22 OR Toto Rear 118 East Center SL Ni • OM Maaebaotar Baa Aftaa Wagon and Bo Had a Rout* That ■■An* T
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BATCTRDAT, SEPTEMBER <7.1947 iOanrbirBtpr Enptting ^prallt The Weather *r D. W WoeftBa A b o a t T o w n Heard Along Main Street Crack Tall Cedarg DriU Team in Today*# Parade ELECTRICAL WM. DICKSON A PPLIA N CES & SON ilm trbpfitrr lEurnittg Ik raU i I t r flto on 4md on Somo o f Monekotlor^§ SIth StroH*, Too REPAIRED Paintinff OMtractnra tift ta IwM MB. ____ Manchetter^A City of ViUago Charm raONE M22 OR TOtO Rear 118 East Center SL ni • OM Maaebaotar baa aftaa wagon and bo had a rout* that ■■an* T. Mot* ptafm t n « « « - took klm through a certain aac- Your Phone 2-0920 er 5829 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS ranad ~Th* WotWT# Ooaatp Oaa- VOL. LXVL, NO. ift) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1947 tar^. Aak aay raporlar that *w*r Uon of Hartam. 194 —■£L£f‘«lSr4St*T? workad bora and bo will tell yoa On* day as h* araa dallvartog lea Firestone Store PB m itare Spray PKinllBB S m ttm MrtMT •• ^ that half of hw waking boar* ho to a Negro faaally h* placed the WMM? rifcn-T-*- « « k« ImM la tuantog down wild rumor* that caha of lea to th* wrong bo*. A ^ISTwitw—<iy »t tfc« T. atari from nowbara but gat wUdor door flaw open and out cam* an Americana Releaaed by Yugoalava aad wilder aa th* brntn paaa. aaeltad Nagro artio gave him a Truman Sees No a Russia Seen Trying g^riar aM JndOT Uitlwr L Somabody rxptalnod tbta yearn aavam tongu* laahing—to pum m m * « > *pon*^P Om Fn* Faat ago by aayinit lhat alaco naaily Italian. ARMY AND NAVY CLUB 5 a MMang mn> wv«n to taa oaaiybody workad to tbo mina, a Jimmy, who understand* th* ••deek M Emamwl UrtlMna girt at on* and of a room would languag* was dumbfounded until rtfliC*“ "~* *** mpactok aay aomatblng ordinary to tba girt hi* boat axpiatoad that moat of W ay to Give Aid tram etiMf Im c«m" to *>*• neat to bar. Brfora It got to tbo his eustomar* spoke only Italian. To Shift Attention Tlwy warn from LAMa, long under NEW SUPER A * hrtwwtlwt and of tba room It bocam* mor* ■Itk rKrwtoflwtiU *nd ®*>*" ^ oaaggaratrd ard by tba timo it Italian ml* and that was thalr ««ii- la chATf* ot Oeiwral Chair- raoebad tba oiitaid*. It waa, aa tbo language. Without Session m a Um tU>0*»Ms *i*d W* ecnt- HoOywoodara aay, “ttupondoua". ■nUM. AH *rr irrlUd. Phil weather la her* and with Nowaday* thar* ara not oo many fumaoaa being atarted to many mill workara but habit la hard to BINGO Lucan Reporta Preal- m From Row’s Cause H Mertm riicw hip wtn bom* It auraly Indlcatea cold braak and tba wild atorlaa eon- ^Dark Horse’ ■■•t *t Owtar clntrch tomorraw wwathar ahead. denPa Attitude aa afUntoM » t 0»T«* o'clocli. Oo«- Unu*. A pa^iar alght on Mato street farcac* mortes will b* •Itown and , And that bring* ua up to aa In- early Wednaaday eaw a cat atray AT 8:30 SHARP Conference on Euro United Stales Charges' gmmm and rtfrtrhmmt* will fot- ■ aigntficant lnc*dant that occurad Seen Backed Into Uis Center L^inch ahortly af- E n d a;; ------- low. i w H rro »®<1 Orrhardt tbia weak. A man who. tn hla aar- Ur g o'clock. Th* cat* araa *n- EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT pean Problema Nine Persons Killed Effort to Divert Al- jaMoen Mva Iwm rhooan del*-1 ller yaara, had tarn a drinker, but countarad by Jimmy Morlano’a White Honae State Apparent Failure of Taft tinition by D raggii^ to* to tiM Tr'Jtn Oroup mcoUng. ■ who bad not Tocebod liQuor for I# year old cat Th* oamer’a cat -1 Rtob*r i. [ many yaara, bocam* tbo victim of doean't Ilk* any othera around and ment Now Awaited To Get Vocal Support By Bomb Explosion In TrrelevanI* numrroua atorlcs which had him quickly chaawl th* stranger out ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! Somat lUtwiuli L«d|r« win bav* from "diving off th* water wagon" Into the atroat again. Prompti Predictions tiona Such aa Tru a ipMlal r«hMir«al Monday a**- to "Juat being tart to a farm for Waahington. Sept. 29.— (/P) Th* cat ahivatad aa It "maowed" 50 W'oundeH When Di$- man Doctrine and BiM tn prep*Ti1 o« for (rand of- Inabrlataa”. Th* frrounda; Ho waa and looked around and up at the — Senator Scott Lucas (D., Spokane, Waah., 8*pL X9—IO— aaan carrying a ran. of empty beer ficar'a nluht, Mo-iday. Octobar 10. OenUr Lunch pet. Juat than a car triei Police Headquan Curbs for Red Composition of Present NoMa drand Mr*. AHc* Watharall bottle* Into a package ator*. What ID.), reported today that Hi* apparent failure of Senator drove up. Th* driver waa Jo* Wil PrMident Truman told con M u ^ Uw guard* to raport at really happened waa that a neigh son, a plumber, arho stopped for Picturad above la the local Tall Cedars of Lebanon drill team when It paraded on the hoardwwlk at At Taft (R-Ohlo) to excita any vocal iert in Haifa Target Greek Government OBVan o'docb ar.d Oi* offlcof* at bor had bam cleaning out hi* cel lantic City at th* national convention la'st May. The local team drew applause all along the line of gressional leaders there is no support of his axpaetad bid for th* Waiters Loom lar and aaked the rtctlm of th* hla braakfast For Shattering Bloat ____ 1 :10. Leaping naarly ten feat to the march at the famous reaort. The name team will take part in thi* afternoon’* parade for the Cedars way to give emergency aid to 1X48 Republican prcsldenttol nom« Lake Success, Sept. 29.— rumor, to taka hark th* amptlaa air, th* oat that was put out to ceremonial being held here. The parad* la due to leave the corner of Main and Charter Oak streets Ttw KorUi Maibodtat W8CS ha* to th* package »tor*. Europe without a special ses Ination prompted prediction* to May Apply Gmentlly {/Pi—The United Statea to tha eold. sattlad on tba hood of the at flva this afternoon. STOR sion of Congress thia fall. Ballet In! day th* Pacific northwest will ba aat tba daU of rrMay, Octobar U, Wllaon car which waa parked on JerumlciH, Sept. day accused Russia and her for Ita fan nimirag* aalo, and tba They are atill grinning ever a Lucas made that statement wlda open tor a “dark hone” can ! Reatrictiona Imposetl Main *lr**t Th* eat atayed on didst* for the O. O. P. nomination. — Ten peraona wer* k ilM ftn4 satellites of trying to divert tbwirb paopla ara urgad to War practical Joke that waa played on top where it waa warm and didn't It aeema a waste of 93,300 every part. 8o, the owner* of the store and the two returned to .^thetr to reportera aa he left a On W pitp CourtaHe tbia to mmd wtor. bousaclaanlng. a local groceryman thia weak. But White House conference on th* Although Taft has won peraonal 77 injured today wken dla- attention front the real eauaa ear* to move. year to follow the ayatem that thought they were a couple of homes. Now Open for Bindneaft tbe groceryman doe* not aa* any Is now being followed. hold-up men and when they aaked Yes, both of them went to tbe problem of aid to Burope. •upport for hto yet unannounced triet poliec hesAinartera in of the Balkan conflict by A aon waa bim Thuraday at tba Whan Wllaon came out and Intention to seek th* nomtoatiim. Washingtoii, Bept, X9—IF)—Th# humor to the Incident, at all, at atarted hla car tha cat remained We Juat took a look at that the use of the telephone they told track the next day in another car. The aenator waa asked whether Haifa waa kit by a barrel ef dragging in "irreletrant” Hartford boapital to Mr. and Mrm aU. ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER that was the mutual optnton of there was evldanct that this area State and Just>c* departments may on th* hood. Wllaon drove off up porch again. It's atill Uiare. the^two local men they could call expleaives which (he jewiah Questions such as the Tru Loula LAaiane of HUUard atreat R anpaara that aoma ftn* paach- Bast canter atraat and th* eat held on 'a reverse charge call only. Residents living to the vicinity Chlllnl. Rndr T , Serve It Tea Uke th* White Houae gathering. Is ripe for any "dark bone” can' slap sharp rsatritUons on tha ac- ca bad com* to th* atom aad had of the lower end of Center street T h * praatdeiu told u* that," didst* who ohowa hla heed at next undergroand reporttd It had man doctrine and the compo- Ita plaoa—oontent to b* warm af Th* following enme to the mail Rvidently they didn't want to go tlvlttoa of all Icrrign corroapon- stUon of th* precent Gretti gov Tba Army tad Nary chib wUl been placed at th* rear part of bag thIa week: to .titeir apot for keeping their saw quite a show the other eve Ixicna ■ r*plt*d. June's RapubUcan coavantion ta aeU hold Ita annual taU outing tomor the atore. Th* Jokaatera took one ter a <«ld Might of prowling. WINES LIQUORS CORDIALS tents admittod to thto country to ernment. "Old Hlckhry" on* of our more Dear A Non: caah.