Recycling Programs
MARIN COUNTY HAZARDOUS & SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AB 939 LOCAL TASK FORCE Wednesday, March 2, 2016 1600 Los Gamos, Suite 211 San Rafael, CA 8:30 – 10:00 AM AGENDA Call to Order. 1) Open Time for Public Comment 2) Approval of the January 6, 2016 JPA Local Task Force Minutes (Action) 3) Zero Waste Schools Program Pilot Study (Information) 4) Environmental Science Associates (ESA) Report Revised Draft (Action) 5) Election of LTF Chair and Vice Chair (Action) 6) Updates from LTF Subcommittees (Information) 7) Staff Updates on Ongoing Activities (Information) 8) Open Time for Member Comments (Information) The next scheduled JPA Board Meeting is January 28, 2016 at 9:00 AM. The next scheduled LTF Meeting is February 3, 2016 at 8:30 AM. The full agenda including staff reports can be viewed at: F:\Waste\JPA\LTF\AGENDA\16-03-02.doc All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be requested by calling (415) 473-4381 (voice) (415) 473-3232 (TTY) at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats, upon written request. Contact the County’s Waste Management Division, at 473-6647 for more information Page 1 2 DRAFT MARIN COUNTY HAZARDOUS & SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AB 939 Local Task Force Meeting Wednesday January 6, 2016 1600 Los Gamos Dr, Suite 211 San Rafael, Calif. 94903 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Delyn Kies, Sustainable Novato Steve Devine, JPA Staff Joan Irwin, Southern Marin Cities Alex Soulard, JPA Staff Ramin Khany, Redwood Landfill Casey Poldino, JPA Staff Dee Johnson, Novato Sanitary District Russ Greenfield, LGVSD OTHERS PRESENT Jennie Pardi, Nature Bridge Golden Gate Kim Scheibly, Marin Sanitary Service Loretta Figueroa, Almonte Sanitary District Eli Goodsell, Conservation Corps Matt McCarron, Novato Evan Edgar, Marin Sanitary Svc.
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