
Zitteliana An International Journal of Palaeontology and Geobiology Series B/Reihe B Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Pa lä on to lo gie und Geologie B28 DAVID W. E. HONE & ERIC BUFFETAUT (Eds)

Flugsaurier: papers in honour of Peter Wellnhofer


Dedication 3

PETER WELLNHOFER A short history of pterosaur research 7

KEVIN PADIAN Were pterosaur ancestors bipedal or quadrupedal?: Morphometric, functional, and phylogenetic considerations 21

DAVID W. E. HONE & MICHAEL J. BENTON Contrasting supertree and total-evidence methods: the origin of the 35

PAUL M. BARRETT, RICHARD J. BUTLER, NICHOLAS P. EDWARDS & ANDREW R. MILNER Pterosaur distribution in time and space: an atlas 61

LORNA STEEL The palaeohistology of pterosaur bone: an overview 109

S. CHRISTOPHER BENNETT Morphological evolution of the of pterosaurs: myology and function 127

MARK P. WITTON A new approach to determining pterosaur body mass and its implications for pterosaur fl ight 143

MICHAEL B. HABIB Comparative evidence for quadrupedal launch in pterosaurs 159

ROSS A. ELGIN, CARLOS A. GRAU, COLIN PALMER, DAVID W. E. HONE, DOUGLAS GREENWELL & MICHAEL J. BENTON Aerodynamic characters of the cranial crest in 167

DAVID M. MARTILL & MARK P. WITTON Catastrophic failure in a pterosaur from the Santana Formation of 175

MARTIN LOCKLEY, JERALD D. HARRIS & LAURA MITCHELL A global overview of pterosaur ichnology: tracksite distribution in space and time 185

DAVID M. UNWIN & D. CHARLES DEEMING Pterosaur eggshell structure and its implications for pterosaur reproductive biology 199

DAVID M. MARTILL, MARK P. WITTON & ANDREW GALE Possible azhdarchoid pterosaur remains from the () of 209

TAISSA RODRIGUES & ALEXANDER W. A. KELLNER Review of the pterodactyloid pterosaur 219

JUNCHANG LÜ, LI XU & QIANG JI Restudy of Liaoxipterus (Istiodactylidea: Pterosauria), with comments on the Chinese istiodactylid pterosaurs 229

DAVID M. MARTILL First pterosaur remains from the Exu Formation (Cretaceous) of the , Brazil 243

ERIC BUFFETAUT Late Cretaceous pterosaurs from France: a review 249

Zitteliana B 28 255 Seiten München, 31.12.2008 ISSN 1612-4138 Editors-in-Chief/Herausgeber: Michael Krings, Gert Wörheide Production and Layout/Bildbearbeitung und Layout: Martine Focke Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie

Editorial Board

A. Altenbach, München B.J. Axsmith, Mobile, AL F.T. Fürsich, Erlangen K. Heißig, München H. Kerp, Münster J. Kriwet, Stuttgart J.H. Lipps, Berkeley, CA T. Litt, Bonn A. Nützel, München O.W.M. Rauhut, München B. Reichenbacher, München J.W. Schopf, Los Angeles, CA G. Schweigert, Stuttgart F. Steininger, Eggenburg

Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, D-80333 München, Deutschland http://www.palmuc.de/zitteliana email: [email protected]

Für den Inhalt der Arbeiten sind die Autoren allein ver ant wort lich. Authors are solely responsible for the contents of their articles.

Copyright © 2008 Bayerische Staassammlung für Pa lä on to lo gie und Geologie, München

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ISSN 1612-4138 Druck: Gebr. Geiselberger GmbH, Altötting

Cover Illustration: Modell eines aus dem Oberjura von Eichstätt. Entwurf: P. Wellnhofer, Modell: R. Liebreich, Foto und Collage: M. Schellenberger, L. Geißler, BSPG München.

Umschlagbild: Reconstitution of a Rhamphorhynchus from the Upper of Eichstätt, Bavaria. Concept: P. Wellnhofer; design: R. Liebreich; photograph and collage: M. Schellenberger, L. Geißler, BSPG . 61 Zitteliana B28 61 - 107 11 Figs, 1Tab. München, 31.12.2008 ISSN 1612 - 4138

Pterosaur distribution in time and space: an atlas

By Paul M. Barrett1*, Richard J. Butler1, Nicholas P. Edwards2 & Andrew R. Milner1

1Department of Palaeontology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK 2 School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Manuscript received September 26, 2007; revised manuscript accepted March 1, 2008.

Abstract 1990; WEISHAMPEL et al. 2004) are greatly facilitating studies of palaeobiogeography, macroecology and macroe- Pterosaurs fi rst appeared in the Late and persisted volution (e.g. FASTOVSKY et al. 2004; WANG & DODSON 2006). until the terminal Cretaceous: they achieved a global distributi- These databases are (almost) exhaustive and provide accessible on during the . Here, we attempt to provide the fi rst summaries of a vast literature, placing details of stratigraphical comprehensive summary of pterosaur distribution through horizons and faunal composition in a geographical context. time and space, including information on the taxonomic com- Consequently, they have become tools that allow researchers position of pterosaur faunas and the lithostratigraphic units in to rapidly locate basic site information and fi nd relevant cita- which they occur. We hope that this compilation will be used as tions. Moreover, such compilations can help to focus future a primary research tool, permitting more detailed and rigorous fi eldwork efforts by highlighting regions that remain relatively analyses of pterosaur diversity and palaeobiogeography than undersampled. have been possible to date. To date, WELLNHOFER (1978) has provided the only compre- hensive summary of the entire pterosaur record, although Key words: distribution, biogeography, several more recent popular accounts also exist (WELLNHOFER 1991a, UNWIN 2006). In addition, some reviews of pterosaurs from particular regions (e.g. BAKHURINA & UNWIN 1995; UN- Zusammenfassung WIN et al. 2000; KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001) or timeslices (e.g. UNWIN 1996a) have also been published. In the 30 that In der Späten Trias erschienen Flugsaurier zum ersten have passed since the publication of WELLNHOFER’s (1978) Mal. Sie erreichen während des Mesozoikums bis zum Ende compendium, many new pterosaur taxa have been named (see der Kreidezeit eine globale Verbreitung. Wir versuchen hier WELLNHOFER 1991a and UNWIN 2006 for summaries) and sever- eine erste umfassende Zusammenfassung der Verbreitung der al detailed reappraisals of historical taxa have also appeared (e.g. Flugsaurier sowie der lithostratigraphischen Einheiten in denen UNWIN 2001; BENNETT 2006). Consequently, a new compilation sie erscheinen zu liefern. Wir hoffen dass diese Aufstellung als is required that incorporates these new discoveries. Moreover, grundlegendes wissenschaftliches Werkzeug genutzt werden few of the published summaries on pterosaur distribution deal wird, da es eine detailliertere und umfassendere Analyse der with the data on a locality-by-locality basis: furthermore, they Diversität und Palaeobiogeographie der Flugsaurier bietet als do not generally include sites that have yielded only fragmen- bisher möglich gewesen ist. tary or indeterminate material. Here, we present the fi rst iteration of a global database Schlüsselwörter: Verbreitung, Biogeographie, Stratigra- for pterosaur occurrences. This new compilation should be phie viewed as a dynamic database that will need to be refi ned periodically in to incorporate new localities and taxa as they are discovered, and to account for future changes to 1. Introduction existing stratigraphical and taxonomic terminology. We hope that this database will provide a fi rm foundation for broader 1.1 Pterosaurs in time and space scale evolutionary studies on pterosaurs and Mesozoic eco- systems in general, including investigations into topics such as Recent compendia of dinosaur occurrences (WEISHAMPEL palaeobiogeography and controls on -richness.

*Author for correspondence and reprint requests; E-mail: [email protected] 62 1.2 Materials and methods 2. Gloucestershire, England

In general, we have followed the conventions used by Unnamed unit of fi ssure fi lls (Cromhall Quarry: WEISHAMPEL et al. (2004) in their survey of Mesozoic dinosaur FRASER & WALKDEN [1983], FRASER & UNWIN [1990]). distributions. Our aim is not to provide a complete bibliogra- phy of pterosaur research, but to provide key references that Pterosauria indet. record all known pterosaur localities. Information on pterosaur occurrences was taken directly from searches of the primary Age: late (WALKDEN & FRASER 1993). literature. The resulting information has been arranged stra- tigraphically by sub-Period (Upper Triassic, Lower Jurassic, 3. Département de la Meurthe-et-Moselle, France Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous). Where there is confl ict over the dating of a parti- Gres à Avicula contorta (Varangéville: GODEFROIT cular deposit, it has been placed within the earliest suggested [1997]; St Nicholas-de-Port: GODEFROIT & CUNY time period, with alternative dates appended. Within each time [1997]). period, the data are sub-divided geographically on the basis of continent, country and administrative region: each of these ?Pterosauria indet. (= ‘? sp.’) listings is hierarchical and countries are listed alphabetically. The recent classifi cation proposed by UNWIN (2003, 2006) has Age: late Norian– (SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL & been used as a framework for the taxonomic lists. Ages for HAHN 1994). each deposit are given using Standard European Stages and the geological timescale of GRADSTEIN et al. (2004). 4. Lombardia, Italy In order to visualise the spatial distribution of the data, maps have been provided to show each locality (with the exceptions i) (Cene: ZAMBELLI [1973], WILD of the single localities on and Greenland) on a region [1978, 1994], DALLA VECCHIA [2003a, 2003b, 2003c]; by region basis: and the Middle East (Fig. 1); Endenna/Zogno, Brucciata Valley: PADIAN [1980], and New Zealand (Fig. 2); and eastern Asia (Fig. 3); WILD [1984], DELLA VECCHIA [2003a, 2003b, 2003c]). central Asia (Fig. 4); UK (Fig. 5); France (Fig. 6); central and eastern (Fig. 7); the Iberian Peninsula (Fig. 8); North ‘’; Campylognathoididae America (Figs 9-10); and and India (Fig. 11). Eudimorphodon ranzii Figures were created by plotting localities onto continental cf. Eudimorphodon sp. reconstructions in ESRI ArcMap 9.1; shapefi les were down- ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Dimorphodontidae loaded from http://www.vdstech.com/map_data.htm. Peteinosaurus zambelli Peteinosaurus sp. (= ‘ sp.’) 1.3 Acknowledgements Pterosauria indet.

We thank the editors for their invitation to contribute to Age: late Norian (DALLA VECCHIA 2003c). this volume, L. STEEL (NHM, London) for commenting on an early version of this database and especially D. MARTILL ii) Argilliti di Riva di Solto (Ponte Giurino/Berbenno: (University of Portsmouth) and M. BENTON (University of WILD [1994], DELLA VECCHIA [2003a, 2003b, 2003c]). Bristol) for their helpful comments on the manuscript. ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae Eudimorphodon ranzii 2. Pterosaur distribution Age: late Norian (JADOUL et al. 1994; DALLA VECCHIA 2.1 Upper Triassic 2003c).

2.1.1 Europe 5. Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy

1. Tirol, Austria Dolomia di Forni (Seazza Creek, Preone Valley: WILD [1984], DALLA VECCHIA et al. [1989], DALLA VECCHIA Seefelder Schichten (Ankerschlag: DALLA VECCHIA [2002, 2003a, 2003b]; Forchiar Creek, Preone Valley: et al. [2002]; Karwendal Mountains: WELLNHOFER DALLA VECCHIA [1995]; Rovadia Creek, Preone Valley: [2003]). DALLA VECCHIA [2003a, 2003b]; Purone Creek, Preone Valley: DALLA VECCHIA [2003a, 2003b]). ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae Austriadactylus cristatus Pterosauria Eudimorphodon cf. E. ranzii Preondactylus buffarinii ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae Age: middle Norian (DALLA VECCHIA et al. 2002); late Eudimorphodon rosenfeldi Norian (WELLNHOFER 2003). Eudimorphodon sp. 63 Pterosauria indet. ?Pterosauria indet.

Age: late Norian (ROGHI et al. 1995; DALLA VECCHIA Age: late -early Norian (LUCAS et al. 1997). 2003c). 12. New , of America 6. District de Luxembourg, Luxembourg i) Santa Rosa Formation (Canada Colorado: HUNT et al. Unnamed unit ‘Syren Bonebed’ (Syren: GODEFROIT et [1993], LONG & MURRY [1995]). al. [1998], DELSATE [2000]). ?Pterosauria indet. ?Pterosauria indet. (= ‘Eudimorphodon sp.’) Age: middle-late Carnian (HUNT et al. 1993; LONG & Age: early Rhaetian (GODEFROIT et al. 1998). MURRY 1995).

7. District de Diekirch, Luxembourg ii) Sloan Canyon Formation (Sloan Canyon: HUNT & LUCAS [1993]). Steinmergel Group (Medernach: CUNY et al. [1995], DELSATE [1999]). ?Pterosauria indet.

?Pterosauria indet. (= ‘Eudimorphodon sp.’) Age: early Norian-Rhaetian (HUNT & LUCAS 1989).

Age: Norian–Rhaetian (DELSATE 1999). iii) Petrifi ed Forest Formation (Chama Basin: ZIEGLER et al. [2004]). 8. Canton Graubünden, Switzerland ?Pterosauria indet. Kössen Formation (Mount Schesaplana: FRÖBISCH & FRÖBISCH [2006]). Age: early-middle Norian (ZIEGLER et al. 2004).

Basal Pterosauria 13. , United States of America schesaplanensis Tecovas Formation (Kalgary: MURRY [1986], LUCAS & Age: late Norian or early Rhaetian (FURRER 1993). LUO [1993], ANDRES [2006]).

9. Canton Schaffhausen, Switzerland ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae Eudimorphodon sp. Unnamed unit ‘Hallau Bonebed’ (Hallau: CLEMENS [1980], TATARINOV [1985]). Age: late Carnian (LUCAS & LUO 1993).

?Pterosauria indet. (= ‘Eudimorphodontidae indet.’) 2.2 Lower Jurassic

Age: Rhaetian (CLEMENS 1980). 2.2.1 Africa

2.1.2 14. Free State, South Africa

10. Tunu, Greenland (not plotted) Upper (Spioenkop: BLACKBEARD & YATES [2007]). Fleming Fjord Formation (Macknight Bjerg: JENKINS et al. [2001]). Pterosauria indet.

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae Age: - (YATES et al. 2004). Eudimorphodon cromptonellus 15. Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa Age: Norian–Rhaetian (CLEMMENSEN et al. 1998). (Giant’s Castle: VAN DIJK [1978], 11. Arizona, United States of America KNOLL [2005]).

Bluewater Creek Formation/Petrifi ed Forest For- ?Pterosaur tracks (Molapopentapodiscus supersalta mation (Placerias Quarry, St Johns: LONG & MURRY tor) [1995]). Age: Pliensbachian-Toarcian (YATES et al. 2004). 64

Figure 1: Pterosaur localities from the Lower Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of Africa, Madagascar and the Middle East. Upper Triassic pterosaur localities are currently unknown in these regions. Key: open squares, Lower Jurassic localities; fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

2.2.3 Asia 2.2.2 Antarctica 17. Andhra Pradesh, India 16. Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica Kota Formation (Kota: JAIN [1974]; Chitur: RAO & (Mount Kirkpatrick: HAMMER & SHAH [1963]). HICKERSON [1994]). ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. Campylognathoides indicus Pterosauria indet. (= Rhamphorhynchus sp.) Age: Lower Jurassic (SMITH et al. 2007). Age: Pliensbachian-Toarcian (BANDYOPADHYAY 1999). 65

Figure 2: Pterosaur localities in Australia and New Zealand: note that all localities are restricted to the Cretaceous. Key: fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

2.2.4 Europe cf. D. banthensis

18. , England Age: early Toarcian (DELSATE & WILD 2000).

Lower Lias (: BUCKLAND [1829], OWEN 21. Baden-Württemberg, Germany [1870, 1874], LYDEKKER [1888], UNWIN [1988a]; Charmouth: UNWIN [2003]). Posidonienschiefer (Lias Epsilon) (Holzmaden, Ohmden and Zell: QUENSTEDT [1858], PLIENINGER ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Dimorphodontidae [1895, 1906, 1907], WELLNHOFER [1974]; Erzingen: macronyx (including Pterodactylus WILD [1975]). marderi) Dimorphodontidae indet. ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae Campylognathoides liasicus Age: late (COPE et al. 1980a). Campylognathoides cf. C. liasicus Campylognathoides zitteli 19. Yorkshire, England ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; ; Rham- phorhynchinae Alum Shales (Upper Lias) (Loftus: NEWTON [1888]). Dorygnathus banthensis

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Age: early Toarcian (GEYER & GWINNER 1962). Rhamphorhynchinae Dorygnathus (= Parapsicephalus) purdoni 22. Bayern, Germany

Age: early Toarcian (COPE et al. 1980a). Posidonienschiefer (Lias Epsilon) (Banz: VON THEODORI [1830]; Mistelgau: WILD [1971]). 20. Département de la Meurthe-et-Moselle, France ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Unnamed unit (Place Thiers: DELSATE & WILD [2000]). Rhamphorhynchinae Dorygnathus banthensis ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Dorygnathus mistelgauensis Rhamphorhynchinae 66

Figure 3: Pterosaur localities from the Middle Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of eastern Asia, including China, Mongolia, far eastern Russia, and Japan. Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic pterosaur localities are currently unknown in these regions. Key: fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

Age: early Toarcian (GEYER & GWINNER 1962). Rhamphorhynchidae indet.

23. Niedersachsen, Germany Age: or Sinemurian (EVANS & KERMACK 1994). Posidonienschiefer (Lias Epsilon) (Flechtorf: WELLN- HOFER [1978]; Schandelah: WELLNHOFER & VAHLDIEK 2.2.5 North America [1986]). 25. Arizona, United States of America ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Campylognathoididae Campylognathoides sp. Kayenta Formation (Foxtrot Mesa and Airhead West: ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- PADIAN [1984a], CURTIS & PADIAN [1999]). phorhynchinae Dorygnathus banthensis Pterosauria Rhamphinion jenkinsi Age: early Toarcian (GEYER & GWINNER 1962). Pterosauria indet.

24. Glamorganshire, Wales Age: Sinemurian-Pliensbachian (PETERSON & PIPIRIN- GOS 1979). Unnamed unit of fi ssure fi lls (Pant and Pontalun: FRASER [1989], GILL et al. [2006]). 26. Massachusetts, United States of America

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae Turners Falls Formation (Gill: RAINFORTH [2006]). 67 ?Pterosaur tracks (Antipus fl exiloquus) 31. Sichuan, People’s Republic of China

Age: Lower Jurassic (RAINFORTH 2006). Lower Shaximiao Formation (Dashanpu: HE et al. [1983]). 2.3 Middle Jurassic ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- 2.3.1 Africa phorhynchinae Angustinarhipterus longicephalus 27. Faritany Majunga, Madagascar Age: (CHEN et al. 1982) or -Callo- Isalo III Formation (Andranomamy: DAL SASSO & vian (DONG & TANG 1984). PASINI [2003]). 32. Uygur Zizhiqu, People’s Republic of China ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. i) Lower (Wucaiwan: ANDRES & Age: Bathonian (TAQUET 1977). CLARK [2005]; CLARK et al. [2006]).

2.3.2 Asia indet.

28. Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan Age: Bathonian-Callovian (CHEN et al. 1982; CLARK et al. 2004). Balabansai Svita (Tashkumyr: NESSOV [1990], BAK- HURINA & UNWIN [1995], AVERIANOV et al. [2005a], ii) Toutunhe Formation (Toutunhe: MAISCH et al. [2005]). MARTIN et al. [2006]). ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- phorhynchinae Age: Bathonian-Callovian (EBERTH et al. 2001). Rhamphorhynchinae indet. ?Pterosauria indet. 33. Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Age: Callovian (KAZNYSHKIN 1988). Itat Formation (Berezovsk: SKUTCHAS [2006]).

29. Bayan-Khongoraimak, Mongolia Pterodactyloidea indet.

Bakhar Svita (Bakhar: BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], Age: Bathonian (SKUTCHAS 2006). UNWIN & BAKHURINA [2000]). 2.3.3 Europe ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Anurognathidae Anurognathidae indet. 34. Cambridgeshire, England

Age: early Middle Jurassic (SHUVALOV 1982). i) Lower (Whittlesey and Peterborough: ANDREWS [1911-12], LEEDS [1956], UNWIN [1996a]). 30. Nei Mongol Zizhiqu, People’s Republic of China ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae Jiulongshan Formation, Daohugou Formation, Hai- Rhamphorhynchidae indet. fangou Formation or (Daohugou locality: CZERKAS & JI [2002], WANG et al. [2002], JI & Age: middle Callovian (COPE et al. 1980b). YUAN [2002]). ii) Middle Oxford Clay (St Ives: LYDEKKER [1890], UN- ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Anurognathidae WIN [1996a]). ningchengensis ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae Scaphognathinae Rhamphorynchidae indet. (= Rhamphorhynchus Pterorhynchus wellnhoferi jessoni) Pterodactyloidea Undescribed Age: late Callovian (COPE et al. 1980b).

Age: Bathonian-Callovian (JI et al. 2006), - 35. Dorset, England (ZHANG 2002) or late -early (SWISHER et al. 1999) (Watton Cliff and Swyre: 68

Figure 4: Pterosaur localities from the Middle Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of central Asia, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic pterosaur localities are currently unknown from these regions. Key: fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

EVANS & MILNER [1994]). phorhynchinae Rhamphocephalus sp. Pterosauria indet. Age: middle Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). Age: late Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). 37. Rutland, England 36. Gloucestershire, England ‘Great Oolite’ (Essendine/Banthorpe: BENTON & i) Chipping Norton Formation (Hornsleasow: EVANS & SPENCER [1995], UNWIN [1996a]). MILNER [1994], METCALF & WALKER [1994], UNWIN [1996a]). Pterosauria indet.

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- Age: late Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). phorhynchinae Rhamphocephalus sp. 38. Oxfordshire, England

Age: early Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). i) Chipping Norton Formation (Smith’s Quarry: HUXLEY [1859], UNWIN [1996a, 2003]). ii) Cotswold Slate Formation (Eyford Hill, Huntsman’s and Kineton Thorns Quarries: EVANS & MILNER ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; [1994], UNWIN [1996a]). Rhamphorhynchinae Rhamphocephalus bucklandi (including Rhampho- ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- cephalus depressirostris) 69

Age: early Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). phorhynchinae Rhamphorhynchus sp. ii) Sharp’s Hill Formation (Sharp’s Hill: EVANS & MILNER [1994]). Age: late Callovian (THULBORN 1973).

Pterosauria indet. 41. Isle of Eigg, Scotland

Age: early Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). Lealt Shale Formation (Kildonnan and Eilean Thuilm: BARROW [1908], BENTON & SPENCER [1995]). iii) Taynton Formation (Stonesfi eld Slates: BUCKLAND [1829], HUXLEY [1859], PHILLIPS [1871], Pterosauria indet. OWEN [1874], SEELEY [1880], LYDEKKER [1888], UNWIN [1996a]). Age: early Bathonian (HARRIS & HUDSON 1980).

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- 42. Isle of Skye, Scotland phorhynchinae Rhamphocephalus bucklandi (including Pterodac- Kilmaluag Formation (Cladach a’Glinne: EVANS & tylus aclandi, Pterodactylus duncani, Ptero- MILNER [1994], EVANS et al. [2006]). dactylus kiddi) Pterosauria indet. Age: middle Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b; BONEHAM & WYATT 1993). Age: late Bathonian (HARRIS & HUDSON 1980). iv) Hampen Marly Formation (Woodeaton: EVANS & 2.3.4 North America MILNER [1994]). 43. Estado de Tamaulipas, Mexico Pterosauria indet. (Huizachal Canyon: CLARK et al. Age: middle Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). [1994, 1998]). v) Forest Marble Formation (Kirtlington: EVANS & MIL- Pterosauria incertae sedis NER [1994], UNWIN [1996a]). ‘Dimorphodon’ weintraubi

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- Age: early Middle Jurassic (FASTOVSKY et al. 1995). phorhynchinae Rhamphocephalus sp. 44. Arizona, United States of America

Age: late Bathonian (COPE et al. 1980b). Undifferentiated Summerville-Bluff Formation (Carri- zo Mountains: LOCKLEY & MICKELSON [1997]). vi) Middle Oxford Clay (St Clements: PHILLIPS [1871], UNWIN [1996a]). Pterosaur tracks

Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae Age: Callovian-Oxfordian (ANDERSON & LUCAS 1992). ?Rhamphoryhnchidae indet. 45. Colorado, United States of America Age: late Callovian (COPE et al. 1980b). (Cactus Park: LOCKLEY & 39. Département du Calvados, France WRIGHT [2003]; Furnish Canyon: LOCKLEY et al. [1996, 2001]). Marne des Dives (Villers: KNOLL & BOUVEUR [2001]). Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. Age: Callovian-Oxfordian (ANDERSON & LUCAS 1992). Age: late Callovian (TAQUET & WELLS 1977). 46. Utah, United States of America 40. Distrito do Leiria, Portugal i) Curtis/Stump Formation (Flaming Gorge: HAYDEN Unnamed unit (THULBORN 1973) [2002]).

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- Pterosaur tracks 70

Figure 5: Pterosaur localities from the Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous of the UK. Key: fi lled star, Upper Triassic; open squares, Lower Jurassic localities; fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

Age: middle Callovian (HAYDEN 2002). Age: middle-late Bathonian (KVALE et al. 2001).

ii) Summerville Formation (Del Monte Mines: LOCK- 2.3.5 South America LEY et al. [1995], LOCKLEY & WRIGHT [2003]; Ferron: LOCKLEY & WRIGHT [2003], MICKELSON et al. [2004]). 48. Chubut Province,

Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) Cañadon Asfalto Formation (Cerro Cóndor, Las Chacritas: RAUHUT et al. [2001], CODORNIÚ & Age: Callovian-Oxfordian (ANDERSON & LUCAS 1992). GASPARINI [2007]). ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; 47. Wyoming, United States of America Rhamphorhynchinae Sundance Formation (Alcova Lake: LOCKLEY et al. ?Rhamphorhynchinae indet. [1995], LOCKLEY & WRIGHT [2003]; : Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; UNWIN [1996b]). Scaphognathinae ?Scaphognathinae indet. Pterosaur tracks (including Pteraichnus stokesi) 71

Age: Callovian-Oxfordian (TASCH & VOLKHEIMER ii) Qigu Formation (Liuhuanggou: MARTIN et al. 2006). 1970). ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae 2.4 Upper Jurassic Rhamphorhynchidae indet.

2.4.1 Africa Age: Oxfordian (ASHRAF cited in MARTIN et al. 2006).

49. Mtwara, Tanzania 53. Volga Region, Russia

Tendaguru Formation (Middle and Upper Saurian Unknown locality (BAKHURINA & UNWIN 1995). beds, Tendaguru: RECK [1931], GALTON [1980], UNWIN & HEINRICH [1999], SAYAO & KELLNER [2001]). Pterosauria indet.

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. (= Rhamphorhynchus Age: Upper Jurassic (BAKHURINA & UNWIN 1995). tendagurensis) Pterodactyloidea indet. (including Pterodactylus 54. South Kazakhstan Province, Kazakhstan maximus, ? indet.) Pterodactyloidea; Karabastau Svita (Karatau ridge: RYABININ [1948], Tendaguripterus recki SHAROV [1971], BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], UNWIN Dsungaripteroidea indet. (= Pterodactylus brancai) & BAKHURINA [2000]). Pterodactyloidea; ; Azhdarchidae Azhdarchidae indet. ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Anurognathidae Pterosauria indet. (= Pterodactylus arningi) volans ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- Age: late Kimmeridgian- (ABERHAN et al. phorhynchinae 2002). pilosus

2.4.2 Asia Age: Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian (DOLUDENKO & OR- LOSKAYA 1976). 50. Gansu, People’s Republic of China 2.4.3 Europe Huachihuanhe Formation (Sanshilipu: DONG 1982). 55. Dorset, England Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasmatidae (Encombe Bay: BENTON & SPENCER quingyangensis [1995]; Kimmeridge Bay: UNWIN [1988b], BENTON & SPENCER [1995]; Weymouth: OWEN [1874], LYDEKKER Age: Upper Jurassic (DONG 1982). [1888], BENTON & SPENCER [1995]).

51. Shandong, People’s Republic of China Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea sp. Meng-Yin Formation (Mengyin: YOUNG [1964]). Unnamed pterosaur Pterosauria indet. (includes Rhamphorhynchus sp., Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Pterodactylus manseli, Pterodactylus pleydelli, Dsungaripteridae Pterodactylus sp.) ?Dsungaripteridae indet. Age: Kimmeridgian (COPE et al. 1980b). Age: early Tithonian (CHEN et al. 1982) or Kimme- ridgian (DONG pers. comm. in WEISHAMPEL et al. 56. Département de l´Ain, France 2004). “Lithographic ” (Cerin: VON MEYER [1860], 52. Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu, People’s Republic of BUFFETAUT et al. [1990]). China Pterosauria indet. (includes Pterodactylus cerinensis) i) Upper Shishugou Formation (Wucaiwan: ANDRES & CLARK [2005], CLARK et al. [2006]). Age: Kimmeridgian (BUFFETAUT et al. 1990).

Undescribed ‘rhamphorhynchoid’ 57. Département du Calvados, France

Age: Oxfordian (EBERTH et al. 2001). Upper Sables de Glos (Lisieux: BUFFETAUT et al. 72

Figure 6: Pterosaur localities from the Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous of France and Luxembourg. Key: fi lled star, Upper Triassic; open squares, Lower Jurassic localities; fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

[1985], KNOLL & BOUVEUR [2001], BUFFETAUT & GUI- Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea BERT [2001]). Normannognathus wellnhoferi Pterosauria indet. (including Pterodactylus sp.) Pterosauria indet. Age: late Kimmeridgian (BUFFETAUT et al. 1998). Age: late Oxfordian (BUFFETAUT et al. 1985). 60. Département du Lot, France 58. Département de la Haute-Marne, France Unnamed unit (Crayssac: MAZIN et al. [1997, 2003]). Calcaires tâchetés (Saint-Dizier: TAQUET [1972], JOUVE [2004], BENNETT [2007a]). Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; - tidae Age: early Tithonian (MAZIN et al. 1997). Ctenochasma taqueti 61. Département du Lot-et-Garonne, France Age: early Tithonian (TAQUET 1972). Unnamed unit (Fumel: SAUVAGE [1902]). 59. Département de la Haute-Normandie, France Pterosauria indet. Argiles d´Ecqueville (Cap de la Hève: LENNIER [1887], BUFFETAUT et al. [1998]). Age: late Kimmeridgian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001). 73 62. Département du Pas-de-Calais, France Rhamphorhynchinae ?Rhamphorhynchus muensteri (= Rhamphorhyn- i) Grès de la Crèche inférieurs (Boulogne-sur-Mer: chus longicaudus) KNOLL & BOUVEUR [2001]). Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea Germanodactylus rhamphastinus ?‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterodactylus antiquus (= Pterodactylus kochi) Pterosauria indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasmatidae Age: early Tithonian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001). ‘Pterodactylus’ longicollum ii) Unnamed unit (Boulogne-sur-Mer: SAUVAGE [1872], Age: Tithonian (WELLNHOFER 1978). WELLNHOFER [1978], KNOLL & BOUVEUR [2001]). ii) , Malm Zeta 2 (Eichstätt, Solnho- Pterosauria indet. (including Pterodactylus fen and Workerszell: CUVIER [1809], GOLDFUSS [1831], suprajurensis) WAGNER [1837], VON MEYER [1846, 1847], DÖDERLEIN [1923], WELLNHOFER [1978], BENNETT Age: late Kimmeridgian (WELLNHOFER 1978). [1995, 1996a, 1996b, 2006, 2007a, 2007b], JOUVE [2004]). iii) Unnamed unit (Montrouge: KNOLL & BOUVEUR ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Anurognathidae [2001]). ammoni ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Pterosauria indet. Rhamphorhynchinae Rhamphorhynchus muensteri (including Rham- Age: late Tithonian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001). phorhynchus longicaudus, Rhamphorhynchus intermedius, Rhamphorhynchus gemmingi, 63. Département du Var, France Rhamphorhynchus longiceps) ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Gisement des Bessons (Canjuers: FABRE [1976], BEN- Scaphognathinae NETT [1996a]). crassirostris Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea Cycnorhamphus suevicus Cycnorhamphus canjuersensis Pterodactylus antiquus (including Pterodactylus kochi) Age: early Tithonian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001). ‘Pterodactylus’ micronyx Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- 64. Baden-Württemberg, Germany tidae Ctenochasma elegens (including Ctenochasma Nusplingen Limestone, Malm Zeta 1 (Nusplingen: gracile and Ctenochasma porocristata) VON MEYER [1854], WELLNHOFER [1978], BENNETT subulatus [1995, 1996a, 1996b]). ‘Pterodactylus’ longicollum Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Germanodactylus cristatus Rhamphorhynchinae Germanodactylus rhamphastinus Rhamphorhynchus muensteri Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea ?Azhdarchidae (unnamed taxon) Cycnorhamphus suevicus Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Age: Tithonian (BARTHEL 1978). Ctenochasmatidae ‘Pterodactylus’ longicollum 66. Niedersachsen, Germany

Age: late Kimmeridgian (DIETL & SCHWEIGERT 2001). Lower Kimmeridgian mudstones (Langenberg Quarry, Oker: FASTNACHT [2005]). 65. Bayern, Germany Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae i) Mornsheimer Limestone, Malm Zeta 3 (Daiting and Dsungaripteridae indet. Kelheim: WAGNER [1851], WELLNHOFER [1978], BENNETT [1995, 2006]). Age: Kimmeridgian (FASTNACHT 2005).

‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; 67. Województwo mazowieckie, Poland 74 ‘Wierzbica Oolite and Platy Limestones’ (Wierzbica: 2.4.4 North America PIENKOWSKI & NIEDZWIEDZKI [2005]). 73. Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) (Viñales: COLBERT [1969], GASPARINI Age: early Kimmeridgian (GUTOWSKI 1998). et. al. [2004]).

68. Distrito do Leiria, Portugal ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rhamphorhynchinae Camadas de Guimarota (Guimarota: WIECHMANN & Nesodactylus hesperius GLOY [2000]). ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Scaphognathinae ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. Cacibupteryx caribensis Pterodactyloidea indet. Age: middle-late Oxfordian (ITURRALDE-VINENT & Age: Kimmeridgian (SCHUDACK 2000). NORELL 1996).

69. Provincia de Asturias, 74. Arizona, United States of America

Lastres Formation (La Costa de los Dinosaurios: (Carrizo Mountains: STOKES VALENZUELA et al. [1988], LOCKLEY et al. [1995], [1957]). GARCÍA-RAMOS et al. [2006]). Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus saltwashensis) Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) Age: Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (KOWALLIS et al. 1998). Age: Kimmeridgian (GARCÍA-RAMOS et al. 2006). 75. Colorado, United States of America 70. Kanton Bern, Switzerland Morrison Formation (: JENSEN & Unspecifi ed unit (Biel: BILLON-BRUYAT [2005]). OSTROM [1977], JENSEN & PADIAN [1989], SMITH et al. [2004], BENNETT [2007c]; Small Quarry, Garden Park: Pterosauria indet. HARRIS & CARPENTER [1996]; Kings View Quarry, Fruita: KING et al. [2006]; Mygatt-Moore Quarry: Age: Late Oxfordian (BILLON-BRUYAT 2005). KING et al. [2006]; Uravan locality: KING et al. [2006]).

71. Kanton Jura, Switzerland ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Anurognathidae ?‘Mesadactylus ornithosphyos’ partim (may be a Reuchenette Formation (Porrentruy: BILLON-BRUYAT chimera: BENNETT [2007a]) [2005]). Pterodactyloidea incertae sedis ?‘Mesadactylus ornithosphyos’ partim (may be a ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Rham- chimera: BENNETT [2007a]) phorhynchinae ?Pterodactyloidea indet. Rhamphorhynchinae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea Kepodactylus insperatus Age: late Kimmeridgian (BILLON-BRUYAT 2005) Pterosauria indet.

72. Kanton Soluthurn, Switzerland Age: Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (KOWALLIS et al. 1998).

i) Unspecifi ed unit (Olten: BILLON-BRUYAT [2005]). 76. Oklahoma, United States of America

Pterosauria indet. Morrison Formation (Panhandle: LOCKLEY et al. [2001]).

Age: Late Oxfordian (BILLON-BRUYAT 2005). Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.)

ii) Soluthurn Limestone (St. Niklaus: MEYER & Age: Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (KOWALLIS et al. 1998). HUNT [1999]). 77. Wyoming, United States of America Pterosauria indet. Morrison Formation (Alcova Reservoir: CONNELY Age: late Kimmeridgian (MEYER & HUNT 1999). [2006]; ?Big Al Quarry: KING et al. [2006]; Bone 75

Figure 7: Pterosaur localities from the Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous of central and eastern Europe, including Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Romania. Hungary and the Czech Republic. Note that no Middle Jurassic pterosaur localities are currently known from these regions. Key: fi lled star, Upper Triassic; open squares, Lower Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

Cabin Quarry: CARPENTER et al. [2003]; Como Bluff: ostromi) MARSH [1878, 1881a, 1881b], GALTON [1981], OSTROM Pterodactyloidea indet. (= Dermodactylus montanus) [1986]). Pterosauria indet. (= Laopteryx priscus) Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Rhamphorhynchidae; Sca- phognathinae Age: Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (KOWALLIS et al. 1998). Harpactognathus gentryii ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’ indet. (= Comodactylus 2.4.5 South America 76

Figure 8: Pterosaur localities from the Middle Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula, including Spain and Portugal. Note that no Upper Triassic or Lower Jurassic pterosaur localities are currently known from this region. Key: fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

78. Neuquén Province, Argentina Unnamed unit, ‘Couches Rouges’ (Anoual: SIGOGNE- AU-RUSSELL et al. [1998], KNOLL [2000]). Formation (Arroyo Picún Leufú antic- line: CASAMIQUELA [1975], CODORNIÚ & GASPARINI Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- [2007]; Los Catutos: GASPARINI et al. [1987], CODORNIÚ tidae; Gnathosaurinae et al. [2006], CODORNIÚ & GASPARINI [2007]). ?Gnathosaurinae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pterodactyloidea incertae sedis ?Ornithocheiridae indet. Herbstosaurus pigmaeus Pterodactyloidea; Euctenochasmia Age: (SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL et al. 1990). ?Euctenochasmia indet. (= Archaeopterodactyloi- dea indet.) 80. Département d´Agadez, Niger Pterodactyloidea indet. (Unnamed locality and Gadoufa- Age: middle-late Tithonian (LEANZA & ZEISS 1992). oua: SERENO et al. [1998], BLACKBURN [2002]).

2.5 Lower Cretaceous Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Undescribed ornithocheirid 2.5.1 Africa Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea Undescribed ?azhdarchoid 79. Oriental, Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae 77 ?Azhdarchidae indet. 86. Khovd, Mongolia

Age: late Aptian (MOODY & SUTCLIFFE 1991). Tsagaantsav Svita (Tatal: BAKHURINA [1982, 1986], BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], UNWIN & BAKHURINA 81. Gouvernorat de Tatouine, Tunisia [2000]).

Chenini Formation (unnamed locality: BENTON et al. Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae [2000]). ‘Phobetor’ parvus

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Age: Berriasian- (SHUVALOV 2000). Ornithocheiridae indet. 87. Övörkhangai, Mongolia Age: early (BENTON et al. 2000). Öösh Formation (Öösh: ANDRES & NORELL [2005]). 2.5.2 Asia Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae 82. Gifu Prefecture, Japan ?Dsungaripteridae indet.

Okurodani Formation (Kobudani Valley, Shokawa: Age: Berriasian-Valanginian (SHUVALOV 2000). UNWIN et al. [1996], EVANS et al. [1998]). 88. Gansu, People’s Republic of China Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae (Yellow River valley: LI et al. Dsungaripteridae indet. [2002]).

Age: Berriasian (EVANS et al. 1998). Pterosaur tracks (cf. Pteraichnus)

83. Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan Age: Lower Cretaceous (LI et al. 2002).

Kuwajima Formation (Kuwajima: UNWIN et al. [2000], 89. , People’s Republic of China ISAJI et al. [2005]). i) Yixian Formation (Beipiao, Jinzhou, Lujiatun, Sihetun Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea and others: JI & JI [1997, 1998], JI et al. [1999, 2004], Ornithocheiridae indet. UNWIN et al. [2000], WANG & LÜ [2001], LÜ [2003], Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- LÜ & JI [2005a], WANG & ZHOU [2004, 2006a, 2006b], tidae; Gnathosaurinae WANG et al. [2005, 2007], KELLNER et al. [2007a]). Gnathosaurinae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea ‘Rhamphorhynchoidea’; Anurognathidae ?Dsungaripteroidea indet. Dendrorhynchoides curvidentatus Pterodactyloidea incertae sedis Age: Valanginian (ISAJI et al. 2005). youngi Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- 84. Osh, Kyrgyzstan tidae chenianus Alamyshik Formation (Kylodzhun: NESSOV [1990], Eosipterus yangi BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], AVERIANOV [2004]). Cathayopterus grabaui Gegepterus changi Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiri- dae Age: early-middle Albian (AVERIANOV 2004). Boreopterus cuiae Haopterus gracilis 85. Dornogovi, Mongolia Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Tapejaridae Unnamed tapejarid Züünbayan Formation (Hüren Dukh: BAKHURINA & Pterosaur eggs (Ornithocheiridae indet.) UNWIN [1995], UNWIN & BAKHURINA [2000]). Age: late Barremian – early Aptian (SWISHER et al. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae 1999). Undescribed taxon (Coloborhynchus?) ii) (Chaoyang and nearby localities: Age: Aptian-Albian (SHUVALOV 1974). DONG et al. [2003], LI et al. [2003], WANG & ZHOU 78

[2003a, 2003b, 2006a], DONG & LÜ [2005], LÜ & JI YOUNG [1964], BUFFETAUT [1996]). [2005b], LÜ & YUAN [2005], LÜ & ZHANG [2005], WANG et al. [2005, 2008], ANDRES & JI [2006], KELL- Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae NER et al. [2006], LÜ et al. [2006a, 2006b, 2007]). Dsungaripteridae indet.

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Istiodactylidae Age: ?Valanginian-Albian (SHEN & MATEER 1992). sinensis Nurhachius ignaciobritoi iii) Upper (Wuerho: YOUNG [1964, 1973]). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Tapejaridae Chaoyangopterus zhangi (= Eoazhdarcho liaoxien- Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae sis, Eopteranodon lii) weii ‘Huaxipterus’ benxiensis Noripterus complicidens ‘Huaxipterus’ corollatus Jidapterus edentus Age: ?Valanginian-Albian (SHEN & MATEER 1992). dongi (= Huaxipterus jii) Sinopterus gui 93. Belgorod Oblast, Russia Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Liaoningopterus gui Sekmenevka Formation or Paramonovo and Polpi- Liaoxipterus brachyognathus no Formations (Lebedi and Stoilo quarries: NESSOV Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea [1990], BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], AVERIANOV crypticus [2004, 2007a]).

Age: Aptian (HE et al. 2004). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Ornithocheiridae indet. 90. Nei Mongol Zizhiqu, People’s Republic of China Age: Aptian (AVERIANOV 2007a). i) Ejinhoro Formation (Muhuaxiao Village: DONG [1993]). 94. Republic Buryatia, Russia

Pterosauria indet. i) Khilok Formation (Krasnyi Yar: AVERIANOV [2007a]).

Age: Lower Cretaceous (DONG 1993). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Ornithocheiridae indet. ii) Luohangdong Formation (Laolonghuoze: BRINKMAN & PENG [1993], RUSSELL & DONG [1993]). Age: Aptian (AVERIANOV 2007a).

Pterosauria indet. ii) Murtoi Formation (Mogoito: AVERIANOV [2007a]).

Age: ?Valanginian-?Albian (RUSSELL & ZHAO 1996). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Ornithocheiridae indet. 91. Shandong, People’s Republic of China Qingshan Formation (Laiyang: YOUNG [1958, 1964]). Age: late Barremian-middle Aptian (AVERIANOV 2007a). Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae ?Dsungaripteridae indet. 95. Kemerovo Oblast, Russia

Age: Aptian-Albian (MATEER pers. comm. in Ilek Formation (Shestakovo 1: AVERIANOV [2007a]). WEISHAMPEL et al. 2004). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae 92. Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu, People’s Republic of China Ornithocheiridae indet.

i) Lianmuxin Formation, Upper Tugulu Group Age: Aptian-Albian (AVERIANOV 2007a). (Liuhonggou: MAISCH et al. [2004]). 96. Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae Lonchognathosaurus acutirostris Ilek Formation (Bol’shoi Kemchug 3: AVERIANOV [2007a]). Age: ?Aptian-Albian (MAISCH et al. 2004). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae ii) Tugulu Group, unspecifi ed horizon (Changchi: Ornithocheiridae indet. 79

Age: ?-Barremian (AVERIANOV 2007a). cuvieri (including Lonchodectes scaporhynchus, brachrhinus, 97. Tambov Oblast, Russia Ornithocheirus colorhinus, Ornithocheirus cuvieri, Ornithocheirus dentatus, Ornithoch- Unnamed unit (Kobyaki: BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995]). eirus denticulatus, Ornithocheirus enchorhyn- chus, Ornithocheirus xyphorhynchus, Pteno- ?Pterosauria indet. dactylus cuvieri, Pterodactylus cuvieri) Anhanguera fi ttoni (including Ornithocheirus Age: Albian- (BAKHURINA & UNWIN fi ttoni, Ornithocheirus nasutus, Ornithochei- 1995) or early Cenomanian (AVERIANOV et al. 2005b). rus polyodon, Ptenodactylus fi ttoni, Pterodacy- lus fi ttoni) Coloborhynchus capito (including 98. Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea Amblydectes eurygnathus, Criorhynchus capi- to, Ornithocheirus capito, Ornithocheirus readi) Hasandong Formation (no locality data: LIM et al. Coloborhynchus sedgwickii (including Ambly- [2002], LEE & LEE [2006]). dectes crassidens, Criorhynchus crassidens, Criorhynchus woodwardi, Ornithocheirus Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae crassidens, Ornithocheirus sedgwickii, Orni- ?Dsungaripteridae indet. thostoma seeleyi, Ptenodactylus sedgwicki, Pterosaur trackways Ptenodactylus woodwardi, Pterodactylus sedg- wickii, Pterodactylus woodwardi) Age: Hauterivian-Barremian (LIM et al. 2002). Ornithocheirus simus (including Criorhynchus carteri, Criorhynchus platyrhinus, Criorhyn- 2.5.3 Australia chus simus, Ornithocheirus carteri, Ornithoch- eirus platyrhinus, Pterodactylus simus) 99. Queensland, Australia Ornithocheirus sp. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; i) (Warra Station: MOLNAR & Ornithostoma sedgwicki (including Ornithostoma THULBORN [1980], MOLNAR [1987]). seeleyi) Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Lonchodectidae Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Lonchodectes compressirostris (including Loncho- Anhanguera ?cuvieri dectes tenuirostris, Ornithocheirus tenuirostris) Lonchodectes machaerorhynchus (including Age: Albian (MOLNAR 1980). Ornithocheirus machaerorhynchus) Lonchodectes microdon (including Lonchodectes ii) Allaru Formation (Hughenden: LONG [1998]). oweni, Ornithocheirus huxleyi, Ornithochei- rus microdon, Ornithocheirus oweni) Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Lonchodectes platystomus (including Amblydectes cf. Anhanguera sp. platystomus, Criorhynchus platystomus, Orni- Age: Albian (MOLNAR 1982). thocheirus platystomus) Lonchodectes sp. 100. Victoria, Australia Age: late Albian (RAWSON et al. 1978). (Dinosaur Cove: RICH & RICH [1989]). 102. Dorset, England

Pterosauria indet. Middle Purbeck Beds (Langton Matravers: SEELEY [1869b, 1875], OWEN [1870], DELAIR [1958], HOWSE & Age: early Albian (RICH & RICH 1989). MILNER [1995], WRIGHT et al. [1997]).

2.5.4 Europe Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- 101. Cambridgeshire, England tidae; Ctenochasmatinae Gnathosaurus macrurus (numerous localities, including Plataleorhynchus streptorophodon Barton, Cambridge, Ditton, Grantchester and Has- Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- lingfi eld: OWEN [1859, 1874], SEELEY [1869a, 1870], tidae LYDEKKER [1888], HOOLEY [1914], UNWIN et al. [2000], Ctenochasmatidae indet. (= Doratorhynchus validus) UNWIN [2001]). Pterosaur trackways (Purbeckopus pentadactylus)

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Age: Berriasian (ALLEN & WIMBLEDON 1991). 80 103. , England Coloborhychus clavirostris Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Lonchodectidae i) Formation (various localities including Barnes Lonchodectes sagittirostris High and Yaverland: LYDEKKER [1888], MARTILL et al. Pterosauria indet. [1996], HOWSE et al. [2001], STEEL et al. [2005], SWEET- MAN [2006]). Age: late Berriasian – Valanginian (RAWSON et al. 1978). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Caulkicephalus trimicrodon 106. West Sussex, England Ornithocheiridae indet. Pterosauria indet. Hastings Beds (Tilgate Forest: MANTELL [1827, 1844], Owen [1870, 1874], HOWSE et al. [2001]). Age: Barremian (RAWSON et al. 1978). Pterosauria indet. (= Ornithocheirus clifti, Ornitho- ii) (Atherfi eld Point: HOOLEY [1913], cheirus curtus) MARTILL et al. [1996], HOWSE et al. [2001]). Age: late Berriasian – Valanginian (RAWSON et al. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Istiodactylidae 1978). Istiodactylus latidens Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae 107. Département des Ardennes, France Ornithocheiridae indet. Pterosauria indet. Unnamed unit (Grandpré: BUFFETAUT & WELLNHOFER [1983], KNOLL & BOUVEUR [2001]). Age: Barremian (RAWSON et al. 1978). ?Pterosauria indet. iii) “Wealden” (No locality data: OWEN [1870], LYDEKKER [1888], MARTILL et al. [1996], HOWSE et al. [2001]). Age: early Albian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001).

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae 108. Département de l´Aube, France Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘Ornithocheirus nobilis’) Pterosauria indet. i) Toxaster Limestone (exact provenance unknown: BUFFETAUT [2004]). Age: Barremian (RAWSON et al. 1978). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea iv) Upper Greensand (Atherfi eld Point: UNWIN et al. Ornithocheiroidea indet. [2000]). Age: Hauterivian (LAPPARENT & STCHEPINSKY 1968). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Ornithocheirus sp. ii) Unnamed unit “Sables verts de l’Albien” (Le Gaty: BUFFETAUT et al. [1989], UNWIN et al. [2000]). Age: Albian (RAWSON et al. 1978). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea 104. Kent, England Ornithocheiroidea indet.

Gault Clay (Folkestone: OWEN [1874], UNWIN et al. Age: Albian (BUFFETAUT et al. 1989). [2000]) 109. Département du Charante, France Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Lonchodectidae Lonchodectes platystomus Unnamed unit ‘Purbeckien’ (Chevres-de-Cognac: Pterodactyloidea indet. (= Ornithocheirus daviesii) MAZIN et al. [2006]).

Age: Albian (RAWSON et al. 1978) Pterodactyloidea indet.

105. East Sussex, England Age: early – middle Berriasian (COLIN et al. 2004).

Hastings Beds (Hastings: MANTELL [1827, 1844], 110. Département de Haute-Marne, France OWEN [1870, 1874], LYDEKKER [1888], HOWSE et al. [2001]). Toxaster Limestone (= “Calcaire à Spatangues”) (Attancourt: BUFFETAUT & WELLNHOFER [1983], Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae UNWIN et al. [2000]). 81

Pterosauria indet. Cornet bauxite (Cornet: BENTON et al. [1997]).

Age: Hauterivian (LAPPARENT & STCHEPINSKY 1968). Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea ?Dsungaripteroidea indet. 111. Département de la Meuse, France Age: Berriasian – Hauterivian (PATRULIUS et al. 1983). Unnamed unit ‘’ (Louppy-Le-Chateau: UNWIN et al. [2000], KNOLL & BOUVEUR [2001]). 116. Provincia de Cuenca, Spain

Pterosauria indet. Calizas de La Huergina Formation (Las Hoyas: LOCK- LEY et al. [1995], UNWIN [1996b]). Age: early Albian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001). ?Pterosaur tracks 112. Département du Pas-du-Calais, France Age: late Barremian (FREGENAL-MARTINEZ & MÉLÉN- Unnamed unit (Boulogne-sur-Mer: KNOLL & BOU- DEZ 1995). VEUR [2001]). 117. Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja, Spain Pterosauria indet. (?Ornithocheiridae indet.) (Los Cayos: MORATALLA [1993], Age: Albian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001). LOCKLEY et al. [1995], UNWIN [1996b], MORATALLA & HERNÁN [2005]). 113. Niedersachsen, Germany Pterosaur tracks (Pterichnus sp.) i) “Purbeck” (Deister Hills: VON MEYER [1851], BENNETT [2007a]). Age: early Aptian (MORATALLA & HERNÁN 2005).

Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasmatidae 118. Provincia de Soria, Spain Ctenochasma roemeri Oncala Formation (Santa Cruz de Yanguas and Villar Age: Berriasian (BENNETT 2007a). del Rio: MORATALLA [1993], LOCKLEY et al. [1995], UNWIN [1996b], FUENTES-VIDARTE & MEIJIDE-CALVO ii) Elligserbrink Shale (Delligsen: KOKEN [1885]; WELLN- [1996], MEIJIDE-CALVO & FUENTES-VIDARTE [2001]). HOFER [1991a]). Pterosauria indet. ?Pterosauria indet. (= Ornithocheirus hilsenis) Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus manueli, Pteraichnus palacieisaenzi) Age: early Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian: KOKEN 1885). Age: Berriasian (LOCKLEY et al. 1995). iii) Unnamed unit (Engelbostel: WILD [1990], UNWIN et al. 119. Provincia de Teruel, Spain [2000]). i) Artoles Formation (Vallipón: RUIZ-OMEÑACA et al. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae [1998]). Ornithocheiridae indet. (= Ornithocheirus wieden- rothi) Pterodactyloidea indet.

Age: Hauterivian (WILD 1990). Age: Barremian (RUIZ-OMEÑACA et al. 1998).

114. Distrito de Lisboa, Portugal ii) (La Cantalera: RUIZ-OMEÑACA & CANUDO [2001]). Unnamed unit “Ptérocérien marls and “ (Serra Tiago dos Velhos: GALTON [1994]). Pterosauria indet.

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Age: early Barremian (RUIZ-OMEÑACA et al. 1997). cf. Ornithocheirus sp. iii) El Castillar Formation (Galve: CANUDO et al. [1997]), Age: early Barremian (GALTON 1994). SANZ et al. [1990]).

115. Judetul Bihor, Romania Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea 82 ?Dsungaripteroidea indet. i) (Glen Rose and Seco Creek: Pterosauria indet. LANGSTON [1974], MURRY et al. [1991], UNWIN et al. [2000]). Age: Berriasian-early Barremian (SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁN- DEZ et al. 2007). Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae ?Azhdarchidae indet. iv) (Galve: SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ et ?Pterosaur tracks al. [2007]). Age: late Aptian – early Albian (LANGSTON 1974). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea Ornithocheiroidea indet. ii) (Forestburg: ZANGERL & DENISON [1950], UNWIN et al. [2000]). Age: early Barremian (SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ et al. 2007). ?Pterosauria indet.

2.5.5 North America Age: late Aptian – middle Albian (LANGSTON 1974).

120. Estado de Puebla, Mexico iii) (Tarrant County: LEE [1994]).

Tepexi Formation (Tlayúa: CABRAL-PERDOMO & AP- Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae PLEGATE [1994], UNWIN et al. [2000], FREY et al. [2006]). Coloborhynchus wadleighi

Pterodactyloidea indet. Age: late Albian (JACOBS et al. 1991). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea Ornithocheiroidea indet. (= Pteranodon sp., 2.5.6 South America sp.) 125. Neuquén Province, Argentina Age: Aptian-Albian (FREY et al. 2006). i) (Ezequiel Ramos Mexía: CALVO 121. California, United States of America & LOCKLEY [2001]).

Budden Canyon Formation (Shasta County: HILTON Pterosaur tracks et al. [1999]). Age: Albian (CALVO 1991) or Cenomanian (LEANZA et Pterosauria indet. al. 2004).

Age: late Aptian (HILTON et al. 1999). ii) (Arroyo La Amarga: MONTA- NELLI [1987], BONAPARTE [1996]). 122. Maryland, United States of America Pterodactyloidea indet. Patuxent Formation (unnamed locality: KRANZ [1998], STANFORD & LOCKLEY [2004], STANFORD et al. [2007]). Age: Hauterivian-Barremian (MONTANELLI 1987), Hauterivian (BONAPARTE 1996), Barremian-early Pterosaur tracks Aptian (LEANZA et al. 2004).

Age: Aptian (DOYLE 1992). iii) Cullín Grande Member, Lohan Cura Formation (Cerro de Los Leones: MARTINELLI et al. [2007]). 123. Oregon, United States of America Pterosauria indet. Hudspeth Formation (Wheeler County: GILMORE [1928], NESSOV [1991], BENNETT [1994], UNWIN et al. Age: early Albian (LEANZA 2002). [2000]). 126. San Luis Province, Argentina Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea ?Azhdarchoidea indet. (= Bennettazhia i) La Cruz Formation (Hultarán: BONAPARTE & SÁNCHEZ [Pteranodon] oregonensis) [1975], CODORNIÚ & GASPARINI [2007]).

Age: Albian (GILMORE 1928). Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- tidae; Ctenochasmatinae 124. Texas, United States of America guinazui (= Puntanipterus globosus) 83

Figure 9: Pterosaur localities from the Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic of North America. Key: fi lled star, Upper Triassic; open squares, Lower Jurassic localities; fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

Age: Aptian (RIVAROLA 1999). Bahia Series (Bahia: MAWSON & WOODWARD [1907]: the majority of specimens attributed to pterosaurs ii) Lagarcito Formation (Loma del Pterodaustro: BONA- from this locality have now been referred to the coela- PARTE [1970], CHIAPPE & CHINSAMY [1996], CHIAPPE et canth Mawsonia). al. [1998], CHIAPPE et al. [2004], CODORNIÚ & CHIAPPE [2004], CODORNIÚ & GASPARINI [2007]). ?Pterosauria indet.

Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- Age: Aptian (TAQUET 1977). tidae; Ctenochasmatinae Pterodaustro guinazui 129. Ceará, Brazil

Age: Albian (CHIAPPE et al. 1998). i) Nova Olinda Member, (Araripe Basin: FREY & MARTILL [1994], CAMPOS & KELLNER 127. Santa Cruz Province, Argentina [1997], MARTILL & FREY [1998, 1999], SAYAO & KELL- NER [1998, 2000], FREY et al. [2003a, 2003b], KELLNER Río Belgrano Formation (Lake Belgrano: KELLNER et & CAMPOS [2007], UNWIN & MARTILL [2007]). al. [2003]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea Ornithocheiroidea indet. (= ‘ cf. Ornithocheiroidea indet. (= ‘? araripensis’) indet.’) Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Arthurdactylus conandoylei Age: early-middle Barremian (RICCARDI 1983). sibbicki Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae 128. Bahia, Brazil ?Azhdarchidae indet. 84 Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Tapejaridae Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- Tupundactylus imperator tidae Tupundactylus navigans Ctenochasmatidae indet.

Age: late Aptian-early Albian (BATTEN 2007). Age: Lower Cretaceous (BELL & PADIAN 1995).

ii) Romualdo Member, Santana Formation (Araripe 132. Huánuco, Peru Basin: PRICE [1971], WELLNHOFER [1977, 1985, 1987, 1991b], BUISONJE [1980], WELLNHOFER et al. [1983], Chulec Formation (Huanzala Mine: BENNETT [1989]). KELLNER [1984, 1996], CAMPOS & KELLNER [1985], LEONARDI & BORGOMANERO [1985], KELLNER & CAM- Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae POS [1988, 1994, 2002], UNWIN [1988c, 2002], MARTILL Pteranodontidae indet. & UNWIN [1989], BENNETT [1990], DALLA VECCHIA [1993], KELLNER & TOMIDA [2000], FASTNACHT [2001], Age: Albian (BENNETT 1989). VELDMEIJER [2003]). 133. Estado Zulia, Venezuela Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterodactyloidea incertae sedis (including ‘Araripesau- Apón Formation (Rosarito Quarry, Villa de Rosario: rus castilhoi’, ‘Araripedactylus dehmi’, ‘Santanad- KELLNER & MOODY [2003]). actylus brasilensis’, ‘Santanadactylus araripensis’, ‘Anhanguera araripensis’, ‘Santanadactylus pricei’, Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae ‘Santanadactylus spixi’, ‘Ceardactylus ligabuei’) Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘?Anhangueridae Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae indet.’) Anhanguera blittersdorffi Anhanguera santanae (= Araripesaurus santanae) Age: Aptian (RENZ 1982). Brasileodactylus araripensis Coloborhynchus robustus (= robus- 2.6 Upper Cretaceous tus; including Anhanguera piscator) Coloborhynchus spielburgi 2.6.1 Africa Ornithocheirus mesembrinus (= Tropeognathus mesembrinus) 134. Littoral Province, Cameroon Pterodactyloidea; Ctenochasmatoidea; Ctenochasma- tidae; Gnathosaurinae Logbadjeck Formation (unnamed locality: NTAMAK- atrox NIDA et al. [2006]). Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Tapejaridae Pterosauria indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Neoazhdarchia sethi Age: early (NTAMAK-NIDA et al. 2006). longicristatus Tupuxaura leonardi 135. Kasai-Oriental, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Age: Aptian-Albian (PONS et al. 1990). Unnamed unit (Bibanga: SWINTON [1948]).

130. Región de Antofagasta, Chile Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae ?Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘cf. Ornithocheirus’) Santa Ana Formation (Quebrada La Carreta: CASAMI- QUELA & DIAZ [1978], MARTILL et al. [2000]). Age: Cenomanian- (MADER & KELLNER 1999). Pterodactyloidea; Dsungaripteroidea; Dsungaripteridae Domeykodactylus ceciliae 136. Chaouia-Ouardigha, Morocco

Age: probably Lower Cretaceous (CHONG 1976; CA- Upper ‘couche III’, phosphate deposits (Oued Zem, SAMIQUELA & DIAZ 1978; MARTILL et al. 2000), possibly Oulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga: PEREDA SUBERBIOLA Upper Jurassic (CASAMIQUELA & DIAZ 1978). et al. [2003]).

131. Región de Atacama, Chile Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Phosphatodraco mauritanicus Quebrada Monardes Formation (Cerro la Isla: BELL & PADIAN [1995], RUBILAR et al. [2002], MARTILL et al. Age: (PEREDA SUBERBIOLA et al. 2003). [2006]). 85

137. Meknès-Tafi lalt, Morocco Age: late Maastrichtian (PRASAD 1989).

Unnamed unit (Beg’aa, Kem-Kem region, Hamada 142. Judea and Samaria Area/West Bank, Israel du Guir: KELLNER & MADER [1996, 1997], MADER & KELLNER [1997, 1999], WELLNHOFER & BUFFETAUT Amminadav Formation or Bet-Meir Formation [1999], RODRIGUES et al. [2006]). (‘Ein Yabrud: TCHERNOV et al. [1996]).

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Undescribed pterodactyloid Coloborhynchus moroccensis (= Siroccopteryx moroccensis) Age: early Cenomanian (RIEPPEL et al. 2003). ?Ornithocheiridae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae 143. Southern District, Israel ?Pteranodontidae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae (Oron: LEWY et al. [1992]). Azhdarchidae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Tapejaridae Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Tapejaridae indet. Azhdarchidae indet. (= ‘Titanopteryx sp.’) ?Pterosauria indet. Age: late Campanian (REISS et al. 1985). Age: early Cenomanian (WELLNHOFER & BUFFETAUT 1999). 144. Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan

138. Thiès, Senegal i) Hakobuchi Group (Enbetsu: CHITOKO [1996]).

Unnamed unit (Paki: MONTEILLET et al. [1982]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae ?Ornithocheiridae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Azhdarchidae indet. Age: late Campanian (CHITOKO 1996).

Age: Campanian-Maastrichtian (MADER & KELLNER ii) Upper Yezo Group (Mikasa: OBATA et al. [1972]). 1999). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae 2.6.2 Asia ?Pteranodontidae indet. (‘Pteranodon sp.’)

139. Vayots Dzor, Armenia Age: -early Campanian (UNWIN et al. 1996).

Unnamed formation (Khidzorut: AVERIANOV & 145. Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan ATABEKYAN [2005]). i) Himenoura Group (UNWIN et al. 1996). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Azhdarchidae indet. Pterosauria indet.

Age: late Turonian (AVERIANOV & ATABEKYAN 2005). Age: Santonian (UNWIN et al. 1996).

140. Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China ii) “Upper” Formation, Mifune Group (Mifune: IKEGAMI & TAMURA [1996], OKAZAKI & KITAMURA [1996], IKE- Tangshang Formation (Linhai: CAI & WEI [1994], GAMI et al. [2000]). UNWIN & LÜ [1997]). Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae linhaiensis Azhdarchidae indet.

Age: early Campanian (MU & CAI 1992). Age: late Cenomanian-early Turonian (MATSUMOTO et al. 1982). 141. Rajasthan, India 146. Amman, Jordan (Sirolkhal: DUBEY & NARAIN [1946]). Unnamed formation (Ruseifa: ARAMBOURG [1959], FREY & MARTILL [1996], MARTILL et al. [1998]). Pterosauria indet. 86

Figure 10: Pterosaur localities from the Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous of North America. Key: fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic: fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Pterosauria indet. Arambourgiania philadelphiae Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Azhdarchidae indet. Age: Maastrichtian (FREY & MARTILL 1996). Age: late Turonian-Coniacian (AVERIANOV 2007b). 147. Kyzyl-Orda Province, Kazakhstan 148. Mount Lebanon Governorate, Lebanon i) Bostobin Formation (Baibishe & Buroinak: NESSOV [1990], BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995]; Shakh-Shakh: Unnamed unit (Hâqel: DALLA VECCHIA et al. [2001]). NESSOV [1990], BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], AVERIANOV [2004, 2007b]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea Ornithocheiroidea indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Aralazhdarcho bostobensis Age: Ceonomanian (DALLA VECCHIA et al. 2001). Pterosauria indet. 149. Penza Oblast, Russia Age: Santonian-early Campanian (AVERIANOV 2004). Rybushka Formation (Malaya Serdoba: BAKHURINA & ii) Zhirkindek Formation (Tyul’keli: AVERIANOV UNWIN [1995], AVERIANOV [2007b]). [2007b]). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae 87 Azhdarchidae indet. (includes ‘Bogolubovia orien- Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae talis’) Ornithocheiridae indet.

Age: early Campanian (AVERIANOV 2007b). Age: Campanian (AVERIANOV & YARKOV 2004).

150. Saratov Oblast, Russia iv) Unnamed formation (Polunino 1: AVERIANOV & YARKOV [2004]). i) Pudovinko Formation (Saratov: AVERIANOV et al. [2005b], AVERIANOV [2007b]). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae ?Azhdarchidae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Azhdarchidae indet. Age: Maastrichtian, redeposited in (AVERIA- NOV & YARKOV 2004). Age: late Campanian (AVERIANOV et al. 2005b). 152. Voronezh Oblast, Russia ii) Rybushka Formation (Beloe Ozero, Shyrokii Karamysh: AVERIANOV [2007b]). Unnamed unit (Pavlovsk: AVERIANOV [2004]).

Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Pterodactyloidea indet. Azhdarchidae indet. Age: Cenomanian (AVERIANOV 2004). Age: late Campanian (AVERIANOV 2007b). 153. Jeollanam-do, South Korea iii) Unnamed formation (Sinen’kie: AVERIANOV [2004]). (Haenam Bay: HWANG et al. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae [2002]). ?Ornithocheiridae indet. Pterosaur tracks (= Haenamichnus uhangriensis, Age: early Cenomanian (AVERIANOV 2004). Haenamichnus sp.) iv) Unnamed formation (Saratov: GLIKMAN [1953], UN- Age: Santonian-early Campanian (KIM et al. 2003). WIN & BAKHURINA [2000], AVERIANOV [2004, 2007a]). 154. Sughd Province, Tadjikistan Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae cf. Coloborhynchus sp. Yalovach Formation (Kansai: NESSOV [1990], BAKHU- Ornithocheiridae indet. RINA & UNWIN [1995], AVERIANOV [2007b]; Zamu- ratscho & Kyzylpilyal: NESSOV [1990], BAKHURINA & Age: late Cenomanian (AVERIANOV 2004). UNWIN [1995]).

151. Volgograd Oblast, Russia Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae ?Azhdarcho sp. i) Melovatka Formation (Melovatka: UNWIN & BAK- Azhdarchidae indet. HURINA [2000], AVERIANOV et al. [2005c], AVERIANOV ?Pterosauria indet. [2007a]). Age: early Santonian (AVERIANOV 2007b). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea Ornithocheiroidea indet. 155. Karakalpakistan, Uzbekistan

Age: late Cenomanian (AVERIANOV et al. 2005b). Khodzhakul Formation (Khodzhakul, Sheikhdzheili, Khodzhakulsai, Chelpyk & Karachadalysai: NESSOV ii) Unnamed formation (Solodcha: AVERIANOV et al. [1990], BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], AVERIANOV [2007a, [2005c], AVERIANOV [2007a]). 2007b]).

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Ornithocheiridae indet. Ornithocheirus sp. Ornithocheiridae indet. Age: late Cenomanian (AVERIANOV et al. 2007a). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Azhdarchidae indet. iii) Unnamed formation (Polunino 2: AVERIANOV & YARKOV [2004]). Age: early Cenomanian (AVERIANOV [2007b]). 88 156. Navoiy Province, Uzbekistan 161. Pardubický, Czech Republic

i) (Dzharakuduk 2: NESSOV [1984], Middle Iser Shales (Zárecká Lhota, Chocen: FRITSCH BAKHURINA & UNWIN [1995], UNWIN & BAKHURINA [1881], WELLNHOFER [1978]). [2000], AVERIANOV [2007b]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae ?Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘Ornithocheirus hlavat Azhdarcho lancicollis schi’)

Age: middle-late Turonian (AVERIANOV 2007b). Age: Turonian (WELLNHOFER 1978).

ii) Dzharakuduk Formation (Itemir: AVERIANOV [2007a]). 162. East Sussex, England

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Lower-Middle Chalk (Southerham Grey Pit, Lewes: Ornithocheiridae indet. BENTON & SPENCER [1995]).

Age: Cenomanian (AVERIANOV [2007a]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae ?Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘Ornithocheirus’) 157. Xorazm Province, Uzbekistan Age: Cenomanian-Turonian (BENTON & SPENCER 1995). ?Bissekty Formation (Zenge Kurgan 3: AVERIANOV [2007b]). 163. Hertfordshire, England

Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Lower Chalk (Hitchin: BENTON & SPENCER [1995]). Azhdarchidae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Age: middle-late Turonian (AVERIANOV 2007b). ?Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘Ornithocheirus’)

2.6.3 Australasia Age: early Cenomanian (RAWSON et al. 1978).

158. Western Australia, Australia 164. Kent, England

Miria Formation (Toothawarra Creek: BENNETT & i) Lower-Upper Chalk (Burham: BOWERBANK [1846, LONG [1991]). 1848, 1852], OWEN [1851]; Halling, Maidstone and Snodland: BENTON & SPENCER [1995], UNWIN [2001]). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae ?Azhdarchidae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Anhanguera cuvieri Age: Maastrichtian (BENNETT & LONG 1991). ?Ornithocheiridae indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Lonchodectidae 159. North Island, New Zealand Lonchodectes compressirostris Lonchodectes giganteus Tahora Formation (Mangahouanga Stream: WIFFEN & MOLNAR [1988], MOLNAR & WIFFEN [1994]). Age: Cenomanian-Turonian (BENTON & SPENCER 1995).

Pterodactyloidea indet. ii) White Chalk Formation (Hope Point: MARTILL et al. [2008]). Age: Campanian (MOORE 1987). Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea 2.6.4 Europe ?Azhdarchoidea indet.

160. Niederösterreich, Austria Age : Coniacian (JENKYNS et al. 1994).

Gosau Formation (Muthmannsdorf: SEELEY [1881]). 165. Surrey, England

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae Lower Chalk (Betchworth: BENTON & SPENCER Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘Ornithocheirus bunzeli’) [1995]).

Age: Campanian (JELETZKY 1960; THENIUS 1974). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae ?Ornithocheiridae indet. (= ‘Ornithocheirus’) 89

Age: early Cenomanian (RAWSON et al. 1978). i) Unnamed unit (Fox-Amphoux: BUFFETAUT et al. [2006], BUFFETAUT [2008]). 166. Département de l´Ariège, France Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Marnes d´Auzas Formation (Mérigon: BUFFETAUT et al. Azhdarchidae indet. [1997], BUFFETAUT [2008]). Age: late Campanian-early Maastrichtian (BUFFETAUT Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae et al. 2006). Azhdarchidae indet. ii) Unnamed unit (Pourrières: BUFFETAUT [2008]). Age: late Maastrichtian (BUFFETAUT et al. 1997). Unnamed pterosaur 167. Département de l´Aude, France Age: late Campanian-early Maastrichtian (BUFFETAUT i) Marnes Rouges Inférieures Formation (Bellevue, C3: 2008). BUFFETAUT [1998, 2008], LE LOEUFF [2005]). 172. Veszprém, Hungary Pterosauria indet. Csehbánya Formation (Iharkút: OSI et al. [2005]). Age: Maastrichtian (BILOTTE 1985) or late Campanian (BILOTTE cited in LE LOEUFF 2005). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Bakonydraco galaczi ii) Marnes rouges de Roquelongue (Montplaisir: BUFFE- Azhdarchidae indet. TAUT et al. [1996], BUFFETAUT 2008). Age: Santonian (KNAUER & SIEGL-FARKAS 1992). Pterosauria indet. 173. Hunedoara, Romania Age: late Maastrichtian (BUFFETAUT et al. 1996). i) Densus-Ciula Formation (Valioara & Tustea: BUFFE- 168. Département de la Charente-Maritime, France TAUT et al. [2002, 2003]).

Unnamed formation (Fouras Peninsula: NÉRAUDEAU Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae et al. [2003], BUFFETAUT [2008]). Hatzegopteryx thambema ?Azhdarchidae indet. Pterosauria indet. Age: ?late Maastrichtian (GRIGORESCU 1992). Age: early Cenomanian (NÉRAUDEAU et al. 2003). ii) Sânpetru Formation (Sânpetru: NOPCSA [1914], JIANU 169. Département de l´Hérault, France et al. [1997]).

Unnamed formation (Sainte-Foy, Cruzy: BUFFETAUT Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae [2001, 2008]). ?Pteranodontidae indet.

Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Age: ?late Maastrichtian (GRIGORESCU 1992). Azhdarchidae indet. 174. Burgos, Spain Age: late Campanian-early Maastrichtian (BUFFETAUT 2001). Unnamed formation (Laño, levels L1A, L1B: ASTIBIA et al. [1990], BUFFETAUT [1999]). 170. Département de l´Oise, France Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae White Chalk (Notre-Dame-du-Thil: KNOLL & Azhdarchidae indet. (= ‘cf. Azdarcho sp.’) BOUVEUR [2001]). Age: late Campanian (PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA et al. 2000). ?Pterosauria indet. (This material may represent a : BUFFETAUT 2008). 175. Valencia, Spain

Age: early Campanian (KNOLL & BOUVEUR 2001). Calizas y Margas de Sierra Perenchiza Formation (La Solana: COMPANY et al. [1999, 2001]; Chera Region: 171. Département du Var, France RODRÍGUEZ et al. [2005]). 90 Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae Azhdarchidae indet. ?Pteranodon sp.

Age: Campanian-Maastrichtian (GUTIERREZ et al. 1984). Age: late Santonian-early Campanian (PUCKETT 1994).

2.6.5 North America 180. California, United States of America

176. Alberta, Canada Chico Formation (Butte County: HILTON et al. [1999]).

i) (: Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae RUSSELL [1972], CURRIE & RUSSELL [1982], CURRIE & ?Pteranodontidae indet. PADIAN [1983], CURRIE & JACOBSON [1995], GODFREY & CURRIE [2005]). Age: Campanian (EMBREE cited in WEISHAMPEL et al. 2004). Pterodactyloidea indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae 181. Delaware, United States of America Azhdarchidae indet. Pterosauria indet. Merchantville Formation (New Castle County: BAIRD & GALTON [1981], BENNETT [1994]). Age: late Campanian (EBERTH 2005). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae ii) Dunvegan Formation (Pouce Coupe River: CURRIE ?Pteranodon sp. [1989], LOCKLEY et al. [1995], UNWIN [1996b]). Age: early Campanian (OWENS 1983). ?Pterosaur trackways 182. Georgia, United States of America Age: Cenomanian (PLINT et al. 2001). (Ochilee Creek: SCHWIMMER et al. 177. Baja California, Mexico [1985]).

El Gallo Formation (Tijuana: ARANDA-MANTECA, pers. Pterosauria indet. comm. in FREY et al. [2006]). Age: late Santonian (KAYE & RUSSELL 1973). Pterosauria indet. 183. Kansas, United States of America Age: Maastrichtian (FREY et al. 2006). i) Greenhorn Limestone (northwestern Russell County: 178. Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico LIGGETT et al. [2005]).

i) Austin Group (El Rosario, Múzquiz County: STINNES- Pterosauria indet. BECK et al. [2005], FREY et al. [2006]). Age: Cenomanian (MIGGINS 2004). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontia Muzquizopterix coahuilensis ii) Niobrara Chalk, Lower Member (numerous localities: MARSH [1881b], HARKSON [1966], Age: early Coniacian (STINNESBECK et al. 2005). MILLER [1972], BENNETT [1994, 2003]).

ii) Cerro del Pueblo Formation (El Pelillal: RODRIQUEZ- Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae DE LA ROSA & CEVALLOS-FERRIZ [1998], RODRIQUEZ-DE Pteranodon sternbergi (including P. eatoni) LA ROSA [2003]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Nyctosauridae Nyctosaurus nanus Pterodactyloidea indet. Nyctosaurus sp. Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) Age: late Coniacian-early Santonian (BENNETT 1994). Age: late Campanian (VEGA-VERA et al. 1990). iii) Niobrara Chalk, Upper Smoky Hill Chalk Member 179. Alabama, United States of America (numerous localities: COPE [1872], MARSH [1872, 1876], EATON [1910], MILLER [1972], BENNETT [1994]). (no locality data: LAWSON [1975], BENNETT [1994]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae 91

Figure 11: Pterosaur localities from the Middle Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of South America, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Venezuela, and from the Lower Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous of India. Upper Triassic pterosaur localities are unknown in both regions: in addition, Lower Jurassic localities are absent from South America and Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous localities are absent from India. Key: Lower Jurassic localities; fi lled triangles, Middle Jurassic localities; fi lled squares, Upper Jurassic localities; fi lled circles, Lower Cretaceous localities; open crosses, Upper Cretaceous localities. Numbers in boxes refer to numbered localities in the text; other numbers refer to latitude and longitude.

Pteranodontidae indet. (= ‘Pteranodon occidentalis’, Age: late Santonian-early Campanian (BENNETT 1994). ‘P. ingens’, ‘P. velox’, ‘P. umbrosus’, ‘P. harpyia’ and ‘P. comptus’). iv) Pierre Shale (no locality data: BENNETT [1994]). Pteranodon longiceps (including P. marshi and P. walkeri) Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Nyctosauridae Pteranodon longiceps Nyctosaurus gracilis (including N. bonneri) 92

Age: early Campanian (BENNETT 1994). iii) Sharon Springs Formation, Pierre Shale Group (Brown Ranch [Pennington County], lo- 184. Montana, United States of America cality [Custer County], Henderson Ranch, Slurp Flats, Whitley’s Wash & Conger Ranch [Fall River County]: i) Mowry Shale (Teigen: BENNETT [1989], UNWIN et al. HARGRAVE [2007]). [2000]). Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea Pteranodon longiceps Ornithocheiroidea indet. (= Pteranodontidae indet.) Age: early Campanian (BENNETT 1994). Age: Cenomanian (KIRSCHBAUM & ROBERTS 2005). 187. Texas, United States of America ii) (northwestern Carter County: HENDERSON & PETERSON [2006]). i) (: GASAWAY et al. [2007]). Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae cf. sp. Pterosauria indet.

Age: late Maastrichtian (BAADSGAARD & LERBEKMO Age: early-late Campanian (LEHMAN 1985). 1980). ii) (Hays County: LANGSTON [1974]). iii) Upper (Choteau & Glacier County: PADIAN [1984b], PADIAN & SMITH [1992], Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Ornithocheiridae PADIAN et al. [1995], MCGOWAN et al. [2002]). ?Ornithocheiridae indet.

Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Age: Cenomanian (LOVEJOY 1976). minor Azhdarchidae indet. iii) Eagle Ford Formation (GILMORE 1935; BENNETT 1994).

Age: middle-late Campanian (HORNER cited in WEIS- Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae HAMPEL et al. 2004). Pteranodontidae indet.

185. North , United States of America Age: late Turonian (MCNULTY 1966).

Hell Creek Formation (no locality data: PEARSON et al. iv) Javelina Formation (Big Bend National Park: LAWSON [2002]). [1975], KELLNER & LANGSTON [1996]).

Pterosauria indet. Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Quetzalcoatlus northropi Age: late Maastrichtian (BAADSGAARD & LERBEKMO Quetzalcoatlus sp. 1980). Age: late Maastrichtian (LEHMAN 1985). 186. South Dakota, United States of America 188. Utah, United States of America i) Greenhorn Limestone (VON LOH & BELL [1998]). i) Blackhawk Formation (Emery County: LOCKLEY et al. Pterosauria indet. [1995], UNWIN [1996b], LOCKLEY [1999]).

Age: late Cenomanian (LIGGETT et al. 2005). Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.)

ii) Gammon Ferruginous Formation, Pierre Shale Group Age: early Campanian (CARPENTER 1992). (Henderson Ranch, Wallace Ranch, Conger Ranch & Alum Creek [Fall River County]: LAWSON [1975], ii) Mesaverde Group (Helper: LOCKLEY et al. [1995], BENNETT [1994], ROBERTS [2004], HARGRAVE [2007]). UNWIN [1996b], LIGGETT et al. [2005]).

Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Pteranodon longiceps Azhdarchidae indet. ?Pterosaur tracks Age: early Campanian (BENNETT 1994). Age: Campanian (CARPENTER 1992). 93 iii) (Emery County: LOCKLEY Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Nyctosauridae [1999]). Nyctosaurus lamegoi

Pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus sp.) Age: Maastrichtian (WELLNHOFER 1978).

Age: late Maastrichtian (HINTZE 1973). 3. Revised records 189. Wyoming, United States of America Several reports of pterosaur occurrences have been recently i) (Niobrara County: ESTES [1964]). reappraised and shown shown to represent other taxa: they are listed here as a supplement to the foregoing list. Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae Some records of Triassic pterosaurs from localities in England, Azhdarchidae indet. Germany and the USA (based largely on isolated hollow bones) have been reviewed and rejected by DALLA VECCHIA Age: late Maastrichtian (COBBAN & REESIDE 1952). (2003B) and these are omitted from this compilation. A possible pterosaur long bone was reported from the „Craie blanche“ ii) Mesaverde Group (no locality data: LIGGETT et al. (Coniacian) of Lezennes-Lez-Lille, Département du Nord, [2005]). France and referred to ‘Pterodactylus giganteus’ (BARROIS 1875). However, this element is now regarded as the phalanx Pterodactyloidea; Azhdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae of a marine turtle (BUFFETAUT 2008). In addition, pterosaur Azhdarchidae indet. remains reported in the gut contents of a metriorhynchid from the Lower Oxford Clay (middle Callovian) of Age: Campanian (CARPENTER 1992). Cambridgeshire, UK (MARTILL 1986) are currently thought to represent fi sh remains (UNWIN cited in FORREST 2003). iii) Sharon Springs Formation, Pierre Shale Group (Mule Finally, although several of the pterosaur specimens reported Creek [Niobrara County]: BENNETT [1994], HARGRAVE from Bahía, Brazil are now regarded as coelacanth quadrates [2007]). (MAWSON & WOODWARD 1907; D. M. MARTILL and P. L. FOREY, pers. comms.), one from this locality may represent a Pterodactyloidea; Ornithocheiroidea; Pteranodontidae pterosaur (MAWSON & WOODWARD 1907: Natural History Pteranodon longiceps Museum specimen number R8662) and this locality (locality 128, see above) is provisionally retained herein. Age: early Campanian (BENNETT 1994).

2.6.6 South America 4. Discussion

190. Neuquén, Argentina Detailed analyses of the pterosaur fossil record lie outside of the scope of this contribution. Nevertheless, a brief survey of i) Portezuelo Formation (Loma de la Lata, Barrea- data presented herein does reveal some potentially interesting les Lake: KELLNER et al. [2004, 2007b], CALVO et al. patterns that are worthy of additional investigation (Tab. 1). [2007], CODORNIÚ & GASPARINI [2007]). The most productive part of the pterosaur record (based on the number of localities) is currently the Upper Cretaceous Pterodactyloidea; Azdarchoidea; Azhdarchidae period, with the Lower Cretaceous a close second. In total, the Azhdarchidae indet. Cretaceous accounts for >60% of the total number of ptero- saur-bearing localities (PBLs). In contrast, the Upper Triassic Age: late Turonian-early Coniacian (CALVO & GRILL and Lower Jurassic are the poorest-sampled sections of the 2003). stratigraphic column with ~6% and ~5% of the total number of PBLs, respectively. The Middle and Upper Jurassic each have 191. Ceará, Brazil similar numbers of PBLs, which is perhaps surprising given the increase in pterosaur species-richness that occurs across the Exu Formation (Simões: MARTILL [2008]). boundary between these intervals. Strong geographical biases are also evident in the data, with Europe comprising almost Pterodactyloidea; Lophocratia 40% of the total record and being the most productive region Lophocratia indet. for pterosaur localities in all sub-Periods, with the exception of the Upper Cretaceous. North America and Asia each make Age: Upper Cretaceous (MARTILL 2008). substantial contributions to the total number of PBLs, but Africa, Antarctica, Australia and South America are markedly 192. Paraíba, Brazil undersampled: these four continents combined account for only 12% of PBLs. Further work is needed to investigate the Gramme Formation (Fazenda do Congo: WELLNHO- relative importance of different factors in generating these FER [1978]). patterns, including genuine palaeobiological signals (e.g. ef- 94 fects of vicariance, changes in species-richness through time), the number of pterosaur-bearing formations through time) and geological biases (e.g. effects of different environments on collection biases (e.g. intensity of collection efforts through preservation potential, infl uence of geological megabiases on time and in different regions).

Table 1. Pterosaur localities listed by continent and stratigraphic interval: the total number of localities for all areas and time intervals is 260. Numerals on the upper line represent the raw number of localities on each continent during each time interval. The fi gure in parentheses represents the percentage of localities that each continent contributes to the total number from that time interval (so, for example, 53.8% of Lower Jurassic localities are found in Europe). In the fi nal column, the upper line dis- plays the total number of localities reported for each time interval; the number in parentheses is a percentage that represents the contribution that each time period makes to the total number of pterosaur localities. The fi nal row shows the contribution each continent makes to the number of pterosaur localities as a percentage of the total. Abbreviations: AFR, Africa; ANT, Antarctica; AUS, Australia; EUR, Europe; L, Lower; M, Middle; NAm, North America; SAm, South America; U, Upper.


U Triassic - - - - 10 6 - 16 - - - - (62.5) (37.5) - (6.2)

L Jurassic 2 1 - 1 7 2 - 13 (15.4) (7.7) - (7.7) (53.8) (15.4) - (5.0)

M Jurassic 1 - - 7 16 6 1 31 (3.2) - - (22.6) (51.6) (19.4) (3.2) (11.9)

U Jurassic 1 - - 6 22 5 1 35 (2.9) - - (17.1) (62.8) (14.3) (2.9) (13.5)

L Cretaceous 3 - 3 22 28 7 13 76 (4.0) - (4.0) (28.9) (36.8) (9.2) (17.1) (29.2)

U Cretaceous 5 - 2 29 20 30 3 89 (5.6) - (2.2) (32.6) (22.5) (33.7) (3.4) (34.2)

Totals (4.6) (0.4) (1.9) (25.0) (39.7) (21.5) (6.9)

5. References

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