Cite IV. Viet Peace Feeler
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SEE STORY BELOW Weather Snow, becoming heavy at times HOME this afternoon, ending early to- night with clearing later tonight THEDAILY and fair but very cold weather tomorrow. High today in low FINAL 10s, low tonight near 20, high to- morrow in mid 20s. Outlook Sat- urday, fair and cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 133 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Cite IV. Viet Peace Feeler VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) — Laotians were adopting a "wait officials expressed belief that ic officials in Washington would the task, possibly today. Therelfer with Prime' Minister Indira North Vietnam has asked the gov- and see attitude." Phnom Penh, the Cambodian neither confirm nor deny that was speculation elsewhere Bow- Gandhi on the question of Cam- jrnments of Laos, Cambodia and The Laotian source who re- capital, was a more likely site. Bowles is to draw the presidential Ies'~selecTion might be 'announced bodia. Burma if their capitals are avail- ported the North Vietnamese Nguyen Chan is scheduled to assignment. at Secretary of State Dean Rusk's Bowles also asked Mrs. Gandhi able for preliminary Vietnam overture said it was made on fly to Hanoi Friday to report to At issue in such talks, suggested scheduled Washington news con- if her government had received peace talks, a well informed New Year's Day by Nguyen Chan, his government. last week by the Cambodia chief ference today. any definite information from Laotian source said today. the North Vietnamese charge of state, is what U.S. officials In advance of Rusk's news con-i Hanoi that North Vietnamese leaders really were$kely to come d'affaires, who was seen in con- Bowles to Cambodia term the growing use of Cambodia ference, Bowles' ^office in New U.S. Embassy sources admitted versation with Premier Souvanna WASHINGTON (AP) — Chester as a sanctuary for North Viet- to the conference table if Amer- they had heard of the reported Phouma at Prince Souvanna's an- Bowles, U.S. ambassador to India, namese and Viet Cong troops baP Delhi denied that the ambassador ican bombings of North Vietnam approach from Hanoi, but they nual New Year's reception. will be tapped by President John- tling the United States and her had been ordered to Phnom Penh, ceased. Mrs. Gandhi's replies were noncommittal. The premier reportedly agreed son as his special envoy in talks allies in South Vietnam. the Cambodian capital, to see were not known by newsmen. High Laotian officials said they that Vientiane could be the site with Cambodia's Prince Sihanouk, The Post, quoting informed Sihanouk. But Bowles cut short Bowles, 66, has previously at- did not know how firm Hanoi's for any talks that might help end the Washington Post reports. sources, Said in today's editions a holiday in South India and tempted to restore harmony to intentions were and that the the war in Vietnam, but Laotian State Department and diplomat- that Bowles would be named for rushed back to New Delhi to con- U.S.-Cambodian relations. To Authorize State Freeway No Decision Yet On Bog Landfill Still Need Toll Bill Action MARLBORO — Coalition majority members of Town- ship Council last night denied a news account that they will WASHINGTON — New Jersey return of $14 million federal mon- bill New Jersey would use money ederal approval of the alignment. turn down a variance application to use a portion of Burnt Fly Bog as a sanitary landfill. TRANSPLANT PATIENT — Dr. Philip Blaiberg, 58, who Congressional leaders today eyed ey advanced to New Jersey in it had earmarked for the freeway Goldberg formally asked the a pending Garden State Parkway the 1940s for construction of now to build parallel free service U.S. Bureau of Public Roads to The council majority members stated that they are became world's third heart transplant patient this week, toll bill as the final step to au- free parkway seotions of the park- roads for Middlesex and Union approve reassignment of Inter- still studying the transcript of a court ordered Zoning Board is visited by wife prior to surgery in hospital in Cape thorization of a cross state free- way in Union, Middlesex, and County parkway users. state mileage and funds now al- hearing for Dominick Manzo's application to use his 133 acres in the bog as a landfill. Town, South Africa. IAP Wirephoto from NBC) way between Trenton and the Ocean Counties. As a result, a nearly three- located to Interstate 278 in Union seashore. As part of the deal, New Jer- year old plan for a Central Jer- County to the proposed 34.5-mile Stating that they have not individually or collectively President Johnson's signature sey would sell the free sections sey Expressway System, includ- freeway between Interstate 295 reached a decision on the application were Mayor Charles Tuesday on a bill by Rep. James to the New Jersey Highway Au- ing the cross state freeway and near Trenton and Route 34 near T. McCue, Council President George E. Creevy and Coun- Howard, D-N.J., permitting thority which would install tolls. a Garden State Thruway between Asbury Park. cilman Alfred L. Storer. the freeway construction, was the Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., the Woodbridge and Toms River The legislation signed by Presi They added that they were not asked any questions con- key measure. now committed to support of the areas could proceed. dent Johnson would permit reas cerning their views or how they would vote on the applica- Transplant But no work can progress, state Williams bill, had held back from At Trenton State Transporta- signment of funds from proposed tion which, for the second time within a year, gained the sources said, until the other mea- endorsement of Mr. Howard's tion Commissioner David J. Gold- 1-278 in Union County. Zoning Board's favorable recommendation. sure also is enacted. measure until a compromise was berg said the first sections of Goldberg said the departmen The article that appeared in "a county newspaper did The pending bill, offered last worked but. the socalled Trenton to the Shore already has expended more than not attribute the remarks to any named councilmen or say year by Sen. Harrison A. Wil- The agreement conceded that route could be under construc- $5 million for design and right- how many were asked. liams, Jr., D-N.J., would okay with enactment of the Howard tion by summer if there is prompt of-way acquisition for the Tren- Mr. Creevy said that the coalition councilmen realize ton-to-the-Shore road. that some groups have publicly disapproved of using the bog Man Tine' The remaining net cost of the for a landfill but that council was still reviewing the trans- CAPE TOWN (AP) - South Iday, less than 24 hours after the route is estimated at $60 million, cript of the hearing. Africa's second man to get a five-hour operation. The spokes- approximately the amount esti- While not able to give a definite date when council would transplanted heart' was reported man said he might be given Rumson Voters Reject mated for construction of seven act on the application which the Board of Adjustment for- getting along fine today. Mean- some soft-boiled egg today. miles of 1-278 in Union County, warded Sept. 5, Mr. Creevy said council hopes to reach a decision by spring. while, the National Broadcasting Blaiberg is expected to remain Goldberg noted. Co. went to court in an attempt "We do request, however, thai The Board of Adjustment hearing took several months in an oxygen tent for another last year after Superior Court Judge Elvin R. Sim'mill to protect a contract for exclu- three or four days. He was under the portion of 1-278 between Rout sive television coverage of the Proposed School Site U.S. 1 and Interstate 95, which i: remanded the • variance for additional testimony. constant observation, with checks historic medical event. now under consideration, remai After the board heard the application in 1966, council being made on his pulse rate approved it, only to have it suspended by the courts. In a morning bulletin, Groote RUMSON — The proposal to build a $1,- active campaign in favor of the referendum, on the interstate system as ai and blood pressure at least every The Purpose and Principle coalition which controls Schuur Hospital said the condi 950,000 school on Ridge Road was defeated made this statement: urban spur. This link measure, half hour. His blood gases are council has favored the landfill while council minority of tion of Dr. Philip Blaiberg, in by a three-to-one margin in yesterday's 1,4 miles and is estimated tc analyzed twice daily, and the "The residents of Rumson have stated cost $14.2 million," Goldberg said, Citizens Committee members have opposed it. whose chest the heart of a young chemical content of the blood is referendum here. they place a higher value on their individual factory worker was grafted Tues- tested every four hours. There were 476 "yes" votes and 1,417 tax bills than they do on the education of day,,"^ very good." He is mak- The hospital spokesman said "no's," more than the total vote on the last the children of the borough. This vote is not ing progress," the bulletin said. to guard against Infection and school proposal here, when Deane-Porter so much a defeat of the school board's plans "He is fully conscious.