INTRODUCTION (see text fi g. 2), and upward through some twenty The siltstones, mudstones, and dark clay of the feet of section, the La Boca is especially rich in La Boca Formation, early middle Tertiary of the Siphogell erilla transversa and other species of Panama Canal Zone, have long held more than smaller foraminifers. Benthonic foraminifers oc­ ord inary interest for students of American middle cur also below the Emperador Member, Tertiary foraminifers. The type locality of SipllO- about fifteen feet above the contact between the ell erilla trallsversa Cushman is in the La Boca La Boca and the underlying Las Cascadas Agglom­ 'ormation. Geographicall y widespread, this species erate, and also hi gher, about two hundred fift y feet curs stratigraphically near the horizons of sup­ above the base of the La Boca in outcrop. They posed boundary between the Oligocene and Mio· are also well developed through almost another two :ene Series. It also appears to be ancestral to sev­ hundred feet of beds stratigraphically still hi gher eral other stratigraphically significant species of in the La Boca, in the samples from the core hole iphogell erina in the of both the Atlantic mentioned, drilled about a thousand feet west of Seaboard and the Pacific Coast Ranges farther north. the outcrops (see text fig. 2). Originally recorded as in the Culebra Formation In 1965, a suite of nineteen foraminiferal sam­ oi the Canal Zone (Cushman 1918a, p. 41), the ples from this La Boca sequence, collected by W. strata at the type locality of S. trallsversa have sub­ P. Woodring from the outcrops and provided from sequently been assigned to the La Boca Formation. the cored subsurface sequence through the coop­ In turn the La Boca, once considered a marine eration of R. H. Stewart of the Panama Canal ember of the Panama Formation (Woodring Company, was sent to Gustavo Blacut in Califor­ I 57, p. 41 ; Cole 1964, p. 140 ) has subsequently nia for comparison with stratigraphic sequences been given formation rank (Woodring 1964, p. bearing Siphogell erina trallsversa in the West Coast . -I-t) . The locality in reference, U .S.G .S . no. 6010 Ranges. At th at time Blacut was working toward locality 130 of Woodring 1957, pI. 2, locality 9 of an M.A. degree at the University of California in Cole loc. cit.) "in dark cl ay," is about one-half Berkeley. By the summer of 1966 he was well ·Ie northwest of Pedro Miguel in the Panama along in his work on the La Boca foraminifers and Canal3 (see text fig . I). It was in the canal exca­ had launched his field work in California when ti on. There are no natural exposures nearby, suddenly leukemia brought to a tragic close this nothing is known about the stratigraphic po­ young man's promising career. iUion of this locality 6010 within the La Boca Blacut's type specimens, faunal slides, and notes Formation. At a locality about six miles north­ have been assembled by the junior author under t of Pedro Miguel, made available in 1965 as whose guidance his academic program had been result of widening of the Panama Canal in Gail­ conducted. The type specimens have been illus­ Cut, Siphogell erilla transversa was again found trated by Mary Taylor and the illustrations (Plates abundance. Here, on the west side of Las Cas­ 1·6) prepared for publication by Gordon Horna­ .:adas Reach, fresh exposures of the La Boca For­ day of the Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley . tion yielded a sequence of foraminiferal assem­ Although Bl acut's work in the Coast Ranges had ges from the base of the formation through a only begun, in view of the several published rec­ _. Kness of 250 feet (see text fig. 1 for the locality ords of the Coast Range faunas with which - this measured foraminiferal sequence). An ad­ Siphogell erina trails versa is associated there it has . nal thickness of 195 feet was sam pled in cores been possible to place his study of the Panama ma­ ::-om a nearby core hole. From a stratigraphic terial within the context of these published Coast JlXizon about one hundred feet above the top of Range records and thus in part at least to put on Emperador Limestone Member of the La Boca record the substance of the study he was not granted time to complete.

conlribution from the Museum of Paleontology, U n i- _",it,. of California. Berkeley. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ::"""ased. Several people have in one way or another _ Jl::seum of Paleonlology, UniversityofCalifomia, Bel'keley. helped bring Bl acut's work through to posthumous N BO' 79· 4 5' 79D 30' I "' ~ ~ I I ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ '<­ u

9' 9' 15' 15'

to t' ;.- () c:: ";.- Z 0 ~ t' ~ Z '1l t'l t'

'llf ;.- Z ;.- ~ 9' 1 ;.- () ;.- Z ;.- ~~" t' -- ~ '"0 Z ~~ '" t'l "l ~ 0 L a Chorrero

DEPTH B DEPTH IN FEET IN fEET OF SAMPLES O--,r-----..., Rtsidual clat, lilt, and sand - .. _ ... - ..-_...... _ -_.... .-... .. "'-" ' - 39 ..' -" -_' .. --.-. '" 50 _ •.-=' .-.':=-'_'_' .-:=. .=.= '_': _" ...... - -"." ...._- -..._ ...--" ... --... 59 ...__ --" _.­ ...... - ...... -- --.. . ..-- , - ..... : ',--=-:":.. ,---_ :~...... - -...... -_ _- .. .. 85 :~.-.-.-. 98 100 .. __-_.. -- ...... -_--... .. ••..__ ~-!..!: ... _-• • •... '-..-".-- '--'.. 118 ..._.-- -- .. ,-_... _-.. ._-.. .-_ .. ... --:-;-:--'-'.'.=- 136 .... - --...... - - .. 150 .. - .. ._ ...... -- • -;-;-;... :..:..:..... _-,,;- - .... . I S9 . __...... -_ - ...... _ _-...... -- -_.... '--... --..." ..__'-'". _ .. . 177 THICKNESS A "-"... _-'-".. . IN FEET SAMPLES ..'-"'--". --... 192 200 ...._ __ ".-."...... _ __.. . .. 250 ; ':'.:_::= ,,_:.::::,::.:. }--410-10 _...... _ - ...... '-:-:-:-....:..:..:..-..-. - .. "--"'--.. --.. . - ' .--... - " . ~:o. · : :a,~':' '; : . :~.. ~~.~.~.i~~ .~.~. ~~------~~~.~: ~~:~~~ .~.~·.~· ~..~·~ .. L L.pidocyclina mirof/ortJns/s ..~ ::~..... :-:- ...... : . - ...... -..._.. ._. 200 ... - ... - _.. . 250 .._...... - ...... - - ...... _... - ...... _ -_ ...__ ..._ -- ...... 262.8-.L.;..· ;,.' ;,.' ;,.. ,;,..,;,..;,..=,;,. ' ". " ' - "'-" · - '- ' ', :-:-=':'': .. "'.- -"..... --.- ' - .... . '". .. -... _... -... .. ' E:~~~~~~~.. ~:~.- .~_-o~~· ·~:~. 1J~~:g:~ 150 ~_.. ;-. -=_..... 410-7 ~~~~ :...._. _=. .. - :.-:=" ...::".-'.=. -",'..0="1:::::::410- 410-56 410- 4 ~ ~ t=::=:3 ~ ·. -._._._...... _" _:-::.= ..:r- ...... siltstone lilty cloy and calcariOUS --:...-._--- ... _-- ..---. sandstone mudstone Ilitstoni ... _ ... - ...... ' , ~ . [23• .• • ..0· ., 100 "· :-==.:..::-:-- " '--=.:....-:-:- '" .' . -":.~' . '. . l lmlltone oQOlomerott oggk)mlrofic vitric tuff •. • • --:-:7.:..:..:...-:7':... ..• , • luff .._ - ..-. _... · - ' .: :-:-=:..:.- '., ,

' - . • ; :':'=-:": ' 50 . ' . ~~~ .. 50 75FEET " - "'--'" EmPlrador I I - } Limestone Mlmber 410-1 ---=------=--=----- o ----- 0 0 a odD: 0 0 o5S)o Q ••• O.·.~AoQ-o LAS CASCADAS AGGLOMERATE

Sections of La Boca Formation on west side of Los Cascadas Reach, Panama Conal. A. Outcrop section opposite Canal station 1622 . Measured by W. P. Woodring. B. Core hole LBW 149, 1,000 feet west of outcrop section . Logged by R. H. Stewart. TEXT FIGURE 2. COLUMNAR SECTION 4 BLAC CT A N D KLI~I;\,PELL-PANAl\1A CAN AL ZONE FORA1\UNll'-" ERA

presentation. Thanks are especially due W. P. -about here in the column-in small numbers. Woodring of the U. S. National Muse um who col­ The balance of the higher La Boca beds bear fora­ lected the outcrop samples, contributed the field minifers of small size for their respective species data from Panama, and provided the map and and faunules that are notable for their content of columnar sections; R. H . Stewart, through whose sharp-peripheried non ion ids, finely costate uviger­ cooperation the core samples were made available; inids, small robulids, cassidulinids and anomalinids, Miss Ruth Todd and K. Norman Sachs, Jr., of the and some globigerinids. These higher La Boca U. S. Geological Survey, for pertinent commentary faunules appear to be of more nearly shallow shelf­ on more or less associated planktonic and larger sea depositional origin, but lived in waters still foraminifera from the La Boca, respectively; Zach connected at the surface with the open ocean. M. Arnold, editor for the Cushman Foundation; Thus, except for its lowermost hundred feet or D. E. Savage, Gordon Hornaday and Mary Taylor, so of beds which were deposited in shallow water of the Museum of Paleontology, University of protected from open-ocean currents, the La Boca California, Berkeley; and the Museum of Paleon­ Formation on the west side of Las Cascadas Reach tology for financial assistance. would appear to have been deposited under normal THE FORAMINIFERA marine conditions at medium depths: for a time The smaller foraminifers and their di stribution somewhat beyond the edge of the continental shelf in the surface and subsurface sections of the La but subsequently above those depths, on the shelf Boca Formation on the west side of Las Cascadas itself though still in waters connected with the Reach, Panama Canal, are shown in text fig. 3. open ocean. More than sixty species or varieties of benthonic foraminifers are present. In the core samples higher AGE AND CORRELATION in the local section the assemblages become more Age of the La Boca Formatioll. The La Boca meagre and specifically less diverse. Planktonic Formation, like the Culebra, has in the past been foraminifers are present in all the samples from considered to be of early Miocene age. Although above the Emperador Limestone but notably, the larger from the La Boca and Culebra throughout the section, these allochthonous pl ank­ are said to represent two somewhat different bio­ tonic populations are poorly preserved. facies of this time-stratigraphic interval, it is thought that they have essentially the same age PALEOECOLOGY significance. In 1957 Woodring wrote: "both have Some diversity in the habitat of the foraminifers Oligocene and Miocene affinities. The La Boca at the time of deposition is reflected in the sequence member-and presum ably the entire Panama for­ of assemblages through the local La Boca section. mation-is not much younger than the Culebra The faunule in sample 410-1 , from below the formation. Like the Culebra, it is considered early Emperador Limestone (see text fig. 2), is clearly Miocene. The entire succession above the Las indicative of life and deposition in shallow marine Cascadas agglomerate (Culebra, Cucaracha, and waters. Composed entirely of elphidiids, its con­ ... [La Boca] formations) is thought to represent stituent elements lived at littoral or sublittoral the early half of early Miocene time; that is, the depths, and the absence of globigerinids-common disputed Oligocene or Miocene" (Woodring 1957, throughout the balance of the column--emphasizes p. 42). Seven years later Woodring again wrote: its current-protected, near-shore, shallow-water or­ "Though the strata, including the Emperador lime­ igins. By the time of the deposition of the beds stone-member, transferred to the La Boca Forma­ bearing the assemblages in samples 410-4 through tion, are younger than formerly supposed, the dif­ 410-10 apparently the local area had already ference in age is not great. It has already been foundered to depths beyond those characteristic of pointed out (p. 42) that the La Boca is not much the continental shelf, though probably not much younger than the Culebra. Both are assigned to the beyond those depths. As indicated morphotypical­ early half of early Miocene time" (Woodring 1964, Iy by most of the species common or abundant in p.244). all the samples from this stratigraphic interval, the The larger foraminifers seem to tell much the ocean bottom then was probably at inner rather same story as the mollusks. Based on the distribu­ than outer bathyal depths. With cassidulinids nu­ tion of the American species of larger foraminifers, merous and in some sa mples even common, cool Cole (1964, p. 141) has subdivided the tropical temperatures for these latitudes are indicated, American Mid-Tertiary into two major zones: (1) though merely in keeping with such depths of one a lower or Euiepidilla zone with two subzones, (a) hundred fathoms or more. Apparently such depths, a lowermost or L epidocyC/illa sellsu strictu subzone or nearly such depths, persisted through deposition and (b) an upper Miogypsilla subzone; and (2) an of the beds bearing the faunule of core-sample 159, upper or Lepidocyc/illa sellSU stricto - MiogYPs;lla although a few elphidiids had returned to the area zone (see Fig. 4). On the basis of the occurrence CONTRIBUTIONS FR O ~r THI<:= CUSHMAN FOU NDATION FOR FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH 5

of Miogypsilla alltillea Cushman at the type local­ aides) suteri (Bolli). Tbe two Globigerilloides are ity of Siphogellerilla trallsversa, the strata there not known from horizons lower tban tbe Catapsyd­ have been assigned by Cole to his upper, or Lepido­ rax dissimilis zone, and the two Globigerilla are cyclilla s.s. - Miogypsilla, zone, highest of the not known to range higher than this zone. On the American Mid-Tertiary larger foraminifer zones basis of the joint occurrences therein of these spe­ (Cole 1964, pp. 140-141, 146, pI. 13, Figs. 7, 10). cies, the assemblage at tbis locality bas been con­ Cole adds that this uppermost large-foraminifer sidered as falling within the Catapsydrax dissimilis zone "spans tbe interval included in tbe Catapsyd­ zone, at tbe base of the Miocene (Rutb Todd, per­ rax dissimilis, Catapsydrax staill/orthi, and Globig­ sonal communication) . Thus this La Boca locality erillatella illsueta planktonic zones. Similar zonal (U.S.G.S. locality 6010) is apparently in the low­ orrelations were suggested by Woodring (1960, p. est of the tbree planktonic zones spanned by tbe 27) and are in conformity with tbe data obtained Teilzone of Miogypsina alltillea (see text fig . 4). in this study" (Cole 1964, p. 141). Further light is thrown on the age of the La The type locality of a lepidocycline orbitoid, Boca Formation, in terms of Caribbean planktonic Lepidocyciilla miraf!orellsis, also occurs "(locality foraminifer zones, by four other La Boca samples. 132a)" in the La Boca marine member according examined by Miss Todd. The stratigrapbic posi­ to Woodring (1957, p. 41). It appears to be pres­ tion of these samples in the La Boca is uncontrolled. ent in the La Boca core samples (see text fig . 2). They are rich in Siphogellerina trallsversa, with .""cross tbe canal from tbe measured La Boca sec­ very abundant planktonic foraminifers. At least tion and in a stratigraphic position corresponding one of tbese samples apparently would fall in tbe to tbe upper part of the measured outcropping se­ upper part of the zone next lowest in the Caribbean quence, R. H. Stewart has collected numerous well­ column, tbe Globorotalia kugleri zone (uppermost preserved specimens of orbitoids identified by K. zone of tbe Oligocene), tbough it is tbought to be :-lorman Sacbs as L. miraf!orellsis (USGS 23658). perbaps not quite so old as tbat of Bolli (refer to From the Lepidocyclilla s.s. - Miogypsilla zone Woodring 1958, especially pp. 22-23) from the thougb elsewhere in tropical America Cole (op. Caimito Formation on Barro Colorado Island, also cit. , pp. 145-148) records still another large fora­ assigned to that zone. It sbould be noted, further­ minifer, Miogypsilla pallamellsis (Cusbman), tbe more, that Bolli has listed Siphogellerilla trallsversa type locality of wbich is in the late Oligocene in the kugleri zone of tbe Caimito Formation of Caimito Formation; and he also records tbis species Barro Colorado Island. In any event tbe kugleri from lower horizons as well (viz., those of tbe planktonic zone is apparently a little older tban the .\fiogypsilla subzone, bigbest of tbe two subzones lowest beds of the Miogypsilla alltillea Teilzone of bis Eulepidilla zone, which is next below his (see text fig. 4) and a little older than tbe beds at Lepidocyciilla S.S. - MiogypsillQ zone). However, the type locality of SipllOgellerilla trallsversa. ne itber of these two large-foraminifer species is Age of th e La Boca Bellthollic Smaller Foramill­ incl uded, at least as sucb, in his list of those long­ ifer Sequellce. Within the Caribbean area (viz., range species wbich are also present in the Lepido- the Tertiary Caribbean Province of Woodring 1966, 0'clilla S.S . - MiogypsillG zone: 'The only species p. 425, text fig . 1) the stratigrapbic ranges of tbe of larger Foraminifera wbich seemingly is re­ benthonic foraminifer species represented in the stricted to this zone is Miogypsilla alltillea. Species La Boca of Las Cascadas Reach bave not been i tb longer stratigrapbic ranges which occur in the known to eitber of tbe writers of the present paper. Lepidocyciilla-Miogypsilla zone are: Camerilla pall­ With a few exceptions, however, tbese La Boca amellsis (Trinidad), Lepidocyciilla (Lepidocyciilla) foraminifer species are well known from tbe middle malltelli (Trinidad), L. (L.) ca ll ellei (Trinidad, Tertiary of tbe West Coast Ranges farther north. Jamaica, and Panama) and L. (Eulepidilla) yurna­ If this La Boca sequence bad been collected in Cal­ ?ullellsis (Panama)" (op. cit., p. 146). Thus the ifornia, Oregon, Washington or Alaska these strata Lepidocyciilla sellsu stricto - Miogypsilla zone may would be assigned to the Saucesian Stage, and tbose also be referred to as tbe Teilzone (if not the Bio­ assemblages which are rich in Siphogellerilla tralls­ zone) of Miogypsilla alltillea. versa (see Fig. 3) most probably to its lower Sub­ More direct evidence as to wbich part of tbe stage: i.e., the SipllOgenerilla trallsversa Zone, with Teilzone of Miogypsilla alllillea (i.e., tbe Lepido­ possibly, at the horizons of samples 410-9 to 177 :ciilla S.s. - Miogypsilla zone) is represented at at least, to the Plecto/rolldicularia miocellica Zone - e type locality of Siphogellerilla trallsversa in the (see Fig. 4). In the rich siphogenerine population La Boca Formation comes from some of tbe plank­ of sample 410-9 a few individuals appear to be at :onic foraminifers occurring tbere. Among tbese least as close to Siphogellerilla kleillpelli as to the lie G lobigerilloides trilobus ( Reuss), G. trilobus parent S. trails versa stock which is so abundantly fOcculi/er (Brady), G lobigerilla dissimilis Cush­ represented here and also lower in the La Boca :olan and Bermudez, and Globigerilla (Globorotal- column. A comparable if more clearly defined evo- 6 BLACL"T AND KLEI~PELL-PAN AMA CANAL ZON E FORAMINIFERA

U.C. Museum LEGEND of Paleontology • Abundant Locality Numbers • Common Fe. !I~I~~~I~~~ I ~~ I; ~~~ I ~~ I : I ~~ o Somples X Rare $ OU"", Sam"" 10."" jn ;~" Con! Ho~ LBW - 149 : tee' oboYe bose of LoBo" ~I~I;!'I~ ~ 1 ~~ 1 ~~1~ 1 ~~ 1~ ~ 1 ~

"""'''If I D""~' X , TENUIS ",j,," !X ROOULUS n. CLE."" IF_.'", ROOULUS I """'_I ROOULUS ."01 .",,,,,,,, ROOULUS SI . PLEK Id'_,,) .OOULUS •••• • " ..,." .... _ E",,1f ",","" .""... w,. ._. I I VO" I : I\, YO', d'",.. " oil. Colo

d ...." ' . I " . 'LI""II I "LA ". . .If. OUI. 0054.- """" "'" • ..,. I LAGE H. _ d'",.,,,, . "I SP. NON ION I '''',h_,' HON,ON 'NCISU . w,. '01, .., NONION "",.,,,1 I I ",""., "'" • • '1 SAG.U. ,,'_,,1 IX .11. E. SAG.U. "'",.,,,,1 I Fieh ltl GIld Moll ! IX S. " E. POI" !X !X I I ,\'01' ~A'NING I Kltil\Cl4ill . • If. C,"'_, I cum """_ I I I C.. ahrnan I .... ,. ,HA mlGm C"h." .... L.,. ,,,, .:. IXI IX I OOU VIN' 'OVEN' """_ I I OOI.MH. AD""N' _ . , x I I I OOI. IVIH. C""'_, ~ OOI. IVIN. ROOUSTA H. e . ...., XI I ' DOESA C"...., I I ' DOESA ~, . I. POLITA C,,'_, .... L. I.I", D< ~M~!Xmx5~X I BECCAAII forACIsini I I aff. I I d'OrbtQny I I .ct. I RIN .. X I C,,'_, .AVI C"hm" ... Po,.. , ",,'-: I _ . CARINATA "','_,

H.O. O~d,

I "'''_ ,,'" L ••I ", I _ D".ESSA C,,'_, I'? I? SOLDANU d 'Or~ i vny I EPO"DES .If. ""NIS "",• ., I EPOHIDES , ••".1 D< I I ,'. Ie';'• ., I? .: "I ". I I X D< x LESSON" d"" "" v ....~.l.t- I d"'''", d'",.. " ~, .

""-Hod"", I- " C"_ ...... ,, I- I CIBICIOES I '''''''_ . .,,' C" "IOES I CI~ClDES ",,'_'1 Cl O"IDES I ; _ . EYOLUTUS "''''_, ...... " I ClO"'DES '''-'' -I IX] TEXT FIGURE 3. CH ECKLIST OF FORAMINIFERA THIS PAPER AFTER LIPPS 1967 AFTER COLE 1964 ~ ~ CALIFORNIA - WEST COAST PANAMA til .,:£ cf c::: ~~ Modified from Ranges of selected I I Lipps 1967 This Paper Stage stageSub- Z one Teilzone Benthonics Planktonics H Bolli 1957, alb benthonic species I ::l mm ~ en ia "'J MOHNIAN 12 lobota lobota" ~ ~ II "Globorotalia ~ t'l 10 fohsi" LUISIAN /? (") C / en 9 NT urborota I io / / borisonensis" / ~ B Z !rinafella "'J o o 7 insueta c::: " Lepidocyclina Z RELIZ IAN ~ sensu stricto­ tl 6 I ~~t;~f~~thi' ~o > .. Miogypsina ::l o" o Catapsydrax :~ zone Z coo5 0 0» ' = ':'2 ? dissimilis 0 ~ ~ t:: "'J e . ~ ______Globorotoloides ~ ~ ~ .... ~ stain forth . u c: c , ~ ... The I Turborotolio e e; 4 0°-...... e" . . "- SAUCESIAN ~ LA BOCA C- -- -d -- kugleri Co f a Mlogypsmo , 6 ~ . ~ F . 'f otopsy rex III 0 0 .2 0 cu , :u c: &,0 aromlm er dissimilis * ~ Ci . ~ E . ~ CON" "- o 0.... sequence ------GI b" .e - u cu 0 Ql ,g ,, -----1 .. ~ ~ Turborotolio 3 0 Igenna 8 ~ ' ii c~ c · ~ 0 , ~ ... 0..,------. U _0 CUo 1»0 C "- '--':.:::::..::'-+_, 0 i:f) ? kuglen ciperoensis 'iii eo:: go go:: ".Q " subzone Z g 't: g 0 ~ c E. cae '0. , :;; .~ ~ r.:lobigerina 2 Turbor01olia g. "e: ~ " - (ii - (ii "- ~ - - - -- "'~------I t'l . . lncrebe scens CI 0 UJ Lepidocyclina :u ClperoenSIS I GiobiG8rina Co> ~ > ___ 2.~li.a~r.!.u~ __ · ~8 sensu sticto t"' ZEMORRIAN Glnh in •• ino '- , ~ "~ Inica !: " ~ , subzone :u .!~Ig) L _.?_ " t'l en t'l ? " , I------? ~ Globigeropsis £ semiinvoluta REFUGIAN ... " .


lution takes place, in the more northerly Coast time that Siphogellerina hughesi bas evolved from Ranges, in the P. miocenica Zone and is in fact S. branlleri, at the horizon marking tbe base of tbe characteristic of that Zone. Also Siphogellerilla Relizian Stage, S. transversa has-to tbe best of mayi, present in the La Boca as high as sample 177, the writers' knowledge-become extinct. is in the Coast Ranges known from no hi gher than Presumably the basis for these extensions In the P. miocenica Z one, upper Zone of the Lower range of U. sparsicostata and S. transversa in Cal­ Saucesian Substage. Assemblages from horizons ifornia will be forthcoming; for the present it is stratigraphic·ally above sa mple 177 in the La Boca not clear whetber they stem from phyletic and would be zonally undiagnostic, although, with faunal evolutionary evidence under superposi tional Uvigerinella obesa impolita, no yo unger than the discipline or from so-called "stratotypical" evi­ Uvigerinella obesa Zone, Upper Saucesian of the dence.s However this may turn out to be, cbiefly West Coast Ranges at the youngest. concerned here would be age discrepancies perhaps Thus an early Miocene age assignment of the La of a nominalistic nature, and even tbese of minor Boca benthonic smaller foraminifers is in keeping magnitude. Affected, nevertheless, would be the with the previous age assignments based upon other position of tbe bottom and top horizons of the lines of evidence. The relative ages of West Coast California Saucesian Stage in terms of the tropical Range mid-Tertiary Stages and Zones based on planktonic zones as shown by Lipps. Tbus, em­ congregations of benthonic smaller foraminifers, ploying congregations originally diagnostic of the and tropical American zones based on planktonic Saucesian Stage as distinguished from the subjacent foraminifers have recently been summarized by Zemorrian and Superjacent Relizian Stages, i.e., ex­ Lipps (1967)." Such correlations (Lipps 1965 ; cluding U. sparsicostata from the Saucesian Stage Lipps 1967, text figs. 2, 3, 4) are of interest in the and excluding S. transversa from tbe Relizian Stage bearing they may have on the age of the foramini­ in California, but otberwise still following Lipps in feral La Boca of Las Cascadas Reach as indicated his correlations of pl anktonic zones witb the "tops" by different kinds of paleontological evidence both (highest known occurrences) of these benthonic in Panama and in California. species in California, then : (1) top of Siphogener­ In terms of tropical American pl anktonic fora­ ina transversa Teilzone = top of Saucesian Stage miniferal zones Lipps ( 1967, p. 994, text fig . 2) = top of Gfoborotaloides staill/orthi zone, yielding considers the Saucesian Stage in California to be a discrepancy of "one and a half planktonic zones" equiva lent in age to the sequence: upper Globig­ (see Fig. 4); and (2) top of UVigeriflella sparsi­ erina ciperoensis zone-Tllrborotalia kugleri zone costata Teilzone = base of Saucesian Stage = base - lower Catapsydrax dissimilis zone ( upper 3-4- of Turborotalia kugleri zone, yielding a discrepancy lower 5 of Banner and Blow 1965 ) .G However, some of at least "a half of a planktonic zone" (see text question as to the Stage boundaries in reference is fig. 4). Moreover, if tbe kugleri zone is upper Olig­ raised by the ranges given (lac. cit.) for the two ocene, it would tben still be separated by three in­ benthonic species Lipps has listed, Uvigerinella tervening planktonic zones from tbe Oligocene sparsicostata Cushman and Laiming and Siphogen­ Gfobigerina oligocaeflica zone (= G. seW zone) of erina transversa Cushman. The former, with its Eames el af (1962), which has been correlated by type locality within the type section of the Zone of Lipps witb tbe Upper Zemorrian Uvigeriflella spar­ that name in the upper Zemorrian Stage, is shown sicostata Zone at the type locality of tbis Zone in by Lipps as ranging upward into the Lower Sau­ the upper part of the Lower Member of the type cesian in California. Now, a number of species Rincon shale of Los Sauces Creek, Ventura County, originally thought to range no higher in California California (see Lipps, 1965). Here the discrepan­ than upper Zemorrian were in 1963 noted (Klein­ cies become formidable, and especially so in view pell and Weaver 1963: I, pp. 39-40) as ranging in­ of the correlation by Eames et af (1962, p. 35, and tead upward into Lower Saucesian strata,7 but charts), of the Relizian Stage of California with C.; ,·igerinella sparsicostata was not one of these the Globigerina ciperoe fl sis ciperoellsis Zone (com­ pecies. Again, Siphogell erina transversa is shown pare Fig. 4).9 Since however, from the evidence by Lipps as ranging upward through the lower of the benthonic foraminifers neither top nor bot­ Relizian Stage in California, whereas it has been tom of the Saucesian Stage is discernible in the La onsidered a diagnostic element in the congrega- Boca foraminiferal sequence under study, the effect tions (see Berry 1964, p. 70; 1966) of the Zemor­ of all these discrepancies upon the correlations in­ rian and Saucesian Stages. In tbe Coast Ranges, S. dicated would remain at least intangible if not ac­ lrat/Sl'ersa makes its last stand in tbe Upper Sau­ tually negligible, however interesting and significant cesian (Uvigerillella obesa Zone) wherein it occurs may be their eventual resolution in general.10 Un­ wi th more tban one upward-ranging descendant less certain California species with tropical and species (S. kleinpelli Cusbman, S. bralllleri [Bagg]) Caribbean affinities persisted in the Caribbean already jointly present in that Zone; and by the Province long after tbey had disappeared from the c a XTHIBUTI ONS FROM TH E CUSH IHA:-.1 F OU.K DATION FOR F ORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH 9

West Coast Ranges, the interrelationships in time as suggested by the records to date-of tropical La of the benthonic and pl anktonic Zones in the Coast Boca elements such as A mphistegilla, Siphollilla, Ranges are at least not greatl y at variance with the Vagillulinopsis, and the orbitoids from the West interrelationships in time of these two kinds of Coast Ranges. Most of the La Boca species, how­ Zones as represented in the La Boca foraminiferal ever, are also present in the Coast Ranges to the sequence of Las Cascadas Reach in the Panama north at this time. If the correl ations are as indi­ Canal Zone. Employing the West Coast Range be.n­ cated (text fig. 4) these two distant areas would ap­ !honic Zones and Stages and their diagnostic con­ pear to have been within the same offshore ben­ gregations as a common standard of reference, the thonic foraminiferal Province (see Woodring 1966, alternati ve foraminiferal correlations discussed p. 425, especially the question mark in F ig. 1). above are graphicall y summari zed in text fig. 4. The Caribbean affi nities of West Coast Range Faullal Affinities all d Miocelle Z oogeography. Eocene, OligO-Miocene, and Miocene marine in­ In these comparisons of zonation based upon ben­ vertebrate faunas generall y have long been known !honic and pl anktonic foraminifers (and larger (Smith 191 9). Turritella illeza lla and T. ocayalla, to "ossi ls as well) it seems of especial interest and sig­ mention onl y two conspicuous examples, represent nific ance to note that over and above the discrep" in the Coast Ranges invading stocks in two separate ancies th at may prove merely semantical, the time­ faunas involved in an earlier (Oligo-Miocene) and lines based on evolution in different phyletic stocks, a later (early Miocene) invasion there from the "a unal dominants, and faunas do not always cor- Caribbean. Again, if the benthonic foraminiferal s pond, (see Lipps op. cit., text fi g. 2) , even in correlations between Panama and Cali fornia are as !he same areas-not to mention in zoogeograph­ indicated, then this time--Saucesian- of close fau­ . lIy distinct faunal provinces. Since geological nal connecti on between Panama and the West Coast dlanges in environment do not affect all organismal Ranges was that which immediately preceded the - eages equa ll y, and si nce, in terms of natural selec­ notable provinciali zati on of California's mid-Mio­ tion, organic evolution and adaptive radiation take cene benthonic foraminifer fa unas. This provin­ ace laterally through space as well as verticall y ciali zati on, and the associated endemic evolution through time, discrepancies in geologic tim e-u ni t so conspicuous there especiall y among the sipho­ undaries such as here summari zed would appear generinids and valvulinerids of the Relizian and to be quite in keeping with the principles of chorol­ Luisian Stages, began during latest Saucesian time; ~y as currently understood. Thus, to cite another and in turn this earl y and mid-Miocene provinci­ ·nd of example, during the Saucesian Age in the alizati on in California seems to follow in the wake ' ·est Coast Ranges, inshore faunas of the Astoria of that extensive volcanism, block-faulting and moll uscan Subprovince-with scallops of the "Pectell" breccia-deposition that is associated in time (mid­ " ola tllius gens and extending as far to the south­ Uvigerillella obesa Zone, Upper Saucesian) with east as the Vallecitos in California-differ from what D ibblee ( 1950) has termed the Lompocan the faunas of the more southwesterly Temblor Sub­ Orogeny and which was eventually followed, in the .... ovince with their turritellids, cones, Iyropectens, West Coast Ranges, by the extensive marine trans­ et ., much more notably than do the offshore ben­ gressions of Relizian time. dJonic foraminifer faunas in these same two areas. During the Saucesian Age, and apparently during NOTES Relizian Age also (though not during subse­ 1-2. Footnotes, p. I. nt Luisian time), these two West Coast Range 3. "Near Canal station 19 10, northwest of u eas seem to fa ll in essentially !he same offshore ben­ Pedro Miguel Locks [About 600 meters northwest :bonic faunal Subprovince while their inshore ma­ of north end of Pedro Miguel Locks). Mudstone. ,- e molluscan faunas differ at least subprovinciall y. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughn 1911 ( Mac­ Of further interest in connection with such prob­ Donald, 19 19, p. 534, pI. 154)" (see Woodring ms of zoogeographic facies (Kleinpell and Weaver, 1957, p. 124; Cole loc. cit.). I 63: Weaver and Kleinpell , 1963) is the high degree 4. BBR 37-1. Balboa Bridge core hole BBR " similarity in the benthonic smaller foraminifer 37 1, near Pacific entrance of Canal, Canal Zone, fa unas of the La Boca Formation of Panama and depth 57-59 feet, drilled 1958, sampled Nov. 1959. se of the Rincon Shale, Temblor, Nye Shale, BBR 13 3. Balboa Bridge core hole BBR 133, near Astoria, Clallam, and upper Poule Creek For­ Pacific entrance of Canal, Canal Zone, depth 60- tions of California, Oregon, Washington, and 61 feet. Drilled 1958, sampled Nov. 1959. _ aska (Cushman and Laiming, 193 I; Packard and NGB I. Gorgas Hospital core hole NGB I, Gorgas -ellogg, 1934; Kleinpell , 1938; Cushman, Stewart Hospital, Ancon, Canal Zone, depth 64.7-66.3 feet. UK! Stewart, 1947; Rau, 1951, 1958, 1963, 1966, Drilled 1958, sampled Nov. 1959. I 67). Latitudinal ecologic facies may be enough ERW 29. Empire Reach core hole ERW 29, Pan­ - account for the absence-or at least the scarcity ama Canal, Gaillard Cut, west bank of Empire 10 BLACCT A :\'D KL81!\"PELL--P.:\~Al\IA CANAL ZONE FORAMINIFERA

Reach, former site of Town of Culebra, depth 121- blages characteristic of the Uvigerilla vicksbllrgen­ 122 feet. Drilled Sept. 1959, sampled Dec. 1959. sis Zone have been found elsewhere in the Santa 5. Lipps (op. cit.) has also related these Stages Barbara Embayment (D. E. Weaver, personal com­ and Zones, through pl anktonic foraminifer content, munication). Thus, these benthonic foraminifer to the type sections of the Stages of the European data from the Upper Gaviota Formation, of lower Mid-Tertiary based originally on fossil larger in­ Refugian and late Eocene age (op. cit., Fig. 2), are, vertebrates. as evidence, seemingly in keeping with the evidence from the planktonic foraminifers (Lipps 1967, p. 6. These are apparently the Globigerilla cipero­ 996) also found there. ensis ciperoellsis, Globorotalia kugleri, and Catap­ 9. More recently Bramlette and Wilcoxon sydrax dissimilis zones, respectively, of Bolli 1957. (1967, table 2) have, on the basis of calcareous 7. Much as, among mollusks, Turritella inezalla nannoplankton, correlated the benthonic foramin­ does in relation to the range of Turritella ocoyalla iferal Saucesian-Relizian sequence of California which, in terms of foraminiferal zonation, appears with the planktonic foraminiferal upper Catapsyd­ in the Coast Ranges at the base of the Saucesian rax dissimilis zone-Catapsydrax staill/orthi zone­ Stage. See the "Vaqueros - Temblor Transition Globigerillatella illsueta zone sequence of the Zone" of Loel and Corey (1932) in which these Caribbean. two species of Turritella occur together. 10. In interrelating benthonic and planktonic 8. In this connection it is also of significance zones in the middle Tertiary of the West Coast to note- though less directly so here-that the Ranges, a tendency currently notable is to find , in stratigraphically interrelated benthonic and plank­ usage, "Relizian" pl anktonic assemblages "spilling tonic foraminifers referred to the Refugian Stage over" somewhat into both underlying Saucesian by Lipps ( 1967, p. 996: "near the top of the Refu­ and overlying Luisian intervals as these are deter­ gian" and "uppermost Refugian" ) are actually older mined on the basis of benthonic foraminifers. than as shown. UC localities B-6914 and B-6916 Whether this is due to unrecognized homotoxial are "upper Gaviota Formation" in stratigraphic oc­ and ecologic factors, to evolutionary realities, or currence but B-6914 is clearly "lower Ref uRian" in simply to needed extensions of species ranges still age, i.e., Uvigerilla cocoaellsis Zone; and B-6916, unrecognized, is as yet far from clear. Any of all with a very meagre thou!lh otherwise similar assem­ three of these factors could seemingly be involved. blage, is zonally less diagnostic. Though ambigu­ Since the Relizian was a time of one of the most ously shown otherwise in those accompanying extensive marine transgressions in the middle Terti­ graphics (op. cit., Figs. 5, 8) in which the informal ary of the West Coast Ranges, a comparable situ­ time terminology is based at least in part on mol­ ation encountered in the Coast Range late Paleo­ lusks, the Uvigerilla cocoaellsis Zone age of these cene - early Eocene, as summarized by Sullivan foraminiferal assemblages is indicated and dis­ ( 1965, pp. 27-29) , and involving nannoplankton, is cussed (Kleinpell and Weaver 1963: I on pages 31- of interest and might be more than simply analo­ 33), including the tentative nature of the Refugian gous. The sudden and extensive spreading of a pre­ zonation and the conclusion that in the type Refu­ viously established planktonic community, locally gian area the age equivalents of the Uvigerilla vicks­ at anyone of three or four zonal intervals distinct burgellsis zone, upper Refugian, were the mollusk­ though closely spaced in geologic time, is also char­ bearing shallow-water deposits of the lower 200 acteristic of the early Miocene "Beboeloe Transgres­ feet of the Alegria Formation (op. cit., p. 33 , see sion" in the East Indies, including the Philippines. also Fig. 2). Correlation of the upper Refugian mollusk zone or subzone with the upper Refugian REFERENCES foraminifera of the Uvigerilla vicksburgellsis Zone BANDY, O. L., 1964, Cenozoic pl anktonic foramini­ (though 11 0 1 lI ecessarily the coincidence 0/ their re­ feral zonation: Micropaleon., vol. 10, pp. 1-17. specli\·e limits) hinged on the joint occurrence of ---, 1966, Restrictions of the "Orbulina" da­ the age-diagnostic mollusks and foraminifers in the tum: Ibid. , vol. 12, pp. 79-86, 1 pI. ·Leda·· Zone. upper Member of the Tumey Forma­ BANN ER, F. T., and BLOW, W. H., 1965, Progress tion of the San Joaquin Valley as recorded by in the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy CU5hman and Simonson (1944), which was there­ of the Neogene: Nature, vol. 208, pp. 1164- fore tentatively taken to typify an upper Refugian 1166. l"igerina l"icksbllrgellsis Zone (Kleinpell and Weaver 1963:1, pp. 32-33; see also Schenck and BECK, R. STANLEY, 1943 , Eocene Foraminifera KJeinpell 1936) . To the best of the writers' knowl­ from Cowlitz River, Lewis County, Washing­ edge no upper Refugian foraminifers have as yet ton: Jour. Paleo., vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 584-614, been found in the outcrops at the type locality of pis. 94-109. the Refugian Stage, although foraminifer assem- BER RY, WILLIAM B. N., 1964, The Middle Ordovi- C XTRIBUTIONS FROi'-t THE CUSHMAN FOUN DATION FOR FORAMIN IFERAL RES I ~ARCH 11

cian of the Oslo region, Norway, no. 16, Grap­ economic use: 4th ed .• Harvard University tolites of the Ogygiocaris series: Norsk Geol­ Press. ogisk Tidsskrift. vol. 44. pt. 1, pp. 61-170. CUSHMAN, JOS EPH A .• and BARBAT. W. F .• 1932. ---, 1966. Zones and zones- with exemplifica­ Notes on some arenaceous Foraminifera from tion from : Amer. Assoc. Petrol. the Temblor Formation of California: Cush­ Geol.. Bull. vol. 50, no. 7. p. 1487-1500. man Lab. Foram. Res .• Contr.. vol. 8. pp. 29- BLOW. W. H.. 1959. Age. correlation. and bio­ 40. pis. 4-5. st ratigraphy of the upper Tecuyo (San Loren­ CUSHMAN. JOS EPH A .• and HOBSON. H. D .• 1957. A zo) and Pozon Formations. eastern Falcon. foraminiferal faunule from the type San Loren­ Venezuela: Bulls. Amer. Paleon .• vol. 39. pp. zo Formation. Santa Cruz County. California: 67-251 . pis. 6-19 . Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Contr.. vol. 11 . BLOW. W. H .• and BANNER, F. T .• 1966. The mor­ pt. 3. pp. 53-64. phology. taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Glo­ CUSHMAN, JOS EPH A .• and LAIMIN G, BORIS. 1931 . borotalia barillsallellsis Le Roy. Globoro((llia Miocene Foraminifera from Los Sauces Creek, fo ilsi Cushman and Elli son, and related taxa: Ventura County. Cali fornia: Jour. Paleon., vol. Micropaleon .• vol. 12. pp. 286-302. 5. pp. 79 -120. pIs. 9-14. BoLLI . H. M .• 1957. Pl anktonic foraminifera from CUS HMAN . JOSEPH A., and LERoy. L. W .• 1938. A the Oligocene-Miocene Cipero and Lengua microfauna from the Vaqueros Formation. Formations of Trinidad, B.W.I.: U .S. Nat·1. lower Miocene. Simi Valley. Ventura County. Mus .• Bull. 215. p. 97-123 . pis. 22-29. California: Jour. Paleon .• vol. 12. no. 2. pp. ---, 1966. Zonation of to Pliocene 117-126, pI. 22. marine sediments based on planktonic fora­ CUSHMAN. JOS EP H A., and PARK ER. FRANCES L.. minifera: B. Informativo, Asoc. Venesolana 1931 , Miocene Foraminifera from the East Geologia. Mineria. Petroleo, vol. 9, p. 3-32. Side of the San Joaquin Valley. California: BR.\ MLETTE. M. N .• and WILCOXON, J. A .• 1967. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 7. pt. ...• pp. Middle Tertiary Calcareous Nannoplankton of 1-16. pis. 1-2. the Cipero section, Trinidad. W.I.: Tulane CUSH MAN. JOS EP H A .• and SCHENCK. H . G .• 1928. Studies Geol.. vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 93-131. pi s. Two foraminiferal faunules from the Oregon 1-10. Tertiary: Univ. Calif. Publ. Bull. Dept. Geol. CO LE, W. STORRS. 1964. American mid-Tertiary Sci., vol. 17. pp. 305-324, pi s. 43-45. miogypsinid foraminifera: classification and CUSHMAN, JOS EPH A .• and SIMONSON, R. R., 1944. zonation : Cushman Found. Foram. Res .• Foraminifera from the Tumey Formation. Contr., vol. XV. pt. 4. p. 138-153. pi s. 9-14. Fresno County. California : Jour. Paleon .• vol. ---. 1927. A foraminiferal fauna from the 18. pp. 186-203. pis. 30-34. Guayabal Formation in Mexico: Bull. Amer. CUSHMAN. JOSEPH A .• STEWART, ROSCOE E .• and Paleon .• vol. 14, no. 51. STEWART. CATHERINE C .• 1947a. Astoria Mio­ CL HMAN. JOSEP H A .• 1918, The smaller fossil Fo­ cene Foraminifera from the northwest corner ra minifera of the Panama Canal Zone: U.S. of Tenth Street and Harrison Avenue. Astoria. at·1. Mus., Bull. 103 . pp. 45-87. Clatsop County. Oregon: Oregon Dept. Min. Ind .• Bull. 36. pt. I. pp. 9-38, pis. 1-4. - --, 1925a. Three new species of Sipilogell er­ ilia from the Miocene of California: Contrib. ------•• and • 1947b. Astoria Mio- Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. • vol. I. pt. 1. pp. cene Foraminifera from Agate Beach. Lincoln 2, 3. pI. 4. County. Oregon: Ibid .• pt. 2. pp. 41-54. pIs. 5. 6. ---. 1925b, Some Textulariidae from the Mio­ cene of California: Ibid .• vol. 1. pI. 2, pp. 29- DIBBLEE. T. W .• JR .• 1950. Geology of southwest­ 35. pI. 5. ern Santa Barbara County. California: Calif. Dept. Nat. Res., Div. Mines Bull. 150. pp. - --. 1925c, Miocene species of N Olliollilla from 1-95. California: Ibid .• vol. 1, pt. 4. pp. 82-92. pI. 13. EAMES. F. E .• BANNE R. F. T .• BLOW. W. H .• and --- . 1926. Foraminifera of the typical Monterey CLARKE. W. J., 1962. Fundamentals of mid­ of California : Ibid., vol. 2. pt. 3. pp. 53-66. Tertiary stratigraphical correlation: Cam­ pis. 7-9. bridge. The University Press. 163 pp .• 17 pis. ---. 1929. A late Tertiary foramini~era l fauna GALLOWAY. J. J., and MORREY. MARGARET. 1929. of Venezuela and other related regIOns: Ibid .• A lower Tertiary foraminiferal fauna from vol. 5, pt. 4. Manila. Ecuador: Bull. Amer. Paleon .• vol. 15. - --. 1948. Foraminifera. their classification and no. 55, pp. 1-56, pis. 1-6. 12 B L ACUT AND K LEI NPELL-PAl'Al\IA CANA L ZONE F ORA1\U N JFERA

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EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 FIGS. SP ECIES TYPE No. MAG. Loc. No. PAGE Ia. . Texllllaria sagillula Oefrance 46401 50X 0-1605 13 Sigmoililla telluis (Czjzek) 46402 75 X 0-1605 13 , ,. Frondicularia atI. bulbosa Coryell and Rivero 46415 50X 0 -1608 15 b. Robulus warmalli Barbat and von EstortI 46408 50X 0-1604 14 5a_ b. Robulus warmalli Barbat and von EstortI 46407 59 X 0-1604 14 6a. b. Robulus protuberans (Cushman) 46404 63 X 0-1604 ...... 14 a. b. Robulus d . c/ericii (Fornasini) 46403 63 X 0-1604 ...... 14 a, h. Vagillulinopsis m exicalla var. labocaellsis Blacut and Kleinpell 46410 39 X 0-1604 14 9a, b. Va gillulinopsis saulldersi var. pallamaensis Blacut and Kleinpell 46411 36X 0-1604 14 10. Delltalina adolphilla d'Orbigny 46412 83 X 0 -1606 14 II. Delltalilla atI. cucarellsis Cole 46413 28 X 0-1604 14 12. Delltalilla pauperata d'Orbigny 46414 29 X 0-1604 15 13. N odosaria cf. holserica Schwager 46472 77 X 0-1604 15 CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 1

Blacut and Kleinpell: Panama Canal Zone Foraminifera CON TRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 2

Blaclit and KleinpeU: Panama Canal Zone Foraminifera C :\,TR1BUTJ ONS FRO)[ THE CUSHMA)l' FOUNDATION FOR F ORAMIN IFERAL RESEARCH 13

CHENCK , HUB ERT G., and KlEINPElL, R. M., 1936, ---, 1966, The Panama land bridge as a sea bar­ Refugian Stage of the Pacific Coast Tertiary: rier: Amer. Philos. Soc., Proc., vol. 110, no. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 425-433. 2, pp. 215-225. SYSTEMATICS - ~lITH, HUGH P., Foraminifera from the Wagon­ In the following systematics the scheme of phy­ wheel Formation, Devils Den District, Cali­ letic classification followed has been essentially that fornia: Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci., vol. 32, of Cushman (1948), modified. No approach to a pp. 65-126, pis. 9-16. complete synonymy has been attempted, although ~IITH , JAM ES PERRIN, 1919, Climatic relations of much additional synonymy and related data will be the Tertiary and Quaternary faunas of the found upon pursuit of the references cited. Clearly California region: California Acad. Sci ., Proc., many of the species in the sequence from the west 4th Ser., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 123-173 , pI. 9. side of Las Cascadas Reach are those already re­ UlllVAN, FRANK R. , 1962, Foraminifera from the corded from the type locality of Siphogell erilla type section of the San Lorenzo Formation trails versa and other localities in the Canal Zone by Santa Cruz County, California : Univ. Calif. Cushman (1918). But the emphasis here has been Publ. Geol. Sci., vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 233-352, upon a comparison of the benthonic foraminifers 23 pis. from the La Boca sequence with published Cali­ ---, 1965, Lower Tertiary nannoplankton from fornia Coast Range benthonic materials, beyond the California Coast Ranges. IT. Eocene: which the studies here reported upon did not attain. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci., vol. 53, pp. 1- The type specimens, listed by number, have been 74, pis. 1-11. deposited in the paleontological collections of the University of California Museum of Paleontology, TA LI AFERRO, N. L., and SCH ENCK, H UBERT G., Berkeley, California. All type and V.C. locality 1933 , Lepidocyclilla in California: Amer. Jour. numbers refer to the above collections. Sci., vol. 25, pp. 74-80. WEAVER, D. W., and KL EINP ELL, R. M., 1963, Olig­ Family TEXTULARIIDAE ocene biostratigraphy of the Santa Barbara Genus Textularia Defrance, 1824 Embayment, California. II. Mollusca from the Textularia sagittula Defran ce TlIrritella variata Zone: Univ. Calif. Publ. Plate I, figures la, b Geol. Sci., vol. 43 , pp. 79-161, pis. 23-38. Textularia sagillllia Defrance, CUS HM AN, 1918, p. WILSON, EUGENE J ., 1954, Foraminifera from the 51, pI. 19, fi gs. 2a, b. Gaviota Formation east of Gaviota Creek, Hypotype 46401, locality D-1605. California: Vniv. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci., vol. Early stages in the rare specimens of this form 30, pp. 103-170, pis. 12-1 8. are too poorly preserved to determine whether or WOODRING, W. P., 1957, Geology and paleontology not it should be referred to the genus Spiroplectam­ of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama: milia. It appears to be the same species C ushman V.S. Geol. Sur. Prof. Paper no. 306-A, pp. 1- assigned to Textlliaria. 145, 23 pis. Family MILIOLIDAE --- , 1958, Geology of Barro Colorado Island, Genus Sigmoilina Schlumberger, 1887 Canal Zone: Smithsonian Miscell. Coil., vol. Sigmoilina tenuis (Czjzek) 135, no. 3, pp. 1-39, 3 pis. Plate I, figure 2 ---, 1964, Geology and paleontology of Canal Sigm oililla tellllis (Czjzek), CUS HMAN, 1918, p. 81, Zone and adjoining parts of Panama: V.S. pI. 31, figs. 4a-c. Geol. Sur. Prof. Paper no. 306-C, pp. 240-297. Hypotype 46402, locality D-1605.

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 FIGs. SP ECIES TYPE No. MAG . Loc. No. PAG E 1. Gialldlllilla (?) sp. 46417 63 X D-1604 15 2. Marginlllilla slIbbllllata H antken 46409 53 X D-1605 14 3a, b. GlIlIlIlilla problema d'Orbigny 46416 50X D-1604 15 .+a , b. Elphidillm craticlllatllm (Fichtcl and Moll) 46422 67 X D-1598 16 5a, b. Elphidilll11 striato-pllllctatllm (Fichtel and Moll) 46426 143 X D-1598 16 6a, b. Elphidillm sagrum d'Orbigny 46423 71 X D-1598 16 a, b. Elphidillm alI. E. sagrlll11 (d'Orbigny) 46424 91 X D-1598 16 8a, b. Elphidilll11 cf. E. tropicale Petri 46444 III X D-1611 16 9a, b. Elphidilll11 alI. E. sagrllll! (d'Orbigny) 46425 84 X D-1598 16 14 BLA CU'l' AND KLEI NPEL L--PANAMA CANAL ZONE F ORkMINIFERA

Family LAGENJDAE Genus Marginulina d'Orbigny, 1826 Genus Robulus Montfort, 1808 Marginulina snbbnllata Hantken Robulus d. c1ericii (Fornasi ni) Plate 2, fi gure 2 Plate I , figures 7a, b Marginll/ina subbu/lala Hantken, CUSHMAN and Robli/lis cf. clericii (Fornasini), KLEINPELL, 1938, LAtMING, 1931 , p. 99, pI. 10, fi g. 8. MALLORY, p.197. 1959, p. 151, pI. 9, figs. 13a, b, 14a, b, 15 a, b. Hypotype 46403, locality 0-1604. H ypotype 46409, locality D-1605. Cushman and Hobson (1935, p. 56, pI. 8, figs. In its West Coast Range occurrences this species 7a, b) have compared a specifically unidentified ranges from the Ynezian (Paleocene) to the form from the upper type San Lorenzo Formation Saucesian Stage. (Lower Zemorrian) of California to Fornasini's G enus Vaginnlinopsis Silves tri, 1904 species. The same species, recorded from the "Va­ Vaginnlinopsis mexicana (Cushman) vaL queros" (Temblor) formation of the Sunset Valley labocaensis Blacut and Kleinpell n. vaL district, southern San Joaquin Valley, California, is Plate 1, fi gures 8a, b from beds of Lower Saucesian age (Kleinpell 1938, Variety differing from the typical in the reduc­ p. 197 and Table XU; see also Kleinpell and tion of the costae to barely raised areas adjacent to Weaver, 1963, pp. 39-40). the limbate sutures, and a markedly more com­ pressed test. The mature specimens also are in Robulus protuberans (Cushman) general somewhat smaller than the Eocene varieties Plate I, figures 6a, b of the species. Holotype 46410, locality D-1604. Crisle/laria prolliberans CUSHMAN, 1918, p. 61, pI. This variety seems closest to the varieties vaca­ 22, fig. 2. vi/lensis (Hanna) and nlldicoslala (Cushman and Hypotype 46404, locality D-1604. Hanna) from the California Eocene (see Mallory 1959, p. 157), though with a smaller and more Genus Marginnlina d'Orbigny, 1826 compressed test and the ribbing greatly reduced. Robnlus reedi Kl einpell Robli/lis reedi KL EINP ELL, 1938, p. 201, pI. 7, fi gs. Vaginnlinopsis saundersi (Hanna and Hanna) 23a, b; pI. 8, fig. 5. vaL panamaensis Blacut and Kleinpell n. var. H ypotype 46405, locality 0-1608. Plate 1, figure 9a, b Rare specimens from the La Boca are very close Variety differing from the typical in its narrower to this species from the West Coast Range upper later stages, which become more loosely coiled and Saucesian and Relizian Stages. the chambers of which tend to flare more. Holotype 46411, locality D-1605. Although the mature specimens from Panama Robulus simplex (d'Orbigny) are somewhat smaller than those from the Wash­ Robli/lis simp/ex (d'Orbigny), CUSHMAN and LAIM­ ington and California Eocene the early stages of tNG, 1931, p. 98, pI. 10, figs. 5a, b; 6. KLEIN­ both are indistinguishable (see Hanna and Hanna PELL, 1938, p. 202, pI. 8, fig. 1. 1924, p. 61, pI. 13 , figs. 5, 6, 15; Beck 1943, p. 598, Hypotype 46406, locality D-1600. pI. 105 , fi gs . 1, 2,4,5, 10; Mallory 1959, pp. 157- In the West Coast Ranges this large species 158, pI. 11 , fi g. lOa, b). ranges from the upper Zemorrian into the Relizian Stage. Genus Dentalina d'Orbigny, 1826 Robnlus wannani Barbat and VOn EstorlI Dentalina adolphina d'Orbigny Plate 1, figure 10 Plate I, figures 4a, b; Sa, b Denlalina ado/ph ina d ' O~bi g ny , KLEINP ELL, 1938, R obll/us nikobarensis (Schwager) var. warmani p. 209, pI. 4, fig . 1. BARBAT and VON ESTORFF, 1933 , p. 168, pI. Hypotype 46412, locality 0-1606. 23, figs. 12a, b. The La Boca forms, though all of them incom­ Robli/liS warmani Barbat and von Estorff, CUSH­ plete, appear to be con specific with those recorded MAN and HOBSON, 1935, vol. II, no. 3, p. 56, from Zemorrian and Lower Saucesian horizons in pI. 8, figs . 8a, b. ?KLEINPELL, 1938, p. 204, the West Coast Ranges (see also K1einpeU and pI. 8, fig. 2. Weaver 1963, pp. 39-40). Hypotypes 46407, 46408, locality D-1604. These somewhat variable robulids from Panama Dentalina alI . cncarensis Cole appear to be conspecific with a comparably vari­ Plate 1, fi gure 11 able group from the Zemorrian and Saucesian ?Denla/ina cllcarensis COLE, 1927, p. 14, pI. 3, fig. Stages of the Coast Ranges. 14. CONTRIBUTION FROM THE CUSHMAN FOUNDATION FOR FORA~lINIFERAL RESEARCH IS

Hypotype 46413, locality 0-1604. recorded from elsewhere in the La Boca by Cush­ The sutures of the Panamanian species are more man (1918, p. 58, pI. 21, fig. 7). learly limbate than are those shown in the figure of Cole's otherwise very similar Mexican species. Family POL YMORPHINIDAE Genus Gnttulina d'Orbigny, 1839 Dentalina pau!)erata d'Orbigny Guttulina problema d'Orbigny Plate I, figure 12 Plate 2, figures 3a, b Delltalilla pauperata d'Orbigny, CUSHMAN and Guttulilla byramellsis (Cushman), CUSHMAN and LAIMING, 1931 , p. 99, figs. 11, 12. SCHENCK, 1928, pI. 309, pI. 43, figs. 6-8. Hypotype 46414, locality 0-1604. Guttulilla problema d'Orbigny, CUSHMAN and This species is common in the late Oligocene and SCHENCK, 1928, p. 310, pI. 43, figs . 9-11. H. P. '.Iiocene of the West Coast Ranges. SMITH , 1956, p. 92, pI. II, fig. lOa, b. GlIttulina irregularis (d'Orbigny) CUSHMAN and Dentalina d. raphanistrum (Linne) SIMONSON, 1944, p. 196, pI. 31, figs. 10-12. ! Dentalina raphallistrum (Linnaeus), CUSHMAN, WILSON , 1954, p. 137, pI. IS , fig. 4a, b. 1918, pp. 59-60, pI. 21, fig. 10. Guttulilla sp. WILSON, 1954, p. 137, pI. 15, fig. Hypo ~ ype 46481, locality 0-1605. Sa, b. Fragments of a striate Dentalina probably repre­ Hypotype 46416, locality 0-1604. sent broken specimens of the species Cushman pre­ This variable species is common in the upper ,oiously recorded from the Canal Zone. Eocene and Oligocene of the West Coast Ranges.

Genus Nodosaria Lamarck, 1812 Genus Glandnlina d'Orbigny, 1826 Nodosaria d. anomala Reuss Glandnlina (?) sp. S odosaria cf. anomala Reuss, CUSHMAN and LAtM­ lNG , 1931 , p. 100, pI. 10, fig. 10. Plate 2, figure 1 ~ Sodosaria allomala Reuss, KL EINP ELL, 1938, p. Hypotype 46417, locality 0-1604. 216. A few specimens of a striate lagenid, apparently Hypotype 46482, locality 0 ··1605. a Glandlllilla, are present in a single sample. The Incomplete specimens appear to be the same as best preserved specimen is figured . ose found in the Vaqueros, Rincon, and Temblor -ormations of the West Coast Ranges. Family NONIONIDAE Genus Nonion Montfort, 1808 Nodosaria d . holserica Schwager Nonion costifernm (Cushman) Plate 1, figure 13 Plate 3, figures 2a, b; 3a, b Fragments of a faintly hispid Nodo.Wlria appear Nonionina costifera CUSHMAN, 1925c, p. 90, pI. 13, ID be the same as West Coast Range Oligo-Mio­ figs. 2a-c; 1926, p. 65. ~ ne forms referred to Schwager's species or sim­ Nonioll costifera (Cushman), CUS HMAN and LAIM­ y recorded as "Nodosaria(?) sp." (Kleinpell lNG, 1931, p. 104, pI. 11 , figs. 9a, b. I 38, pp. 218, 220, pI. 4, figs. 8, 9). NOllioll costiferllm (Cushman), KLEINPELL, 1938, Hypotype 46472, locality 0-1604. pp. 229-231, pI. IS, fig~. l3a, b. Hypotypes 46419, 46420, locality 0-1604. Genus Frondicnlaria DeFrance, 182 6 In the Coast Ranges this species ranges from the Frondicularia alf. bulbosa Coryell and Rivero base of the Saucesian to the top of the Luisian Stage. Plate 1, figure 3 Hypotype 46415, locality 0-1604. Nonion incisum (Cushman) var. Rare specimens seem closest to F. bulbosa from kernensis Kleinpell Miocene of Hai ti (Coryell and Rivero 1940), Plate 3, figures la, b ugh the proloculus is not so excessively raised NOllion incisa (Cushman), CUSHMAN and LAtMING, ;,ave the surface of the test. 1931, p. 104, pI. II, fig. 9; p. 83; p. 85. NOllion illcisum (Cushman), CUSHMAN and PARK­ Genus Lagena Walker and Jacob, 1798 ER, 1931 , p. 7, pI. I, figs. 26a, b. Lagena spp. N onion illcisllm (Cushman) var. kemellsis KL EIN­ Hypotypes 46483, 46484, localities 0-1605, 0- PELL, 1938, pp. 232-233. I ~. Hypotype 46418, locality 0-1604. '.Iore than one species of Lagena are very spar­ The La Boca specimens are poorly preserved but gly represented in the La Boca material. Lagena seem to be the same as those from the Vaqueros, . ta (d'Orbigny) var. strumosa Reuss has been Rincon, and Temblor formations of California. 16 BLACUT AND KLEINPELL--PAN Al\I A CANAL ZON E FORAl\IINJFERA

Nonion medio-costatum (Cushman) E1phidium striato-punctatum (Fichtel and Moll) Plate 3, figure 4a, b Plate 2, figures 5a, b Nonionina medio-costata CUSHMAN, 1925c, pp_ 89- Polystomella striato-punctata (Fichtel and Moll), 90, pI. 13 , figs . la-c; 1926, p. 65. CUSHMAN , 1918, pp. 74-75, pI. 26, figs. 3a, b; Nonioll m edio-costatum (Cushman), KLEINP ELL, 4a, b. 1938, pp. 233-234, pI. 9, fig. II. Hypotype 46426, locality D-1598. Hypotype 46421, locality D-1609. In the West Coast Ranges this species ranges Elphidium sp. cf. E. tropicale Petri from the base of the Saucesian into the lowermost Plate 2, figures 8a, b Mohnian Stage. Saucesian occurrences were at first Hypotype 46444, locality D-1611. questionably referred to Nonioll incisum ( Klein­ A distinct form of Elphidium without keel and pell 1938, p. 146) . with concentric ribbing well developed only on the final four or five chambers, resembles the species of Genus Elphidium Montfort, 1808 Petri (1954, p. 81, pI. 5, figs. 17-18) from the Mio­ Elphidium craticulatum (Fichtel and Moll) cene of Brazil , but has fewer chambers per coil. Plate 2, figures 4a, b Polystomella craticulata (Fichtel and Moll) , CUSH­ Family HETEROHELICIDAE MAN, 1918, p. 77, pI. 27, figs. 3a, b. Genus Plectofrondicnlaria Liebus, 1·903 Hypotype 46422, locality D-1598. Plectofrondicularia miocenica Cushman var. !aiming Kleinpell Elphidium sagrum (d'Orbigny) Plate 3, figure 5 Plate 2, fi gures 6a, b Plectofrolldicularia miocenica Cushman, CUSHMAN Polystom ella sagra d'Orbigny, CUSHMAN, 1918, p. and PARK ER , 1931 , pI. I, fig. 28. 75, pI. 26, figs . 5a, b. Plectofrondicularia miocenica Cushman var. laim­ Hypotype 46423, locality D-1598. ingi, KL EINP ELL, 1938, p. 241. Hypotype 46427, locality D-1605. Elphidium aff. E. sagrum (d'Orbigny) In California this variety is restricted to the Plate 2, fi gures 7a, b, 9a, b lower Saucesian Stage. Hypotypes 46424, 46425, locality D-1598. Cushman (1918, p. 77) records under "Poly­ Genus Nodogenerilla Cushman, 1927 strom ella, species?", a "species of Polystomella Nodogenerina aff. cooperensis Cushman which is very much like P. sagra and yet is not so Plate 3, fi gure 6 definitely characterized .. .", but he does not figure ?Nodogellerilla cooperensis CUSHMAN, 1933 , p. 11 , it. At least two distinct variants (fieured), also pI. 1, fig . 27. close to E. sagrum, occur in the La Boca assem­ Hypotype 46428, locality D-1604. blage from below the Emperador limestone member. The few fragmentary La Boca specimens that

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 FIGS. SPECIES TYPE No. MAG. Loc. No. PAGE la, b. Nonion illcisum var. kem ellsis Kleinpell 46418 55 X D-1604 15 2a, b. Nonioll costiferum (Cushman) 46419 55 X D-1604 15 3a, b. Nonioll costiferum (Cushman) 46420 59 X D-1604 15 4a, b. NOllioll m edio-costatum (Cushman) 46421 83 X D-1609 16 5. Plectofrondicularia miocellica var. laimingi Kleinpell 46427 63 X D-1605 16 6. Nodogenerina aff. cooperellsis Cushman 46428 29 X D-1604 16 7. Bulimilla alligata Cushman and Laiming 46429 71 X D-1605 17 8. Virgulilla pontoni Cushman 46430 77 X D-1609 17 9. Uvigerilla cf. tenuistriata Reuss 46441 77 X D-1600 18 10. Bolivilla margillata Cushman 46432 50X D-1604 17 11. Bolivina marginata Cushman 46433 100X D-1604 17 12. Bolivina ad vella Cushman 46431 143 X D-1599 17 13 . Bolivilla robusta H. B. Brady 46434 lU X D-1604 18 14. Uvigerinella obesa var. impolita Cushman and Laiming 46437 71 X D-1606 18 15 _ Uvigerinella obesa var. impolita Cushman and Laiming 46438 91 X D-1610 18 16. Uvigerine/la obesa Cushman 46436 100 X D-1599 18 17. Uvigerine/la obesa Cushman 46435 71 X D-1600 18 CONTRlB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 3

Blacut and Kleinpell: Panama Canal Zone Foraminifera CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 4

Blacut and Kleinpell: Panama Canal Zone Foraminifera CONTRIBU TIONS FRO)[ THE CUSHMAN FOUNDATION FOR F ORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH 17 seem closely related to this species are slightly arcu­ Genus Virgulina d'Orbigny, 1826 ate, but the apertural characters are nodogenerine Virgulina pontoni Cushman and clearly not rad iate. One specimen shows traces Plate 3, figure 8 of a few very faint costae at one of the sutures. ?Virgulina squamosa d'Orbigny, CUSHMAN, 1918, p. 58, pI. 21, fig. 6. Family BULIMINIDAE Virgulilla floridalla Cushman, CUSHMAN and LAIM­ Genus Buliminella Cushman, 1911 lNG, 1931 , p. 109, pI. 12, figs. 3a, b. Buliminella curta Cushman Virgulina pontoni Cushman, KLEINP ELL, 1938, p. Bulimillella curta CUSHMAN, 1925b, p. 33, pI. 5, 263. fig. 13; 1926, p. 55. CUSHMAN and LAIMING , Hypotype 46430, locality D-1609. 1931 , pp. 106-107, pI. II, fig. 16. KL EINP ELL, This species occurs sporad ically through Oligo­ 1938, pp. 248-249, pIs. 7, fig. 3; pI. 15, fig . 4; Miocene and Miocene strata in the West Coast pI. 16, fig. 8. Ranges. Hypotype 46485, locality D-1609. This species, sparingly represented in the La Genus Bolivina d'Orbigny, 1839 Boca material, is common and widespread in Cal­ Bolivina advena Cushman ifo rnia where it ranges from the lowermost Zemor­ Plate 3, figure 12 rian Stage upward throughout the Miocene. Bolivina advella CUSHMAN, 1925b, p. 29, pI. 5, figs. la, b; 1926, p. 54. KLEINP ELL, 1938, pp. 264- Buliminella subfusifonnis Cushman 265, pI. 7, fig. 6; pI. 9, fig. 7. RAU , 1951 , p. Bulimillella subfusiformis CUSHMAN, 1925b, p. 33, 442, pI. 65, fig. 9. pI. 5, fig. 12; 1926, p. 55. CUSHMAN and LAIM­ Hypotype 46431, locality D-1599. lNG, 1931 , p. 106, pI. II, figs . 14a, b. KL EIN­ In the West Coast Ranges, this species appears PELL, 1938, pp. 251-252, pI. 9, fig. 8. RAU, at the base of the Saucesian Stage and ranges up­ 1951, p. 439, pI. 65, fig. 5; 1963, p. 140, pI. 12, ward through the Mohnian Stage, upper Miocene. fig . 4. Hypotype 46486, locality D-1608. Bolivina advena Cushman var. striatella Cushman In California this species has the same strati­ Boli villa ad vena Cushman var. striatella CUSHMAN, gra phic range as Buliminella curta, of which it may 1925, p. 30, pI. 5, figs. 3a, b; 1926, p. 54. a variety rather than ~ disti nct species. CUSHMAN and LAIMING, 1931 , p. 110, pI. 12, fig. 5. KL EINPEL L, 1938, p. 266, pI. 15, fig. I. Genus Bulimina d'Orbigny, 1826 Hypotype 46487, locality D-1599. Bulimina alligata Cushman and Laiming Like the spec:es sellsu stricto this variety has not Plate 3, figure 7 been recorded from below Saucesian horizons in Bulimilla illflata Seguenza var. alligata CUS HMAN California. and LAIMING, 1931 , p. 107, pI. II, figs. 17a, b. KLEINPELL, 1938, p. 254, pI. 7, fig. I. Bolivina marginata Cushman Bulimina alligata Cushman and Laiming, RAU, Plate 3, fi gures la, 11 1951 , p. 440, pI. 65, fig. 6. Bolivina marginata Cushman, CUSHMAN and LAIM­ Hypotype 46429, locality D-1605. lNG, 1931 , p. 110, pI. 12, figs. 6, 8. KLEINPELL, In the Coast Ranges this species is restricted to 1938, pp. 275-276, pI. 9, fig. 2. the Saucesian Stage. Hypotypes 46432, 46433, locality D-1604.

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 FIGs. SPECIES TYPE No. MAG. Loc. No. PAG E I. Uvigerilla beccarii Fornasini 46440 63 X D-1604 18 2. Siphogellerina mayi Cushman and Parker 46445 63 X D-1614 19 3. Siphogell erilla trallsversa Cushman 46450 39 X D-1605 19 4. Siphogenerilla trallsversa Cushman 46449 45 X D-1600 19 5. Siphogenerina trails versa Cushman 46447 63 X D-1604 19 6. Siphogell erina transversa Cushman (worn specimen) 46448 31 X D-1604 19 7. Siphogell erilla trallsversa Cushman (worn specimen) 46446 33 X D-1604 19 8. Siphogell erilla kleillpelli Cushman 46443 31 X D-1604 18 9. Siphogenerilla kleinpelli Cushman 46442 37 X D-1604 18 lOa, b, c. Eponides afI. affillis (Czjzek) 46454 67 X D-1604 20 lIa, b, c. Epollides alI. affinis (Czjzek) 46455 45 X D-1605 20 ' .!a, h, c. Valvulilleria casitasellsis Cushman and Laiming 46453 55 X D-1604 19 18 BLACUT AI\ro KLEINPELL--PANA1\IA CANAL ZONE FORA1\ilNIFERA

This species is widespread in the middle Tertiary Genus Uvigerina d'Orbigny, 1826 of the West Coast Ranges. Uvigerina bcccarii Fornasini Plate 4, figure 1 Uvigerilla beccarii Fornasini, KLEINPELL, 1938, p. Bolivina robusta H . B. Brady 293, pI. 5, fi gs. 3, 4. Plate 3, fi gure 13 H ypotypes 46439, 46440, locality 0-1604. Bolivina robllsta H. B. Brady, CUSHMAN, 1918, p. This species, somewhat variable in ornamenta­ 55 , pI. 21 , fig . 4. tion, occurs in the lower Saucesian Stage of Cali­ Hypotype 46434, locality 0-1604. fornia (see Kleinpell and Weaver 1963 , pp. 39-40) . La Boca specimens show the limbate sutures Some of the La Boca specimens are more striate "often slightly lobulated or occasionally showing than others, although only faintly so at most. In traces of reticulation on the surface" mentioned some specimens traces of costae are apparent at the prev iously by Cushman though not apparent in his base of the final chamber or final whorl of chambers. fi gure; and , as in his specimens, there is no apical spine. Uvigerina aff. canaricnsis d'Orbigny Genus Uvigeriuella Cushman, 1926 H ypotype 46488, locality 0-1599. Uvigeriuella obesa Cushman Both varieties of the smooth-surfaced Uvigerilla referred by Cushman (1918, pp. 62, 63, pI. 22 , figs. Plate 3, fi gures 16, 17 5, 6) to U. ca ll ariel/sis are sparingly represented in Uvigerin ella obesa Cushman, CUS HMAN and LAIM­ the La Boca sequence. lNG , 1931 , p. Ill , pI. 12, fi gs. lOa, b. KL EIN ­ PELL, 1938, p. 290, pI. 9, fig. 15 . Uvigerina d. tenuistriata Reuss Hypotypes 46435, locality 0-1600; 46436, local­ Plate 3, fi gure 9 ity 0-1599. Uvigerilla telluistriata Reuss, CUS HMA N, 1918, pp. La Boca specimens compare well wilh suites of 63-64, pI. 22 , fig. 7. the typical form which in California ranges through­ H ypotype 46441 , locality 0-1600. out the Saucesian and Relizian Stages. This distinctive small striate uvi gerinid, with its Hopkinsil/a-Iike final chamber, is very rare in the Uvigerinella obesa Cushman vaL La Boca material. impolita Cushman and Laiming Genus Siphogenerina Schlumberger, 1883 Plate 3, fi gures 14, 15 Siphogenerina kleinpelli Cushman Uvigeril/ella obesa Cushman var. impolita CUSH­ Plate 4, figures 8, 9 MAN and LAIMIN G, 1931 , p. III, pI. 12, fi gs. Siphogel/ eril/a kleil/pelli CUSHMAN, 1925a, p. 3, pI. lOa, b. KL EINPELL, 193 8, pp. 291-292, pI. 7, 4, fig. 5; 1926, p. 59. KL EINP ELL, 1938, p. 301- fig. 8. 302, pI. 7, fi g. 24; pI. 11 , fig. 4. RAU , 1963, p. Uvigeril/ella obesa impolita Cushman and Laiming, 141 , pI. 12, fig. 12. RAU, 1951 , pp. 443-444, pI. 65, fig . 18. Hypotypes 46442, 46443, locality 0-1604. Hypotypes 46437, locality 0-1606; 46438, local­ In the West Coast Ranges this species makes its ity 0-1610. appearance in the Pleciofrondicll iaria miocenica The typicall y "shaggy" form of this variety, so Zone, upper of the two Zones comprising the Low­ characteristic of the Saucesian Stage in California er Saucesian Substage. Oerived from S. tral/sversa (see Laiming in Kleinpell, 1938, pp. 291 -292) is with which its earliest forms tend to intergrade, it well represented in the La Boca sequence. It may ranges upward through the Luisian Stage. have been included earlier under Uvigerina pyg­ Cushman, Stewart, and Stewart (I947a, p. 20) maea d'Orbigny by Cushman (1918, pp. 49, 63), record the species also from the Astoria Miocene of but his figure of the latter form from Panama (pI. Oregon, along with S. branneri, the fi gured speci­ 22, fig. 4) is not close. men of which (pI. 2, fig . 18) approaches this spe-

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 FIGS. SPECIES TYPE No. MAG. Loc. No. PAG E la, b, c. A mphislegina lessol/ii d'Orbigny 46458 83 X 0-1605 21 2a, b, c. Siphol/ina cf. reticll iata (Czjzek) 46456 71 X 0-1604 20 3a, b, c. Siphonil/a cf. reliculata (Czjzek) 46457 50X 0-1604 20 4a, b, c. Cassidlllil/a sllbglobosa H. B. Brady 46452 125 X 0-1605 19 5a, b, c. Cassidulilla la eviga ta var. carillata Cushman 46451 71 X 0-1608 19 6a, b, c. Anomalina califomiellsis Cushman and Hobson 46459 71 X 0-1604 21 CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 5

Blacut and Kleinpell: Panama Canal Zone Foraminifera CO TRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 6

Blacut and Kleinpell: Panama Canal Zone Foraminifera COl'\'TRI B U'l'lOl'\' S F R 0 1\ l TH E; C CSHMAX FOU NDAT ION F OR F OR Al\IIN IFERAL RES E AR CH 19 cies very closely. Rau's material from the upper As noted in the accompanying text, the writers Poule Creek Formation of Alaska apparentl y in­ have as yet been unable to corroborate reported cl udes specimens very close to S. trall sversa (pI. 12, post-Saucesian occurrences in Cali fornia (see Klein­ fi g. 14), and the two fi gured specimens from the pell , 1938, PI'. 305-3 06) . This is a common spe­ Miocene of the Willapa Ri ver, Washington, previ­ cies in the Califo rnia Coast Ranges where it occurs ously referred to S. tra ils versa but subsequently strati graphicall y between the base of the Zemor­ synonymized with S. kleillpelli, would appear from ri an and top of the Saucesian Stages. Farther the pictures to be S. trallsversa as previously identi­ north, in Washington, the species appears for the fi ed ( Rau, 1951 , pI. 65 , fi gs . 25, 26). In his discus­ first time higher in the column, along with the ion of the Al aska material (Rau 1963 , pp. 137, earliest Nonioll costilerllm, at the base of the 139, 141) he notes that some of the specimens also Saucesian Stage there. Individual specimens in the approach S. bralllleri. In the California Coast La Boca material vary between the fi ve forms fi g­ Ranges, the three species occur together onl y in the ured here on plate 4; fi gures 6 and 7 are of worn Urigerillella obesa Zone, Upper Saucesian, the age specimens. favored by Rau for the upper Poule Creek foramin­ Family CASSIDULINIDAE iferal hori zon in A laska. Genus Cassidulina d'Orbigny, 1826 Cassidulina lacvigata d'Orbigny Siphogenerina mayi Cushman and Parker var. carinata Cushman Plate 4, figure 2 Plate 5, fi gures ;a·c Siphogell erilla mayi CUS HMAN and PARKER , 1931 , Cassidlililla laeviga ta d'Orbigny var. carillata Cush­ pp. 10-11 , pI. 2, fi gs. 7a, b. KLEINPEL L, 1938, man, CUS HM AN and PARKER, 193 1, pp. 14, 15, p. 302. pI. 2, fi gs . 14a, b. KL EINPELL, 1938, p. 333 , Hypotype 46445, locality 0 -1614. pI. 8, fi gs. II a, b. This species was described from the Lower Cassidulilla ct. laevigata carillata C ushman, RAU , Te mblor Formation, lower Saucesian of eastern 1963 , p. 142, pI. 13 , fi gs . la, b, 2a, b . •e rn County, California. Though also reported Hypotype 4645 1, locality 0 -1608 . irom higher hori zons, the writers have as yet been Traces of a keel are found onl y in we ll preserved unable to corroborate such younger occurrences specimens. Apparently this variety is closely re­ (see Kleinpell , 1938, p. 302) . lated to C. crassipul1 ctata Cushman and Hobson and C. galvil1 ell sis Cushman and Fri zze ll , none of Siphogenerina transversa Cushman them known from hori zons older than Refu gian in Plate 4, fi gures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 the West Coast Ranges. iphogell erilla ra phallus (Parker and Jones) var. trails versus, CUSHMAN, 19 18, p. 64, pI. 22, Cassidulina subglobosa I-l . B. Brady fi g. 8. Plate 5, fi gures 4a-c iphogell erilla transversa Cushman, CUSHMA N and Cassidlililla sllbglobosa I-l. B. Brady, CUS HM AN, LA tMING , 193 1, p. 112, pI. 12, fi g. 13. CUSH­ 1929, p. 100, pI. 14, fi gs . Ila, b. K LEINPEL L, MAN and PARKER, 193 1, p. 10 ( in part ), pI. 2, 1938, p. 337. fi gs. 5, 6. CUSHMAN and BARBAT, 1932, p. 36. Hypotype 46452, locality 0- 1605. KL EINP ELL ill TA LIAFERRO and SCHEN CK, 193 3, p. 77. KLEINP ELL ill PAC KARD and KELLOGG, Family ROTALIIOAE 1934, p. 17. KLE INPELL, 1938, p. 305. RAU, Genus Valvulineria Cushman, 1926 195 1, p. 445, pI. 65 , fi gs. 25, 26. Valvnlineria casitasensis Cushman and Laiming Hypotypes 46446, 46447, 46448, locality 0 -1604; Plate 4, fi gures 12a-c ~49 , locality 0-1600; 46450, locality 0 -1605. Valvlllilleria casitasellsis CUSHMAN and LAIMING ,

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 FIGS. SPECIES TYPE No. MAG. Loc. No. PAGE la, b, c. A ll omalilla calilomiellsis Cushman and Hobson , 46460 63 X 0-1605 21 · b, c. Cibicides americal1lls var. crassiseptlls Cushman and Laiming 46462 7 1 X D-1 601 21 .33. b, c. Cibicides am ericalllls (Cushman ) 4646 1 I11 X 0-1599 21 · b, c. Cibicides wliellerstorfi (Schwager ) 46465 26 X 0-1600 22 :3. b, c. Cibicides pseudoungerialllls var. evollltlis Cushman and Hobson 46464 50 X 0 -1600 22 · b, c. Cibicides clilebrell sis (Cushman ) 46463 55 X D-1 604 22 20 B L ACUT AND K LEINPELL---PANAlrIA CANAL ZONE FORAMIN IFERA

1931, p. 113, pI. 13, fig . la-c. CUSHMAN and Rare in the La Boca material, this species is wide­ LEROY, 1938, p. 125, pI. 22, figs. 21a-c. KLEIN­ spread in the Zemorrian and Saucesian Stages of PELL, 1938, p. 311. the West Coast Ranges and in the deeper-water Hypotype 46453, locality D-1604. facies of the higher Relizian and Luisian and Hedberg (1937, p. 678) pointed out the close re­ Mohnian, with a close relative also at upper Eocene lationship between this species and the more in­ horizons (see Mallory 1959, p. 236). flated V. venezuelal1a of South America. The "Nol1ionina pallamaellsis" figured by Cush­ Genus Eponides Montfort, 1808 man (1918, p. 74, pI. 26, figs. la, b) from Panama Eponides all. aflinis (Gzjzek) may be conspecific. Many specimens of Valvulin­ Plate 4, fi gures lOa-c, lla-c eria casitasellsis approach bilateral symmetry and ?Eponides affinis (Czjzek), CUSHMAN and LAIMING, are nearly involute on both sides. 1931, p. 114, pI. 13, figs. 8a-c. This species is apparently ancestral to most of Hypotypes 46454, locality D-1604; 46455, local­ the Miocene valvulinerias of California, through ity D-1605. V. depressa to V. cali/ornica obesa , V. cali/omica A few specimens appear to be identical to Cush­ appressa, and V. cali/ornica cali/ornica, and through man and Laiming's species from the Lower Mem­ V. ornata to V. miocel1ica. In the Coast Ranges it ber of the type Rincon Shale (Upper Zemorrian of appears in the lower Zemorrian Stage and makes California ); but most of what appears to be a its last stand in the Plecto/rolldicularia miocenica single population show the sutures more Iimbate Zone, upper of the two Zones in the Lower Sub­ and ventrally more strongly arched to meet the stage of the Saucesian Stage. It may be of anomal­ periphery obliquely. Figure 11 is the typical form, id origin, through Cibicides hodgei Cushman and figure lO a smaller, apparently immature individual Schenck, rather than of rotalid (Discorbis ) origins; with more chambers per whorl, as in the earlier if so this lineage, which includes the genotype, stages of some of the broken larger specimens. would be parallel rather than cladal in relation to several other species assigned to Valvulil1 eria. In this connection it is of interest to note that the Eponides umbonatus (Reuss) " Valvulilleria cali/ornica zone," a Teilzone widely Eponides umbonatus (Reuss), CUSHMAN, 1929, p. used in the Coast Ranges, was originally termed the 98, pI. 14, figs. 8a-c. KLEINPELL, 1938, p. 322, "A Il omalilla zOll e" in local usage before Cushman pI. 6, figs. 9, 12. in 1926 described the form in reference as the geno­ Hypotype 46478, locality D-1605. type of Valvulilleria. Conceivably the living "A l1 om­ Widespread in the Paleogene of the West Coast atina grosserugosa" may be in the same lineage Ranges (see Mallory 1959, p. 239) and elsewhere, (and see Kleinpell 1938, p. 14) . this species is rare in the La Boca material.

Valvulineria depressa Cushman Genus Siphonina Reuss, 1850 Valvulilleria miocellica Cushman var. depressa Siphonina d. reticulata (Czjzek) CUSHMAN, 1926, p. 61 , pI. 9, figs. 7a-c. CUSH­ Plate 5, fi gures 2a-c, 3a-c MAN and PARKER, 1931, p. 11, pI. 2, figs. 8a-c. ?Siphollilla reticulata (Czjzek), CUSHMAN, 1918, p. Valvulilleria depressa Cushman, KLEINPELL, 1938, 72, pI. 24, fig . 5. pp. 311-312, pI. 9, figs. 22a-c; pI. 13 , figs. 5a-c. Hypotypes 46456, 46457, locality D-1604. Hypotype 46476, locality D-1606. The La Boca specimens of Siphonil1a agree fairly Specimens from the upper part of the La Boca well with Cushman's description of the species in sequence are conspecific with the widespread early Panama, although his figure of it is very indistinct. and middle Miocene West Coast Range species (see Two La Boca specimens are figured here. the discussion under V. casitasellsis above; see also Kleinpell 1938, p. 312). Genus Epistominella Husezima and Maruhasi, 1944 Epistominella (?) spp. Genus Gyroidina d'Orhigny, 1826 Very poorly preserved and very small specimens, Gyroidina soldanii d'Orhigny occurring sparingly in the upper part of the La Gyroidilla soldal1ii d'Orbigny, CUSHMAN and LAIM­ Boca sequence, apparently represent this genus. In­ lNG, 1931, p. 114, pI. 13, fig. 2a-c. CUSHMAN cluded are forms close to those figured as "Pulvillul­ and PARKER, 1931 , p. 11, pI. 2, figs. 9a, b. illella" parva and "P." subperuviana var. milluta by CUSHMAN and BARBAT, 1932, pp. 36-40. BAR­ Cushman and Laiming (1931, pp. 115-116, pI. 13, BAT and YON ESTORFF, 1933, p. 173 , pI. 26, figs. 5a-c, 6a-c) from the Rincon Shale of Los figs. 6a, b. KLEINPELL, 1938, pp. 316-317. Sauces Creek, Ventura County, California. Hypotype 46477, locality D-1599. Hypotypes 46479, 46480, locality D-1608. CONTHI BUTIOl':S FROM TH}<:; Ct;S H'i'J A:\f F OuNDATI ON FOR FORAMIN1FERAL RESEA RCH 21

Family AMPHISTEGINIDAE This form is less abundantly represented in the Genus Amphistegina d'Orbigny, 1826 La Boca material. Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny Plate 5, figure la-c Globigerina d . venezuelana Hedberg Amphislegilla lessollii d'Orbigny, H. B. BRADY, Rep. Hypotype 46471 , locality 0-1604. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. A compactly coiled and generally somewhat 740, pI. 111, figs. 1-7. larger form is common in the lower samples of the Hypotype 46458, locality 0-1605. measured section but becomes more scarce at the Cushman (1918, pp. 77-78) recorded this com­ higher horizons. Most of them seem very close to mon Tertiary species from the "Culebra forma­ Hedberg's species from Venezuela (Hedberg 1937, tion," Emperador limestone and Gatun formation, p. 681, pI. 92, fig . 7a, b.). but did not figure it.

Family GLOBIGERINIDAE Family ANOMALINIDAE Genus Globigerina d'Orbigny, 1826 Genus Anomalina d'Orbigny, 1826 From the Culebra (La Boca) and Gatun Forma- Anomalina californiensis Cushman and Hobson tions of Panama, Cushman (1918, pp. 64-67) re­ Plate 5, fi gures 6a-c; Plate 6, fi gures la-c orded-though he did not figure-the following ?Nollionina allomalilla CUS HMAN , 1918, p. 74, pI. -pecies of Globigerilla: G. bul/oides d'Orbigny, G. 26, figs. 2 a, b. dubia Egger, and G. inflala d'Orbigny; and, from Allomalina cali/oTlliellsis CUS HMAN and HOBSON , the Gatun, G. aequilaleralis H . B. Brady and G. 1935, p. 64, pI. 9, figs. 8a-c. KL EINP ELL, 1938, 50cclIlifera H . B. Brady. From elsewhere in the La p.346. Boca than the measured sequence of Las Cascadas Hypotypes 46459, locality 0-1604; 46460, local­ Reach, G. dissimilis Cushman and Bermudez, G. ity 0-1605. t G loborolaloides) Siller (Bolli), G lobigerilloides This species is common in the Zemorrian and trilobus (Reuss) and G. I. sacculi/er (Brady) have lower Saucesian Stages of the West Coast Ranges. reen recorded in the accompanying text. The glo- Tbe cassiduline growth-plan tendency of the last . gerinids in the measured La Boca sequence, two chambers, mentioned by Cushman, does not :hough abundantly represented, are consistently in appear in the La Boca specimens, though broken " poor state of preservation, and, as such, add little ultimate chambers (Pl ate 5, figure 6) can create , significance to the previous records. At least such an effect. ;our distinct species or varieties are recognisable, ranging throughout the measured section from ..rove the Emperador Limestone Member. Genus Cibicides Montfort, 1808 Cibicides americanus (Cushman) Globigerina bnlloides d'Orbigny Plate 6, figures 3a-c Hypotype 46466, locality 0-1613. Trllllcallllilla americalla CUS HMAN, 1918, p. 68, pI. The species sensll slriclo, with its highly inflated 23, figs . 2a-c. very loosely coiled chambers, is abundant in Cibicides americanlls (Cushman), CUSHMAN and of the samples from above the Emperador LAIMING, 193 I, p. 119, pI. 14, figs . 6a-c. CUSH­ eSlOne. MAN and PARK ER, 1931 , p. 15, pI. 3, figs. la-c. KLEINPELL, 1938, p. 352, pI. 8, figs. 13 a-c. Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny var. Hypotype 46461, locality 0-1599. Giobigerilla bill/aides d'Orbigny, CUSHMAN and In the West Coast Ranges this species is charac­ L..IM ING, 1931, p. 117, pI. 14, figs. 4a-c. teristic of faunas found in the Zemorrian, Saucesian, Hypotypes 46467, locality 0-1604; 46468, local- and Relizian Stages. 0-1613. -" more tightly coiled, more compact variety of pec ies appears to be the same as the one fig­ Cibicides americanus (Cushman) ...J from the Rincon Shale of California by Cush­ va r. crassiseptus Cushman and Laiming and Laiming. Plate 6, fi gures 2a-c Cibicides americalllls (Cushman) var. crassiseplus Globigerina conglomerata Schwager CUSHMAN and LAIMING, 1931 , p. 119, pI. 14, • 'gerilla conglomerala Schwager, CUSHMAN and figs. 7a-c. KL EINP ELL, 1938, pp. 352-353. l.AI MING, 1931 , p. 117, pI. 14, figs. 5a-c. Hypotype 46462, locality 0-1601. types 46469, locality 0-1604; 46470, local- In California this variety is recorded from the 0-1 613. Zemorrian and Lower Saucesian Stages only. 22 BLACUT AND KLEINPELL-PANAMA CANAL ZONE FORAMINIFERA

Cibicides culebrensis (Cushman) Hypotype 46464, Iocality D-1600. Plate 6, fi gures 6a-c This variety is widespread in the Zemorrian and Truncatu/ina culebrensis CUSHMAN, 1918, p. 70, pI. lower Saucesian Stages of the West Coast Ranges 24, figs. 4a, b. (see K1einpell 1938, p. 355, and Kleinpell and Hypotype 46463 , locality D-1604. Weaver 1963 , pp. 39-40). Rau's Cibicides cf. C. In their limbate, strongly raised sutures, which ungerianus evolutus Cushman and Hobson from fuse with a heavily "keeled" peripheral margin, and Alaska (Rau 1963, p. 143 , pI. 13, fig . 7a-c) appears in their tendency to develop umbilical bosses, larger to be the same variety. specimens of this species come to resemble super­ ficially small specimens of the bilaterally symmet­ Cibicides wuellerstorfi (Schwager) rical and bilaterally evolute operculinid often re­ Plate 6, figures 4a-c ferred to Opercu/ina ammonoides Gronovius. Truncatu/ina wuellerstorfi (Schwager), CUSHMAN, 1918, pp. 69-70, pI. 24, fig . 3. Cibicides pseudoungerianus (Cushman) Hypotype 46465, locality D-1600. ,·ar. evolutus Cushman and Hobson Though closely related to at least one species Plate 6, figure 5a-c from the Oligo-Miocene of California (sometimes Cibicides pseudoungerianus (Cushman) var. evo­ informally referred to as "C. cf. perlucida")' this lutus CUSHMAN and HOBSON, 1935, p. 64, pI. large species is otherwise unrecorded from the 9, figs. Iia-c. West Coast Ranges. 'Oi'TRIBUTIONS F'R01\1 TH E Ct:S H1\I A;..t FoeXDATIO!'\ FOR FORAM I !'\ IFJ!;RA L RESI-JARCH 23


ABSTRACT SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Based on a r eexamination of the original t ype speci. :nens. som e planktonic f oraminife r a l species of the CI'e· HedbergeIIa trocoidea (Gandolfi) taceou s are r edescribed and refigured, Most of these were nt roduced by Gandolfi in 194 2. Plate 7, figures I, 2 1942. A 1I 0malilla 10rl/eialla var. trocoidea GAN­ INTRODUCTION DOLFI, p. 99, pI. 2, fig . 2; pI. 4, figs. 2, 3; The objective of the present pa per is to discuss pI. 13, figs. 2, 5. and illustrate some of the type specimens of the 1958. Hedbergella trocoidea (Gandolfi) , BRON­ pecies of planktonic foraminifera introduced by NIMANN a nd BROWN, p. 16, fig. 1. Gandolfi in 1942. 1959. Hedbergella trocoidea (Gandolfi), KLAUS, Gandolfi was among the first authors to follow p. 792, pI. I , fig. 1. the evolution of planktonic foraminifera from the .... plian through the Turonia n. His thesis is a funda­ The speci men fi gured by Gandolfi on plate 2, fig­ mental paper for all students of open-marine depos- ure I has been lost. The specimen fi gured by the of this time interval. The species of planktonic same author on pl ate 4, figure 2 is herewith desig­ 'oraminifera introduced in 1942 by Gandolfi have nated as lectoty pe of the species (Naturhistorisches en found subsequently to be of worldwide strati­ Museum Basel, C 25550). graphical value. The present revision of some of Test medium-high to low trochospiral, composed these species is not intended to be critical of Gan­ of 16 to 22 oval to globular chambers arranged in o lfi's work. The authors of the present paper wish 2 y, whorls. Last-formed whorl with 7 to 9 cham­ to express their greatest respect for the pioneer bers which increase only slowly in size as added. ork represented by Gandolfi's thesis. Last chamber slightly protruding into the generally One of the authors (H.P.L.) of the present pa per fairly wide umbilicus. Aperture extra umbilical­ currently engaged in a revision of the Breggia umbilical; a low arch extending from the umbilicus 'ver section (Southern Switzerland) upon which towards the periphery. No supplementary apertures G andolfi based his investigation published in 1942. visible. A faint and narrow lip rarely observable. Co ncurrently, a restudy has been initiated of Gan­ The variability of the species is expressed by the dolfi's original collection deposited at the Museum height of the spire, the number of the chambers in f atural History, Basel (Switzerland). As it will the last-formed whorl and the intensity of the orna­ ;yobably be a considerable time until this project is mentation. In some of the topotypes, the inner mpleted and the final results published, it seems whorls are covered on the spiral side by thick irable to make available the present reillustra­ spines and pustules. :xm and discussion of Gandolfi's type specimens H edbergella trocoidea was first described by this time. Gandolfi as "Allomafilla 10rl/eialla var. trocoidea" With the kind help of Prof. Dr. J . Klaus, it was from level 14 of the Breggia-section. In 1958, ible to reillustrate some of Gandolfi's type spec­ Bronnimann and Brown chose this species as type­ ens. The figures were drawn by G. Papaux lnstitut de Geologie, Fribourg) under supervision species of the new genus Hedbergella. The authors one of the authors ( M.C.) . Profs. Dr. M . of the present paper agree with Klaus (1959) in in­ dchel, Dr. H. M. Bolli and Dr. 1. Sigal critically cluding forms described by Gandolfi as "A 1I 0mafilla =d the m anuscript and m ade m any useful sugges­ 10rl/eialla" in Hedbergella trocoidea. Praeglobo­ os. The authors are indebted to all of them for trullcalla rohri Bolli is a very similar species, but its ir kind cooperation. This project was supported last-formed chamber is not protruding into the part by the Swiss N ational Science Foundation. umbilicus. In the type assemblage of Hedbergella The arrangement of the species described fol­ trocoidea, these two species are linked by inter­ ·s the stratigraphic succession of their first oc­ mediate forms. The wall structure of Hedberge lla ence in the Breggia River section (see also Irocoidea has been described by Premoli Silva E'Rmoli Silva & Luterbacher, 1965, and text fig. I) . (1966, p. 225, pI. 2, fig . I). I ~

Rotalipora reicheli Praeglobotn.l"lcana- stephani -)( Ro~a:;..I...:;i p....;o.;,.ra---=g~a:;.n....;d:..:o.;;lf,;;,i i Rolalipora apenninica

Planomalina buxtorfi )0' Biticinella-x- breggiensis Rotalipora ticinensis x- Ticine-x-lla roberti _ (') ______~H~e~d~b~~~g~e~lI=a~tr~oc==o~id~e~a~ ______x x- :>­ oOJ Z :>- "v t" c: SOm ., l'l ~ :>­ (') eI: , l'l LllHOL .UNITS "Flysch" i "Scaglia rossa" : "Scaglia bianco " "Scaglia v(irieg<1ta" "Maio I ica" I , : , : ALBIAN , APTIAN SAAREMIAN OJ~ AGE ? I CENOMANIAN , , .,l'l :>­ TEXT FIGURE 1 (') ol'l Distribution of some planktonic foraminifers in the Breggia River section (Southern Switzerland) . Partly following Gandolfi, 1942. c: '"..., ~ rn ." l'l G z~ rn CONTRIBUT10N,' FR O ~l TH E C t..:S H~1 AN FOUNDATION FOR FORAl\U N JFERA L HESE AR CH 25

Ticinella roberti (Gandolfi) Planomalina buxtorfi (Gandolfi) Plate 7, fi gure 3 Plate 8, fi gure 5 1942. Plalllllilla bllxtor{i GANDOLFI , p. 103-104, 1942. A Il omalilla roberti GANDOLFI, p. 100-10 I, text fig. 35 (1-11); pI. 3, fi g. 7; pI. 5, figs. fig. 22; pI. 2, fig. 2; pI. 4, figs. 5-7; pI. 13, 4, 5; pI. 6, fi gs. 1-4; pI. 8, fig. 8; pI. 9, fi g. fi gs. 3, 6. 2; pI. 13 , fi g. 13. 19 50. C lobotrllllcalla (Ticillel/a) roberti (Gan­ 1946. Plallomalilla apsidostroba LO EBLI CH and dolfi), REICH EL, p. 600-603, text figs. I, 2. TAPPAN, p. 285, pI. 37, figs. 22, 23. 19 59 . Rotalipora (Ticinel/a) roberti (Gandolfi ), 1959. Plallomalilla bllxtor{i (Gandolfi ), KLAUS, KLAUS, p. 803 , pI. I, fig. 3. p. 829-30, pI. 8, fig . 5. 1966. Ticillel/a roberti (Gandolfi), SIGAL, p. 203- 1966. Labroglobigerillel/a spectrum-bllxtor{i (Gan­ 207, pI. 4, figs. 10-12; pI. 5, figs. 1-4. dolfi, 1942) et Sigal, SIGA L, p. 26, pI. 4, Holotype: Gandolfi (1942), pI. 2, fig . 2, desig­ figs. 1-5. naled by the author. (The same specimen also was Holotype: Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 3, fig . 7, designated fi gured by Gandolfi on pI. 4, fig . 5). (Naturhis­ by the author. (Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, IOrisches Museum Basel, C 25551). C25553). Recently, this species has been described and dis­ Test planispiral, flattened. Last whorl composed .:ussed extensively by Sigal (1966). of 8 to 12 chambers which increase slowly in size The supplementary apertures, which are very as added. Tendency towards uncoiling in last­ istinct on well preserved topotypes and have been formed chamber. Sutures and marginal double keel d in the generic diagnosis, are hidden in the raised and parily beaded or nodose. Aperture a bolotype by the sediment which fi ll s the umbilicus. low median arch. In well preserved topotypes, the In order to avoid any risk of damaging the test, no lateral portions of the aperture visible as supple­ u lempt was made to clean the type specimen. The mentary apertures. 11 11 structure of topotypes of Ticillel/a roberti The umbilici of the somewhat smoothed and pol­ been described recently by Premoli Silva ( 1966, ished holotype are filled by sediment and therefore _ 225, pI. 2, fig. 5). no supplementary apertures are visible.

Biticinella breggiensis (G3ndolfi) Rotalipora ticinensis (Gandolfi) Plate 7, fi gure 4 Plate 8, fi gure 6 I 42. A Il omalilla breggiellsis GANDOLFI, p. 102- 1942. C lobotrllllcalla ticill ells;s GANDOLFI, p. 113- 103, text figs. 34 (1-4); pI. 3, fig. 6; pI. 5, 115, pI. 2, fi g. 3; pI. 4, figs . 10, 11,23; pI. 5, fig . 3; pI. 9, fig . 1; pI. 13, figs. 7, 8. figs . 2, 4; pI. 8, figs. 4-7; pI. 12, fig . 1; pI. 13 , 56 . Biticillel/a breggiensis (Gandolfi), SIGAL, figs. 11 , 12, 14; text fig. 39. p. 35-36, text fig.!. 1950. Clobotrllllcalla (Thalmannillel/a) ticillellsis I 62. Biticillel/a breggiellsis (Gand olfi ), LUTER­ Gandolfi), REI CHEL, p. 603-604, pI. 16, fig. BACHER and PREMOLI SILVA, p. 272-274, pI. 3; pI. 17, fig . 3. 22, figs. 2-4. 1959. Rotalipora ( Thalmallllillel/a) ticillellsis ti­ Ticillel/a spectrum-breggiellse (Gandolfi, cinellsis (Gandolfi), KLAUS, p. 804, pI. 2, 1942) et Sigal, SIGAL, p. 192-195, pI. 1, figs. fig . !. 1-10; pI. 2, fig . 2. Holotype: Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 2, fig. 3, designated by the author. (Naturhistorisches Museum, C Holotype: Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 3, fig . 6, desig­ 25554) . oed by the author. (Naturhistorisches Museum Test low trochospiral, composed of 14 to 16 I, C 25552) . chambers arranged in 2 Yz whorls. Last whorl with This species has been discussed by Sigal (1966) 7 to 9 chambers which increase only very slowly in Luterbacher and Premoli Silva (1962). Argu­ size as added. Sutures on spiral side raised and for the validity of the genus (or subgenus) beaded in older portion of the test, depressed be­ . ill ella are given in these two papers. tween the 3 to 4 last-formed chambers. Main aper­ The specimen representing the holotype has a ture a low umbilical-extraumbilical arch, occasion­ lbed and polished surface. The supplementary ally with a faint lip. Supplementary apertures, as Ufes and the coarse pores which are charac­ typical for the genus, at lbe umbilical end of z:::1stic of the species cannot be observed. In lateral the sutures. _ the holotype appears slightly asymmetrical The holotype is poorly preserved; no supplemen­ :.c:2Il!ie of the hidden trochospiral arrangement of tary apertures are vi sible. The last two chambers chambers. Intermediate specimens demonstrat­ show only a faint indication of a keel. the Iransition between Ticillel/a and Biticinel/a The lectotype of Rotalipora subticill ellsis (Gan­ I' esent in the type sample. dolfi) has been lost. 26 CARON AND L UTERBACHER- CRETACEOUS TYPE SPECll\1ENS

Praeglobotruncana stephani (Gandolfi) 1957. Clobolrlll/cal/a ( R olalipora) apel/I/il/ica bal­ Plate 8, figure 7 emael/sis GANDOLFI, p. 60, pI. 8, fig. 9. 1959. R otalipora (Thalmal/I/il/ella) appel/I/il/ica 1942. Clobotrlll/cal/a stephal/i GANDOLFI, p. 130- balernael/sis (Gandolfi), KLAUS, p. 808, pI. 133 , pI. 3, figs. 3, 4 ; pI. 4, figs. 36, 37, 41- 3, fi g. 2. 44; pI. 6, figs. 4, 6; pI. 9, figs. 5, 8; pI. 14, 1961. R otalipora balemaellsis (Gandolfi), LOEB­ fig. 2. LICH and TAPPAN, p. 297, pI. 8, fig . 11. 1950. C lobotrul/cal/a ~ Clobotrlll/cal/a) stephal/i 1962. ROlalipora appellllil/ica appenl/illica (Renz), Gandolfi, REICHEL, p. 608-609, pI. 16, fig . LUTERBACHER and PREMOLI SILVA, p. 266- 6; pI. 17, fig . 6. 268, pI. 19, fi gs. 1,2; pI. 20, fi gs. 1-4; pI. 21, 1953. R otlil/dil/a stephal/i (Gandolfi), SUBBOTIN A, figs. 1-4. p. 165-166, pI. 2, figs. 5-7; pI. 3, fig. 1. 1957. C lobotrlll/cal/a (C lobotrlll/Ca lla?) stephal/; Lectotype: O. Renz, 1936, p. 14, fi g. 2 (specimen G andolfi, GANDOLFI, p. 62, pI. 9, fig. 3. on left side) , designated by P . Marie, 1948. (Col­ 1959. Praeglobotrlll/cal/a stephal/i stephal/i (Gan­ lection O. Renz, Naturbistorisches Museum Basel). dolfi) , KLAUS , p. 794-795; pI. 6, fig. 1. ROlalipora apellllillica was erected by O. Renz in 1961 . Praeglobotrlll/cal/a stephal/i (Gandolfi), 1936 on the basis of tbin sections only. Isolated LOEBLICH and TAPPAN, p. 284-290, pI. 6, topotypes of this species were described and figured fig . 1. by Luterbacher and Premoli Silva (\962). These Holotype : Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 3, fig. 4, desig­ autbors demonstrated that the topotypes of R Olali­ nated by the autbor. (Naturbistoriscbes Museum pora apel/llil/ica correspond to tbe form wbich was Basel, C 25555). named Clobotrlll/cal/a apelll/il/ica var. alpha [= Test trocbospiral, composed of 12 to 14 cham­ Clobotrul/cal/a ( R otalipora) apellllillica balerna­ bers arranged in 2 Y:z whorls. Last wborl formed el/sis] whicb was given specific rank by subsequent by 5 to 7 chambers wbici:. increase gradually in size autbors (e.g., Loeblich and Tappan, 1957) . The as added. Umbilicus deep and narrow. Aperture form described by G andolfi in 1942 as Clobolrlll/­ a low extra umbilical-umbilical arch, witb a distinct cal/a apel/I/il/ica var. typica [= Clobotrllllcal/a (Ro­ talipora apellllil/ica apel/llil/ica in Gandolfi, 1957] lip. In well preserved specimens, remains of tbe lips of the apertures of earlier cbambers possibly differs in its morphology and stratigraphic distri­ visible in the umbilicus. Peripbery lobate. Sutures bution from the topotypes of R otalipora apel/I/inica between older chambers raised and beaded, be­ (see a lso Klaus, 1959, p. 809). Therefore, a new tween youngest 2 to 3 cbambers smooth or de­ name was given to this form: R otalipora appel/­ pressed. Keel well developed in earlier cbambers lIil/ica galldolfii Luterbacber and Premoli, 1962. of tbe last wborl, in youngest cbambers faintly in­ This taxon now is considered to be of specific rank. R otalipora apellllil/ica (Renz) differs from R o­ dicated or missing. talipora gal/dolfii mainly in being less tightly coiled, In the holotype, tbe aperture is bidden by sediment. in being more fl attened, and in the gentle sloping of Tbe type-specimen of Praeglobotrul/cal/a stephal/i the umbilical shoulders of the elongate youngest turbil/ata ( Reicbel) bas been lost. two chambers into the shallow umbilicus. The holotype of R otalipora balemael/sis (= R o­ Rotalipora apenninica (R enz) talipora apellllil/ica) is well preserved. Plate 8, figure 8 The correct spelling of the trivial name is "apel/­ 1936. Clobotrllllcal/a appel/I/illica RENZ, p. 14, lIil/ica" (Latin : apellllilliclIS) and not "appellllillica" fi g. 2. (Italian: appellllillico) (see ICZN, art. 32). 1942. Clobolrlll/cal/a apelll/il/ica var. alpha GAN­ DOLFI, p. 117, fig . 40. Rotalipora gal1dolfii Luterbach er and Premoli Silva 1950. Clobotrlll/cal/a (Rolalipora) apel/I/illica var. Plate 9, fi gure 9 alpha Gandolfi, REICH EL, p. 604-607, figs. 1942. Clobotrlll/Calla apellllil/ica var. typica GAN­ 3,4. DOLFI, p. 116-123, fig. 43 (2,3); pI. 2, fig.

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 FIGS. PAG E la-c. ~Wti)~,e/~ ~ff%~ta ~?~~~~ I~ ).~~~~ ~~~~i~~~ as ~~~~~ .~~ . ?~~~~I~~ 1942, pI. 4, fig. 3 23 2a-c. Hedbergella trocoidea (Gandolfi). Same specimen as fignred by Gandolfi 1942 " ;I"" 4 "" fi ~ '''2 ' lectotype. (NHMB C 25550) ...... ' ...... ~...... : . '...... ~ 23 3a-c. Tlclllelia robert; (Gandolfi). Same specimen as figured by Gandolfi 1942 pI 2 fi 2 d pI. 4, fig. 5, holotype. (NHMB C 25551) ...... ': .:~ : ~ ~ 25 4a-c. ~~:~~~~~~ t~efrt;~sg i~5~~d)~I~~ : ...~ . ~. ~~ .. specimen as figu~ed~~ ~and~I~~~~~~,~I:~~fig. 6, 25 CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 7



o 0,5 mm LI__ -L __ ~ __~ __~I __-JI Caron and Luterbacher: Cretaceous Type Specimens CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 8

50 5e


o 0,5 mm I Caron and Luterbacher: Cretaceous Type Specimens CONTRIBUTIONS FRO).1 TH E CCSHMAS FOCl\I)ATI ON FOR FORAl\ll );, IPER AL RESEARCH 27

6; pI. 4, figs. 13, 14; pI. 9, fig. 6; pI. 12, figs . var. gamma from Rotalipora reicheli. An examina­ 4-6 ; pI. 14, figs. 3, 4. tion of topotypes of Rotalipora reicheli and Clobo­ 1950. Clobotruncalla (Rotalipora) apellllll1lCa trullcana apellllillica var. gamma, however, allows Renz, REICHEL, p. 604-607; pI. 16, fig. 4; the inclusion of Rotalipora marchigiana in the range pI. 17, fig . 4. of variability of Rotalipora reicheli. 1957. Clobotrullcalla (Rotalipora) apellllllllca The well preserved redrawn specimen was fig­ apellllillica Renz, GANDOLFI, p. 60, pI. 9, ured by Gandolfi (1942) in text figs. 41 and 42. fig. 1. 1961. R otalipora appellllillica (Renz), LOEBLICH Glabatruncana renzi Gandolfi and TAPPAN, p. 296-297, pI. 7, figs. II, 12. Plate 9, fi gure 12 i 962. Rotalipora appellninica galldollii LUTER­ 1942 . Clobotrullcalla rell zi G ANDOLFI , p. 124-125, BACH ER and PREMOLI SILVA, p. 267-268, pI. pI. 3, fig. I ; pI. 4, fig . 16; 11 0 11 p. 124, fi g. 45. 19, fi g. 3. 1957 . Clobotrullcalla coldreriellsis GAN DOLFI , p. Holotype: Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 2, fig . 5, desig­ 64; pI. 9, fig . 7 ( = Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 3, nated by Luterbacher and Premoli Si lva, 1962, p. fig. 1). 267. (Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, C 25557) . 1963 . Clobotrullcalla ( C lobotrullcalla) rell zi rell zi For remarks see Rotalipora apellllillica. Gandolfi, VA N HINTE, p. 66, pI. 2, fi gs. I, 2. In the original publication, Gandolfi fi gured two Rotalipora reich eli (Marn ad) different species as C 'obotrullcalla rell zi ( p. 124, Plate 9, fi gure 10 fi g. 45 and pI. 3, fi g. I) . [The section fi gured (pI. 19 42. Clobotrullcalla apellllillica var. gamma, 10, fig. 2) belongs probably to the group Praeglo­ GANDOLFI, p. 116-123, fig . 41 (I) ; fig. 42 botrullcalla stephalli]. In the text, no holotype was (J); fig. 44 (3, 4); pI. 6, fig. 6. designated . In Gandolfi's collection, however, the 1950. Clobotrullcalla (Rotalipora) r e i c h e li specimen fi gured on pI. 3, fig . 1 (Naturhistorisches MORNOD, p. 583, fig. 5 (4) ; fig. 6 (1-6); pI. Museum Basel, C 25560) was labelled as the holo­ 25, figs. 3, 4. type, but, following strictly the rules of zoological 1953. R otalipora reicheli Mornod, SUBBOTINA, p. nomenclature, the specimen figured in first place 162-164, pI. 2, figs. 3, 4. should be considered as the holotype. 1959. R o t a lip 0 r a (TJwlmallllillella) reicheli The authors have discussed extensively this nom­ ( Mornod), KLAUS, p. 806-808, fig . 7 (3) ; enclatorial problem with M. Reichel and J. Sigal pI. 4, fig . 2. who agree that the specimen figured by Gandolfi on 1961. Rotalipora marciligialla BORSETTI, p. 36-37 ; p. 124, fig. 45 is too badly preserved to serve as a figs. 34-37, 48, 49 ; pI. 4, fig. 2. holotype. The drawing by Gandolfi is somewhat Holotype: Mornod, 1950, fig. 5 (4), designated idealized. A reexamination of this specimen (pI. 3, y the author. fig. II, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel , C 25559) This species was first described by Mornod from indicates that: e Upper Cenomanian of the Prealpes Romandes 1. the preservation of the specimen is poor. Western Switzerland) . This author included in The last-formed chamber is crushed and - is species the forms described in 1942 by Gan­ covered by an agglomeration of calcite .:3o lfi as Clobotrullcalla apellllillica var. ga mma. crystals which also invades the umbilicus. T he distinguishing characteristics of R otalipora 2. the specimen represents an intermediate -richeli were extensively discussed by Klaus (1959, form, either C 'obotrullcalla praecoll covata - _ 07) . The main features of the species are the or a juvenile specimen of C 'obolrtlllcQ/w =ncated chambers and the well ornamented um­ concavala which has not yet acquired the . al shoulders which tend to be turned outward. aduH number of chambers. Several char­ .-\ new name, Rotalipora marchigialla, was intro­ acters contribute to this: delicate double :eel by Borsetti (1961) to distinguish the forms keel with parallel branches, flattened spiral = ri bed by Gandolfi as Clobotrullcalla apellllillica side, strongly convex umbilical side with

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 PAGE Plallomalilla buxtorli (Gandolfi). Same specimen as figured by Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 3, fig. 7, holotype. (NHMB C 25553)...... 25 Rotalipora ticillellsis (Gandolfi). Same specimen as figured by Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 2, fig. 3, holotype. (NHMB C 25554) ...... 25 Praeglobotrullcalla stephalli (Gandolfi). Same specimen as figured by Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 3, fig. 4, holotype. (NHMB C 25555). . " '"...... 26 Rotalipora apellllillica (Renz) . Same specimen as figured by Gandolfi, 1942, p. 117, fig. ·lOa-c. (NHMB C 25556)...... 26 28 CARON A~ D L CTERBACHER- CR ETACEOUS T YPE SP E CIl\iENS

inflated chambers. On the fi gure given by chamber contoured by the lower branch of the keel, Gandolfi, the umbilical side is represented which passes, after a sigmoidal refl ection, into the too schematicall y: it shows a sigmoid al, thickened periphery of the um bilicus. T he carenal raised, reflected ventral keel reaching the band of the internal whorls forming a more or less periphery of the umbilicus in the sutures narrow double keel, often observable onl y in thin between the chambers; in fact, onl y a few section, but possibl y persisti ng on the oldest cham­ pustules can be observed at the periphery bers of the last-fo rmed whorl. In well preserved of the umbilicus of the third chamber of specimens, apertures covered by small and delicate the youngest whorl. lips which may extend in to the umbilicus. In pe­ The authors of the present paper reject this am­ ripheral view, test biconvex and more or less un­ biguous and controversial specimen as the holotype symmetrical. Spiral side slightly to strongly convex for a widely used species having great strati graphic owing to the more or less inflated spiral surfaces of imporlance. the chambers. On the other hand, a reexamination of the sec­ R em arks.-The um bilicus of the holotype is fill ed ond specimen fi gured by Gandolfi (1942, pI. 3, fi g. wi th sediment. C lobo/rullcall a arara/ica Marti ros­ I ) as C lobo/runcana renzi indicates that: jan ( 1958, p. 15- 16, fig . 2 ) mi ght be a junior syno­ I. although the drawing by Gandolfi is slight­ nym of Clobo/rull calla rell zi. The speci men fi gured ly schematic, the main fe atures which by the sa me author on pI. 4, fi g. I is probably a characterize C lobo/runcana rell zi as a well C lobo/rullcall a praecollcava/a or a juvenile speci­ defined and independent species are well men of C lobo/rullcana cOll cava/a closely resem­ represented . The youngest chamber is bling the specimen fi gured by Gand olfi ( 1942, fi g. crushed and no true keel can be observed. 45) as C lobO/rill/ cali a renzi. The previous chambers possess, however, The holotype of C lobo/rIlll calla allgus/icarilla/a the narrow double keel with its bifurcation Gand olfi, 1942 , has bee n lost. The specimens la­ at the base of the next-formed chamber. belled as "ClabO/rill/ cali a allgus/icaril/a/a" in Gan­ 2. the majority of the authors describing dolfi's collection generall y have fewe r chambers C lobo/rullca ll a rell zi have referred to this (6) than those fi gured by the author. Specimens specimen. Moreover, in 1957, Gandolfi intermediate to C lobo/rIIl/ calla rell zi are frequent. designated this specimen as the holotype In typical representati ves of C lobo/rul/calla allgus/i­ of C lobo/rullcana coldreriensis, an inva li d carina/a, the spiral side is more convex th an the new name for Clobo/runcalla rellzi Gan­ um bil ical side owing to the inflation of the spiral dolfi , 1942 (see editorial note in "Cata­ surface of the chambers. The two keels are dis­ logue of Foraminifera," supplement 1958, tinct, but very close at the proximal septum of each no. 2) . chamber. They are bi furcating and distinctly sep­ arated at the base of the next younger cbamber. Consequently, the authors of the present paper Tbe type level of C lobo/rllncalla rell Z; and Clo­ consider the specimen fi gured by Gandolfi , 1942, bo/rullcalla allgus/icarilla/a is given as "Flysch, pI. 3, fi g. I (Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, C Cava di Scabriana near Coldrerio (Ct. Ticino, 25560) as the lectotype of Clobo/rullcalla rell zi. Southern Switzerland)". The age of the Flysch Description ( in part following Gandolfi, 1942, deposits of the Mendrisiotto is given as Turonian p. 124): by Gandolfi . The type locali ty, "Cava di Scabri­ Older whorl s double keeled or with rows of pus­ ana," has been destroyed by the constructi on of the tules suggesting a double keel, last fo rmed whorl Chiasso-Luga no highway. A preliminary reexami­ single keeled. Imperforate carenal band pustulate, nation of the faunas collected by Vonderschmitt slightly oblique or undulated. On umbilical side, and Gandolfi from this locality indicates a Late chambers convex and somewhat elongate as in C lo­ Turonian to Earl y Senoni an age. A more detailed bo/rullcalla linllei. Umbilicus wide and deep. Each study of these microfaunas and of supplementary

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 FIGS. PAGE 9a-c. R o/alipora galldollii Luterbacher and Premoli Silva. Same specimen as fi gured by Gandolfi 1942, pI. 2, fi g. 5, holotype. (NHMB C 25557 ) ...... ~ 26 IDa-c. Ro/alipora reicheli (Marnod ). Same specimen as fi gured by Gandolfi, 1942, p. 11 8, fig. 41 ( 1) and p. 11 9, fi g. 42 ( I ) . (NHMB C 25558)...... 27 11 a-d. C lobo/rullca l/ a sp. Same specimen as fi gured by Gandolfi, 1942, p. 124, fig . 45. (NHMB C 25559)...... 27 12a-c. C lobo/runcana renz; Gandolfi. Same specimen as fig ured by Gandolfi, 1942, pI. 3, fig . 1, lectotype. (NHMB C 25560) ...... 27 CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 9

/ - --..., .... - --~'" ---- .

O,smm I

Caron and Luterbacher: Cretaceous Type Specimens CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 10

Bhatt: Planktonic Foraminifera of India CO)."TR IBUTIOKS FROM THE: CUSHMAN FOUNDATION FOR FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH 29 samples originating from temporary outcrops un­ Guhbio, Italie: Ri v. itali ana Paleontologia, v. , overed in the Flysch deposits during the construc­ 68, no. 2, p. 253-288, 3 fi gs., pI s. 19-23. tion of the Chiasso-Lugano hi ghway is planned. MAR IE, P., 1948, A propos de Rosalillella cushmani (Morrow): Soc. geol. France, Comptes rendus REFERENCES somm., no. 2, p. 39-42. BO LLI, H . M. , 1959, Planktonic Foramini fera from MARTIROSJAN, J. A., 1958, Les Clobo/rullca lla des the Cretaceous of Trinidad, B.W.I. : Bull. depots du Cretace de la partie sud-occidentale Amer. Paleontology, v. 38, no. 179, p. 253- de 1a R.S.S. d'Armenie: Izvestija Akad. Nauk 278, pI s. 20-23 . Armen SSR, v. II, no. 6, p. 7- 17, 4 pIs. (tra­ BO LLI , H. M. , LOEBLlCH, A. R., JR ., and TAPPAN , duction S. Sigal, IFP ref. no. 8978) . H. , 1957, Planktonic foraminiferal families MORNoD, L., 1950, Les Globorotalides du Cretace Hant keninidae, Orbulinidae, G loborotaliidae superieur du Montsalvens (Prealpes fribourg­ and G lobotruncanidae, in Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., eoises) : Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 42, p. 573- et aI., Studies in Foramini fera: U.S. Natl. Mus. 596, 14 figs., pI. 15 . Bull. 215, p. 3-50, figs . 1-9 , pIs. I-II. PREMOll SILVA, I., La struttura della parete di al­ BORSETTI, A. M., 1962, Foraminiferal pl anctonici cuni Foraminiferi pl anctonici: Eclogae geol. di una serie cretace a dei dintorni di Piobhico Helvetiae, v. 59, p. 2 19-234, 6 figs., 3 pIs. ( Prov. di Pesaro): Giorn. Geol., v. 26, p. 19- PR EMO LI SILVA , I. , and LUTERBACHER, H ., 1965, 75, figs. 1-8, pIs. 1-7. Kreide und Pliocaen der Umgebung von Bal­ BRONNIMANN , P., and BROWN , N. K ., JR. , 1956, erna (SUd-Tessin): Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol. Taxonomy of the Globotruncanidae: Eclogae Geol. u.-Ing., v. 31 , no. 81, p. 160- 178,9 figs. geol. Helvetiae, v. 48, p. 503-562, 24 fi gs., pI s. REI CHEL, M., 1950, Observations sur les C lobo­ 20-24. trtlllcana du gisement de la Breggia (Tessin): - --, 1958, Hedbergella, a new name for a Cre­ Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 42, p. 596-617, 7 taceous planktonic foraminiferal genus: Wash­ figs., pIs. 16, J 7. ington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 48, p. 15-17, I fi g. RENz, 0 ., 1936, Stratigraphische und mikropata­ ELLIS , B. F ., and MESSINA , A. R., 1958, Catalogue ontologische U ntersuchung der Scaglia (Obere of Foraminifera, supplement 1958, no. 2. Kreide-Tertiar) im zentralen Apennin : Eclogae G.\NDOLFI, R., 1942, Ricerche micropaleontologiche geol. Helvetiae, v. 29, p. 1-1 49, 14 figs., 15 pIs. e stratigrafiche sulla Scaglia e su I Flysch creta­ SIGAL, J., 1956, Notes micropaleontologiques nord­ cici dei dintorni di Balerna (Canton Ticino) : africaines. 4. Biticillella breggiellsis (Gandolfi) , Riv. ltaliana Paleontologia, Mem. 4, 160 p. , nouveau morpho genre : Soc. geol. France, 14 pIs. Comptes rend us somm., no. 6, p. 35 -3 7, I fig. ---, 1957, Notes on some species of Clobo­ - --, 1966, Contribution it une monographie des trllllcalla: Cushman Found. Foram. Research Rosalines. I. Ie genre Ticinella Reichel, souche Contr., v. 8, pI. 2, p. 59-65, pI s. 8-9. des Rotalipores : Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, p. "LA US, J ., 1959, Le 'Complex schi steux intermedi­ 185-218, 6 pIs. aire' dans Ie sy nclinal de la Gruyere (Prealpes ---, 1966, Le concept taxinomique de spectre: medianes) : Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 52, p. Mem. hors-serie Soc. geol. France, no. 3, 148 753-852, 9 figs., 8 pIs. p., 10 pIs. lOEBLlCH, A. R., JR., and TAPPAN , H., 1946, New SUBBOTINA, N. N., 1953 , Fossil Foraminifera of Washita Foraminifera: Jour. Paleontology, v. the USSR. Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae and 20, p. 238-258, pIs. 35-3 7. Globorotaliidae: Trudy VNIGRI, n.s., no. 76, ---, and , 1961, Cretaceous planktonic 296 p., 8 figs., 41 pIs. (in Russian). Foraminifera: Part I - Cenomanian: Micropa­ VAN HINTE, J . E ., 1963, Zur Stratigraphie und Mi­ leontology, v. 7, no. 3, p. 257-304, 8 pIs. kropalaontologie der Oberkreide und des Eo­ lL"TE ROAC HER, H. P., and PR EMOLI SILVA, I. , 1962, zans des Krappfeldes (Karnten): Jahrb. Geol. Note preliminaire sur une revision du profil de Bundesansl. Wien, Sonderbd . 8, 147 p. , 24 pIs.

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 IGS. PAGE la- b. C lobigerilla bulloides d'Orbigny. a, umbilical view; b, spiral view. X86 ...... 3 I 2a-c. C lobigerilla calida Parker. a, umbilical view; b, spiral view; c, edge view. X77 . . 31 3a-c. Clobigerilla quillqueloba Natland. a, umbilical view; b, spiral view; c, edge view. X 124. 3 1 ~a-c. Clobigerilla cf. parabulloides Blow. a, umbilical view; b, spiral view; c, edge view. X82. 31 :3'~1 8a-c. Clobigerilla pachyderm a (Ehrenberg). 5a and 8a, umbilical views; 5b and 8b, spiral views; 5c and 8c, edge views. 5a-c, X82; 8a-c, X 11 9 ...... 31 -c, 7a-c. C lobigerilla sp. A. 6a and 7a, umbilical views; 6b and 7b, spiral views; 6c and 7c, edge views. 6a-c, X 122; 7a-c, X 153...... 31 30 BHATT-PLANKTO;.;' l C FORA~lI NIF ERA OF INDIA


ABSTRACT planktonic foraminifera, whicb by no means in­ Fifteen species of modern planktonic foraminlfe ,"a are cludes all the forms inhabiting tbe modern oceans. record ed from a sample from the outer s helf region off Good preservation of individual specimens and tbe the east coast of India. The occurrence in the assemblage of colder-water spec ies. corresponding in general to those clarity of their structural details are some of tbe in tempenlle waters of the present oceans, has been in­ factors that led the autbor to document tbem. ferred to show the result of glac ial advance dudng the Pleistocene and in part, at least, the relict nature of the recovered fauna. However. the presence of warm water species as well indicates a mixing of planktonic (aunas from different climatic zones. The postulation that the mixing might have been continuous from the P leistocene to the present day seems most logical. The mixing of taunas du ring P leistocene times has been attribu ted to the CALCUTTA actlon of ocean currents. INDIA •

INTRODUCTION VISHAKHAPATNAM A perusal of published literature on foraminifera MADRAS from India makes it apparent that the pl anktonic group of these organisms has drawn little attention of Indian workers. Very recently, however, certain students in the field have endeavoured to set right certain stratigraphic problems concerning Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments C'f South India, basing their observations mainly on planktonic foraminifera. TEXT FIGURE 1 There is still, however, a complete lack of record Map sbowing tbe location of Vishakhapatnam of living pl anktonic foraminifera from the oceanic regions surrounding the Indian Peninsula. Regard­ A large literature bas accumulate:! in recent ing the shelf sediments foraminifera of this region, years concerning the distribution, ecology and mor­ mention may be made of the paper by Ganapati and phologic variation of recent planktonic foramini­ Satyavati ( 1958). But these authors, apart from fera. The waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans listing a few planktonic species as well as ben­ have been scanned most thoroughly. thonic species of foraminifera, have attempted no One of the earliest contributions in this regard ecologic interpretation. This fact, coupled with an was made by Wiseman and Ovey (1950). Emiliani idea that sucb studies besides being of academic in­ (1954) studied tbe living populations of pl anktonic terest may bave an important bearing on future foraminifera from the Gulf of Mexico, tbe equa­ more detailed works, has led the author to carry out torial Atlantic and the eastern equatorial Pacific tbe present initial study, an endeavour on tbe part and recorded significant observations regarding of the author to record objective data. depth adjustments of such foraminiferal popula­ The material studie:l (text fig . I ) was collected tions in respect to temperature and water density. from tbe outer shelf region off the east coast of Bradshaw (1959) , Parker (1960), Smith (1963 ) India, and constitute boaom sediment from a and otbers have made important contributions to deptb of 71 fatbom . Tbe exact spot of the sample our knowledge regarding the present-day distribu­ collection is nearly 25 miles from the town of tion and ecology of planktonic foraminifera in tbe Vi shakhapatnam (l7 ° 44 ~ . 30 16'E), roughly in a Pacific Ocean. Parker (1962) has studied extensive­ soutbeasterly direction. ly tbe bottom sediments of the South Pacific and The material bas yielded a ric h assemblage of has brought to record many new facts. Similar studies have been carried out by Phleger, Publis hed by the I)ermission o !" the DirectOr of Geology. Parker and Peirson (1953), Be (1959, 1966), and Oi l a nd Natural Gas Comm i ion. India. others for the Atlantic Ocean. ' -iew s eXPI·essed in the paper an? Ihv:.e o f the author. and not necessarily of the Oil and ~ at ral Ga ~i Com­ In addition, deep-sea bottom cores have been the =-ission. subject of many important published reports. By \ 'O ~ TH J BU TJ O N S FROM THE CUSHMAN FOGN DAT ION F OR FORAMIN IF ERAL RESg AHCH 31

-omparing the pl anktonic foraminiferal species re­ very slightly embracing chambers. The last whorl overed from diffe rent horizons of these cores with invari ably consists of 4 chambers with total num­ the we ll-studied zonal distribution of planktonic ber of chambers varying between 10 and 12. The foraminifera in present day oceans, interesting pat­ equatorial profile is subquadrate and the equatorial terns in the earth's climatic flu ctuations during the periphery is lobulate. The shape of the chambers Pleistocene glacial epoch have been deduced. remains constant with progressively increasing size . .-\mo ng the more important publications that can Occasionall y, however, the last chamber is equal in mentioned in this regard are those of Stubhings size or very slightly smaller th an the penultimate j 1937) , Phleger ( 1939, 1947 ), Arrhenius ( 1952), chamber. The dorsa l sutures are curved to sub­ hott ( 1952 ), Emiliani (1 955 , 1957), Ericson and rad ial and the ventral sutures are radial. The um­ Wollin ( 1956a, 1956b ), Todd (1 958), and Parke r bilicus is moderately wide and shallow. The aper­ 11958). ture is a low arch, sometimes covered considerably SYSTEMATICS by an apertural lip, which to a lesser degree is The taxonomy of Parker ( 1962) has been fol­ present in all the specimens. The test size varies :owed. The synonymy list is not complete; onl y the from 0.24 mm. to 0.47 mm. in maxim um diameter. ~ pe reference is given, as we ll as certain other references of immediate interest. Remarks con­ Globigerina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) .-erning morphological variation have been incl uded Plate 10, fi gures 5a·c, 8a·c -or those species for which a large number of in­ A risterospira pa c II y d e r m a EHR ENBERG, 1861, di vid uals were recovered. In general, however, the Monats. K. Preuss A kad. Wiss Berlin, p. 303. ,,;.arcity of material has forced the author to refrain Globigerilla pachyderm a (Ehrenberg), PARKER, from touching such aspects in detail. All the speci­ 1958, Repts. Swedi sh Deep-Sea Exped., vol. 8, mens have been deposited in the Paleontology p. 278, pI. 5, fi g. 9. laboratory of the Oil and Natural Gas Com is­ R emarks.--Specimens show considerable varia­ -'on of India. tion though maintain in all cases a typicall y square outline of the test. The fin al whorl may contain 4 Famil y G LOBIGERINIDAE Carpenter, or 5 chambers. Forms possessing a smaller fi nal Parker and Jones chamber than the penultimate one are more preva­ Genus Globigerina d'Orbigny lent. Some of the speci mens are identical to those Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny fig ured by Parker ( 1962, pI. 2, fig . 6) from near the Plate 10, fi gures l a·b Near Islands. All the speci mens, however, are typi­ Globigerilla bul/oides D'OR BtGN Y, 1826, Ann. Sci. cal in possessing a thinner test and lack the char­ Nat., Ser. I, vol. 7, p. 277. acteristic coarse crystalline wa ll structure typical Remarks.- T he species is abundant in the coI­ of cold-water specimens of the species. All the spec­ tion. The specimens show considerable varia­ imens are dextrally coiled. The test size varies from . n in shape of the test as a whole. The coiling is 0.17 mm. to 0.35 mm. in maximum diameter. Cer­ ndom. The test size varies from 0.25 to 0.41 mm. tain other forms of indefinite affinit y (Pl ate 10, fi gs . maximum diameter. 8a-c) are presentl y incl uded with G. pachyderma.

Globigerina calida Parker G lobigerina d. G. parabulloides Blow Plate 10, fi gures 2a·c Plate 10, fi gures 4a·c Globigerilla calida PARK ER, 1962, Micropal. , vol. 8, Globigerilla parabul/oides BLOW, 1959, Bull. Amer. no. 2, p. 22 1-222, pI. 1, fi gs. 9-15. Pal. , vol. 39, no. 178, p. 179- 180, pI. 10, fi gs. Remarks.-Form s akin to G. bulloides but show­ 46a-c. g the apertural tendency to become umbilical­ Rem arks.- Onl y a few specimens resembling G. = aumbilical in adult specimens and, also, a tend­ parabul/oides occur, di stingui shable from typical G. y of chambers of the last coil to become more bul/oides by smaller aperture and presence of ;;e parated th an those of typical G. bulloides, have thickened apertural rim. In thi s species the equa­ = n included in G. calida. However, all morpho­ torial outline of test in equatorial view is no longer _ic intergrades between this species and G. bull- subcircular but attains a triangul ar fo rm. Most of .:ides occur. The test size varies from 0. 30 mm. to the individ uals present appear to be juveniles, con­ -4 5 mm. in maximum diameter. sequentl y there is some doubt of their being G. parabul/oides. Globigerina sp. A Plate 10, fi gures 6a·c and 7a·c Globigerina quinqueloba Natland Remarks.- The small trochospiral test consists of Plate 10, fi gures 3a·c ~ u t 2\-2 -3 whorls of subglobul ar, inflated and Globigerilla quillqueloba NATLAND, 1938, Bull. 32 B H ATT-P LANKTONIC F OR A MIN IFERA OF IN DIA

Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Tech. Ser. vol. 4, Globigerinoides tenellus Parker no. 5, p. 149-150, pI. 6. Plate 12, fi gures 3a-c Remarks.-Only typical specimens (with a marked Globigerinoides tenellus PARK ER, 1958, Swedisb extension from last chamber tbat covers part of Deep-Sea Exped., 1947-/948, Repts., Fasc. 2, umbilicus) occur. More commonly, however, the p. 280, pI. 6, fi gs. 7-11. last cbamber as a whole is elongated radially. Remarks.--Specimens are identical to those fig­ ured by Parker (1962, pI. 4, figs. 12a-c) from the Genus Globigerinella Cushman, 1927 Soutb Pacific sediments. Globigerinella siphonifera (d'Orbigny) Plate 11, fi gures la-2b; Plate 12, fi gures la-b Globigerinoides immaturus LeRoy Globigerina sipllOni/era D'ORBIGNY, 1839, in de la Plate 12, figure 6 Sagra, Hist. Pbys. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Forami­ Globige rilloides sacculi/erous (Brady) var. im­ niferes," p. 83 , pI. 4, figs. 15-18. matura LERoY, 1939, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Hastigerilla (Hastigerina) siphoni/era (d'Orbigny) , Netherlindie, vol. 99, pt. 6, p. 263 , figs. 19-21. BANNER and BLOW, 1960, Micropal., vol. 6, Globigerilloides immaturus LeRoy, TAKAYANAGI and no. I, p. 22, text figs. 2, 3. SAITO, 1962, Toboku Univ., Sci. Repts., Sec. Globigerillella sipholli/era (d'Orbigny) , PARK ER, Ser. (Geol.), Spec. vol., no. 5, p. 95, pI. 27, 1962, Micropa!., vol. 8, no. 2, p. 228, 1'1. 2, figs. 2a-c. figs. 22-28. Remarks.- Only typical specimens occur. Some R emarks.-The author's observation on the wall of the forms present may be regarded as transi­ structure of this species is in conformity with that tional between Globigerinoides tri/obus (Reuss) of Parker (lac. cit.). In accordance with the gen­ and G. immaturus (Plate 12, figs. 5a-b). Sucb eral concept the genus is here retained under forms possess a slightly more inflated final chamber Globigerinidae, with which view Saito (1963) also tban typical G. immaturlls and show a narrower agrees. Botb evolute and involute forms occur. All aperture tban tbe latter. the specimens present belong to Group I of Parker (lac. cit., pI. 2, figs. 22-26) , wbich, according to ber, is more prevalent in warmer latitudes in tbe Family GLOBOROTALIDAE Cusbman, 1927 Soutb Pacific. Some specimens that may be put as Genus Globorotalia Cushman, 1927 transitional between Globorotalia obesa Bolli and Globorotalia menardii (d'Orbigny) Globigerinella sipholli/era also occur (Plate II, figs. Plate 11 , fi gures 5a-b 3a-c). The size ranges from 0.22 mm. to 0.67 mm. Rotalia mellardii D'ORBIGNY, 1826, Ann. Sci. Nat., in maximum diameter. vol. 7, p. 273, no. 26. R emarks.--Specimens are fairly well represented Genus Globigerinoides Cushman, 1927 in the collection. Few specimens possess an elon­ Globigerinoides ruber (d'Orbigny) gated, "tongue"-like last chamber, considered as Plate 12, figures 2a-c typical of Globorotalia tumida (Brady) , but lack the massive imperforate carina characteristic of the Globigerilla rubra D'ORBIGNY, 1839, in de la Sagra, species. Such forms instead possess a smooth keel Hist. Phys. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foraminiferes," similar to that of G. m enardii and may be regarded p. 82, vol. 8, pI. 4, figs. 12-14. as intermediate between the above two species R emarks.-Typical forms of the species occur (Ericson and Wollin, 1956b; Ericson et. ai., 1961). in tbe collection. A few allied forms put under tbe Forms resembling G. m ellardii fiexuosa (Koch) subspecies G. ruber eyclostomus (Galloway and also occur in the assemblage. Wissler) by Takayanagi and Saito (1963) also oc­ cur (Plate 12, fig. 4). Present specimens, unlike those figured by Parker (1962, pI. 3, figs. 13-14; Globorotalia scitula (Brady) pI. 4, figs. 1-10) from the Soutb Pacific sediments, Plate 11 , figures 4a-b are not markedly higb spired. Puivilllllilla scitula BRADY, 1882, Roy. Soc. Edin.,

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 FIGS. PAGE la-c,2a-b. Globigerinella sipholli/era (d'Orbigny). la, Ib and 2a, side vIews; Ic and 2b, edge views. la-c, X80; 2a-b, X92...... 32 3a-c. Morphologic intergrade between Globigerillella sipholli/era and Globorotalia obesa Bolli. a, umbilical view; b, spiral view; c, edge view. X 105...... 32 4a-b. Globorotalia scilula (Brady). a, umbilical view; b, spiral view. X125...... 32 Sa-h. Globorotalia mellardii (d'Orbigny). a, umbilical view; b, spiral view. X 126. . 32 C ONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 11

Bhatt: Planktonic Foraminifera of India CONTRIB. CUSHMAN FOUND. FORAM. RESEARCH, VOL. 20 PLATE 12


Proc., vol. 11 (1880-1882) , no. 111 , p. 716- inidae Schultze, 1854, and subfamily Catapsydrac­ 717. inae Bolli, Loeblich and Tappan, 1957. Remarks.- Typical specimens occur. The fin al whorl invariably contains five chambers. All the ?Globorotaloides sp. specimens are sinistrally coiled. Plate 12, fi gures 9a-b R emarks.-Only a single specimen occurs. The Genus Globoquadrina Finlay, 1947 chamber pattern of the test indicates a G loborotalia­ Globoquadrina dentertrei (d'Orbigny) like initial stage followed by a globigerine st age. Plate 12, figures 7a-e, 8 The final chamber, which is much reduced in size Globigerilla rotlllldata O'ORBIGNY, 1826, Ann. Sci . as compared to the penultimate chamber, assumes Nat., Ser. 1, vol. 7, p. 277, no. 6 (nomen an elongated bulla-like appearance, covering almost nudum). BANN ER and BLOW, 1960, Cush. the whole of the umbilicus and extending on to the Found. Foram. Res., Contr., vol. II , p. 19, dorsal side of the test. The "bulla" possesses two pI. 2, fig . 2 (Lectotype). apertural openings, one on the umbilical region Globoqlladrina delltertrei (d'Orbigny) , PARKER, and the other on the dorsal side. The margin of the 1962, Micropal., vol. 8, no. 2, p. 242, pI. 7, "bulla" opposite to the last chamber appears to be figs. 1-13 , pI. 8, figs. 1-4. irregularly extended, covering part of antipenulti­ Remarks.-The specimens exhibit low trocho­ mate chamber. The test si ze is 0.20 mm. in maxi­ spi ral test in contrast to the lectotype designated by mum diameter. Banner and Blow (loc. cit.) , but are identical in this respect to those figured by Parker (loe. cit. , pI. REMARKS ON THE ASSEMBLAGE _ fig. 3). All the specimens are dextrally coiled Amongst the diagnostically significant planktonic and exhibit a wide range of morphologic varia'ion. foraminiferal species that occur in the assemblage, However, all the forms present may fall within the two types of faunal elements characterising differ­ range of variation of the species. The si ze ranges ent present-day climatic zones are discernible, one from 0.59 mm. to 0.79 mm. in maximum diameter. typical of mid-latitude waters, the other restricted to the low-latitude waters of modern oceans. The Genus Globigerinita Bronnimann, 1957 two faunal elements are descrihed and discussed Parker (1962) is undecided regarding the affinity below and their significance interpreted. olet his genus and opines that it can fall either in the -amily Globorotaliidae or in Globogerinidae, but in Mid-Latitude Fauna ;orne respects it is more related to the former. This faunal element is characterised by the abun­ dance of two ecologically significant species- G 10- Globogerinita glutinata (Egger) bigerilla blllloides and G. pachyderma. The former Plate 12, fi gures lOa-b accounts for nearly 14 % of the assemblage and the Globigerilla gill/inata EGGER, 1893 , Abhandl. k. latter 12% . Although G. pachyderma is generally Akad. Wiss. MUnchen, CLlI, vol. 18, p. 371, considered to be a characteristic high-latitude spe­ pI. 13 , figs . 19-29. cies, it is interesting to note that the studies of Remarks.--Specimens with bulla are common. Ericson (1959), Bandy (1960) , and others on the _... nce of bulla is observed in one individual only. coiling characteristics of this species have made it - cimens with bulla on dorsal side are absent. possib le to divide the Recent populations of G . pachyderma into two categories: one the sinistrally­ Genus Globorotaloides Bolli, 1957 coiled, cool-water type and the other dextrally­ Bolli (1957) bas put this genus in family Orbul- coiled, warm-water type, the former confined to

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 =IGS . PAGE la-b . Globigerill ella siphollitera Cd'Orbigny) . a, side view; b, edge view. X84. 32 .!a-c. Globigerill oides rllber Cd 'Orbigny). a, umbilical view; b, spiral view; c, edge view. X82. 32 3a-c. Globigerilloides tenelills Parker. a, umbilical view; b, spiral view; c, edge view. X 127. 32 4. Globigerilloides ruber eyclos/omlls (Galloway and Wissler). umbilical view. X84. 32 5a-b. Morphologic intergrade between Globigerilloides immatllrlls LeRoy and Globigerilloides trilobus (Reuss). a, umbilical view; b, spiral view. X87. 32 6. Globigerilloides immatllrllS LeRoy. umbilical view. X 107. 32 - -_8. Globoqlladrina dell/ertrei (d'Orbigny). 7a and 8, umbilical views; 7b, spiral view; 7c, edge view. X29...... 33 -b. ?Globorotaloides sp. a, umbilical view; b, spiral view. X29. 33 -b. Globigerillita gill/illata (Egger) . a, spiral view; b, umbilical view. X 130. 33 34 BHATT-PLANKTOX IC F ORAMl i:': iFERA OF JNDIA high latitudes, the latter abounding in temperate tudes are like those now living in mid-latitudes; the waters of mid-latitudes but sometimes extending to colder-water faunas in cores from mid-latitudes are low latitudes. In the sample from off the Visha­ like those now li ving in high latitudes." khapatnam coast, all the speci mens of G . pachy­ The prese nce of mid-latitude faunal elements in derma are dextrally coiled and in this respect fit the low-latitude oceanic sediments thus establishes the latter category. Additional evidence for their being prese nce of Pleistocene glacial sediments on top of warm-water types is furnished by their test wall­ the outer shelf region, at least off the Vishakhapat­ invariably thinner and lacking the characteristic nam coast of the east Indian continental shelf. As calcareous thickening considered typical of cool­ the present assemblage comes from the lOP layer water forms. Thinner-test populations of G. pach­ on the shelf, it is logical to infer that the "cold­ yderma, reflecting the effect of warmer tempera­ water" faunal element in the recovered assemblage tures, have also often been noted by other workers corresponds to the latest stage and / or substage of ( Parker, 1962; Saito, 1963 ) . the Pleistocene glaciation. Thus the occurrence of dextrally-coiled G. pachy­ A similar conclusion has been reached by Rao derma in association with G. bul/oides in significant (1964), basing his observations on sedimentological numbers indicates the existence of mid-latitude fau­ criteria. In his pioneering studies of Indian east nal elements in the assemblage under review. coast shelf sediments, Rao (lac. cil.) has recorded In the absence of any ocean current which could certain calcareous oolitic sediments from the outer possibly account for the presence of mid-latitude shelf region, these being particularl y well developed planktonic faunal elements in the Bay of Bengal off the Vishakhapatnam coast. These sediments, waters at the present day, it is suggested here that according to him, we re probably deposited in the these mid-latitude planktonic species that occur in lowered Pleistocene sea. He further postul ated that the assemblage may represent some relict element owing to a low influx of detritus in Recent times in the fa un a. A part of the recovered assemblage these sediments were covered only partially by later may thus be relict in nature. This relict element in sediments, and th at the relict Pleistocene sediments the fauna may, bowever, correspond to the lower­ thus remained uncovered on top of the shelf rough­ ing of tbe earth's surface temperatures during ly beyond the 45-50 isobath. Material of the pres­ Pleistocene glaciation, when mid-latitude species ent study comes from oolitic sands, forming a pan could have extended down and thrived at sucb low of the relict calcareous sediments and confined latitudes as the area under investigation. roughly within the depth range of 50-80 fathoms (Rao, lac. Cil. , fig . 17) on top of the shelf. It is now widely recognised that a sign ificant ef­ -ea of widespread glaciation during the Pleistocene Low-Latitude Fauna epoc.h was toward a general lowering of surface­ Among the species typical of present-day low ",,,ter temperatures in the oceans and consequently latitude waters, only Globorolalia m enardi; occurs a southerly sbift in all tbe present-day climatic here. Ganapati and Satyavati (1958) have, how­ zones. Such periodic sbifts in tbe eartb's climatic ever, earlier listed a few additional species that bellS during the Pleistocene are clearly discernible characterize the tropical zone of modern ocean in the alte rnate occurrences of "warm-water" and from adjacent locations on the shelf. These are .- old-water"' planktonic faunas in the ocean-bottom Globigerilloides cOllglobalus (Brady), G. sacculifer cores from the Atlantic and the Pacific (Schott, (Brady), Pul/ellialilla obliquiioculala (Parker and 1952; Ericson and Wollin, 1956b; Arrbenius, 1952; Jones), and Splweroidillel/a dehiscells (Parker and Phleger, el. 01., 1953, and others), and also from Jones). the Arabian Sea (Stubbings, 1937) , the Tyrrhenian The occurrence of two widely divergent faunal Sea ( Phleger, 1947), and tbe Gulf of Mexico elements in the assemblage, one of colder-water (Ewing el. 01 ., 1958; Phleger, 1955). and the other of warm water species, presents an Tbe occurrence of a "cold-water" fauna in a sea­ obvious instance of faunal mixing. Further, the in­ bottom core not normal to tbe latitude of the loca­ ferred mixing may either be "relict" in nature, too, tion of the core is interpreted as signifying the ad­ as is, at least, the colder-water faunal element in the vance of glaciation during one of the glacial stages assemblage, or it may have taken place entirely sub­ and/ or substages of the Pleistocene. The faunal sequent to the Pl eistocene epoch. A third possibil­ shift caused by glacial advance during the last gla­ ity, however, that the mixing might have been con­ ciation has been estimated by McIntyre and Be tinuous since Pleistocene through Recent to the (1966) to be of tbe order of 10° latitude, based on present day appears to be most likely. the studies of Coccolithophoridae. A more general That the mixing is "relict" in nature, at least in value may be 10°_15 °, as evidenced by foramini­ part, is evinced by the presence of forms resembling feral studies. Thus Phleger (1960) summarizes: G. mellardii !lexuosa (Koch). This subspecies of "The colder-water faunas in cores from low lati- G. m ell ardi; is known to have become extinct be- CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CUSHMAN FOUNDATION FOR FORA1\f]NIFERAL RES EARCH 35

fore the Recent, a conclusion based upon the re­ foraminifera; Part I - Areal distribution in the ported absence of this form from the Recent layers Western North Atlantic. Micropal., vol. 5, no. on top of sea-bottom cores from the North Atlantic, I, p. 77-100. Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico (Ericson and Wol­ ---, 1966, Living planktonic foraminifera in the lin, 1956b). South Atlantic. (Abstract). Bull. Am. Assoc. Natural mixing of planktonic faunas is not un­ Petrol. Geol., vol. 50, no. 3, pt. I & II, p. 605. common in certain restricted areas of present-day BOLLI , H. M., 1957, Planktonic foraminifera from oceans, and it is attributed in the main to the action the Oligocene-Miocene Cipero and Lengua for­ of ocean currents. It is, however, logical to pos­ mations of Trinidad, B.W.I. U.S. Nat. Mus., tu late in the present case also that the warm-water Bull. 215, p. 97-124. e!e ments may have been introduced into the area BRADSHAW, J . S., 1959, Ecology of living pl ank­ by an ocean current flowing from the equatorial tonic foraminifera in the North and Equatorial region up along the east coast of India during Pacific Ocean. C ush. Found. Foram. Res., Pleistocene times, carrying with it in its northward Contr., vol. 10, no. 2, p. 25-64. How elements of tbe southern warm-water fauna. It would not be out of place to mention here that a EMILIANI, c., 1954, Depth habitats of some species imilar movement of warm water in this region of pelagic foraminifera as indicated by oxygen during Pleistocene times has been deduced by Rao isotope ratio. Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 252, p. ( 1964), based on sedimentological interpretations. 149-158. In the absence of any published record of the liv­ 1955, Pleistocene temperatures. Jour. ing planktonic foraminifera inhabiting waters of Geol., vol. 63, no. 6, p. 538-577. !.he Bay of Bengal, it is not possible at present to ---, 1957, Temperatures and age analysis of ~ lima te the magnitude of the present-day indigen­ deep sea cores. Science, vol. 125, p. 383-387. ous element in the assemblage, but, as seems log­ ERICSON, D. B., 1959, Coiling direction of G. pachy­ . aI, a part of the low-latitude planktonic fauna oc­ derma as a climatic index. Science, vol. 130, urring in the assemblage may have been contrib- p. 219-220. uted during Recent times; in all probability, this ERICSON, D. B., and WOLLIN, G., 1956a, Correla­ process of mixing may still be continuing. tion of six cores from equatorial Atlantic and the Caribbean. Deep-Sea Res., vol. 3, no. 2, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT p. /04-125. The author is thankful to Dr. B. G . Deshpande, ---, and , 1956b, Micropaleontological Director of Geology, and Mr. P. V. Dehadrai, Su­ and isotopic determination of Pleistocene cli­ peri ntending Geologist, for providing necessary mates. Micropal., vol. 2, no. 3, p. 257-270. facilities for carrying out the work. To Mr. D. K. Guha the author is grateful for help and encourage­ ERICSON, D. B., el. al. , 1961 , Atlantic deep sea sedi­ ment during the course of the study. Gratitude is ment cores. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 72, knowledged also to the colleagues in the Labora­ no. 2, p. 193-285. tory, especially to Mr. D. S. N. Raju for certain EWING, M. , ERICSON, D. B., and H EEZAN, B. C., suggestions in the preparation of the paper. The 1958, Sediments and topography of the Gulf author is much indebted to Dr. S. B. Bhatia (Pun­ of Mexico, ill Habitat of Oil, Am. Assoc. p b University, Chandigarh) for going through the Petrol. Geol., p. 995-1053. a nuscript thoroughly; his valuable suggestions re­ GANAPATI, P. N., and SATYAVATI, P., 1958, Report !3fding editorial modifications have been incorpo­ on the foraminifera in bottom sediments in the ted in the paper. Bay of Bengal off the east coast of India. Andhra Univ. Mem. Oceanography, Ser. no. REFERENCES 62, vol. 2, p. 100-127. _-\JlRHENtUS, G., 1952, Sediment cores from the east Mc INTYRE, A., and BE, A. W. H., 1966, Coccolith­ Pacific. Swedish Deep-Sea Exped., Repts., ophorids as ecologic indicators in oceanic sedi­ vol. 5. ments. (Abstract). Bull., Am. Assoc. Petrol. '-"DY, O. L., 1960, Geologic significance of coil­ Geol., vol. 50, no. 3, pt. I & II, p. 624-625. ing ratio in the foraminifer Globigerilla pachy­ PARK ER, F. L., 1958, E~stern Mediterranean fora­ derma. Journ. Pal., vol. 34, no. 4, p. 671-681. minifera. Swedish Deep-Sea Exped., Repts., '-"NER, F. T ., and BLOW, W. R. , 1960, Some pri­ vol. 8, fasc. 2, p. 217-283. mary types of species belonging to the super­ ---, 1960, Living planktonic foraminifera from family Globigerinaceae. Cush. Found. Foram. the Equatorial and Sou!.heast Pacific. Tohoku Res., Contr., vol. II, no. 2, p. 1-41. Univ., Sci. Repts., 2nd Ser. (Geol.), Spec. vol. A. W. H ., 1959, Ecology of recent pl anktonic 3, no. 4, p. 71 -82. 36 BHATT- PLANKTONIC FORAMINIFERA OF INDIA

---, 1962, Planktonic foraminiferal species in Repts., 2nd Ser. (Geol.), vol. 35, no. 2, p. Pacific sediments. Micropal., vol. 8, no. 2, p. 123-217. 219-254. SCHOTT, W. , 1952, On the sequence of deposits in PHLEGER, F. B, 1939, Foraminifera of submarine the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Goteborgs cores from the continental slope. Bull., Geol. Kungl. Vetensk och. Vitterhets-Samhalles Soc. Amer., vol. 50, p. 1395-1422. Handl., Sjatte Foljden, Ser. B, Bd. 6, no. 2, p. 1-15. - --, 1947 , Foraminifera of three submarine SMITH, B., 1963 , Distribution of living planktonic cores from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Goteborgs. foraminifera in the Northeastern Pacific. Cush. Kungl. Vetensk. och. Vitterhets-Samhalles, Ser. Found. Foram. Res., Contr., vol. 14, no. 1, B, no. 5, p. 1-19. p. 1-15. ---, 1955, Foraminiferal faunas in cores off­ STONE, W. S., 1956, Some ecologic data relating to shore from the Mississippi delta. In Papers pelagic foraminifera. Micropal. , vol. 2, no. 4, on Marine Biology and Oceanography, Deep­ p.361-370. Sea Res., supp. to vol. 3, p. 45-57 . STUDDINGS, H. G., 1937, Stratification of biological ---, 1960, Ecology and distribution of Recent remains in marine deposits. The John Murray foraminifera. The Johns Hopkin Press, Bal­ Exped., Sci. Repts., vol. 3, p. 154-192. timore, 297p. TAKAYANAGI, Y., and SAITO, T., 1962, Planktonic PHLEGER, F. B, PARK ER, F. L., and PEIRSON , J. F., foraminifera from the Nobori Formation, 1953, North Atlantic foraminifera. Swedish Shikoku, Japan. Tohoku Univ., Sci. Repts., Deep-Sea Exped., Repts., vol. 7, no. 1, p. 2nd Ser. (Geol.), Spec. vol., no. 5, p. 67-105. 1-122. TonD, R., 1958, Foraminifera from Western Medi­ RAO, S., 1964, Some aspects of continental shelf terranean deep sea cores. Swedish Deep-Sea sediments off the east coast of India. Marine Exped., Repts., vol. 8, fasc. 2, p. 167-216. 'Geol., vol. 1, p. 59-87. WIS EMAN, J. D. H ., and OVEY, C. D., 1950, Recent SAITO, T., 1963 , Miocene planktonic foraminifera investigations on the deep-sea floor. Proc. from Honshu, Japan. Tohoku Univ., Sci. Geol. Assoc., vol. 61, p. 28-81. CONTRillUTIONS FROM THE CUSHMAN FOUNDATION FOR FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH 37



In paper no. 349 (Volume XIX, part 2, April, 1968), entitled "Discocyclina from Pondicherry, South India," the author, B. K. Samanta, has requested that the following corrected magnifications be given for lext figure 2: A-G, X63 approx. H, X28 approx. 38 T O DD- RECE N T L I TERAT URE ON THE FORAMINIFERA


Below are given some of the more recent works BE, ALLAN W. H. Shell porosity of Recent plank­ on the Foraminifera that have come to hand. tonic Foraminifera as a climatic index.-Sci­ ence, v. 161 , No. 3844, Aug. 30, 1968, p. 881- AIZENVERG, D. E., BRAZHN IK OVA , N. E., and POTI­ 884, text fi gs. 1-3 (graphs, scanning electron EVSKAJA, P. D. Biostratigraficheskoe Rasch­ micrographs), table I.-Porosity is high in lenenie Kamennougol'nyk h Otlozhenij Juzh­ tropical species, low in polar species. Porosit y nogo Sklona Voronezhskogo Massiva (Staro­ is uniform in different species that occur to­ bel'sko-Millerovskaja Monoklinal'). - Akad. gether. Nauk Ukrains. SSR, Instil. Geol. N auk, Kiev, 1968, p. 1-151, pis. 1-60, text fi gs. 1,2, (map, BELYAEVA, N. V. Distribution of the shells of columnar section) .-Endothyrids. planktonic Foraminifera on the floor of the Bay of Bengal and some methodological as­ AMORE, TINO. La sezione Plio-Pleistocenica di pects of the analysis of Foraminifera.- Ocean­ Senise (Potenza).-Riv. Ital. Paleont. Strati g., ology (translated), v. 7, No.4, 1967, p. 500- Mem. 13 , 1967, p. 61-1 27, pis. I, 2, text figs. 508, text fi gs. 1-7 (distrib. maps, graph), tables 1-23 (map, photos, diagram, columnar section, 1, 2. graphs), tables I-5.- Includes descriptions and illustrations of 21 species and varieties, none BERGGREN, W. A. Phylogenetic and taxonomic new. problems of some Tertiary pl anktonic foramin­ iferal lineages.- Tulane Studies in Geol., v. 6, AOKI, NAOAK I. Benthonic foraminiferal zonation No.1, July 31 , 1968, p. 1-22, text figs. 1-4 of the Kazusa group, Boso Peninsula.-Trans. (phylogenetic diagrams) .-Re-publication in Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, n. ser. , No. 70, English of 1966 Russian paper. Five lineages June 30, 1968, p. 238-266, pI. 27, text figs. 1-5 described and illustrated. (map, diagrams, range charts), tables 1-3.­ Fourteen zones in the Pliocene and lower BHALLA, S. N. A note of the validity of Hap/o­ Pleistocene section. Four new species de­ phragmoides hagni Bhalla, 1965.-Jour. Pale­ scribed, and several others illustrated. ontology, v. 42, No. 4, July 1968, p. 1091. ASANO, KIYOSHI , IN GLE, JAMES C ., JR. , and TAKA­ BLOW, W. H., and SAITO, TSUNEMASA. The mor­ YANAGI, YOKICHI. Origin and development of phology and taxonomy of G/obigerilla m exi­ G/obigerina quinque/oba Natland in the North cana Cushman, 1925.-Micropaleontology, v. Pacific.-Sci. Repts. Tohoku Univ., 2nd Ser. 14, No.3, July 1968,. p. 357-360, text fi gs . 1-4 (Geol.), v. 39, No.3, 1968, p. 213-241, text (drawings) .-G/ obigerina m exicana belongs in figs. 1-16 (range charts, map, drawings, mea­ Globigerapsis, and Orbulinoides n. gen. (type surement tables, graphs) .-In the middle Mio­ species Porticu/asphaera beckmanni Saito 1962) cene to Recent lineage from G/obigerina an­ includes "Porticu/asphaera m exicalla" of Bolli, gustiumbilicata to G. quinque/oba the test di­ Loeblich and Tappan, 1957. Porticu/asphaera ameter increases, shape of the final chamber is a junior synonym of G /obigerapsis. G/obig­ changes from si mple to aberrant with lip, and erapsis semiill vo/uta (Keijzer) is a junior syn­ the wall changes from smooth to hispid. Mor­ onym of G. m exicana. phologic variations are illustrated from Japan, BOLTOVSKOY, ESTEBAN. Indicadores Biologicos en California, Mohole cores, and the North Pacific. la Oceanografia.-C i e n cia e Investi gacion, BARBULESCU, AURELIA. L'etude de la microfaune tomo 23, No.2, Feb. 1967, p. 66-75.-Plank­ de I'horizon avec moules de lara de Jos (Reg. tonic Foraminifera as biological indicators of Cluj) (French summary of Romani an text).­ water masses are more sensitive than temper­ Anal. Univ. Bucuresti , ser. stiint. nat., Geol.­ ature and salinity data. Geogr., Anul 16, No.2, 1967, p. 73- \03, pis. Campana oceanografica "Corrientes Drake VI" 1-7, text fi gs. 1,2 (graphs), table I.-A Lute­ (distribucion de masas de aguas superficiale ti an fauna of 24 species of Foraminifera. segun el plancton ).-Bol. Servo Hidro. Naval, BARTLETT, GRANT A. Planktonic Foraminifera­ v. 4, No.1, April 1967, p. 5-16, map.- Deter­ new dimensions with the Scanning Electron mination of surface water masses by plank­ Microscope.- Canadian Jour. Earth Sci., v. 5, tonic Foraminifera. No.2, April 1968, p. 231-23 3, pi s. 1-6.­ BOLTOVSKOY , E., and BOLTOVSKOY, A. Foraminif­ Examples of photographs. eros y Tecamebas de la parte inferior del Rio CO~TR[BU T[ ONS FROM THE CUSH MA N F OUNDAT ION F OR FORAMIN IF ERAL R E SEAR CH 39

Quequen Grande, Provincia de Buenos Aires, CLOSS, DARCY. The presence and stratigraphical Argentina (Sistematica, Distribucion, Ecolo­ importance of the Orbulina surface in south­ gia).-Rev. Museo Argentino Ciencias Nat. ern Brazil.-Notas e Estudos, Escola Geol., "Bernardino Rivadavia," Instit. Nac. Invest. Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do SuI, v. I, No. Ciencias Nat., Hidrobiologia, v. 2, No.4, 2, Dec. 1966, p. 3-8 .-Found in 8 wells. March 1968, p. 127-164, pIs. 1-3, map, tables COCKBAIN, A. E. Eocene Foraminifera from the I, 2, charts 1-5.-Forty-nine species of Fo­ Norseman limestone of Lake Cowan, western raminifera, none new. In the lower reaches Australia.-Geol. Survey Western Australia, of the river are recognized 21 ecologic zones. Ann. Rept. for 1967, 1968, p. 59-60, pI. 41 BUTIERLlN, JACQUES. AsterocyC/illa cruzi, espece (map) .-Species listed. nouvelle de I'J'Oocene moyen de Colombie.­ Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae, v. 61, No.1, July 31, COHEN, ARTHUR D., and GUBER, ALB ERT L. Pro­ 1968, p. 225-228, pIs. 1-3. duction of pollen-sized "microforaminifera" from "normal" foraminifera.-Micropaleontol­ BUTIERLlN, JACQUES, and MOULLADE, MICHEL. Les ogy, v. 14, No.3, July 1968, p. 361-362, text Orbitolinidae de I'J'Oocene de la region des Car­ figs . 1-3 (graph, photomicrographs) .-Initial aibes.-Archives des Sci ., v. 21, fasc. I, Jan.­ pseudochitinous chambers remain after treat­ April 1968 (June 1968), p. 5-20, pIs. 1-3.­ ment of Ammonia Iimlletes with 5% HC/. Includes description of Heterodictyocollus n. gen. (type species Conulites americalla Cush­ DI GERONIMO, ITALO. Contributo alia conoscenza man) and a key to the family. del Pleistocene di Grammichele (Catania).­ C

GIRl, M. B. S. Halltkellilla within the frame-work June 1968, p. 255-278, pis. 1-4, text figs. 1-7 of time and space.-Jour. Univ. Geol. Soc. (drawings) .-Descriptions and illustrations of Nagpur, v. 1, No. 12-15, 1964-68, p. 40-50, 27 species, 1 new and 5 indeterminate. text figs. 1, 2.--Summary of previous work. KENNETT, JAMES P. The fauna of the Ross Sea. GOBBETT, D. J. Palaeozoogeography of the Ver­ Part 6, Ecology and distribution of Foraminif­ beekinidae ( Foraminifera), ill Aspects era.-New Zealand Dept. Sci. and Industr. Re­ of Tethyan biogeography.--Systematics Assoc. search Bull. 186, Feb. 1968, (New Zealand Publ. No.7, 1967, p. 77 -91, text figs. 1-3 Oceanogr. Instit. Mem. No. 46), p. 1-48, text (maps, range chart, correl. chart). figs. 1-20 (maps, graphs, depth range chart), tables 1-8.--Study based on 36 samples, 18 HERRICK, STEPHEN M., and RIMA , DONALD R. Fo­ shallower ones dominated by abundant and di­ raminifera from the Clayton Formation (Pale­ verse calcareous species and 18 deeper ones ocene) in southeastern Hardeman County, dominated by sparse arenaceous species. Depth Tennessee.-U .S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper is the chief controlling factor and boundaries 600-C, 1968, p. C69-C74, text figs. 1,2 (maps), are recognized at 270 m, 450-550 m, 1300 m and tables 1, 2. 2200 m. Species are recorded quantitatively. HILTERMANN, HEINRICH. Fortschritte der Mikro­ Globorotalia trullcatulilloides as a paleo-oceano­ paHiontologie in Deutschland mit einer Bibliog­ graphic index.--Science, v. 159, No. 3822, raphie fUr das Jahr 1967.-PaHiont. Zeitschr., March 29, 1968, p. 1461-1463, text figs. 1-3 Stuttgart, Band 42, Heft 3/ 4, Sept. 1968, p. (diagram, graphs).-Form of test, i.e., convex­ 236-248. ity of spiral side, varies with average surface HOFKER, J. Tertiary Foraminifera of coastal Ecua­ water temperature- planoconvex species found dor. Lower Oligocene and lower Miocene.­ in tropical waters; compressed biconvex ones Palaeontographica, Band 130, Abt. A, 1968, p. in cold waters. Form ratios may be used to 1-59, pis. 1-25, text figs . 1-8 (drawings, graphs), identify water masses. 3 maps.-Descriptions and illustrations of 39 Latitudinal variation in G lobigerilla pachyderm a species from the lower Oligocene and 29 from (Ehrenberg) in surface sediments of the south­ the lower Miocene. west Pacific Ocean.-Micropaleontology, v. HOFMANN, GERHARD W. Untersuchungen an der 14, No.3, July 1968, p. 305-318, pI. 1, text Gattung Bolivilla (Foraminifera) im Oligozan figs. 1-9 (maps, graphs), table I.-In a con­ und M iozan der ostbayerischen Molasse.­ tinuous cline, G. pachyderma grades from Geol. Bavarica No. 57, 1967, p. 121-204, pis. larger sinistral 4-chambered forms with thick­ 1-5, text figs. 1-20 (maps, columnar sections, ened tests in the south, below the Antarctic graphs, phylogenetic diagram), tables 1, 2.­ Convergence, t h r 0 ugh intermediate forms Includes descriptions and illustrations of 34 which are dominantly sinistral and 4Y2 - to 5- species and subspecies, 8 species and 5 sub­ chambered, to smaller dextral 4-chambered species new. forms with thinner walls in the north. HUANG, T. Y. A LepidocyC/illa limestone from the KOVATCH EVA, T. Barremian and Aptian Foram­ Shangtao area, Miaoli, Taiwan.-Contribs. to inifera near Malka-Gelezna and Bulgarsky­ celebrate Prof. Ichiro Hayasaka's 76th Birth­ Izvor villages (District of Lovetch) (English day, Dec. 1967, p. 91-94, pI. 1. summary of Bulgarian text) .-Bulgarian Acad. Some Paleocene planktonic foraminifer ids from Sci ., Bull. Geol. Instit., ser. Paleon!., v. 17, well PK-3 at Peikang, Yunling, Taiwan.-Proc. April 1968, p. 5-35, pis. 1-3, text fig. 1 (map), Geol. Soc. China, No. 11, June 1968, p. 34-43, tables 1, 2 (range charts) .-Thirty-three spe­ pI. 1, text fig. 1 (columnar section).-Three cies, none new. species. KURIHARA, KENJI. Notes on the benthonic Foram­ IACCARINO, SILVIA. Ricerche sui Foraminiferi dell'­ inifera of the Tonohama group, Shikoku, Ja­ alto Adriatico. Esame di 32 Campioni di pan.-Trans. Proc. Palaeon!. Soc. Japan, n. fondo raccolti nella Crociera Adriatica In­ ser., No. 70, June 30, 1968, p. 267-283, pI. 28, verna Ie 1966 della N / 0 Bannock.-Archivio text figs. 1-5 (maps, columnar sections, chart, Oceanografia e Limnologia, v. 15, fasc. 1, 1967, diagrams), table I.-Fifteen species, 3 new, p. 11-54, text figs. 1-27 (distrib. maps), table from the Nobori formation of late Miocene I.- Quantitative analyses based on 32 samples or Pliocene age. taken between 16 and 66 meters. LANGER, WOLFHART. Studien an einigen Genera JENDREJAKOVA, OTiLIA. Die benthosen Foraminif­ der Nonioninae (Foraminifera). - Paiaont. eren des Alb der Westkarpaten.-Geol. Zbornik, Zeitschr., Stuttgart, Band 42, Heft 3/ 4, Sept. Geol. Carpathica, Bratislava, v. 19, No.1, 1968, p. 147-161, pis. 17, 18, text figs. 1-5 C O ~TRIB U TI O ~ S FROM THE CUSHMAN F OUN DATI ON F OR F ORAM1 N IFER AL RES EARCH 41

(drawings, diagram).-A new subspecies of MONC HARMONT ZEI, MAR IA. I forami ni feri di alcuni AslrOIlOllioll lumidus is described. campioni di fondo preleva:i lungo la costa di LEHMANN, ELROY P., ROZEBOOM , JAN J., WALLER, Beirut (Libano ).-Ist it. Paleont. Univ. Napoli, HARRY 0., and CONLEY, CURTIS D., editors. Pubbl. No. 24, 1968, p. 1-33, pis. 1-6, text fi gs. Microfacies of Libya.-Petr. Ex plor. Soc. Li b­ 1-7 (map, graphs) , table 1.-A fauna of 183 ya, Amsterdam, 1967, p. 1-80, pis. 1-3 7, text species from 5 bottom sa mples between II and fi g. I (map) .-Includes 72 photomicrographs, 246 meters is listed and some are illustrated. many showing Foraminifera. MOR ENO DE CASTRO, E. Sobre la presencia de Neo­ Irocholilla valdellsis Reichel, en el Valangin­ LE UTZE, WILL ARD P. Stratigraphy and paleoenvi­ ronment of the phosphatic Miocene strata of iense de las provincias de Burgos y Santander. North Carolina: Discussion.-Geol. Soc. Amer­ - Bol. R. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., secc. Geol., v. 66, No. I, 1968, p. 49-52, 2 pis. ica Bull ., v. 79, No. 10, Oct. 1968, p. 1433 - 1436.- Discussion of depth interpretation by MOULINIER, MAR IE. Repartition des Foraminiferes Foraminifera. benthiques dans les sediments de la baie de Seine entre Ie Cotentin et Ie meridien de U ~DSAY, J. M. Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the type section of Port Willunga beds, Aldinga Ouistreham. - Cahiers Oceanographiques, v. 19, No. 6, June 1967, p. 477-494, text figs . 1-6 Bay, South Australia.-Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australi a, v. 9 1, 1967 , p. 93- 109 , pI. I, text (maps, drawings), table.-Species listed and figs. I, 2 (map, range chart) .-Seventeen li ving distributions recorded. pl anktonic species from 4 zones in a section of PAGH IDA-TRELEA, N., SIMIONESCU, T., and OLARU, late Eocene and Oligocene age. L. L'etude micropa"!ontologique du Sarmati­ u PPS, JERE H. Miocene calcareous plankton, Reli z en des environs de Hirlau (Plateau Moldave) Canyon, California.-Soc. Econ. Paleont. Min­ (French resume of Rumani an text) .- Anal. eral. Paci fi c Sec. Fieldtrip, Guidebook Gabilan Stiintifice Univ. "AI. I. Cuza" din lasi (ser. n.), Range and Adjacent San Andreas Faul t, Oct. sect. 2, tom. 13, 1967, p. 83 -99, pis. 1-8, tables 1-3. 20-2 1, 19 67, p. 54-60, pi s. 1,2, text fig . I (cor­ -Check li st and illustrations of assemblages. reI. chart), table I (range chart) .- Illustra­ PAN IZZA, MARI O. II Pleistocene di Crosia (Ros­ tions of planktonic Foraminifera. sano, Cosenza) .-Riv. Ital. Paleont. Stratig ., \( ,LUM IA N, NORB ERTO. Foraminiferos del Creta­ Mem. 13 , 1967, p. 13 1-1 92, pis. 3-9, text fi gs. cico Superior y Terciario del subsuel o de la 1-8 (map, geol. section, graphs, photos), tables provincia Santa Cruz, Argentina.- Ameghin­ 1-2e.-Incl udes descriptions and illustrations iana, tomo 5, No.6, Feb. 1968, p. 19 1-227 , pi s. of 25 species and subspecies, one subspecies 1-8, text fig . 1 (map) .- In the Upper Creta­ given a new name, Bulimilla fusiform is subsp. ceous (upper Campanian-lower Maestrichtian) sublimbala. Three zones established. 15 species; in the Eocene 17 species; and in the POPESCU, GH. Mississippilla neagui n. sp. des de­ Miocene 15 species. None are new; 4 in the pots Tortoniens du couloir de Mures.- Revue Cretaceous are indeterminate. Roumaine Geol. Geophys. Geogr., ser. Geoi., tome 12, No. I, 1968, p. 109-//2, I pi. ' ~IET , B. L., and BELFORD, D. J. Foraminifera, Bonaparte G ulf Basi n, north­ RAMOS, REYN ALDO FREITAS. Urn Fusulinideo no western Australia.-Micropaleontology, v. 14, Carbonifero do Para.-Atas do Simposio sobre No.3, July 1968, p. 339-347, text fi gs . 1-5 a Biota Amazonica, Belem, Brazil , June 6-11 , (maps, columnar sections).-Tethya n endo­ 1966, v. I: Geociencias, 1967, p. 403-406, 17 thyrid s and other small species. fi gs.-Millerella. ,-' ·WE LL, PHILLIP A. Two new records of larger RI USCETTI, MARCELLO. La sezione Pliocenica di Foraminifera from the New Zealand Eocene. Monte Rabione (Caltanissetta) .-Riv. Ital. -New Zealand Jour. Geol. Geophys ., v. II, Paleont. Stratig., Mem. 13, 1967, p. 301-345, :-<0. I, March 1968, p. 236-238.-Two speci­ text figs. 1-20 (map, graphs), tables l a-Ie.­ mens, one each of Heleroslegilla and Disco­ Occurrence and abundance shown for many eyciilla? species.

c. ENG IN. A propos d'un cas de schi zogonie RUOEL, C. H. Pull e /I i a m oorei-Rolalia becki dans un individ u d'Orbiloides m edia d'Archiac. ( Pseudosaucesian) biofacies of the Lower - Bull. Min. Res. Explor. Instit. Turkey, No. Mohnian.-Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral., Pa­ 67, Oct. 1966, Foreign Ed., p. 93-96, pis. 1,2, cific Sect., Guidebook, Geology and Oil Fields, lext fi g. I (diagram) .- Macrospheric embry­ West side, southern San Joaquin Valley, 1968, onts embedded around periphery. p.92. 42 TODD-RECENT LTTERATURE ON THE FORAl\:UNIFERA

RYKKEN, JACK. The Nummulitic of the Nappe de is a criterion of stratigraphic position useful Morcles.-Mem. Soc. vaudoise Sci. nat. , v. 14, for inter-regional correlation. fasc. 5, No. 89, April 30, 1968, p. 193-232, pi s. SLITER, WILLIAM V. Upper Cretaceous Forami­ 1-4, text figs. 1-7 (map, geol. sections, colum­ nifera from southern California and north­ nar sections, range chart, graph, diagram).­ western Baja California, Mexico.- Univ. Kan­ Foraminifera recorded and illustrated in thin sas Paleont. Contribs. Ser. No. 49, Aug. 16, section. 1968, p. 1-141 , pis. 1-24, text figs. 1-9 (maps, SAMUEL, ONDREJ, and BYSTRICKA, H EDV IGA. Strat­ columnar section, graphs) , tables /-15.- 11- igraphische Korrelation der Plankton-Forami­ lustrated systematic catalog of 274 species, 38 niferen mit dem Nannoplankton des Paleogens new. Also new are Berthelillopsis n. gen. (type in den Westkarpaten der Siowakei.-Geoi. species B. corlsbadel/sis n. sp. ), Sero vail/a n. Zbornik, Geol. Carpathica, Bratislava, v. 19 , gen. (type species Gyroidina globosa var. orbi­ No.1, June 1968, p. 117-129, I cor reI. chart, cella Bandy), Epithemella n. gen. (type spe­ tables 1-4.- IIIustrations of diagnostic plank­ cies COl/ orbilla martilli Brotzen), and Sera­ tonic Foraminifera and nannoplankton be­ vaininae n. subfamily in the Discorbidae. Study tween lower Paleocene and lower Oligocene. is based on 152 samples from 4 localities. Three proposed assemblage zones are trace­ SASTRY, M. V. A., and SASTRI , V. V. Foraminifera from the Utatur stage of the Cretaceous For­ able, ranging in age from middle to late Cam­ mations of Trichinopoly District, Madras.­ panian to early Maestrichtian. Records Geol. Survey India, v. 94, pt. 2, 1966, STENESTAD, ER IK . Three new specie$ of H elero­ p. 277-296, pis. 17-21.-Thirty species, 7 new, helix Ehrenberg from the upper Senonian of and 2 varieties, both new, from upper Albian. Denmark.-Medd. Dansk Geol. Forening, Band SAURIN, E. Endothyridae et Fusulinidae du Mos­ 18, haefte 1, 1968, p. 64-70, pis. 1-3 . covien inferieur (Bachkirien) de la Grande STONE, BENTON. Planktonic foraminiferal zona­ Norway (Golfe du Nord Viet-Nam).-Viet­ tion in the Carmen-Zambrano area, Colombia. nam Service Geol., No. 10, 1967, p. 111-149, -Micropaleontology, v. 14, No.3, July 1968, pis. 1-4.-Fifty-one species (4 new) and 5 p. 363-364, text fig. 1 (columnar section) .­ varieties (1 new) . Application of Bolli's 1957 West Indian zona­ SCHEIBNEROVA, VIEVA. Globotrullcww cOllcavata tion to the Miocene and Oli gocene section. (Brotzen) de la region de la Tethys.-Revue TUFEscu, M. An'llJ1 ollia lepida (Cushman) (Ord. de Micropaleontologie, v. II , No. I, June 1968, Foraminifera). Some features of its variabil­ p. 45-50, pis. 1,2, text figs. 1-4 (drawings).­ ity in the Black Sea Basin.- Rev. Roumaine In the Santonian and Coniacian. BioI., ser. Zool., tome 13, No.3, 1968, p. 169- SCOTT, G . H. Comparison of the primary aper­ 177, text figs. 1-9 (drawings, graphs) .-In a ture of Globigerilloides from the lower Mi­ brackish lake (salinity 19.9%, ), many abnor­ ocene of Trinidad and New Zealand.-New mal individuals are found. Zealand Jour. Geol. Geophysics, v. II , No.2, VENGLINSKY, T. V. , BOYARINTSEVA , N. YA. , ZHIGUN­ June 1968, p. 356-375, text figs. 1-18 (graphs, OVA, Z. F., and POLONSKY, B. T. Cliff zone drawings) .-Statistical study of relative height Oligocene deposits of the Ukrainian Carpath­ to width of aperture. ians (English abstract of Ukrainian text).­ Comparison of lower Miocene Globigerilloides Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukrains. RSR, ser. from the Caribbean and New Zealand.- New geol. , geofiz., khim., bioI., No.9, 1968, p. 771- pl.-Oligocene Foraminifera. Zealand Jour. Geol. Geophysics, v. 11 , No.2, 774, 1 June 1968, p. 376-390, text fi gs . I-51 (draw­ VIOTTI, CARLO. Resultats stratigraphiques du sond­ ings, graphs, diagrams) .-Statisti cal compari­ age Puerto Cansado I du bassin co tier de son of samples based on measurable features: Tarfaya ill Le Bassin cotier de Tarfaya (Maroc rate of chamber expansion, angle of chamber meridional), Tome 1, Stratigraphie.-Notes et attachment, envelopment of chambers, and Mem. Servo geol. Maroc, No. 175, 1966, p. aperture shape. 225-252, pis. 1-6, charts I, H.-Foraminifera zonation between Lias and lower Cenomanian. Stratigraphic variation in Globigerilloides trilobus trilobus (Reuss) from the lower Miocene of VAN DER VLERK, 1. M. Two methods of worldwide Europe, Trinidad, and New Zealand.-New correlation.-Micropaleontology, v. 14, No.3, Zealand Jour. Geol. Geophysics, v. 11 , No.2, July 1968, p. 334-338, text figs. 1-3 (diagrams, June 1968, p. 391-404, text figs. 1-48 (draw­ graph, correl. chart) .- Degree of curvature of ings, diagrams) .-Rate of chamber expansion the wall between the protoconch and de utero- ,-,ONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CUSHMAN FOUNDAITION FOR FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH 43

conch of Lepidocyc/ina increases from older ZERN ETSKY, B. F. The first findings of Alveolinas to younger beds. Sequence correlated with in Paleogene deposits of the Black Sea depres­ planktonic sequence. sion (English summary of Russian text) .­ WlcKENnEN, R. T. D., and SASTRI, V. V. A note Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukrains. RSR, ser geol., on some planktonic Foraminifera from the geofiz., khim., bioI., No.8, 1968, p. 681-685, Cam bay Basin.-Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 9, 1 pI. No. 1, 1968, p. 13-20, pI. 1, text fig. 1 (colum­ nar section) .-Eocene/ Oligocene boundary de­ RUTH TODD limited by upper Eocene and Oligocene plank­ U. S. Geological Survey tonics, 6 species. Washington, D. C. 20560