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Delegation for Relations with

DRAFT REPORT by Jana Hybášková Chairwoman of the Delegation for Relations with Israel

33rd Interparliamentary Meeting

European Parliament/Israel

23-25 September 2008


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The 33rd interparliamentary meeting between the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Israel and a delegation from the was held in Brussels on 24 and 25 September 2008.

There were five members in the Knesset delegation: Amira Dotan (Kadima, head of the delegation), Orit Noked (Labor), Benyamin Elon (Ichud Leumi-Mafdal), Stas Misezhnikov (Yisrael Beitenu) and Zvi Hendel (Ichud Leumi-Mafdal).

The official meeting was preceded on 23 September by an interview with the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, and a reception opening an exhibition by the Israelis entitled ‘Fulfilling the Dream’.

The official meeting was slightly curtailed because of the European Parliament’s busy schedule, and because the Israeli delegation wanted to have bilateral discussions.

The talks departed slightly from the original agenda.

Firstly, they covered the political situation, the positions of the political parties and relations with Europe. The second section covered relations between Israel and the European Union, new forms of antisemitism and the issue of refugees. Lastly, various forms and areas of cooperation between the European Parliament and the Knesset were debated.

The interparliamentary meeting was flanked by a number of bilateral discussions: with the EP delegations for relations with the PLC and the Mashreq countries, with six political groups, and with representatives of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Finally, at the Knesset’s request, there was a presentation on the application of the EMAS system in the European Parliament.

On 24 September the discussions were continued at two meals: a lunch hosted by the chairwoman of the European Parliament delegation, and a dinner hosted by Vice-President Marek Siwiec on behalf of the EP President.

Also on 24 September the Knesset delegation, sitting in the diplomats’ gallery in the hemicycle, was officially welcomed by Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament.


Jana Hybášková, chairwoman of the European Parliament delegation, officially welcomed the Knesset delegation to this 33rd meeting of the two parliaments. She congratulated the Israeli delegation on the excellent exhibition that had been jointly opened the previous evening, offering another opportunity to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel.

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Amira Dotan, on behalf of the Knesset delegation, welcomed this further meeting with her counterparts in the European Parliament, and she thanked Ms Hybášková, the chairwoman of the European Parliament delegation, for the manner in which she conducted relations between the two delegations. She stressed the importance of the political situation in her country, with Tsipi Livni seeking to form a new government following the election of her Kadima party. She reaffirmed her delegation’s desire for robust and open dialogue on both sides. She felt that dialogue could only ever be really constructive if it did not focus on one aspect such as the peace process, which was admittedly crucial, but if it looked at the State of Israel as a whole. This was how the various cultural, social and economic aspects should be approached.

Ms Hybášková proposed to concentrate on the first three items on the agenda: the situation in Israel, the EU-Israeli relationship and cooperation between the European Parliament and the Knesset. The situation in the Middle East had been and would be discussed at bilateral meetings with the EP delegations for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council and the Mashreq countries and with the six political groups.

1. Situation in Israel

First of all, Ms Dotan considered that it was in Israel’s interest for a new government to be formed reasonably soon. She pointed out that Israel was an open democracy in which everyone could express their opinion, as could be seen from the composition of the delegation, whose members she invited to speak.

Stas Misezhnikov emphasised how much the issues of the peace process and land-sharing had become an obsession. That way of thinking failed to take account of something that was, in his eyes, the essential characteristic of a State: a community of views, a feeling of citizenship. He stressed that among the million ‘Arab’ Israeli citizens, there were many who failed to demonstrate the loyalty which citizens should have towards their State and their fellow countrymen. The constant attacks proved this time and again.

That being so, the ‘two States’ solution seemed to him to be fundamentally flawed. A Palestinian State composed of ‘Arab’ citizens would have a homogeneous nature which a ‘binational’ Israeli State composed of Jews and Arabs would not. The latter would be constantly under threat from a conflict of values and mentalities.

Zbigniew Zaleski, for the EP, wanted to know the views of the other Israeli political parties on this issue.

The other members of the Knesset confirmed that their political parties were willingly taking part in the discussions on forming the new government. Zvi Hendel pointed out that the international community was paying far less attention to current political events in Israel than the size of the country warranted. Orit Noked reminded everyone of what had happened to the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who remained one of the key issues in discussions with the Palestinians.

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Ms Hybášková pointed out here that the European Parliament’s invitation to President to address the plenary still stood. The same would apply for the new head of government, once it had been formed. The European Parliament was also closely monitoring the situation of Corporal Shalit, as its resolution of 4 September 2008 showed.

On the way forward for the future, Benyamin Elon said that the expression ‘peace process’ concealed what Israel saw as its priority: safeguarding its security. The situation in this regard was not easy to analyse when a country presumed to be hostile such as Syria had a secure border, while another ‘friendly’ country like Egypt allowed arms through. A recent survey had said that 30% were now in favour of closer relations with Jordan.

Ms Dotan called for pragmatism in the face of provocation from the Palestinians and the way they kept raising the stakes. She felt that a Palestinian State with a Jewish minority was feasible, and she called on Israelis to show maturity in discussions.

2. EU-Israeli relationship

Ms Hybášková welcomed Ran Curiel, the Israeli ambassador to the European Union and NATO, and Nina Obermaier from the European Commission.

At the chairwoman’s invitation, Mr Curiel summarised developments in relations between Israel and the European Union under the Association Agreement and the new Neighbourhood Policy. Their stronger relations were the outcome of dialogue, trust and constructive criticism on all levels. The Association Council’s decision of 16 June 2008 illustrated this position, and should not be seen as a ‘conspiracy’ between Israel and the European Commission.

Mr Curiel talked about the progress achieved since the 1975 free trade agreement (strengthened in 1993) and the widening of areas of cooperation: current programmes (7th Framework Programme for Research and Development), new programmes, agencies and networks in areas such as the economic and social field, development, trade, justice/home affairs, transport, energy, information society, environment, education, etc.

Paul van Buitenen asked where EU funding for UNWRA was actually ending up. He admitted that he did not have specific information, particularly about the money getting through to Hamas. The Israeli delegation said that this was an issue for the EU to sort out; it did, however, acknowledge that there was a sort of discrimination in the way that the international community dealt with refugees. Israel was taking in third and fourth generations of refugees without receiving any sort of funding whatsoever. Ms Hybášková recalled how many Jews had been abused and driven out of Middle Eastern countries since 1967.

While recognising the need for financial aid to help the Palestinians to set up adequate administrative foundations, the Israeli delegation acknowledged that the issues raised, particularly by the UNWRA funding, were being closely monitored by a working group from the main political parties.

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Bastiaan Belder was concerned at the rise of a new form of antisemitism in a number of Member States in Europe. A debate followed on the nature of these phenomena and ways of combating them.

Pierre Schapira called for caution when categorising the ‘incidents’ referred to, since the problem lay in how the terms racism, xenophobia and antisemitism were used. He pointed out that the Member States and their local authorities were responsible for analysing and clamping down on these incidents in accordance with the relevant national legislation. The European Parliament’s political groups were keeping a close eye on the resurgence of this behaviour, particularly in some of the new Member States.

Ms Hybášková noted that the vast majority of the incidents referred to had more to do with distrust of the ‘other’, of the ‘foreign’, and so were a form of xenophobia. The situation of the Roma illustrated these abuses and the European Parliament was soon to adopt a position on the subject.

While the EU had a Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, Israel had a working group on human rights and combating antisemitism, which had contacts around the world monitoring these phenomena.

The two delegations agreed on the need to monitor the content of messages sent by modern electronic communication media, while respecting fundamental freedoms. The European Parliament had just adopted a position on the subject, to the annoyance of some Member States which wanted greater leeway to take action.

Ms Dotan acknowledged that this was a vital issue that should be discussed as widely as possible in the international community.

3. Cooperation between the European Parliament and the Knesset

At the invitation of the chairwoman, Ms Hybášková, the two delegations agreed that it would be useful to step up cooperation between the two parliaments. A certain number of topics should therefore be identified and the arrangements for cooperation decided on.

As an example, Ms Dotan underlined how interested her delegation had been in the presentation by the project leader of the application of EMAS (Environmental Management System) in the European Parliament. This was a good way to combine internal management and sound principles.

Following an exchange of views, the following areas were chosen for possible exchanges of information: research and technological development, intellectual property, monitoring the content of electronic communications, education and history.

Nutritional claims and combating obesity, historic sites, support for SMEs and music were also mentioned.

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It was proposed that videoconferencing should be used.

4. Next meeting between the two delegations

According to the European Parliament schedule for 2009 delegations would be able to travel during the weeks of 23-27 February and 6-10 April. Ms Hybášková suggested the week in February.


The chairwoman of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Israel, Ms Hybášková, closed the 33rd European Parliament/Knesset interparliamentary meeting. She reminded everyone that the Knesset delegation was to continue its bilateral meetings with the political groups the following day.

The head of the Knesset delegation, Ms Dotan, thanked the European Parliament delegation and its chairwoman for their warm welcome and the fruitful, if sometimes too short, discussions.

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Delegation for Relations with Israel


33rd EP/Israel Interparliamentary Meeting

23 September - 25 September 2008



D-IL Secretariat: Christian Garrigues Office 32886 GSM 0033 662470081 Lars Nielsen Office 42472 GSM 0478-250458 Protocol: Maravillas LEZAUN Office 43999 GSM 0498-983450

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Tuesday 23 September 2008

09:55 Arrival of the Knesset Delegation (7 members) at Brussels Airport with flight LY331

Welcomed by Protocol Service and escorted to:

Hotel Chatelain, Rue du Chatelain 17 - 1000 Bruxelles - Tél.: 02-646.00.55

15:45 Depart hotel

16:15 Arrival at the European Parliament. The Israelian Delegation will be welcomed by:

Mrs. Jana Hybásková Chair of the EP Delegation for Relations with Israel

16:30 Meeting with President of the European Parliament,

Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering Cabinet of the President - PHS11

escorted by Protocol and accompagnied by Mrs. Jana Hybásková

17:00 Introduction of the European Parliament and guided tour of the building by Protocol Service - accompagnied by Mrs. Jana Hybásková

18:00-19:00 Opening of the exhibition "Fullfilling the Dream" - Espace Distribution by

Jana HYBÁŠKOVÁ Chair of the EP delegation Amira DOTAN Chair of the Knesset delegation

19:15 Departure for restaurant

Wednesday 24 September 2008

8:30 Depart hotel to European Parliament

8:50 Arrival at ASP - Escorted to the meeting room ASP 5G2 by Protocol

9:15-9:45 Meeting with Mrs Beatrice PATRIE (PSE-F), Chairwoman and members of the Delegation for relations with Mashreq Countries

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9:45-10:15 Meeting with Kyriakos TRIANTAPHYLLIDES (GUE/NGL-CY), Chairman and members of the EP Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council: Luisa MORGANTINI (GUE/NGL- I), Vittorio PRODI (ALDE-I) 10:15-10:30 Pause


12:00-12:30 Meeting with representatives of EMAS (Environmental Management System) within European parliament - Lambert KRAEWINKELS (EMAS project manager)

12:30-13:00 Attend EP Plenary session (Diplomat's gallery). Escorted by Protocol Service. Welcomed by the Chair

13:15-14:45 Lunch hosted by Mrs. Jana HYBÁSKOVÁ, Chair of the EP Delegation for Relations with Israel

Salon Privé in Members restaurant.

15:00-15:30 Press Conference - PHS 0A50 - "Anna Politkovskaya room"

15:30-17:15 Working session EP-KNESSET: Room A5G2

17:15-17:30 Pause

17:30-18:00 Meeting with representatives of Committee on Environment, Public health and food safety: Frédérique RIES (ALDE-B-DIL), Irena BELOHORSKA (NI-SL) and Richard SEEBER (EPP/ED-A), Karsten Friedrich HOPPENSTEDT (EPP/DE-DE)

18:00-18:30 Meeting with representatives of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy Claude TURMES (Verts/ALE-L)

18:45 Return to hotel

19:45 Leave hotel for dinner

20:00 Dinner - escorted by Protocol - hosted by

Marek SIWIEC (P-PSE) Vice-President of the European Parliament on behalf of the President, Hans-Gert PÖTTERING. LA TABLE DE L'ABBAYE Rue de Bellevue 62 - 1000 BRUXELLES - Tél 02-646 33 95

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Thursday 25 September 2008

08:00 Departure to the European Parliament

08:20 Arrival at ASP - Escort to the meeting room by Protocol Service

Bilateral meetings between Knesset Members and Political Groups: Room A5G2

8:30-9:00 IND/DEM (Independence/Democracy Group in the European Parliament) Bastiaan BELDER (NL-DIL), Vladimir ZELEZNY (CS-DIL) and Patrick LOUIS (F-DMAS).

9:00-9:30 Verts/ALE (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance) Margrete AUKEN (DA-Verts/ALE), David HAMMERSTEIN (S-DIL) and Paul VAN BUITENEN (NL-DIL)

9:30-10:00 EPP-ED (Group of the European People’s Party - Christian Democrats and European Democrats) Filip KACZMAREK (P), Marian-Jean MARINESCU, Jana HYBÁŠKOVÁ (CS, DIL), Vito BONSIGNORE (I), Gay MITCHELL (IE), (DE), Ioannis KASOULIDES (CY-DPLC) and Stanisław JAŁOWIECKI (P-DIL)

10:00-10:30 GUE/NGL (Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left) Luisa MORGANTINI (VP-I-DPLC), Erik MEIJER (NL), Miguel PORTAS (P- DPLC), Feleknas UCA (DE)

10:30-11:00 ALDE (Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) Marco PANNELLA (I), Sarah LUDFORD (UK), Ignasi GUARDANS (S), Philippe MORILLON (F) and Hannu TAKKULA (FI-DIL)

11:00-11:30 PSE (Socialist Group in the European Parliament) Paolo CASACA (P), Véronique DE KEYSER (BE-DMAS), Jamila MADEIRA (P-DMAS-DPLC) Pasqualina NAPOLETANO (I-DMAG) and Paolo CASACA (P) (DE-DIL)

11:30-12:00 meeting with representatives of the Working Group on Middle East Véronique DE KEYSER (PSE-BE-DMAS) and Annemie NEYTS- UYTTEBROECK (B-ALDE)

12:30 Departure of the Knesset delegation to hotel

17:00 Departure of the delegation from Brussels Airport with flight LY334

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Delegation for Relations with Israel

33rd Interparliamentary Meeting European Parliament/Israel

Wednesday, 24 September 2008 10:30-12:00 and 15:30-17:15

Room A5G2



1. The EU-Israeli relationship: • EU/Israel Association Agreement and ENP EU-Israeli action plan: - upgrading of Association Agreement - new ENP action plan • Euro-Mediterranean partnership

2. Situation in Israel: • Political situation • Security/human rights

3. The current situation in the Middle East: • Peace process • Israel-Palestinian Authority relations • Israel-Lebanon relations • Israel-Syria relations • Nuclear non proliferation

4. The EP-Knesset parliamentary relations: • Follow-up of the last EP delegation visit to Israel • Future activities of the two delegations • Calendar for meetings in 2009

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33rd EP/Israel Interparliamentary Meeting

Tuesday 23 September 2008 to Thursday 25 September 2008


List of the Knesset Members: Parliamentary Group:

Mrs Amira DOTAN Kadima

Mrs Orit NOKED Labor

Mr Benyamin ELON Ichud Leumi-Mafdal

Mr Stas MISEZHNIKOV Israel Beiteinu

Mr Zvi HENDEL Ichud Leumi-Mafdal


Accompanying the Knesset Delegation:

Mr Ran CURIEL, ambassador Mr Boaz RODKIN, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, department relations with the EU Ms. Maya Cohen-Rahamim (Knesset secretariat)

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