View Tifft Nature Preserve's Plant List

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View Tifft Nature Preserve's Plant List Genus species (Old Name) Family Common Names Origin Acer negundo Aceraceae Boxelder Native Acer platanoides Aceraceae Norway Maple Introduced Acer rubra Aceraceae Red Maple Native Acer saccharinum Aceraceae Silver Maple Native Achillea millefolium Asteraceae Common Yarrow Native-Intro? Aegopodium podagraria Apiaceae Goutweed, Bishop's Weed Introduced Aesculus hippocastanum Hippocastanaceae Horse Chestnut Introduced Ageratina altissima (Eupatorium rugosum) Asteraceae White Snakeroot Native Ailanthus altissima Simaroubaceae Tree-of-Heaven Introduced Alisma subcordatum Alismataceae American Water Plantian Native Alliaria petiolata Brassicaceae Garlic Mustard Introduced Allium ampeloprasum Liliaceae Wild Leak Introduced Alnus incana Betulaceae Speckled Alder, Gray Alder Native Ambrosia artemisiifolia Asteraceae Annual Ragweed Native Anagallis arvensis Primulaceae Scarlet Pimpernel Introduced Anthemis arvensis Asteraceae Corn Chamomile, Field Chamomile Introduced Anthoxanthum odoratum Poaceae Sweet Vernalgrass Introduced Apocynum cannabinum Apocynaceae Indianhemp, Dogbane Native Aquilegia vulgaris Ranunculaceae European Columbine Introduced Arctium lappa Asteraceae Greater Burdock, Great Burdock Introduced Arctium minus Asteraceae Common Burdock, Lesser Burdock Introduced Argentina anserina (Potentilla anserina) Rosaceae Silverweed Cinquefoil Native Artemisia biennis Asteraceae Biennial Wormwood Native-Intro? Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Mugwort, Common Wormwood Introduced Asclepias incarnata Asclepiadaceae Swamp Milkweed, Rose Milkweed Native Asclepias syriaca Asclepiadaceae Common Milkweed Native Barbarea vulgaris Brassicaceae Winter Cress, Garden Yellow Rocket Introduced Bidens cernua Asteraceae Bur Marigold, Nodding Beggar Tick Native Bidens frondosa Asteraceae Devil's Beggar Tick, Common Beggar Tick Native Bidens laevis Asteraceae Smooth Beggar Tick Native Boehmeria cylindrica Urticaceae Bog Hemp, Smallspike False Nettle Native Brassica juncea Brassicaceae Indian Mustard Introduced Bromus inermis Poaceae Smooth Brome Native-Intro? Calamagrostis canadensis Poaceae Bluejoint, Bluejoint Reedgrass Native Calystegia sepium (Convolvulus sepium) Convolvulaceae Hedge False Bindweed Native-Intro? Carduus nutans Asteraceae Nodding Thistle Introduced Carex scoparia Cyperaceae Broom Sedge Native Carex vulpinoidea Cyperaceae Fox Sedge Native Catalpa speciosa Bignoniaceae Northern Catalpa Native Centaurea stroebe (Centaurea maculosa) Asteraceae Spotted Knapweed Introduced Centaurium erythraea (C. umbellatum) Gentianaceae European Centaury Introduced Cephalanthus occidentalis Rubiaceae Buttonbush Native Cerastium fontanum Caryophyllaceae Common Mouse-eared Chickweed Introduced Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllaceae Coon's Tail Native Chamaesyce maculata Euphorbiaceae Spotted Sandmat, Spotted Spruge Native Chara spp. Characeae Stonewort Native Cichorium intybus Asteraceae Chicory Introduced Cirsium arvense Asteraceae Canada Thistle Introduced Cirsium vulgare Asteraceae Bull Thistle Introduced Convolvulus arvensis Convolvulaceae Field Bindweed Introduced Conyza canadensis Asteraceae Canadian Horseweed Native Cornus amomum Cornaceae Silky Dogwood Native Cornus racemosa Cornaceae Gray Dogwood Native Cornus sericea (Cornus stolonifera) Cornaceae Redoiser Dogwood Native Cuscuta spp. Cuscutaceae Dodder Native-Intro? Cynancum rossicum (Vincetoxicum rossicum) Asclepiadaceae European Swallow-wort Introduced Cyperus esculentus Cyperaceae Yellow Nutsedge Native-Intro? Dactylis glomerata Poaceae Orchardgrass Introduced Daucus carota Apiaceae Queen Anne's Lace Introduced Dianthus armeria Caryophyllaceae Deptford Pink Introduced Digitaria ischaemum Poaceae Smooth Crabgrass Introduced Diplotaxis muralis Brassicaceae Stinking Wallrocket, Annual Wallrocket Introduced Dipsacus fullonum Dipsacaceae Fuller's Teasel, Common Teasel Introduced Echinochloa crus-galli Poaceae Barnyard Grass Introduced Echium vulgare Boraginaceae Viper's Bugloss Introduced Elaeagnus umbellata Elaeagnaceae Autumn Olive Introduced Eleocharis palustris Cyperaceae Common Spikerush Native Eleocharis spp. Cyperaceae Spikerush Native Elodea canadensis Hydrocharitaceae Canadian Waterweed Native Elymus repens (Elytrigia repens) Poaceae Quackgrass Introduced Epilobium hirsutum Onagraceae Hairy Willow Herb, Codlins and Cream Introduced Epipactis helleborine Orchidaceae Helleborine Orchid, Broadleaf Helleborine Introduced Equisetum palustre Equisetaceae Marsh Horsetail Native Erechtites hieracifolia Asteraceae Pilewort, American Burnweed Native Erigeron annuus Asteraceae Daisy Fleabane, Annual Fleabane Native Erigeron philadelphicus Asteraceae Philadelphia Fleabane, Common Fleabane Native Eupatorium altissimum Asteraceae Tall Boneset, Tall Throughwort Native Eupatorium maculatum or Eupatoriadelphus maculatus?Asteraceae Spotted Joe-Pye Weed Native Eupatorium perfoliatum Asteraceae Common Boneset Native Euthamia graminifolia Asteraceae Flattop Goldentop, Grass-leaved Goldenrod Native Fragaria virginiana Rosaceae Wild Strawberry, Virginia Strawberry Native Fraxinus pennsylvanica Oleaceae Green Ash Native Galium aparine Rubiaceae Bedstraw, Cleavers, Sticky Willy Native Galium asprellum Rubiaceae Rough Bedstraw Native Geum canadense Rosaceae White Avens Native Glechoma hederacea Lamiaceae Ground Ivy, Creeping Charlie Introduced Gratiola aurea Scrophulariaceae Golden Hedgehyssop, Golden Pert Native Hesperis matronalis Brassicaceae Dame's Rocket Introduced Hieracium caespitosum Asteraceae King Devil, Meadow Hawkweed Introduced Hypericum ascyron Clusiaceae Great St. Johnswort Native Hypericum perforatum Clusiaceae Common St. Johnswort Introduced Impatiens capensis Balsaminaceae Jewelweed Native Iris pseudacorus Iridaceae Yellow Iris Introduced Iris versicolor Iridaceae Blue Flag Native Juglans nigra Juglandaceae Black Walnut Native Juncus effusus Juncaceae Path Rush, Common Rush Native Juncus tenuis Juncaceae Path Rush, Poverty Rush Native Leersia oryzoides Poaceae Rice Cutgrass Native Lemna minor Lemnaceae Common Duckweed Native Lemna trisulca Lemnaceae Star Duckweed Native Leonurus cardiaca Lamiaceae Motherwort Introduced Lepidium campestre Brassicaceae Field Peppergrass Introduced Lepidium virginicum or L. densiflorum? Brassicaceae Pepperweed Native Leucanthemum vulgare (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)Asteraceae Oxeye Daisy Introduced Ligustrum vulgare Oleaceae European Privet Introduced Linaria vulgaris Scrophulariaceae Butter and Eggs, Common Toadflax Introduced Liriodendron tulipifera Magnoliaceae Tuliptree, Tulip Poplar Native Lithospermum officinale Boraginaceae European Stoneseed, European Gromwell Introduced Lonicera maackii Caprifoliaceae Amur Honeysuckle Introduced Lonicera tatarica Caprifoliaceae Tatarian Honeysuckle Introduced Lotus corniculatus Fabaceae Bird's-foot Trefoil Introduced Ludwigia palustris Onagraceae Marsh Seedbox Native Lycopus americanus Lamiaceae American Water Horehound, American Bugleweed Native Lycopus uniflorus Lamiaceae Northern Bugleweed, Northern Water Horehound Native Lycopus virginicus Lamiaceae Virginia Water Horehound, Virginia Bugleweed Native Lysimachia thyrsiflora Primulaceae Tufted Loosestrife Native Lythrum salicaria Lythraceae Purple Loosestrife Introduced Maianthemum racemosa Liliaceae False Solomon's Seal, False Lily of the Valley Native Malus pumila Rosaceae Domestice Apple, Paradise Apple Introduced Malus spp. Rosaceae Crabapple Introduced Matricaria discoidea (Matricaria matricarioides) Asteraceae Pineapple Weed, Disc Mayweed Introduced Matricaria spp. Asteraceae Mayweed Native-Intro? Medicago lupulina Fabaceae Black Medic Introduced Melilotus alba Fabaceae White Sweet Clover Introduced Melilotus officinalis Fabaceae Yellow Sweet Clover Introduced Mentha aquatica x spicata Lamiaceae Peppermint Introduced Mentha arvensis Lamiaceae Field Mint, Wild Mint Native Mimulus ringens Scrophulariaceae Allegheny Monkeyflower Native Myriophyllum spicatum Haloragaceae Eurasian Water-milfoil Introduced Nepeta cataria Lamiaceae Catnip Introduced Nuphar spp. Nymphaeaceae Water Lily, Pond Lily Native Oenothera biennis Onagraceae Common Evening Primrose Native Onoclea sensibilis Dryopteridaceae Sensitive Fern Native Osmunda cinnamomea Osmundaceae Cinnamon Fern Native Oxalis stricta Oxalidaceae Wood Sorrel, Common Yellow Oxalis Native Panicum capillare Poaceae Witchgrass Native Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitaceae Virginia Creeper Native Pastinaca sativa Apiaceae Wild Parsnip Introduced Penstemon digitalis Scrophulariaceae White Beardtounge, Tall Beardtounge, Talus Slope PenstemonNative Philadelphus spp. Hydrangeaceae Mock Orange Native-Intro? Phleum pratense Poaceae Timothy Grass Introduced Phragmites australis Poaceae Common Reed, Phragmites Native-Intro? Pilea pumila Urticaceae Canadian Clearweed Native Pinus nigra Pinaceae Austrian Pine Introduced Pinus strobus Pinaceae Eastern White Pine Native Plantago lanceolata Plantaginaceae Narrowleaf Plantain, English Plantain Introduced Plantago major Plantaginaceae Broadleaf Plantain, Common Plantain Introduced Plantago rugelii Plantaginaceae Rugel's Plantain, Blackseed Plantain Native Platanus occidentalis Platanaceae American Sycamore, Plane Tree Native Polygala verticillata Polygalaceae Whorled Milkwort Native Polygonum aviculare Polygonaceae Prostrate Knotweed Introduced Polygonum cuspidatum or Fallopia japonica Polygonaceae Japanese Knotweed Introduced Polygonum hydropiperoides Polygonaceae Swamp Smartweed, Mild Waterpepper Native Polygonum lapathifolium Polygonaceae Dockleaf Smartweed, Curlytop Knotweed Native Polygonum
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