YENSER GROSS Been Doing Quality Work for 25 Years - Schmucker HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING,LLC

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YENSER GROSS Been Doing Quality Work for 25 Years - Schmucker HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING,LLC POSTALPPOOSTAL PATRONPATATROR N VOLUME 11 – ISSUE 20 Good News for Good Communities - Serving Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 TOP ACADEMIC SCHOLARS ANNOUNCED OF PAULDING COUNTY 2015 GRADUATES Joshua Steiner Jacob O’Donnell Kathryn Clapsaddle Ashlyn Strahley Blair Baumle Hank Sinn ANTWERP JR/SR HIGH State University and major PAULDING JR/SR HIGH and Connie Strahley. She WAYNE TRACE JR/SR HIGH Sr High School. Aft er high SCHOOL ANNOUNCES in Atmospheric Sciences and SCHOOL NAMES CO-VALE- plans to attend University of SCHOOL NAMES CLASS OF school he plans to attend CLASS OF 2015 VALEDIC- Mathematics. DICTORIANS FOR CLASS OF Findlay, majoring in account- 2015 TOP SCHOLARS Oberlin College, earning a Th e class of 2015 Saluta- Double Major of Chemistry TORIAN & SALUTATORIAN 2015 ing. torian of Antwerp Jr/Sr High Kathryn Clapsaddle, 4.08 Wayne Trace Jr/Sr High and Chemical Engineering Th e other valedictorian Th e Valedictorian of the School is Jacob O’Donnell. Ja- GPA, is the daughter of Da- School has announced that Paulding Jr/Sr High of 2015 is BLAIR BAUMLE. class of 2015 at Antwerp Jr/ cob’s parents are Dennis and vid and Rachel Clapsaddle. the class of 2015 has two vale- School is pleased to announce Her parents are Patrick and Sr High School is Joshua Traci O’Donnell of Antwerp. She plans to attend Bowling dictorians in their graduating that it has selected co-vale- Wendy Baumle of Haviland, Steiner, the son of Bryce and Jacob’s GPA is 3.928. Some of Green State University af- class. dictorians for the graduating OH. Aft er high school, Blair Angel Steiner of Antwerp. the activities Jacob participat- ter high school majoring in HANK SINN, the son of class of 2015. plans to attend Bowling Josh’s GPA is 3.974. Some of ed in during high school in- graphic design. Perry and Annette Sinn, of Ashlyn Strahley, 4.08 Green State University, ma- the activities he participated clude: Golf; Track and Field; Latty, OH was named one of GPA, is the daughter of Jeff joring in Psychology with in during his high career in- Boy Scouts; National Honor the valedictorians of the class Pre-Med. clude: Cross Country; Track Society; Student Technology HICKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2015 of 2015 from Wayne Trace Jr/ and Field; Quiz Bowl; March- Services; Quizbowl, March- ing Band; Concert Band; Pep ing Band, Pep Band; and TOP SCHOLARS Band; Musicals; Church Web- Concert Band. ANTWERP’S JESSIE ARNOLD EARNS ACADEMIC site Management; Church Jacob’s plans aft er high school are to attend Wright AWARDS FROM SIENA HEIGHTS UNIVERSITY Leadership; Newspaper Au- graduate Student Award and thor; and Class President. State University and major in Mechanical Engineering. the Division of Humanities Aft er high school, Josh Outstanding Student Award plans to attend Th e Ohio from Siena Heights Univer- sity. MEMORIAL DAY CLOSING WOODBURN SETS CITY Arnold, a senior who AT WBN CLEAN-UP WEEK graduated with honors in May with a bachelor’s de- Th e West Bend News offi ce Woodburn City Council gree in English, was awarded will be closed in observance has set May 30 through June the honors at SHU’s annual of Memorial Day, Monday, 5 as property clean-up week. spring Honors Convocation May 25, 2015. Regular offi ce June 6 is city-wide trash ceremony April 24. She was a hours will resume on Tues- pick-up. Th e councilmen captain of the NAIA national- day, May 26th at 8:00 a.m. and myself challenge all city Th e Board of Education, all have the honor of address- ly ranked women’s basketball Classifi ed ads will be due on residents to get on board, administrators, faculty and ing their classmates at com- team, as well as a student am- Tuesday, May 26th by 12:00 take pride in your property bassador for admissions and a staff of Hicksville Exempted mencement exercises on Sun- Senior Jessie Arnold of Noon. and join the clean-up eff o r t tutor in SHU’s Writing Cen- Village Schools are proud to day, May 31, 2015. Antwerp, Ohio, earned both mowing, trimming, pull- announce the Honor Gradu- Earning the honor of the 2015 Outstanding Under- (Continued to Page 3) ing weeds, removing all un- ates of the Class of 2015. class Salutatorian is Jona- w a n t e d d e b r i s m a k i n g y o u r Hicksville High School’s than Giesige with a 3.98 grade AMISH neighborhood beautiful. tri-valedictorians are Audrey point average. Jonathan is TAZ Construction Services LLC Whether you live, own Davis, Nathan Delagrange, the son of Aaron and Tara Tony A. Zartman • Travis A. Zartman CONSTRUCTION a business, visit or just and Madison Timbrook, Garza and Nate and Maimee 4376 Rd. 33, Payne, Ohio 45880 past through Woodburn, all who have achieved a 4.0 Giesige. Pole Barns - Garages a groomed community re- grade point average in their Rounding out the academ- Phone 419-263-2977 Roofs - Decks fl ects curb appeal and sends high school career. Audrey ic top ten percent of the Class Customer Satisfaction is Our Specialty New Homes & All Types a message to all - “WE TAKE is the daughter of John and of 2015 are Rachel Schroed- Licensed & Insured PRIDE - WE CARE” Cheryl Davis. Nathan is the er, daughter of Jeff and Lorie *Remodeling & New Construction —Mayor 30+ Years of Experience son of Daniel and Lynelle Schroeder and Lauren Payne, * Free Estimate Richard Hoeppner, Delagrange. Madison is the daughter of Paul and Pam 260-417-2651 City of Woodburn daughter of Th omas and Payne. * Insured Rhonda Timbrook. Th ey will I Cor. 10:31 - whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Installation LOCAL WWII VETERANS ON HONOR FLIGHT Available GARAGES • POLE BARNS Double Hung, Sliders, Awning, Casements, Picture Windows, STAMPED PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS • SIDEWALKS Patio & Exterior Doors, Vinyl Storms Mervin Steve 260-410-3276 • 260-249-5785 | 260-341-5640 FREE ESTIMATES • CONTRACTORS WELCOME Call or Visit our Showroom at 7432 Brush College Rd., Woodburn, IN CALL NOW FOR Creative Design & Construction LLC. YENSER GROSS Been doing quality work for 25 years - Schmucker HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING,LLC. ROOM ADDITIONS • GARAGES By: David Smith companying my 93 year old BASEMENTS (Foundation, Service Technicians and Installers On April 16, Texas Road- father-in-law, Kenneth Bron- Walls & Repair, Waterproo ng) 103 West Merrin Street • Payne, OH house hosted a “meet and son and 69 other World War greet” for the 04/22 Honor II veterans and their guard- Bowing, Cracking, Settling? No problem! Flight Veterans, their spouses ians on the “Honor Flight” and guardians. to Washington, DC. We were 260-403-8949 419-263-2000 On April 22, I had the greeted by two fi retrucks Licensed • Bonded • Insured privilege and honor of ac- (Continued to Page 3) Call for Estimates PAGE 2 – WEST BEND NEWS – MAY 20, 2015 Phone: 419-258-2000 • Email: OBITUARIES also be available for photos at 13th. Th e winners will be an- (260) 632-7780. SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK a Meet & Greet immediately nounced at the parade and If you have any questions ANTWERP, OH “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the Norman Robert Meine 81, of following the parade. Classic crowning will take place im- regarding any events or regis- cars, fi re trucks, local busi- mediately following the pa- tration, please call (260) 632- love you have shown him as you have helped his people and Antwerp, passed away Th ursday, continue to help them.” May 7th, at Defi ance Inpatient nesses and lots of fun entries rade under the big tent on the 7780 or visit www.woodburn- Hospice Center. Dooley Funeral are ready for the parade, and stage. Don’t hesitate and visit —Hebrews 6:10 Homes of Antwerp & Payne as- of course, candy for the kids! the Financial Partners FCU sisted his family. For a list of all of the events Woodburn branch to register POSTAL SERVICE RE- HOSPITAL RECEIVES FUNDING FOR PATIENT RECLINER please visit www.woodburn- and receive all of the offi cial 150th BIRTHDAY CELEBRA- LEASES TOP DOG ATTACK rules. TION AT THE WOODBURN Call for Prince & Prin- Th ere will also be a huge RANKINGS BY CITY SUMMER FEST JUNE 12 cess Contestants for Wood- raffl e drawing at the festivi- & 13 burn Summer Fest ties. Some of the raffl e prizes To kick-off next week as Th e Prince & Princess include: National Dog Bite Prevention Th is year is the 150th Birth- Contest is open to the fi rst 1. Set of BF Goodrich Tires Week, the U.S. Postal Service day of Woodburn, Indiana! A fi ve boys and girls ages 3 year (up to $1,000) ~ BF Goodrich released its top 30 dog attack huge celebration is planned old to 8 years old. Candidates 2. $1,000 Cash ~ Well’s city rankings and off ered tips for June 12 & 13 and the and their families collect pen- Heating & Cooling to reduce dog attacks to letter theme this year is “Yesterday nies as votes and the boy and 3. 50” LED Television ~ carriers. Nationwide, 5,767 & Today”. Th ere is something girl with the most pennies Woodburn Liquors postal employees were at- for every member of the fam- collected will be crowned 4. $500 Marathon Gas tacked last year. ily! Make sure and get a good Prince & Princess of Wood- Card ~ Heckley Auto & Out- At today’s 9:30 a.m.
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