesn’t it? But, the majority of teams that • Environment – access to all relevant I talk to for the first time are not able to knowledge & freedom to fail and learn answer ‘Yes’ to question 1. in pursuit of innovation One of the biggest challenges to Competence 2 companies caught in the upsurge of Faultless on-site service performance renewable chain activity is to withstand the temptation that will be put Environment • Expertise – faultless recognition of in the way of their staff to leave and join Every player has their own job to do, but service need – methodical and one of the ‘new teams in town’. success depends on everyone doing their thorough service execution job perfectly….together. • Equipment – complete set of tools The companies that have already secured & materials maintained to the highest the commitment of every one of their team The environment of their workplace has standard – everything to ensure members to the strategic goals of the to be one of trust and consistent co- shortest time between recognition of organisation will be the ones who will be ordination. If one player moves too soon need & execution of maintenance best placed to meet this challenge and or too far then he exposes the team to the • Environment – safest possible working succeed, no matter who has arrived in penetration of the opposition and, quite environment, continuous improvement town. Make sure that you are one of those. possibly, to the injury of a team-mate. The of service capability and constant creation of this environment is the task of readiness and support ‘Competence’ is just one of the workshops the coaching team and will be dependent staged by Renewables Network Ltd to help on a philosophy of dedication to practice. I don’t imagine that this list is all that a SMEs to earn their place in the renewable The strategic goal of the team must be professional O&M team could detail as the energy supply chain. to finish the season on top. Their critical competences that could contribute the success factor (CSF) is to keep the team most to the achievement of the strategic together, maintaining the highest level of goal, but I hope that it has illustrated the John Britton performance by ensuring that the three process and provoked some thought. BCG Bridgepoint constituents are kept at an equal level of provision. There are few teams that have the resources to invest in everything, but every Renewables Network team has the resources to properly identify the critical investment needs to deliver world class performance in their chosen field. 21 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Making the Most of Meetings at In the first part of this series I explained that in workplace meetings the Executive Secretary supplies the engine oil Work: that ensures the smooth running of the ‘engine’. The ‘engine’ being the Committee or group of people who make the decisions that affect people in the Part Three: Action Agendas workplace. In the second part I explained how a Meetings Facilitator can help the Chair by Trainer and Motivational Speaker Frank Newberry keeping everyone at a meeting on track has been helping people to get better results in the and helping break a ‘decision deadlock’ workplace for over 30 years. He is convinced that we by proposing something like ‘a trial period’ to make sure the decision is not only can all contribute to making meetings at work more taken, but that it is the right decision. productive and more enjoyable. In this concluding part of the series I want to look at ‘action agendas’.

An agenda for action Now that we have a Chair in charge, a Facilitator to make sure everyone has a say, an Executive Secretary to chase down our action points - all we need now is a good agenda - an ‘action agenda’.

Sequencing for success If you have suffered in silence at meetings where people have discussed matters at great length but decided nothing then maybe an ‘action agenda’ is just what you need. The ‘action agenda’ puts the agenda items in a sequence that promotes decision making and action. It puts discussion in its rightful place – at the very end of the meeting and only if we have any time left. I call this ordering of the agenda ‘sequencing for success’.


The Action Agenda The ‘action agenda’ of a meeting is in three main parts. The agenda items to be taken are separated into three categories. The categories are: first – ‘information items’ followed by ‘decision items’ and finally we have the ‘discussion items’.

I really like the time continuum aspect of Information Items - PAST Their meetings improve, their this sequence. INFORMATION may be Information items can include (1) decisions get better old or new but it is usually information apologies for absence, (2) minutes Over many years I have seen ‘action about the PAST – right up to the recent of the last meeting, (3) progress agendas’ repeatedly transform meetings or immediate past. On the other hand reports on action points from previous and the effectiveness of organisations. DECISIONS often need to be taken by meetings, (4) important updates, plus (5) At first people can resist having their people now, in the PRESENT. Finally announcements and notices from other contributions ‘moved’ to later in the once we have made our decisions based sources. All these are needed so that the meeting or to the next meeting. However, on good information then we can take meeting can take all the known facts into they soon learn that with skilful use of time to consider what we might do in consideration when it makes a decision or the ‘information/decisions/discussion’ the FUTURE. Here are some examples takes action. sequence their meetings improve, their of each category – taken from typical decisions get better and they even workplace meetings: Decision Items - PRESENT find time to ‘shape the future’ of their When the meeting has all the information organisation. it needs it can make the decisions it has to make. Decision items can include So good luck with your ‘action agendas’. (1) accepting the minutes of the last May you be blessed with success in your meeting as accurate, (2) asking for more workplace meetings. information (rather than wasting time with debate or guesswork), (3) deciding to go If you are having problems and frustrations ahead with a suggestion or (4) deciding with meetings at work and you would against a proposal. like some advice that is specific to your situation you can get in touch with Frank Discussion Items - FUTURE directly via the contact tab of his personal When the people attending the meeting website: have made all the decisions they need to make (at present) they can turn their attention to what needs to be done in the future. Discussion items might include (1) Suggestions for a Christmas activity, (2) First thoughts on what the organisation needs to do to comply with new legislation coming into next year, (3) Initial ideas on changing what we offer to keep pace with the latest trends, or (4) discussing how we can take the lead with new offerings to our customers and other stakeholders. 23 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT

Business development welcome again to Andy McLaughlin...

24 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT REAre Y ALLYou Listening? Asking your prospect all the correct questions is wasted if you don’t hear what he or she says, either in words Listen with your “GUT” or more subtly in tones or partial The speaker’s tone and body language hints. Being a good listener requires will impart meaning. These subtle clues more than just keeping quiet while the are quickly picked up by the unconscious other person is talking. Do you hear mind and leave us with a particular feeling everything that is being said? Do you about the speaker. When you are left understand it completely? with a “feeling” about someone after a conversation - that they are sincere, Here are some tips on how to become a they are hiding something, they can’t more effective listener: be trusted, etc. - it is a sign that your unconscious mind has put two and two FOCUS in on the basic message together and come up with an evaluation. Try to pinpoint the main ideas the person is expressing. Ask yourself what the speaker Become PERSONALLY absorbed is trying to say. If you’re not sure, ask. “Bill, I You can’t listen effectively if you are believe what I heard is-Am I on track?” only “going through the motions.” Every subject has some interesting angle, some UNDERSTAND what is being said impact on you or something you can Keep asking yourself if you understand learn. In order to uncover those elements, what is being said. If you don’t, ask for you must first abandon your prejudiced clarification - and keep asking until you or pre-conceived ideas. If you enter into are sure you fully understand. “Bill, I’m not a conversation with the notion that the sure I understand how this relates to that, other person has nothing of interest or can you help me out?” What you don’t importance to say, you will miss what is understand, you can’t recall. Additionally, important. if you don’t understand what is being said, your mind is more likely to wander and Get INVOLVED your listening effectiveness diminishes. Keep your active attention on what is being said, and offer comments. If Don’t get DISTRACTED the situation permits, offer your own Don’t let trivial things like the speaker’s perspective on what is being said. Ask appearance or random noises divert your a question or relate a relevant story that attention from what he or she is saying. reinforces what the person is saying, or Listen to the speaker’s whole sentence. represents a different point of view. Ask yourself how what the person is saying Listen not only for content, but context. relates to other situations or experiences. Anytime you catch yourself being distracted by something that draws your In summary, LISTEN PROACTIVELY attention away from the speaker’s words, There is more to listening than just make a conscious effort to focus back on passively hearing the words someone is the words. speaking.

Andy McLaughlin Sandler Training 25 UXO SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance Be prepared NCOE takes a look at UXO IN Crisis Management

At NCOE our goal is to generate business value for clients by delivering projects, that are efficient in both capital investment and long-term operation.

Synergies Recent banking crisis NCOE’s previous articles highlighted the We may all remember the recent event synergies between the mature oil and unrelated to safety which was the IT gas industry and the offshore wind farm problem RBS, Natwest and Ulster bank industry. customers had in June this year, where millions of customers couldn’t get access Offshore wind to their money or their accounts for several Crisis Management (CM) is another area days due to a software upgrade going whereby the wind farm industry can wrong. This impacted at least three of the learn much from the Oil and Gas industry aforementioned categories. The size of without having to start a fresh. Like so the problem was on a scale far bigger and many other things in industry this has for a longer time than has ever happened been developed through lessons learned at any British bank since they went over the years. Although some would say computerised. I am sure the banks at the two industries are very different with the heart of the matter have now revised offshore platforms have personnel living whatever crisis management procedure on them and a hydrocarbon inventory. they had before the incident. However, after further investigation one will realise that crisis management is on UneXploded Ordnance a wider scale, about the management of To return to the subject of the wind energy an incident’s potential ability to impact and oil and gas industries, one of the company reputation, operability, viability or problems that can instigate CM is that earning power. of UneXploded Ordnance, which is most often encountered unexpectedly, during construction of facilities, particularly when excavation or dredging is underway.

26 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance UXO

Other less evident incidents which may initiate a company’s crisis management system..:

• Forecast of a severe storm which may One would suggest the impact operations – do you hope it’s response priorities should be... not too bad a storm? • Public protest against technology used • People – employees, contractors, or the company – do you hope it suppliers, customers doesn’t get too much publicity? • Environment – air, water, land and In these circumstances • Recall notice from a supplier of a areas of sensitivity project drivers such as schedule faulty component which has safety or • Property – company assets, and costs will be impacted, however environmental implications if was to fail contractors, communities and third the severity of the impact will depend – what if it effects all your installations? party facilities/offices on the project’s preparation, speed and • Damage and/or failure to a data centre • Business – supply, production and effectiveness and being able to deal with which is key to operations – how will reputation an UXO incident. the operation continue? • Pandemic incident e.g. bird flu – do Live process Dealing with UXO contamination you protect your company personnel? CM is a live process that requires training is normally not particularly difficult, to be put in place with routine exercises dangerous, or technically challenging Of course no system will prevent these possibly on an annual basis. Training will providing the process to mitigate the incidents, but a management system will ensure roles and responsibilities are clear risk is properly managed and the work certainly mitigate the potential damage and personnel competent for their role. is conducted by appropriately trained, if such an event turns into a crisis or Whereas exercises provide an opportunity qualified, and supervised personnel - all emergency for the company. to do the following... the elements of CM.

Focus • Validate plans (i.e., individual elements, Maintaining business success Crisis management is focused on inter-related elements or entire plans) Time spent developing a CM strategy is the management and resolution of • Assess individual and team capability. key to maintaining business success in emergencies and crises that affect the challenging conditions, if your company business with the objective to keep the Lessons learned from exercises can has one in place then you are well placed business operational before, during and be used to improve some or all of the to manage an incident. However, if your after a disruptive incident. following... company hasn’t got one then we at NCOE strongly advise you to consider starting Strategy • Plans one now. If an unfortunate event does Every operating company should have a • Processes happen, time will not allow you to create CM strategy in place that is backed with a • Training programmes or fill the gaps in a CM strategy. The old response philosophy, response priorities • Individual skills adage ‘be prepared’ resonates deeply. and response process that are tested at • Team skills defined frequencies through exercises. Newcastle Chambers of Engineering UXO and Crisis Management (NCOE) Exercises provide an opportunity to Returning to UXO, we may question the validate plans, assess individual and relevancy within Crisis Management but, team capacity and gain lessons learned like many other risks faced by projects Click to view more info to help increase response capability. A an UXO incident is one that can derail the tiered response approach is appropriate momentum of a project if it arises where dependent on the potential impact of the no planning and contingencies have been incident. made for the occurrence. 27 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance

so now was his opportunity. So in 2004 Ramora UK was formed - a risk, but with a tenacious attitude, it began.

Formerly the military dealt with all bomb disposal emergency situations. Now All Ramora follows the military expertise on a commercial footing and is therefore able to demonstrate all the skills routinely with the necessary capability, but to also minimise the costs. A commercial approach is vital in a day’s when dealing with UXO offshore due to the vast sums of money that can be lost due to unnecessary shutdown.

Projects Due to the nature of his work, we can only work... mention generic case studies and not particular instances – suffice to say they Name respond to emergencies from life threatening Dave Welch to non-urgent. Always in a state of readiness, Background the team are perpetually checking their Occupation Joining the Navy at the age of 16 in technical kit, Dave likens their role to that of a MD of Ramora UK - Bomb Disposal Plymouth (HMS RALEIGH) he worked fireman, maintaining capability to operate on Specialist his way up through the ranks, and 23 all levels – expecting that next call. years later had acquired expertise within ‘Distinguished’ would be the Mine Warfare, ROV operations, Weapons There are teams in readiness at all times word that comes to mind when Engineering, to respond to any emergency, all vehicles describing the credentials and Senior Explosives Officer within bomb are tracked around the country and may and career path of Dave Welch, disposal. He is, to add to this impressive be diverted and despatched on a priority MD of Ramora UK, the global list, a special advisor to the Board at basis with support vehicles available with provider of 24/7 Reactive Bomb International Emergency Response. additional equipment. In most cases this is Disposal Services, and what an Whilst within the bomb disposal team he within 24 hours. However, in urgent cases interesting journey it has been ... was responsible for the North Sea and the team can leave immediately and be on site in much shorter timescales.

Range of services The team have been called out to respond to all manner of jobs. They provide a non-urgent service around the country to coastguard locations for collection of flares which have expired and therefore may be volatile and potentially dangerous requiring safe disposal. They have responded to scrap yards that have unearthed bombs – a circumstance which involves liaising with police, evacuating the area and making safe or detonating the device.

Channels, however at that time there was a shift within the MOD to cease certain aspects of service beyond the 12nm limit. This had a significant impact on the Oil and Gas industry, and it was at this juncture he realised there was a business opportunity. At that point Dave owned a charter boat company on the sidelines

28 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance

Motivation & Attitude A very down to earth and modest man, In this challenging society Ramora are when asked to describe himself... “I don’t called out more and more. They work very do regrets or looking back, the past closely with the HSE and local agencies cannot be changed, find a solution.” His – should explosives require storage or motivation is life itself. collection Ramora can provide safe and “I don’t do secure removal and despatch. It is abundantly clear that this is a vocation to Dave. Holidays? – not had one since regrets Disposal/Detonation 1999, his weekends are his ‘holidays’. He Within the wind industry the team are delights in watching people develop and or looking called upon to check and in many cases credits his ‘team’ for the support within remove UXOs. They provide a re-active the company and making it all possible – back” service and are teamed with maritime all have a tenacious attitude and thrive on divers and ROV specialists. the adrenalin.

A subsea survey is undertaken. If an Inspiration How to unwind? item of UXO is detected they must When asked if there is one person who Marginally slowing down! Walking their inform DECC or Maritime Management has inspired him throughout his career, exuberant Springer Spaniel (who was Organisation and apply for a permit. he could not attribute it to just one. His trained as ‘sniffer’ but not in an official This can take anything from 4 days mother has been an inspiration to him, capacity – more for leisure – a YTS!) In (exceptional circumstances) or anything he never knew his father as he sadly fact his four legged friend is an official up to several months – a bureaucratic died when he was young, an only child stress buster and it has been mooted that stopper. However this ensures that the he had a strict upbringing which was the he may well have a place on the team – in business operation is effective, thus grounding for the future. the office! Pre-requisite for new recruits to allowing the progress of the project in an be a dog lover! orderly effective manner. Throughout his career he has had exposure to very credible people who Hobbies: Once underwater they use to locate have taught him much. With this mixture of Leisure constitutes research! Dave has the UXO and connect elements of their influences, he has aspired to many things. a passion for the subject of underwater Remote Explosive Ordnance Disposal He mentions he has a special bond with counter-terrorism, and finds the System (REODS) to safely relocate of his Grandfather, again whom he sadly did psychology of this fascinating – the disposal of the item. Should the item need not have the opportunity to meet, however complexities of limpet mines and terrorist to be disposed of in situ, there is usually a he has been told he is almost the double devices – and how to counteract these! team of 3, comprising of a Superintendent, of him. His Grandfather was also in the He continues his quest for knowledge and 2 man EOD team. ROVs are used Navy and had all the characteristics that unstintingly! for the entire operation unless conditions Dave has, perhaps his guiding light – we dictate diver intervention. are all said to have one! What the future holds... To grow into areas and provide a service ROVs V Diving Aims & Aspirations with the police/government as well as If the water is less than 30 metres they Looking to becoming a palatable responding and moving forward with the utilise the ROVs – however this can be a replacement for the Ministry of Defence wind energy industry. struggle. If recovering an UXO they can Bomb Disposal Teams Capable of undertake a quick dive. Dependent on the undertaking ammunition/munition disposal There is no doubt that Dave is an tidal window, they usually have 50 minutes and dealing with hazardous (explosive) exceptionally modest man who is an of dive time per tidal window (every 6 waste, they have the skills, expertise excellent orator and motivator and his hours). Should the item be a small one and equipment to undertake this level of passion and professionalism within this they detonate approximately 250 metres service. highly charged industry is likened to a away, however should it be a larger one luminary! If he reads this he will no doubt the required distance for detonation is Unusual Circumstances deny it! Upon our discussions I can 1000 metres away. He and his team (some commercial) confirm it! were posted overseas in North Africa to Setting a precedent undertake a project. Suffice to say he was Ramora was the first commercial ‘forcibly kept against his will’; overseas Fliss Chaffer company to be called upon to remove militaries have a different set of rules it Wind Energy Network pipemines from a number of sites around would seem to here! He was arrested the UK. These have been discovered twice, questioned over the explosives he more recently when landowners are was holding (dispite of course all with the purchasing to build, searches are relevant licences). Not a pleasant situation undertaken/geophysical surveys and UXO to have your liberty taken. However his studies pending removal. It’s literally a powers of negotiation succeeded and all boom time! were released! An intimidating and hugely uncomfortable situation for all to endure! 29 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance Explosives In many cases however the UXO can have become desensitised by salt water Technology ingression and therefore the intention is to use the least NEQ (Net Explosive Quantity) Blast Design take us in the donar charge to initiate the UXO. This way, if the UXO fails to detonate NEQ through the process of detonating in the water is experienced and the lowest overpressure from the the disposal of UXO detonation affects marine mammals. Survey of Areas As per Crown Estate’s policy a sea bed survey is carried out up to 1km from any proposed offshore wind or tidal construction area or cable runs etc. As part of this survey they are looking for any UXO which in the North Sea would generally most likely be WW2 German air dropped ordnance or British.

Step-by-step process An ‘as found survey’ is carried out by ROV which also includes a sonar sweep of the area – this is logged and saved for further use.

Once any potential identified ordnance is found they carry out another ‘as found survey’ and the information gathered is detailed into a spreadsheet as follows...

• Location on seabed to proposed development area, including co- ordinates – GPS waypoints • Possible type of munition, photographic evidence, still pictures, video, measurements. • Owner of proposed offshore scheme Successful destruction • Approx charge weight (by volume) • Specific Impulse on worse scenario The aim is to sufficiently destroy the UXO then working out a max NEQ (Net detonation so as to not leave any sizeable pieces on Explosives Weight) as this is what • Peak & over pressure based on worst the sea bed which in future may still ‘look’ will potentially cause any negative scenario detonation like an UXO even though it may be a piece effects on marine mammals / existing of inert casing. pipeline / cables etc. Collation • Water depth After the above data is collated and firmed Unique design and firing system • Sediment / sea bed type up then the actual type/make of ordnance To achieve this criteria they use their • Munitions description is established, the method of disposal own design of charge with a unique firing • Potential diameter of crater that is planned along with marine mammal system. could be created and estimated / fish mitigation procedures, third party released sediment safety distances, the technical design and They use two conical shaped charges of • Safe range for marine mammals & fish deployment of the donar charge is then approx 2kg NEQ each which directionally • Injury range for mammals/fish and planned along with the Environmental face each other with the ordnance in the mortality rate – 25-40% Impact Study. middle. Basically a single conical shaped • Lethal range for mammals & fish – charge is a directionally functioning charge mortality rate 75-100% Donar charge design which produces a molten jet travelling at • Distance to safety vessels/standby A decision is made on the live explosive over 9,000m/s. If you were to place say a vessels/other third party DSV’s/MV’s charge that will be used to initiate the 2kg conical charge with a 63* cone angle etc found UXO – an assumption is made on top of a block of steel it would easily that the UXO is still live and capable of penetrate into the steel over 3ft-4ft. sympathetic detonation by a live initiated donar charge and on both the desktop assessment and the practical operation an estimate of safety distances is calculated.

30 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance

A decision is then made as to what If you then have two conical charges deterrent mitigation systems to use, directionally opposed to each other where namely seal/dolphin/whale scarers that they are mounted in-line on either side of emit various frequencies of noise which Mobilisation the UXO you create a ‘collision’ charge is uncomfortable to each type of marine All explosives related equipment is tested, effect this is where you have two explosively mammal. checked and mobilised. formed jets meeting at approx 18,000m/s any explosive compounds in between will A pressure pulse scarer for fish is then The vessel selected is chartered along have the best chance to sympathetically used, as they are not affected by the with all appropriate equipment. Use of detonate/produce a reliable detonation acoustic deterrents but need a small robotics and not divers is preferred. pressure shockwave and if not the whole explosion producing a pressure pulse to On Site/Disposal • The PAM system is deployed • Full time MMO’s are in place – consideration is to time of year/species present etc), Scrammers are also placed • The donar shaped charges are laid on the sea bed and firing cables run out to safe firing distances • All local shipping, DSVs, MVs, coastguard, Navy etc. are informed and given an approx initiation time

Procedural stages • The seal, whale, dolphin acoustic scarers are turned on, for approx 20-30 mins • Once all systems are in place the MMO’s give an agreed firing the go-ahead • Activation of overpressure blast monitor • Set off fish pressure pulse scarers and fire the shot

Successful detonations are identified by the effects on the surface and also the UXO will be destroyed into very small pieces scare them away. Again Blast Design sound/effect on the bottom of the vessel – due to the effect of the collision charge. have designed their own ‘pressure pulse’ an inspection is then made by ROV. grenade for this purpose which after the pin Blast Design use plastic explosives in is pulled out and deployed in the water, it Findings would be... the shaped charges along with an EBW sinks and initiates 4 tiny explosions. • A crater on the seabed (Exploding Bridgewire) Firing System • Very small pieces of UXO lying on the to initiate the charges, this requires an PAM system seabed all fire current in excess of 3,000volts The PAM system operates full time while and 1,000amps, which ensures a safe on UXO site – the acoustic scrammers are Any pieces bigger than a large paint tin are environment for initiation. put on within 30min of detonation and the recovered and an ‘as left’ survey is carried fish and the fish pressure pulse grenades out and full report is written up. Operational Planning are fired 2 minutes before detonation. Once the donar charges and firing Blast Design system is agreed along with the data They also have a minimum of one collected from the ‘as found’ survey, MMO (Marine Mammal Observer) and the Environmental Impact Study, Risk one PAM technician out on every UXO Ed’s note – this is an abridged version. Assessment and Operational Procedures operation. All members of the vessel are We recommend you visit Blast Design’s are put together along with operational potential MMO’s on every trip – it is all the microsite held within our supply chain meetings with key personnel is carried out. responsibility of al personnel to look out for register by scanning the QR code below marine mammals. or clicking on the pink flash in the online Mitigation method magazine. The mitigation method is then agreed based on the NEQ of the UXO – Click to view more info distances, mitigation methods etc. This would include a seabed anchored PAM system (Passive Acoustic Monitor), this will pick up the vocalisations of marine mammals which will track them from/to the target or danger area. 31 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance Unexploded ordnance a recognised threat The potential for UXO within proposed Data Data was processed and interpreted using offshore wind developments has become Oasis Montaj with UX-Detect extension, a recognised threat in recent years. Risk which allows accurate localisation and analysis of UXO targets which were then reduction to ‘As Low as Reasonably or interpreted by the company’s specialist Practicable’ (ALARP), is not only a legal processing geophysicists. requirement, but is also a consenting, In-depth profile-by-profile analysis of the data, as opposed to automated target insurance and project financing issue, picking algorithms, ensured that all and as such can become a serious anomalies were analysed and that many geological anomalies could be rejected obstacle to the overall development on the basis of their morphology, thus narrowing the number of relevant targets of the site. delivered to the UXO Consultants.

Seabed survey An early stage in ensuring the consenting area is free from UXO involves a detailed seabed survey using a high-resolution side scan sonar, and a magnetometer positioned close to the seabed.

The magnetometer is used to detect variations in the total magnetic field of the underlying seafloor and sub-seabed geology on the basis of anomalies in the Earth’s magnetic field, caused by the presence of ferrous iron on, or below, the seafloor.

Materials high in ferrous or ferric compounds may include wreck debris, pipelines, sites of archaeological interest, volcanic rocks, and clearly, UXO.

Osiris Projects – a case study Osiris Projects were commissioned to perform such a survey for a major Round 2 development.

A WW2 50kg bomb was identified by This allows the towing height of each Outcome specialist UXO consultants to be the fish to be controlled independently and Dive investigations, conducted by smallest threat on-site, which required the equipment deployment and recovery specialist contractor, magnetometer data to have a maximum time is drastically reduced compared to a corroborated potential targets identified lateral spacing of 5m, and a maximum towed array setup. Each magnetometer by Osiris Projects, and fortunately the site vertical height from seabed of 3m. is fitted with a USBL beacon for accurate was free from UXO. and independent positioning. Specialist procedure Osiris Projects The company developed a simple but On this project, the magnetometer towing effective tow configuration allowing configuration delivered a mean fish height multiple magnetometers to be of 2m above seabed - exceeding the Click to view more info deployed simultaneously whereby each client specification - and the accurate magnetometer is deployed in a ‘piggy- positioning allowed areas of infill to be back’ arrangement behind a side scan quickly identified resulting in almost sonar fish and controlled from separate complete coverage of the site. winches.

32 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance

in the North and Irish seas providing in- depth risk assessments including survey Explosives and mitigation design. RPS was actively involved in the Sheringham Shoal Wind Farm, off of the Norfolk coast, for Scira clearance Offshore Energy Limited. They worked with both Statoil and Emu and risk providing UXO expertise for the survey data collected, analysing and selecting targets with the potential to be UXO that assessment required further investigation or avoidance. RPS Explosives Engineering Services Discoveries Based on the data reviewed and assessed RPS Explosives Engineering Services (EES) has a comprehensive grounding in by RPS an old ship’s cannon and a WWII all aspects of UXO, explosives clearance and , both in the UK Air 250lb air dropped bomb were located and globally. by divers during investigation of the

Managing projects management, Their experienced team manages projects supporting their with a risk from UXO, saving time and numerous Oil & Gas money, and ultimately protecting people and Renewable and assets. The company is dedicated Energy clients. to providing a pragmatic, site specific approach to mitigating the risk of Wind energy explosives and UXO. industry Over the last 6 years Marine experience they have worked Within the marine environment RPS on a number of have significant experience in UXO risk wind farm projects

targets. The bomb was removed by Explosive Ordnance Disposal Experts allowing safe installation of the wind farm turbines and cables.

ROV use Since this time RPS continue to support the offshore wind energy industry providing survey, data analysis and risk mitigation support. A recent addition to their arsenal is a mini-ROV (VideoRay) with camera and multi-beam sonar, which can be used to efficiently identify surface targets thus avoiding deployment of costly divers or specialist work class ROV spreads.

RPS Explosives Engineering Services (EES) 33 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance The legacy of conflict The legacy of Britain’s involvement in conflict continues to have an impact on commercial activities to this day

Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) is Facing reality encountered on a relatively frequent On the day all of this becomes relevant basis by companies involved in the to your project due to a UXO discovery construction or maintenance of the question is what to do next? When offshore wind farms and other the project manager of a large wind farm Mobilisation energy sectors. construction project on the East coast had Less than 36 hours after this initial meeting such a scenario he was initially unsure. the full REODS system had been mobilised with vessel, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Potential risk Perhaps the military would (EOD) team and ROV to undertake an initial The fact that there is a potential risk of help? assessment of the UXO. UXO on these sites around the UK should Unfortunately, they no longer provide not come as a surprise. The National a guarantee of support to commercial Skills and experience Archive suggests that in excess of 60,000 operations and do not undertake any work Utilising the skills and experience of former munitions remain unaccounted for in the outside the 12 mile limit. Unless there is an Royal Navy Clearance Divers, under the North Sea alone. immediate threat to life, a military response direction of a Mine Warfare and Clearance is extremely unlikely. Within 24hrs of Diving Officer, the team are well versed in Other reports suggest that 1 in 10 of being told this, the project manager called such operations and quickly determined bombs dropped on the UK and its Ramora UK. the type of UXO and the disposal surrounding waters failed to detonate. methodology. Ramora UK Since 2004, Ramora UK has been Equipment working with the oil and gas sector to fill With all the equipment, including the gap left by the Ministry of Defence explosives, embarked as a standard and also provide some technology based protocol, the team had everything solutions to this complex problem. necessary to undertake the safe disposal of the munition with minimal fuss. Case Study – UXO discovery Following a short telephone conversation, the Ramora UK Senior Explosives Officer was invited to an emergency meeting in Harwich. Less than six hours later, the meeting was underway and despite the aim being to gain an understanding of the options available, the outcome was an immediate mobilisation of the full Remote Explosive Ordnance Disposal System (REODS).

34 SPONSORS OF Unexploded Ordnance

Outcome in excess With all of the various permits in place to undertake the work, a countermining of 60,000 charge was placed beside the World War II mine and detonated acoustically. munitions The small detonation causes the mine to sympathetically detonate, thereby remain consuming all the explosives and vaporising the case. unaccounted

Less than 48 hours since the initial for in the meeting the, UXO had been successfully disposed of. North Sea

David Welch Ramora UK 35 INDUSTRY EVENT Quo Vadis Around 3 years ago we heard about the Quo Vadis event and the work of Kevin Donovan and his team at Windpower Renewable Solutions. event Since then we have featured not only the conferences but also many industry specific initiatives, which could be described as being ‘in the best interests of the industry’. For example the Global Wind Alliance and a selection of their Leeds members. Castle Kent


Kevin commented “We are fortunate that we work in this industry and therefore it is rewarding to be able to give something back. Hence the conference is free for invited guests to attend and it is our intention to continue in that vein for future events. However, the fact that the number of delegates has This is a ‘by invitation only event’, is increased significantly means that we Questions, discussion and free of charge and is limited to windfarm are dependent upon our loyal sponsors networking breaks owners and O&M providers. The and exhibitors who help us finance the Yet again we experienced a well thought reasoning is quite clear – concerns can be event.” out format featuring relatively short raised, discussed and solutions sought for presentations broken up by question and the good of the industry as a whole. Main sponsors answer sessions, comfort breaks and Together with Windpower Renewables networking opportunities. The Leeds Castle event was their 6th Solutions this year’s event was co-hosted conference and it goes from strength to by Schaeffler INA/FAG. Other main Adjoining exhibition strength, which proves its worth to the sponsors were GL Garrad Hassan and The opportunity for relevant organisations industry. Stork Technical Services. and companies to exhibit was given and the stands were extremely busy, both in We were honoured yet again to be invited Quo Vadis Conference and offering more detailed valuable advice, to help with that focus and intent. speakers highlighted in the conference proper, Welcome and introduction – Kevin as well as providing information on their Quo Vadis Event Donovan from Windpower Renewable relevant products and services. Kevin, Sigi and their team continually Solutions welcomed all present, explained look for a venue that will do justice to the why we were assembled and introduced Summary previous years’ events and Leeds Castle our chairman for the day. We can certainly report that many of the certainly fitted the bill. delegates made their feelings known to us Chairman – Clifford McSpadden, from personally that the efforts made by Kevin Delegates from 19 major European the Global Wind Alliance is always worth and his team was very much appreciated utility companies came, saw, and were listening to – he has an air of confidence by the industry generally. In addition to conquered by Leeds Castle in Kent. We which is infectious and results in the what has been achieved by setting in train were even blessed with superb weather – audience becoming very much involved in something which helps the industry as a quite a surprise for November! all the presentations and Q & A sessions. whole.

Unique opportunity There then followed various presentations Windpower Renewables Solutions On the evening prior to the conference, from leaders in their field of expertise www.windpower-renewables- the delegates gathered for the traditional which proved to be interesting, informative pre-event dinner. This, together with the and above all professionally delivered with breaks during the conference, formed an the right amount of appropriate humour. important part of the continued success of the event. The fact that the delegates can • Elias Decker, DONG Energy talk openly to like-minded people in the ‘Offshore Wind – The lasting legacy’ industry is a unique feature that only Quo Vadis provides. • Ian Pledger, Schaffler (UK) Limited ‘Condition monitoring in wind turbines’

• Tim Morgan, E.ON Climate & Renewables – ‘How to save with a SPARES strategy’

• David Hamill, Stork Technical Services – ‘Corrosion protection of wind turbines’

• Thomas Stalin, Vattenfall – ‘The pink elephant in the drive train’

• Michael Wilkinson, GL Garrad Hassan – ‘SCADA-based condition monitoring – joining advanced analytic techniques with turbine engineering’ 37 COMPANY PROFILE

safeguard jobs in the supply chain, and bring trade to local businesses. This is all great news for the area. The Secretary OGN Aquind of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, local ward councillors, our MP and new factory approval the elected mayor have all visited the site and we are very pleased with the support Limited is such an opportunity to the region where we have received from them.” pleased to announce that the planning I was brought up, and I appreciate the application for a new 36,000sqm support that we have had from the North The fabrication halls at Hadrian Yard B offshore wind fabrication facility was Council in this matter.” will be demolished to make way for the approved by North Tyneside Council new facility measuring 300m by 120m, recently. Construction which will comprise three 40 metre wide OGN hope to start construction in 2013 parallel production lines each leading to a Wind fabrication facility and have the facility up and running in dedicated painting bay. The office block The 36,000sqm building will house an 2014 ready to achieve full capacity in time and car parking at Yard B will be retained offshore wind fabrication facility, where for the deep water offshore wind farm and refurbished. Work is still being jacket foundations for offshore wind developments around 2015. undertaken in conjunction with the Council turbines will be produced, including the on how best to soften the visual impact of innovative Triton foundation. The Project Mark Brooker, senior planner at Storeys the building on the area. has the potential to create up to 700 local Edward Symmons, which has submitted jobs and represents a £50m investment, the planning application on OGN’s behalf, Aquind supporting the growth of the offshore and comments: “ We’ve worked hard with renewable sectors in the local economy. the council to get the application to committee so that this decision could Click to view more info Graham Kennedy, Director and Chief be taken into consideration when OGN’s Technical Officer for OGN and its application to the Regional Growth Fund subsidiary Aquind comments: “The is considered. It will also create and achievement of this milestone is excellent news, both for OGN and the North Tyneside area in general and we are delighted that North Tyneside Council has supported this project. We will create around 100 jobs during the construction of the facility and then 700 new sustainable jobs for local people in its operation, plus many more in the regional supply chain. We look forward to working with the Council and local residents as we take this exciting development forward”.

David Edwards, Chief Executive Officer for OGN adds: “This project will allow us to satisfy a growing demand from the Offshore Wind sector in the coming years and create new long term jobs in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. I am proud to be able to bring


Innovative industry specific equipment Soil Machine SMD has used its expertise, developed from working with telecoms cabling in the marine environment, and adapted Dynamics (SMD) existing products to develop a suite of proven trenching systems tailored to most powerful trenching ROV, Trenching Offshore Wind and Offshore Power Cable innovative Tractor and fall pipe ROV. SMD cable installation, providing effective solutions to and pipeline ploughs have successfully this growing industry. trenched multiple cables and pipelines equipment across the globe. For example, reduced visibility and strong currents directly impact on the for the New opportunity ease of vehicle recovery; therefore an The decline in the telecoms industry umbilical guided recovery system has around 2004, followed by the growth of been developed to allow quick and easy wind offshore wind and marine renewables recovery in low visibility, high sea-state markets created a new opportunity. In conditions. industry order to address these emerging markets they have adapted their existing range of The QT1000 and QT1400 vehicles were SMD is the world’s leading subsea subsea ploughs and trenching vehicles specifically developed for offshore wind equipment manufacturer committed to focus particularly on the subsea power installation. Both vehicles are designed to high quality and performance and control cable infrastructure for the to operate in shallow water, high current backed up by thorough engineering marine renewables industry. conditions, with low visibility, and to work and solid support. with larger less flexible product which New challenges is typical of Offshore Wind Farms. The Experience Offshore wind farm installations presented QT1400 offers multiple tooling providing Founded in 1971 as Soil Machine a new range of challenges which called for operators with the ability to tackle any Dynamics Ltd, SMD is headquartered a series of product innovations. Vehicles seabed conditions with one machine, in the with offices in are required to operate in harder seabed therefore reducing cost. Singapore and Houston. SMD provides conditions to bury cables up to five Increased productivity Vehicles use tooling engineered to increase trenching speeds, increasing productivity and in turn reducing customer costs. They are the only company which can offer customers a suite of deck equipment to launch and control their trenching vehicles, providing a level of assurance and risk mitigation, which once again helps to drive down costs and risks associated with installation.

Summary SMD’s continual evolution and innovation in seafloor cable protection equipment has enabled the Offshore Wind industry to improve infrastructure at a rate which enables it to meet 2020 targets. Their customers are now able to deliver reliable and cost effective cable protection methodologies to wind farm constructors. to the energy (oil & gas and renewable), times larger in diameter (and therefore telecoms, mining, military and scientific considerably less flexible) in trenches up As a result of this SMD has seen its industries with an increasing number to three times deeper than previously turnover relating to Offshore Wind grow of vehicles more recently being required by the telecoms industry. This from around 10% in 2010 to 30% in 2012. manufactured for the Offshore Wind was a real step-change in the capability market. required. SMD They have delivered in excess of 100 In addition to the changes in cable subsea trenchers and ploughs with a long handling, the vehicles themselves needed Click to view more info experience in providing a reliable solutions to be more manoeuvrable, operate in for safely protecting cable and umbilical tidal conditions with poor visibility and be in hard ground. This includes the world’s capable of protecting a cable which had = Click to view video already been installed on the sea bed. 39 SPONSORS OF STEEL FOUNDATIONS

Design and assembly standardisation will be important in ensuring economies of scale within the sub supply chain. Small deviations from manufacturers optimised steel tube sizes have been Tata steel adding significant additional costs. Close collaboration between the designer, increases efficiency fabricator and steel supplier will be required to ensure design integrity is optimised while maximising process of offshore wind farm efficiency and minimising costs.

jacket construction Displacing the current supply of the bundle of individual tubes by steel suppliers with complete point-to-point assemblies will Offshore wind turbines are Experience and technical enhance fabricator throughput. Painted playing an ever-increasing expertise assemblies incorporating pre-prepared role in governments’ aims With a long-standing presence and machined ends will enable swift assembly to continue transitioning to significant technical expertise in the and welding by fabricators. a low-carbon economy and burgeoning global meet stated green aims by renewable energy and 2020. Renewable energy is one power sector, Tata Steel of the most cost effective has reviewed the factors methods of producing power affecting the structural in the long run, once the design of offshore wind capital costs of the initial turbine platforms, a design, manufacture, assembly significant part of the initial and installation have been capital expenditure and has reconciled. invested in new routes to support economical serial jacket production. Commitment The UK is committed to producing 15% Current factors affecting of its energy from renewable sources the structural design of any by 2020 and to meet this demand, wind turbine include… manufacturers are continuously striving to produce wind turbines with increasing • The desire to improve power outputs. Wind farms are being the power output for each turbine Tube manufacturing for developed in larger numbers, deeper to enable enhanced return on offshore structures waters, further offshore and therefore investment, leading to increased size There are three primary methods almost inevitably requiring a move away and weight and enhanced structural for manufacturing tubes for offshore from monopile construction to other stress and fatigue. structures; three roll bending, JCO and alternative foundation structures. • Design guidelines based on offshore UOE, the latter two indicating the shape oil and gas installations during forming. In all cases submerged arc • Wind turbines being located further welding is the preferred option with both offshore in deeper waters high production single pass welding and • Challenging government targets for the multi pass welding being adopted. cost per megawatt-hour (MWh) • Small wind farm developments are • Three roll bending being replaced with multi stage large Three roll bending has been the traditional farms method of producing large diameter three to four metre cans welded for use in Providing cost effective monopiles. It is a very flexible process solutions with unconstrained diameters available With stretching targets for cost per and immense quantity flexibility, however kilowatt-hour (KWh) having been set, it has a very slow throughput rate. High Tata Steel has looked at how to minimise production volumes are being considered all the incidental costs including that of for developing wind farms and utilising this manufacturing, installing and maintaining option for legs and braces is unlikely to be the structure of an offshore wind turbine economic. and there are several key factors to consider, in order to achieve cost effective solutions.


Dedicated processing centre • JCO The company has another dedicated The use of JCO bending machines have processing centre that is based next to been more popular to meet legs and the plate mill in Scunthorpe, which allows braces demand with structure volume Local suppliers have the capability to Tata Steel to supply plate to wind turbine enhancements as well as the material more readily react to the almost inevitable and tower manufacturers at exactly the thickness increases arising from larger changes in build programmes without right time in their production process. It turbines. Like three roll bending, this the need to have large quantities of stock also allows Tata Steel to carry out further manufacturing process is flexible with and capital sitting idle. The speed of local processing of its plate, reducing overall quick changeovers between differing tube supplier reactivity with enhanced service lead times within the supply chain and sizes, allowing small quantities to be made level capabilities and reduced delivery reducing processing and stocking costs economically. Plate is passed through the lead times will assist to enhance fabricator downstream. rollers, achieving a J shape, subsequently C production efficiency and mitigate the and finally O prior to welding. This process potential for late deliveries. Additionally, The cutting machines cut the plates into has high forming power and thus becomes moving high-density materials is shapes in preparation for fabricating into competitive for thick wall tubes, notable for expensive, so local supply offers economic conical towers. The edges of the plates legs and especially lower portions. benefits. can also be prepared ready for welding together to produce the towers.

Closer collaboration Tata Steel is confident that if the industry forms closer collaboration throughout the supply chain between owner/operator, designer, fabricator and steel manufacturer, it can enable cost effective design and minimise manufacture assembly and installation costs.

In addition, the use of local suppliers to minimise finance tied up in stock and transportation costs is one of the key factors to support economical serial jacket production.

• UOE Dedication to offshore wind The third and most cost effective tube Components will be manufactured from Ian Davies manufacturing process, UOE, refers to tubulars at Tata Steel’s new offshore Tata Steel the shapes determined during the phase processing centre at Hartlepool and production, with flat plate initially bent into prepared for welding into the finished a U, followed by an O as the plate forced structures, shortening throughput Click to view more info round in dies. The E then results from the times and improving cost efficiency for use of an expander to enable the tube to customers, who will be able to source all be delivered to specific tolerances. With steel components from a single supplier. the initial high capital and set up costs for Preparation work will include cutting-to- each tube size, this process combined length, welding, shot blasting, coating and with single pass submerged arc welding end-profiling. Materials will then be stored becomes a cost effective route for large for shipment in kit form to fabricators in quantities of tubes. the UK and mainland Europe using local deepwater ports and the UK rail network. Supply Supply of assemblies in an agreed In addition to tubulars for jacket foundation specific build sequence minimises storage structures, Tata Steel is also able to requirements while reducing the potential supply smaller sized tubes and sections for tube damage. Minimising the stock suitable for all primary and secondary steel within the supply chain is extremely work within wind turbine fabrications. beneficial for reducing cost and aiding cash flow. 41 SPONSORS OF STEEL FOUNDATIONS

Following the award of the DIN 18800-7, TAG Energy Solutions has German experience primes tag energy achieved a full suite of certifications from accreditation bodies required by solutions for UK wind projects its sector. Most recently, the company TAG Energy Solutions believes The monopiles, which measure 60.2m in secured internationally-recognised welding its ability to successfully deliver a length and have a diameter of 6.5m will be certification, ISO 3834 Part 2. project for the German offshore wind utilised to support Seimens 3.6-120 wind market is the perfect preparation for turbines on the wind farm being developed The German market upcoming UK developments. by German Groups EWE and ENOVA John MacAskill, Business Development Energiesysteme GmbH & Co.KG. Director at TAG Energy Solutions, said: The -based company “The ability to manufacture for the played a part in the delivery of steel TAG Energy Solutions, which operates a German offshore wind market, often monopile foundations for the Riffgat 170,000 square metre, state-of-the-art perceived as difficult to penetrate is a Offshore Wind Farm, which is located North riverside facility that has the capability to real advantage for a British company West of the German island of Borkum. deliver up to 100,000 te of steel foundations with ambitions to serve upcoming UK per annum, was able to bid for projects. The standards expected by the and win the project after it secured German market are exceptionally high accreditation required to operate in and the feedback we received for our the German market. work was extremely positive.

Accreditation “We are positioned to work with E.ON Following a successful audit, TAG on the delayed Humber Gateway project Energy Solutions was certified to and are well prepared to be able to DIN 18800-7 Offshore Standard, deliver for future Round 3 developments. which is required by foundation The Riffgat project had put us in good suppliers to developers of German stead to become a key part of the supply offshore wind farms. chain for UK and European offshore wind developments.” This accreditation verifies the suitability of primary steel structures TAG Energy Solutions and structural engineering, which includes TAG Energy Solutions’ range of offshore wind turbine solutions including monopiles.

Vince Cable explained he understood Vince Cable visits the Haley Group how serious the lack of demand was for Vince Cable took time away from the UK and is part of the Haley Group, construction businesses, but warned his Parliamentary duties this week along with Haley Engineering, Alan Dick that the Treasury would want to weigh as he made a visit to the Haley Radar and Cellular and George Jackson up the benefits of infrastructure projects Group headquarters in the South LTD. FLI is the leader in the supply of the against the risk that markets would react West, to meet representatives of FLI UK’s meteorological masts with a market negatively to increased Government Structures and their sister company share of over 50% for both, onshore and borrowing, even at historically low interest Haley Engineering. FLI and Haley offshore UK wind farms. rates. Vince agreed that The Haley Engineering work together on many of Group was well-placed to benefit from their projects assisting one another in Discussions the development at Hinkley Point, as meeting manufacturing demands. In discussions about the steel sector as Electricité de France had expressed a a whole Bill Haley, Haley Group Director wish to engage local companies in supply Onshore and offshore UK wind thanked the Business Secretary for the chain contracts for this project. farms Government’s continued support for the FLI Structures is the UK’s largest mast, Building Schools for the Future Programme, Facility tour tower and screw pile manufacturer in which has meant an increase in steelwork The Business Secretary was then shown for school construction around the Haley group facilities and projects since 2008, but took part in some of the manufacturing raised his concerns about the activities including being asked to prepare 43% drop over the last four the first steel beam for fabrication, ready years in demand for steelwork for Haley’s 100th School building project. as a whole resulting from the depressed state of the The Haley Group employs 145 people construction industry, in turn between four companies. highlighting the opportunities which might be presented by FLI Structures borrowing to invest in large- Vince Cable with Bill Haley scale infrastructure projects around the UK. Click to view more info


Supplying offshore wind turbine foundations Waterfront construction A different approach capacity Triton™ has also been developed The UK industry There is also not nearly enough waterfront specifically with low cost mass production is probably the best suited to provide construction capacity to produce them in mind. Conventional Oil and Gas offshore offshore wind developers with the in large numbers. They will have certain Jackets are all of a bespoke design and adequate supply of foundations. market share in areas where a steel hence by necessity tend to be constructed It is based on decades of offshore foundation can’t be used due to some by traditional manual methods. Such an experience, strong traditions of conditions, but we don’t see how these approach is not feasible for the offshore marine engineering as well as structures can be supplied in hundreds wind industry as it would be both too costly an outstanding track record for every year. and time consuming. A typical Oil and innovation. Gas Jacket can take 18 month or more to Oil & Gas industry experience construct. A different approach is required It is an area where it is probably the easiest This also matches the experience of when over 5,000 offshore wind turbine to secure a large share of the UK content. the Oil & Gas industry where concrete foundation are required by Round 3 areas However, it is also a segment of the supply foundations are typically used for gigantic in the next ten years. chain that has been consistently overlooked platforms like Thor in Norway. in the UK by developers, the Government To achieve these levels of production, and industry experts. While offshore wind farms go further they look to reduce the number of from shore, into deeper water and use structural elements and joints while Steel or concrete larger turbines, the jacket or space frame also standardising these elements and When we talk about foundations, there foundations become the solution of choice. operations as far as possible. This is are largely just two materials to chose where the company works with a number from – steel or concrete. We believe that Jacket structures of steel suppliers to see if they can use as steel is going to be the main material for Jacket structures are easily adaptable for a much as possible lower cost off-the-shelf offshore wind foundations in the coming range of turbines, sea floor conditions and rolled products rather than custom-made 10-20 years. water depth. They also give some flexibility tubulars. as to the installation arrangement that Future large offshore wind developments can be driven piles, drilled piles or suction Offshore wind strategy are about scale, speed and repeatability. buckets. The installation process can This leads to the second part of their In other words, the offshore wind supply also be optimised to expand the offshore strategy in offshore wind. The group chain will need to deliver a large number of window while using not so expensive plans to build a new 36,000m2 automated foundations in a very short timeframe and vessels. Finally, they can be produced in a manufacturing plant at its Hadrian Yard to find a way to transport and install them mass-manufacturing fashion. in . This will be the most optimal safely and cheaply. And this is where steel offshore construction location for many wins over concrete. These are the core points underlining our of the Round 3 projects. The company’s approach to the offshore wind market as a target is to achieve the throughput of While concrete gravity based structures foundations supplier. 100,000te of jacket foundations per year have some benefits, concrete (approximately 3 Triton foundations per foundations are very large and heavy, AQUIND week). their transportation in big numbers is very AQUIND has developed an innovative questionable and their installation requires three-legged jacket foundation for offshore The new plant will be able to produce any lots of seabed preparation. wind turbines that they call Triton™. type of jacket foundation, including Triton, This design is primarily targeted at wind as well as modules and foundations for turbines in the 5-6MW range and water substations and other offshore structures. depths of between 30m and 60m, but can also be used in shallower waters. Undercover facility Most importantly, the new facility will allow It covers most of Round 3 and STW wind building complete structures undercover, farms. The foundation has a number without weather interruptions and with a of novel features aimed at reducing minimum impact on surrounding areas. installation costs and enabling installation to take place in rougher sea conditions The North Tyne Council granted planning than is often possible. Triton has been consent in September 2012. OGN has demonstrated to work for both sand and also been approved for a £4.5m Regional clay seafloors. Growth Fund Grant, which is expected to provide over 700 long term sustainable jobs. Third party analysis An analysis by a third party has also Aquind shown that Triton will work with a range of leading 5 and 6MW turbines. AQUIND™ is continuing to expand the list of design Click to view more info cases. 43 LAW Keeping ahead of the game offshore As more round one wind farms move into production and round two wind farms move into the construction phase, so the activity of the wind farm supply vessel sector increases. It is not unfair to say that wind farm developers have had to embrace new thoughts and ideas whilst proceeding through the planning and design of offshore wind farms. Similarly, they will have to embrace new thoughts and ideas when it comes to dealing with marine transfers.

Accessibility Accidents Unlike onshore assets which are in Generally speaking, in the event of an general readily accessible in all weathers, accident onshore the Health & Safety the marine environment is not so kind. Executive will take the lead, unless there Not only is the physical landscape very is some suggestion of manslaughter different between onshore and offshore or murder - in which case the police wind farms, but so is the legal and would become involved. This is not the regulatory landscape. case in the marine environment as the HSE has limited jurisdiction. In general, Largely speaking, onshore facilities are investigations into regulatory breaches at subject to exactly the same regulations sea are conducted by the Enforcement as any other onshore factory or industrial Unit of the Maritime and Coastguard concern. However at sea a wholly Agency. This small team will respond different set of rules exist, which are quite rapidly where necessary to a marine regulated by a number of different casualty to ensure that the circumstances authorities. Again, in many respects of the incident are investigated as quickly there is nothing special about offshore as possible. This helps to ensure that the renewable energy compared with the evidence is still fresh in everybody’s minds regulation of any other marine activity, and it is possible for physical evidence but it is nevertheless a specialised area to be collected, such as copies of log requiring specialist advice. books or electronic records from Vessel Management Systems. In many respects compliance with marine health and safety and other regulations will be a matter for the vessel operator. There are, in certain circumstances, implications for those chartering such vessels. This of course leads onto the need for specialist advice by both parties relating to the hire agreement or charter, for such vessels.

44 LAW

The Enforcement Unit In addition, it should be noted that In limited circumstances the HSE may well The Enforcement Unit gains most of although it is the MCA Enforcement Unit have powers of investigation, especially its powers from the provisions of the which is investigating this will nevertheless relating to incidents occurring on turbines Merchant Shipping Act 1995 together be a criminal investigation in just the same of offshore structures or incidents with Regulations made thereunder. It is way as if it were a police investigation. All occurring in port, or on gangways and often quoted that there are more offences the same rules concerning legal privilege, ramps from port side facilities to a vessel. that can be committed by a seafarer disclosure of evidence and the protection It should also not be forgotten that Port going to sea than a driver taking his car of human rights apply to those being Authorities will have some rights to on the road. Whilst this may or may not investigated by the MCA Enforcement commence criminal investigations and be the case it is certainly true that marine Unit, as they do to somebody being bring prosecutions for offences contrary to regulatory offences are often technical interviewed by the police for an offence port byelaws. in nature and require specialist advice. such as theft, murder or manslaughter. Quite apart from anything else it helps Again there is therefore need for specialist Summary if there is an understanding of basics advice relating to the operation of the In the unfortunate event of an incident it such as marine terminology practice and criminal law. is likely that all of the potential regulating procedure. The enforcement officers will authorities will descend at the same certainly know the marine environment Marine Accident Investigation time and there are memorandums of back to front and it is therefore essential In addition any marine casualty will be understanding between them as to which that those advising ship owners or wind investigated by the Marine Accident one has precedence – although it should farm operators are similarly well informed. Investigation branch, which has sweeping be noted that this isn’t always followed. powers to investigate marine casualties and incidents. However, its role is to investigate Specialist maritime knowledge coupled incidents with a view to disseminating with experience and knowledge of the information and learning lessons so as to criminal law is an important factor in prevent similar incidents in the future. protecting the interests of everybody who may be involved with an incident occurring These reports cannot be used in a court of on an offshore support or transfer vessel. law but nevertheless its investigations can often lead to issues which are relevant to Andrew Oliver the MCA’s criminal investigation. It is not Andrew Jackson Solicitors uncommon for matters arising from the MAIB investigation to transport themselves into a case which eventually becomes Click to view more info before a criminal court. 45 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD

Advantages and drawbacks Direct drive technology Wind The new report discusses the advantages In contrast, direct drive technology and problems associated with advanced does not use a gearbox, offering slow technology in the . movement of all the parts of the wind Turbines A gearbox allows the generator’s turbine systems and therefore reduced internal shaft to spin 50–250 times for wear and tear of the system and superior Go Back to each rotation of the turbine blades, and reliability. Direct drive turbines have been provides advantages including low noise in the wind power market for a long time, levels and high efficiency. However, but have gained increasing popularity Basics drawbacks include a high level of in recent years due to the low reliability Renewable energy generation maintenance and low reliability. and high refurbishment costs of gearbox simplifies its technology, as wind components. installations begin to reject gearboxes Expectations in favour of the good-old direct drive The global wind turbine gearbox market Enercon GmbH of Germany and Xinjiang turbines, states a new report by is dominated by Winergy and China High GoldWind Science and Technology energy experts GlobalData. Speed Transmission Equipment, who Company Limited of China are major combined accounted for a 52% share of companies manufacturing direct drive global wind turbine gearbox production turbines, and both are perfecting their in 2011. The total amount of gearbox industry offerings. Enercon’s annular units installed in the global wind market multiple poles generator reduces the increased from 9,075 in 2006 to 21,192 number of moving components used, in 2011 at a Compound Annual Growth while Xinjiang’s GoldWind uses permanent Rate (CAGR) of 19%, but an increase magnet direct drive technology. in average turbine size and growing prominence of direct drive systems is This increases reliability substantially, and expected to result in a decline in turbine reduces maintenance costs and time, installations with gearboxes during the increasing production time and therefore forecast period, from present levels to providing improved returns. However, the 12,662 by 2020. cost of permanent magnet generators depends upon the cost of rare earth materials such as Neodymium.

The share of global wind turbine installations accounted for by direct drive turbines has grown from around 18% in 2006 to 22% in 2011, and is expected to increase to 29% by 2020, with wind turbine manufacturers such as Siemens and GE shifting from gearbox turbines to permanent magnet direct drive turbines.


46 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD

favourable. What is clear, however, is Changing up a gear that improvements in both technologies will continue as the wind power industry direct drive v gearbox grows. At the moment gearbox turbines If the wind industry achieves its Gearboxes provide the majority of systems. forecasted growth, there will be more Gear boxes are lubricated with oil, and pressure than ever on wind turbines direct drives generally use grease for Lubrication essential to last longer and operate with better lubrication. The reputation of gearbox Therefore lubrication is essential to productivity. A smooth operating turbines has been somewhat challenged eliminate many of the problems of gearbox gearbox is crucial to delivering a fully because of reportedly high failure rates. maintenance. functioning, long lasting turbine. On the other hand a major turbine manufacturer has reported that the mean In order to determine the right lubricant age of their turbines is 23 years, with it’s important to identify the differences excellent gearbox reliability within that. between the direct drive systems and gearboxes that power the turbines. Direct drive Conversely, direct drive turbines have The right lubrication can help to enhance been criticised for costing more and performance, lifetime and productivity, as weighing more than the gearbox well as reduce downtime – all of this can alternatives, although lighter weight help to deliver commercial benefits and options are now being developed. competitive advantage.

Conflicting views Daryl Luke So there are different, often conflicting Castrol Industrial views on which type of system is more

solution, however gearboxes have been train architectures that simplify the task of Wind turbine proven in a broad range of assurance assembly and installation and geared drive critical industries to be a highly efficient and trains intrinsically provide this. With a geared drivetrains reliable means of converting the low speed, drive train all subsystems and components high torque of a rotor shaft to a condition can be removed and replaced with no geared v optimum for a cost effective, efficient disturbance to the primary hub/blade generator. assembly, rotor mainshaft and bearings. direct drive Reliability paramount Conclusion – integrated geared Turbine reliability is key to maximising Ensuring reliability of the turbine driveline is drive train power generation and ultimately paramount to availability and begins with With all this in mind it is a truly integrated it is a direct influencer of cost and performance specification and design. geared drive train that offers the most profitability. With wind turbine The highly variable nature of the wind reliable, cost effective and efficient solution operators focused on driving down power generation environment can make to the industry’s need to drive down the the cost of energy, David Brown has identification of service duty challenging, yet cost of energy. The direct drive train has worked with numerous collaborators, any inaccuracy in the specification of the higher acquisition and installation costs from customers, industrial partners load regime can significantly compromise due to larger, heavier components and and academia, designing and drive train component reliability. Such is relatively unproven technology in the developing drive train solutions risks apply to both direct drive and geared offshore wind environment. to deliver these cost efficiencies. turbines, however the smaller scale of Through evaluation of numerous geared system driveline components Structural design, thermal effects, assembly multi-MW wind turbine drive train simplifies the task of design for service and maintainability are also challenging for concepts the company has now reliability. multi-MW scale direct drive generators. identified the optimum solution for By contrast, geared or integrated offshore systems – an integrated, Accessibility constraints medium speed generators utilise proven geared drive train. In addition, accessibility constraints offshore technologies, offering turbine operators lead to the necessity of modular drive higher reliability and the least risk. Research and Development programme These lower weight, compact and modular The company’s targeted R&D programme configurations facilitate manufacture, addressed both gearbox and generation installation, maintenance and where equipment including novel axial flux necessary, removal. Engineered with generator technology, for both geared integrity, the combination of these benefits and direct drive configurations. Research of a geared drivetrain system provides a showed each option has distinct robust solution to the goal of minimising the characteristics that strongly influence both cost of energy production. reliability and lifecycle costs. For example, the conceptual simplicity of a direct drive David Brown may appear to offer the most elegant 47 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD

The basics reduction products boast millions of hours Gearbox v Choose a gearbox and get proven of commercial application and remarkable technology, that does the job – but suffer results across a wide range of industrial direct drive issues of reliability, turbine downtime sectors. and too many technician visits. Pick a it is largely direct drive system and you’ve eliminated Already in 10% of the UK’s large wind the technically most complicated and turbines, Lofrix reduces turbine failures about money vulnerable part of the turbine - but paid the by lowering friction on bearing and penalty for higher capital cost in the drive gear interfaces. Dramatically reducing The choice between using gearboxes train, generator and nacelle. component wear, hence lubricant or direct drive systems to convert particulate contamination, it maintains the blade rotation of wind turbines Return on investment oil quality, and substantially lessens into electricity comes down largely to Other than health and safety, it’s about how unscheduled maintenance - positively money. much money the turbine generates over its impacting on the life of gearboxes, life, minus the installed capital cost and the hydraulic systems, and bearings. Doesn’t it lifetime operations and maintenance – and always? the stakes rise massively offshore. So what Jury’s out horse do you back? The jury is out on the gearbox versus direct drive case, but treating either system with Liquid friction reduction Lofrix will considerably lengthen operating At Lofrix they know they can improve the life and increase returns. gamble whatever the choice, and their on- going work with Huddersfield University Lofrix and some major wind turbine operators in the UK supports that. Lofrix liquid friction Healthy friction Direct Drive vs Gearbox wind turbines The competition between direct Recent comparisons This uses less moving parts, potentially drive and gear box wind turbine Gearbox wind turbines have gone through creating an even more reliable machine, technology only seeks to strengthen a number of significant improvements in reducing operating and maintenance both technologies, ensuring improved recent years reducing the frequency of costs over the long term and helping make reliability, affordability, easier and less the gearbox failures and adding to their electricity from wind more competitive. frequent maintenance. reputation of being reliable. However they have come under strong competition Many newer direct drive variants use from newer direct drive machines that permanent magnets which are made are; simpler and more efficient but out of rare earth materials such as questionably more expensive, heavier Neodymium, whose future supply is and whose longevity is yet to be unknown and in recent years have seen proven. sharp increases in price.

History Developments Historically, most conventional wind The developments in direct drive turbines have a gearbox located technology are forcing traditional gearbox centrally in the drive train, that takes designs to become cheaper, lighter the low rotation speed shaft - coupled and more efficient. This healthy friction to the wind driven rotor - and is set to ensure that both wind turbine increases the rotational speed through technologies help drive up efficiency and the gearbox to a high speed shaft reliability whilst driving down operating sometimes as much as a hundred costs within the industry. times to reach the required grid frequency, helping to reduce the size of ICE Renewables sells a range of tried the generator needed in the process. and tested medium scale gearbox wind turbines and will shortly be introducing a Industry response new 100kW direct drive machine to the As a response to growing concerns market. over the operation and maintenance costs of larger wind turbines, direct Julian Martin drive wind turbines have been ICE Renewables developed where the gearbox has been removed and the rotor shaft is fed directly to a synchronous generator.

48 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD

Reduction of complexity Gearbox v direct drive? So in order to increase reliability the complexity of the system must be ...... or is there another way? reduced. On a drivetrain level the result is the integration of the independent main The debate as to whether or not Size and weight components into a hybrid system. On the the conventional wind turbine drive The resultant increase in component gear level, the result is fewer components train with a gearbox at its centre or sizes to meet this massive increase in used. The design concept is based on whether the direct drive concept is generation capacity is also massive and load sharing techniques and the result is better has been aired for many years it is becoming a potential limiting factor minimisation of total mass, with optimised now and the arguments from both to the economics of turbine growth. and verified load sharing between the sides are well known. The two companies from Finland; one a components transmitting the load and gearbox manufacturer (Moventas) and the resultant medium speed technology Personal biased consideration the other a Permanent Magnet Generator ensures the highest availability and annual Naturally depending on where you stand manufacturer (The Switch) clearly identified energy yield. your argument will tend to favour what size and weight as becoming limiting is best for your business and objectivity factors in both conventional and direct Comparisons in reduction may be skewed towards personal drive turbines and decided that a solution The gearbox and generator combination considerations. It is clear however that both needed to be found. that has been developed in partnership sides of the argument have positives and between Moventas and The Switch is half negatives, nothing is perfect. In an ideal Other considerations the size and weight of direct drives. When world we would be able to keep all the Size and weight were not the only compared to conventional drive trains the positives and lose all the negatives, but this considerations taken into account by overall length is significantly reduced and is never going to be completely possible. It Moventas and The Switch. Other factors also weight reduction is achieved. Lower should never however stop us from trying. If were carefully considered with the goal of weights and smaller physical size provides we never try we will never succeed. reducing the cost of generation. the opportunity for reduction in the total turbine manufacturing costs as towers and One such foundations are not supporting such heavy consideration was weights and sizes. the ability to perform service to the unit on Total nacelle size and weight is site in the nacelle. This dramatically reduced. Further savings consideration was are made in reduction of transport costs particularly relevant associated with larger heavier structures in with the increase the multi-MW turbine classes. in the number of turbines being The stated goal is – “reduce the cost situated offshore. of wind energy production” The costs associated with lifting a gearbox To achieve this or, as is in some cases a complete • An increase in reliability based on nacelle, from an simplification of the system complexity off-shore turbine is is needed extremely high and • Size and weights need to be can only be achieved significantly reduced using specialist lifting • Total life time costs need to be Focus – reducing the cost of vessels that are not always available and reduced by making total service wind energy production may have limited operating windows due possible on site Some years ago two companies in Finland to weather constraints in certain areas. • Use best technology to increase put their thinking caps on and tried to annual yield picture where the future of wind turbine Ease of service technology would take us and their stated Considering ease of service is of course The result is – Fusion Drive from goal was to reduce the cost of wind important as it is a universal truth that Moventas and The Switch. energy production. all machines have the potential to fail, therefore it is important to make provision Moventas It was clear that ever larger wind turbines for this when you design. It is also a good would be the order of the day as our idea to design something which will be industry has accelerated from kW class as reliable as possible and this became Click to view more info to multi MW class turbines in a very short an important driver for Moventas and The period. Our industry is still an infant but Switch and can be summed up in the turbine generation capacity has leapt from statement below. = Click to view video 100kW to 7MW and beyond in only 30 years. “Increasing reliability by reducing system The Switch complexity is key in reducing cost of wind energy production” 49 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD 20 Questions DAVID MOSS

Who are you? What was your worst holiday What sport do you participate David Moss Service Sales Manager, and why? in/watch the most? Moventas Gears Oy The last ever family holiday I had as a Rugby is my favourite sport. In the UK kid. For the first two days I had food I played for many years and in Finland I What brought you into the poisoning and lived in the not so luxurious coached the Jyväskylä men’s team for industry/your position? toilet block of a mid-1970s camp site. two seasons and the Jyväskylä ladies’ A combination of need and interest My parents, older brother and two older team for one season. Rugby is a sport that brought me to Moventas. As an ex-pat sisters, confined to our tent on a campsite breaks bones but makes friends for life. I Sales Manager with a background in near Ilfracombe in Devon. It poured with can attest to both. It is also an attitude. To engineering products and companies rain every day, the campsite flooded and play well you have to commit and there Moventas was one of a small number of cars could not get because the steep are few sports where you put your body companies in the Jyväskylä (in Finland) entrance to the site was just an unmade on the line in defence of your team. If you area that represented opportunity to use road that became a mud slick. carry over this attitude from the rugby my talents. After a year of knocking on pitch into your business life, you won’t go their door they finally let me in. What is the best advice you have far wrong. ever been given?... Family status? • “Measure twice, cut once” What is the most bizarre I have a Finnish ex-wife and two children • “Aviation and alcohol don’t mix.” The situation you have found of dual nationality. latter of which you will understand yourself in? later. In 1989 I flew home from the USA on an Who is your hero and why? • “Never ask someone to do what you almost empty Pan Am 747. This was about Nelson Mandela. Anyone who can spend aren’t prepared to do yourself” three weeks after the Lockerbie disaster. so long in prison under such an abhorrent • “Finish what you start” A very drunk American woman on the regime, and then when in a position • “If you don’t know, ask” same flight decided that I was a rock star where he could have exacted bloody • “Don’t give what you can’t take” and that she had all my albums! My only retribution, the man did quite the opposite. defence was to try and tell her I was not He created what he called the rainbow What is your favourite smell? a rock star but although impressed, was nation. In a rainbow there is no black or A scent of freshly cut grass on a cricket just a Cathodic Protection Salesman. white. A defining moment for me is when field. As a cricketer at Long Ashton near She wouldn’t accept this as the truth he wore the No 7 shirt of Francois Pienaar, Bristol we all had to play our part in the and proceeded to remove as many of the South African Rugby Captain, the day ground and pavilion up-keep. Cutting her clothes as she could to show her they won the Rugby World Cup. For many the outfield took about 3 hours on a sit appreciation of my music! A very stern years South African Rugby represented on motor mower and this was usually hostess and a steward arrived to drag her so much that was bad in that country. done the evening or the morning before away. This single gesture did so much to change the match. The smell invokes memories attitudes in South Africa and around the of the best of British summers, sport, The funniest thing was the flight steward world. It still brings a lump to my throat. competition and friendship. who assisted the hostess to pull the lady off me when asked by said lady, What annoys you the most? What do you do in your spare Poor quality and a lack of attention to time? “what do you think of my breasts? detail. Both usually derive from a don’t Now living in Finland, activities are heavily Not bad for a girl of my age?” care attitude. dictated by the environment and the natural surroundings. In the winter I downhill and “I can’t say I noticed madam” cross country ski with my kids and with the steward replied my girlfriend. In the summer as we have so many lakes I kayak with the kids, wind surf “Faggot!” and enjoy long distance cycling. I also write she spat at him. song lyrics for my sister-in-law who is a professional musician. “That’s right madam” said he.

aviation and Alcohol don’t mix!

50 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD

working on large LPG plant. This is more What is your favourite music? than just about cutting something to I have Rolling Stones live CD with ‘Paint it, size to make sure it fits first time, it is Black’ and ‘Sympathy for The Devil’ on it. about considering your actions and their I play this more than most in the car and implications before taking action. So, no what I am very proud of is that my son, major laws from me as I am not qualified when he was only ten years old, told me in this area. to turn it up as ‘Sympathy for The Devil’ was his favourite record. As for other Something simple however: I notice living music it depends what I am doing. In the in Finland just how clean the place is gym I like to listen to The Ramones as I and how little litter there is. When I come get more done. If I want to relax, some home to the UK it is quite the opposite Miles Davis, but probably my all-time and people think nothing of littering. My favourites would be The Clash. solution. An instant fine for littering, £10 or the option to pick up what you have Who would you choose to spend dropped plus another ten items and bin a romantic evening with, other them to avoid the fine. than your current partner? I’m not sure about a romantic evening as What prominent person would you can never really know what someone you like to meet? is like until you have spent some time with Nelson Mandela. them. Someone I always felt was beautiful What talent would you like to as a young woman and who I have have? What book are you reading at found interesting when I have seen her To be able to sing in such a way that present? interviewed on a number of occasions in people want to listen instead of making I have just finished One Thousand Years recent years was Lauren Bacall. However dogs howl. The human voice is the most of Annoying the French by Stephen if she is not available then the Jamaican powerful and moving of all instruments. Clarke. This is a great read from a humour Ladies 4 x 100m relay team would do and a history stand point. I thoroughly nicely. What makes you angry? recommend it. Injustice. If money was not a factor what What car do you drive? would you buy tomorrow? What law would you like to see A Ford Mondeo Estate. Diesel. A big, ocean-going motor yacht. My first introduced? employment was as a marine engineer Laws are always difficult as we tend to Where would you like to be 10 working for the Peninsular & Oriental have knee jerk reactions to things that years from now? Steam Navigation Company better known make us angry, especially on big issues. On my big ocean-going motor yacht as P&O. I love the sea and I love to travel. “Measure twice cut once” was advice I somewhere warm. This would allow me to do both. This is was given in my days of being an engineer of course only after solving world poverty, hunger and people trafficking! She proceeded to remove Which 3 words would best as many of her clothes describe you? Fit, bald and fifty. How would I like to think as she could to show her others see me: honourable, dependable, fun. appreciation of my music!

Scan to see more information Click to view more info on OUR SPONSORS MOVENTAS . . . = Click to view video 51 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD More power from the wind When considering generation costs for wind turbines, it is a simple matter of principle. Dr. Eng. Andreas Vath, Sebastian Schmidt and Stuart Williams of Bosch Rexroth recommend transmission concepts that rotate at medium speeds and use differential gearboxes.

Growing electricity consumption in Europe has increased the demand for wind energy. Since the number of suitable onshore sites is limited, many offshore projects are currently being carried out. Modern wind turbines can generate up Direct drives with separately excited to eight megawatts of power and coming synchronous generators require large generations are to deliver as much as ten amounts of copper and steel, while megawatts. The operators are always permanent-magnet generators need conscious of keeping generation costs as expensive rare earths. Due to reduced low as possible and this is arrived at from materials consumption and the lower the sum of all the costs required to convert investment costs that entails, the electrical the wind’s energy into electrical power. generation costs for concepts using The key to greater profitability is to be If, for the purpose of comparison, we transmissions are lower than for direct- found in a highly efficient and reliable drive assume a 25-year service life and an drive solutions. Just as was the case in concept. Here operators of offshore wind average wind speed of nine meters per comparing the degree of efficiency, the farms will have to make a fundamental second, then using a medium-speed medium-speed drive train fares better than decision when selecting the drive concept. concept is advisable. Eliminating the the high-speed solution. The choices are: high-speed gearing stage will reduce the losses incurred and the efficiency of Influence of the step-up ratio in • Direct drives, without gearing the remaining two-stage transmission medium-speed concepts • Medium-speed drive concepts with rises to more than 98 percent. Thanks to The gear ratio plays an important part in gearboxes the low thermal losses of the medium- reducing power generation costs. There • High-speed drive concepts with speed generator, it achieves 98.3 percent are two major concepts on the market gearing efficiency. Given the 97.5 percent today, in competition with each other: efficiency for the frequency inverter, the the conventional design with two planet The decision needs to be based on overall efficiency for the entire power sets and the REDULUS GPV-D differential solutions with high efficiency levels, but train is 94 percent – the top value in the gearboxes made by Rexroth. This latter also with the lowest possible installation wind speed range relevant for offshore concept, with a power split, comprises and maintenance costs. facilities. Even at lower wind speeds, the two planetary stages and one differential gearing losses are reduced thanks to stage. This gearing concept makes Comparing efficiency the elimination of the high-speed stage. possible a particularly broad range of If the wind speed, rotor blades, tower, Seen over the entire life of the system, the transmission ratios. As a result, it satisfies and system controls are identical, then operators of offshore wind farms will profit all the requirements of today’s system the energy yield for offshore wind farms from the maximum energy yields. concepts and is distinguished by great will depend exclusively on the degree reliability, since there are no components of efficiency for the power train. Direct Comparison of the investment costs which rotate at high speeds and would drives achieve high efficiency, particularly In offshore facilities, power generation thus be susceptible to wear. at lower wind speeds. But this falls off costs will basically fall as the size of the with stronger winds. This is due to a rise wind turbine increases due to the high in thermal losses in the copper windings fixed costs for planning, installation and as the power levels rise. High-speed maintenance. But despite all of this, concepts are attractive, although they, there are differences in the individual in turn, have a problem with idling losses concepts. The investment costs are the in the gearing stages when less wind is highest for direct drives, this being due available. to the large amount of raw materials used – regardless of whether a separately excited or a permanent-magnet concept is implemented.

52 Sponsors of GEARBOX V DD

Development and validation In order to track down optimization potentials – like gear ratios – as early as possible, equipment manufacturers work closely with Bosch Rexroth right from the development phase. The amount of effort invested here is considerable. The concept’s service life is examined using analyses at the system level, multibody simulations, and finite element methods. In addition, detailed calculations of the dynamic loads for individual transmission components provide the basis for optimized gearbox engineering. At every development step the prototypes are also subjected to

The overall impact of the transmission ratio becomes clear when making a direct comparison of investment costs for the conventional design and for the differential gearbox. The conventional concept, comprising a generator and gearbox with two planet sets, is limited to a step-up ratio of 40. Thus the generator shaft rotates 40 times as fast as the rotor blades tests on highly modern gearbox test in the wind turbine. In that configuration, beds and have to pass extensive field 65 percent of the investment costs for testing. The results are used in further the power train will be devoted to the development of the products and thus gearing and 35 percent to the medium- can bring about a significant increase speed generator. With the REDULUS GPV in quality and performance – for the differential gearbox made by Rexroth, it gearbox in particular, but also for other is possible to achieve gear ratios of 60 components. in medium-speed rotation concepts. The generator then has to deal with less Summary torque at the same rated output. When The drive components have a great using the differential gearing, the generator influence on the efficiency and reliability costs can be significantly reduced when of drives and, in turn, on the profitability compared with other concepts for of offshore wind turbines. Drive train medium-speed operation, since the costs concepts designed to rotate at medium vary almost directly proportionally to the speeds unite the decisive advantages of Bosch Rexroth AG torque to be handled. both of the other solutions. Just as in the high-speed designs, the high efficiency at full load and the low Click to view more info materials costs are convincing. The high partial efficiency and the concept’s great reliability are comparable with direct drives. Employing the Rexroth differential gearbox can additionally lower electricity production costs. With its help, wind farm operators and equipment manufacturers are thoroughly equipped to deal with future developments. 53 RISK MANAGEMENT The BOW-TIE

escalation of such events, the controls preventing the event from occurring and Method the preparedness measures in place to limit the impact (see Figure 1). The power of a bow-tie diagram is that it provides an overview of multiple plausible scenarios in An Elegant Solution? a single picture.

Building the Bow-Tie In a previous issue, Risktec discussed What is a Bow-Tie? A bow-tie diagram is built by asking a the steps of an effective risk The Bow-Tie method, so called because structured set of questions in a logical management process and highlighted it describes the management of risk in sequence (see Figure 2). The completed the importance of risk assessment/ the shape of a bow-tie, is an extremely bow-tie illustrates the , its causes analysis within this process. A number powerful way of clearly illustrating how and consequences, the controls to of differing techniques are available for risk is being managed within an operation, minimise the risk, and a list of the critical assessing or analysing risk (e.g. risk business etc. It helps ensure that risks tasks undertaken to ensure ongoing assessment matrices) and in this issue, are managed rather than just analysed, integrity of these controls. Risktec focuses upon a powerful and partly by going beyond the usual risk increasingly popular risk assessment assessment ‘snapshot’ and highlighting Bow-ties are best constructed via technique, the Bow-Tie method. the links between risk controls and facilitated workshops involving people who management systems. are regularly confronted with the risks. This is proven to be the most effective way A bow-tie diagram provides a readily- of identifying real controls and capturing understood visualisation of the current practice. Honesty is an essential relationships between the causes of ingredient during these sessions if any business upsets ( which, if weaknesses in controls are going to be realised, could compromise business uncovered. To encourage honesty, the objectives e.g. impact on health, safety, workshop needs to be run in an open and the environment, operations etc.), the engaging fashion, and an independent facilitator can often help to create such an environment.

To provide a practical example of a completed bow-tie, we can again look at our multi-purpose “Tiger in Cage” analogy. In this example, wild animals (i.e. tigers) are the hazard, with the top event (i.e. when control of hazard is lost) being tiger escape from the cage. The threats, consequences, barriers and recovery preparedness measures for this scenario can be easily understood at a glance as illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 1: The Bow-Tie


Figure 2: Building the Bow-Tie 55 Benefits of the Bow-Tie Method

1. Logical, structured understanding 3. Greater ownership 5. ALARP demonstration Risk assessments can have a Bow-tie workshops encourage Bow-ties are an effective tool for tendency to concentrate on the participation and stimulate qualitative demonstration that hazards level of risk only, rather than communication between key are being managed to a level which considering all aspects of the stakeholders, whether from the is As Low As Reasonably Practicable management of risk. The structured company, contractors or external (ALARP). The bow-tie diagram approach of the bow-tie forces an parties, who all have a role to play in clearly identifies all existing barriers in assessment of how well all initial managing risk and yet may not be place to prevent realisation of a causes are being controlled and involved in more traditional techniques. hazard, and prompts operators to ask how well prepared the organisation is When people feel involved they tend “is there anything more we can to recover, should things start to go to ‘buy-in’ to the process. When reasonably do?” wrong. This logical approach often action is taken based on what they identifies gaps and issues that are say, people will take ownership. All 6. “Future proof” risk management missed by other techniques. of which lends itself to more effective Unlike other risk assessment risk management. techniques, the bow-tie illustrates not 2. Clear communication and only what controls are currently in improved understanding 4. Efficiency gains place, but, through the use of critical By visually illustrating the hazard, Bow-ties help identify where resources tasks, why they will still be there its causes and consequences, and the should be focused for risk reduction tomorrow. controls to minimise the risk, the bow- (i.e. prevention or mitigation), thus tie can be readily understood at reducing the volume of safety all levels, from senior managers and analysis, leading to a potential operations personnel, to regulators reduction in unnecessary/lower and members of the public. importance barriers.


Figure 3: “Tiger in Cage” Bow-Tie

So where do Bow-Ties fit in? Limitations of the Bow-Tie Method In summary, a number of differing Bow-tie diagrams can be generated for Of course bow-ties are not the panacea techniques are available for assessing every hazard identified for any particular for all risk management problems. If risk. However if you want to remove operation at any point in its life cycle. you want to quantify your level of risk in the mystique of risk management and However, it is clearly not appropriate, absolute terms then the bow-tie method obtain insights into your risk controls efficient or cost effective to construct will not help directly. Similarly, if you want that are easy to understand and easy diagrams for all identified hazards. Bow- to model complex inter-relationships to communicate, then there is no better tie diagrams are most commonly used, between your risk controls, there are method than bow-ties. and realise the largest benefit in analysing better ways than using bow-ties. major hazards. James Sneddon As with all risk assessment techniques, Risktec Solutions Ltd The Risk Assessment Matrix, discussed the quality of the information output is in a previous issue (see February/March dependent on the quality of the individuals 2012), can be utilised as a “screening” tool leading the workshops/assessment and Click to view more info to identify major hazards requiring further the team assembled to assist. The danger investigation, with bow-tie diagrams clearly exists that, due to the apparent simplicity identifying the controls/mitigations against of the bow-tie diagram, such assessments such hazards. are undertaken by inexperienced personnel and without the direct input from all involved parties (operations, maintenance etc.). In such a scenario, bow-ties could be generated which do not represent the on-site operations and omit key threats, consequences or controls. 57 SKILLS GAP Powerskills UK Training a New Breed of Wind Farm Engineer

The considerable investment in Selby College As Ann Dobbs, Director said, “We were renewable in Yorkshire and Powerskills UK is located in the market originally approached by a group of Humber, including construction of the town of Selby in North Yorkshire, where employer partners who were frustrated world’s largest offshore wind farms, it operates from state-of-the-art facilities by the lack of specialist training available has proven to be a major business on the newly-built £35m Selby College locally and wanted to develop a tailored catalyst for different service provider campus. employee skills programme. This organisations. followed an unprecedented demand The organisation has very solid roots, for trained engineers in Yorkshire Powerskills UK, a unique training based on many years of successful and Humber as a direct result of the organisation, has responded rapidly partnership working; supporting the estimated £14 billion investment by 2015 to providing a range of cutting-edge training needs of the large power stations in renewable energy production in the engineering training options to help meet in the area and a burgeoning engineering region. The demand for trained staff an almost overnight skills gap. sector. Powerskills UK has seen its quadrupled in as many weeks leaving a customer base rapidly expand based skills gap that could not immediately be on its reputation for delivering bespoke filled locally with existing employees.” training that matches employer needs.


Ann added, “As Powerskills UK be delivered on site, Powerskills UK has Employer partnerships delivers training tailored to industrial a dedicated team of staff able to work As Ian Muir, Powerskills UK Area Manager requirements, we were able to respond around work rotas and shift patterns. confirmed, “Our partnership with power extremely quickly offering Apprenticeship sector employers is unique in its shared training to younger employees by Bespoke training mission; all parties understand the need incorporating on-the-job training with The types of services offered varies from of education and business to work theory based off-the-job support in the customer to customer, but includes together, to open minds, develop skills classroom. We also provided up-skilling bespoke training designed to suit an and build knowledge, to better prepare support for older workers; ensuring they organisation’s specific needs, vocational employees for the challenges that they were more than capable of meeting the training based around Government- will face in what has rapidly become one new challenges created by the North Sea funded learning including Apprenticeships of the country’s growth sectors.” wind farm development.” and higher level skills courses right up to and including Foundation Degree courses. Selby College Doosan Power Systems – Using only time-served Engineers, staff sponsored facilities specialise in different trade disciplines Employer organisations may choose including Autocad, 17th Edition Electrical, to have training delivered off site in the Machining, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, two Doosan Power Systems sponsored Welding Fabrication and Steelwork facilities. If customers prefer training to Erection amongst a growing list. 59 SKILLS GAP Wind industry proves uplifting career choice for ex-sOLDIER

After three tours of duty in Iraq, a former soldier is now flying high in a new career in the wind industry thanks to Maersk Training, Newcastle.

Joey Callaghan He said: “Although I had to invest my Joey Callaghan, 28, from Pemmaenmawr own money in the training courses, I’ve in North Wales joined the army at 16 after never looked back and have made that leaving school with few qualifications. money up, as well as much more, in However after seven years service, just four months working in the wind including three tours of duty in Iraq, Joey industry. It’s a fantastic career to be in felt he had seen enough and left the army - the opportunities are endless and with to look for a new career. great shift patterns I end up spending one week at home out of every three. get into the industry and develop my Career choices career quickly. Five months ago I never When weighing up his career options, a “After having a varied and hard-working thought I would be where I am now.” friend recommended Joey contact Maersk career in the armed forces I was unsure Training in Newcastle, which specialises what employment I would find in the Maersk Training in wind, renewable and offshore training civilian world. I knew that the wind and Alison Isbister from Maersk Training, who and is the first and only centre in the UK renewable industry was expanding worked with Joey to help him find his first to offer courses approved by the Global fast, but with no direct experience or wind sector job, said: “The global wind Wind Organisation (GWO). qualifications I didn’t know where to industry is experiencing unprecedented begin. The staff at Maersk Training really growth and there are many resulting skills Global Wind Organisation helped me by putting together a suite shortages that need to be plugged. This programme of wind courses which would maximise means the opportunities are endless for The GWO programme is a globally my chances of employment. Once I both business and individuals, with some recognised standard and is often the completed my courses they even helped people earning salaries of up to £1,500 first step for those wanting a worldwide suggest companies they knew were per week. We are delighted that we have career in wind power - currently only a few recruiting. been able to help Joey and many others centres globally have GWO approval. like him get into the industry. Many people “It only took me a few weeks to get are taking advantage of the fact that they In just two weeks, Joey had completed my first job in the wind sector and the can get certified in a GWO approved a suite of specialist wind training courses fantastic experience I gained meant I course and be ready for the possible including electrical awareness, rope could move very quickly into my dream upcoming certification changes in the access and Siemens level 2 and 3 job, working on an offshore wind farm. industry as early as first quarter 2013.” technical training. With Maersk Training’s help, Joey then applied for a number of “The benefits in the industry are good, Maersk Training Newcastle related jobs and within just six weeks got you are part of a close team and I am his first job working in the wind industry. learning and developing my skills every day. Maersk was incredibly helpful and Click to view more info Progress provided me with a superb standard of Five months on, Joey is working offshore on training. They spent a lot of time going a wind turbine and has never been happier. over the little things with me, which has = Click to view video made a huge difference in helping me

Wind energy trainees – Sheringham Shoal Offshore Windfarm Norfolk based wind farm operator Advertisements will appear in the local to be able to take advantage of the varied Scira Offshore Energy has employed Norfolk press for a trainee mechanical skilled positions that will be created by the its first trainee and now begins the engineer, with East Anglian agency offshore wind industry in this region.” search for its second as Scira prepares Cooper Lomaz co-ordinating the to take over the full operation of the recruitment campaign on Scira’s behalf. Gary Lorimer 88 turbine Sheringham Shoal Offshore The successful candidate will benefit from Gary began working with Scira in Wind Farm now that construction is a comprehensive structured two year September 2012 and came to the role with virtually complete. training programme. experience on fishing vessels working out of Wells, as a deckhand on a survey vessel Local focus Commitment based in Edinburgh and also a period at With its focus clearly on encouraging HR & Communication Manager Liz Offshore Wind Farm. local people into a career in the growing Hancock said, “Gary’s appointment, renewables industry, Scira welcomed 22 and the creation of a second trainee He is thrilled with the appointment and year old Gary Lorimer from South Creake, opportunity, shows we are committed said: “This is a great opportunity for me to its marine co-ordination team and is to supporting the development of local and I’m going to work hard to make the now advertising a new opportunity. people, to ensure they are well positioned most of it.”


They constantly strive to develop new training programmes which NETA Training will develop and enhance the industry and the individuals training working within it. tomorrow’s Continuous improvement policy workforce As part of their policy of continuous improvement they today have recently developed a range NETA Training has over 35 years of programmes covering elements experience in the provision of of renewable energy such as Solar technical and vocational training PV, Solar Thermal and Ground to many of the industries and Source Heat Pumps, and are organisation in the North East currently looking at programmes region including fabrication, for the Wind Sector. NETA have oil and gas, energy, process also received accreditation and construction. With courses from ECITB to deliver training covering a range of disciplines from programmes in the area of Mechanical Engineering, Welding, Mechanical Joint Integrity and will Scaffolding, Rigging, Electrical and soon be opening a new bespoke Instrumentation, H&S and Logisitics. facility to deliver this training.

Industry relationship Collaboration The close relationship with the industries NETA are happy to collaborate it serves has enabled the company to with many different organisations constantly develop resources which meet and are currently one of the the specific requirements of employers preferred providers of training in and individuals. into the engineering sectors through conjunction with the National Renewable their apprentice and BTEC schools Energy Centre () in Blyth. Accreditation programmes. With accreditations from many of Bespoke training the leading awarding bodies such as Practical training focus Their key strength has been the ability ECITB, EAL, City and Guilds, Edexcel With the emphasis on practical training in to develop learning programmes which and NASC it was approved as the first simulated work related environments they meet specific client requirements rather Centre of Vocational Excellence for utilise purpose built facilities in four training than limiting choice to standard course Engineering Construction, and was also centres, and are well placed to support availability. the first independent training provider the growth of the Renewable Energy to achieve certification in the Training Industry in the North East Region. NETA looks forward to not only supporting Quality Standard (TQS) with excellence in their existing customer base but also Engineering. Proactive and flexible approach developing relationships with new A proactive and flexible approach has companies operating or looking to develop They work with over 700 companies and ensured NETA has regularly been at the into this exciting new sector of the industry. provide training to over 7000 delegates forefront of new innovative training, and each year, as well as supporting the company is regularly the first to invest NETA Training Group the development of young people in the training needs of today.

Ms Hancock added that Scira will adopt a “As one of North multi-pronged approach in its commitment Norfolk’s largest to ensuring local young people of all employers, and being at ages and backgrounds are prepared for the forefront of the local the current, and upcoming, wind energy wind energy industry, industry opportunities. we strongly see the education and career Local education relationships development of the “We have an ongoing relationship with next generation as a key Alderman Peel High School, participating responsibility.” in careers days and student projects, and recently announced a bursary fund Scira Offshore Energy open to 16-18 year old students from low income families who wish to study a BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering at Scira’s first trainee one of three Norfolk colleges - College of recruit, Gary Lorimer West Anglia, Great Yarmouth College or from South Creake City College,” she said. 61 SKILLS GAP

“It also limits the operating power/ turbine speed to some specified Turbine control values to prevent the turbine from unsafe operation under high wind conditions, thus reducing maintenance workshop showcases requirements. Since around 15 per cent of the whole-life cost of offshore wind energy comes from maintenance issues, green energy fault tolerant control can make a further significant contribution towards cost ambitions reduction. “The large fluctuations in wind speed New wind turbine control technology Control systems and energy offshore means that the being developed at the University Control systems being showcased at the turbine must work in a very harsh and of Hull was top of the agenda at a event indicate it is possible for offshore demanding environment. Increase in prestigious two-day workshop in Hull wind turbines to provide sustainable turbine size to multi-megawatt capacity last week. electrical power over a wide range of wind gives rise to an increase in probability of speeds and to survive undamaged in bad- turbine system faults and control system Some of the world’s leading turbine to-extreme weather. faults, as well as structural faults due to manufacturers attended the workshop, material fatigue. providing an opportunity to share cutting- Tested using an advanced simulation of edge intelligence on making offshore a 4.8MW turbine, they can also be used “Current offshore wind control technology more reliable and efficient. to provide constant condition monitoring, technology does not allow for sufficiently detecting and ‘self-repairing’ of faults efficient operation with wind speed Unique research before they become serious. variations. The University of Hull work Delegates were given an insight into unique research by Prof. Ron Patton of the University of Hull’s Department of Engineering into developing sophisticated Fault Detection and Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control systems capable of maintaining high levels of performance in a range of wind conditions and improving fault detection and repair.

Sustainable Control of Offshore Wind Turbines event The event showcased the University’s leading role in developing robust control systems, which could hold the key to harnessing more of Britain’s wind power as the country’s renewable energy sector prepares for a period of unprecedented growth. Left to right, Prof. Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines; Prof. Ron “There is more and more interest in Patton, University of Hull; Dr Peter Odgaard, KK-Electronic, Ikast, Denmark; offshore wind energy in the UK as a Prof Jacob Stoustrup, Aalborg University, Denmark, and Dr Ervin Bossanyi, major renewable energy source for Garrad-Hassan. electric power,” said Prof. Patton. “While the technology is proven, it is still evolving and our aim is to make the CASS offers a solution through combining next generation of wind turbines more The workshop is hosted by CASS, the estimation and monitoring with fault- cost-effective, reliable, safe and easier to University’s business-facing hub for tolerant control and self-repair. maintain.” renewable energy and the low carbon economy. “The enhanced control systems could be added to existing turbine designs, Prof. Stephanie Haywood, director of so a short timescale is possible, but CASS, said: “To make offshore wind realistically this might be three to five financially viable, costs need to be years.” reduced from £150/MW to £100/MW. University of Hull “Fault tolerant control of offshore wind turbines can both increase the amount of power converted from wind into usable electrical power, making them more efficient and reducing the cost per watt.


offshore turbines and consequently on the Training the Engineers for the operation and maintenance of the fleet. Graeme says: “Little research to date Future of Scotland’s East Coast has investigated how weather and site conditions affect wind turbine reliability. Wind Industry I am exploring how wind turbine failure The East Coast of Scotland is set to become a major centre for wind energy over modes are coupled to environmental the coming decade. To service this development the region will need a significant conditions.” injection of highly trained and technically innovative engineers. Training these engineers is the task being undertaken by the Wind Energy Centre for Doctoral Links with industry Training (CDT) at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The Wind CDT has close industrial links with several companies related to East Beatrice demonstrator project Centre for Chartered Engineer Coast developments. Gamesa funds Since the Beatrice demonstrator project training a number of PhD students looking in 2007, one of the world’s first truly Engineers at the CDT are given the at the design of future wind turbine deep water projects, the East of Scotland chance to develop their in-depth control systems. Among them is Saman has been a leader in wind innovation. theoretical skills through a PhD project Poushpas, who says: “Innovation in the According to CDT Director, Professor Bill linked closely with an industrial partner. In control of turbines, and importantly Leithead: “With the greatest offshore addition they are expected to develop their in groups of turbines, will raise power wind resource in Europe and the professional and personal skills through outputs and can significantly reduce strength of its offshore sector, the East a growing professional training scheme. fatigue loading.” The proposed Coast of Scotland is ideally placed to This has been so successful that the developments for offshore wind turbine benefit from the substantial economic Centre has become the first academic manufacture at the Port of Leith and in and employment opportunities that will institution to be recognised by the IET and Methil have the potential to offer further undoubtedly arise over the next decade.” IMechE as a centre for Chartered Engineer links between the CDT and the area. training. The research being carried out by the The continued development of the wind CDT is relevant to a number of test and Offshore wind projects industry across Scotland, and particularly development sites which have been The building and operation of offshore on the East Coast, will be enhanced by marked off the East Coast. These include wind is an important area for research the dozens of engineers expected to the site for Statoil’s latest floating turbine - at the CDT. The knowledge and skills graduate from the CDT over the coming Hywind 2. developed will be important for the three five years. commercial scale wind farms proposed Floating wind turbines for the East coast: University of Strathclyde CDT student Roberts Proskovics has (420MW), Inch Cape (905MW) and the worked with Statoil and Lloyd’s Register huge Array (3.5GW). on dynamic modelling of floating wind turbines. “Initially this involved looking Research at different types of floating wind turbine Iain Dinwoodie and Graeme Wilson are concepts and comparing them,” he building models to inform the effect of says. “This work was followed by a wind and sea states on the reliability of more detailed analysis of unsteady aerodynamic and hydrodynamic effects associated with floating spar-type (Hywind) wind turbines.” 63 INDUSTRY EVENT

RenewableUK 2012

Alex Salmond Of special significance was the keynote speech by The First Minister of Scotland Glasgow , who talked passionately about the importance of wind, wave and tidal power to the future prosperity of Scotland, and announced a commitment The 34th to a new target of generating the RenewableUK equivalent of 50% of annual conference Scotland’s electricity in Glasgow this from renewable year saw over 5,500 sources by 2015. people visiting The State of the and almost 300 Industry Report companies and 2012 The same day also organisations from saw the launching the wind, wave of The State of the and tidal sector Industry Report displaying at the 2012, which analysed and exhibition. highlighted the key aspects of progress in wind energy over the past 12 months.

Exhibition Guest speakers In addition to the vast number of stands The conference saw a high number of from a wide spectrum of organisations, quality guest speakers from both inside the exhibition also housed two special and outside the industry who gave pavilions, one showcasing developments enlightening and topical insights in to the in small and medium wind and the other advances and debates surrounding the focusing on wave and tidal energy. The industry in 2012. whole exhibition was extremely well attended and allowed delegates the chance to learn more about industry- wide developments and see first-hand the innovative technologies that are progressing.


Social and side events There were also a number of high profile social and side events, including the exhibitors reception and conference reception and the social highlight of the week, the Gala Dinner, which as ever was hugely successful.

Careers fair The final day of the conference saw the careers fair attended by high numbers looking to find out more about employment in the industry and highlighted the importance of investing in the workforce of the future.

RenewableUK 65 ALL IN A DAYS WORK All in a day’s work... Name Kirill Glukhovskoy

Occupation Director, Corporate & Business Development (OGN Group/Aquind)

Habitat London

Age 38

How it all began... There is no doubt that Kirill is passionate about his work within the wind industry and this becomes abundantly evident when recounting his story of how he arrived at where he is today...

Oil and Gas experience Hailing from Russia with extensive experience in the Oil and Gas industry he was no stranger to working in extremes – literally. A field which demands strength of character and a dogged determination to succeed, but it has not all been plain sailing.

Arriving in London Kirill came to London to study for a Masters degree in Law with the aim of advancing his career in law. Changes of direction During his first two years he dealt with Understanding of English law is a key While studying he started considering a number of things that were closely expertise not only in law firms, but also alternatives. His friends, alumni of the related to his legal background, including in Russian companies with international London Business School, advised him to the acquisition of the company’s new ambitions and is indeed one of the major take a shot at MBA. He graduated from construction facility in Tyneside and the exports from Britain to Russia. LBS Executive MBA in 2008 with the restructuring of the group. backdrop of Lehman collapse and the global financial crisis, and went to work for But since 2010 the group’s strategy in OGN straight away. renewable energy markets has become his primary occupation.


“Do what we do well, and concentrate on that. THEN do it right...”

Current project Hobbies Currently working on launching the He likes spending time with his family development of a new factory planned for and carves out some time for swimming, 2014-2015 at Hadrian’s Yard in Tyneside running and learning Italian. (creating 700 jobs in the area) and working out the sources of financial investments Aspirations required to carry out the project. He aspires to strive for Aquind to Renewable Energy continually grow – however when asked It was literally new beginnings - a new The role Kirill undertakes demands what he would like to have achieved in 10 business direction for the company, a extensive travel all around the UK years the retort ‘Russians don’t plan new operating model and even a new and Europe, forging new business too far ahead!’ name – Aquind. It was an entrepreneurial relationships with companies and challenge that required tenacity and negotiations to ensure their projects are Fliss Chaffer thoroughness and foresight. A sharp efficiently delivered and on target. Wind Energy Network learning curve, but he believes that the UK can become the leader in the offshore Motivation Click to view more info wind construction in the same way it was In a word - Challenge! With a background a trendsetter in offshore oil & gas and that in litigation, he is used to dealing with people at OGN and Aquind will play their uncertainty. However, if in court there is part. a long set of rules, the judgement day is set and everyone is invited; in business Wind energy there are no marked roads to success and While operating in the same environment, no scheduled proceedings. Creative and offshore wind is significantly different from forward thinking applied to facts are the oil & gas. The strategy that Aquind has best counsels. That is what he likes about forged is based on using the knowledge his current role – doing something new and experience of the UK offshore oil and challenging, but at the same time very & gas industry and applying it in a new tangible. setting with great potential for scalability. Unusual Circumstances Growth opportunities In a previous job, he was due to attend a He believes that in the next 10-15 years court hearing in Tomsk, Russia. With no there will be a massive push for renewable direct flights on that day from Moscow, he energy in general and offshore wind in flew to Novosibirsk. Setting off at 5am in the UK as the most scalable clean energy what he describes as a ‘banger’ of a car source. It is an inspiring challenge, but – through 250km of wilderness in nearly also – achievable. His mantra is to ‘do minus 40 degrees – a life threatening what we do well, and concentrate on journey not just a nail biting one – but that. Then do it right...’ he made it! Not for the faint hearted. He smiles inwardly when the British comment about the cold and snow – we have no idea!!! 67 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND Scotland’s Offshore Once again, Scotland will look to the hostile marine environments of the north seas to harness its energy, this time it’s not what’s under the seabed that counts Wind but the wild winds that cut across it.

Current offshore wind situation Currently there is 190 MW (megawatts) of Story offshore wind in operation – the Beatrice demonstrator project and Robin Rigg with another 10GW (gigawatts) of resource earmarked for development around the Scotland has relied on the North Sea coast. 2012 has seen the industry take as a source of energy for more than huge steps forward to delivering this, forty years with the oil and gas sector with applications being submitted from reaping the benefits of the natural Neart na Gaoithe, SeaGreen MORL and resources we have. While it is widely BOWL. We now have almost 4.5GW in accepted that fossil fuels will one day the planning system already. If all of this run out, that doesn’t mean we will no capacity became operational, offshore longer be an energy rich nation. Wind, wind would overtake hydro power as the wave, tidal and hydro power provide second largest contributor to renewable a significant proportion of our needs electricity in Scotland with onshore wind and will continue to do so for many remaining the primary source. All going to years. We have had a strong plan, we hope to see the first of the story to tell in terms of energy new offshore turbines erected around production in this country, but 2014 and generating electricity it’s time for a new chapter before 2017. to begin, and offshore wind is about to make its big entrance.


Floating turbine wind park Norwegian company, Statoil, have also set their sights on our shores to build a new floating turbine wind park. This innovative approach to offshore wind sees the turbine anchored with cables to the seabed, rather than using the traditional method of driving piles. The has been so interested in this approach to design and invention that they have offered an enhanced Renewable Obligation Certificate (the industry’s financial support scheme) to encourage more of this kind of development.

Strong supply chain It’s this kind of depth and breadth of opportunity across the country that will inevitably encourage a strong supply chain of businesses and individuals to Hunterston test site Investment link themselves into this industry that is Progress is also underway with a new Major investments like these are coming burgeoning at a rate of knots. The offshore three-turbine test site at Hunterston, thanks thick and fast into this industry. Technip, wind sector will need more people to to an investment of £20 million from SSE Subsea 7, Repsol, NGenTec, Samsung, work in a huge variety of areas, including and Scottish Enterprise. The test centre Global Energy Group and Mitsubishi have mechanical, civil and electrical engineering, will be located at the port of Hunterston all announced commitments to invest health and safety, environmental on the coast of North Ayrshire, a site millions of pounds into Scotland, creating assessment, project management and already earmarked for potential renewables jobs and training opportunities for people construction. supply chain development in the National across Scotland. Renewables Infrastructure Plan. This growing workforce will help deliver Future growth the ambitions for the sector and enable European Offshore Wind In Dundee, SSE has signed a Memorandum Scotland to take centre stage as a critical Deployment Centre of Understanding (MoU) with Forth Ports, destination for the research, development A decision on the planning consent for Scottish Enterprise and Dundee City Council and construction of renewable energy an eleven turbine European Offshore which could create up to 700 jobs in technologies. We have the natural Wind Deployment Centre can be built manufacturing for offshore wind. resources in our environment and in our off Aberdeen Bay, is expected later this people to make this a reality and the story year from the Scottish Government. This Samsung are proposing £100 million is only just beginning. too could help Scotland move a step and creating 500 jobs in Fife, Technip closer towards achieving our ambition of made Aberdeen its European HQ with an becoming a global centre of excellence for investment of £10 million and 300 jobs, Lindsay Leask offshore wind technologies, replicating the while smaller, homegrown companies Scottish Renewables success achieved at the European Marine such as NGenTec continue to invest in Energy Centre in Orkney for the wave and potential game-changing technology. tidal sector. Click to view more info More recently, Areva, one of Europe’s leading green energy players, announced its intention to locate its UK manufacturing based on the East Coast of Scotland, creating up to 750 jobs. Crucially, one of the key factors that drew it to Scotland was the emerging cluster of manufacturers and a strong offshore supply chain. 69 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

and has already successfully completed PressureFab Group work for the renewables industry. In 2010, PressureFab Group supported Ocean perfectly placed for Technologies by designing and Located next to Dundee Airport and tonne overhead cranes, with a span of manufacturing their PowerBuoys for the only a short distance from the Port 18m on a 135m gantry. European Marine Energy Centre’s (EMEC) of Dundee, PressureFab Group is project in the Orkney perfectly located to supply wind farms Bespoke facilities Islands. off the East Coast of Scotland. The upgraded facility will also include sophisticated boom welding capabilities Partnerships Established history and a 45m long bed for heavy plate cutting, The group is currently looking to identify With an established history of supplying bending and plate rolling equipment, potential partners for developments within quality certified steel fabricated goods capable of rolling to the offshore oil and gas industry, up to 80mm thick PressureFab Group’s background, and 3,500mm location and resources, ideally position wide of offshore them to manufacture wind turbine grade steel plate. transition pieces, cable laying equipment and marine services products. There will also be onsite blast Factory refit for renewable cleaning and energy needs paint areas In 2013, PressureFab Group will move its specialised current manufacturing into new premises in corrosion and continue to grow its oil and gas protection of division from there. In addition, they intend large structures to refit their existing 125,000 ft2 factory for to be used renewable energy and other large heavy offshore, as engineering projects. well as a final assembly facility As transition pieces are currently up to for fit out work 15m long, 5m in diameter and weigh up and electrical installation (ATEX zone the UK & European waters, and for joint to 110 tonnes, PressureFab Group plans equipment). venture partners to manufacture and to increase the ceiling in its 135m long supply offshore wind components for the main manufacturing facility by 7m to an Commitment to renewables US and world markets. overall overhead crane height of 16m. In Although the group’s current focus is this particular facility, PressureFab Group primarily on the oil & gas sector, it is PressureFab Group anticipates operating at least two 100 committed to supporting the environment Areva selects Scotland

Energy development opens door to National Renewables “The manufacturing of nacelles and 750 jobs – First Minister welcomes Infrastructure Plan blades for these turbines in Scotland will location decision by French firm Areva Currently, Areva is looking in detail at the deliver nationwide economic benefits offshore locations named in Scotland’s as well as much welcome inward Areva, one of Europe’s largest offshore National Renewables Infrastructure Plan investment to the chosen location once wind energy players, confirmed (NRI-P), which offer the biggest potential that has been agreed. recently that it will locate its UK turbine for investors in offshore development. manufacturing site in Scotland. “This is another powerful example of how The agreement was signed by Areva CEO attractive Scotland is for international The announcement, which was made Luc Oursel and Chief Executive of Scottish investors - and is indicative of our shared during the First Minister’s visit to Paris, Enterprise, Lena Wilson, and was witnessed energy future.” could create 750 jobs in Scotland from by the First Minister at the meeting. manufacturing and the supporting supply Luc Oursel, CEO of Areva, said: “Areva’s chain. First Minister Alex Salmond said: “Scotland industrial heritage and diverse portfolio shares Areva’s vision of a cleaner has placed us firmly at the forefront Strategic agreement tomorrow. Today’s announcement of low carbon technological solutions. The company today signed an agreement provides a further boost to Scotland’s Scotland is known to be a pioneer in with Scottish Enterprise, outlining its position as one of Europe’s key locations renewables and its commitment to intention to locate nacelle and blade for offshore wind and takes us another offshore wind in particular was a key manufacturing facilities in Scotland. significant step further in achieving our part of our decision to locate our future ambitious carbon reduction target. UK manufacturing base there. This new


in a noisy environment. They may have Heights of fitness to work in confined spaces and are often exposed to harsh weather conditions. occupational health for those Working at heights is not for everyone and who work on wind turbines a robust and stable mentality is called for. Occupational health is about the Stamina and agility Medicals effects of work on health and ensuring As soon as you take into consideration Pre-employment medicals as well as that people are fit for the work they do. the height of wind turbines, it becomes periodic assessments need to be carried apparent that this special group of workers out to ensure that workers really are The renewable energy sector employs will need to have plenty of stamina and fit for their challenging work. Health increasing numbers of technicians and agility. It stands to reason that a level of promotion can be a valuable tool to help engineers. The nature of their work cardio-respiratory fitness as well as strong workers maintain their level of fitness and presents its own occupational health limbs and a healthy musculoskeletal system sometimes small lifestyle changes can challenges and employees who work on will be required for climbing. Good vision lead to big improvements in health. wind turbines need to have a certain level will be needed and the ability to hear direct of fitness to carry out their duties safely. and radio communications when working Experience and industry specific Abermed has been providing occupational health services (including offshore medicals) to the oil and gas industry for over 25 years and the specialist expertise and understanding accumulated is directly transferable to the renewable energy sector.

The company has developed a specific medical assessment particular to those who work on wind turbines so that their level of fitness can be assessed accurately and industry guidelines are followed.


facility is part of Areva’s strategy to establish a manufacturing footprint that will cover the European market.”

Capital investment The location of additional turbine manufacturing in Scotland will increase the economic growth potential from renewable energy. Scotland’s renewable industry has attracted £2.8 billion capital investment since 2009.

Scottish Enterprise Chief Executive Lena Wilson said: “This announcement further demonstrates Scotland’s position as a leading contributor to the low carbon agenda and ambition to deliver safe and through advanced technology. First Minister Alex Salmond (centre) witnesses the signing of an agreement between Areva CEO Luc Oursel and Scottish Enteprise Chief “Offshore wind is a key driver of the Executive Lena Wilson, which opens the door to 750 jobs in Scotland. economic benefit of renewables and we will continue to work closely with Areva to support its development plans in Scotland, and create ongoing Areva Scottish Enterprise opportunities for wider industry growth.” 71 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

existing and well advanced offshore oil Aberdeen remains on the map and gas supply chain skills and know- how into offshore renewable as well Aberdeen City and Shire’s rapid to close on 200 members and spanning all as anchoring jobs and investment in emergence as a centre of excellence renewable energy sectors - wind, marine, Aberdeen, Scotland and the UK. for offshore renewables demonstrates biomass, solar and district heating. the unique role that the region “We strongly believe that this wealth can play in helping to develop an European Offshore Wind of oil and gas experience, as well as industrial-scale offshore wind sector. Deployment Centre (EOWDC) its globally-recognised practices and AREG also supports the development industry collaboration, is essential if the 40 years of energy experience of projects and infrastructure to create a UK is to meet its challenging targets for Key to the region’s success is its world- leading renewable position in Scotland with renewable energy power generation. It class energy expertise, gained from four one of its most high-profile developments is also vital to capitalising on the global, decades of offshore oil and gas industry being the innovative EOWDC. multi-billion pound offshore wind market. experience. These cutting-edge skills, combined with the region’s reputation The EOWDC - a joint venture with “Not only do we have the assets and for innovation and entrepreneurialism, Vattenfall, Europe’s sixth largest generator engineering and technical skills but underpins its industry leading position in of electricity, and Technip Offshore many oil and gas mechanisms such offshore renewables, particularly offshore Wind Ltd, a leading provider of subsea as recognised codes of practice, wind. sharing of information and supply chain management are transferable.” Knowledge sharing and the AREG members supply chain Among AREG members at the forefront Oil and gas related of offshore renewables are Vattenfall, businesses and Technip, , , organisations across JP Kenny Renewables, Senergy, Rotech, Aberdeen City and Fugro Renewables, Balmoral Offshore Shire are successfully Engineering, NCS Survey, OEG Offshore, supplying innovation, Divex, Blue Water Shipping, Bond Pearce transferring skills and LLP, Maclay Murray & Spens LLP and the sharing their much- Aberdeen-based Scottish European Green needed knowledge Energy Centre (SEGEC) which played a and capitalising pivotal role in securing European funding on offshore wind for the EOWDC. opportunities across the world. Ms McCorkindale said: “A large part of AREG’s success is our aim to lead As a result, the region and participate in projects identified is also assisting in as having economic development the development of value, and to promote the region both the offshore wind nationally and globally. supply chain which is essential for “One of the most notable is the EOWDC successful project Morag McCorkindale off Aberdeen’s coast. The facility will delivery. accelerate the development of offshore wind in Scotland, the UK and Europe Aberdeen with the significance of the project Renewable Energy Group (AREG) engineering and construction products having been recognised via a €40million Driving forward the region’s sustainable and services - will deploy up to 11 ‘first European Commission grant.” energy credentials is award-winning run of production’ offshore wind turbine AREG, a private-public partnership which models to demonstrate their capabilities. She added: “A number of recent works diligently to position the North-East Government reports have also concluded of Scotland at the forefront of renewable Renewable Energy Association that, with an enormous ramping up energy. award of installed offshore wind capacity As a result of its achievements, AREG expected in UK waters by the end of Established more than 10 years ago received national recognition by being this decade, deployment centres like the when renewables barely featured in the awarded with the Best Region accolade at EOWDC will play a vital role in helping to UK energy mix, AREG set out with the the Renewable Energy Association’s 2010 reduce the cost of generation in offshore aim of making Aberdeen as famous for British Renewable Energy Awards. wind and deliver more than £7billion in renewables as it is for oil and gas. added value to the UK economy.” Morag McCorkindale, Chief Operating Market realisation Officer at AREG, said: “Since AREG’s Supply chain expertise It is fast realising this ambition with AREG creation, our main objective has been The EOWDC also harnesses the region’s having significantly increased participation to develop and build a local renewables leading position in offshore renewables’ in renewables. Its membership has grown industry. This includes transfering supply chain expertise which is reflected


in AREG’s fast-growing membership. Supply chain event Clashindarroch are key onshore wind Aberdeen City and Shire boasts more Aberdeen City and Shire’s renewables developments that businesses want to than 900 energy businesses including capabilities are also reflected in onshore become involved with.” the largest of subsea wind. A recent supply chain event for capabilities in the world. Vattenfall’s Clashindarroch onshore Through its drive and commitment, the wind farm development near Huntly, real business and economic benefits are “The EOWDC should enable Aberdeenshire, attracted very serious being seen as a result of AREG’s work. advancements in design, efficiency, cost- interest from more than 50 companies. Together with its members, AREG is effectiveness and productivity,” said Ms building significant momentum of the McCorkindale. “This will help businesses Ms McCorkindale said: “The strong turnout region’s renewable energy credentials. take advantage of the vast offshore is another clear indication of Aberdeen wind resource by building its associated City and Shire’s extensive supply chain AREG supply chain and generating jobs.” capabilities in renewables. Projects like

Dundee waterfront regeneration Dundee One complex

Blue Wave Maritime Ltd has Expansion Ltd would like a return to local businesses announced that they are joining Blue Wave Maritime Ltd were founded thriving rather than much larger Aberdeen in the regeneration of the Dundee in April 2010 and are the world leaders based organisations taking away the waterfront. They will be in the first in providing maritime professionals for revenue. wave of companies entering the new warship commissioning and combat Dundee One complex at River Court. trials to the defence export market. Offshore wind sector This continued success has allowed an The offshore wind market supply chain Activity expansion to the offshore renewable locally is slowly being put in place through The company is currently active in the market in 2011 and continued expansion Dundee Renewables and they are looking UK defence, oil and gas and offshore into Dundee in 2012. forward to regenerating Dundee as a renewable sectors, offering services from vibrant marine city. Warranty survey and client representation The company believes that they have an to vessel suitability surveys, navigational eclectic enough background that they will Experienced heads and environmental risk assessments. The be able to offer informed, independent, John Davies and Andy Burton are the co office in Dundee is placing Blue Wave marine advice to a still very new industry. owners of Blue Wave Maritime Ltd and have Maritime Ltd firmly at the forefront of the We are not a big consultancy, but have both served in the Royal Navy and merchant offshore renewable market in Scotland, a large amount of knowledge amongst navy. John moving to Scotland to work providing qualified and experienced the team. We believe the personal touch, as an Inspector of Lifeboats before moving marine professionals to this new and certainly within oil and gas left the market into the the oil and gas sector. Andy has burgeoning sector. a long while ago. Blue Wave Maritime been heavily involved in marine co-ordination within offshore wind for the past two years.

It is interesting that, although the market is new, the main protagonists are enormously powerful and large organisations. Blue Wave believe it is up to small companies within the East of Scotland to be bold enough to compete against the larger Aberdeen based sector and ensure our own identity as a renewable.

Blue Wave Maritime Ltd

Click to view more info 73 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

1 Given the size and speed at which New aviation radar system launched turbine blades move they can be picked up on radar systems and can be difficult to to remove wind turbine clutter distinguish from aircraft. If a wind farm is A new technology, designed to solve Martyn Wills, Director of Cyrrus Ltd, judged to potentially be visible on a radar the issue of wind turbines showing up added: “Our system has proved itself to display, an objection may be raised by the on aviation radar displays1, has been be highly effective. In over 1,500 hours military (MoD) or civilian bodies (NATS or launched by Cyrrus Ltd2 and AES Wind of radar data trials, SMARTENERTM airport operators). Generation Ltd3. achieved a thousand-fold reduction in wind turbine clutter whilst maintaining 2 Cyrrus Limited is a leading independent It was demonstrated recently at the uninterrupted presentation of validated consultancy that focuses on bringing RenewableUK annual conference and aircraft tracks to the radar display creative, contemporary solutions to has been presented to Members of the screens. This will benefit airport the challenges facing the airport and and to a number of operators and air traffic control, wind- air traffic industries. Cyrrus specialise aviation stakeholders. The technology, farm developers and land-owners whose in Communications, Navigation and known as SMARTENERTM, removes wind-farm proposals had previously Surveillance (CNS) and Air Traffic wind turbine clutter from radar displays, been rejected as unviable.” Management (ATM) programmes. For whilst avoiding some of the disadvantages more information go to associated with infill solutions. Aviation and wind farm projects Aviation radar interference from wind 3 AES Wind Generation is part of the AES Tormywheel wind farm turbines can be a major barrier to wind Corporation, one of the world’s largest SMARTENERTM, which stands for energy projects reaching construction power companies. It has over 2,000 SMall Area Real Target ENhancER, has and operation. RenewableUK reported MW (gross) of wind capacity in operation been designed by Cyrrus for the wind in 2010 that at least 66% of all wind or under construction globally and a developer, AES Wind Generation. The farm applications in the UK were subject strong presence in Europe, with 336MW concept came about as a way to address to objections from the aviation sector. (gross) in operation or construction, and objections raised by Edinburgh Airport In Scotland alone, it is estimated that a development pipeline of over 1500MW and NATS to the developer’s Tormywheel projects affected by aviation radar across its European portfolio. More wind farm project in West Lothian. concerns amount to approximately information about AES’ UK wind projects 2,800MW of potential additional installed can be found at The wind farm was granted consent in capacity. June 2007 with a condition requiring that an appropriate mitigation solution Interference with aviation radar is a and implementation plan is put in place particular problem in the central belt of to address the objections raised. The Scotland. There are three major airports technology utilises the fact once built the in close proximity (Glasgow International, wind farm would be seen by four different Edinburgh and Glasgow Prestwick) and radars. the NATS long range en-route radar at Lowther Hill in the . SMARTENERTM The SMARTENERTM system compares AES Wind Generation feeds from two or more radars and uses a patented process to work out whether each return is from a turbine or an aircraft. It requires no internal changes to the existing radar display or data processor. One of the major advantages of SMARTENERTM over other radar solutions is that there is no reduction in local radar coverage or issues with aircraft tracking.

Steve Hunter, Project Director at AES Wind Generation, said: “Radar objections to wind farm developments are highly technical and have proven difficult to overcome. We are therefore delighted to have been involved in the development of a technology that addresses a complex radar problem at our Tormywheel wind farm site, and which could allow many other new projects to proceed into operation.”


developments. The Scottish Government Five academic institutions are all located recently granted the port enterprise area within a 22-mile radius of Dundee Port... Dundee status for ‘low carbon’ activities. • University of Dundee in the right place Scottish Enterprise, the nation’s key • University of Abertay Dundee economic development agency, can • Dundee College at the right time support inward investors with advice and • Angus College Renewables offers Scotland its contacts for research, premises, supply • Perth College biggest economic opportunity since chain partners, skilled the discovery of in the manpower and, in A connected city 1970s. Back then, Aberdeen quickly certain circumstances, Dundee has good links to the rest of established itself as the key location for grants. Scotland and the UK. The city is only a global companies seeking their share one-hour drive from Aberdeen, Europe’s of Scotland’s offshore ‘black oil and gas capital and home to a wide gold’. range of marine industrial expertise transferable to the offshore wind sector. This time, things look very different. It is Dundee The financial and commercial centres of that finds itself in the Edinburgh and Glasgow are within easy right place at the reach. The UK Government’s right time – right Green Investment Bank is set to on the doorstep of open in Edinburgh with £3 billion of the North Sea’s public money to help companies fast-building finance early-stage renewable wave of offshore schemes. opportunity. Located just 5 minutes drive time Port from the Port of Dundee, the city To reap the offshore centre airport has direct daily flights wind harvest, you to London City, Birmingham, need flat land – and Belfast and Jersey. you need it in the right place. Dundee A 21st century city has an enviable location Having made impressive for accessing Scotland’s progress on a £1 billion- largest offshore wind pound regeneration development sites. No other scheme, Dundee is port is closer to the action. transforming itself into a very modern, stylish city The port also has the advantage in which to live, work, of deepwater access to support study and enjoy yourself. jack-up, construction and O&M activities and has a proven track record The regeneration project in offshore engineering and logistics. is already reconnecting the city centre with the Energy Parks nearby Firth of Tay via Supply chain companies that don’t need broad, stylish boulevards. to be located within the port can choose With the V&A at Dundee from three strategic development sites, set to open in 2015, visitor all within easy reach of the quayside. Education and training support numbers are estimated to surge by up to Energy Park East, Energy Park West and To ensure that the best knowledge, half a million a year. Linlathen Park offer a total of 160 hectares training and skills are brought to bear available for supply chain operations. on extracting the full potential from the Already, the Malmaison hotel group is offshore renewables sector, Tayside’s redeveloping a landmark listed building Companies interested in locating in universities and colleges have combined to meet its high class standards. Quick Dundee will find enthusiastic support from forces to ensure that world class R&D and to spot an opportunity, other major hotel local and national planners. The Scottish training is available for incoming investors. groups, leisure operators and retailers are Government’s National Renewables seeking a share of the action. Infrastructure Plan (NRIP) identifies Called ‘Energy Training East’, the Dundee as a strategic location for marine alliance covers everything from technical Dundee Renewables renewables. apprenticeships to post-graduate teaching and research. The alliance also offers A £70m National Renewables partnership opportunities for knowledge Click to view more info Infrastructure Fund (N-RIF) supports the transfer, as well as an innovative and development of sites at, and close to, the responsive attitude to inward investors. port for offshore wind turbines and related 75 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

Technip Offshore Wind pioneers vital step change in safety for cable installation

A ground-breaking new technology “As a result of its design, PIM has Ron Cookson added: “Ultimately, PIM which significantly reduces offshore substantially improved safety during provides personnel with significantly array cable pull-in time by up to 60% key operational phases and increased safer work platforms for cable pull-in and offers a vital step-change in operational efficiency.” activities, while pull-in completion time safety practices has been pioneered is radically reduced by up to 60%. This by Technip Offshore Wind. Specifications is a major game changer for the industry PIM is a three-leg tripod featuring a self- and underpins Technip Offshore Wind’s Pull-In Module (PIM) – reduces contained winch, equipment storage, and market-leading position in offshore and time and risk no bolted connections. It can be installed infrastructure project management and The integrated Pull-In Module reduces in any orientation and reduces damage its commitment to helping clients deliver the risk of injury to personnel offshore and risk to transition pieces. projects cost-effectively, safely and on saves substantial operational time at each schedule.” cable end with the innovation having been As a result, it not only removes vessel successfully launched and recovered more winch wires from operation and is Technip Offshore Wind than 30 times without incident. compliant to industry standards, but it fundamentally reduces vessel Identifying existing operational dependency and improves the pitfalls speed of installation. It also Technip developed the PIM after provides on-board equipment identifying pitfalls in existing methods storage and incorporates power of conventional lifting equipment used supply for lighting and tools. to install cables subsea and through J-tubes.

The safety challenges included: wires strained under tension on deck; the winch operator being remote from the work site; and the frame considered unsafe for personnel working at height.

The operational inefficiencies identified by Technip were: the frame was liable to swing around on the crane while also not being aligned or bolted down; the movement of a vessel was able to snap winch wires and a lengthy three hours preparatory work was necessary before installing cables.

Ron Cookson, Senior Vice President at Technip Offshore Wind, said: “The challenges identified meant personnel were exposed to risk of injury while the cable pull-in operations required significant, costly vessel time. These difficulties can also be further exacerbated by environmental factors such as poor subsea visibility and strong currents.

“When developing PIM, we aimed reduce the safety risks by removing vessel winch wires from operation and introducing compliance to industry standards. We also wanted to improve operations by reducing vessel dependency time as well as making the array cable installation process smoother and safer.


contractors and financiers as the leading the relationship with the client and Independent insurance advisor to the sector. understanding the project fully, to ensure all risks are identified and protected. Insurance Clochnahill Energy A key geographical area for the firm is the Insurance cover Brokers Bruce north east of Scotland where they have The insurance covers available for both the largest concentration of renewable the construction phase and operational Stevenson energy clients. One of their clients is phases were discussed, along with the Bruce Stevenson is an independent Clochnahill Energy near Stonehaven. likely insurance requirements the bank Insurance Broker with offices in would stipulate and premiums indications Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, The wind farm is owned by the Gordon for financial model purposes. Contractual who specialise in Renewable Energy family of Inverbervie. The project consists obligations with turbine suppliers often have Insurance for small to medium of 4 Siemens 1300Kw wind turbines an impact on insurance requirements and privately owned firms and large and the 5.2MW site generates enough this project was no different, which required corporate organisations. electricity for approximately 5000 homes. contracts to be reviewed and the insurance for the project tailored accordingly. Once Experience in renewables Construction work at the site started the insurances are placed, they continue to With over 20 years experience within the in March 2011 and was completed 12 keep in regular contact with the client and renewable energy sector, they have built months later. The project was funded site visits during construction and operation a reputation with clients, consultants, through the Co-operative Bank and are common place. Bruce Stevenson arranged the insurances for the project Providing a worthwhile service during the construction phase Despite renewable energy projects in and once the project became the north east of Scotland covering a operational. widespread geographical area, most developers know of each other and A typical example often the same contractors and project Clochanahill is a typical consultants are utilised. Therefore, it is example of renewable energy important that they provide an excellent project for Bruce Stevenson. level of service to ensure they are the insurance brokers that developers want to Conversations with the client speak to about their projects. began some considerable time before works even began Bruce Stevenson Insurance Brokers on site. This helps building

Corrosion Addressing the problems A change in approach is required to address these problems and prevention conventional paint formulations need a An opportunity waiting to be severe up-grade to accommodate the grabbed!! in-service conditions faced by the wind Well that’s how Ray Sams from Spencer energy generating companies. Coatings sees it. With a history of over one hundred years manufacturing high With over twenty five years performance surface coatings from their maintenance free performances, there Aberdeen base, and a coating system is evidence and proof the aggressive New challenges with over twenty five years proven operating conditions and accelerated The emerging and developing offshore maintenance free performance, in a corrosion issues can be successfully wind market opens up new challenges to wide variety of aggressive environments addressed, and there is technical data all, and they look forward to being involved including offshore north sea. available to assist operators and owners with resolutions to at least some of these with their long term planning to keep challenges in the fight against corrosion Standard industrial paints corrosion under control. in one of the most hostile environments in Standard industrial and marine paints have the world. a limited life span and very few can show a Spencer Coatings in Scotland proven twenty five years plus maintenance Spencer Coatings Ltd have had a long Ray Sams free track record. and successful working relationship with Spencer Coatings the supply chain network in Scotland The very nature of wind energy generating including major off shore north sea structures demands long maintenance operators and maintenance management Click to view more info free life especially offshore structures companies, the Northern Lighthouse where on station repair and maintenance Board, as an exclusive supplier, Scottish is enormously expensive and in some Gas, , Highways Agency cases logistically difficult if not impossible. and Network Rail. 77 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

Global Wind Organisation & Equipping the work at height RenewableUK joint approval for industry heightec wind turbine safety training Heightec not only provide height safety Heightec are also pleased to announce training, but also specialise in the making height that, following a recent SGS RUK audit, design and manufacture of innovative they now have joint approval from the harnesses, lanyards, rope devices and safety safer RenewableUK (RUK) and Global Wind rescue products for vertical work at In 1997 the training division of Heightec Organisation (GWO) for the delivery of height and rescue. – The National Access and Rescue work at height safety training. Centre was established with the launch National network of their flagship training centre at their As a leading provider of RUK work at They are the only UK manufacturer headquarters in Kendal (). height and rescue training for wind turbines, of technical fall protection and rescue Since then they have developed a Heightec is the first specialist training equipment with a national network of national network of specialist height provider able to offer joint certification for dedicated height safety centres with safety centres, providing competence both awarding bodies. This means wind venues in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Kendal based height safety and rescue turbine personnel who require height safety and London. training to professionals in the work at training to work onshore and offshore can height industry. now attend a single course at Heightec They will also shortly be opening a trade and comply with both standards. “This counter at their Altens industrial estate Aberdeen offers a significant cost and time saving site, providing an over-the-counter service The Aberdeen centre, launched in 2008, benefit to our customers. We can now for clients to buy ready-to-use work kits is one of five purpose built height safety train personnel to a recognised industry and rescue systems, as well as individual centres offering a comprehensive range standard and issue joint RUK and GWO products such as harnesses, lanyards, of training courses for work restraint, work certification that will be accepted by the rope devices and connectors. In addition positioning, fall arrest and rescue. major wind turbine operators worldwide.” to their standard product range we will said Chris Ware, Training Manager at Heightec. also have fall arrest blocks for sale or hire Specially designed apparatus and a block inspection service. The Aberdeen centre has specially New tower designed training apparatus replicating The recent addition of a new 18m tower to Operational Support Services realistic work situations, and is dedicated their Aberdeen Height Safety Centre means In addition to their height safety training to the offshore oil and gas, renewable and the joint certification training course is now and equipment supply, they also offer energy sectors providing courses such as also available to clients all along the East operational support services including IRATA rope access, telecoms rigging and Coast of Scotland. This tower also gives expert safety auditing, consultancy, confined space training. them the ability to run telecoms training inspection and testing. courses in access, rescue and rigging.

The Heightec Group Ltd


Leading consultancy in Scotland Mad for Marine Energy Wind Scotland’s charge towards predicable energy from the sea is being led from for South East Scotland many firms in South East Scotland. Royal The waters off the South East Royal HaskoningDHV is supporting several HaskoningDHV are one of Scotland’s of Scotland are set to become of the largest offshore wind developments leading consultancies supporting the wave an European hot spot for in the UK. The offshore applications for and tidal boom across Scotland. Frank offshore renewables and Royal the first phase, of over 1GW of offshore Fortune Royal HaskoningDHV’s Technical HaskoningDHV’s team, based in wind for the Firth of Forth Round Three Director leading many of these projects Edinburgh and Glasgow, are a key Zone being developed by Seagreen Wind said: “We’re delighted to have been at part of this drive. Energy (a joint venture between SSE and the forefront of tidal and wave energy Fluor Limited) has recently been submitted project development for over nine years to the Scottish Government. now. We’re proud to be providing environmental consultancy services to Paolo Pizzolla, Royal HaskoningDHV’s support the consenting of a number of EIA project manager says: “Working on ‘world first’ developments including two such a large site off the coast of Angus very large tidal power projects in Orkney, and Fife was a real challenge. This is the world’s largest wave power projects one of largest infrastructure projects in Lewis and two further tidal arrays in planned in Scotland, spanning the wind the west of Scotland.” turbines up to 70km offshore “The buzz in the marine energy sector to an onshore is all about Scotland at the moment and grid connection our team in Edinburgh and Glasgow 20km inland are plugged in and ready to help.” to Tealing in concludes Fortune. Angus. As you can imagine Alistair Davison, Royal HaskoningDHV there have been Offshore wind energy support a number of Royal HaskoningDHV, the international environmental Click to view more info engineering and environmental consulting and consenting firm have nine offices in the UK. Working challenges to Alistair Davison out of their Edinburgh and Glasgow offices overcome.”

the growth of the industry College invests and the future of certain trades and crafts in this in renewable area,” said Dr David Gourley, director of curriculum future development with SI2.

With the renewables industry “We already have training predicted to generate not just energy facilities for welding and but £100billion over the next 10 years, fabrication – two crafts Dundee College is taking steps to which have been supporting ensure people have the skills to fill the the North Sea oil and gas jobs needed to maintain this business. industry since the very first rigs were towed to The Arc offers a capacity to accommodate Skills shortage the Forties and Brent fields in the early 40 welding students. Having already identified a skills shortage 1970s. in the industry, the college committed to Reaching out ensure the infrastructure needed, in terms “These skills are equally essential for the Dundee College is also carrying the of the training and expertise, is in place to installation and maintenance of wind renewables message beyond its own encourage growth in this industry in the city. turbines. students.

Sustainable Industries Institute “This area is set to be at the centre of At a recent Engineering 4 Life event, local Dundee College has launched SI2 – renewable energy with offshore wind- S3 school pupils were introduced to a the Sustainable Industries Institute, by turbines creating employment in the near series of technologies connected with the merging the expertise to be found in the future.” renewables industry including calculating construction, engineering and science optimum performance of wind turbines – departments. Arc centre of excellence using table-top models. In November Dundee College launched “We see our commitment to the the Arc, a £500,000 centre of excellence Dundee College renewable energy as being vital to both for engineering, its Kingsway Campus. 79 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

the College was crowned as the UK’s Skills and training requirement Education and Training Provider of the Year for its commitment to the delivery of for the renewables sector skills for the power industry. In addition, one of Carnegie’s apprentices, employed Carnegie College in Scotland, enabling ‘Working at Heights’ training; by SSE, scooped the award as the UK recognised early on that the a Fabrication and Welding Workshop Apprentice of the Year - Power. Renewables Industry would offer with 48 fully-equipped welding bays; an exciting future prospect for both Mechanical Workshops and Analysis Wind turbine technicians business and the economy. They have Lab housing an impressive up-to-date Carnegie is currently delivering the first invested in state-of-the-art facilities range of manual and computer controlled 100 wind turbine technicians for the and equipment to allow for the technology. Renewables industry, fully trained and development of a skilled workforce. skilled with a new qualification: Wind Turbine Technician. The training is Whitlock Energy Collaboration demanding and includes a large academic Centre component, with an equal balance of Based at the College’s Engineering vocational and practical training, together Campus at Rosyth, the Whitlock Energy with essential health and safety elements, Collaboration Centre provides a facility including working at heights and over and a service which allows key businesses water. Employers have been fully involved in the Renewable Energy supply chain to in designing and developing the standards come together to consider, discuss and for the qualification, and assisted by move forward on issues relating to the Renewables UK, and City and Guilds, the future of the industry. Working together College has created a qualification unique As one of Scotland’s largest providers to the UK, and possibly to Europe. Training of Modern Apprenticeships, they work The College offers education and training regularly with leading engineering Collaboration from Modern Apprenticeships through to companies such as Siemens, Babcock Working in collaboration and in partnership Higher National and bespoke training for Marine, Bi-Fab, Rolls Royce, SSE and the with major players, Carnegie College is Electrical Engineers, Turbine Technicians, . leading the way to ensure the availability Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers and of the required skilled workforce for the Health and Safety Specialists. Education and Training Provider future success of the renewables sector of the Year award across the UK. Recognised as some of the best training The College’s expertise and innovation facilities in the country, the campus was recognised in 2011 by the National Carnegie College facilities include; a 16 metre tower Skills Academy for Power (NSAP) when

Now leading wave & tidal engagement at BVG Associates announce new BVGA, Mike is keen to bring his experience to bear assisting and supporting the office and team in Scotland development of the industry. BVG Associates, a highly respected Mike Woods on the team consultancy with expertise in wind BVGA is also delighted to welcome Mike Experience and marine energy technology and Woods, who will augment the team’s BVG Associates is skilled in offshore wind supply chain development, has expertise in wind turbine technology and turbine technology, R&D, supply chain chosen to locate their new Scottish wave and tidal energy generation systems. development and is committed to being office in Burntisland, Fife. at the heart of the renewable sector as it Mike has 10 years’ experience in the establishes. The company’s Scottish client The renewable energy sector is set to renewable list includes wind turbine manufacturers become one of Scotland’s major growth industry, and their supply chain, ports, developers, areas in the next decade and Fife is initially enablers and wave and tidal device perfectly located on the East coast of designing and manufacturers. central Scotland, close to offshore wind developing developments in the Firth of Forth and the wave power Zoë Barnes, head of BVG Associates North Sea. at Pelamis Scotland said: “We are pleased to have Wave Power, chosen Fife as the location of our new ‘Offshore wind technology then assisting Scottish office as we feel the region is pathways for Scotland’ wind turbine becoming a significant hub for the UK To mark this milestone in the company’s design at renewable energy industry. Mike and I, development, BVG Associates also Mike Woods Gamesa. He alongside the whole BVGA team, look simultaneously published a new report, has a detailed, forward to supporting the further growth ‘Offshore wind technology pathways for practical understanding of the of this exciting industry both in the region Scotland’, a bespoke study into the cost technologies involved from concept and across Scotland as a whole”. reduction pathways that apply specifically generation through design, analysis to companies and organisations north of and procurement to assembly and BVG Associates the border. commissioning.


Vento ludens selects Edinburgh, • What type of community fund would work for the local community and how for its UK base they would like it administered Vento ludens was founded in 1996 in motivate, support, and deliver a valuable • What other benefits would be Bavaria, Germany. The UK office has development. In fact, by engaging early attractive to this particular community been working on renewable energy and intensively with the local community projects since 2005 and more recently and their representatives, there is an ability Community benefit is high on the agenda their office in Switzerland was opened to speed up the planning process. both politically and within vento ludens. in 2008. The recently published report “Securing Transparency the Benefits of . The UK team of 14 is based in the Regarding community benefit, Vento A New Concept for Community Benefit inspiring city of Edinburgh. Their key aim is Ludens applies a transparent approach to all Provision” commissioned by the company, to develop projects that are of the highest projects, which essentially involves working it seeks to ignite an industry wide debate quality design, are sensitively sited and with the local community to find out... on the future of Community Benefit. deliver the greatest energy output with the least impact on the natural environment. • If there is scope to establish a Vento Ludens community investment initiative First UK windfarm Their first UK wind farm in Aberdeenshire became operational at the end of 2011, and in August 2012 they were granted consent for a 21 MW Wind Farm in Moray. In addition, there are a further 64 MW in planning and a pipeline of projects at various stages of development.

Community engagement The local community are central to all projects. The process of community consultation is started at project inception in order to assess local opinion and to also effectively communicate the inherent benefits of each project. Carefully planned strategic consultation can Global solutions - Kongsberg Maritime Kongsberg Maritime provide key systems which measure & monitor Hydroid REMUS100 AUV. This small technology & proven solutions to underwater noise during all stages of “man-portable” underwater vehicle can the global offshore renewable, oil & project development, installation and the be programmed to carry out detailed gas, subsea survey & construction, ongoing operation and maintenance of hydrographic surveys, autonomously, merchant marine industries & academic offshore renewable structures. High quality in very shallow water to determine site research institutes around the world. data, in all accepted formats, is then readily & debris clearance, effects of scouring, available for post-processing, analysis, & regular inspection of seabed and Services include… impact assessment. Current clients include foundations. • Acoustic noise measurement, SSER, & MeyGen. monitoring & impact assessment Kongsberg • Autonomous underwater vehicles Equipment rental service • Robust underwater camera systems From Aberdeen the company offers • Fish stock monitoring & behavioral an Equipment Rental service supplying Click to view more info study equipment including the small portable • Vessel dynamic positioning (DP), & navigation • Integrated automation • Multibeam echo sounders • Hydro-acoustic/INS and DGPS position reference • Attitude monitoring • Scour monitoring

Autonomous acoustic noise measurement systems Experts in the field, they provide autonomous acoustic noise measurement 81 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

for the very large single lift items associated Malin MarinE Consultants (MMC) with next generation marine renewable Naval Architects and Heavy Lift Engineers plant. Here they are able to bring their knowledge and experience of both land MMC comprise a team of John MacSween, Managing Director of and marine handling (cranes and SPMTs), professional, multi-disciplinary MMC said, “MMC are regularly called sea-fastening and shipping to bear, to engineers providing a diverse and upon to solve transportation challenges offer a holistic solution to our client’s flexible set of specialised skills. ranging from simple transport and requirements. In addition we have been These are built on a wealth of access studies for relocating towers and contracted with design and operational practical experience from working blades to an inland location, handling scopes covering mobilising cable lay and transportation and heavy lift projects and moving frames for heavy items such accommodation barges. both technically and operationally. as nacelles and engineering of the full transportation solution for shipping and Design support and technical handling all components of a renewable solutions device.” Finally, when the front end design phases are over, MMC have been able to offer this Projects same team moving forward to assist any Relevant projects include a series of appointed shipper with design support transport and access studies for large and full technical solutions to the complex blades to be delivered to congested shipping and storage requirements of these inshore locations. Here MMC’s scope valuable assets, such as stowage plans, was to review and identify a route, liaise sea-fastening design, mooring studies, with local authorities regarding road and RORO operations, semisubmersible ballast bridge capacities as well as document calculations and marine procedures. all street furniture that required removing. On two occasions, novel manoeuvres Alternatively they have been able to offer Practical approach were proposed which allowed corners, to their client, third party verification of their It is this combination of a deep rooted, previously identified as being un-passable, shippers own technical proposals, where practical approach to their way of working to be negotiated successfully, with all these are available both at tender and combined with an openness to new verified by a recorded trial run. operational phases of the project, such as technology and techniques that places a recent review of suppliers proposals for them in a strong position to tackle the Material handling a met mast installation. many unusual and diverse challenges On the material handling front MMC are associated with the renewable industry, involved in several projects looking at Malin Marine Consultants both on and offshore. bespoke lifting frames and handling frames

Facilities and services Industry partnership Fraserburgh The Balaclava Basins and North Pier offer The local Banff and Buchan College is 6.5 at MLWS and have approximately ideally positioned to be a key industry Harbour 1,000 metres of alongside berthing, a partner in the development and delivery of major part of which is currently used by renewable and sustainable energy training servicing the needs commercial and oil supply vessels and will in addition to the engineering courses they of the renewables also be available to the renewable sector. currently offer. market Fraserburgh Harbour also boasts excellent repair facilities including a modern dry Fraserburgh Harbour is situated on dock and six berth shiplift both of which the NE coast of Scotland, an ideal can service various vessels ranging from location to service the needs of the ferries, oil related vessels etc in addition emerging renewables market. The to the existing fishing fleet. These repair facilities and supply chain within the facilities are supplements by the excellent harbour and wider area are set to support services covering the full range become a key driver in this sector. including engineering, coded welding, painting etc together with specialised Commitment trades of electrical engineering, navigation The Commissioners of the port are services and fabrication thereby ensuring committed to diversity and as such are an established engineering supply chain. about to embark on an 18/20 month, £8 million project which will reconfigure the Development mooring for the strong fishing fleet, this There are various prime areas for development will free up an entire basin in development immediately available within the north part of the port with dedicated the port confines totalling approx 8,000 sq berthing and adjacent shore side areas metres, one of which is adjacent to the Inner for potential new business such as a Balaclava quayside. Additional ground in the Fraserburgh Harbour dedicated O & M base. Fraserburgh area is also available.


Current work undertaken Largest private employer Highlands The work that is currently undertaken Global Energy are the largest private includes: drilling rig repair/maintenance/ employer in the Highlands and Islands Fabricators upgrade; construction of structures for and in addition to Nigg, they have facilities oil & gas subsea/topsides projects; yard at Rosyth, Dunfermline, Aberdeen and a joint and port logistics for energy related around the /Cromarty Firth marine operations. The company has area. With a projected turnover of £350 venture also worked on a number of marine tidal/ million and over 4,200 currently employed In 1972, and in response to the wave prototype projects and hopes to worldwide. The company is engaged in UK’s entry into oil & gas production obtain further work in future. Nigg was energy related work from construction, offshore a few years earlier, a joint used a few years ago for the assembly of to inspection and quality management venture company between Brown & the Beatrice Offshore Wind demonstrator services, offshore accommodation, Root and Wimpey, called Highlands project. In the last year, the yard has architectural work, fabrication and Fabricators, was established and employed up to 750 people at any one brownfield integrity support to offshore the Nigg yard was opened. At its time and in future, after the introduction of oil & gas operators. They also have a peak, over a 30 year period, the yard other work, the yard could employ up to major presence in the market for Human employed up to 5,000 people and 1,500/2,000people. Resource Management/Manpower produced about one third of the UK’s Services. large offshore structures for oil & gas Company strategy – offshore production. In 2002, the yard was wind industry Global Energy Group moth-balled as no further orders were As part of the company strategy, a mix of received and subsequently put up for energy contracts will be brought to Nigg, sale by KBR (the owners). to ensure that employment opportunities for the local community and beyond, are Global Energy Group – Energy sustainable going forward. The company Park has some exciting new business concepts Global Energy Group saw a unique that will be announced shortly, especially opportunity to acquire Nigg and develop looking at the offshore wind industry, the yard and port as an Energy Park, to which is being developed around the attract work into the facility for oil & gas Scottish Coastline. projects, Renewables and other energy related ventures. Global completed the Global Energy, with funding support from purchase in October 2011 and have since public sector agencies, opened Nigg Skills embarked on an aggressive investment Academy to ensure that locally trained program to bring the yard back to life and skilled tradesman are available to assist refurbish/update its infrastructure. the company’s expansion plans and assist in addressing the skills shortages within the energy industry. 83 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND

Optimised Environments (OPEN) a design practice with a core of chartered landscape architects

At Optimised Environments (OPEN) taking account of all other technical and they take their involvement in crafting environmental constraints. the biggest landscape change since the industrial revolution very seriously. Juggling many constraints amidst the overriding need to capture the wind (and Their work is diverse in nature and ranges following best practice in design) is often from masterplanning and public realm a tall order. However, with visual effects design, on a city scale, to environmental frequently being cited as a key reason for wish to understand which areas have the impact assessment. Essentially OPEN is the refusal of planning permission, their greatest landscape and visual capacity for a design practice with a core of chartered clients recognise the importance of clear development. landscape architects. Their team shares advice from the outset. a passion for our landscape and we Determining the most appropriate sites have the skills to be able to understand Experience pays for development and designing them well a complex set of technical requirements, OPEN’s experience means that an is the key to the sustainable future of the working in three dimensions. increasing number of developers are on and offshore wind industry, in OPEN’s turning to them for advice during initial opinion. Wind energy industry project feasibility. Whilst it is impossible to Their involvement in the wind industry predict how an application will eventually Optimised Environments began in the late 1990’s through the be determined, they are invariably asked process of Landscape and Visual to advise whether a site is defensible or Assessment, which is a component of if there are overriding reasons for which Click to view more info the Environmental Statement. The design it is likely to be considered unacceptable of a wind farm layout forms part of their in landscape and visual terms. They also input to the mitigation of its effects, provide strategic advice to clients who

loading and discharging are carefully pre- with a forward Superstructure allowing planned. This includes road route surveys, stowage on deck of the large Quadrapod Shipping and rigging studies, deck strength calculations and shoes without any visibility issues. transportation and seafastening design. Meticulous planning and personal supervision of each The Quadrapod 4 legs were at different specialists contract help to ensure safe delivery with heights, 4 off timber packs supporting often critical deadlines. each leg were pre-laid on the vessel deck, HASL are a long established team securing of the cargo was by means of of specialists offering professionally Marine stability and expertise chains & bottlescrews. Vessel securing engineered solutions to the most HASL are particularly conscious of ship points were also utilised and D rings were complex transportation needs of the stability and the forces which can be also welded to assist securing. The shoes renewable industry. They have the experienced by heavy lift cargoes during were landed to dunnage and secured by experience and expertise to undertake sea-going transportation. Their in-house welded blockers. HASL then organised all the shipment of heavy lift cargoes to Naval Architects and Design Engineers labour, attended loading and liaised with any destination in the world. are able to quickly and accurately draft the Marine Warranty Surveyor regarding stowage plans, assess deck strength and comments on technical and operational All encompassing logistics present well thought out and cost effective documentation. All aspects of transportation such as transportation solutions. Thereafter shipping, road haulage, seafastening, they can undertake design, detail Current project fabrication and installation of appropriate This type of project represents only a small seafastenings for the voyage. sample of the type of work HASL can undertake, and the company is currently Successful projects transporting carrier sections for the MOD Typical projects include the transportation around the UK weighing up to 11,000 Te of Marine Current Turbine supports from rolling on by SPMTs and floating off via Methil to Belfast. HASL were contracted submerging operations. at very short notice to transport 1 off Quadrapod Foundation, 4 off Quadrapod All this experience, skill and expertise are Shoes and 4 off piles from Methil to directly translatable to issues and problems Belfast. The weight of the Quadrapod faced by the offshore renewable sector. Foundation was 110.0 Te, and each of the shoes were 26.2 Te. HASL chartered an Henry Abram and Sons Ltd appropriate vessel for this shipment,


Skanska, SMIT Marine Projects, Grontmij Joint Venture capability and expertise The waters around the UK have some Cost reduction of the World’s best natural resources Costs have been reduced through applying for wind, wave and tidal energy. Over mass production principles using proven the coming decades, the Offshore construction techniques and adopting a Renewable Energy market will grow to float-out-and-submerge strategy which, develop this potential. allied to operational flexibility through having a large in-house fleet of vessels and no The Skanska, SMIT Marine Projects & requirement for anything bespoke, takes Grontmij Joint Venture has been initiated full advantage of weather windows. The to serve the needs of the UK offshore availability of suitable ports on the East wind energy market and brings together Coast of Scotland with close proximity to significant capability and expertise in the sites and access to good local labour, foundation types. No piling or other works construction, marine installation and materials and supply chain is another major that might cause noise and vibration to offshore wind engineering. factor in reducing costs. disturb sea mammals is required.

Collaborative and holistic Rigorous process Concrete is an inherently durable material approach The design has been subjected to a with good resistance to wind and They have adopted a collaborative and rigorous process of analysis, simulation wave fatigue loading, which conveys holistic approach in developing an efficient and risk assessment involving industry many benefits including reduced and economic concept design for a experts from all relevant disciplines maintenance. Finally, the CGF can be fully concrete gravity foundation (CGF), which resulting in a high degree of confidence in decommissioned returning the seabed to is aligned with the requirements of the the viability of the CGF concept. its original condition and all materials used construction and installation teams and during construction can then be recycled. flexible for use in all areas in water depths CGF advantages from 30-60m, over a wide range of soil The CGF enjoys a great many Skanska conditions and turbine loadings. environmental advantages over other 85 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND Scottish Enterprise Scotland has a renewable energy Scottish Enterprise is supporting offshore resource which is unparalleled Infrastructure Fund wind R&D, which will help to reduce the in Europe. The seas surrounding Investment of £70million National cost of producing energy from offshore Scotland are estimated to have a Renewables Infrastructure Fund has wind and speed up the deployment, and quarter of Europe’s potential wind attracted strong interest from port are supporting a number of funding calls capacity, making the country well operators and consortia looking in this area. For example, the transferable placed to become the centre of to upgrade facilities to provide expertise from Scotland’s oil & gas Europe’s offshore wind industry. manufacturing, test and demonstration sector could help reduce the costs of the infrastructure for the offshore wind offshore wind by up to 20 percent. Partnership supply chain. Alongside other funding At Scottish Enterprise they are working initiatives, such as the Offshore Wind Their free Offshore Wind & Supply Chain closely with partners in the public and Project Funding Call, POWERS, and the Conference, held annually in Aberdeen in private sectors to take full advantage of Renewable Energy Infrastructure Fund, January, offers an excellent opportunity the opportunities presented by offshore this activity is helping create a world to learn more about this growing industry. wind. They are committed in developing leading environment for the development Also their Offshore Wind Expert Support a globally recognised wind industry and a of the industry. programme, available to Scottish based strong Scottish supply chain. companies, offers free advice and Investment confidence guidance designed to companies win National Renewables Investment announcements from global future business in offshore wind. players such as Gamesa, Samsung Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Scottish Enterprise have already provided confidence for investment and expansion in crucial offshorewind parts of the supply chain, as well as demonstrating Scotland’s huge potential on the world stage.

Research and development


making a significant contribution to the Neart na Gaoithe Scottish Government’s 2020 target to produce all of Scotland’s electricity Offshore Wind Farm demand from renewable sources. Shepherd and Wedderburn is acting Advice and guidance for its client Mainstream Renewable Subject to planning consent, Neart na Shepherd and Wedderburn is working Power on the Neart na Gaoithe (Gaelic Gaoithe will produce up to 450MW of closely with Mainstream on a number for ‘Strength of the Wind’) wind farm renewable power – enough electricity to of core aspects of Neart na Gaoithe, development, proposed for Scotland’s power 325,000 homes – from a 105 km2 including the overall consenting of the outer Firth of Forth, more than 15km site with up to 125 turbines sited in water development. The firm is also advising on off the coast of Fife. depths of 45 – 55 metres. the contracts, grid connection and land arrangements needed for the project. Capital investment The development is Shepherd and Wedderburn will also targeting a carbon guide Mainstream through the planning payback period of two requirements for the onshore element to three years and of the development. An application will represents a capital be submitted to East Lothian Council investment of up to later this year for a fully underground, 12 £1.4bn, making it one of km power cable, which will run from its the largest projects of its onshore location at Thorntonloch Beach kind in Scotland. It will through to Crystal Rig II wind farm, where have installed capacity it will connect to the National Grid. Gordon Downie to produce up to 3.7 per cent of Scotland’s current Shepherd and Wedderburn electricity demand,

The mission of this demonstrator project a hill 600m above sea level. All thirteen REpower was to prove the feasibility and viability turbines were installed only 28 days after of deepwater offshore wind farms. first mobilising to site. This was especially Systems SE The Beatrice Demonstrator is part of successful given the extremely adverse DOWNVInD (Distant Offshore Wind farms weather conditions faced by the team. a case study with No Visual Impact in Deepwater). Despite this, the commissioning was finished ahead of schedule and the project REpower Systems SE is one of the Onshore was handed over to the client on time and leading international manufacturers of Onshore, the company has expertise on budget. onshore and offshore wind turbines with installing turbines in remote and complex their head office based in Edinburgh areas as developers look further afield for Future development and service centres across the country. sites. This ranges from logistics solutions, Future development will also be focused to additional grid capability. on high wind speed sites in order to offer They are one of the UK’s fastest growing the consumer best value from wind and, in wind turbine manufacturers with over 150 Burnfoot Hill line with this, REpower recently announced employees and more than 1GW worth of The Burnfoot Hill project for EDF was one the expansion of their 3 megawatt turbine total signed contracts in the UK and has example of complex logistical planning. series which will see a re-certification of the to date delivered 43 onshore wind farms The site, some 11km from the main road, 3.4M104 machine for higher wind speeds. in Scotland, England and Wales and two presented several challenges; not least offshore wind farms... the transport of all the components up REpower long steep inclines (15%) to the top of • Project Beatrice in the North Sea • 150 MW Ormonde wind farm in the Irish Sea

Beatrice The Beatrice Project was unique in the world as the first offshore wind project installed in water depths of around 45m. A floating heavy lift crane barge was used to install the fully pre-assembled wind turbines. The two REpower wind turbines are an extension of the existing offshore oil installation in the Beatrice Field. They are connected to the 33kV grid from the shore and provide a significant share of the electricity needed on the Beatrice oil rigs for oil exploitation. 87 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND Offshore Wind Accelerator Wakes

Oldbaum Services has been elected to provide the LEOSPHERE group Instrument solutions for E.ON and the Carbon Trust as part of the Offshore Wind Accelerator Wakes work stream.

Oldbaum Services are a leading wind energy consultancy have been selected to provide the LiDAR (Light Detecting And Ranging) instrumentation solution for the Offshore Wind Accelerator Wakes Measurement Campaign.

Offshore wakes and their impact on windfarm yield Hosted and managed by E.On Climate & Renewables on behalf of the Carbon Trust and Offshore Wind Accelerator Partners, this project represents a major effort to fully understand the complex issue of offshore wakes and their impact on wind park yield.

Andy Oldroyd technical Director of Oldbaum said ”This project is at the Joint effort “All involved have worked hard to ensure forefront of the scientific effort to For this project Oldbaum teamed up with a compressed timeline can be met to understand the highly complex issue Leosphere and Avent Lidar Technology start data acquisition this year. This is a of offshore wakes, their formation, to provide 2 Scanning LiDAR stations very challenging, exciting programme, propagation and interaction within wind (WINDCUBE 200S from LEOSPHERE) and we look forward to receiving the first farms and their subsequent impact on and 4 Nacelle LiDAR systems (2Fore and data streams and interrogating them to energy production.” 2Aft looking WIND IRIS from Avent). see what information they contain”.

Oldbaum are delighted to have been “This is a really pioneering project” Industry best practice selected for this prestigious project, said Alexandre Sauvage, President The LiDAR systems are currently calling on our experience and expertise of LEOSPHERE. “Thanks to the undergoing pre-deployment certification to provide vital data in the effort to combination of the WIND IRIS nacelle according to Industry best practice, and understand this complex flow issue” mounted LiDAR measuring capabilities will be installed and operational before with the WINDCUBE 200S 3D long year end. Stephen Wyatt, Head of Technology range LiDAR ones, OWA will get Acceleration at the Carbon Trust, added for the first time a comprehensive Oldbaum “Wake effects has long been recognised characterisation of wake effects, at short as a vital area of research to the OWA and long distances. This represents a key Partners. The Offshore Wind Accelerator leverage to increase offshore wind farm Wakes Measurement Campaign being efficiencies and to reduce costs of wind carried out on E.ON’s Rødsand II site, energy”. will both increase understanding of the physics behind wake effects, as well as “Building on the measurement improve prediction accuracy which will programme defined by the Offshore reduce financing costs.” Wind Accelerator Technical Lead, Frazer Nash Consultancy, and E.On Climate and Renewables requirements, Oldbaum felt that a common instrument approach using similar pulsed LiDAR technology would present the best technical solution to the measurement campaign, whilst reducing measurement uncertainty” stated Andy.

88 SPONSORS OF EAST OF SCOTLAND Harbour Scotland’s First Port of Call The port of Eyemouth is situated 55°’N, Quayside Length/ Weight Bearing There is also potential for further site 02° 05’W on the south east coast of • Gunsgreen (Deepwater) basin: 280m development to incorporate new buildings Scotland and centrally located just 50 • Inner Basin (Old Harbour): 490m and workshops either on land owned by miles south of Edinburgh and 70 miles (including 130m serviced pontoon) Scottish Borders Council or Eyemouth north of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. • Weight bearing capacity of quayside is Harbour Trust. minimum 120 tonnes (estimated • Eyemouth Harbour Trust – Quayside Historically, Eyemouth Harbour’s primary based on current usage by HGVs) and port land - 1 hectare (2.5 acres) activity was fishing, however, the port has • Scottish Borders Council – a great deal to offer other commercial Port Facilities 6.3 hectares (15.5 acres) – allocated sectors including offshore wind. Eyemouth has a range of existing support for employment use in the Scottish services including... Borders Consolidated Plan 2011 Offshore support • Shipbuilding and repair yard The port’s close proximity to the proposed • Marine engineers and electronics Scottish Borders Council recognises offshore wind farm developments in the • Refuelling that appropriate renewables related Firth of Forth makes it an ideal marine • Grid & slipway facilities developments would fit with the expected centre for supporting offshore operations, • Chandlery use of these sites and are supportive of such as survey work and operations and • Forklift, craneage and storage facilities proposals which incorporate renewables maintenance. • Accommodation related infrastructure. No planning policy • Training facilities issues are anticipated on any of the Competitive Location current designated development sites. Eyemouth is an ideal base for a range of Other onshore facilities include a range on and offshore activity benefiting from of purpose built harbour buildings of Well Connected high quality vessel access via Gunsgreen 700m2(7,530ft2) including both commercial • By road to Edinburgh, Newcastle- Deepwater Basin and the main harbour and office space to support local upon-Tyne, Berwick-upon-Tweed and channel. Gunsgreen Basin offers 24/7, businesses. These are located just 2 miles Glasgow all well within 2 hours lock-free access for vessels with draught off the A1 with direct access to Gunsgreen • Rail services connect Eyemouth to all up to 2 metres and 13metres beam. Basin via a recently built wide access road main UK destinations via Berwick- which avoids the town centre traffic. upon-Tweed rail station just 9 miles At Quayside, Eyemouth offers ample away berthing quayage from Gunsgreen Basin Growth and development • By air, Eyemouth is within easy as well as the Inner Basin at the Old To accommodate further expansion, a distance of major airports and a Harbour. further 7,115 m2 (2.2 hectares) has been network of international destinations. developed with initial site services adjacent Water Depth at Quayside – Gunsgreen to the main harbour buildings. Owned Communications Basin (deepwater basin) by Scottish Borders Council, these are The Scottish Borders has a long term goal • MLWS (low water) : 2m available for immediate development. to make sure that advances in broadband • MHWS (high water) : 7.5m technologies benefit the area and telecoms • Tidal range : 5-6 metres companies are upgrading the bandwidth capability of exchanges in the area. Main Channel – Inner Basin (Old Harbour) Eyemouth Harbour Trust • MLWS (low water) : 0.9m • MHWS (high water) : 6.9m • Tidal range : 5-6 metres Click to view more info 89 COMPANY MANAGEMENT Experience on tap

Whatever the size or scope of your Global strategy business, a Non-Executive Director The company’s strategy remains global (NED) can provide invaluable insight, in scope, based on cooperation with guidance and stability when you need sector specific local distribution networks, it most. Here Jim Doyle shares some reflecting the timescales involved. Three of his experiences of taking this key months after the death of the MD, five role, revealing the extent to which a systems were sold into Australia via our NED can prove invaluable – especially Sydney based distributor with whom we in unexpected circumstances. had established a relationship in 2008. This was as reassuring psychologically It was June 2011 when, as the non- Jim Doyle as it was commercially. It also reaffirmed executive Chairman of a software the message that the company and its company, I received some devastating strategy are more than the sum of its news. After a short illness the Managing parts. It was a creditable achievement Director, one of the founders and major Immediate challenge that reflected the passion the MD had, shareholders of the business, had died. My immediate challenge as the non- and which his colleagues still have, for the executive Chairman was to ensure that business, which continues to look forward Contingency plans objectivity was kept to the fore across to an exciting future. Any board of directors needs to ask itself the small organisation. The company had the question of what would happen in to continue to fulfil its orders, to support Boston exhibition such an event – indeed, it is one of the key and reassure its software customers, to It is interesting that this same company questions that they can expect their NED improve and develop its current release, recently exhibited in Boston at a location to ask them. The board must carefully to maintain its Quality Assurance Systems, impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Monday’s consider the robustness of the company’s and to pay its suppliers and staff. The seminars and presentations were curtailed Risk Register, and what contingency mantra ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ is seen at 2pm as a result of the superstorm, plans are in place in the case of such an everywhere these days, but still it would but by Tuesday normal business was adverse event, in this case the loss of not have been inappropriate if emblazoned restored. Perhaps bolstered by their a ‘key person’, at the highest possible on the company’s front door. experience of handling the bereavement of level. Recognising the possibility of such their friend and colleague, I am confident a loss, and its ramifications, can be the The way forward that the directors and staff on the ground basis for establishing financial cover from The Board obviously needed to debate its in Boston had no difficulty in putting the a commercial insurance policy. However, reaction to the loss of one of their own, inconvenience of a disrupted conference the suddenness and sadness of losing agree between them the most sensible into its proper perspective. a colleague and a friend is not in truth way forward in the immediate and medium something that one can emotionally term, and also carry its shareholders Vital skills prepare for. Such was the situation in along that route. It was incumbent on the A freelance director operating through a which I found myself, effectively having to executive directors to reassure their teams limited company can add value in a non- steady the helm while the Board itself was that there was no need to be concerned executive basis at little risk. If introduced reeling from the shock. about the ongoing health of the business. by a trusted adviser, there are no upfront One of the features of this particular recruitment fees and no company is the ‘large ticket’ nature of its package if the chemistry proves inert. training systems: six figure purchases, Accounting partnerships such as PKF, bureaucratically slow by nature, aimed Baker Tilly, PWC and Grant Thornton at medical and educational institutions, maintain a panel of such NEDs, comprising notwithstanding the current economic professionals from many fields, and advisers climate. can ‘matchmake’ suitable directors to businesses for maximum benefit.


Appropriate assistance Financial institutions including large banks can often benefit by bringing in appropriately experienced interim panel members. Several years ago, I was called upon by a hotel business to construct a medium term P&L, balance sheet and cashflow on behalf of the directors, so that their bank could take an objective view of a business which had been ‘flagged up’ as living dangerously close to its covenant constraints and funding limits.

The bank had asked its advisers for an opinion, but the advisers, having discovered that no robust forecast existed, had to stand back from actually producing the forecast – as they would subsequently need to perform a due The value of versatility The best way forward diligence exercise upon that forecast, and NEDs can also operate in the public sector Any board of directors wishing to appoint obviously could not do both. The forecast – I have worked in this capacity on the a NED can expect to gain from experience needed to be independently produced by Trust Board of an Acute Hospitals Trust. accumulated from other industries the directors, approved by the directors Company law dictates that all NEDs of a and sectors. They can also expect to and the results of the exercise owned by private sector business share the same be challenged. A creditable NED will the directors, before the bank’s advisers legal responsibilities and obligations as walk away from a board that he or she could meaningfully challenge the key the executive directors. Taking on those believes is taking the wrong path, but by assumptions built into the model. legal responsibilities as a layman operating challenging from an ‘I’m on your side’ within the medical field should not be perspective, their overriding aim should So I was introduced, and we drew up a taken lightly, but the value that one’s always be to find the best way forward, to formal agreement between the hotel and commercial experience can add to a Trust be constructive, and to be an invaluable my company outlining the scope of the Board makes such a role an interesting ally. work I would perform. The model was and rewarding one to both parties. built using six years’ retrospective monthly There are very few business decisions numbers as a foundation. Following Understanding bureacracy that are so low in risk and cost, and yet detailed conversations to hammer out Understanding the bureaucratic nature which offer so much potential value, as reasonable and robust assumptions with of the NHS is as intellectually challenging the appointment of a credible, professional the directors, I was able to generate firm as it is time consuming. The monthly non-executive director. Their ability to forecasts of the forthcoming 18 months, Board Pack was encyclopaedic. Certainly, move between companies and sectors, supported by recent experience of being a holding Trust Board meetings in part in to constructively challenge the status full time Finance Director within the leisure public session was a new experience for quo, and their willingness to share their industry. me. During my time as a NED I chaired experience and ideas can fertilise business Consultant Appointments Committees growth. Key conclusion (having first taken the required HR training The key conclusion was that the courses), sat on the Capital Project Board fundamental business was sound, that had delegated powers to oversee Jim Doyle profitable and cash generative. However, the building of a new cardiac unit and the long term loan’s repayment structure, a new oncology facility, and I learned a put in place at the point when the directors great deal about senior employee reward Click to view more info bought into the business, put too much and retention issues as a member of the liquidity pressure onto the business’s Remuneration Committee. ability to generate EBITDA over the short to medium term. The perceived trading The professional challenge of helping a problem manifested by the bank’s internal Trust Board achieve non-profit objectives ‘overdraft warning’ system was then fully should not be underestimated. When understood. Assured by the conclusions one’s organisation can be punished by of the advisers’ subsequent ‘due diligence’ having too large a financial surplus at exercise, the ongoing relationship between year end as well as having a deficit, it the bank and the directors returned to a does cause the grey cells to operate in a normal state of health, focusing on trading different way! In a Trust whose income is issues and positive discussions over future £1m daily, £365m pa, achieving a break- capital spend that would enhance the even position allows a tolerance of less forecast performance over the medium to than 0.3% of turnover. long term. 91 COMPANY PROFILE

Saacollaborating with bAveillant to demonstrate windfarm radar clutter solution

Saab Sensis Corporation and Aveillant senior vice president of Saab Sensis. “Our “Seamless integration of technologies will provide a technical demonstration expertise in radar data integration is well has been perceived as the great unmet of an end-to-end wind farm radar suited to addressing the challenge of challenge of the wind farm and radar clutter removal solution that can be fusing Aveillant’s Holographic Radar™, issue. This collaboration should make integrated with operational Air Traffic PSR and other sources into a single that concern a thing of the past,” said Control (ATC) systems. surveillance feed for ATC.” David Crisp, chief executive officer of Aveillant. “Holographic Radar The programme will demonstrate represents the future of wind that seamless, clutter-free ATC farm clutter solutions. Wide Area surveillance data from non-co- Multilateration is recognised operating targets can be produced as an effective replacement for using Aveillant’s 3D Holographic secondary surveillance radar Radar™ along with existing for aircraft separation. Because Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR). both systems are 3D and have Saab Sensis’ fusion technology will high-frequency reporting, Saab generate a combined output in the Sensis was an obvious partner to common ASTERIX ATM format help create the next generation from Aveillant’s 3D Holographic of radar.” Radar™ and data provided by NATS from Glasgow International A different solution Airport’s PSR. Aveillant’s Holographic Radar™ clearly distinguishes between Secondary demonstration moving objects with differing A secondary demonstration will behaviours and 3D trajectories. incorporate Saab Sensis Wide Unlike the current generation of Area Multilateration (WAM) data ATC radars that scan a narrow with the PSR and Holographic beam using the familiar rotating Radar™ data to illustrate the antenna, Holographic Radar™ ability to use both cooperative constantly looks in all directions and non-cooperative surveillance at once. sources. WAM uses a distributed system of non-rotating sensors Their solution continuously that triangulate an aircraft’s measures the dynamic position based on transponder characteristics of each individual signals, either passively or through target, as a result it sees both interrogation, providing once-per- wind turbines and aircraft and second update rate. can tell the difference between the two. Aveillant has recently Adverse interference deployed its system at Cambridge Future growth and expansion of Airport in the United Kingdom wind farms is being hindered due which will provide a long term to the adverse interference wind proving ground for optimisation of turbines have on air traffic control the technology. radars in operation near wind farms. In recent years, several proposals have been made Combination Aveillant to mitigate radar interference, but no reliable Saab Sensis’ fusion technology combines zero-degradation solution currently exists. primary plot extracted data from the local Airport PSR with either the co-mounted Saab Sensis Corporation “A true solution to wind farm radar clutter Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) (when is in high demand, but thus far has not operating in combiner mode) or with a been achieved,” said Ken Kaminski, remote asynchronous SSR site (when operating in Assignor mode).

92 COMPANY PROFILE UK Port agency and to overcome extreme congestion at the port, ALS identified and provided services for 3 x wind alternative laydown and storage facilities at a site a short distance from the port. turbines projects An ALS project manager attended the vessel/port and supervised the into the UK 2-day discharging and cargo rotation programme, which also included Abnormal Load Services Lairg Wind Farm cargo inspection and interchange (International) Limited It is expected that the 3 x 2.5 MW turbines documentation, as well as scheduling & will produce enough energy to supply over crane management of the subsequent (ALS) has provided 3,500 homes. delivery programme from storage to site. UK Port and Vessel ALS facilitated the use of mobile cranes for Drone Hill Wind Farm agency services for the 801 Ton cargo as a gearless vessel had ALS has also completed the Phase 1 - three renewable energy been fixed as a more cost effective method importation phase for Drone Hill Wind projects: 3 x N80 R than a heavy lift vessel for this shipment, Farm located in the Scottish Borders. 60 wind turbines for Lairg Wind Farm via Invergordon in the Scottish Highlands and Phase 1 - importation phase for Drone Hill Wind Farm located in the Scottish Borders for 9 x wind turbine towers from 3 vessels.

This first phase involved using both mobile and port cranes to discharge and place into sequential quayside storage of 9 wind turbine towers from 3 vessels.

ALS completed phase 2 in Spring 2012 consisting of an additional 13 towers to complete the project. The 22 x 1.3 MW turbines are expected to power 16,000 homes.

GordonBush ALS subsequently handled a further shipment of seven wind turbines for Gordonbush Windfarm also via Invergordon.

Abnormal Load Services 93


Keeping the turbines turning….

The UK’s current installed offshore Partnership supply services ranging from technical wind capacity is greater than the This private/public sector partnership works support and advice on equipment and rest of the world’s combined, with on behalf of the 1700 companies that maintenance, to diagnosing problems with a further 45GW set to be added as make up the ports and maritime sector on wind turbine hydraulics such as cylinders Round 3 projects come onstream. Of Merseyside and is currently administering and accumulators; and preventing these, the Irish Sea developments, a sector development programme for contamination. in particular, represent excellent small to medium sized businesses that opportunities for maritime sector is supported by the European Regional The company’s time-served engineers companies based on Merseyside. Development Fund (ERDF). are highly skilled and able to respond quickly to supply, design, build or service Mersey Maritime Member company case studies enquiries, but as one of the few quality Assisting them to enter or expand their The case studies highlighted here accredited companies to offer a complete business into what, for many, is a new but represent three different examples of package, FPI NorthWest also provides closely related market is Mersey Maritime, the world class expertise that exists on bespoke training. the sector representative body for the Merseyside and how Mersey Maritime’s region’s maritime industry. ERDF supported programme is assisting FPI Director Colin Walker, who is also a companies like these to committee member of the BFPDA (British realise growth plans in the Fluid Power Distributors Association) said: wind energy market. “Mersey Maritime’s Maritime Sector FPI NorthWest Development Programme, which is Limited supported by ERDF, is helping us An independent fluid power to focus on business opportunities engineering company, around wind energy. We’re excited by specialising in hydraulics the potential of developments across and pneumatics. the North West and are laying firm foundations now to prepare for future Set up in 2002, the projects.” company has already seen rapid growth in FPI NorthWest the wind energy market, with O&M contracts to

be carried out. Atlantic Engineering “We can see real potential to expand our Atlantic responded quickly, working 24 hours a services into the wind energy sector and day to enable First Subsea to complete the support we are receiving through Engineering Ltd their project and avoid delays. the Maritime Sector Development Programme is making a real difference Widely recognised for its specialist Joint Managing Director Les Molyneux to how we promote ourselves in this new engineering services, offering said: “Atlantic Engineering has the and exciting market.” innovative engineering solutions in capacity and expertise to handle both both specialist welding and precision planned and urgent work. We work with Atlantic Engineering machining services. many companies of all sizes including blue chip companies with extremely high The company has centre lathes sized value components. up to 17.5m between centres, a four- axis vertical machine centre and a lifting capacity of 25 tonnes and holds approvals from the major classification societies for its repair and refurbishment processes.

The Merseyside based company was recently approached by First Subsea, the UK’s leading supplier of subsea mooring systems, after two main beams of a 2600 tonne Subsea Mooring Connector (SMC) test rig developed cracks during the initial Minimal Breaking Load testing.

The failure of the beams was preventing contractual Proof Load Testing to 95 SPONSORS OF SERVICING OFFSHORE WINDFARMS

Marine Turbo Engineering Ltd An independent company with expertise that can be applied to any engine based turbo charger for servicing, repairs, supplies and fitting.

This highly transferable expertise has led MTE to expand its services into the wind energy market, meeting demand for services such as dynamic balancing and rotary analysis.

MTE’s Merseyside base makes it ideally Managing Director Mark Dean said: “Business consultancy support financed by placed to support the wind energy industry “MTE’s highly skilled team gives our the European Regional Development Fund and offshore projects around Liverpool Bay. clients a real ‘comfort factor’, with has given MTE a valuable edge in positioning Services include provision of emergency continuity of specialist engineers and the company to win more work.” breakdown support, planned maintenance, aligned stocks of fleet spares. This allows overhauls and the performance & economy us to react quickly to our customers’ Marine Turbo Engineering of turbo chargers that are essential to needs and reduce their expenditure maximise the uptime of equipment and when faced with a turbo charger failure keep vessels in charter e.g. tugs, dredgers, or breakdown. workboats, support and towing vessels.

Formed in 1997, NHV has its Ten new helicopters on order headquarters in Ostend, Belgium, NHV Helicopters, whose UK base is in Major investment providing a range of helicopter services Norwich, has confirmed an order for Colin Hancy, NHV’s Norwich-based UK and transport operations for civil and ten new aircraft from Eurocopter. Commercial Manager, said, “This deal military clients. Work includes offshore represents a major investment for NHV. hoisting and deck landings, passenger, The deal, worth about €150million (Euro), We operate throughout Europe, Africa freight and medical transport, search and will see the phased delivery of the EC175 and South America, and are looking rescue operations, pollution control and helicopters from the manufacturer’s facility to further expand our global services sling procedures. in Marseille, France, between 2013 and in offshore oil and gas and wind farm 2015. development. NHV’s UK operation is based at the Klyne Business Aviation Centre at Norwich Services “We are also looking to expand our Airport. The newly-launched aircraft is a multi- operations at Norwich airport, which role, twin-engined helicopter designed to currently include the transfer of service NHV Helicopters undertake a range of services, including and maintenance crews to Tullow’s offshore crew transfer flights, search & Ketch and Schooner gas rescue operations, security roles and production platforms about emergency medical flights. 90 miles off the north Norfolk coastline. We’ve also just Specifications completed a three-month The EC175’s 434 cu ft cabin is the largest contract for Shell, flying in its class. Configured for offshore oil and maintenance crews to various gas operations, the EC175 can transport gas production platforms in the 16 passengers a distance of 135 nautical UK and Dutch sectors of the miles and back or take 12 passengers on Southern North Sea. a return journey of 190 nautical miles. “The additional helicopters will It features extra-large sliding doors on bring our worldwide fleet to both sides of the aircraft, providing nearly 40, and their introduction unobstructed access to the flat- will give us greater flexibility Colin Hancy, Commercial Manager, floored cabin and easier exit in case of and the capacity for much more NHV Helicopters emergency. additional work.”


High Voltage Partial Discharge (HVPD) Cost benefit analysis are experts in the field of on-line The total cost of this planned, preventative partial discharge (OLPD) condition maintenance repair was around £10,000 monitoring.They supply onshore whilst the estimated cost of a previous and offshore renewable customers unplanned outage was £127,000. in the UK and overseas with OLPD According to UK Government’s solutions for the condition monitoring Department of Environmental and Climate of in-service high voltage (HV) cables, Change (DECC), such cost reductions are switchgear and transformers. essential to drive down the operational costs of offshore windfarms. Case study A recent PD test, monitoring and Cost reduction target preventative cable repair project for DECC have put a target of reducing the a major offshore wind farm in the UK total cost of offshore wind generation by illustrated how the OLPD insulation 25% from the present ‘typical’ lifecycle condition monitoring can lead to cost of £135/MWh (for a 500MW significant maintenance and operation windfarm) to below £100/MWh by cost reductions. 2020. HVPD believe that these cost reductions will only be achievable through Testing and diagnostics the application of condition monitoring Initial on-line PD testing to assess the technology such as the HVPD OLPD insulation condition of two 33 kV export monitoring. cables connecting the offshore wind farm to shore, indicated high PD activity HVPD levels in one of the cables. Additional diagnostic and cable mapping tests identified the source of PD activity at one of the land section cable joints. The wind farm operator decided to replace the unreliable joint during a planned maintenance outage and the cable was re-tested. The post repair PD measurement results were acceptable and the weak point (the ‘incipient fault’) in the cable’s HV insulation had been removed. 97 SPONSORS OF SERVICING OFFSHORE WINDFARMS

ZF Services UK gears up for meeting offshore wind servicing requirements Over the past three years, ZF Services UK Ltd has emerged as a leading multi-brand gearbox service provider to the offshore and onshore wind turbine energy sectors.

On-site fault finding and Larger repairs and overhauls diagnosis Where it is necessary to undertake With the current demand and strong larger planned or unplanned repairs and forecast growth in the offshore market, overhauls, gearbox units are shipped to the company is finding increased ZF Services UK Ltd’s extensive workshop requirements for on-site fault finding and facility in Nottingham. diagnostic support for offshore wind farms located in UK as well as international All MW offshore gearboxes undergo waters. rigorous full load testing on ZF Services’ industry-leading 4MW test bench, which 24/7 field support service is dedicated to the repair and overhaul In response, ZF Services UK Ltd provides business and is located at the service a 24/7 field support service for offshore facility in Dortmund, Germany. wind turbine operators through a team of specially equipped technicians with Comprehensive field service industry approved training in working at Dave Morgan, Business Manager, Wind height and sea survival. Turbines, ZF Services UK, commented: “Apart from helping to minimise Technicians are readily available to attend downtime by more quickly identifying wind farms located in UK coastal waters and solving problems on the spot, or and estuaries as well as worldwide. They even preventing them altogether, our assess gearbox component condition comprehensive field service enables and undertake fault diagnosis by using operators to optimise their routine the latest endoscopic equipment for maintenance planning by incorporating determining the condition of gear teeth, regular on-site gearbox health checks.” bearings and shafts. Oil analysis is also used to detect abnormal and elevated ZF Services particle content, which could be a sign of unusual bearing or gear wear. If necessary, high-speed bearing and shaft Click to view more info changes can be made in the field.

Identification of needs on-site The level of sophisticated diagnostics deployed enables technicians to identify if or when individual gearbox units will require a workshop repair or full overhaul.


Supply chain and training support The wind farm industry is already making Port of Ramsgate its presence felt as the supply chain a thriving hub for the offshore spreads into the local economy. Local colleges and training providers have wind industry developed new courses to help students and residents gain the skills they need to Five years ago, the Port of Ramsgate Set on 32 acres of land, Ramsgate is work in the offshore wind sector, and East in Kent was best known for its cross- one of the largest municipal ports in Kent College has planning permission Channel ferry service to Belgium. England and Wales, and the owners, for a new Centre for Environmental Today it has a new reputation as a Thanet District Council, are keen to secure Technologies to support this. The area’s thriving hub for the offshore wind investment that has knock-on advantages maritime expertise is in demand – whether industry. for the local economy. it’s providing crews for the wide range of boats needed to build and maintain a Servicing offshore projects Facilities wind farm or the chandlery supplies and Both the 300MW Thanet Offshore Wind The port can accommodate vessels of up support services they require. Recruitment (TOW) and the nearly-complete 630MW to 180 metres in length with 6.5 metres agencies, the local airport, IT businesses, phase 1 of London Array – which draft and has the capacity to handle specialist manufacturers, accommodation will soon claim the title of the world’s multi-decked vessels. With easy access and leisure providers, welding companies, largest offshore wind farm – have made to the open sea, it takes an average of 10 equipment suppliers and many more have Ramsgate their home. minutes from berth to clearing a buoyed all plugged into the offshore wind economy.

State-of-the-art Image courtesy of London Array operations and maintenance base And the port itself is home not just to the headline names of TOW’s owners Vattenfall and London Array, which has invested in a multi-million pound, state-of-the-art operations and maintenance base there. Key suppliers such as Siemens, and Visser & Smit have joined them there, too.

“Ramsgate is in an excellent position both geographically – at the south eastern tip of the UK – and in terms of the skills and services it can supply, to support the offshore wind farm industry,” said Peter Symons, Business Development Director of Locate in Kent, the county’s inward investment agency.

“In a little under five years, the port will have seen the As well as serving as the construction channel and access is possible at all construction of two of the largest offshore management centre for the two wind states of the and in most weather wind farms in the world and is now set to farms, the Port of Ramsgate will serve conditions. serve for at least the next 20 years as their as their longterm operations and operations and maintenance base. maintenance base. For those companies that do not need to be on the seafront, there are also “Meantime, Ramsgate is placed to Investment complementary facilities a few miles assist both with the extension of existing It’s a welcome payback for Ramsgate, inland at Manston Business Park to Round 2 wind farms projects as well as which has seen substantial public and accommodate potential wind farm-related the emerging Round 3 projects. It’s a private sector investment to make sure it businesses. very exciting prospect.” serves the needs of the offshore wind farm industry. Port of Ramsgate

100 SPONSORS OF SERVICING OFFSHORE WINDFARMS Harwich Navyard The Navyard is a privately owned port shelter, stores & crew change as well as to successful partnership’s being forged situated on the Essex coast. Navyard mobilising / demobilising. with other sub-contractors involved in Wharf is operated by Harwich Dock such projects. Vessel chartering is another Company Ltd a Competent Harbour Experience activity Mann & Son (London) Limited have Authority (CHA) and part of Mann The port has experience in all manner experience. Group. of offshore wind farm activity which includes supporting the Gunfleet Sands Whilst there is a lull in current projects Mann & Son (London) Ltd is the agency and Greater Gabbard Offshore wind until the start-up of Round 3, the Navyard and forwarding company. The port is farms projects, and to a minor extent remains busy with the inner berths having situated at the mouth of the river Stour, London Array. Siemens Energy Service pontoons and used exclusively as a one and a quarter miles seaward (east) of chose Navyard for their “Hercules” retro small boat harbour. The regular supply of Parkeston. There are over 4 hectares of fit project on Gunfleet Sands – which MGO low sulphur bunkers is met by our land, with 3 berths and a total of 12,650 included an office and warehouse space. partnership with Allantone Supplies Ltd. m3 undercover storage space situated Siemens STDL continue to operate out of there. Navyard. Mann & Son Windfarm support Successful partnerships Whilst it has a rich history, these days it is Mann & Son (London) Limited, a sister Click to view more info now at the forefront of wind farm support. company have also acted as agents It’s location makes it an ideal port for for Fluor, MENAS, Seajacks and Van vessels requiring bunkers, foul weather Oord. Having this ability built in has led

personnel on board offshore turbines Life as an offshore wind should be equipped with the most innovative and reliable safety equipment. turbine technician And where better to start than at the feet. Since the first offshore wind farm was Accessibility On the move all day, it is imperative installed 11 years ago in Denmark, When turbines are located at sea they that the technician has functional safety the offshore wind energy industry become much less accessible, this poses footwear which works to counteract the has grown and grown across the a huge challenge to the service and multiple hazards that the technician will globe, and so have the number of men repair of these giant energy generators. encounter throughout their day. and women working to operate and Access for repair and maintenance teams maintain it. to offshore turbines requires the use of Safety footwear specifically a service vessel for routine access, or designed for the job helicopter when this is not possible. From the moment the technician steps upon the transfer vessel to one of these If wind farms are located too far from huge turbines, their footwear needs to onshore bases service teams are required be working extra time to keep them safe. to live on site in offshore accommodation Wind energy safety specialists Safety units. It is these teams that we rely on, in Technology Ltd have teamed up with such harsh and hostile environments, to footwear manufacturer Steitz and leading keep the turbines generating our much manufacturer of GORE-TEX® Fabric, to needed energy. It is therefore vital that design and manufacture a new Offshore their safety and comfort is our highest Safety Boot, the BERGEN GORE S3. priority. This boot has been designed to Typical working day – safety first incorporate the day to day safety needs of A turbine technician’s working day begins the technician through activities such as... as they pull alongside the offshore turbine in the transport vessel. They are now • Ladder climbing Expansion responsible for all of the day-to-day • Walking grated platforms In 2008 offshore wind power contributed maintenance of the wind farm; this may • Harsh offshore environments requiring 0.8 GW of the total 28 GW of the wind involve replacing parts or making small 100% waterproof properties power capacity. As of 2011 offshore wind repairs on site. • Changing in and out of offshore capacity has now reached 3.16 GW with survival suits 15 GW more expected before 2014. As Equipment we depend more and more on offshore Safety is paramount as the smallest All the technician has to worry about now wind for clean energy, we are also relying mistake or slip could put these technicians is doing their job. on the successful operational functioning in life threatening situations. It is therefore of these farms, and the technicians integral to the safety of workers, and in Safety Technology Ltd working hard to do this. turn to the running of the farms, that all 101 SPONSORS OF SERVICING OFFSHORE WINDFARMS

Milestone reached for OSBIT power’s maxccess access system OSBIT Power (OP) has announced that the MaXccess-T12 access system for Sustained pressure to reduce Scira Offshore Energy Limited, the Statoil and Statkraft joint-venture company, costs has now completed its Lloyds witnessed factory acceptance tests and will go Dr Trapp continues: “In a time of into service shortly at Sheringham Shoal. increasing energy prices, offshore wind is under sustained pressure to reduce trials was conducted costs and ensure projects are delivered in conjunction with and maintained as planned. Higher Siemens, Statoil and accessibility plays a significant part in Fred Olsen Windcarrier this goal. In offshore wind the seemingly in the spring of 2012. simple process of getting personnel out to Following these trials work was hazardous, and limited to only Siemens bought the moderate weather conditions, with vessels first MaXccess system and personnel working in an aggressive this summer and quickly and unpredictable environment. OP set out put it into service at to improve access by providing a clever RWE and SSE’s Greater but practical solution.” Gabbard. Since the start of commercial Well tested system operations in August, The first MaXccess system, currently MaXccess has been installed on the 18m Iceni Defiant, providing safer and more operated by Lowestoft-based Iceni weather tolerant access Marine, has conducted many hundreds for Siemens’ technicians of safe transfers, and has significantly accessing the Gabbard increased the transfer capability of the turbines.” vessel. Iceni Marine Director Richard Thurlow comments on their involvement in And now a second bringing MaXccess into commercial use, MaXccess is to go into service at Sheringham “We have been hugely impressed by the Shoal. performance of the OSBIT MaXccess system. It allows us to offer a level of Dr Trapp, comments accessibility and safety that simply isn’t on the achievements possible using a boat fender alone to he has seen this year secure the vessel on the turbine. from the OP team: “I think we can uniquely “We were fortunate to see the MaXccess say MaXccess is the system in operation at E.ON’s Scroby only crew transfer Sands site during earlier trials, and were vessel access system in keen to be one of the first vessel operators commercial use. To go to gain experience of using the system. Extensive trials from a system waiting to be trialled at As a company we recognise the benefits “The tests were completed last week and the start of the year to systems either in that innovative systems such as MaXccess we are delighted to be able to announce use, or in production, is a testament to bring to the market For this reason we are this at RenewableUK 2012,” says Dr the commitment of our team and their already planning to make other vessels in Tony Trapp, OP’s CEO. “It has been skill in delivering and rigorously testing our fleet MaXccess-ready.” a frenetically busy period for us with an ingenious, but ultimately simple and MaXccess. A programme of extensive reliable system.” OSBIT Power Ltd

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102 ... tHe rIGHt locatIon In east anGlIa

General InformatIon Non cargo services are handled by the ports agency department – Mann & Son (London) Limited

Which is a sister company and also part of WInD farm exPerIence the Mann Group. We provide: • Gunfleet Sands • Greater Gabbard • Vessel Agency • Galloper • Vessel Chartering • London Array • Lay-by Berths to facilitate; • Thanet • Crew change • Stores access & eGress from lanD • Fresh water Train: Harwich Town station, 500m • Bunkers Air: Stansted 95km, Heathrow 182km • Repairs Heliport: Southend Airport, 96km • Foul weather shelter • Mobilization/Demobilisation of access & eGress from sea equipment 24/7 Working No lock & gate restrictions Port Data Pilot service: Harwich Haven Authority Current Core business: • Stevedoring Quays • Agency 1 x 175m, 1 x 153m, 1 x 85m • Chartering Depth • Warehousing 8.5m @ MLWS (chart datum) • Transport Vessel capacity • Shipping LOA 175m, beam 50m

Trevor John, General Manager Harwich Navyard, Harwich Dock Company Ltd

T +44 (0) 1255 245 200 E [email protected] 20 Questions 20 Questions Simon Harrison

Who are you? Who would you not like to be? If money was not a factor what Simon Harrison, Development Director David Cameron, or any Prime Minister. It would you buy tomorrow? for power globally at engineering, must be so frustrating having to spend so I don’t really know, apart from presents management and development consultant much effort on the “narrative” rather than for Sarah and Lucy. Maybe it would be Mott MacDonald. I’m also a Vice making the real difference that led you into something philanthropic. President of the politics in the first place. Institution of WhICH words would best Engineering and What is the best advice you have describe you? Technology, and ever been given? When I asked at home, my wife said chair its Energy Not to fight battles you can’t win. “forward-looking, collegiate and kind”, Policy Panel. her sister who was visiting said “concise, What is your favourite smell? efficient, humorous”. I’m sure others What brought Freshly mown grass. could think of less flattering descriptions! you into the industry/your What do you do in your spare What talent would you like to position? time? have? I have an I’m a keen amateur musician, singing To be able to be more empathetic. academic background in engineering solo and in choirs and playing keyboard and worked as an academic for a time instruments. I’ve also directed community What makes you angry? (at Southampton University), then sought theatre in our village in Sussex UK – I tend not to get angry, but do get frustrated more immediate application of engineering everyone gets involved and it’s brilliant that as engineers and scientists we struggle with consultancy Ewbank Preece, later fun. I enjoy gardening and generally being so much to engage politicians and the acquired by Mott MacDonald. One of the outside in the countryside. I also read a public in general in what matters to us. appeals of engineering consultancy was lot and take an interest in current affairs, (and is) its variety and the opportunity to history, the arts and architecture. What law/legislation would you make a big difference to the lives of many like to see introduced? people all over the world. For example What sport do you participate I would like to see that everyone has to we have been leading the engineering in/watch the most? be educated to a reasonable level in both development of a 7000 MW hydroelectric I’m a keen cyclist, getting out both days science and the arts. scheme in Pakistan that would provide most weekends when in the UK. It’s a electricity, with all its associated economic great way to clear the mind and keep fit. What prominent person would benefits, for perhaps 7 million families. you like to meet? Likewise we’ve been leading the way What is the most bizarre Nelson Mandela, but I’m not sure what I helping financiers understand and get situation you have found would have to say to him. comfortable with funding large offshore yourself in? And how did you wind and complex solar energy projects, deal with it? What book are you reading at meaning that these projects go ahead and I was working in Uzbekistan a couple present? get built. of years ago, and my Uzbek colleague Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom by borrowed a friend and his car to get us Stephen Platt, a fascinating account of the Family status? around. It was a 20 year old stretch Taiping Civil War in China in the nineteenth I am married to Sarah, a classical musician Mercedes with huge windows of the sort century. and all round wonderful caring person, generally favoured by ruling elites. The and we have a grown-up daughter Lucy Uzbeks both sat in the front leaving me What car do you drive? who is at university. in the glasshouse at the back. The only Audi A4, though I do more miles by plane way to behave was to relax and enjoy and train these days. Who is your hero and why? the attention of everyone around as I was J S Bach, the composer. At one level ferried to various government ministry Where would you like to be 10 his achievements are technically almost buildings for meetings. They must have years from now? unbelievable, but even more he knows how thought I was a special guest of President I would be approaching 60. I would hope to press every possible emotional button. Karimov. to be contributing to making the world a better place through good engineering, What annoys you the most? What is your favourite record/ and helping to create a legacy of young Meetings that spend time going down CD/artist/music? engineering talent well equipped to solve blind alleys full of detail whilst missing the I’m a keen classical music listener and the pressing problems of the 21st century. big picture. will try almost anything. Jazz is good too. And also playing a positive role at home There’s a great internet radio station called and in the community. Swiss Jazz.

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