BATCTRDAT, SEPTEMBER <7.1947 iOanrbirBtpr Enptting ^prallt The Weather *r D. W WoeftBa A b o a t T o w n Heard Along Main Street Crack Tall Cedarg DriU Team in Today*# Parade ELECTRICAL WM. DICKSON APPLIANCES & SON ilm trbpfitrr lEurnittg Ik raU i I t r flto on 4md on Somo o f Monekotlor^§ SIth StroH*, Too REPAIRED Paintinff OMtractnra tift ta IwM MB. ____ Manchetter^A City of ViUago Charm raONE M22 OR TOtO Rear 118 East Center SL ni • OM Maaebaotar baa aftaa wagon and bo had a rout* that ■■an* T. Mot* ptafm t n « « « - took klm through a certain aac- Your Phone 2-0920 er 5829 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS ranad ~Th* WotWT# Ooaatp Oaa- VOL. LXVL, NO. ift) , CONN, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1947 tar^. Aak aay raporlar that *w*r Uon of Hartam. 194 —■£L£f‘«lSr4St*T? workad bora and bo will tell yoa On* day as h* araa dallvartog lea Firestone Store PB m itare Spray PKinllBB S m ttm MrtMT •• ^ that half of hw waking boar* ho to a Negro faaally h* placed the WMM? rifcn-T-*- « « k« ImM la tuantog down wild rumor* that caha of lea to th* wrong bo*. A ^ISTwitw— *pon*^P Om Fn* Faat ago by aayinit lhat alaco naaily Italian. ARMY AND NAVY CLUB 5 a MMang mn> wv«n to taa oaaiybody workad to tbo mina, a Jimmy, who understand* th* ••deek M Emamwl UrtlMna girt at on* and of a room would languag* was dumbfounded until rtfliC*“ "~* *** mpactok aay aomatblng ordinary to tba girt hi* boat axpiatoad that moat of W ay to Give Aid tram etiMf Im c«m" to *>*• neat to bar. Brfora It got to tbo his eustomar* spoke only Italian. To Shift Attention Tlwy warn from LAMa, long under NEW SUPER A * hrtwwtlwt and of tba room It bocam* mor* ■Itk rKrwtoflwtiU *nd ®*>*" ^ oaaggaratrd ard by tba timo it Italian ml* and that was thalr ««ii- la chATf* ot Oeiwral Chair- raoebad tba oiitaid*. It waa, aa tbo language. Without Session m a Um tU>0*»Ms *i*d W* ecnt- HoOywoodara aay, “ttupondoua". ■nUM. AH *rr irrlUd. Phil weather la her* and with Nowaday* thar* ara not oo many fumaoaa being atarted to many mill workara but habit la hard to BINGO Lucan Reporta Preal- m From Row’s Cause H Mertm riicw hip wtn bom* It auraly Indlcatea cold braak and tba wild atorlaa eon- ^Dark Horse’ ■■•t *t Owtar clntrch tomorraw wwathar ahead. denPa Attitude aa afUntoM » t 0»T«* o'clocli. Oo«- Unu*. A pa^iar alght on Mato street farcac* mortes will b* •Itown and , And that bring* ua up to aa In- early Wednaaday eaw a cat atray AT 8:30 SHARP Conference on Euro­ United Stales Charges' gmmm and rtfrtrhmmt* will fot- ■ aigntficant lnc*dant that occurad Seen Backed Into Uis Center L^inch ahortly af- E n d a;; ------low. i w H rro »®<1 Orrhardt tbia weak. A man who. tn hla aar- Ur g o'clock. Th* cat* araa *n- EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT pean Problema Nine Persons Killed Effort to Divert Al- jaMoen Mva Iwm rhooan del*-1 ller yaara, had tarn a drinker, but countarad by Jimmy Morlano’a White Honae State Apparent Failure of Taft tinition by D raggii^ to* to tiM Tr'Jtn Oroup mcoUng. ■ who bad not Tocebod liquor for I# year old cat Th* oamer’a cat -1 Rtob*r i. [ many yaara, bocam* tbo victim of doean't Ilk* any othera around and ment Now Awaited To Get Vocal Support By Bomb Explosion In TrrelevanI* numrroua atorlcs which had him quickly chaawl th* stranger out ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! Somat lUtwiuli L«d|r« win bav* from "diving off th* water wagon" Into the atroat again. Prompti Predictions tiona Such aa Tru­ to "Juat being tart to a farm for Waahington. Sept. 29.— (/P) a ipMlal r«hMir«al Monday a**- Th* cat ahivatad aa It "maowed" 50 W'oundeH When Di$- man Doctrine and BiM tn prep*Ti1 o« for (rand of- Inabrlataa”. Th* frrounda; Ho waa and looked around and up at the — Senator Scott Lucas (D., Spokane, Waah., 8*pL X9—IO— ficar'a nluht, Mo-iday. Octobar 10. aaan carrying a ran. of empty beer OenUr Lunch pet. Juat than a car triei Police Headquan Curbs for Red Composition of Present NoMa drand Mr*. AHc* Watharall bottle* Into a package ator*. What ID.), reported today that Hi* apparent failure of Senator drove up. Th* driver waa Jo* Wil­ PrMident Truman told con­ M u ^ Uw guard* to raport at really happened waa that a neigh­ son, a plumber, arho stopped for Picturad above la the local Tall Cedars of Lebanon drill team when It paraded on the hoardwwlk at At­ Taft (R-Ohlo) to excita any vocal iert in Haifa Target Greek Government OBVan o'docb ar.d Oi* offlcof* at bor had bam cleaning out hi* cel­ lantic City at th* national convention la'st May. The local team drew applause all along the line of gressional leaders there is no support of his axpaetad bid for th* Waiters Loom lar and aaked the rtctlm of th* hla braakfast For Shattering Bloat ____ 1 :10. Leaping naarly ten feat to the march at the famous reaort. The name team will take part in thi* afternoon’* parade for the Cedars way to give emergency aid to 1X48 Republican prcsldenttol nom« Lake Success, Sept. 29.— rumor, to taka hark th* amptlaa air, th* oat that was put out to ceremonial being held here. The parad* la due to leave the corner of Main and Charter Oak streets Ttw KorUi Maibodtat W8CS ha* to th* package »tor*. Europe without a special ses­ Ination prompted prediction* to­ May Apply Gmentlly {/Pi—The United Statea to­ tha eold. sattlad on tba hood of the at flva this afternoon. STOR sion of Congress thia fall. Ballet In! day th* Pacific northwest will ba aat tba daU of rrMay, Octobar U, Wllaon car which waa parked on JerumlciH, Sept. day accused Russia and her for Ita fan nimirag* aalo, and tba They are atill grinning ever a Lucas made that statement wlda open tor a “dark hone” can ! Reatrictiona Imposetl Main *lr**t Th* eat atayed on didst* for the O. O. P. nomination. — Ten peraona wer* k ilM ftn4 satellites of trying to divert tbwirb paopla ara urgad to War practical Joke that waa played on top where it waa warm and didn't It aeema a waste of 93,300 every part. 8o, the owner* of the store and the two returned to .^thetr to reportera aa he left a On W pitp CourtaHe tbia to mmd wtor. bousaclaanlng. a local groceryman thia weak. But White House conference on th* Although Taft has won peraonal 77 injured today wken dla- attention front the real eauaa ear* to move. year to follow the ayatem that thought they were a couple of homes. Now Open for Bindneaft tbe groceryman doe* not aa* any Is now being followed. hold-up men and when they aaked Yes, both of them went to tbe problem of aid to Burope. •upport for hto yet unannounced triet poliec hesAinartera in of the Balkan conflict by A aon waa bim Thuraday at tba Whan Wllaon came out and Intention to seek th* nomtoatiim. Washingtoii, Bept, X9—IF)—Th# humor to the Incident, at all, at atarted hla car tha cat remained We Juat took a look at that the use of the telephone they told track the next day in another car. The aenator waa asked whether Haifa waa kit by a barrel ef dragging in "irreletrant” Hartford boapital to Mr. and Mrm aU. ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER that was the mutual optnton of there was evldanct that this area State and Just>c* departments may on th* hood. Wllaon drove off up porch again. It's atill Uiare. the^two local men they could call expleaives which (he jewiah questions such as the Tru­ Loula LAaiane of HUUard atreat R anpaara that aoma ftn* paach- Bast canter atraat and th* eat held on 'a reverse charge call only. Residents living to the vicinity Chlllnl. Rndr T , Serve It Tea Uke th* White Houae gathering. Is ripe for any "dark bone” can' slap sharp rsatritUons on tha ac- ca bad com* to th* atom aad had of the lower end of Center street T h * praatdeiu told u* that," didst* who ohowa hla heed at next undergroand reporttd It had man doctrine and the compo- Ita plaoa—oontent to b* warm af­ Th* following enme to the mail Rvidently they didn't want to go tlvlttoa of all Icrrign corroapon- stUon of th* precent Gretti gov­ Tba Army tad Nary chib wUl been placed at th* rear part of bag thIa week: to .titeir apot for keeping their saw quite a show the other eve­ Ixicna ■ r*plt*d. June's RapubUcan coavantion ta aeU hold Ita annual taU outing tomor­ the atore. Th* Jokaatera took one ter a <«ld Might of prowling. WINES LIQUORS CORDIALS tents admittod to thto country to ernment. "Old Hlckhry" on* of our more Dear A Non: caah. ning. That la. those who were up Exrhaag* af Vl*taa Phlladelphto. row at tba Oardm Orora. Kranay of the baakela, placed^ It on a TaBdag Of Elarnhawer raport aaariona of tha Unitod Na- Te Moke Detalle ArallaM* faithful reader* contributed a My contribulioii to (over) Heard Finally the loeal pair got the at midnight when the fellow put on Repraaentatlve Hallack (R-Ind), Jerunalem, Sept. 29.— Uoiu Assembly for Communist atraat. Tba prognm wUI bagln at atand and over It, put abign read Along Main Stiiet la about a little his act. Ample Parking Space In fact, mere uncommitted Rc- Lieut. WBBam T. Vaa Attea (crater), East Oraagr. N. J-i Pto. Olea C. Meyer (right), Edgerley, N. D.; At th* same tint*, th* United 11 o'rtock, whoa appoUaara and ing “Take On*.' couple of thougiiU to th* column telephone call through, and Immed­ m a j^ ty I«*d*r of th* House re­ — Nine persona were killed pubIleaUons, It waa learned today. boy oB seeing a Model T Ford and iately afterward the couple run­ Attired In bath'ng trunks, a sun •so CENTER ST. TEL. 4697 plied, "Oh. oo" when reportera publicaiu ate talktog to this area aad Pfc. Eort Headrick, Jr. (atoadtog), Arllagtea, Va., nhe were add la captivity by the Yageelaia Btatee promised to make avail­ elaa* cbowdar win bo aarvad. A ■uay to th* front part of th* this w«>*h. 8 *y*» "Old Hickory", a after betog captared 1a a dlspated secitoa at the aew frsatler aear Tricata, report te tieal. CoL and approximately 50 wound­ Officials said a new official veteran of World War L "If the calling It a broken-down Jeep, ning the store told them they helmet, socks and a cane, the man aaked whether there had been a of Oen. Dwight D. Etsenbower policy under dtomiealan would ap­ able to the Unitod Natlofia As­ ataak dtoaar at two o'clock wUI ba eaUbllahment, the owner did not That Ford looke to me far from danced round and round for nearly than possibly any other candidate. Jawna HeUaad (left) after hdag returaed te free territory. Deg "Tlay" Is mascot wkk-h staved with ed today when a district po­ sembly and its B8-natlon PoUtteol foOewad by rartcua aporta actlvt- aa* th* alga aad the baaket waa human me* la ro atupid that to would have to wait dutside. If you matting of mlmia. H* said thcra ply generally the curbs impeaed 1M7 year* It hasn't had brains broken down. will remember there wai/r a rather a hour aa neighbors watched the had been an exchange of visws. There to eome diacuoelon of Sen­ the Bwa wMIe they were lieM aad returaed with them foUowlag. Ikdr lalcaae after aa eBIclal AnMrieaa committee “every detail" of th* nearly emptied befom h* dtocov- protest. (Ptetara by radi* from Rome te New ). lice headquarters in Haifa on Ptorr* Couriate, a writer for anough tn appreclaU tha aecrat of Remambor the vaudeville Joke? bitter cold night recently. show for free. Bonator Vandenberg (R-Mich>, ator Arthur Vandenberg (R- th* Paris Conummtot dally L'Hu- American program to aid Graeca. erad why people wera munching The on«-an act went over big was wrecked by a ahattering pear* and happiraaa, conUlned to n e comedian w*ould aak If Henry That waa the night presiding ofTc*r ot' the Benate, Mich). manit*. Horechel V. Johnson, U. B. telo- the hiacloua fruit while they gave Wrd was In the audience; he said and residents have been seen lately On the whole, however, most bomb explosion which Jewiah gate, mate thea* daelaraUoaa bs- their ordera. -> on* almpl* ao/ilvnc* that any Rather than wait for their pick­ declined to dlocuM the high policy Oourtote arrived ta New York Bchool kid eoulo und*ratand. than that he la sure Henry Ford was up the two fellowa atarted to walk. pulling up their shades to see tf contorence which lasted two and profeaatonal poUtlctone to thia underground agenta boasted last week. Beiort h* was granted rora the Political commltta* after It'a time w* dumped It to th* gut­ In the audience When getting no The big boy of the pair walked the besch-attircd actor puts on on* Hftlf hour*. port of the country agree that Not Molested they had let off as reprisal calling attention to what ba caltad WANTED Jimmy Trlvlgno, known othar- Warplane Production a paasport vtoa to com* to tha ter and lat th* anU have a chanr*. response or being asked by an ahead and soon outdistanced the another acL "We are going to let the presi­ either Elsenhower er Vandenberg for tho deportation ot unoertlftod "groas calunin***" against tha wlaa aa "Jamaa,” a local beauti­ ^ A. Non. Uwtad States b* was raquirsd to Th* aentenc* la The Oolden oaslatant wh,vt makes him believe shorter one. Within a few pace* WASTEPAPER dent tell about it.” Vandenberg could taka the delegations from Jewish InunIgranU. pledg* that he would: Unitod atates oy Russia and h*r INSURANCE MAN cian, baa alwaya a atory up hla Mr. Ford waa In the audience, he both Washington arid Oregbn If By Yugoslavs satallltea to connection with the aleav* for nawapapermen. They Rul*' ", however the big fellow wished he Mid* Th* dead Included three Brittoh 1—Enter and tonva by an At- Annth«r of "Old Hickory’*” would say he sa\w Mr, Ford's car hadn't stepped ahead. A big police Earlier, wbU* the conference they gave any sign of thalr Inten­ Below Start of 1939 constables, four Arab Mllcemon, lantto port. y American aid program. know that from hla varied axpa- offaringa — outaldo. Would net It have been n was going im, Presidential Becre- tion actually to seek the O. O. P. 16-year-old Arab glr|rtr| andan an ”1 do not see how th* Greek 25 to 40 Year* OM rlanoaa aabom and afloat, ho can dog bounded out and threatened to X—Remain to Naw York city and *Th« football season la hare good Joke on the eomedian tf aome harass him but a big atick per­ tary Charles Q. Rosa had advised nomination. American Officer Says Arab ooffea vendor. UJUredqiJured wera th* Long Island meeting places people should L* mate to sufftr,** dig up aomo oddity that makoa for one In the au*rnmont to not a M Although American bom James Shortly afterward the car they COLLECTION 1—Depart when th* ftaaambly of all. that of *ho U. N. haa been course, not the—) had gotten up. during th* afternoon on the n - Um rank and file of the Republi­ civillana and 11 Arab ctvlUana. to impos* Its economy on Greeo*.’* and Health — HoapitaHia- visited Italy during MuasoHnl'a had callcil for came over the hill Office Space With Kid Gloves' ganized and M ain-|]\eW S TldbltS aeoslcm to oamptoted. tion. I^eada famlahcd, changed from the United Nation* both Henry and Ford are not un­ auUa of the meeting. can party ta both states than that Most of the injured rivtllans 4—Engage to no oubvarslva or Urges Medifying Denaante ralgn and mad* prediction* abotit to the Ununtt*d Nntlons. RenBon? common natnoN. laicas told a reporter that "there of any other "dark horae.” Oov, ta llied P ro g ra m W ay| called From m Wires Drawtnjr account airainnt Trieste, Sept. 39—u n - Ucut. were pasaengera on an intercity propaganda activities nor agitata Joh|toon opoka ahortly hafor* the Puoa that war* startling In the barkfleld of Molotov, Oromyko In one of tlic hook cases in the For Rent MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 la no way to get money without Thomas B. Dewey of New York la bus from Jerusatom which was sgalnat th* United Statea (hiring eomniarion. Write Roi I thelP accuracy. During the war h* Mary Chiney Library, I *nw on William Van Atten—returned to To Meet Problem; — ' '"i" ' ' ' —' — the committee adjourned at 1:9a and Vlahlnaky.'* At 105 East Center Street congreasional action.” accorded first position among the passing headquarters hto *Uy. p. m. (a. a L) until Wsdnasdsy W.D„ care The Herald, atat- i aarvad to th* Navy, th* end of a b '■>k, lettering n* fol­ PUBLIC T * CUB narh Committees regular Republlcana of both tha free son* Saturday after flve‘ ) Judge Oiarles H. Reynolds of when the exploatoa eccuired. ! But UiM Incident to Jimmy’s lows: Small Town — MIclis, Prior to Otartate'a arrivaL sev­ morning. Earlier the committee ing experience, referencea, One of th* local church groups Apply ‘ ^ IN THE SOUTHEAST. SECTION He said that th* committees win atates. days In Yugoslav euatody—says Washington, Sept. 29.— Oroton Town court rasarvts te- Police said the bomb—a tar bar­ eral other toretoE eorreapondenta had heard an eppaal from Franeh Ufa bappanad to New York city hn* for lU name "Th* Merry- On closer jcnitlng, I saw that STENOGRAPHER ,b* called back, adding, he meant But even these party membam . accussd rel loaded with lilgh sxplorivas— for tha Commwtut press had bat ate. .when he was a boy. During aum- he and the two U. 8 . aoldlera tak- — The chief spokesman f o r asking the Unitco Btataa to modify Wed*''. There muat he something the book wav ‘■Umc.ll Town” by Bureau the Appropriations committees of admit that a wild fir* m M t bring an with him were "handled With wa* dumped from a truck whteh permitted to erana to the United ‘ mae vacation ha workad on an Ico Oranvllle Hickt, Help the Hospital — Help Local Industry By Continaing the nation’s aircraft builders criswofd hotel ,”T*!"sup*rior damanda that the .aMEEkre find nbout thi* marriage huelneaa tn 869 Main 8t. Manchester Jarvis Realty th* Houae and Benate. support ot both atateS’ driegatlons kid gloyes" but that their captoes bqeked up to the wire barrtcate StaUa temporarily to report on the three 8ov«ct Balkan oatallites be merry about, tat from what Voiirs truly, Th* lUlnola ixnator said there to either Btoanbower ef Vanden­ told Preaident Trumans A ir j court judgas a ^ at New Havsir surrounding the polios station and Phone 4168 654 Center Street To Save Paper, llte Need Haa Not DiminiahedI "keja repeating that Russia w u U. N, devemoments wUhout such guilty of aggraaafon ogalUBt we’ve heard a bitter name would .1. W, Cheney had been "conaicierabl* dlscuarion” berg If tbay Show strength ta the Strung and kept pointing out pic- Policy commission today that ■ to discuss admWlatitratloa of jMltee dropped an liaprovtaad ramp over raatrtctlona. Moat war* fron Greece. Johnsrcak output. track followers they looked the ilosha Communist regime In Al­ trans-ahlpment to Hamburg of tiM Blaze at Grace Line clare Greaca’a northern ncighbora many of. them are ever complete­ OuTt ■ * Raqalfad to Bargahi PAC. Va, The "moat lm|>ortant single ele­ bania. reported sentenced ta death —Albania, Bulgaria and Tugo* ly read. How many of them go CAM PBELL . Waahtogtan, Kept. X*— OP) A red-shlrted student and for­ Van Atten said he could not be ment" in planning for the future, Exodus 1947 Jews and the tepor- Tier Causes Damage , . . Lieut. Gen. Raymond 8 . Mc­ tatlon to Cyprus of refugMS who alavla—are boldly committog Immediately Into the traoh pile. Tha Ualtad Blates Ooart of Ap­ mer OI, H^nry W. Hendricks, certain whether he had crossed he said, to a procurement program Lain declares same tyrannies which The town prints 8.000 coptea of reached Palestine Saturday AUTO SUPPLY peals rntod today that employen challenged him to say why Com- running at least five yesrs to per­ mode Hitler master of Germany Topping $5«000,000 (tiaattoiMd am Pag* BQ;trt) the town report. The coat of 29 Riasell St. Klanchester cauiBsf he required to bargato with muniats should not be leadefa of (Conttoned oo Page Two) mit top operating efficiency. are still bring "deliberately prac aboard the Afalpl. printing and distribution Is $3,300 their pfawt toremea or snper- Influential unions. Kchols, s retired major general, tlccd by men tratovd in these and BaUatiBl and that comes out of the tax WANTED vlaacs nnder tanas of the Taft- The Ohio senator, co-author of waa a wartime leader to Air Force other vlllianlea of th* purpose of money. That means that If every procurement of fighting planes. He New Verfc, Sept, 99-40— FUI,L TIME Hartley labor law. The eeait set the Taft-Hartley labor law, re­ world conqneat.” man and woman who Is on the plied that he did not believe any­ opened the msnuiacturers' presen- Three Marine private* hilled Huge eectleae of a Hodoea Priest Flees JARVIS AND HOUSING aoMs aa order af the Nattooal Naval Ship Liquor Stand river pier awopt by • voting list bought a copy It would NIGHT WORKER Inker Belaflone beard, based oa body who subocribed to the theory tatioh to the commission with a when light plane crashes near Chi­ cost each person 16 cent*. Many II CHANGE IN prepared atatement. , hleae, eeHap*ed today after FOR GAS STATION th* Wagaer lahar relattoa* act that tbe AoMrlcan government cago (luring mtoty rain . . . Chi­ ARESYNONOMOUS... a person pasocs up buying a 10 should be overthrown by force Hits Mine WIU Htwr Top Officials cago Doar—Pro- of fire s(|ulpment also were called ing him. ' place, hreearway, garage. II and M arket; when he was Third fleet com­ to fight the stubborn blase oa the AnuMlte driveway. Thrc* rear* O’LEARY DRIVE— PantnIeo*B Uited PaHs mala af eash aad Jewelry takes —Coastal ohlpplag from Florida's Waahington, Sept. 29—riff*)—The government reports said today mander, the board declared, he Attack ReUgtoa aad Chofshes T. R. Boland, Prop.'"^ froafliaBiliUag taMea and patroas, (Cwitinaed oa Kage Bight) North river water front. oU. Very Isaac lot. Nkade g Rooma «ri(b S aaflalahed, 40 Kensington St. Horace St, Manchester keys to North ChroUna wallowed Navy said a mtoe exploded -under Chiang Kai-Shek's forces bad was guilty of an "satontshtog (Tonatantly increasing praasuro ft replace, fall to*ulatloa, cop­ I I ' 1 1 7 Spruce Street whs lalttaUy thonght the heMop today through a running aes The fire was discovered under tieeo. Nl^ly huidacapcd. IS th* U. S. destroyer Douglas H. Fox smashed to within 15 miles of the breach of ^aval dlscipUne.’’ Pier 57 and spread landward to a against rellffton, he relatol had ay* oceupancy. per ptumbtag; hot water oU waa "part of the Boor okow.” .. which beat heavily ogatoat the naar.Trieste at 6:20 a.m. (e. a t.) Treasury Bslancc reduced th* nupi^sc of hto pariah- beat. Large lot. Liberal allow- • •• • Halsey, whose reflection* . on large structure imnnecUng that shore and which already has dis­ today, killing one man and Injur­ important Communist seaport of liquor appeared tn a recent aeries loners from 700 fONSiOO within, the CARTER STREET— aaco tor latertor dacorattoa 4* ^ Washington, Sept. 29—(O —The Chefoo, and that the retreating pier with Pier 58, along which the - Miaiair Bejeola Preteet abled taro ahlpa, seat a tug to the ing seven. ' of arUcles In tha Saturday Eve­ last two yeara. North Korean t-Room Honor, 4 acre* of suit yoa. The** bomea caa b* MUSICAL FESTIVAL WaeMagtoo. Bept. Xft--<4V- The bottom and coot taro lives. position of the Ti^sury Sept. 2S: defenders wera burying heavy Qraea liner Santa Rita wa* from ITie. blast wrecked the steering ning Post, didn’t even awing a gun berthed. nawspapars and rmU> attack re­ laad. Warrnanded by beautifni purchased with m all daws CONDUCTED BY THE Vaited atstee hae demoaded that Tha 8 S Bayaao reported a man gear of the tote type warship, ReccipU, 8152.474,832.83; ex- guns and auppliea. •hade trre*. Water. Rlcelrt- paynHsit by G.l.*a wha caa These reports d*S(Ulbed intense turet when reporters found him to Ship Piiabed late MMstresm ligion and churches aa ''feudal' Bmida disavow a Bovtet witter'* lost overboard off tha oastorn Up penditura*. $70,933,593.16; bal­ allies of the rich, scheming rlty. Oernpaney to SC day*. SuaUfy. SALVATION ARMY w artlele eeaapariag Prcoldent 'Tra- of Cuba, while farther north the ance, $8,717,831,098.14. flghttog-in wrhich air-aupported Ban Francisco and told him what When the flames threatened (OoBttaoed a* Paga Two) the board waa saying, Hto answer Pier 58, tugs pushed the Santa sgainat th* common people,” THIS HOUSE FOR SALE 2 TENEMENTS— b a n d AND SONGSTERS r a a wito AdoM Hitler aad Moo- timvy tug 274, off Oeorglo, y a a ^ government columns captured eew haa Batty rajected the Anaeri- until she broke her towltoe, ca^ Hwanghsien, about 60 miles wrest was “ No cotoment." Rita scheduled to sail late today Father Klm declared, ‘ and narth IS rooaM, two balha, atall ' • Mft 4 raoma. Ktedm best, AT THE CITADEL Th* board'j attack fUlad sto for South America, Into th* mid- Korean teachers warn ehlldfan ahawer. tUed. hot water beat. L . T ; W O O D oaa prateat. TMe waa dterteeed stood and arent down carrying one of the main Red base, eliminated oil taraer. Very larga lot. 2 « 1 against religion. other Red otrongpointo and ad­ Larga lot. Can bs boagtat with Oatahto ftieplae*. Kcreea TONIGHT AT EIGHT today by the Btota departaiaBt. man to the bottom. Itatod the Vaited Btateecalled tbe A t Savannah, Oa., the Coast Grocer Reopens Store; vanced to Fushan, only 15 miles (CosUaued os Pag* Flva) (CanUauad os Page ‘Twai He said he wa* once held (or tw* additional Iota, Zoned for Oa* trnemeat vaeaaL Chairman: Captain Albert two a'eeks at Russian headquar- baMaa*i. CaH m . artlele lasaHlng. Paieiga Mlato- Ouard cutter Aurora put out to oouthwest of the port. Scott of Hartford. the assistance of th* motor ves­ Chefoo, government sources tara, after hto arrest by north MAIN STREET HOLLISTER STREET— ter MUotov tamed down the ft Baama. S uaftniabad. OU IS COMING SOON AnBsrteaa preteet to a Mtterty sel Julius H. Barnes, dtoablad To Split ^With Patrons charge, to a funnel through which Korean officers In June, 1949. Ha t Bum * Hot trater haati ' Admlasion Free! COMPANY Wrtdid aete that Bayed tbe Amer- drifting S3 miles off New Smyrna, Communist forces in Shantung waa awakened at t a. m. daily for baraar. bat water bast. FaU food eSadlHaat vary larga lot. Urges Worship Standard tosalsttoa. Overbead abower. Rcfrcfthmenta Following. 61 BISSELL STREET TELEPHONE 4496 Icaa preeo for It* criflclam of the Fla.' province are supplied from the questioning by a Rusalan captain BeaaUlul bltcbea. Will deo Is It For Your Home? Steamer Wlthaot FropeBar Dubois, Pa., Sept. 39—(P)— The * shelves brought a growing line Ruaalan-oontrolled port of Dairen, who urged him to support , th* PRINcSniI!7’8TREET— rat* to salt buyer. 0 0 0 From CXiarleaton. 8 . C , th* grocery buslneaa of 78-year-old j customer* to hto'door: 100 miles to the north ncroos Po- Soviet aims. K Baaai BlagI*. Largs 1st. Adadts Slaylac Ohrl Nat^a ses'irotog tug ATA X09 ! Freah eggs—50 cento a dozen Hai strait Of Methodists Be Raised The captain, Klm added, pictur­ WE HAVE JUST been appoinied distributor for Atlantic Fnmac* poked her bow into the aarells and Chzriea Mike sold out a year ago j — 75 cento a pound, Bread— Fire* Barotag to Chefoo ed Russia aa anxious for Korean in­ Bata* aad ftaaaa Dawaatalra DO YOU WANT TO Is It For Your Car? Mtoflea. 0-, Bept. Xft— —Bher- Bwatoty. Hla katli. Hot water Oil*. That’s good for na because we have a product that we know |g Eatvy Retterer said today the made for the Cuban steamship when Mike rStlrad—to open under 13 cents, cold meats—45 cento a The newspaper Hato Min Pao dependence ,and .as convinced that SELL, BUY OR TRADE? BULLDOZER^ body of td-year eld Rexle Aaa Olbrara arlUch reported she aras tha old name again because " I pound. Local stores, meanwhile, reported from Taingtao that Area Springfield, Mass., SepL X9—

• , r A V


analt the naiie U Jeraa Chrlot. I Then on Bestet Hr forth ;7ratlon laws dating from ISIS bar ment was eraxy becauaa we of the main entrance of the Sports these mattera liava been ctosued , ,>bably to made at the next I Our Lord. I from H s toir.b proolalmtng the Curbs for Red from the United Stataa cartatn Naval Ship point. MotorteU fafaU to hoed the weren’t flghttng and they were No Meeting Oente.* up tlw daclaion of tl I meeting Sdiool Staff He ref erred to a brown Hilnnad vtetory over dudn. ton and evil. elaaa of Indlvlduato deemed to ba our atUes.^ spaed reduction ■tgns itg east of the Petition Safe **We, as Hie hnlowere today tnaat,” dangerous, and tha attorney gan- Park at Green _ly, and, coming j The board also took Into conatd- RIM Who la read af a achool b) Writers Loom Hite M ine He aald tha Tugoalava heartily dreew particularly, eraUon at the meeting Thursday Bayrevtii. Letanon. and a gellaw- he said, Hbs Tnanwa of old, m aral hM ruled Uiaaa Include Cbm- agreed they were alUee but main­ downhill to a abari■hair turn, fail to Get Set With A ^ Renews Vows we cooM to fl*« Him face to face, muntot party mambara and those tained they bad orders to pick up O f Selectmen night the fact a garage had at one eklimod lady irom China. Both Again Cut Up make it. ____ I By Seven Feet! time toen located In what la now thaaa people were the head* of bow down and my *My Lord and (OMittmmd frwm Pag* Ur#) who carry on Communist props Myene croooliig tho lino. Last night's guard poat m ow ^ my Ood’." ganda. No Difference la Pood ' downer, however, aa indicated by | known as the Sport# Center M d It Attention! Home Owners aeheela for orye H m one from waa felt hv members of the hoard ImprcMire Service Mark China had 1100 boyt. In far off Rogtr McC(..niacJi sang two quira that theae vieltora give tha Courtade thuo would ha entirely Soodlng all the after compartmenta ‘They gave us the same food No Action to Be At* tha direcUoo of the bent posts, j same pledgea aa Courtade. Inadmlaalble but for tha status of Use o f Garage Is Possi* that If the b.ilMIng was bemR Lebanon, why w m title man end aekM at the flrat eervtee, "Hear My and leaving her dead In the water, they ate,” the lieutenant onid. Evidence o f Automobile came rfom the center and waa, Dedication o f Teachera Offiriale noted uiero are cor- tha U. N. M an Intamatlonal or- dispatches reaching the Navy de­ “ooffoo, ooup. oattorkraut and tote temped Until After used aa a garage In 1BS8. It still and Builders hie wife doing lit Wmply bacauM Cry, O Lord” l> Woolar, and Mishap Seen But No travelUag ealtward. ble Board Will Be Told had garage rights. At Colter Q wreli they loved ieoue Chriet "Light” by •(evenaon. reepofMlenta at V. N. headquartera ganlaation on American aoll. partment aald. of bread Md explained the food Oct. 6 Election NEW PHILCO Ooagraaa. however, approved last A check shows that In 1333 It W E H a V B s o m e s u r p l u s s u p p l i e s AVAILABLE! The Benlor terted choir aang from OnmRu.ntot-domlnatad Yugo- A atotar daatroysr, the JamM C WM not better beeauea tho Army By Engineer | They Behev« la Uwtet alavla and Boland, from a Oreek Aug. 4 a U. N. baadquartara tots Report Is Made was used as a garage which use CeMpMc Wimiow Set*—head*, fridt*. sleol*. Also Odd TTie «> tlr t O ral ch School lU t t o f two anthems at the second serv­ Owana, and two tuga hava goaa to lived off the tend and the land erM Youngster Injured Mr. Blmpoon aeked why eo much f3ommunist paper and from Soviet agreement providing that iRm-of- the aid of the Pox which hM two poor.” Than srill ba no niaattaig « ( tha preceded the date when the roning .Saxh (aboat 30). Alaminum Window*. Oak Floorinf, Center OooaregoUonoI olxycli ice, ”On Orea*. Lone Hllla”. glb- Manehaster Orees, ecene of When the Boning Board of Ap-1 rules went Into effect. Now that WM being done for Borepa, why Ruasis IteelL They sold they did flctal foralgnars otharwiaa barred doctors and 5vs hospital corpamen Vm AttM aald tho Tugoolavt Board nf gilsoUBSE tMMnww for the “World Series eltua, and ”Tum To Evan To Me” pcale continued the hearing last Pine ’Trim. Novelty Siding, RaiMern* InMulalion Plank. •food heforo tho »tatfonn were our mloe'anarlee aotive In not'know how many. by American Immigration laws aboard. did not tako away tha Amortcano' night, It waa aanouaead today by OMy fatal aeeldents In the past, In Fall From Car day rmewod UHr vowo tb Ood, QpeeeiT Whv were onr dnrtora by Marker. might be admitted temporarily at hoera evldanoa thla morning that Thursday on the eppHcetlon of i A to Masc Phiinbing Snpplie* and Seeond Hand Doom. The Sovtat cltlaane in thie coun­ May Hava Beea OM Mine carMneo until they reached Oort- Clerk of the Board Oeorga H. their pledireo re the chnrch. »nd working In Italy? Beceuae they tha raquaet of tha United Natfona, Navy officials tha mine omaona hM bean trying to get try all hava diplomatic or official said Rtay ano, where they were held tho Michael, three year old w ‘iCugene M. Mcaure for a cerUfI-' FOR A P P O IN T M E N T C A L L 5105 comecroted Itoemeelvea to the believed in the Lord Jeeua Chriet Steals Aote la Cemetery spacincallv on U. N. butonaas auoh have baan m old one, broken tooaa first two days. Waddell. Mr. Waddell etoted that rom otM tntanaotlon to tha other wo(h «f teochi'ji the chlldreB 'atatus and would not ba affaotaii the current bualnsM e( tha Batoet- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lungo of Heb- i cate of approval for a new car INSURE HeceRtly In Ireerf, e woman had Aakad arhathar tha naw poliotlioy M taatifying at a hearing. from M arM not yat awept etoar "Erea tho^’ he said, ‘nhoy tot rithout turning theooroers. Steel about Jtaooo Chr'et man to up to data, Md that no ac­ ron avenue, Oiaetombury, was I dealer's license on a bualneaa to to with apent i t year*' eavinge for ata New Britain. Sept. 3P OTt - A would conSlot with Uila oounti of them alRoa tha war. ■aploakm me keep my .48 pistol until sonw {uard poets are bent to the brought to Mam heater Memorial I The paotor, Itev. Clifford O, bettlea of oHea oil. that In itealf loM gunmen, lourtehirm e nickel fraa praaa guarantwa, a Btata V ocourred 13 mllea off Triaeta, dto- soldiers tneieted that It ba taken tion wtU be attempted until after mound, and wheel marks acroca \ I established at 50 Well# street. It McKlNNKY BROTHERS The Sterling Construction Co. election October 3. hnapitel yesterday afternoon by | Himoeon. peee»d»d at the dedlea- to one roaaon err mnet eentimie plated pitool, held up fire. Anne r.artmant official repllad that on patchM from that Adriatic port away. They did not search ua I he lawn ehow the path of the va- hia father after ho had faliep from ' did so because of the claim that Real Eatale and InMirance 180 Center Street ttoia and later preached the aermon to send money to help these people. C. Hengaton, tl, and her two tha contrary It would rapraaont a Police Court ■aid. had a whole nocketful of .43 The praaant Board, all membera tlcto that had the mishap. PoUce waa prcMnted by those In opposi­ 553 .MAIM BT. TF-L. 5 8 « Tha namM of tha vietbaa wan of nrhicb are ninniiw for poata on the rear seat Jf an automobile., on the topic '011110 Chriet The The pastor further spoke oi the daufhtera yesterday as they were gam for fraedom of Information. cartridges and kept my mapa, his morning aald they bad no re- The-accident occurred near the I tion that It waa not poealble to mlltiona la the trorld, one third of not made publle at oros. One of the new Boiud of Dlrectora. offi­ Head Of The Cl> irch". He eUtrd decorating a grave in Keirvlew Oongroaa, In a ra^olutlon paasad In town eourt ihto morning. binoculars Md knife the whole MCt of M accident at this point Buckingham Congregational grant the permit under the exist­ that the putpooc la onminf to the all tha people 'Ivlng, who had oeaeetery, and made off with their on Jan. 10. 1044. eallad for a the men w m reported eritleally Urns.” cially srill ba in posvar until tha he driver appiuently keeping hto ing soning rules. Ralph W. Ott of Hartford wha w m injured Md the other wounded first Monday In November svlMm church. The ca- was being driven ; Church tete-o' and to ehurch, pledged thetuM'vae to loyetty to automobtle. The women told po­ world wide right of Interchange of Vm Atten said that In the vil­ ntoforiune to bimaelf. I slowly at the Ume. Mr. Lungo The rule In question was that s. pnajdnf, atodylnp the Bible, talk­ Jaeue Christ He concluded this hy | lios that when they heatuted to nowa, gethared by agenciM or in- arrested on aaptamber 31 hy Pa­ were in aerioua eondtUon. lage of Vipaoo he saw m ItaUM tha aaw charter totm of goaatn- In spite of signs, a cauUon Ught which denies automobile dealer's telling tha Btnr/ of Jesue, ho« ha The Pox, which w m on her way ment goaa into effect. ! brought hie cat to a stop at once ing together, in fact all the or- comply with the bandit's demand dlvtduala "by any maana” and trolman Palrbanka on a eharga of Alpine division soldier and m •eftoctor buttoM on guard posts I and took the Iwy to hie home. Af- establlahmenta within 200 feet o( ganisationa tf«r all the actlvltlea wee horn In Belhelem and'even­ for the Ignition key to the auto- “without dla::HmlnaUon." from Venice, Italy, to IVlMta, to Italian carabiniere under guard. Batnrned Ta Offlea ind white Itnes in the highway, school properly. The board re­ tually wee killed on a amea outside driving while under tha Inlluanca one of the moat hMvUy armed of I ter several eff..iL; to secure a doc­ of Center Chima were aimed at moMlo. he aald “Qlve me the keys Ta Negotlata Agraamenta of alcohol, WM found guilty by Vm Atten Md hie fellow cap­ Whan election ranulta are wgulariy, each week, aome car tor in OlaatonlJ':’ had failed Mr. quested that the town engtnecrtnp ceie thlag and te** thing almie, to Jerualem by wiened and evil men. i or yooll get II." Amarican daetroyara. Her main The Stela dapa'tmant Itaelf to Judge Raymond R. Bowara Md tives were returned to the free knnwB, the naw Dtraetora* gravp. iparator tekaa the excursion Lungo took the boy in the auto- dep^ment Uke the meaaure- llnad IlSO, Attorney Harold Oar- battery earriea ala Sva-lnehI gune territory under armed guard. scroea the grass. ^mente. Thla waa done Saturday preparing to nentlate for bttateral lua 10 torpedoI tubM.tti She Joined It to reported, doubttoaa srill atari ' mobile and dro\’«! him to the Man- ngraamantt which would permit rity praaantad a plea of guilty for at onaa to gather up the Itaxsa of BomaUmaa thla occurs two or ; cheater hoapita! Tha boy waa cut I and It was found that there waa Triple Proved Deodorant Ottt and prpraaantad ■ no ar^RMnt tn 8to U. S. w'arshi In tha Medlter- 'Juee times a eroek. and the hlgh- about the head and face but ap- 207 feet from the corner of Vine i free movamont nf correspondents ^ v ln g Norfolk, primary buainaaa that will «on- I betarean tlto United States and M y hie bthaU. ransM after Veteran Enters nvnt tt M It takea offlea. Bapub- sray safety workmen patlenUy re- ' paared to be rtherwtee uninjured. ! and Welle street to the west aide countrloB ratifying tha traatlea. Tha esM agslnat Laroy B. Va, Jubf 31. IIcans and aoma Democrats ex­ Stooe the twisted or broken mark- Oomdr. Tha Ststa dapartmant official ax- Avary of 7S Main atraat who was Tha Pox’a ■kipper to pect tf at the Betoetmdn sriU be re­ trs. plainad, howavar, AmarlcM Imml- aiTMtad at tha atat# thMtar hy CharlM W. Travla’la, 53 South Oats Monson Academy turned to office as Dlreetora, and Reporia M d surveys of the Patrolmen McCaughoy and Pear- avenue, Annapolis, Md. If thla oecura, tha traaalttaa srill area show that speed ta almost en- A sumner cIsm destroyer, the Modess ■on, on a charge of breach of the Howard F. Palrweather aon of taha place sritheut a break la the ■Jrcly at fault for accidents at this peeco, WM continued until Wed­ Pox was built In 1944, dlaplacM 3,- ourrent hMdUag of affaire except So Soft — So Sofo Famous Philco “ 1201” ‘ A d i«T O N € lltM tvt 300 tons and hap * wartime oom- Mr. and Mra. Prank Pairweathar nesday under bond of ISO. of 63 Walker street, loft Wednoo- for the difference In ayetem that Enjoy th#’paote-ol-mind'tbot coma* Bdward Wilson, 33, of 3S Ullay plament of SIS men. day to ottond Monoon Acodamy to provided. Hsiters... Wiiter Sportsmes! ■treet w m found guilty of viola­ fkU Daamga Net Hnewa with hoving o plentiful supply of in Monoon, Moaa There to, m yet. no great Inter- Radio-Phonograph M M U m U tion of aulca of tha road and was The full extent of the damage to Ho arrived homo from Japan. BMMCHE, Soft. Sofo Medatt always on bond. net known, but all eompartmanta eat evMenced tn the coming elee- Niars rouA fined 115 arlth a 110 ramItUnce. August 9, having flown from tlona, which la popular appeal Wilson WM arreated iMt night by aft of the after deckhouse were Tokyo, Japan, to Pairfleld. Calif. Duofoldt • f Beam to be about on a par with i£G MINS Mnr Patrolman Walter CMeela after flooded, the official diepatehoa Ha stopped onroute at Honolulu, tho primaries, the Ughtaat voting $ R IG H T NOW—. hia ear had atruck another vehicle aald. C d H u d n i m u b T z S i u ^ ^ / 114.95 eom m to mend a few hmira with hto tMSMB BV MiBSI events held here tn years. at tha IntarseeUon of Cone and The etaerlnf gear w m wraekad, brotner Kenneth who to otatlencd UNDCRWei ^^^2229^^2^ Til2222Rtf2 2^ ^22^222f Oerari etreota Wilson pleaded THOSE IN THE KNOW ARE INSTALLING paaroBaiR meet ba good whan both propeller enafte rendered "In­ at MIPPAC hoadquartoro with tho Box of 50 ei*15 Y ou ’ll perfectly hear every thrilling moment laaoi of Doetoti prea^bad It guilty to the charge. operative,” end both acre we dam­ 19»th Pin. Dtob. i*et. Ho rooolvod Albert B. Kieuealtto, 3S, w m aged. hie discharge Bent. 4. Speaker Secured . Wool and other fibres in the o f the Serie* with this .powerful, superb- aentenced thta morning to two The flooding of all the after Howard wee formerly with the outer layer for warmth AU } toned radio. Plays recordn HiitomaticaUy..* days In Jell after which ho will compartmenta indicated that the 340th Pin. Dtob. aoet. at Qen. Mae- cotton inner layer lor conium ’ no fusning with lid.*, controln or needles. Ipt. By Catholic Vets •titseesasL-M ^ SILENT GLOW appear before Jfto ford on a charfr** of violation of der the stern, experts believed. were spent In the South Pacific. Attorney John J. BeanUm of insulate scainst cold . »e«;P probation. Kriuaaltls w m arreated Mine sweeping In the Mediter­ Ho holds tho Combat Infantry­ BImabury sriU apaisk on “Why last night by Patrolman Bantoa man’s Badge and aevsral ribbons. you “limber,’’ but don't wreigh OIL BURNERS ranean hM been handled by the Italy la on the Brink of Com- you down. who had ebaerved him In front of International aweeptng and rout­ muntom" at the meeting of 8 t the Poet Off'ce. where he gave ing section of the British Admiral­ Bridget'a Post. Catholic War Vat- Nad* la Hartford and aold aad ashrksd at homt bp tha appearance of being Intoxi­ ty, an officer explained. Season^s Program erana, to be held at 8 p. m. to­ FOOTWEAR FOR THE FAMILY Mariarty Brothars — tbt anlp Oflcial Silmt Glow daaler cated. He WM brought to the po­ Although a channel wee cleared morrow night at the K. of C. home la tbt llanebMttr Araa. lice etetion and examined where long ego between Venice and on Mnin street he was pronounced to be under Trieste, this does Aot eliminate the Of Women League m announctim the apeaker, Poat the Influence'of alcohol. He was Commander John D. LaBeUe fornid guilty tnia^ morning by possibility of an old mine drifting into the course of the skip, he notea that Mr. Bcanlon eorved in . OeSOeas'a When Minutes Judge Bowers wHo passed sen­ A copy of tho 1347-43 program Italy for three yeara with tha Al­ tence on him. After hia release ■aid. of the Women'! League of tha lied MiUtary government from the MsKcneeter jail ha will Soeoiui OoRgrogattnnal church w h Count! aent today to avary woman in the A large class of candidataa will be returned to Superior Court he up for admission to member- CXHOUSE&SON MORIAm Brothqis pariah. SPENCER I N The COM 3 YEARS Hjva raar dnrtnr lelo where he waa recently tried and ship tomorrow. The Poet now .IW HAI:€ **0n fibs Iisvsf of Csnisr and Broad** Stubborn Fire Havlnp aa the year'e theme: W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS aUHCHSSTSli COHM- ptoiaa We prr«rrlpttne ■entcnccd to serve ten days In “Opening Doors,” the program hM 73 veteran membera. TO PAY tn WeM«iR'e nvrt ihm prl Jail after which he was placed on Under Control amphaaiaoa opening the doora of OPEN 24 HOURS DIAL 5135 vale Rr»tmah>nel nira. fnt two years probatli-n with the atip- foUowahlp; opening tha doors of S U P P ^ I T S immrdista delivery H ulntlon that he leave the state ■arvlee; opening the doora of within twenty-four houra of hie (Coatlnned Prom Pago One) knowledge and opening the doore relcMe. of faith. He waa released on Saturday .MINT (. I O W (HI II U k N F K S atream channel. Tha BMta Ro m Tha program has been planned, l : N n morning and eame directly to ■ailed Saturday from Pier 67. complete with tho devotional lead- WELDON'S thousands lined the streets to AeetetMt Chief Plra Manhal are end hoateaaaa for each masting, TODAY and TUESDAY heeMt . > 7 i r-ii ' ( '. i: Ml MAIN STKKKT Md arrasted. ^ Martin Soott said that aU persons and to the work of the program A *ntbm- who had worked on the toer Sat­ committee, the personnel of which MO MUSKM tistt $im€* €Mdbo*d, Pow erful N o firrs urday or Sunday would he ques­ to Mrs. Leland O. Hunt, chairman; Alory K0llty pl*r$ a Mra. Sherwood Bowers, Mra. John - S i m tioned IR M effort to detemlno /aif, brtiU siU g w M — AT A COURT o r PROPATB held the cause of tho flro. Buck and Mrs. Harold Burr. at Manchester within and for the Ptre Oommleeloner Pnuik J. Thaaoffictra of the L e ^ e are: Mrs. Ralph Halvorscn g«4’« t»r PHILCO-PORTABLE Diatrirt of Manrhester, on the gfUi Qua^e aald that 700 or 800 balsa president, Mrs. Harry Rvlsnder, SB Street thoMMxmdt ol Ol'i om dar of Septambar, A.D., HIT, Sr.; vict presldenta, Mrs. Howard Present WILUAM 8. HTDB, Eiq.. of cotton caught flro In tho aoc- TsL 3-1514 or 3145 VSO lawf. Needs No Special Aerial Judee. ond athry of the shed of Pier 07. Keeney, Mrs. Albert Post, Mrs. <'lSth Balate of Fannie Polsan, Ikta of 'nichgh under control, the fire Ralph, Rockwell, Mra. Oeorga H oar” Uanchaater, In aald District, deceased. "may go on for days,” he aald. flttlea;' aecretary, Mra. Wallace WILLIAMS Enjoy the Series anywhere with On motion af Tha Mancheitar 'Truat Smoke seeping up from the un­ Jonea; treasurer, Mrs. A. H. Ber­ this portable. Plays on tralna, Company, adminlitrator. derpinning was noticed by a pier ber. Call for Annual ilanea, remote locations; on bat- ORDERGD. That sla months from ery, AC or DC current. Amazing $54-95 tha 37lh day of Septrmbar. A.D., 19IT, guard who turned in the first f ba and the asma am limited, and al­ alarm. While flreboate turned Town Meeting performance; clear reception. lowed for the craditori within which their atreama under the pier, six to bring In thair rialma atalnat aald PHILCO 420*1 estate, and the said administrator la crewo of firemen equipped with directed to aive publle notice to tha pneumatic drilla broke through c ijs n B B 3 The legal voter* of the Town rradltnra to bring In their clalma with­ the concrete pier floor to get more of Bolton are hereby warned and 1'ABLE MODEL in S l i d time allowed by publlihing a water on. the blaae. ; “POSSESSED” noUfled that the annual town ropy of this order In some newipaper Before midnight, however, the JoM Crasvford • Vm HeBla meeting will be held in the Com­ having A circulation In said probate flames attacked the pier building ------NOW PLAYING munity Nall in said to*-n of Bol­ district, within tsn days from tha csimi* rttnmt tmiM “Bells of San Anftlo” $37-50 data of this order, and return make to lUelf and forced the firemen to (In Color) ton on Monday, October 5, 1947, thia eourt of tha notice given. retreat. In Mother hour, tho Roy Regers . Dale Bv i m at 7'o’clock In the forenoon for WILLIAM a. HTDB, Judge. Ultia smart Ivory plaatle blaze had traveled to the connect­ Peatnrei 3i33 3:33-3t43 the following purposes, to wit: rabinct. 6 tubes. Includ­ “NATURALLY ing structure and threatened Pier AT A COURT of PROBATE h«M Last Bbow Tonight! Sil3 1. For the choice of the fol­ ing recUfler. Electro Dy­ at Manchester within and tor the 58. ' . lowing officers: namic speaker. Built-In' District of Msnehester, on the Mth Dense smoke poured from the 3 selectmen, 2 assessors, 2 mem­ ncrlal. For office or home. day of September. A.D., 1147. burning pier; most of the firemen bers of the Board of Tax Review, Present HON. WILLIAM 8. HTDB. who were Injured suffered from m n i’i aniBIOUflOMIeedBUarilHIIC Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, EASY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE!______I’M A L L Judge. smoke potaoning. Estate of Rutatll T. Corcoran, lata PIob : T H E CORPSE C M L O E b V S Agent of the Town Deposit Fund. of Manchester, In said District, deceas­ 3 Grand Jurora. Tax Collector, T CAME C.O.D.” ed. DRIVE ilil THEATRE Constables, 2 RSgtstrars of Vot' On niotlon of William A. Corcoran era, 4 members of the Board of SMILES! of said Manchester, administrate. Not Molested WED, -THUKS. - FBL - BAT. ORDERED; That ala months from OUENN FORD hi IMucatlon, 4 Fire Commissioners. tha 34th day of September, A.D., IMT, “OaBMl JeaiSM|r“ ,2. To see If the Town will ba and tha tame ars limited and al­ By Yugoslavs Moore adopt Public Act. No. 418 provld, lowed for tha creditors within which /MOTHER hi to bring In their claims against said Ixjg for the appointment of a Zon Ills WAIN ST OPi’OSITE HIGH SCHOOL IT’S LIKE GETTING estate, and the said administrator la. (OoaUaoed from Page Oat) Ing Commlaslon. dlrrcted to give publle notice to the / WORE ]OM nouns 3. To see if the Town will vote creditors to bring In their clalma with­ the boundary Una, but amerted to permit the sale of intoxicating IBTEM3TMIUI in said time allowed by publishing a owi: sHowutllPM FRIDAY, DIVIDEND CHECKS!” copy of this order In aoma newspaper “even if we were over It, it waa TIGHTS llquora on Sunday. T38U-TEMBS having A circulation In said ' probate only live or six feet" STARTS TinTRBDATt 4. To take action oh, the re- CTM district, within ten dsys from the Eadreled by Troops porta of the town officers. date of this order, and return make to Joseph Oettoa be The 34-year-oId lieutenant aald 5. To see If the Town will au­ FOR SALE this eourt of tha notice given. that Yugoslav troops anciroled “ Bhadtov Of A De«bt“ r?? W ILLIA M 8. HYDE. Judge. thorize the selectmen to borrow them and a Yugoslav officer with I Fhnt DesI Anas la “OabM Fete” funds for the use of the town for NEW ALL-BRICK HOME AT A COURT of PROBATE .held whom he had spoken before In­ Plus: “ Dick Tracy’s DUenuna** the next ensuing year and give lanchester within and for the sisted they accompany him for a 4 roomff finished, 2 unfininhed iip.stHii'H. Lived in 4 latrict of Manehaster, on tha >Tth the note or notes of the town for months. Equipped with Gar Woud Air Conditioning day of September. A.D., 1M7, , short talk with hia. commander the same. ateut tha disputed Una. Van Atr Furnace -v- Ail neat. All modern throughout. Two 0th2r FtofurRt Present HON. W IL U A M 8. HTDta. 6. To see If the Town will vote Judffi. ten aald thp Yugoalav officer per­ minute* from bu* line. P lUt'l Eetate of Robert J. McVeigh. late of mitted them to bring their horaes. to appropriate apecifle sums for You'll Likt About Maneheater, la aald District, deeeaa- “The officer aaaured ma we expenditure under the direction '* CAN BE PURCHASED UNDER G. I. I.OAN #dv would be gone for only one hour,' the aelectmen during the next i ..- OR OTHERWISE Bolond Oil The admlnlatratrta hkvlng aahibitsd aulng year for the following pur­ MORE PEOKE/IRE SMOtGNe CAMBS her administration account with aald Vm Atten aald, "eq I thought It P For Appointm ent: estate to this Court lor ellowanee. It was all right I learned alnea wa poses : Sorvite! came back that they told Outport “TOE BILLY Advertising, Board of Asses­ CALL 6742-4;E0. GRIFFIN '" o r d e r e d : That the 4th day of Five wa ware , coming right back. sors. Town Auditors, Board of BUY YOUR RANGE October. IMT. at i o'eloch. forenoon, "1 don’t rexlly know why tkay Tax Review, Care and main­ at the. Probate Office In the Municipal tenance of bridges, Caro and > Chemically CondlthmeH Building In aald Maneheater, ba And kept lu so long, except that • AND FUEL OIL A’T tha seme ta csalgned far a hearing on Yugoslav officer seld It took a JOY TRIO" maintenance of town green. Char­ Fuel Oil tha allowance o f sold admlnlatratloa long time to get papers from Bfel- ities, Insurance, County-tax. Dog THAN B/BIBBORE! They* re Really tarrific I account with sold aatota' and Ascaruln- grade and they wanted the Amer­ warden. Election expense. Main­ For Cleaner Heat mant of heirs end this Court dIrMts icans to suy unui they co^d ttok tenance of fire house. Health offi­ BOLAND’S AND GET that notice of the lime end place a^ cer, Town court. Legal expenses, AS A TABLE-TENNIS STAR, Mary signed for eald hearing he given to alt with tho toajor in command." Van M rtont known to bo Intorootod tnow- Atten said ha never saw the library. Preparation of abstract Reilly has had yean of experieoce — Printed Delivery Tickets r* to opp«»r »nd bo hoord tharoon by major. . book. Rate book. Postage and in toqrnamcnts and in exhibitions. As a publishing a copy of this order In “ Attar the first IntonrogaUon at D IN E and telephone. Printing, Registrar of rriRtod RRcliMgaaMe raoorda af aome newspaper having a clroulallon votera. Rent and fuel. Care and smoker, she had an enlightening experience S & H GREEN STAMPS In aald Dlstrlel, at least Sve days I OorlMO they never aak^ ua anjh an iattvartoe. maintenance of public achool, during the wartime cigarette shortage. yOUR*T-X0Nt” for# tha day of said hesrlns. thing of a military nature." add W ILLIA M 8. HTDB. Judia. Van Atten. “They argued DANCE Maintenance of office of tha ae- Isctmen. Snow removal. Supplies Like so many other smokers, she smoked wiuTiayov... BINGO (ThsyVs Llks Dividends On What You Spend!) and seemed to think It t w P w ^ ’TONIGHT OR ANY a t a c o u r t of PROBATE haW dent Truman who created the free for town offlciala. Tax collector. — and com part — several different brands ^Dcfree Day* Automatic at Manchester within and for Tax collector'a bond. Town aid TfcrlhtM • •• Boland's Is Uis Only FusI and Rants Oil Dealer In Town District of Manchester, on tha alUl territory of Trteete. NIGHT A T of cigarettes. That’s when she found that TOMORROW NIGHT Fuel Oil Deliverieu day of September. A.D., 1M7. - " I told them thla kind of treat-y road. Town road. Office of Town cool, mild, fiavorful Camels suit her best! T for Throat... Ma atoytHg at haom «a wait far Giving These Stamps! Proaant W IL L IA M 8. HTDB, Baa. Clerk, Office of Treasurer, Treas­ Judae.' C A V E Y ’S urer's bond. Maintenance of zon-1 Smoker after smoker had that same ex­ Thflt!) xetr pravinj Batata of Anne D. Cerlaon, lete of AMERICAN LEGION HOME ing board. Traveling expenses of perience. They tried and compared...found far an/ciflaiRlta. - Manchester. In aald ^ectmen. Maintenance of vital Tha axacutof hAvlng exhibited kl» Camels the "choice of experience.” Leonard Street GREEN STAMPS ARE ALSO GIVEN ON ALL adminlatratton account with "eld aa- statlstlps. ' 1 W\ SoffifCamtisdonYsuit Vent Alarms ■tate to this Court for allowanea. It W W A R D E. LUNCHEON 85c 7. To see If the Town will vote it aUlBg yaar tMk ta aver PETROLEUbI PRODUCTS AT OUR SERVICE STATION ORDERED: Thkt the 4th day Of to authorize a re-assessment or ySjif^T'Zpiiff'lo/TT" INDIVIDUAL SEATS! DOOR PRIZES! October. 1M7. at • o'clock, forenoon, re-valuatlon of the taxable prop­ I sad iRBMgtBg lawRa am at tho Probata Office In the Municipal ALSO LOBSTERS, STEAKS AND According too Notionwide survey: \ Building' In aald Manchester, to and KRAUSE erty of the town and to make m V; A 23 Regular Gaiiies the aamr la AMigned for a h«arlng on ITALIAN FOODS approprUtioA to defray the Jx- tha allowance of aald admlnUtratlon in stm etor penssa of tha aaraa. account with said aatate end tow Extra Speeial Game! Court dlrocu that notice of^ the time Kitchen Open Until 11:30 P. M. 8 To transact any other busi- Burner Service nssa legal and proper to come be­ M o r i Doctors S m o ke C a m e i s and place aasigned for aeld heATlng to Trumpet Trombone DEUaOUS DINNBRa LROAL BBYRRAORB irvtaabySM B oland Oil Co. given to all peraona known to to In- fore Mid masting. \ Tarestad' therain to appear end to ALW AYS OOOLt Dated at Bolton. Connecticut, / REGULAR BINGO heard thereon by puhllanlng e copy of Oarinet Saxophone PENNY BINGO this 29th day of September, 1947. M-9 Kw»8I48 TifiifeV Ok thlt order Ita tome nawapaper na'ftng nOUBR OF QUAUTV", TIUN/UIY OniER aSAREITE WlMlaH-f8J3fe. N. 0. 1:.10 l-q 8:15 STARTS A1 8:M 369 Center St- at West Center St. Tel. 6320 a circulation In aald District, at laast Studio Thomas Wltoon, Bve days befora the day of said hear­ - ^ Michael Peace, ' Thrtc naiioaallr lu w »a iadepctidaiii mcarch orgaaiiaiiDai aikcd 113,597 d o fio n -io crarr branch ing. ^7WalnatSU> PhoatSSSd AVEY'S Kingsley Carpenter. e f aM ditiaa-w aaaaa ito ciaaratM totr unoliad. M ar* 40tl0n mxmtd C » " 0t ttoa a*r w Sar brm d. W 1U 4AM 8. H TpS. Judgw Bslectmen ot the Town of Bolton.

. - . #.:v— MANCHESTCR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29.194T PAGE KIVI5, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONNm MONDAY. MBER 29.194T of electric signa everjw'here; over achedule of events wma smoothly the newly orgrnised Broad Brook Licpior StaiHl there they still hev» the 'black out' Cedars Hosts conducted. The parade got off to band. te rsquirad. Thls-yaar tha follow. Tha meeting has bean arranged by Town committee wbb recently re- ^ Two Records Says British because we do not have the cool a good start leaving the starting Arriving At th< Temple the Tall WEAVING! Now Itaaon. •unday evanlng fol- Edward L. Crook, manager of tha signad, was presvnted with a radio point St fiva o’clock. Tho crowd Cedars sat dmvn to a fine baked loatng a abort iUnaaa. Bbo waa Ing oubjeets are being offered, 4at making electric power. Our W'nirb tkoM Mn«b Holes, Tbompsonvilla offlee of tha State as a token of appreciation at a tes­ Of HaUey Hit newspapera are only four pages, was to large that traffic through ham dinner prepared by a com­ bom Noaombor II, lld l In Oar- shorthand, typing, office practice, timonial dinner held Saturday eve­ To Big Crowds rignrette Bnrns.^ Tenrs wm4 sawing, art muMo. toy rojuvena- Bini^*mant sorvtca and will ba Broken Here -Ask No Pity except on rare occasions, then not the Center had to be re-routed. mittee under the direction of Fred ly, eoadng to tMa eoantry 4T attended by rspresenutlvas of the ning at tha BockvUla Hotel, the Warn Spats dtanppenr! Uon. sdance and nsathamatlca over slghL Grand Tall Cedar Rudolph I-ewie and served by Rainbow « a#a. aha waa a mambar at several veterans orgonixationa presentation being made for tha (C I Oaa) Girls under the direction of Mrs. Alsn nrreartwklng. Tslloe- d w ir * Waawa SPECIAL "Tho temper ef Britain Is a tem­ Swanson In company with other .Ing, Designing ami Clenntaig Ptrat liothotan church or Tha State Divtsion of Rehabilita­ group by John L. Moran. Jr., the Over 700 Attend Cere- Thomas Dunbar A/ter the dinner Tha Board mambers of tha ViflitiiiK Church Leader per of despair, but she has been In officers of th> local Forest Ifd Expertly Dene. nocknno. Sha loaroo throe aona tion. and tha Veterans Administra­ two town chairman. ^ Track and Field Finals rehioiaa of iU aeuapapir aiae dark spota before and has found the three degrees u-erc exempli­ Alfred of Hartford. Amo and Obuneil of Church Woman of tion wUl take part In tha meet­ J THRIFTY pubUraUoa "Tlw CUpahart." ^ monial Saturduy Night the marcK Thei. came the Su­ Boekvilla and vicinity will sooet at Fnr Schoolboys Attract SajB They Are Grateful her way out. Hhc is not asking preme Forest officers and the two fied on the eandidatea The EASTWOOD . BStiws Crowd Faita Tanka of HooInrlOa; two ing. ONE WEEK ONLY! "Many at the greatert mUltaiy for pity or charity, but faces the la Prologue waa prrcented by Provi­ daugbtara, Mn. Henry Bowora of the rsetory of Bt iohn'o Bpiseo- Received Gift own the world haa prodoead have For Amerlciin Aid " -Parade Big Feature honored guest.-, Past Grand Master pal church on Tuesday afternoon 80 Eatrien future with faith In the grace of of Masons Fred A. Verplsnck and dence Forest and the Royal Court RoaiTllle. Mra. Lawronca Plabaaa Loo B. Flaherty, m tha past 13 Cleaners been noUMy abataaloua,’’ the God." and Bldonian desreca were given WEAVERS at S:S0 p. m. years chairman at the pemoeratlc 0\-er 700 members of the Tall Supreme Grand Tall Cedar Fred of Now Haren anth arbom aha ro- article aeid. aaming Robert * . Dr. Brie W. Baker, who la the Then Dr. Baker turned to the by the offleera. drill and degreb 1126 Main St.. HnHrnrfl iDrnni Curp* WM. DICKSON of M entrtaa took Lee, Jeb Stuart StonowaU Jack- Cedars of Lebanon gathered at the Jencks riding in cars. Forest offi­ d; one alatar. Mra. Ida track and Becreary at the Bducatlon Commit­ brighter picture of the hop* of the teama of Nutniry Forest of this Tel. Hnrtfnrd N Met Mayor Bayinood B. Hunt has is- oeu. Sargt Ahrtn York and Jlaamy Maemile Temn'e Saturday eve­ cers from Pro\ldence, Westerly, j E f t M Attrtcto Sererd Schlaichar of New Tork; one world through the Christian faith. Pawtucket and Cheater, Pa. The town. brother. Prank Uobnlngar of Hart, .oad a proclamation daelaring & SON DeolltUe. tee of the Methodlet church In ning to Uhe pert In Nutmeg that tha period bafdnnlng Bunday. Bity ^ •atufday aaemUif at He referred to I’eter's statement Nutmeg Forest Band headed the XlMiBwod* Saturday ford; • grandchlldran. • groat- JAMEH AND MARIE -AleohoL" It added, 'is a dea Great Britain, gave the congrega Forest's enmiel fell ceremonial •opt. IS and eontinuiag through Psintlns f'JHitrsetora Robertoen Park with the n In 1 Peter 1-8, "Blessed he the God and to aee 133 Inducted Into the Rangers drill team and both the rrandchUdran. Tha funeral will bo CLARK that two leeorda vrero brokea. and ly BMoace to tho imntry's safoty tlon at 4he North Metliodlst church and Father of our Lord Jesus bond and Rangera drew much ap­ h M Wodnaoday at I p. m. at tha Sunday, October S Is doslgnatad Rtar 111 East Canlet St whether it la la fho brain af ad- order. A big feattire of the cere- PIANO BapC M.—s«T«r*l as tha Sovantaanth annual Bcllg- cxdttag muMwa thriUad a anaoU a very Intereating and Informing ChrisL which according to Hla plause all along the line of march. Ladd Funeral Home In RockvUla; 29 Griffin Road • Tcl. 7822 Phono 2-0920 or S^?9 oitraL ganenO, or diplomat.” addreoe oa the preeent altuatlon In abundant mercy nath begotten us monlrt woe Jie parade from the William ShaughneNgy _ vpKtaton «>• lous Education Weak. XTowd at aaliinara that attended. comer of Mall, end Charter Oak Thera were isvcral floats In the Boo. Karl Otto Klotta. paotor of ' Meeting REAL ESTATE la a hotly oouteoted baaebyi The board quoted Uaut Comdr Kiigland. He said by way of Intro­ unto a living hope.’ He pointed out parade, most of them of a humor­ Tenrher of Pnpninr Mnale . tUH U latai^asr wlw* th* ••oo«d the Flrot Lutheran church will of- Pnmitiirt Spray Pslntint DRESSES J. Bryan IlL Halaay'o coIUbormtor duction. "our dinereacoo are the fact that this "hope cuts right ttreeU to Oh> Temple. Several thfoartng eontert, nddlo Mooko thousands lined tho streU to watch ous nature. The new Initlatea or Tee«-ager», Women, Men. Enjoy tmnal MM «ft]r « ( tlia lUlMMtto •eUU. Burial will be In Orora HIU To«r LIsilnirs Soliriiod In the Biagaalna oartaa, as saying chiefly on the eurface; I am Brit­ acroes the deepalr and gloom of Plenanre nnd Relaxation hit (PLAIN) krofeo Stan BrMTa racord with a the colorful vid amuelng parade. "saplings" u-ere sttlrrd in all kinds XNVRI CHH 9t VMBen took ptoM. camatary- kMif heave of 3S1 feoL Bras Wm- of tbo now-reUrod admiral: ish by Mrth but 1 had nothing to the world.’,' He said, "nothing can of odd coatijmes and were aultably Ptnno Plnylng. OM •ooata do about IL You aro Amorican by be too bad with God, and nothing Despite tha unuaually large TRLEPHONF. 3-3478 im* wtmmn to tM w m aelf keoke klo own exloUag reeord crowd that attended the ceremon­ placarded. Th-r colorful Manches­ Tha Qlrt Boouta of Troop B will take place this evening at tha by eight fert. but it waa act good -OccastonaUy he takes a beer or birth for tho samo toason. but we can be too good wlUiotit God." ter Pipe band ust another fraturh bold thalr opening moating at tha Beautifully are both Christiana and Methodists "Underneath all differences of ial the commitlee had plana thor­ 9 ty‘““SSi*U£2*'oSlS; Veterans Advisory Canter In tha enough. After the meeL Mooho a martint but bis sUpM drink U oughly orgonlieo and tha entire that was loudly applauded as wak Union churm aoclal roomo on Frofaaolonsl building at 7:10 p.m. threw the baU $03 feeL The other by cholca. ThW unites us. The love mankind which are so many, there mmmrn.. Ill tUU. fV *. Dr«m Scotch whiakey and plain water. of Jeotto unitca men of dlfforent ‘ Tuaadoy. Bapt. SO at S;16 p. m. lecord broken wae in the football He hao tald. There are exceptions, still lies the great fact that all men Dry Cleaned throw with Hampoon iwetng out countrlos." are essentleJly the snme. In this 'isa'fcSJS!: Bwinaaa Maottag of couiee. but as a general rule, "Now I wish you to know that Modern Floral The BochtfUk O ty Hoopltal Moeke by four lacheo to beat I never trust a flghUng man who great hope stated hy Peter we can Mooke'e record by over a toot. wo Britishera qpprectaU tho real move on vlctorloiialy. S r a i a t A i ^ r ^ Auxiliary will hold a buolnaoo PUBUC And Refinithed doesn't or drink.' sympathy of you Americana and Arrongemenfs IICTTlt i L JOMpk'B. maaUng on Tuaoday. BapL 10 at Uttle Tommy LaFoege ahowod "HU favorite toast U: "The world needs great leedere ONE WEEK big Unw form In romping home ore gralefu’ for IL Conditions In but these have to have the coop­ Mtalii; W 4 «»ei« w®. *2!?: t;S0 p. m. at tha AuxlUairy roomo STENOGRAPHER T've dnmk yo*ir health In com- Groat Britain art dlfflculL Hie By experienced florintx. For Oitf U «ly «c ■onwfc Hytgwg. at tha hoopltal. Now Open for Baslncao to an eaay win in the midget 100 pany: eration of great numbers of tn- SPEGAL Bnraaa AU Garments Fany Insured and yard daoh. and In the intermedi­ fond Is 00 different and so much dlridiials who, like cells In the Weddinifx. Annivcmaricd, *!SiC HUNTINO oe Duetto ■iKiMit n 4 dnim. Bianlag •ohaal EACH "I ve dnmk your health alone; less plentiful than .here. Here you CAUOXO BPORTOMtH IN tME tactm Jnnlora: Mcend. 0 » ^ 1 869 Msln St Msnehesttr ate John KIMah had too •T ve dnmk your health so body, make the whole a mighty Funerals. Etc. Bagtotration for evening ochool Workmanship Guaranteed. much epeed foe Billy "Flrehoree ' are a~ nation------on...... wheels...... But— ac- working unit. Eveiyone of us has If your name appeara in this adv. yon are en> U nituo Statko t o SS b CbMtw O ^ ; «*£*2f**i^ claaoM will taka place this eve­ Phons 4168 ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER many times. cording to the theory that the lack 8PCNO APPROXIMATXUV ONC •ret, Bradford Muor. Hotoiaa. In the Intermediate ciaae a very important part tn the ning from 7 to • o'clock at tha CkilM. RflB4y To Soruo If You LIko T'vp- near mined my own of uee brings atrophy, In 500 years titled to have one gamirnl Dry Cleaiieil mitl ANDERSON eiLUON OOUARfl yta; MCMMt WMhinfton Partly broad jump, BIU Slomonda won Tn another Installment. Halsey achievement of Oiristlan brother­ High ochool. This year a faa of 10 you will be a legleea nation from hood around the world." ANNUALuy. Maridaa: mala major, of by a cloae margin over the Mar­ wrote that "to a men who has Just lark of their use. In England we PresflCfl. Value S I.00. GREENHOUSES •UU, Bdward Paata, OUoopaa, will be charged. IS cf which will WINES LIQUORS CORDIALS coni twine, with all boya eXhlbll- be refunded at the and of tha oao- I had a tense, haaardous flight or a have to use our legs for we can* 153 Eldridffc S(. Tcl. 8IS6 Vonr car d.'i ervea tlie expenditnrs Maaa.; twlrttac. Itlchaid OroM«r> Ing good form. Tin was imported from Corn­ of a minimum amaiint each nMiith ■lon If tha attendance has bean wet watch, there Is no substitute not use petroL (gasoline) as you Wll.LIAM ALLEN — 6.1 Illlyue Road CMcopaa; majerattas, for Ampio Psrking Space SHIRTS Oary Hilton turned the tabtee for a tot of sound spirits." call It after the SOth of this month. wall to Italy shortly after the "Flowera By Wire" I fnr lt« nplierp. Yon ran be Mira nf saUMactory. This will not be paid New 3-Hour ' on Sdgar Bralnard In the 100 HENRY BARBEAIT — 51 Henton Street •rat Bartara OonnaUy, Blesaed 660 CENTER ST. TEU 4697 Obtahied WhUkey fs^ rUers Here 1 have noted your multitude Invasion of Britain by Caesar. getting the heat •Tvlce, flneni •wraaMBt until Thursday night, tha flrot yard.daah by winning nn eyelaah KAY CAMPBELL — 36 Drive A |wlnt work, and mtmt exfiert bod.v ■ktaaw. WaahlagtMi Parit Mart* night of clasoaa d« Oaten, but In the $00 yard rum Accordingly, he aald.* he ob- Emergency Laundffr«d ond Ulned 100 gaUons of whiskey for ►ertlce when vi*r» > -xk • •pMaranca, modam, "rat Tha actual oebaduUng of tha Rralaard came back and unlearn­ WM. DANIEIil — 41 Avondflio Ro«d t'RAbTSMAN AUTO BODl’ Park: aaeoad, Blaaaad elassas wUI depend upon tha re­ ed a driving Snal 80 yard aprlnl his fliers. "1 don't remember," ROBERT ELLISON — 107 Hemlock Street HIIOP your lK)dx and paint atMip. ,« » . aaotant Naarbiftoa sults of registration as a mini­ Finithffd to ovortwul Hilton and go on to he wrote. "If It ever was approved Onr nd» are different rratn tins j n u i , and Ookmal Cbaatar: faai* - Service win by alx inches In a thrilling oincislly." Table Pads mum of ton persons for each class The Methodist board comment­ other ones yon read In tb'.n paper. fin t 8 t Ataaa; aaeond, Bt •wen. RANGE AND FUEL OIL CALL W'a enn help yon. At No Extra Cost A1 Morgan, the 15 year oM tog^ ed; I Dnn't Taka rkonoea totha Saaior oootaaU Uia com- 2 for 35c ntrtdbig Otar, who rcaemblco Jowr “In discussing hla air training, Dy Mennnring Yonr Admiral Halaey says that he 'went 2 ^ ion bataraan tha North Bran- RED M EN'S For Our Customera’ Convenience! Done the Way You Like! Woodruff oUghUy in hu atyte of Up Table. Anciant Drum O ^ ^ J ^ running, waa an easy half-mile on the water wagon' for a full Wholesale Gasoline C yoAT. laEX anff GEN Ei nm winner, but poor judgment of LaMraft A»ola»it porpt N w Al . ' I I Qli.i ■ • B«aan waa ao doaa that tha pace made him Ue up In the (Inal "However, he took iipon himself Phone SURPRISE iVp after be bad bUxed through the responsibiUty for having Is­ jQdgaa tava both idantloal ratlnca DRY CLEAttERS Entrrprinr 9930 I, : FREE CALL AND DELIVERY SERVICE sued to pilots who might be called Hi . t a ; W m aM K niciaaary for tha two Colds a tm t 04 second flrot quarter. If 97 CENTER St. MAN. 2->837 •AH.Hi ta; Wm eofpa to oompata a aooood tima Morgan could aerloualy train this back to duty at any momenL a Bantly Oil ComDuny Have Our Representative alwrtty bafora atitdaiiht Saturd^ TIm but whoW year, he could run a 51 haMt-fnrmtng, IrritanL anesthetic .181 MuIb Strwt Td. 6298 or 2-IB57 Call and Rhow Yon These with North Branford wtnnly by auiurtor and a lAO half-mile. dniy. the use of which he very ftmanolte lha Arauav* FREE FREE Raanliful Padn. a ataclo potst Nlnataoii 8 a ^ luMWN hOHM DIAL 6021 R« m H« ef Meet sensibly believed might endanger Ootvi rcwnfUtiM wttli oCImt jprtsi BINGO Boya under 10: 100 yard dash— hU own neck when he waa at the wbJwsbeKs: Out of sUUa Ow>- rmidyifMcaii 1. T. LaPhrga, Uncoln 2. A. Jar­ controls of an airplane. almo flaM Mnolc Oorpa, .New Featuring Something Different Every Tuesday vis. Lincoln S. R. Coleman, Green, "We do not believe that Admir­ Tarfc City; Combtoatioo VTW "LOOK NIFTY WITH THRIFTY" lim a 15.3. _ .... al Halsey thinks more of his ox*n Oorpa. B piM M d. Wfa sstlonRcvt Evening. Playing Starts Promptly at 8 p..m. Boys under 13’ 100 yard dash. neck thsn of the necks of the and Drum, Nonot wit Bod Man, One of Manchester’s Oldeat EstabUshed Dry Cleaning FisntB — With • Newly la* 1. J, KIMah. IMI. 2. B. Holmea. >*oung men who are under hla la i n f i t t b And You Don't Stay Late. romnumd. We are Inclined to CHARITY, BUH.DING AND MEMORIAL FUND, DILWORTH-CORNELL-QUEY POST NO. 102, MANCHESTER, CONN. Baathamptoo. M aA ; appaaranoa, BtRtled Modem Cleaninf System Right On the Premlacs. HolU 3. R. Marconi, HoU. Time Nonotiidt Bod Man- 13.0. beUeve that he gave no thought at •apartor Ob«rt 0 b /o f « the blow Blood Jum|. 1. W. Slomond, all to the possibilities Involved in Tbroa StaBord Bprlnfo aoan wiU HoU. 3. B. HarconI, Holl. 3. R. his setonishing breach of Navy bo praaontod In tha •upartor Court THE l^ME to get your Wind­ RED M EN'S Marconi. HoU. Dietanco IF l IH ”. discipline." AMERICAN LEGION PRESENTS 3 GIFTS oa l^Moday aaomtnf on eharfoa of storm Insurance is NOW! — 13 and ever; 100 yard doah > * aioUtlon of ganinc lawa. They ora 981 Main Street l. O. Hilton. MHS 8, B. Bralnard, s ■anry Androwa, propriator o< tha lefora you have a losa. Then, MHS.1ima 13. ^Dark Horse’ Aadrowa Vaiioty and Nawo Btora f your home Is damsfed. you J THRIFTY Broad Jump 1. O. Hilton. MHS. sport center 3. T.Hayoa.MH?. Distance 15'r*. on Mala atroot ralaaaod la Sl.OOO win be reimbursed. Telephone 6021 Seen Backed booda; Hugo Talamtnl. awner of Open iBvraU: 300 yard run. 1. 1. Modem 4 Room House with Garage Iba S. and & Bnoka Bhop, Mala WELLS STREET K. Braineid. MHS. 2. O. Hilton, Consult this agency about leaners MHR. 3. T. Hnyea MHS. Time 40.5. Built By JarviM On Trebbc Estate; Completely Furnished By Keith's aod In $1,000 bonda; Johnson C (Coatinaed from rage One) e * Dominie Tamborlnl of WU- adding this protection to your 800 yard -vn 1. A. Morgan, f Bagton avonua who la amployad and Ore policy at a small cost. DOOR PRIZE MHS. 3. R M'lmew Holl. 3. R Gov. Harold E. Stossen of MInne- at tha B. and B. Bmoka Bhop ra- Marconi. HoU Time 2.30:3. aota had questioned the contstitu- Living Room loaaad undo’* $000 bonda. tha or- BINGO AT ITS BEST Football Thrtiu. 1. Hampaon, tlofuOlty of the eo-called antl- raota araro orado on a bench war- Anderson 3IHS. 2. Moake, 31HS. 3. G. Hilton Communlat clause of the Toft- features modem "American Trend” furniture MHS Distance 4b yards l'4 ti". -*m at following an InvoatlgaUon Eilgar Cl:irke Hartley act. by Kroehler, famous for comfort and quality. baadod by County DotaoUvO PAINTING AND BaaebaU Threo. 1. E. Moake, Apprised thst SUssen. had TOMORROW NIGHT ' MHR 8. 8 Bras. MHS. 3. H. raised no such question, Hendricks Smart, sectional sofa, suntan-flninh tables, Bige- Arthur Keaa DECORATING 175 East Center Street Frechette. Hot. Distance 281 feet ■ra. Bolaa Tanka subsided immediately, low-Sanford rug, curtains and all accessories in­ Tel. .1665 Week's Pregram I'alons Coiranonlst Dominated Mra. HMan Uhaingor Tanka. Interior and Estsrior W6rk Monday, 3 p. m. Boya' Gym cluded •4. widow of Mormon Tanka, a In respr.nse to another question, pettod. 3:30 p. m. Dance school. however. Toft sold that os "a mat­ foaldant o f rockviUa for many 225 Highland St TeL 6812 0-8 p. m. Men's Gym period. 0 p. yoaro. died at tha homo of bar ter of fact: a number of CIO 8.10 Oak St. Tcl. 6914 m. Open Bowling. unions are Communist dominated" daughtor, at 134 Auburn itraat How You Cob Get Tucoday, 3 p. m. Boys’ Gym and he would be glad to furnish period. 0-8 p. m. Men's Gym pe­ the names of these organisations. riod. 0 p. m. Open Bowling. 7 p. m. "They are maybe a little leas Bseetlng TMCA Juniors. than half, but a very considerable Kitchen Wedueaday, 3 p. m. Baby Clinic. number of them .are considered by Beglatercd nurse attending. 3 p. labor union leaders themselves to will have a Westfnghouse electric m. Dance School. 3 p. m. be Communist dominated," he Boys' Gym period. 0-8 p. m. said. range, Westinghouse electric refri­ SAVE $ NOW Men's Gynt period. 8 p. m. Opin However, the Ohio senator aald gerator and other modem appliances. • Bowling. B p. m. Symphony Or­ that he la oatiafled Uie CIO never Chrome dinette, dishes, silverware, chestra rehearsal. hex been dominated by Commun­ all complete. ON ALL CARS AND TRUCKS ists, although he oold the PAC often has leaned in that dirtcUon. VfHILE PRICES ARE LOW For Teen-Agers I Few of tha numerous spectea of and the tobacco plant con be used for | DUR SELECTION COMPLETE smoking purporaa. Master Bedroom e - 41 raotlac SttaanliMr rs* Ford Vi*Ton Plokup. \ - with 4-piecc bleached ma­ i-Ooor aedaa. radio, beat­ Ford DoL Coav. Coupe, Crocheted Comfort j hogany suite, in ultra er. tag Bgbts, aBp eovera. rtymooth S-Faaa. Baden. j j r Ptymouth Baa. Oaupa. ATLANTIC 1 modern design with con­ 41 Faad Bupar Datoxa •- 1 Tkoa. SedaB, radio, beater, D ^ a 4-Oeor Sedan. 1 cealed drawer pulls.' Cen­ lag Bgbte, kip aavara. Plymaatb 4-Door Bedaa. li 1 ter drawer guides nnd 4d Paatiae atraarallaar “T* Dodge DeLuxe Club Coupe Li \ i-Oaar Bedaw." Chevrolet Master DeLuxe other quality construc­ 46 Favd Bopar DaLaxa Far- 3-Oaor Bedaa. tion feuture.s. Simmon.s Chevrolet Coopa. FUPiNACE inneripring mHtlress mid 46 Fard Baper OaLuxa Club Dodge 4-Door Bedaa. Oeupa. njrmouth Bus. Coapa. box sp' iDK- ConifoiTabb 4$ Fari DaLaxa Foidor Be- OMsmoMla 4-Door Bedaa, boudoir chair, scalt-’r . daa. Ford Conv. Coupe.- rugs, lemns. curtains and at Fontlae 4-Door Bedan. Bnlek Bperlal 6-il1ieel 4- linens included. ‘41 Bulah Bpadal 4-Door Be­ Door Sedan. OILS dsa. OldsmobUa 4-Door Sedan. Our Aim : '41 nyoMUth 4-Ooor Bedaa. Foatlao 4-Door Sedan. * '41 Chevrolet Master DaLuxe Plymouth 4-Door Sedan. - A . . 4-Door Bodaa. ' Pontiac 4-Door Bedaa. Guest Room '41 Bowk Buper Club Coupe. Dodge 4-Door Bedaa. Dependable Service — 41 Plvmonth t-Doer Bcdan. I Plymouth 4-Door Sedan. ’41 llHlys Jeep. I Bnlek 4-Door Sedan. furnished with Hollywood twin beds. Everglare, chintz headboards and bcd.spreads in gardenia pat-. TRUCKS — TRACTORS AND TRAILERS Manchestor motorists know that at BROWN-BEAUPRB. from tern. Simmons innurspring m-ittresses and box -right in the heart of the town, our 10 automotive experts AT DRASTICALLY'REDUCED PRICES Fprings. Bleached mahogany vanity and b.'iicli. are "on the job" for one purpose ^nly—to give our customers 2. 1948 Mefeury 3., Trip to New York Boudoir chair, lamps and nil acce.srorics. MS OALLON->Tank Trailers i LOW BED TRAU.ERS— the best, most dependable service possible. new. AvallaUo at fraction of Heavy duty, all-alaal. with original coat Priced for Im- or without dolliea. In A-1 (4 D oor Sedan) For Two People madtate aala. condition throughout. 20-ton We- Ukq pride in the COMPLETENESS of BROWN- capacity without doUlaa. 46- L. T. WOOD Furnished by Moriarty Bros. All Expenses Paid, Not To Exceed 1200. POBO, 1S4I—H-Ton Pickup, BEAUPRE service. We are specialists in Chrysler-Ply- in axcaUant mechanical con- ton capacity uith dolliea. mouth . . . service ALL makes. Paint Shop, Body and Up­ dlUMv $766. Sold new for $8,51)0. Our price complete with dolliea, holstery Shop. GffiBVBi-Ton Dump you can depend on Atlantic Furnace Oil to give you the kind of crocheted allpperi ore olmoot in Donnelly's, Milikowski, the Florist, George’s Serviw Station, Corner Soda Shop, cal condition, good Urea. Truck, in good mechanical pockeL and flntah with large but the "jiffy" cloea oa they work up Priced to oell. condition. Piiced at only home comfort you've alwaya wanted. Call ue today for a tankfiil tone front and back. 00 quickly. Oochetod In ooft pink Army & Navy Oub, Britlsh-American Club, Moriarty Bros., Jarvis Realty, $1,365. Pattern No. 8201 la for slxea 11, .fm r r a . 1»44 — Tractor, air M A K i THISi wool with blue wool oole, pom- PREUHAL'F, leStf—Full Van REPAIR SERVICE of thia elean-bnmtng. . . economical... houae-heating liiel. You 13. 13 14, 16 and 18. Blxe.13, SVl ponix and trimming, they will Bray’s, Opinn’s, City Cab, and all Legion memberiL In North Endt The Sofia S equipped. 8th wheal, aaddla Beml-Traller. 10.00x20 Urea. yorda of 30-Inch. tanka, rubber good, machan- can count on na to deliver your oil when yon. need it—wbaU keep your toea-a-tooatlng on chil­ Air equipped. In good con- For thia pattern, aend 35 cents, ly evenlngo. Match tbooe up with hop. Hunter’s Gas Station, John L. Jepney and Count’s Barber Shop. ically aneallant Prioad to dIUen. Priced right for 'e v e r the weather 1 saU. 'In Coins, your nemo, addnss, sixe my pattern No. 5012, bed jacket! q ^ k sale. desired, and the Pattern Number To obtain complete crocbetlng O n V B O L n . IBBB — H-Ton FORD. 1940 — m-Ton Dump to Sue BUrnetL The Manchester InetmcUone, otltrh lUuatratloha PanaL tavuneaUaBt aondlaon. Truck, In good condlUon. *..v«ning .Herald. 1150 Avenue and flntahlng directlona for Cro­ $SSBt Prioad at $045 for quick aala. BROWN-BEAUPRE,Iae. Complete Model; Home Amertcao. New York 170, N. Y. cheted comfort olippers (Pattern DRAWING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1947 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30 Ready for you now—the newest N a 5011) lend 15 cents in coin Will Soon Be On Display! 30 BISSELL STREE1 PHONE 7191 iasus of Fashion. Send today for plus 1 cent postage your name, LEGION liOME ON LEONARD STREET Watch for Opening Date. votir copy pt this Inspiring Fall addresa and the pattern number 'o and Winter Issue. Fashion tips, Arin» CahpL The Manchester Eve­ ipkPITOL MOTORS, INC. Tom Brown Howard F. Beoupre Afivertise in The lleralil-^ll Pays .special features, free pattern ning Herald. 1150 Avenue of the H p i MMr St, Hartford Phone 7-8144 'printed Iniide the book. 35 cents Americas, New York 10, N,' Y. ipr*T PAGE I I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M i^ H E S l ER. CONN.. MO.NUA Y, SEFFEMBEK 29. 1U4T MANCHeSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHWTER. OONIfl MO.n d a t . SEriraotn ”>»

onise* In style and color. A Blge- blc, boudoir chair, acatter ruga, peoplA with all ixpenaes paid, not ai:d ahxiety he aatd. f.r»t we must low-Sanford rug will be used. Sun- lampa, bedspread, curtains and to exceed 83o0. t« k« ao aMUjr rtaolr*^ into Give Preview For Your Nete ' not worry about ihlnga which wo «VINU>—1 tan-finM occasional tablea match linens. The drawing to sponsored toy wkUM and bUcka? Irish Diviiie cannot help, aacond wa muat know the wood trim on the so( a Mod­ Ooeet Boom Dllworth-Gomeil-Quey Poet No. W TIO ol IT Today's Radkt 102 of the American Legion for the Wa tlUak not. that annlety in itaelf the cauao of em JempAemeer curtain, even ash­ There to gay and cheerful OBNBRAl, e BIBCTBIC Bickncaa, and third, wa muat roa- To Lucky One trays are Included. a benefit of their Charity. Building EMtttnt irralii rUMlIr. wtat la the purpoae ofj DagOfM guest room, which could also he Speaks Here Ilte that most of the things we KItrhea Bright and Memorial Ri. d. Donatlrma ara kUTOMATIC d is h w a s h e r AND DISP08ALL *n thin nal»*H^•lUnr? Where doea worry about never come to paaa. used aa a ebtidren'a room. It'haa 80c each, or & fni gl.OO. Tickets X)r. Northrldge waa presented to Legion's Prise Winner The kitchen to brlghL modem two twin atoe Hollywood beds with are evallabla at many local storsA It laad? What doea It aeem likely and conventenL It will have the headboards and bedapreada done ELECTRIC SINK iteMMMC. UM*» Rev. Dr. Northridge, Re­ the Urge congregation at 8o«t» Tbcatcr. latest mrdel Weetinghouse electric fiJSS^nbiousoH to aeeompUahT church by the pastor. Rev. W. WDRC—IIlat-Hunt: M*w a | WDItC- Here Is ToM What He In gardenia-patterned Evergtoie Persia for many years after 9001 Tha IdenUty of the audleacea to WKMB—Mtw«: teaaban msU-l WOMB—Osbriel tleatter: N *« range, Weetinghouse electric re­ chIntA A amart modem vanity In ligious Leader^ VMts Ralph t^Urd. Jr., who apoka In WTHT—Candid Microphone. frigerator . and other up-to-the- A. D. held a monoj^y on the Im­ ijs,\“a r which aach aat of proaecutora haa praise of the ^umenlcal Confer­ W ill Possess bleached mahogany with bench to port trade of mw eilk from China STANDARD APPLIANCE CO. South Methodist w o n 's —Juk* Box wm^TelephotM Hour. minute appIlancsA The latest in match. Simmons Innerapring mat- addreoalm Itaelf flvao the ence. Mr. Ward referred to the breakfast seU to Included—spark­ work of Edgehlll College and gave 3VTIC—Backstag* Wife. 0:ia— If you are the lucky person who treaaes and box springs are used. I Noirm MAT* " * " **** **’TSLSmOK* B.tHr key to the anawer. The American ling chrome steel with plastic top « S r•f * M »m * a P ^ In the ChrlaUan faith we not memnera of the congregation an 4iia — WONB—Real Rtoriee from Real recetvae the Number 1 gift In the There will be a comfortable bou­ Opm Thareday Bventoia lUH lUtIM. pcooacuton ara not aaekinff to w n c - «t a iu DallsA U fA December 80 American Legion extension table that can seat six. doir chair, scatter ruga, lampa. only have tha basic foundations opportunity to present to Dr. . China and silverware n-Ul be fum- chaaft or parauade the Ruaalana. Northrldge glfu of money which draA-lng—a modem 4-room house curtalnA linens and all necessary MMHCMimUH I----- for a Ufa of serenity but the prac­ WDRO—Music off the Record. WONB—Guy Lombardo's Or­ with garage, complete with all tohed. It's a complete home, reedy Everybody Uaea They are aeoklac to create imlty would be used in hi* school. A very for the lucky family to live In. accesaorieA tm i •» i ” ' ...... ’ S T S tical outline for living a Ufa free favorabla response waa mads to WKMB—a40 aub. chestra. fumluiinge-here to a preview of Mata* *7 • in the United SUtea. a unity WONB—Two-Too Bsker. w n iT —Bo Tou Want to Lead a The master bedroom haa a pale The house to being built by Jer­ •MlA %y tfaO ...... 4 1*2 of unnaceoaary anxiety^ declared this. how your new home wUI look. vis on Trebbe Catate. The Keith Century'a Easy pit O w ...... *5 *2which will accept further unpleaa- WTHT—*44y DuclUn. Band. Modem to the keynote of all In­ blue and cherry red color sebenM. Rev. Dr. W. L. Northrldge. Prln- WTIO—Lerense Joima Furniture Co. to providing all tur- •ntneaa. and than world trafedy. w n c —Dr, I Q. terior decomtlonA planned by HoW' The furniture to modem bleached 4>|ii*r<<. OM dpla of Edgahlll College, Belfast. mahogany. There to a double bed nlshlnga. Maaterplecea •f Htw. rar- "a 4i‘ lOlOO— ard Edison of the Keith Furniture If thlnffa fo that far, aa the aola IraUnd. Ui a sermon at South WOMS Bldewam BaooreA WDRC—My Friend Irma. Co. Striking modem waUpeper to with Simmons Innersprtng mat­ *111# second gift to a 1048 Mer­ cury 4-door eednn. furnished by Says a reeeat letlar. *Ylsatai7 la MBMWitt U» reopeoBlblllty ,of Ruaala. Methodist church yaaterday mom BULLDOZER WTHT—Bandstand. K*wa WONS—FMhlng and Hunting used In the living room. Beige, soft tress end box spring, a dresser to be coagratalatcd tor reaitaO nia M>ua»TKD I . ____ 'The Iluaalaa proaecutora arc wnC—Tounff Wldder Brown. Club of the Air. green and harmonising colors cre­ with a. large plate, glass mirror, a Morlarity Brothers. The third gift lag avery teacher that there la TIM AaWKrtM Northrldge, former president to a trip to New York for two not aeeklng to Impraaa AmeHcana 0:00— WTHT—Poctor'B Talk It Over, ate an invlUng at.npephere. The roomy cheat of drawers, night ta- great mnalo avallabla la t|w of the Irish Methodist church, and FOR H IRE 3VDRC—House Party. w n c —Contented Progrsra. central point of Interest to a 2-plece nor do they poaalhly conceive aarly gradsA* Wa tkinh UM well known as a professor in paa- WKNB—News; MaUbag. 10:13- Kroehler aectlonal aofa In an at- asswlaattoa at thaaa anae- aafl alM Ifc# !•••• aTM* aaWMIMJ that their bold and fantastic dis- Ugrai payehMogy proclaimed a re­ Excaeatlnir — Gradliif WONS—Hop Harrtaan. W TH T-Earl Godwin. trsettva print cover, with blond « at y a w dealer will *11 >r lu •! «f tortions of everything American ll^ n which reaches down Into Ufa WTHT—Tenneeeee Jed. wood trim. The lounge chair harm­ M fi*. » » aM* foaerveO. 1 Land Claarinf Etc. lOtlO— aathaMaetto ■giiiiMiiial ■ w n c—When a Otrt MarrteA WDRC—Bob Hawk Show. ran ewvwe enaw at N will bluff down American ‘**P*®" 1and enabling a man 0:18— WONS—Shefman Hayes’ Or- ^WONS—H’jperman. ORANGE HALL BINGO sen Mareh, lar. maU. They are . seeking unity overcome both hla tempera- Frank Damato cheetTA D-8 ...... Bacii back In Russia a unity which will I mental and morbid fears. In hi* ^WTHT—Terry and the PlraUe. YORK-HEAT SYSTEMS twauasara HaoraatBlaUeea: jw a WTHT—Click OreheetTA EVERY MONDAY Siea Mfainet Itp. I. Jal'aa MaUMwa Oaseiai agajier—Haa ^ .1... wtiatevar tracedv op*nlng remarks Dr. Northrldge WTIC—Portia Facea life. w n c —First Plano Quartet. 0-8 . beUeve that wto Ecumenical and Sons WANTED a m 'C a A s C Tara. Caaega. uatreb aae WDRC—Old Record Shop. 11:03- a il# Mtanwt Na 8, Anna Mag- now comes upon Russia and “ ‘• Methodist Conference now In 24 Hmaataad 8tra«t News on all stattonA Penny Bingo Starting At 7 :30 P. M, daleaA 0-8 . too * " ^ Mgiiar.Ma auon ■uacAO or world wlU be exclusively the fault gjon at Springfield. Mass., pointed WONS—CapUln MldnlgliIght. FULL TIME cimuiJiTnnra. Phone 7091 or 2-9455 WTHT—Jack Armstrong, 11:13— lu y esfumeHa YarikHeof la a eeaiplo la a i lu it of the United 8UU*. out that »h* «y ln g of WDRC—In My Opinion. NIGHT WORKER 'Regular Bingo At 8:00 P. M. D-8 .. lag "pKkaga”—« haadeoma, saH-aoatalaed uait ■>. k la'nnw «n- "ol anxIous" U a hard one to throw w n c —Just Plain Bill. Mm HaraU matiaa O—a«j;r Each side, therefore, la now en 1 ^ a-here strict WONS—Oub Midnight, 8111 Eeoaaalaty . . . mada hy aaa faawas aiaaufsstMref . . * MaMigA M CM 5: w n c —Newa of the World. FOR GAS STATION Admlosion 25c Bto-8 ...... Beethavaa trangraaowai aerwa gaged In making bn identical use o„)y a few ounces WDRC—Lum and Abner. Btada lo aparata iscaoaiisil y aad sfMeatly. WONS—Tom Mix. 11:80— 23 REGULAR GAMES 7 SPEUALS 418 Seaattoe Na 88. of tha great public forum which a week of the necessities of Ufa WTHT—Dance Time. Mast be able to do minor 0-8 ...... York-Haaf Syrtatm ara avaEaWa for 'mwnadlata w n c —Front Page Farrell. repairs and road^de work. waa created out of manklnd'a con-1U atlll the practice. TIMKIN Bvening 11:03— PLUS SWEEPSTAKES 414 Seaattaa Na hatalatien «mh iwt watar, ttaam, vapor ar warn Monday. September SS .. 1 w..* -....I.. He also urged that to be anxious WDRC—Columbia Masterworks. F-8 ...... Unual but often about soma things U a Christian’s WTHT—Oems for Thought; WRITE BOX W. air haatiag tyttaim. Lat u» laaka a FREE Hsetiag Kewi on all eUttons. 8888 The DoITb LasMWt nation to build peace. Each •'<*• cannot." he said, "con- Dance Orchestra, Care THE HERALD 0 -8 ...... Sunfay today, la now using that peace forum template the affairs of the worl* 0 :10— w n c —Ted Straeter and OR ta il Oaretto^ C-8 AUMs ReaSy WTHT—Stitch lietterA Sports; Givinf QnaliflcationB not for the building of peace, not]today without anxiety, nor should CandleligHt and SUvar. CheetTA 2204 Seat 1 the No Money Down — S Tears To Payl For the past two week*, the two we. O IL H E n As timely and promising as tomorrow 11:43- Bh-f ...... for exploraUon of the avenuea • t l» — .Ottof moot poararfttl nattons In the But the grsatsst of our fears, WDRC—Record Album. WONS—Newa; Club Midnight 8881 Watahawa'a which might eventually lead to B-8 ...... Ottoff world have bean emptoylng what said Dr. Northrldge. are false, and WKNB—Sports Review. peace, but for the establishment center u ^ things which never '* w n c —Newt: S t Loula Sera- 888 Oypay Beads. 0-8. .HayOi to bo the greatest WONS—Let's Go to. the Games: I of the alibi for new war. They do happen. 'They have tb do with the Local Sportscaat nadA 3 Tracks To. 8118 Oxea Mlaaat 0-8..Hay«a Standard Plumbing Co. world peace forum tee « not seek agreement. They do not surface of Ufa and when we let w n c —Bob SteelA StricUy 1117 Vaaetlaa Beat Baiiff, Op. WONS—Newa; dub Midnight Thom as A . It. Na a, Ranr 89S Main Street Telephona 8804 prosecution of one another. “ ^ ^ compromise. They have left them gat the betUr of us. we fall Sports; U. 8. Weather Bureau. to rely upon the ever-present love •:80— 18:00— _ Oss-S ...... M( United Marions Oenetnl Asambly 1 ^ot one opening to- of Ood which undsr^rds of all B Y D R E X E L WDRC—Sports Headlines; Rec­ w n c — Rue# Morgan Or- 8118 Mennetto B Air, to data, the United I ,rard agreement or compromise man’s being. ord Album. chestrA Murdock Serve You F-Bto-8 a prosecuting Russia, ^ jjjr it h e r aide la considering any- Speaking of the practical mss WKNR—Melodies for Evening. 8114 ItoraatollA Ruaala has been prosecuting the|y^j^ ^ sage of ^ r ls t to overcome fear WONS—Anawer Man. ^Nm*8 WTHT—Concert Hour, Carpenter and Builder United BUtao. I national tension, or change what w n c —Professor Andre Schen Wo have Just added a 1947 Ford Track Alice Cofran 3118 UtUa WaHsaa traai There has been a dlfferenoe In ssenu likely to be the tragic nriMSiMMNilk ker. Architectural Service to our delivery Borrlea. Hero i8 verMtile living I In this striking new For every room in your home’ Op. 8A, 38 - - their modes of courtroom I course of history. Each aide Is T O O FAT? WDRC—Lowell ThomsA Raadings Daily 3118 Flrsl tasA havlor. That dlfferonce In court v a - n s M N i s M Transitional Group by Drexel. Beautiful Heppel- seeking nothing more than the| iat tUMMEI this WOMB—Rainbow RsndesvouA 169 ChoKh SL. Hartford T e l. 5 7 2 2 Bm—8 ...... room tsehnlgue haa been appro- lallM—tha aUbl which wlU prove. tdtasdscastes whito designs of the Eighteenth -Century’ have w n c —Three SUr BxtrA NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE 288 Tha Happy PtoriM, priats to the character of the the dying satlsfacUon, that been modified with an eye toward practical, gra­ ItO^— Tdepbono f-2024 Havaa aMra •ifadai’. ■sves up to I galhi I of fael WDRC—MysUry of the Week. V ' ■ enMaful flewa. No n f t - aa oriU- FOR CALL AND DELIVERY 1111 SlelllraiiA...... utrimats audience and Jury each ^ somebody else #ho made | ' citinr NoT*»allv«a No la evary « used by cious living in the Twentieth Century! STROMBERG- WONS—Fulton UewlA Jr. sat of prosscutors was aiming to | one last, war Inevltabla. . t s i & j S C K S aary burner. w n c —Supper CTub. SERVICE! 148# ftoMtora* 'uCait*,' reach and con vine*. ’ yoa don't cot out any waalt. Por laforaMtlon Twin beds can be moved together as one. A dou­ i J i f i — 0-8 ...... _ ’ ctarchta. poulota .mcaia or CARLSON WDRC—Jack Smith Show. 2888 WIM Horacmaa. The ulrimaU audlenoo and Jury butUf. you tliasir aat tlom doua. I]^ c*d» ble size Mr. and Mrs. dresser is available, or you WONS—Tello-Test. Ang-8 ...... I Yc Editor’s Vacation PH O N E 5 9 1 8 can “ build” your ow’n dresser unit with -two sizes w n o —Newe of the World. to which each set of prosecutors ■;kgj;fl,lg|g.Ba;e3a' S e T j f o f a i f . 2481 SoMlera* Mareh. has been addressing ItssU was There seems to be a venerable I of chests as shown above! Everything about this leS #* D-8 ...... TscdiaUMmeliy «Mn MW Ids » WDRC—Club Fifteen, Bob Croe- Tto*p»#w44l7 not the Immediate audience, rep tradition on this newspaper that beautiful mahogany ensemble is as beautiful as The 8118 Sweet OieaaMt . ganSta'ri.-.. H. E. Whiting C-8 ...... Tsehalkewsliy rasratlng the nations of the world any period during which ye editor | Rauulcruxtl 1*. Tr1I*i»li«tl.lo. Veuc-t Local Repreoeatatlvs it is practical. w S fB —Henry J. Taylor. 008 Walts. Op. 00. Na S, Nor was either prosecutor trying takes himself a vacation shall be vwv *rw bm M w aty a w t C*U at WTHT—Lone Ranger, RADIO SALES t SERVICE Eto-9 ...... Tackaikdwaliy to convtnce his opposition. Earii devoted, by the remainder of the I UlL HEAT AND w n c —Symphony of Melody. MANCHESTER making hUi staff, to a studious and seslous re-1 WELDON'S ENGINKERING. INC. proascutor Full aixe bed. center dresaer above, and WDRC—Edward R Murrowv One Quarter MIU North of the Center charges and ataring hi* case for I vsrsnl of all ys editor's cherished 901 Main S t. Manchester high cheat not ahown, 210.00. game WONS—Inside of SportA WERNER’S the almost excluslvs bsnsAt of poUdes. This tradition has vari- group excaptlng with Mr. and Mrs. w n c —Symphony of Melody. LITTLE MUSIC SHOPPE •lOO— AuthoriEcd Dealer for ths people of his own country, the I ous purpoocA Including the proper dreaaer shown below. 298.00. Bachelor DRY CLEANERS *‘Maoic For Your Needs' rheata ahown above. 03.00 each. Botl- 33rDItC—Timer Sanctum. Sound Systemsi poopis who were already asaurosd | chastening of ys editor himself, WONS—Scotland Yard. 821 MAIN STREET atde table, 29.1S. Twin beds availabi* 9» WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7254 to be on his own alde, hot who might otherwise come to soon. WTHT—Hartford ClUoena Char­ Microphones Over W. T. Grant Co. ter Committee. prsounahly, nssdsd healthy think that hla own views are the V w n c —^valcada of AmerlcA Amplifiers atraagthamag la thalr oeavlerionA only worth erblls views la the Slip— „ ThuA tor the task of proving world, and including also the de­ WTHT—Marine Show. Victrolas to tha American paopM that all light of that considerable portion WDRC—Arthur Godfrey Talent Speakers the troubla la tha world today la RCA of the pubtle which probably dis W Beouta; Seen. RCA Have you "normally" Radios exclualvsly the fault of the Rus- agrees with ye editor permanent- WONS—Charlie Chan; Hy Oard- TM' ■tfna, sserstary of BUtc MarahaU ly. I ner. _ WTHT—Phil SUvM Show, PLEASURf’S ALL waa a typa of proascutor certain In preparation tor this opportu-1 w n c —Howard Barlow's Or- YOURS '\i to win roopaet from Americans, nlty, ye editor's colleagues give, > large rooms? chestrA and his courtroom technlqu* over ths years, a loving attention ^ FOLKS/ oae of modsratA sober conviction. to ye editor's opinions, all toward calculaUd to Impress his fallow the end that they may be more ac­ countrymen with the rlghtsous- curately reversed when the oppor­ The aeas of hU cause. tunity presents lieelf. ! has Deputy fforslgn Minister Vlah- In the past two weeks, our col­ Watkins .00 Dewey-Richman Inaky’s Jury was back In Ruaala, leagues have been In what eeeme The Imperial 225 and for them ho displayed all the to have been a eomewhat gleeful | Co. aenationallam, all the lurid court­ conduct of this page. We salute 1 Rugs to fit! Standard broadcasting, short wave, plus two FM OCULIST room tschnlipte, all the ruthless them upon their thoroughnrse, bands combined in a period-inspired console W’ith and perverted hypnotism of the their Industry, their talent, aa sw’ell-front grille section and ogee bracket feet. PRESCRIPI'IUNS FILLED well as upon the obvioua sincerity truth for which he himself la fa­ Large living room.s and mastfir bed­ Eight push buttons: Full Floating 12-inch electro­ of soma of their differing oplnlonA NEW FRAMES mous back In ItusalA 'Thla type rooms are the “ rule” in Manchester’s dynamic speaker, automatic volume control, and So far ae we can discover, they LENS DUPLICATED Boys* Girduroy and Tweederoy Pants, of proaecutlon was such so to lose new homes rather than the exception. tone control assure you rich clear reception. left no cornerstone of policy un­ REPAIRS MADE Siges 7 to 1 8 ...... $5.75 to $7.00 the cahe, so far as any American ^ Watkins have the rugs to tit them ... audience waa concerned. But turned. During the paet two MERES Jackets To Match ...... 810.50 cut from the very latest broedloom pat­ WHERE PM reaching the American audience weekA this page hne fiourishsd terns in nine and twelve-foot widths. was not Mr. Vlahlnaky’s Job, any the atom bomb at Russia and con­ In addition stock rolls can be cut to any GOING ID Boys' Lnmbermen'a Shirts, more than ^convlncUig the' un­ cluded that radio crime plays are length you de.sire! WANTED TO BUY ,1AVE A TOUGH probably good for youngstsrA a P art W o o l ...... $4.45 and $5.00 reachable Ruaalan audience waa tim e g e t t in g lU Secretary Marshall'a role. Each range of reversal which assnu USED CA R S was speaking to hla own, In those well nigh all inclusive. READ THE BARER Fancy Plaid and Plain Color Wool Lumber* IOOTb to * « tennA anil with that manner best And what haa greeted ye vaca­ ,THE DAYS calculated to convince hla own. tioning editor upon-his return? A Bay Maks — Aay Model — men's Shirts and Jackets $7.50 to $13.50 Any Oeadiaanl iSPEEDYTIPPEA^ Tet. although the mien of each storm of protests? Flattering 0x27 ft. Wilton with cut and uncut pile form­ ing ths leaf scroll "csived" design... .MS.00 mgtoeet Piloae PaMI BOVS' waa so different, and although the opimon that this page has been 0x2fi ft. Wilton In a beige and tan coloring: method of argument by the as­ suffering a strange mal de mer? tIghUy spaced tone-on-tone leaf TEL. HARTFORD S-1990 YOU M EAN COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS ...... $ 2 .0 0 Nq Indeed! Rather, there has been design ...... - ...... 10S.00 sistant prosecutors on each side AND ASK FOR JOB SILKY, SHINY HAIR THIS FALL WTLL NEVER BE BOYS'—Agoa a to 18 has likewise been different, the sccumulsting during the past two 9x21.0 Axmlnster in a delicate Eighteenth Csn- ABLE TO SEE i t ; weeks s host of compliments on Tops as gifts Oan toelweea 3 A. M. I5P. I TRUNK SUITS ...... 8 9 c essential charges brought by each - tury design; rose, beige and turquoise en WITH OUR COMPLETE W H IL E Y O U ARE naUon against the other have the fine quality of the page, coy pastel green ...... 180.00 BOVS'—Bummer and Winter Weight LOOMNO OVERTHE^v^ ’S P E E been surprisingly Identical. compUmenU, sometimes, to the 0x24 ft. Plain Chins blue velvet, s medium- A NEW OOMIC STRIP IT BRIEFS ...... 65c to 85c Each nation accuaes the other effect that ye editor has been light hue of distinctive decorating Tops in lighting JEWELL BAROAItiS value ...... 110.00 of being the only warmonger ui writing better than ever. Such Harvey Method Treatment '^PEERT'W IU. — Turnpike BOW the world today. compliment we turn, with wry 0x23.0 ft. Axmlnster In an all-over mottled ^ 1.TEU.Y0U UNDERSHIRTS ...... 63c to 75c Each natloS accuses. the other gratitude, to thoae who really de­ beige design; deluxe grade...... 221.00 . WATKINS Inehidinff ’ Auto Body W^rka BOVr—WMto aad Btua of being the one nation responsi­ serve IL And our first new pro­ Harvey Method Shampoo .ABOUT. ft. Plain beige velvet. One of the most SWEAT SHIRTS ...._____ $1.95 ble fpr the near-wrecking of the mulgation of policy Is one to the desirable decorating colors today... ..101.fiO Harvey Method Scalp Treatment S . ^ a a 5 U r iL United Nations. effect that vacationing is a dan­ 0x21.8 ft. Axmlnster in a scroll and leaf Floor Lamp! OevXi And Individual StyM Fingerwave t S U Each nation accuses the other gerous business. "carved" design; beige coloring...... 14440 Havey 6 Treatment# for 912J10 Below la the first o f the **SPEEDY" eomic strips. — F o r Men — of being responsible for the situa­ Htre's one gift everyone Is glad to re­ To 4 out of 8 who a*k for a tion In Qreccc. , - 0x18.0 ft. DeLuxe Axmlnster In an all-over loan at ‘Personar, my an­ • Harvey’s invigorating, cleanalng ahampoo Watch for them and follow the good advice that goes with them. tone-on-tone leaf design in turqueiss, high­ ceive . . . even If you give Tt to your­ T h e New W o rld 4 9 5 °° Bamrlggaa Each nation accuaes the other lighted jx'lth beige...... 112.00 self! And Watkine proves practical swer to "Yes", That'e why comes first. DRIVING SCHOOL fioor lamps can be decoixtive, too, folks call me the "Yes Man". >* toy' HAva you SHIRTS AND DRAWERS ...... $1 .3 9 each of being solely responsible for the • Then special tonic and ointmeht are applied. I NO-ricap Twasa baffB ‘ CINAR SOLOMON80N 0x14 ft. Plain t'vlst wlvet In i-oaewood coloring. with an amazing assortment to chooso A magnificent automatic ratjio-phonograph de­ You can get 828 to 8300 on failure to control the atomic bomb slgpature alone. Complete o Relaxing mawuige follows . . . over your entire ICABS-- MOW LONO, tow. Wlator Weight Leasoas on Dual-Control Car* This nig haa been cut-out and re-seamed; from. Included are chimney type*, signed for tomorrow’s living. Standard broad­ AnO SragAMtiMBO IntcmaUcoally. Calls Tsksn at City Cab Ca. Aa I.s . . .,...... 00.80 opsl and dear glass foiintf. combina­ cast, complete FM, spread-band short wave. En^ privacy. Small monthly pay- scalp, neck and fihouldera. . TMevna m a>

the ear where tb*y noticed that PtsM Waniliifr Tlekcta Church Teachers’ tbs right front Ura wae flat It Mothers Circle ^ Manehe»ier /Liart” Theme ty Trial was — I v ***** Weddings Far Laral JaywaStcni d t l ^ l e y Attended British-Americans Win Twilight League Championship WM tha eauM the steering dif­ Select Officers Date Book ficulty. At this time Smith w m A supply of vrarnlag tlcheto, Of Discourse In Police G>urt MTseted by Patrohnaa MeCnugh- ITisp-HiHli At a meeting of the combined to he handed to pedestrians Paotor Cart Olaon, Superintend­ ey and brought to the police sta- who fall to observe safety pre- Teaigbt Oathollc Mothers Clrrlee held Fri­ ent Clarence Wogman and a del­ tkm for examination. oautlona la croaaing streets, egation of eleven teachers from First meeMiig of local Teen­ Kiwanians Hear Hnmor* After the foregoing testimony Major League I Local Sport Chatter Loral Soccer Defeat Pagani’s Teai Many WitneMiM Are day at the home of the chairman. has been received at headquar­ the Emanuel Lutheran church agers for purpr-re o f orapanixing had been offered the nttoraeys oua Aildresa at the Mrs. Edmund Klely. who praalded. ters. Over the Mgnature of Sunday School attended the an­ a Junior room at Center Aureh. ') Legion Eleven Beats ‘ CaHed ia Smith Cate; were asked to sum up their eases. thought that officers for the coming year wets rhlef of Police Samuel O. Gor­ nual convention of the Hartford Noontime Meeting Season Ends The National Guard's baskethallatha acrap. It Team Victor^ Prosecutor Johnson made no had their teeth Appeal la Taken elected as foltows: Mra. Klely waa don. the tickets wrarn those to District Sunday School Teachers’ Military WhUt, St Bridget's team wlU hold pracUce tonight at maybe aoroeoM etntement but Attorney Rubinow whom they niay be handed, o f HoU. St. M argaret's Circle, O. of the Armory starting at 8 p. m. knocked out tn the fracas but It By A Score of 7 to 5 continued aa general chairman f'lr Aasertation at Bethesda Lutheran Natives of California, to whom attempted to show that the exam­ the danger to themselves and 1 . later turned out that Billy Pagan! High School Boys De*| Thnawr i . a n ltli o f U S HUUard the year In prospect srilh Mrs. church, Forestvilla, Sunday after­ a tree Is a forest snd n pool a riv­ Springfield By 2-0 Over 20 Million Fans ination of Smith by Captain had spilled hid money bag when Foster Williams. ro-chalrman; to others hy a continuance of noon and evening. Eastern Star Military Whist at A l Surowlec and his portabl# •tTMt WM found rutttjr this mom- Schendel was more than balanced er, and fishermen, always with he rushed into the fray. feat Rockville by a ■ i K t h treasurer, Mra. Bernard Sheridan; the practice of jay walking. A t the busineu aesslon, Mrs. Masonic Temple, Saw Precedents and radio an Inatparable. Al can bt Victory Gives the B. A.’s *^« • ‘ .*', ‘ * *. by that o f Dr. Marsh. A fter a few their Innocent dlspo ^ « to "en­ i6k* ^ o f drh iac while under the in- secretary, Mra. John Egbert; pub- A state statute la q u o M aa Ruth Chambers, superintendent of Wcdacadxy, OeL 1 ■ten with It at aU sporUng evenU minutes review Judge Bowers large" a little upon their catch, Fnnthall »prlnf«*lfi »uar«l P*U Gallo f*- Also Records Shattered A ll mamben o f K. o f C. Inter­ Score of 4 to 0 The Second Leg on the . Fry* bsttniff^ BtoasBaM ftaoace o f ntcohol and w u fined llrtty, Mra. W illiam KInIry. hasis for the warning on legal the Primary detriment of the Civic Musid Association. First In case things get dull be can al- found Smith guilty and ttned him are in a close rivalry for bonora Opens 1947 rooiOEIl baU on tho local ested tn trying for the K. of C. $1W by Ju^e Raymond R. Bow- Tentative dates of November 5 grounds, RecUoti 8181 on uaa Emanual Sunday School was el- concert o f lN«son. Benno Rsb- waya tune in aome polkas. $105. An appeal was made end In the genteel pastime of prevari­ Season With a Victory; twanty-aighL A clipping panalty bowUng team are asked to meet In a fast contsst M. H. S. soccer Jack Dwyer Trophy; ond when Horvath’'* era. He wae arrested at U:SO or IS were set for the banquet of o f highways hy pedestrians be­ ertsd sscretary of the association. Inof, violinist, Hollister straet au. cation, the Rev. Onrtlle Crain, B y '4 m Edchler bond net at $ . „ , c ^ ^ against tha vtaitora araaad tha Sam Prentice had a busy day at the K. o f C. home at 8 o'clock team scored their first victory of at d r a t rrtday night by Patrolman Oeorge 200 the combined circlee. Mrs. Foster ing cited. OtlMr officers chosen were: Pres­ ditorlum. Norwich district supertntendent AaaodateR n o u i c « i vincak'z kick on the 1947 season U ended for avsry' There « i l l be a meeting on th* first period of the gams three Th* British American baseball a*rub* watting for tha auspices Manchester Rotary Club. next a tten d church, then went to the brought to the police sUUon by chairman. Mrs Stanley Steiner Esbjornson. Newington; treasurer, dreos at lU weekly luncheon to­ Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock of goals were scored for Msneheater. team retained the League Intenttonally gsv* Fry* th* Pntrolmaa SleChughey and was Meaday, OeL 6 day. play was partially blocked and body but the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball game and sUyed for tha wan named chairman o f tha deco­ Truman Sees No Jonathan Cramer, East Hampton. Tha Ifianchsatar Amtrican Le­ the BriUab-Amcrtcan baseball ^ e first by Dobkin who took the chaunplonehlp jtite rd a y monung ■■ Fry* was about to erow h erem tnri by Chptaln Herman Obituary , Annual Town Meeting and elec­ brae put In play on the local thir­ and New York Yankees today, but football game In the afternoon. rating committee and Mrs. Klely A budget of 8500 was adopted With tha topic, "Some Liam I gion alavan auccaaafuUy opened team at the clubboust. penalty kick. Th* second by at Mount N*bi> by dewntng Pa- Plata, apttUng Mm In tha dttL gchendel who pronounced him un­ tion. Have Known,” the Rev. Mr. Crain ty y ^ aUlpe. A paae complete few of the mor* than 20,000.000 ticket chslnnan. Way to Give Aid for the current year, and the fol­ their 1847 eeason by ecortng a Spectator* were reminded of (^ptaln Bob Vice who made a ganls West Side by ■ 7 to 5 eeor*. monsen cam# to hat and wi fit to drive a motor vehicle. Fall Fashion Show by Hale's, traced hunnorously the art ot de­ from Tangredl to Bevelart waa record paying customers who have lowing allocations wera made to safety in the cloning mlnutca of sondlot baseball yesterday morn­ Tha high school cross country beautiful curving kick which It* victory, the second etralgM w*ra cachangvd between ha OuHng Cress gvaddsatlon Center church. Group D. ception as developed down good (or a first down but Man­ watched the big league stara per­ benevolent causes: Bethphi^ the eonteet to edge the American ing at Mt. Nebo. Umpire Ed team bad tu Uma trIaU Friday. fooled th* goalt*. Churtlla mad* over th* loeera aleo gave th* BA'a Berube. In a (lash t h ^ In the course o f the trial, Proe- Desths Without Session U'r«toeaday. OeL 8 through the ages. Charitably he held four times and took form wtU forget the tumultuous Mission. Axtell, Nebraska, $50; Legion gridderz from Springfield, Kovle waa calling balls and atrlkss Led by Captain Bob Bray with ■ the other. For the next two sec, WM brought to Ught which gave (Moonan) McCunnetl, aha would their "palsry walay” gifts. tatlon than ever before. And he polnU that turned a seemingly in- c Io » made a tie seem Inevitable, good to help the Brooks win their Hartford, became the bride of Al- man and Clark Clifford. Following the biislnqsa session, Bishop Henry J. O'Brien to ad­ member o f the Northern Conn. ing In strong for athleUca during which proved to pay off. even more. ror Ml hla bounder. PltcMng to the Impression that there would have reached the age of 76 had said that any building of a better evlUble Ue Into a victory. the chain of eventa which eventu­ Manchester (4) Rockville (8) bln Jerry ITpip, son of Mr. and Marshall, Anderson and Harrl­ there were departmental discus­ minister Sacrament of Confirma­ first flag in sto years. Umpires AseoclaUon donned the the Indoor eeaaon and Ty Holland Both Jacky May and Juamy Becker, Jack May balked and both be dlfmoilty in determining how she lived until October 10. The FrtendMiip Orcle of the world must Inevitably rest on The two evenly matched squads ally brought victory to Joe man compose the Cabinet Food sion groups. After refreshments tion at St. James's church at 7:30 Four other Negroes, Larry Doby ohlnguards, mask and cheat pro­ baa been appolntod chairman of Stevenson ...... Murphy Blanchard pltclMd th* B oU im *. ruanera advaneas putting tha ty­ Mra, Jerry tTiup. o f 78 Summer flalvatton Army wrtll omit Its more truthful and honest dealing played a cautloua brand of foot­ much of the results of the exam­ Mra. Wllaon waa a long-Ume snd a social hour, the convention p. m. Hugret'a eleven began to mater­ o f asvsland. Fred Thompton and tector and went bei))nd the plate the varloua acttvlUeo with Fran outside Isft Bdth were off *t a ehoky start but ing run on aocond knM. Joefcy meeting tonight because of the committee which reported to Mr. among Individuals and nations. ball la the llrat period with each ination were due to alcohol and member of Uu North Methodtat street, at a double-ring ceremony closed with s vesper service at I'riday, Oct. 17 ialize. An aerial from Bull Dog­ WlUlard Brown of the St. Louis with Kovla taking over the baaea els Dwyer in charge of darts and ChurlUa ...... Wlsngsrtner settled down to go th* dietane*. was s oiual w to th* oecastwi aad set Harvest FeaUval at 7:80 at the Trumen last week that American Joe McCluskey won the attend­ trying to find a vulnerable point how much could be charged up to c h u r c h , o f Miratlc Review, performed Saturtlay at 10:30 In which time Dr Beck of First Military Whist of Manchester gart to Mika OInolfi was ruled Browns and Dan Bankhead of tha Pop Gleason did a vtrv good Job Nick Angelo direeUng hasketbi Insids left In th* first inning Bloachard down Boc!k*r ewlnsMng at a third Woman's Benefit Association and HL Bridget's church, by the Rev. citadel. grain exports must be cut and ance prize, donated by Dr. Barney ’ in the other’s defense. So cautious dIaaMlltiaa. Lutheran church, Worcester, was Green P.T.A. complete on the Springfield thlr Dozers, followed Roblnaon to the In calUng balla and atiikea. There wUI also be a bowUng team Vic* ...... McCJarthy walked three men but woe good strlk* to end th* ball gam*. Bronislaw Gadarowskl. 'Mrs. Ar- that the situation requires saving WIchman. Attorney Rubinow. in queaUon- of Temple Chapter, Order of the the guest speaker. Sunday, OcL I t were they that dumlg tha initial ty-five due to Interference at a big leagues, but none captured the entered In the West Side Rec center forward ■ilough to get uut of the hots with­ lyns Garrtty played the bridal mu­ Manohaater Lodge of Masona of food In the United States If The Kiwanis club board o f di­ taig Osptsin Schendel, asked the Eastern SUr. 8 l.r leaves one eon. Annual Fall Outing of Campbell ataqza the longest gains wore visiting bacu threw a block at the enthusiasm of tha American After the fight at yesterday's League. Holland aika that all Hubbard ...... HIrth out being scored on. sic and whits chrysanthemums will ronfar the Master Mason de- needs o f Europe are to be m et rectors will meet tomorrow eve­ captain to perform one of the William Wllaon of Mather street made through penalties rather potential receiver. Ciprtiil inter­ sports fans as did the former all' baseball game was quaUed, a doa- membera.tateraoted UubowUng or Inold* right Tha West Sidra got off to a (ty­ rd. If ...... 4 and palms decorated the attar. grae at 'a aperlal communication W’s «M C'ewdder T w s F a c te n OnunrtI, K. o f C. at the HayloR, ning at the home of the club pres­ tests uesd on Smith. The test wss and one grandson, Ruasell Wilson; than runs or passes, and the first cepted on the twenty-eight and around UCLA atblsU. en or mor* player* and apectator* th* other acUvltlea. meet at the Klein ...... K lU ing start In tha last of th* ftrM Smith. 8h .... 4 The bride who waa given in mar­ on Tiieada> Sept. 30. at 7:80 p.m. Any stopgap aid would take Former Guards Coventry. ident, Dr. Eugene Davis. that of standing with the heels two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Muusmann wblatlo eaw tha aoore 0-0. Tha the threat aMmed etopp^ Don Tha fans also saw the peculiar Army and Navy Oub tomorrow outside right with help by Jacky May. who alao Matak. c( .. 4 riage by her father was attended Refreahmantn aiid a aortal hour Into consitleratlon two factors: 1 Friday, Oct. 24 were seen eearcblng (o r some­ and toes together and with eyes o f Hartford and Mra. Charlea Mar­ aecond period found both clubo Anderson and Smiley Paaeka aventog at 9 o'clock. Dobkin ...... n-alked three, and a teammato'a Horvath, ■■ ... 4 by her sister, Mrs. Harry R. Nil- will follow tha degree work. —The emergency needs o f Euro­ Charter Night Celebration of picture of a New York Giant team thing or another at the ecena of closed, captain Scheiwlel had tes­ tin o f thIa town. Hold a Reunion coming to life and showing more broke through the vlaltora defense left halfback error to score three rune after two Oobb. l b ...... 4 son o f West Hartford, as matron pean nations, especially France Boy Scouts. High school hall at 8 Boston Reel Sox fm—h out a record breaking 231 tified that Smith, In performing The funeral wil be held Thurs­ fight. Midway throufh the period, Vlgnone ...... Wonegar were out. Mike Zwick drew a PaganL r t . . . . 4 of honor. Alexander Muxyk of The Tueadigr evening meeting of o'clock. twice in eucceseion to epUl bal' homers and yet wind up fourth liv this test had mrayed conaidorably. day afternoon at two o'clock at snd lU Iy ; and 3 -The time such Jimmy (BuUl Doggart carried center halfback on balU. Art Patton grounded to J. May. p ...... B Farmington was best man. The the Rotary (3iib at the Manches­ An all-day reunion and field day Open meeting, Manchester A. A. carriers, and third down eaw six tho standlags. 13 games off the In dupIlesUng Smith’s psrform- the Holmes Piinerel Home, 28 assistance must be supplied be­ around end for eleven yards and McKee ...... Badetuebner Barube, e ...... 4 ushers «fere Harry R. Nllaon and ter Country Club this week will be of the Second Battalion CSG Vet­ at Holllkter Street school at 8. Out Gets McCarthy teen long yards betwran ecrim- pace. Led by Johnny Mlae, Willard Hayden Griswold and wont ■)) th* nnso there was noUeesbIe move- Woodbrtdge street. Rev. James M. fore Congress can act on a per­ a Manchester first down. Then full Sinnamon Tennis King; right halfback GrtowoM. b .. Arthur Holmes of Woodbridge devoted to the clearing up o f final erans' sasortation was held yes­ of town speakers. maga and a firat down. Don An­ Marshall. Walker Cooper and Bob­ way to oeeond when Ortewoid's 8 8 nsant In Captain Schendel’s body Gage of the North Methodiet manent program. back Yoah Vlncek powered hU Rlchantoon ...... Abrahanwon throw wae ever Pick Cohba head, O. May, 8b .... I street thia ‘.own. del alia for the fourth annual Soap terday at the Villa Louisa In Bo), Frluay, Nov. 14 New York, Sept. 29—(A3—Jo* derson again broke through the by ‘ntomaon, who collected 151 and Attorney Rubinow brought church will oillclete end burial OfflciaU familiar with adminis­ way througli tackle twice for the left fullback Zwick going to third. Butch The bride's gown of white slip­ Box Race and other routine busi­ ton with about 60 former guards­ Turkey supper— Chrlstmaa sale. Cronin, manager of the Boston line, this time he blocked a Idek circuit blows among them, the out that If a peraon la Captain will be in the Bast Cemetery. tration planning said that $760.- aecond consecutive local first K ittle ■...... North Becker oroppifi a Texas LeogMr Tetol: 8( T g r T 4 per Mtln waa designed with a fitted ness. The rara w ll! be held next men present. Hlglighted by a 2d Congregational church. Red Sox, announced today that by M onica and Manehaster guarv 8; Blanchard 0: cosed WM celled end la hie etate- Oct. 34 at 8 p. m. Rpeakcra on licious buffet luncheon was served Yosh Vlncek kicked to Bertolucci Every point was bard and long. brown acceaaorles. They will be at South Main Mreet; Mrs. Irene At 103 Ecst Center Street the bottom of the pile with a bad-, ord by stringing together 19 Reached In ■ New York hotel .362; Elliott, Boston. .317. the way to third on eotn* hrada up Strike-outa: J May 7; Blennbapa ■loat, said that hla father had come the program will be from N ew ­ (('ontlnurd From Page One) by the hostesses. Miss Anna Fllbig, on the visitors’ 35-ygrd line. Guard by telephone, Shea, the freshman Few faults war* committed. Preci Runs—Mize, New York. 137; horns to their friends after Oc­ Rnbh and son Rockville; Mrs. ly Injured shoulder. The extent of straight victories. The old <3ilca- boss running where he scored after 0; Hit by pit.'har, by: J. May to Ma boms an Oakland straet and tober 15, at 73 Rummer atrect. ark, New York city and Hartford. Mrs. A. H. Rodd. mother of Shir­ Apply Bob Turklngton came seemingly sensation of the pennant winning slon, training and execution of Robinzon, Brooklyn, 135. Funenilfi Margaret Honeren and son, 27 compared with 1,360,000 in war­ his Injury is not known at this go White Sox of 1908 were the the catch of Jadziriak'a fly to deep iZurlek): Balk J. Kay; Wild ‘ told him that ho had had an acd- The bride la a graduate of Wil­ ley and Mra. Filoig. The center- ^ out of nowhere to tackle the American League team said: each aAot waa perfect, and th* Ru"* Batted l»i—Mix*. -----New Norwood street; Mrs. Martha time, he salo. Most comp.vnlcs have time as he waa taken to the ho*- only other club to do It. center. Pltcbea: Blanehatdi Paaaed baUat dent He went with hla father to liam II. Hall High achool. West The Sewing Group of the Amer­ piece waa a three tiered bride's “ I was warming up on th* side­ now rocrowned champ had Jim a Kjner. PltUburgh. 128. Paul Kale Symington, ai,d daughter, 68 Sea­ reported losses this ••?ar. Springfield ball carrier In his pltal (or observation by Dr. Mor­ The best pitching feat was TOa B A'e addcf* another run In Pongrata: Um|4(**: Olsacesi. K ^ tte car where, on looking at the Hartford. The bridegroom attend­ ican Legion Auxiliary will have an rake made by one of the guests. Jarvis Realty lines St the Yankee sUdlum Sun­ little more adge to hie gam* than Hits- Holmes, Boston, 190; man Circle; Mrs Edith Prohoskn The A ir Force and N avy now tracks. A fte r several passes (eU an. turned in by sophomore pitcher third on vie Paganl'f single to via; U m a: vehicle, they found the r l^ t front Mrs, Bertram K. Bennett of 38 ed Howell Cheney Tech anil served all-day acwlng acasion Wednemlay Mlaa Rod<* will be married on day when Manager Bucky Harris did hU defeated opponent. Walker, Phttodeipnls, 188. and son, 1.3 F< r-st street; are largely equipped with World 654 Center Street incomplete Msrucs kicked to the 2400 In Attcndaac* Ewell Blackwell, who registered le ft a etoten baee and Berube' tire WM Sat He accompanied hie Charter Oak (.treet hM returned three years with the Army, two of with Mias Marv Hillary of 13 Mun- October 18 in New 3’ork to Henry came up to me and asked me how Not to* be denied o f a top slot Doubles— Miller, CMndnnetl. 88; Discharged Su'day: Mrs. Ruth war II surplus planes, Echols said, Manchester twenty-six, half back The contest waa played under 18 straight victortes during one hit to center. * father to .the pk- Weeli daw at auaa w «*M a| which lasted for over a half hour, 38 North atreet. waa married Hat- I thehom e than .3,000 modem planes In op- EMILY STEPHENSON YERBURY Box score: Vender Meer’s record of two sixth Bycholsk: Mngled to toft sad Tha service was held Friday at Plymouth lane; Russell Parsons, me.” 1 told him, said Shea, " I ’ll town king.' But the champs were lyn. 28; Hopp, Boston and Reiser, T E LE P H O N E OOM or 9080 WM rary complete* end thorough McCarthy's Funeral Home, Grren- urday to_8tnn1»y W alter Majcvvakl. I of Mrs. " MarcaretMargaret ShalnlnShalnin o f 34 peratlon, he said. 5lanchcster Springfield straight no-hltters. Pitchers Don 13. went around to third on Thom son ' of Mr. a?.d Mrs. Stsnley 451 Center street, Judy Vander- RECAPPED do mv best." forced to come from behind each.| Brooi«iyn, * REAM 101 MAIN BTBBBT in every way and he w m present fleld. Mass., wlU* Rev. Lyonn o ffi­ I.iirten street, flrclea meeting Mundy I. Peale, president of Teacher o f Converse Ashe Black of the Indians and Bill Mc- Strikeouts - Blackwell, Ctncin- ns’ hit, TOomss taking second on MaJewakI of .17 Kerry street. The voort. 49 South Alton street; " 'Well, all you have to do time to win. Sinnamon and Turk­ when Or Marsh stated that the de­ ciating. Burial waa In Montague, Wednesday evening -Include Im ­ Republic Aviation Corporation, VolcanixinR le Cahan of the AthleUca also hurl­ nsti, 188; Branca. Brooklyn, 146. the throw In. double-ring eeremony was j>er- Stephen A. Filip, 17.3 Avery street; Fcank. la to get the ball over the lngton built up wjiat seemed like fendant WM not under the InSu Mass., Cemetery, maculate Goniepllon at the home Farmingdale, N. Y„ told the com­ Nasslff Mason ed no-nm, no-hlt games. Pitching • Jansen, New York. 31- Art Pongrata bit a weak grounder fnrmed at nine n'clcM-k In Ht. John's Olivia Jyllskn, 11 Durant street; New Vsive Stems t plate for us and we’ll beat Brook­ a comfortable 4-2 margin In the once o i alcohol. The bearers were '.Mr. Knie'a of Mrs. John Allison. 40 Westmin­ mission that aircraft manufactur­ THE ART OF SINGING I The hitting honors were cap­ 5, .808; Monger, 8 t. Louis, 16-5, to third. Grisuold charged In but Attornc.' Rubinow then called Polish National ehureh on Oolway Chris Petersoi, 4 Pearl street: lyn,’ added Harris, according to Initial set but the staadiei', more four sons. Wader of the Coast ster Hos'l, and St. Monica'a csith ing facilities have declined "to New Tires i G. Vlncek Finn tured by Ted Williams of the Red .762. IK th* ball nlip between his toga Doctor J. V. Gregan, natureopath, atreet by the puftor. Rev. Paid Mrs. Wanda SumlalaskI and Special CIsssch in Poise, Diction, Stage Deportment Shea, who replied. "Don't worry. forceful 1. A. doublq comb* blast­ Guard Arademy, New London; Mrs. Itnbert Schnller, 31 Delmont the point where not only la the White Sidewalls Sox and Harry Walker of the Bycholski acor-jd Charlie Horvath Let Ds Help Yon Sell to the stand. Doctor Gregan tes- Koslowskl. Org.Miat Walter Otxyb daughter, 54 Ui'irn street; MIehael possibility of quick mobilization t w l»-" ed four straight gam e* and set, Captain Max KnIc, S g t Alfred street, and Song Interpretation Buck a p rln l Phils. WUllams’ American League American League bncking up a*i the play grabbed tlSed that be had been treating played the brtdai music and anng Demko, 21 Tuii^iiU street; Teresa questionable, but the very exist­ The 204-pound, 26 year old Shea, 8-4; Knln o f the Esb* Hartford polire leading mark of .343 was not sur­ Batting—Wllliame, Roston, .348; the ball and pcxrnced on ‘rhomoe Your Property We Smith for a perlou of over two "I I>ive Thee," erd "Bocauae." The Scholl. 77 Bei.tuif street; Norma who won 14 games whUe losing The aecond set was a repeUOon force and Wltiiiur. Knie of East Ernest Morse of 37 Strong ence o f such a vital Industry Is CAMPBELL Turklngton JuUano prising, but Walker's top .362 fig­ Mc(>>skey, Philadelphia, .330. who had rounds'' third a little to months and that In his opinion, bridal atend-aits were Miss Jos­ Glaiber, 42 Sta'kweather atreet; seriously threatened." Studio: Odd Fellows Building five this season, knows he'll be of th* first with the lomra again Hartford; als<> his two sona-in-law. strc*et who has been a patient at rg ure in the NaUonal League fooled Rune— WllllanM, Boston, 135; far. Blanchard hit Into a double Protect the Buyer — hairnd on h>.< previous examination ephine Roae Onr.yb and Edward Discharged today: Margaret making som.e bassbell history building-up a big toad, only to Bertram Bennett and Roy Fish of Memorial hospital for the past 10 Peale waa called as the first of AUTO SUPPLY Pockett Clnl many experts. WUllams also led Henrich, Now Yon;, 109. play. J. M ay to Horv-eth to Oobb and trMtment of the defendant. It Haxe of New Britian. Heatley, 332 Lydall.street. For Appointment: Telephone 2-0992 when he steps on th* mound Northfleld, Mnsa. dava, has been transferred to the company heads to discuss spe- his loop In home runs, runs bat­ again (alter, and lora the set 7-5 Rune Batted In—Williams. Bos- to retire the t,tde. the Seller. _ WM very possible that a lay per­ The bride was gowned In Ice blue Admittetth singtod to cen­ were due more to the infirmities of and streamers ot nrahgc blossoms. Admitted Sunday; Charles L. B. Richardson, vice president and also tha baseline, l;ut the two $; williams, Boston, 39. JERVICE caat. were held at her home at 3:30 of 153 Birch street, commenting Ih games and handling 388 consecU' a great catcher and he can hit a 4 ter, Jsdsmisk doubled to toft send­ ttM defendant. The maid of h>nor wore a gown Hartley. South Coventry: Mrs. of Curtiss-Wright Con)oration, ANNOUNCING Uve chances without an error. singles (InaUsto bad used their cn- Triples—Kcnrlch, New York, IS; Physlclna*e Teattanony ycuterday afterncon. Rev. Karl on the Item In Saturday's Herald Lebledz Bertolucci ball a long way and I wouldn't be ing Smith to th'rd. Horvath o f fuahala taffeta, with matching M argaret Sholea, . Bloomfield: discussing the outlook for cargo Although the Pirates, despite i ergy and their teammatea showed Vernon. Wsahlngton, 12. caU The next witneM for the defense Ritchcr, of the Concordia Lutheran with to Ih# llUiEtraten rh at all Burprii^ If he tagged grounded out but Dick Cobb com* coiaeiet and carried an arm bou­ Michael Longo, Glastonbury; Mar­ planes, estimated a demand for cash ouUay of around 885,000 for no iipMi*t (ineea. Th* atrokee of Home Runs-.-Wllllams, Boston, *^^ was Florence Marsh, MD, of 112 church, offlrlAted. Arthur I-ange story about "Spartan Wives" In Y. Vlncek Luongo Brooklyn pitcher Ralph Branca'a through with a timely Mt to right quet of red roses and white chry­ garet FItsGerald. 18 Mdridge 5.000,000,000-ton miles o f air players, finished no better than a the Dellaferas were mors force- 83; Gordon, Cleveland. 29 Cast Center street. Doctor Marsh rang "The Old Bugged Croas" and thi* cuiTrnl LsUdl^N* Honir Joiimiii. Benno Rabinof fb ■coring both runners and enlarg­ JARVIS santhemums tied with white rib­ atreet; Jennie Kean, 343 Oak cargo movement by 1952, or 166 fast one.” ful and sure. Stolen Bases — DlUlnger, Bt an examination of the ac­ "Nearer My God to Thee" ac­ explain that their son Edmund's seventh plac4 Ue, they did pro­ Sbsa said his arm was tn ing the BA’e lead by three runs. bon. The bridegroom's mother was street. times aa much as he said waa Manehaster ’Trophy Fraaautad Louts, 84; Phlllsy, Chicago, 21. 004 Oater Mreet cused within an hour o f the police companied by Freo Werner at the wife, the former Miss Frances VIOLINIST Springfield ...... 0 0 o —« duce, In Kiner, one o f the out­ cellentdhape In his last two starts Just ConMii’t Make It nttired In a purpir dress with nsll- Admitted today: Sandra Lor- handled In 1946. 0 TK. 4112 M 1215 : examination on Friday night and organ. The aorvlcea were largely Piper of Lansing, Mich., Is not a Safety—Paseka toekled Tangre- standing aluggers o f the aeason. of the season against th* Wash­ Dr Bernard Sheridan waa on StiikeouU—Feller. Ctoveland, The West Sldc^ triad hard In the hesd trim. She wore a coraage of entxen, 188 Center street; Donald alM tostlfied that there was no attended and there was a profu­ student at Michigan State College. Big Ralph banged out 51 homers. ington and Chicago clubs. H * had hand'to moke the preeentotlon of 196; Newhouser Detroit. 178. Clowes, South Coventry; Donald Hollister Auditoriufn dt in end zone. evidence, other than e slight odor sion of.floral lrlb«.tea. gart'enlas and talisman roses, and Hs set and Ued several home run thr*tagl^Uophy to Sinnamon. Pitching-Shea, New York, 14- McPherson, 80 Oak street; Mary Substltutlona (Mancheeter) Bol­ been sldeUned for 10 weeks after of alcohol, that the accused was The bearers were all •grandsons, nasisted the bridal | fashion. She had noticed that the plot In the East cemetery where (Springfield) Gallo. Lucia. Katz, Jll^Ved 4lll b*-on review tn one I trip through thg New England Emma F. Von Erker to Theo Births Saturday: A son to Mra. son yesterday by drawing 25,000 lower extremities as well as the Rev. Richter conducted the com­ Potlto. Portno. Maruca, Itoncartl. of he etores along Main Kreet (or i"®*' states and Canada, the bride waa dore J. Rivard et al. property on Julienne Sheldon of 83 Summer for the old-timers’ game which banda and fingers were enlarged mittal service. Spark-Dp Farm Work A. Tangredl, Toro, Bart, Sloan, O. they a week. ^ and that tha shoulders of the de- wearing an aqua ault and blark Hackmatack street. street. saw a team comprlaed o f old-Unte Come To See Us Malley. Ferritl. Stevenz, Zueco. One event remains w ore the tfe m la n t were stooped, these all be- acreaaoiies. On their return they Eugene F. Dickinson et al to Births Sunday: A daughter to American League otars, heided aaasoD's tennis schedule has been TRUCKS ARK STILL SCARCE — BUT Mrs. Loretta Pendergaat, 18 Nye O fflcU ls: Rsferee. KeUey, um i J A S T A N D I Ing atgns o f a disability well known will make their home for the pres­ Anthony Goncl et si. property on • h Faulty (Magneto lets no by T y 0 >bb and Trta Speaker, comptoted, that being tha playoffs Reds Seen Try ing stveet; a son to Mrs. Dorothy Ja­ ntre. McCormick; head linesman. WE MAY BE ABLE TO SUPPLY SOME MODElA to BMdlclne. She-aiso stated that ent with the tride's father. West street. nsaa make time, maklag a crop! lose to a team of former-Xankees YeetoMay’a BeaaHa betvvsan the British A m ^ c a n cobson of 28 Otis street: a daugh­ 229 MIAIN ST. Sacberek; field judge. Dowd. QUICKER THAN YOU ‘THINK thia Illness could easily give a non- The bri(]e ,s a graduate of Man­ ' Edward A. and Esther N. Mad 3-0 In o a twD-lnnlng exhlblUon Amerteoa Leagas club and the LaGac* A. C, These chester High rehcHil. Her gift to ter to Mra. Crete McBride of 158 To m lly MAKE Hmw call ua. medical person, the opinion of To Avoid Rtud sen to Florence J. Downing, prop­ MANCHISTIR "gam e.” Detroit 1, cneveland 0. two teams will battte it out next the bridegroom was a portable Autumn atreet; a daughter to (or gneraateed Magneto Servte* '. The Yankees defeated the fifth ‘ drunkenness. erty on Sterling Place. GEORGE GASKILL ASHTON Washington 5, Boston 1. Saturday at 1:00 p. m. tor ths radio, and to her attendant ahe Mrs. Evelyn Dickson of Rockville. Md aep*lret IV* wtll eave vo* place AthleUca'5-3 in the regular­ ■S Smith TakM H w Stand Marriage Ltrenaefi Chicago 6, St. Louis 8. oovatod Klnnsy Shqa store trophy. (]anse of Row gave an onyx .ing. The bridegroom ly scheduled game t o ' win the SOUMENE & FUGG, inc. AppTIrntlon for marriage li­ A fte r the foregoing taatlmony A.B.. Bac. Mus., M.M. mmicy, to etort with, valuabi* WEeDO ALL KINDS N ew fo r k 6, PhUadelphto 8. This trophy to still In Klnn#/s wrved five years with the,1st Dlv„ had been offertd. Attorney Robi- censes have been- filed at the office ttiuc. In the end., W * eperteltsc American Lelagu« Rhf *>y 13 National Leogiia V 6S4 Centor Strtet L eow called Smith to the stand. Me ■J8th Inf. He Is now employed at o f the town clerk by John Herman Since 1917 gaines. iiHndow, ...... tCoatlmied from Page Uae) OF AUTOMOBILE N ew Y ork 4-1, Philadelphia 1-8 The weekend’s tuzulto follow: •tsetitled that he had left his home Hamilton Rt.-cnd.-crd Propellers. Hla Ktoaman of 818 Middle turnpike tn Magneto and Ignitlaa eervtoa. The ITgera defeated the Indians . PltUburgh 7, Cincinnati 0. LAST gift to the bride was ■ diamond . . . the name Quixh I-O to retain second place by two Singles, aeml-dlnato: And Rontiabor: ;a t i ^ e o'clock in the evening and "aota of aggression' the east amt Janet Victoria Oockett Orgaiii.«»t and Choima.stfr REPAIR WORK ON Chicago 8, St. -Louis 0. Blnnbmon defeated Uibanettl. bad driven to the Bolton L«ke IT. N. seeks a solution anil to hia b*ei man he gave a of 304 Hartford road to he mar­ WANTED games ever the defending eham- Boston S, Brooklyn 3. Week Only DODGE Builds JOB-RATED Truclu Tour OM Drop-Head Traodla in this community has Houm. He met Rudy Johnson pen and pened set. ried by the Rev. W Ralph Ward. o f ^on Red Box, who loot to eeventb Staadingt 0-1. 6-1. Neither Secretory of State Mar­ stood for understand­ ALL MAKES OF F. Dellafera defeated R. Della­ Muut b id s .ttiera and after having one drink shall nor Aiidrel Y. Viahinsky, Jr„ October 11. ploo9 Washington S-I. Netloaal League ing service. A Quish South Methodist Church i a t u r d ^ they drove to Johnsbn's home chief Soviet delegate, waa present CoRiing Marriage Robert Albert Matthews of NORTON (!a r s Although Dizzy Dean, fortnar W L Pet. OBL fera. 0-8, 0-2. they stayed for nearly an S|Wlngfleld and Naomi Adelatds directed last memorial Manchester* Conn. great of the Cardinals of the 'SO'a, Brooklyn — .94 00 .010 — Finals: -a to hear tha French appeal. The Mrs. Amelia Jarvis, of 873 Par­ SINGER Sinnamon defeated F. DalUfer*. ; hour. They then returned to the United States v aa represented by ker stret wishes to announce the Gates. 187 Maple street, to be follows your prefer­ ELECTRICAL pitched four scorelaea innings In St. Louie ...... 89 OS .878 0 e RACKS IS 0-0. 0-4. 0-8. gtolton Lake House w here. Utey Herschel V Jehnaon and Russia coming marriage of her daughter married by the Rev. Rarmold ences as to details, is INSTRUMENT GORMAN his first big league appearance New York .... .81 78 .538 DAILY I hstd another drink and then. Smith by Andrei A. Grcifiyko, Doris Lillian to William John Hick- Johnson 0«'tober It. since hts reUrement tn 1940, the ClnclnnaU . . . . .73 01 .474 31 Doublra—Finals: . always dignified and R. and Dellafera defeated •tatod, he left for his home whers Would Tone nnwa Demands ton. son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Victor PysEo of 224 Charter COMPANY MOTOR SALES last place Browns were beaten by Chicago ?.... .69 8.1 .448 35 r. Gfsadslsad 01 appropriate. the alxth place White Sox 5-2. .62 93 .403 33 Turklngton and Sinnamon, 0-4, ClabheuM $2 tha had an appointment at eleven Delbos announced he was sub­ Htrkton, of 91 East Main street. Oak atreet and Lois White o f 19 285 SL TcL 7220 Philadelphia , 10 CARPENTERS p. as. Wbiin he approached the mitting a pro^KMUi to tone down Rockville. The marriage Is to take Auliurn roail. to be married Oc­ I INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION TlHilUardSt. Tcl. 5189 Main The third place Braves nipped Pittsburgh .02 93 .403 32 7-6. 0-4. uoiiisra) ‘ Itop Mgn at Green road and Sum- the United States demands for a place at St. Bridget's church at tober 8 at St. James's church. the Dodgers 3-3 and the fourth Amertoan i ______attt street he noticed that there finding of guilt A t the same time, 10:00 a.m. on October 35. MIsa place Giants and seventh place New York . .030 — your lsD* liiqli- Phone 5 P IA N O : Technique, Repertoire, and Sight Reading. .552"! 2 eras some difficulty In ateerlng hla he said Franco was ready to sup­ Jarvis and^Mr. Hickton are em­ Phils split a doubleheader, the Detroit • ■.' .ways iroa all WANTED .539 14 car. When be pulled to the right port the Untied SUtes plan fbr a ployed at the Sllex Co.. In Hilllard- Day and Night Giants winning the opener 4-1 Boston .... direetloBi KEW INO .519 17 St the Intoraectlon the car manlp- special Assembly commission to vllle. and the Phils taking ths second Cteveiand . EXPERIENCED IN HOUSE CONSTRUCTION M A C H IN E .506 19 No tiaiiie |«as watch over the Balkan situation. Amesite Drives S 4340 ^ O R G AN : Church and Concert (secular and sacred). 3-1. Philadelphia NOW OPEN ' Blatod properly but when he at- Round .450 27 The French amendment. Instead Tbs sixth place caUcago Cuba Cblcaro .. ismptod to turn Into Hudson, a .410 of providing that the Assembly Crushed Stone Gravel Bobbin took a 8-0 victory over the second Washington 88 $15.00 PER DAY * a r p loft, the car pulled very Regardless = CALL .383 Mdnehesfor find the Soviet sateiutes guilty of plara Cardinals while tha. Pirates St. LoU'i* 88 ^hard and ha had difficulty missing Rlliiis;lon Linders lamm. FUl o f A ge 5 VOICK: Coaching and Repertoire (secular and sacred), Tranfiportatloa To Wool Hartford If N ooosmt. ^tha fire hydrant that is located aiding 'Greek guerrillas, would shut out the fifth place ClnclnnaU or Condition S Harmony and Theory. R ^ , 6-0. lit t le World Settaa Bowling Green ttwre. merely take note of such a finding All boys of Scout age are Invit­ No Ohllgn- Mreet bra senfse Oar OsM Over Ouh by the Security council's Balkan Syracus*. N. Y.. SepL 20—(^ ~ ed to the Scout Rally to be held In NO MONEY DOWN tlon to Boy Cash The Syracuse Chtofs wlU dmoad to H s did, howsvsr, manage to Investigating commission and ask WorM Sartos Weather Now Emrlsnd*s Plnoit CALL HARTFORD 32-6216 the aortal rooms of (he Congrega- Aa Ultle As $3.08 Per Month AnythingAnythin! 4168 N ew York. SapL 29.— they try for a B.)l Ccnler Sirrel - Albany Avenue and Scqnin Rond, Weot Hartford than left Ma ear and want to It is utimated thst the United | movie "Target for Tonight" which THOMAS 0. rOI.LA Frinrls pirkenoon. Prop. — Independrnlly tlwned City and' vicinity tomorrow— ; three-game lead ever the* Mtiwau NARRAGANSETT aen'a houM, approxinutoly one " * * * minimum need for i is history of the Eighth Army Air, £ Nut .vniUated tVltb Any Ollier Taxi Cumpsay opening date o f the 1947 W o rld : kee Brewer* tc.-i'sht in the World fired feet .away and told him o f Fnving Contractor t-Bflh BARRY 3BL______■ • . Jarvis Bunding 353.000 tons .of natural rubber perlOorpa. Parents and the public are Series. ‘series PARK U i ilavttad to Uila maetiiis. 1 Call Man. 7881 ^


E5. BaMnen Ltynttowg for Defimuena Traffic Cop--\vr,at'a your name? Birds do m>; nerd to bi tau;ht lUONKRX II.LK FOLKM BY FONTAINE KOI Ituniness Serviree Offered 13 Tailoring— llycing— Help Wanted—Male 3>aipany. Broad etreet. ‘Tele­ Pel. Mancheater 8-0M3. 33 Seaman Oircia Pbona HarUord 8-8087. beauttfnl prtvau beach. Leeated erooiM U trial. Rta lawyer j "Adyertuemeatt work. Apply Federal Bake Shop, SEVEN-PIECE walnut dlnlng- on 8U U Htdraray g8. Prtca 88 .rfoqeaat^ toi hia M w lii ■he had hmin an cMar child la a wants aa much you have but * It's hard to »a> which la worse wc did. ffince t v . i wa have quit phone 3869 Open 8 a. m. to T p. 889 Main street. ! room set Kitchen cabinet table is not willing to work as hard aa for an automobile —a loose wheel listening. SIIKE'I MtrrAL WORK 89<*0. 33 000 cash baianca Uke Lawyer—T cbi H ex or, tito plain­ larga moUwnaas family, Sba apent and chairs, two 9x13 ruga, library Hnaarb for Hrot 65 bar childhood boating tha hurdena you did nor deny himself the things or s tight driver Kingatsn, (Ont., F m * R « i I F o r S a le (!oursea and Claasea 27 EXPERIENCED woolen dresser rent. The As-aten Lake Osm- , tiff anwt have been walking very Hot All Furnace Repairing. table and bookcase. Phone 4696. pany. Amatan. COna. < raroloeely. ICy oUaet le a vary care­ of Um home. She litorally waa Ured you have to save aa much as you Can*) Wbig-ttaodard. Madam—Hava you been touch­ T o S e l l CAREERS FGR young man. Learn tetider wanted. Apply MsjKin EXCHANGE Seven room rent, I to doath, dying of tuborculoata A iiava. ing Uw barometer, Mery? T o B oy Molorryrfen— Bicycles It New Hot All and All OndiUontng Mill. Inc, South Glastonb'jry. BENGAL combination oil and ful driver. Me kaa keen drmnff a to be a tree expert, e proflteblc four miles from New Britain for car tor 11 years. • vlaltor aoked, had ahe haan eon- Bxoeuttve— An Individual who "Most traffle aecldanta ara Mary— Team. It'a my night out Fumacee Inatalled. conn. gaa range, almost new. Phone 3- BICTCLBS for aale. One bov'a, career for young men Study end rant In Manchester. Plwne Ntw Wantrff—Real F^itate 77 OeWMil fer Flalntlff — Tour flrmodT Had she gone to rhurch? has the authority to dictate his let- I caused by a loos'] nut at the ateer- BO 1 set It for Hm ." CI.ASSIKIKI) AI»VT. one gt-ra. Deluxe Schwln bikea Cavaa rrough and Oooductoe work at every angle of tree cere. 9722 or 116 Benton street. Britain 8-0368. Honor. I can prove that my client To which ohe amwered: •’No.” tsra and uoa words of which he ing wheel,” It la raported. Welt, DKin HOURS: uaed about 10 timea. like new. tenaiiiiui An Intcrcatlng, well-paying out­ Taking a turinua view of tho hasn’t the least idea of how to Help Wanted—Male or COMBI.NATION coal or oil and W a n t e d — a single or two-Iam- akould win this cnM without for- yea or a tight one behind it.—QrlL Wemaa’a Frtsrtty door vocation. Earn while you whole totuatlon Um vloltnr next speU. |:S0 A. M. tn 4 :4S I*. M. Boy'a bike. $40. girla 830. Call NORMAN BEN'IY gaa. Ivory Kalanisaoo range, In thor aryumon*. Ho hae bean walk­ I owe tha doc tor, the dentlat. learn! Gn the Job training with Female 87 Wanted to K*nt fk lly homo In Msnehooter or v«cin- ookod. •'Wkat wi:i you do whan you 4977 or can be aeen, 88 Hilliard 377 Spruce Street ing for 45 ysara. The Veterans AdmIniatraUon tn And the rent on the new, fur- some claasroom and other Instruc­ excellent condition. Burner and ity. Willi.ig to pay up to 812.000 dM and have to tell Ck>d that?" atreet. Tel 89M MEN - WOMEN! Earn extra i hot water coll Included. Phbna 390 REW ARD for any rent des- Wtntsr ovarcoats ara V ln g Washington kicked because em­ niahed flat tion, under nationally recognised for o deoirab-o homo. Write Box The ehUd laid her thin, trans- shown! Thank goodness the money selling our 4>4 quart Am -! 5570 perata family. Refercncaa. Writs Ferfumo la whnt wtna nton. an}!aaya ployee dashed tnedly out of Uw But topping tho list In Impor- Lwt uitf Kmhi4 I WE R E PAIR or purchaae your experts of an approved company J. HoraM. ipnrcnt hando, otalnad and twloted thought of it can’t make us any BOTS 36" Bicycle. Very reaaon- for veteran’s training. If you are paro preas'jre cooker to friends. | _____' Box OH, Herald. a eollofa pro(rM«r. ■opadally the building when five o’cloek came. toncs. t.vpewrl’ er. any model. 'A ll work with work, on tho covorleL nnd hotter. Didn't Tike the way they were run­ 1 ews to m ysilf a new haL LOtT—Boy't rkinooat rirtnlty of able. Call 3-0400. between 18 and 30, single, and Genuine 812.99 value, sells fo r ' k LUUK problems solved w ilt BIlTEKa Waiting. For jiromp;, «kind that comoa fromn !the kltehen. fUamUT *trMt and Centtr guaranteed. Mancheater Type­ only 310.95. Three dollars profit I noleu m, aapt.a't tile couatai AK8ISTANT manager and wife. courteous action, list your prop­ ■aid; "I shall show Him my handa. ning thinga hiiKT Ruth N. Narria. writer Exchange,'SS Blaaell street, want a real future, write F. A. Tha Rev. loon Craig Itoark in ^ c lB f wooda. Plaaae raturn to 1934 HARLEY . D A VIDAON each order! Just send $7.99 for iCxpen wurkmanahlp. free atti Montgoma.y Wards daalra apart­ arty onth aeburben Realty no.. An lUlnola Judfv disposed of 885 tel. 2-1.606. Bartlett Tree Expert Co., P.O. Box Kite Hying la lllrgal tn Otlna Bverybody’a Weekly. Ijaoola acboot or 33B Ointtr motorcycle. Model 74. Call 2- 1337, Stamford, Conn., 1*. H. Reu- your original sample. Money re- j maias Open evenings Jones ment or nousc, Manchester or vi­ Raaltora. 48 firkins etreet —but they bUU can tall a fallow cases in three houra some In­ California—Now in my atats wu Dad— Bou, I warn jrou against •tratt. PboM MIS. 9167. man, personnel director. funded if i.ot completely satis­ Furnituro Oqk strest Phone cinity. references tMIl 9141. a Pbone 8219 to go chaM himoolf. cluded men who tried to dispose can grow a tree that aiM In about whistling at girls It’s dangerous HouM*-nnld S c m c e a fied. Nntional Sales Co., Box 2-1041. Home*grown cveumber aeaaon of as many caeea in leas time. a year. How lor g did It taka jreu buslnesa. That’e how I met your LOST—Rad flannal ahlrt. papara. ATTENTION, Landiorda! 9 ^ J HAVING REAL EaUU problems? la hero—and, witii the UtUo ones. to STOW that onaT mother. Offered IS-A 1434, Providshes, R. I. , . . Different 'n the old daya when aU. la pocket; vldnlty of Broad Wsnied Aalm Muairai— llramalie 29 ______1 MUELLER 70" cast Iron or stael specialise in obtaining rente for Clt> and farm property bought Mom’s tn a aweo. pickla. reaaimlat— My wife makes me IHorldlan—Can’t say for sura mad nuUard HreeU. Finder pleaae needy veterans, we get our fe e ' and auld oy calling R I McCann, we used to hlUh on to oloigha and .Mntorcyclew 12 A COMPLETE home cleaning AVAILABLE positions for ali I furnace. $199. All sisea In etock wipe my feet on the mat every time but It wasn’t Uu ra yesterday. A decline in hitch-hiking ta rs- return papera. Reward Cali 6248 PIANO 'niNI.NG. repaira. recon­ types of otticc and technical’ per-, Devino Company, Waterbury 3- from them, eervicea to you for - Realtor. Phone Mencheetcr 7700. wegona, to preoant condlUont when service ln< hiding the cleaning of ditioning. etc. John Cockerham, It may be fafatal for children to try One of the raeteat eraya to keep I enter the hoi'ss. portad. Posaiblj becauae the mo- or Oil HlUlard.______sonncL Most desirable opemngs 1 3396. renting your property are free.' ------OpUmUt—Then you Uiould he Thosa who have nothing ta aay torista haro been doing the Uiuroh- WANTED To Buy from private your flnest rugs and upholatary. 38 Blgalow street. Phone 4219. Phone ua If you have any type, LIS'! YUUK propvriy Keaidential to hitch mcvlng trucka and n eweetheart la In candy and owner, a light, clean car, '37, '38 All work guaranteed. Free esti­ in the Hartford area. Apply i . typ« flowcra. thankful you'ra not a centipede. ara eternally saying It. Ing—downi LOBT—Wallet in or near the 8Ute WE BUY and sail good uaad rcnL Renta! Service Bureau. 889 and oujiaaaa Have many etianu cars. or *39. Write Box Q, Herald. mates. Dean’s Peraonel Service. Burnham Employment Agency. tbaatar Wednaaday avanlnf, Bent 29 Pearl etreet Hartford. Phone f'jrniturs. combination rangaa, Main. Phone 4168. Georga U Uraaiadw. Keal'er 108 Contalna valuable papara. No M08. HuaineMb Opportunities 82 MICKEY FINN Tornlnff Oa Th* Charm! LANE LEONARD H. KEWARO of 8*49 or more to the 4-3002. gaa ranges snd heaters. Jones* Henry etreet. Pbon* 6378. inoiMy. Pleaae call 6386. Reward. petaon leadli g ui to the pur- F1.AT riiiish Holland window MEN - Women—83 hourly, spare Furniture Store. 36 Oak. Phone ARITOUMItt 3-1041. Houeee ter S»le 72 Your Real Estate Problems 0 M.VK«6N tfflfF FT>UNt>—Man a sold wedding chaee ol a good 1931 to 1947 car. shades mads to measure. Keys time. Your own business. No Are Oura. •«ALlAGHtff tMO ICOt CN|«0BUVeR, canvassing. Barrows, 28-B Stab- Sitoatiofit Wonted— ilBS Owner may have by paying Bmad Street Motor Salea. 3928. made while you wait. Marlow's ELECTRIC water radiator, waa We Buy and Sell for OaaB Y0UM14MT f m 1 1 for thla advarUaement. Herald of- bina street, Worcester, Maaa. Fenslo 38 SIX-RGG3I Single, Cape Cod LETU8 wash yuur walla by ma- 337.90. win sell for $29. Phona •tyle, with dormer window^ tUe Arranga asortgagea OYffff 1 0 S M M I tlMITIOtaCAUaNT Hunineas Srrricee OfferM 13 chlne Docs a really clean Job. EXCELLENT care for pre-school 3-9329. bath, fireplace, eteam heat, oil Befon you ecll call ua C O M eM j ■NOICT-TMB TCMANTE; child daily. Refined home. Green No Obligation. Preserves paint saves, redecor­ Help Wanted— Female 85 ONE H. B. Smith hot water furn­ burner. Good location off East NAVe IDlMAVa AN riWilEa rettnmbeo and repair ating. Behrend's Cleaning Serv­ section. Phone 6644. Center street and can be pur­ Brae-Burn Realty Oo. NiAT ace, Holyoke gaa water heater 118 Eaat Center atreet ad Kimh Ol apunt aeata replaced ice. 144 High street Phone 9899 AMAZING Profits. Sell name Im­ chased for 811.900. Occupancy s n e 08 today Wa'U taL you bow printed Christmas cards, 90 fo.' and tank, complete. Both in A-1 Rcaltora Phone 6373 or 9339 riamann. 199 South Main elVeet condition. Inquire 89 Oakland within thirty days. Contact aaay it ta to aava Ueneroua r Phone 9643 CALL rEllKY'S Household Serv- $1. Completa llna Christmas. Dok»—Bird»—Pete 41 Stuart J. Wasley, Realtor, 799 tuma All aavinga up to 83.000, ice tor ax peri cleaning ol Boura Everyday assortments, station­ street. CASH CLIENTS ara waiting (or THREE BE AU TIFU L male pup­ Main atreet Phone 6648 or 71,48. homca. List rour property with ttellv taaurad. Hanrheatat Build- OLD FLOORS SANDED walla, rugs, upholstery, windows ery. No Investment. Approval BLACK KITCHEN stove with oil lag and Loan Aaaoclatlon. lac. Layin;: and Bnlahlng. odd Joha Phone 7690. samples. Empire Card, Elmira, pies. Slrsd by Evany's Yankss HOLLYWOOD—fi-room ' Colonial, M. Madeline Smith. Realtor, Pedlar, a good son of champion burners. Good condition. Reason­ Rublnow building. Telephone 3— J E Jenaer., N. Y. able. Phone 8662. completely renovated, excellent Tai. Stom 9923, aveninga. WE HAVE Bnesi saaortmenU at Mardormere Misty. Dame of the location, eteam heat a-ith oil, fire- 1642. kitchen linoteuini Also tils and FULL TIME girl to work In fash­ famous Stockdale bloodlines. Can QUCK Heat circulating heater. placa. garage, aunporch is 7th W ANTED To Buy—A good single ELKtrrKIC Actora rapainng and wall coverings. Manchester Kloo, ion department. Good salary. be aeen at Safe Guard Kennele, w a n t e d —Rida from Manchaa- Adjustable, built In level. Uaed room. Well landscaped. Immedi­ or two-family in good neighbor­ rewinding AJ work guaranteed. Weekly salary plus commission. French road, Bolton, at the Cock­ tar to Hartford, erorking houra (kiverii.g Oo., 9b - Cottage atreet two months. Very good condi­ ate occupancy. Price 813.900. Ebt- hood. Rraaonable. Reply confi­ Aca Clactrtc Motor Repaira, 221 Good working hours, vacation er sign. g:18 to 4:30. Farmington and Call 9688. tion. Phone 2-9030, or 97 Wads­ cluelve with Brae-Burn Realty dential. Write Box Q, Herald. Asylum Avanuea Interaectlon. North Main atreet ippoalta L'%- with pay. Montgomery W ant worth street. Phone 9328 or 6273. poi entrance on Noiih School HAIMU - Electrical Appllanct DOG FOOD, collars, gold fish, BY DICK TURNER BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Jaat Waiting BY EDGAR MARTIN FBoaaeiet.______Semca. repairs picked up ana A M B m oU S , sell Xmaa cards, tropical fisn, bowls, aquariums, FUNNY BII^^INE88 BY HERSHBERGER CARNIVAL atreet Phone 6642. ELECTRIC refrigerator in good MANCHESTER— Five-tenement | l-cffsl No1ir«s r r - T de.lverad prumpiiy 2U years stationery, big profits, colored bird supplies, cages, Gelsler bird condition. Inquire 902 Adams, or hoL'se, centrally located, good; foods. Ebco Pet Shop. 403 Center RIDBltS TO Hartford, (ParkvUle PROMPT - EXPERT axperlence John Maloney. Phone catalog free. Beacon Hill Greet­ tel. 7291 after 6:00 p.m. buelneaa location. Excellent In-. f ^ i e . 2-1U46 I Walnut street street. Open 9-7. Phone 3233. m gacOeal 8 ta 5. Pbona 8797. ings, 115 Chauncy, A, Boston, ^tnc. Priced rea$on^It. A jood i ^ ;unchMt»r within and for ti* A M 1 REFRIGERATION Mass. ZIMMERMAN’S Kennels, Lake investment. Phone Tom Minor. I District of Uancbestrr. on Um rih FOUR-BURNER gas range. $29. m. or ' ds'- Srptrmber. A.D.. 1S47. . G IRL W AN’i'ED for nights. No street. Phone 6287. Collie pups, Rockville 187-2, 7 to 9 a. VAtte AatsmsMIst for Salt 4 SERVICE lluildinK— ('nntracting 14 Phone 2-0308. evenings. t-rrsent itON. W I t t lA U 8. HYDE. Sunday work. Apply In person. Fox Terrier pups, pedigreed Box­ Juds*. BKWttel CARPENTER Work ot all kinds. 1946 Mercary 4-Door Sedan. All Types — All Mnkes Peter's Chocolate Shop, 691 Main er, male. A.K.C., housebroken. FRIGIDAIRE, porcelain cabinet, McKEE STREET. Mancheater. lUtata ot John McCann, late of Man- ^ Roofs, siding, sdditlons snd si- cbrstcr. In said District, deceased. t street. good condition. 6 cu. ft. 339. Call Immediate possession, 6 year old Radio and Heater. 11,000 tersUons. Also nsw construction The sdmlnlstrator having exhiblird PHONE 2-0099. Cape Ood, 4 rooms, bath first his administration account with said mileage. Brilliant black. SlefTsrt Pbui.e 2-0*293. Acn* NOW! Make 129 selling 90 Live Stock— Vehicles 42 estate to this Court for sllovsnce. it MANCHESTER 2-1226 FLA T Rim kitchen sink, size 90" floor, 2 imflnishcd second: oil A. Immaculate. boxes 21 fer 81 Xmas cards. Also HORSE for sale. Riding and light Is SAAH Doors snd blind* lepsired .60 and 39 fur 81 embossed with x20." 2 steam radiators, 4 tube C. heat, automatic gas hot water, ORDERED; That tha 4th day nt storm windows. Principals only. SCIENTIFIC or repisced Vsisnccs, wsrdrubes. name on samples and selling plan workthorse. Cneap. 214 Gardner; ip-. high 32" long.' 9 tu ^ October. IS47. at * o'clock, forenoon, bookcases and csOlnets built, al­ 810,000. Mancheater 2-2949. at tha Probate Ofilre In the Municipal 1947 PI}mouth 4-Door Sedan. on approva' Welcome, 289 Holsey 26" high, 20" long. Benson, 73 I Building In laid Mancheater. be and tered or repaired. Ahipshspe Princeton street. Tel. 6364. Radio and Heater. 200 mile- REFRIGERATION street, Dcp:.rtment 19. Newark 2. F O U R - F A M IL Y house. In good th» *am* la aaaigned for a hearing on OHiBieolTMlIkl I Woodworking Cq , 166 Middle N. J. ronAIHon A ll Imnmvam anta ex- * the a.Iowance of aald adminlatratlon age. ^ Foullry and Supplies 43 conmtion. a i i im proxem en u « , aald eitat# and aacertam- SERVICE______Turnpike West. Phone 2-0963. L WU ar'wa NEW HISTORICAL prints, sell IHarhinerv and Tools 52 cept furnace. Large lot. three- | heira and thia Court dIrecta YOUNG Fimshly kiUed turkeys. car garaga with loft. Nice Iocs-1 mat notice m the time and placa a>- J. SJJLLtVAN, maaoti contractor, on sight to everyone! Special Top qua^y and clean picked BYV.T.HAMLM 1941 Chevrolet. Unusually MANCHESTER GARDEN Trsetors, 1>,4 H.P tlon. pleasant surroundings. Oood.'ifned for •anl hearins he flven to all ALLEY (NIP Fooxy la Worried brickwork. plastering. cinder profits. Write; LeBrow, 1216 Or­ Wrapped In cellophane, for home A SHEK'I ME-IAL WORKS Bresdy. 3 snd 6 H.P. Garden Inveafment Prle* t19Anfi pereuna known to be Interested there- nice. You must see this to block concrete wi-rk atone Tel leans, Detroit 7, Mich. or freezer Weights 17 to 20 ^estm ent. Price * {j; ,o ,pp,,r ,nd be heard thereon b> MaaNVUMLl, YMI dKANO WIXIR. appreciate it. AIR CXlNUrnUNINU 2-0418. King, cultivsting, n.owlng and Charles Odermann. scent. Phone i pubiiahing a mpy of thla order in €3"0 o WHO KNOnW WHAT 0(D HAFFEN HOT AIR FHRNACB8 pounds. Deliveries Saturday a. snow plow attachments. 3 H.P. 4928. aome newapaper having a circulation ------V o THAT MdHT to (jONd (te^mCKTit Inatalled and Repaired WANTED-^Part time sales help. m. only. Phone 7733. AT TMi mwt efootvn.rmN STONE Masonry Ws specialize In Mainly for Thursday and Satur­ Planet Jr., cultivator. Automo- In jmld Dlatrlct. at lea*t five daya be­ Caveatrnughs and Cnndurtnre flaustone walk! Terraces and re­ VETERANS. Salem Road. Six- fore the day of aald hearing, uid by 1989 Pontiac 2-Door Sedan. day work. Age 21 and up. Blair's. blfe utility trailers. Springfield mailing on or before September 7*. All Tvpee of flhrrt Mrtal Work' taining walla. Call Manchester room single, two unfinished. Com­ Exceptionally good. 33 rears' Bxpartanre Articles for Sale 45 lawn sweepers 16 H P Johnson 1947. a lopy of thia order to Annla Q 2-0617 for free estimates, r’lag- AN EXPERIE.NCED cook and bination storm windows and McCann. 7»0 Main etreet. Paterson. N. TKI.KPHONk 641.1 Sea Horse Gould water pumps, stune Bl.i( k t'o. Route 6 Bolton house work for small family In LIM ITED NUMBER of rental one prtrt .rally nev; Capitol screens, awnings. The grounds of ,r.';''n’r'rbert McCann, M Ridge etreet. this home are very well land­ .Mancheater. Conn. 1940 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan. FRANK FAL.'t Matlreaaca re. West Hartford. New house with typewritern now available. Sev­ Grinding Uo., 38 Main street W ILLIAM 8. HYDE. Judge. modern equipment. Elxcellent eral portable and standard ma­ scaped. This Is just the home Very clean. mada and steriUsad Ilka naw Wc FInriHtw— NurMTlen 1.5 Phone 7998. & O Q ^ call tor and dallvar anywhert 4'J position, high salary. References chines for aale. Manchester Type­ that you are looking for. Sale tCOAU TO dBT- writer Exchange, 48 Bisaell CEMENT Mixers, bale wire, gar­ price, 19,000, G.I. $1,000 down. South Main street (r>irheiter CHRYSA.NTHEMUM Plants, required. Call collect Hartford TLB WITH THB den tracto<-x. power lawn mow­ Conn Phone Oolchestei 460. hardy plants shrubs, fruit trees 32-6854. atreet, Tel. 2-1906. Immediate occupancy. Call Good- AiRL wHoaa MILLER MOTORS ers, lime sowers, disc harrows, child Realty Oo., 15 Forest street. igFfllfl iW lU and mixed l>ouquet8. Woodland LADY TO SELL guaranteed lin­ PROFESSIONAL type camera for GA8 AND Electric wcliting, all Gardena, 168 Woodland street blows, mowers. Dublin Tractor Phone 7925 or Hartford 2-0779. Aa AN __ 668 CENTER STREET mauls'^ lead burning Eighteen gerie, hosiery, etc., direct to aeiious minded amateur. Range Co.. North Wlndhsnf Road, WH- *Tor hdavan’a aaka— oant you forgat you'ra a waitar?" Phone 8474. finder, leather case and t.w;p rolls WANTED UNFICmOPLlO years axpartanca. . George L friends, nelghbon*. Big earnings. limantlc. Phons 2098. v il l a in . MANCHESTER Green. 473 Gardner etreet Call Our 25th yead. Write Thogersen of Super XX film. Uaed five timea fi0t8 fo r S a lt 73 Phone 8337. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH 3047 RonflnK—Siding 16 Hosiery Co.. Wilmette, HI. 20 , . r*_ M ubIvbI Inatrum eiite 53 BUIiaJIN'J Lou at the Green. See [ Leading Lard On BY MERRILL C. BL088BI TEL. 2-1060 WOODWORK at all kinds, built EXTRA SrO.NEY! .Make $25 easily A I RLA(!K loam, 3 yards, SIO; Wm. Kanehl, contractor and; FRECKLES AND US FRIEND ROOFINU ANI) SllU.M! ouf tipo- wall *tone« 3 tons $12; grey flag­ SMALL Pianos! Spinets, midgets, 1831 PONTIAC sedan. Very good and instaJleU Job shop service selling 50 boxes amazing Chilton builder. 919 Center street. I ceea. ig«T ar ataseanw, na Y n am. i». a ror. err. L'lalty Nvw I'l-ilingh Hnd car|H-n stone. $9 per ton; bank run road uprights. Low prices. All stand­ CARPENTERS \sh*srs MVtT* Rl»Mr- iNQu’ijLaaa— Mata oaadltlon. Price 1875. Inquire 124 Professional kitchen designa For try. Highcki >niuliiy malerlala "Prize " 'Jl-card Christmas as­ 111 GUARO BOMCO o o r 'b MOem-BAdi SI gravel. 3 yards $6. Tel Manches­ ard makes, rscpudltloned by com­ LARGE Lot 100' x 314’. Lydall | inj|3i street. quirk service call 3-0963 Workmanenip guaranteed. A. A. sortment to friends, neighbors. "Whan do thay start throwing away tha taxpayara* C ksoY DO WITH uNSTuerrMO' Big line religious. everyday, ter 2-0617. ’ petent technicians, $269, $399, street, city water available, large ; PlCKLC LARDS SMIRT^ Dion, Inc. Phone 48tiu Apply monay?’^ T e a HAS AMSHT 1848 FORD twoHloor sedan, 1941 humorous. quick, easy sell­ $489 up. Also new Baldwin barn on pumises 40' x 30'. In '' HrART RKFRIGERATION NEW a .ND used Koyai Portable HURT Mercury four-door sedan, 1941 KOOKIKG — Speilalizlng In re­ ers! Up to 100 per cent spinets. Evening appointments good condition. Han possibilities. | NOW ecATS SERVICE typewriters, tmmedlste delivery PRISCILI.A’S l*OP BY AL VEKMEER Chevrolet aedan delivery, 1938 pairing roots 01 all klnda. also prollt. Also 50 and 25 for $1 gladly arranged. Terms. Goss Phone 9329 or 6273. Brae-Burn Dfimcatic, rommerciul. For Libers, terois and trade-ins. Re­ Realty. Jarvis Realty Co. H A Y^e. Dodge coupe. Oole Motors. 4164. new roofs. .No Job too small ot personals, name Imprinted. Plano Co., 57 Allyn street, Hart­ pairs on all makes Marlow's. 867 654 Center Street BUT N DIDN’T S W prompt day and night service. larga. Good work, fair price Free Money back guarantee. Write ford. 9-6696 A if s e e n h im M voaeS Main street t c i l MR CALL 2-1428 estimetea C!all Howley. Mu- now for sample "Prize" box on FOR SALE—Lot on Copeland LIFf IS A 1888 FORD chib coupe. Good con­ doing the dishes-* \ piELAS r e f r k ; k r a t io n Chester 0.'i6l approval. Personals free. Chilton FOR SALE — Men's rebuilt and street. 50' l y 140'. Call 2-2147. c o a a a ff dition. Call 3-3731 after 3 p. m. Wraring Apparel— Furs 57 ^ v e e r in g h is rOAN 38 Birch Street Greetings, 147 Essex street, Dept. relasted shoes. Better than new 420, Boston. BUILDING Lot on Mather street !feS o p r o n ! Itt7 DODOB two door sedan. Com- Heating— Tlumhlng 17 cheap shoes. See them. Sara BEAU TIFU L Persian paw coat, Ti n y / VENETIAN Blinds. All t>T«« Yulyea, 701 Main street. size 42. Will aeii reasonably. 75’ front I2u deep. s*wer snd plataly overhauled recently. First WANTED — Girl (or wrapping water. Pil:o $890. Charles Oder­ tSTB takes I t 101 Chestnut street. made to order, and recondition­ PLDUGEO Main sewers, sink, Worn very little. Phone 2-1031. ing. Beat quality FIndell Menu- lavatory and oath drains effi- shirts. Good pay—Saturdays off. QUICK Freezer, $229. Easy terms. mann. Phore 4928. New System Laundry, Harrison 1940, P-10 Plymouth coach. Good fsrturlng Co, 489 Middle Turn­ ciently machine cleared. t!ari Pay like rent. Save like thousands WOMAN'S Black cloth coat, N E W a n d condition. Call 2-OS03. Can be pike East. Call 4869. street. of others have done. Have your trimmed with Persian lamb, size A T LAKEWOOD Circle, large lot Nygren. plumber, steam fitter ' "With beautiful view. Good lots seen at 63 Wadsworth street and pump men.anic 16 South own locker in your own home, full 38. Also black Astrakhan cloth FflR POSITIVE repairs on all POSITIONS now open for women of the best foods at lowest prices. are getting scarce; so if you want Get Going, Little Baavar BY FRED HARMAN gftar 5:00 pun. street Phono rtlitl coat, size 20. Reasonable. Phone RED RYDER makes of retrixerators and waah- for general laundry' work. Nice J*hone Glenbrook Farm, Hartford 4698 evenings. the right location to build now, USED Inii machines. call Walter hours, good pay. Manchester 8-0271. or later, contact^tuart J. Waa- 7 rvow/fi» 7XAT Rffp ervM c m 'J lACNiR miwtre/Ant^ FOR SALE— 1034 Plymouth coupe. Piesctk. Ter. 6024 Laundry, Maple street. TWO GIRLS' winter coats, spring ley. Realtor, 75a Main street. vV Phone 6101 between 6 and 7. RooHng— Repairing 17-A A BATHINETTE, maternity to..' coats, dresses, size 11. Excellent Phone 6648 or 7146. KH£KB R£D MW 1>(£ SUK'iOfNS EXXRA HKAVYCASI IRON CHIMNEYS retiiillL repaired and W ANTED—Woman for general dreaaea ant! alaeks, size 11-12. condition. Phone 7194. ANIJ SIKKL FURNACES clesneo Also el. types ot roofing housework, one day per week. CaU 8540. BUILDING LOTS. Lota 'on Steep CARS OOD HU9CH/ MtRff I* and r pKinng All work guaran­ Call 2-0328. Hollow Lane, Hollister, Franklin, SU ff SUDOMFS »RAMO-Un FOR IMMEDIAIE BEAUTIFUL Fox Jacket, in excel­ Mather and McKinley streets. .IffOtV RUSIltR Hios-un teed. La Rose Bros. Co. Tel. 2- GIRL W ANTED to play with child pump. INSTAI.LATION OIBh CRANE Electric water lent condition. Call 2-0998. Prleed from $700 to $2,000. TODAY’S SPECIAL! KSffouao-1**81 A SOUND afternoons, after school and on 'leso RYDER’S Phone 6023. Phone 6329 or 6273. Brse-Burn 1940 Buick Sedan VAN CAMP BROS KUOKING OK all Kinds Chimney Saturdays. Phone 2-9489. , FGR SALE—Black Stroock coat, Realty. IROH FOR 5A*\ INVESTMENT work, gutter work and Insulation. double-breasted, nearly new, pearl Radio, Heater, 4 New ei 7701 ENLARGF.RS Federal No. 219. 58 Wanted—To Bujr location for doctor or dentist. Machine Co., 832 Main street. TWO WAITRESSE.S wsnted. one 250, 490. De-Jur Versatlles one Dougherty street. Excellent level $ 1 ,1 9 5 .0 0 Center of Town Tel 8883. for day work, one for night work, two. Sun-Ray D Kodak precision MANCHESTER'S dealer in rags, Moving—1'rurking— at Han.sen's Restaurant. 348 Main lot, all improvements. In good Well EsUblished "A ". Weldon Drug Co. paper and acrap metals calls st RANGE Burners cleaned, Install­ Storage 20 street, next to the Armory. Ap­ your door and pays you highest location. Only $1,000. Goodchild Fine Weekly Gross 1942 Dodffe Dump f - 2f l Cash Only ed. Washtr : m.achlnes, vacuums ply in person. prices. Ostrinsky. 182 Blssell Realty Co, 15 ForesJ street. MICHAEL O'MAI.LEY AND RALPH LANE repaired, saws tiled. Lawn mow­ JAMES MACHl. Oenecal truck­ Buildinc 51atiTials 47 street Phone 9879. Phone 7925 or Hartford 2-0779. $295.00 Down oowi. m? BY m$ mmKt, wm.% m mo, v. •> rkt. VIC FLINT lay Not Ba Too Eanily BY Write Box S. W„ er’s sharpened, repaired. Pickup ing. Range and fuel oils, ashes 1946 G.M.C. 4-Yard Gar- fSaamliitilari Icft^nu s Wadfiami An'itsfs ] and rubbish removed. Sana Help Wanted—Male 36 NEV6’ .Novelty siding, shlplapp, "No. don’t diaturb tham! With tha radio and piano both ,™i IT AU10 ME UXatTIA, l WIU. " care The Herald and delivery Friendly Flxlt Shop. Wood Dump. 6-Ton CAgf or tVCRYTHING— INCU!DIH ' pictuta and Mjooo in old Issue currency. ' gravel, fill and loam. Phone 4.V23. trimr and framing. Also some Koomst Without Btrard 58 718 North Main. Tel. 4771. W ANTED—Three young men 16 $795.0(1 Down going, I want to aaa if you can haar this tpaach and tell ! eaOTMiR JANUS. YOU wi 8' •'is io o n t k n o w to 21 years of age for full lime used lumber. Phone Hartford ma if my voica oarriaal” , INHIRIT HIS MONSV, RADIO'naei fixing T Have it re- ASHES, Canr. rubbish removed. 0271. FURNISflED room, centrilly lo- j 1946 Packard 120 DeLuxe , YOU, MR, fUNT, I'D T Cellars, atttca, yards ' cleaned. position. Excellent opportunity cated. Gentleman preferred WHEN HI Oils. ' THINK VOUt SIOIEN THHf. paired oy axperts Pick-up serv 2-Duor UUTUUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUM UUAKDiNU MOUSE with MAJOR HOPPLE Ics. guaramced work Seta check Chimney' cleaning and repalre. for advancement. Apply 'Inde­ " Phone 3129. . WANTED 1946 Ford Convertible'^ itHAVtlTTSUMANYOF •d r the aome Car radios a Light'trucking odd - lobbing. C. pendent Cloak Co., Pine atreet. Fuel and Fr^d 4»-A VEH,THE OLD AWP.' ALL PEOPLE EGAD. BURKaTFOB. u m T a r e ' , DOKyTwoR5>r^ ^THOM OU> Baui Coupe MA R/THAT UXJO- SOME TIME. apa-'uaity. . Mar.chestcr Kadir Carson Phont 90U8. SUV WHO L iv e s ^SM AKE DIE A FEW SUEsiit BOABBADOCIO, TOO 30 BOYS. Part time. Over $00 week! FOB SALE—Seasoned hardwood. FURNISHED ROOM, private' 1946 Oldsmobile Converti­ BV THE DUM P" T iM S d IN THIS UPaTAKT “B ia - JKOOTH WILL 6 0 Sarvtce, 7b Blre.b street Phone Sell name plates for front doors. Cut. ready for furnace or !!«■ home. CaU 2-0466. | 4 OIL.' FOR SALE 3-t*K40. I'HE A llS H N A Chambare Oo, PIN BOYS ble Coupe HC £)tfZ HB’LL L # e ,B U T SLAIA* 6CIAULTZ TAKES OUT 90 COLO H lS ^ Write Box C, Herald. place. $10 a cord. Must do own it TURK) YOU MAiCB local or long diatance moving. euARANTee - THE CAK1 /-V.-HB 66C 0ND S WILL MkiB Moving, packing and etorage. delivery. Call 6077 after 6 p. m.. FURNISHEID Room f ^ gentle-I 16 years old or over. Ap­ 1946 Pontiac Sedan HB tez, ‘AIN’T A OWTH* A HABIT AMBITIOUS. Three aggressive man. In private home." Phone' 1946 Chevrolet Sedan e'SlAKB a O T A MOT OP rr. MA,' CLMkAS HERB HE I * TO ROB m»A Phone Manchester 5187 or Hart­ to 9 p. m. ply in person at: WONDERFUL 8ACK.I WATER.' "KIN& OF THE HEAD- , IC A M E IV 6-Room Single ford 6-14‘2.H salesmen by large Hartford con­ 5457.’ I 1946 Chevrolet 2-Door thmhonsstiv cern handling nationally known WELL. IT'S THAT tocK ', A n d h b ' l l /HirreiiJB.* MANCHESTER 6-Roum Sin­ DRY Hardwood for stove. snd 1942 Packard 2-Door . OIL Hfl-f— T . |N0MN,WNITfV, MOVi.No. hoiifchoia goods and products, Ebtccllent mcome assur­ furnace, selected oak for fire­ FUP^NISHEr) room for ge.itle- j 51ANCHESTFR 6QUEEXB N0UR*C0NK’ I f SOMiWHAT gle, one year old, all modern man. Newly redecorated Private j Sedan TILL TOUR EAR<» . 4 rooma down and 2 ap. eonvenlehoes. Including tile pianos moved anywhere in Ui* ed. Only men who really want to place. Tel. 6970. BOWLING GRKFN. INC. . f Asav. entrance, in Hollj-a-ood section- FYreplaco. Steam heat. Oil bath, hot water heat with oil, elate Also general trucking and work need apply! .Married men 654 Center Street 1941 Chevrolet Sedan Burner. Tile bath. Glassed fireplace, lot 50 x 126. Terms rubbish removed Pianos our preferred. Transportation furn- Write Box E, Herald. 1940 Buick Sedan Islied. Territory Manchester and tiirdcn—Farm—1)airy See Mr. De Gon BY LESLIE rUKNEB In back porch. Screens, Arranged. specialty. Htj singer snd Madl- QNE CLEAN, heated furnished 1940 Dodffe (!nuoe '"'Calling Dr. McAddie! Tollami county. .See Mr. Lata, 9 Frudurt* 50 WASH lUBBH gan Phone .6847 room for couple Near bus line. Btorm windows and doors. MANCHESTER — 3-KCO< COIORMO! damage Exi'erl work. Edward R. pickl'd apples. $1 basket and up. COHSCRtKrNE HMnfii Price $11,500 mately 60 X 120. Sale I'rice hiuidle hoiibC trailer. Will alao 529 West Center street. Phone Bu8inv89 Lftculiona for CASHIER $7,160. Price. Phone 2-1003. take two or three passengers. 8116. ,i} Rent 64 ADDITIONAL UBTINOS! FOR QUALITY, price, service, Call 2-0677 after 6 p. m. to 9 Good Hour* B n i i m e r ’ s consult Albert Guay, "T*he home p. m. CONCORD grapes for Mle. First SMAXX STORE for rent on Hart­ Excellent Position Stuorf J. Watley ALLEN REALTY CO. quality. Picked while you w ait ford road. Telephone 8177 or .in­ Tel. 5191 - ttS.'i RCAI.TOKS Owners' PainUi " Complete in­ POTATO Pickers for Saturday. For Married Woman -J terior and exteiior painting serv­ Lower than market price. Phillip quire 472 I' -rtford road. Baal BataU aad laaaranco 110 CENTER HTKEEl Amelia Jarvis, 872 Parker street. Farr, 127 Charter Oak street. Heme of Packard State Theater Kdg. TELEPHONE 9109 ice, paperhanging, spraying and Phone 7026. FOR RENT—Office apace. East Apply TALKS , floor shlng Satisfaction and General Molora Truckx A600D - i TcL 6648 - 7146 All Llaes »l Insurante. FOR SALE , Bose. AnJoti and Center street. 3 rooma available Im-luillng l.ifn. guaranteed Fret estimates. All MAN WA.N’TED at Nc.v Mo,lei •■teckel pears. .Mvah Russell.' Oct. 1st. Excellent business loca­ STATE THEATER •l.-iR E’tKt Center S tn el FISHX workmen fully insured 20 Spruce •f-3f dr.P.WlUAM^ Mortgages Arranged Laundry .\pply In peis,.n at T:; Mountain Road, Olasionbury. tion. Kor particular? phone 5329 .MANAtJER — .Manchesier .Manchcbler VJHV MOTHER* 08T eWW T(0O> sDect, 5Uncheitsr. Tai. 3-1899, Summit alreeL Manchester 6889. or 6273. Bsesaiuhauisus. ■ T’'iitoitf!r.i88: aai t (tii'uiiL ..... r