225926 Taitto 1-2005 Korj.Pmd
Karstenia 45: 1–32, 2005 Die Gattung Conocybe in Finnland ANTON HAUSKNECHT, JUKKAVAURAS, ILKKA KYTÖVUORI und ESTERI OHENOJA HAUSKNECHT, A., VAURAS, J., KYTÖVUORI, I. & OHENOJA, E. 2005: Die Gattung Conocybe in Finnland. – Karstenia 45: 1–32. Helsinki. ISSN 0453-3402. In all 56 taxa of the genus Conocybe are presented from Finland. One variety, Cono cybe hornana var. subcylindrospora, is described as new. Besides, C. ambigua, C. anthracophila, C. bispora, C. dumetorum var. dumetorum, C. echinata, C. farinacea, C. fimetaria, C. fuscimarginata, C. gigasperma, C. graminis, C. hexagonospora, C. hornana, C. intrusa, C. juniana var. subsejuncta, C. lenticulospora, C. microspora, C. moseri, C. pallidospora, C. pilosella, C. pseudocrispa, C. singeriana, C. subalpina, C. subovalis, C. subpallida, C. tuxlaensis, C. umbonata, and C. watlingii have not been recorded from Finland earlier. Nearby half of the presented taxa have been found only in the southern part of the country, but the collecting has been occasional, and most species of the genus occur in wide areas also elsewhere. The ecology of the genus show a broad scale, as well. The species of the genus are considered to be saprobes mainly growing in humus, seldom and occasionally on woody substrate (C. gigasperma, C. incarnata). Some species, such as C. farinacea, C. fimeta ria, C. fuscimarginata, C. lenticulospora, C. pubescens, C. rickenii, C. singeriana, and C. watlingii grow often on dung, but also C. albipes, C. juniana, and C. subovalis prefer habitats rich in nitrogen. C. brachypodii, C. juniana var. subsejuncta, C. pilosella, C. rickeniana, and C. subpubescens were found usually in forest or parks, the main part of the habitats of the collects being meadows and pastures.
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