Traditions 2

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Traditions 2 M A Y 2 0 0 7 RRAADDIITTIIOONNSS T HE O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R OF THE T A W I N G O A L U M N I C I R C L E ( C O M P L I M E N T A R Y TO ALL A C T I V E M E M B E R S ) T RADITIONS: T WO FOR ONE For our last issue (November 2006), we sent every alumni member for whom we had a current e-mail address a mes- sage to say that they could click on a link within the e-mail to take them to an on- line version of the November Newsletter. (We mailed a paper copy to everyone else.) Some people didn’t receive the e-mail or didn’t notice it. The electronic version is still avail- VIEW FROM THE CHAIR able on-line but we have decided to send In thinking about my remarks for this ment instead of always discarding and you all a copy of it anyway. (It was that issue of TRADITIONS my mind is drawn replacing. These are small and simple good...) Further, the Alumni Committee to the " Green " and " Eco " issues that are things, but they do represent a larger prin- has decided to use both delivery sys- all around us. It would appear that many ciple, respect. In fact, we learned respect of those who previously doubted the facts for others and authority, as well as the tems: electronic and hard copy - until concerning Global Warming, or worse just environment. As I think of life in my com- 2010 (our 50th Reunion) when we will avoided dealing with the obvious, an easy munity, I have no problem recalling exam- re-evaluate our communication and thing for anyone to do, are now prepared ples of the lack of respect that exists in all newsletter strategy. to take some action. The environment too many parts of our daily lives. Minister John Baird has made announce- Respect .... what a great lesson that ments as to how the Government proposes camp reinforced in us as we internalized And so some of the news may appear we deal with the problem in the coming our value system. a little dated on the Chapel issue of years. Many are trying alternative forms of Respect .... too bad more of the world Traditions but there is plenty of fun yet energy. I personally have ceased using the drive thru to get my daily fix at Tim's. cannot share the camping experience! to be read there. We welcome any and all comments about our newsletter any- What does this have to do with TAC THE INSIDE SCOOP you may well ask? When I think of Camp, time and we especially appreciate news 5 IME ASSAGES AND OKAHEY I think of swimming, canoeing, fires, mak- T P H and content from you directly. ing friends, out-trips, and singsongs. Those 5 SUMMER CAMP FUN D were all great activities. We all learned life- 5 FAMILY FOCUS: BEACH If you decide that you prefer the elec- long skills. We also learned however, about respecting the environment. Leave 5 TAWINGO COLLEGE UPDATE tronic version of Traditions only, let us the birch bark on the tree; keep your camp- 5 THE CURRENT:HEATHER CHRISTIE know and we will begin conserving site clean and deal with garbage appropri- 5 ALUMNI WEEKENDS AT CAMP paper and stamps, right away. ately; how to maintain and repair equip- 5 TLCS 82 UNITE! TRADITIONS T AWINGO A LUMNI C IRCLE S UMMER 2007 I T ’ S A BOUT TIME... Our first real indication that the Lodge, the Waterfront, or at the Little summer is (almost) upon us was the Green Hut…or, if you're a wiz with a arrival of the Spring Staff on April photocopier, working in the White 29th. As so many of you can no doubt House with Wendy Muir and Bruce remember, our illustrious Spring Staff Bleakney…or as a nurse working in are happily embroiled in 5 weeks of our Health Centre… bug-slapping, floor painting, wood As for Program, Camp continues chipping, ladder painting, wood split- to offer the very best of Camp Skills (a ting, post painting, canoe sanding, la Turtle, Fox, and Eagle) during canoe painting, movie watching, cabin Interest Groups and beyond (I can painting, raking, porch painting, play still hear Clare Magee leading the off watching, sailboat painting, Yog's Interest Groups song…), the very best ice-cream eating, painting, smiling, of programs during Afternoon and painting, singing, painting… Evening Program time (yes, Sticks is still a favourite…or is that Styx?), the After that there will be some more very best activities imaginable during of the same mixed with school group Free Time ("Want to be my buddy for leadership. June is particularly busy General Swim?"), and other classics with 100s of students and teachers like Native Council (How How), the coming to enjoy outdoor education Voyageur Adventure and Wilderness and recreation here at Camp. And the Journey (which still go to the Spring Staff are loving every minute Kipawa), and the Ray Marinko Relay (well, virtually every minute) of it. (now in its 40th year). Woodcraft was And believe me, we're loving them, added to our program options two too - the work they have done, will do, summers ago and is immensely popu- and the fabulous energy and fellow- lar. At the Waterfront we have a sec- ship they bring to this place. The early Spring Staff for 2007 are putting Camp in good order for the summer ahead. L-R: Patricia Trainor, Kindra Harris, Tyler Lalonde, Will ond diving board (synchro diving is House, Bobby Crowe, Stephen Ross, Sarah Empey. Kneeling: Jasmine fun) and a new slide tower (rebuilt as Green, Dave Richardson, Lianne Bradley. And what of Summer Camp in a result of losing the other one in a ter- this, our 47th season? Camper regis- years past - Bill Milks, Bruce Brine, Brian rible wind storm). The Sportsfield trations are the best they've been in a quite and Jill Ward (Delahey), Dee Burns will see two new basketball standards a few years! At the time of writing this (Delahey), Anne Murray (Livingston), added to the original four and a re-worked (May 9th), the following Periods were full: Virginia Diemert (Shuett), Anne Gear Frisbee golf course for this summer! We're Girls' Second, Girls' Third, Boys' First, and (Condon), Sandra Cross (French), Peter even looking at reviving Skit Night back our shorter Periods - 2A and 2B. Girls’ Rasberry, Bunny Newman (Stayshyn), Jeff into the mix as an All Camp Program, First is within 5 of being full; Boys' Third is Laughton, Krista Simonett, and Kim too…can you say Swami or El Swallow?? within 15. And Boys' Second is ahead of (Kasta) Soroka. Each one of them is here last year! Yahooie! We are equally happy for a Session to return their immense talent On site we are in the midst of con- about the number of Alumni children and and experience to our program, to other structing a third Tree House in which cabin grandchildren who continue to come to staff, and to our campers. groups will be able to spend a night out. Camp. Many thanks for the continued It's in the valley between the Hogsback alumni support. They say that ‘you can never go back’ Trail and Boys' Camp Creek - a great loca- but these people and Camp have proved tion. We have also planted approximately Our summer staffing picture is similar. that old adage wrong. If you ever wish to 90 birches in Boys' Camp to make up for Eighty-four(ish) percent of our staff from do the same, it starts with a call or chat. ones we have lost over the last few years. last summer are returning for '07! All but Perhaps we can dust off the old name tag, three of the gaps left by departing staff "one more time"… Imagine working with Lots of campers, a veteran staff, unbeat- have been filled by last year's TLCs. Many Barrie Laughton in our Property able program, and a beautiful site: Yes, it's of the '07 staff are in their 5th, 6th, or 7th Department - cutting grass, hammering a going to be a great summer…and we can't years. Yahooie, again! few nails, doing garbage runs, unplugging wait! the odd toilet…or working with Jorgi in a Included in the staff team for this sum- program area, like Crestwood, SWAMP mer are some recognizable Alumni from TRADITIONS T AWINGO A LUMNI C IRCLE TAWINGO O UTDOOR C ENTRE A Winter of Summer Camp The winter season at capacity as each family settled Camp Tawingo is a wonder- into their own fully winterized ful one. Our relationship with cabin. They are relaxed, camp- snow is so different than the like weekends that provide for typical one in the city. Here, plenty of variety - from crafts we cheer when the new snow and skiing to deer-feeding and arrives to frost the trees and campfires. blanket the ground. We relish the extra layer on the trails, HILLCREST PS - Now in its the powder on the fields for thirtieth year, Hillcrest has writ- quinzhees, padding on the ten the book when it comes to Terrace tubing hill. Between providing a comprehensive and snowstorms (and sometimes consistent outdoor education during them), we welcomed program. Many of us have hundreds of campers for win- learned the ropes from the staff ter programming.
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