Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock

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Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock IAEA-TECDOC-708 Improving the productivity of indigenous African livestock Results of FAO/IAEA/DGIS Co-ordinated Research Programmes organizedthe by Joint FAO/IAEA Division Nuclearof Techniques Food in Agriculture and INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY uz//A— >\ The IAEA doe t normallsno y maintain stock f reportso thin si s series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from INIS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse5 0 10 P.Ox Bo . A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders should be accompanied by prepayment of Austrian Schillings 100,- in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons which may be ordered separately from the INIS Clearinghouse. IMPROVING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF INDIGENOUS AFRICAN LIVESTOCK IAEA, VIENNA, 1993 IAEA-TECDOC-708 ISSN 1011-4289 Printed by the IAEA in Austria June 1993 FOREWORD 1987n I ,Co-ordinatea d Research Programme entitled "Improvin Productivite gth Indigenouf yo s African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and Related Techniques" was initiated by the Joint FAO/IAEA Divisio f Nucleano r Technique Foon i sAgriculturd dan e through funding provide e Netherlandth y db s Directorate Genera Developmenf lo t Co-operatio thif no s(DGIS) m Programmai e supporo .Th t s e ewa th t national agricultural research systems (the NARS f Africao ) n countrie thein i s r effort o fint s d wayf o s improving the productivity of indigenous ruminant animals (cattle, sheep and goats). Work under the NARS network whic establishes hwa d through this Programm extendes ewa furthea r dfo r three year 199n si 0 when DGIS agree funo dt follow-ua d p Co-ordinated Research Programme entitled "Improvin Productivite gth y of Indigenous African Livestock through Integrated Studies on Smallholder Farms". Through these Programmes and with additional support provided by the IAEA Department of Technical Co-operatio Joine th td FAO/IAEnan A Division, baseline parameter livestocf so k productivitd yan reproductive efficiency were obtaine varieta r dfo f locayo l breed f ruminanso t animals kep smallholdey b t r farmers and/or on NARS field stations or farms. Attempts were also made to improve productivity by introducing simple low-cost changes in feeding and/or reproductive management. This publication contain resulte sth s presente NARe th y dSb scientist participateo swh finae th ln di Research Co-ordination meetin Programmee th f go s whic hels Accrahn dwa i , Ghana, from 21-25 September 1992. Detail alse sar o technicae giveth f n o othe d lan r inputs provide assiso dt t manpowe infrastructurd ran e development withi NARe nth S which participate thesn di e Programmes hopes i t .I d that this publication will help to stimulate further research into ways of improving the efficiency and sustainability of livestock production in Africa. researce Th thir hfo s publicatio co-finances nwa Researce th y db Technologd han y Programmf eo Netherlande th s Ministe Developmenr fo r t Co-operation also owh , shares copyright. Citation is encouraged. Short excerpts may be translated and/or reproduced without prior permission, on the condition that the source is indicated. For translation and/or reproduction in whole the Section for Research and Technology Programme of the aforementioned Minister (P.O. Box 20061, 2500 EB Haguee Th ) shoul notifiee db advancen di . Responsibility for the contents and for the opinions expressed rests solely with the authors; publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Netherlands Minister for Development Co-operation. The FAO and IAEA wish to acknowledge the generous support to these Programmes provided by the Government of the Netherlands. They would also like to record the enthusiastic collaboration of all who assisted in the Programmes, and in particular the great personal commitment of Drs M. Thibier (France) and A.H. Willemse (Netherlands) in their capacity as Research Agreement holders. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this material press,the International the for staff of Atomic Energy Agency have mounted paginatedand originalthe manuscripts submittedas authorsthe givenby and some attention presentation.tothe The views expressed papers,the statementsin the general the made and style adoptedthe are responsibility namedthe of authors. necessarilyviewsnot The do reflect governmentsthosethe of of the Member States organizationsor under whose auspices manuscriptsthe were produced. thisin The bookuse of particular designations countriesof territoriesor does implynot any judgement publisher,the legalby the IAEA, to statusthe as of such countries territories,or theirof authorities institutions delimitationand the of or theirof boundaries. The mention specificof companies theirof or products brandor names does implynot any endorsement recommendationor IAEA. partthe the of on Authors themselvesare responsible obtainingfor necessarythe permission reproduceto copyright material from other sources. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 7 J.C.B. Plaizier 1. African Agricultur Contributioé th d ean f Ruminanno t Livestock ........................7 . 2. Constraints to and Opportunities for Increased Ruminant Livestock Production and Productivity .... 9 3. Strategies for Research ....................................................... 10 CO-ORDINATED RESEARCH PROGRAMMES ON IMPROVING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF INDIGENOUS AFRICAN LIVESTOCK ........................................ 13 J.C.B. Plaizier 1. Background ..............................................................3 1 . 2. Objectives of the Programmes .................................................. 14 . Implementatio3 Programmee th f no s .............................................6 1 . 3.1. Research Contract Agreementd san s .........................................6 1 . 3.2. Research Co-ordination Meetings ............................................ 17 3.3. Training Activities .....................................................7 1 . 3.4. Technical Contracts ...................................................... 18 3.5. Equipmen Technicad an t l Backstopping .......................................0 2 . 4. Conclusion Recommendationd san s .............................................0 2 . 4.1. Achievements of the Programmes ............................................ 20 4.2. Constraint Programmo st e Implementation .....................................5 2 . COUNTRY REPORTS Factors affecting the reproductive performance of Bunaji cattle under different pastoral management system Guinee th n si a savanna zon Nigerif eo a .....................................1 3 . L.O. Eduvie, E.K. Bawa, P.M. Dawuda, E.O. Oyedipe, S.A.S. Olorunju, J.O. Bale, V.O. Sekoni Croissanc t premièreee s ovulation génissa l e sd e Santa-Gertrudi Marou sa c ...................9 3 . B. Haddada, A. Lahlou-Kassi, A. Tibary, M. Thibier Reproductive performanc f Tanzaniaeo n Mpwapwa cattl t pubertea post-partud yan m ............9 4 . N.L. Kanuya, R. Nkya, B.M. Kessy Etude l'influencr ssu niveau ed u alimentaire avan réponsa l t aprèr e t s brebisu misa sl es de eba s de race Barbarin 1'"effeeà t mâle Tunisin "e e ......................................9 5 . N. Lassoued, G. Khaldi Effets de la progestérone sur la qualité du corps jaune induit par l'effet mâle chez la brebis de race Barbarin Tunisin ee e ..................................................7 6 . N. Lassoued, G. Khaldi Reproductive performanc f Zambiaeo n goats under drought conditions .......................3 7 . C.E.A. Lovelace, J.C.N. Lungu, P.O.C.S. Masebe, Sakala,B. Nyirenda,I. Slkazwe,G. K.M. Mizinga Etud l'activite ed é ovarienne cyclique che génisses zle s prépubère t chese vaches zle postpartun se m de race Zébu Gobra au Sénégal ................................................. 81 M. Mbaye, N. Ndiaye Improvin productivite gth f indigenouyo s goat Zimbabwn si e .............................1 9 . L.R. Ndlovu, LM. Sibanda Studiereproductive th n o s e performanc f indigenoueo s beef cattle breeds raised on-farm in Ghana .......................................................... 103 S.A. Osei, P.K. Karikari, A.K. Tuah, P. Gyawu, R.S. Opoku, M. Asiama, D.C. Heathcote Reproductive performance of the indigenous Zebu and Friesian x Zebu crossbred cows under small holder management condition Ethiopin si a ....................................3 11 . Tesfit Kassa, Azage Tegegne Le contrôle de la fonction sexuelle du jeune taurillon dans un programme d'insémination artificielle ....................................................1 12 . M. Thibier Pathophysiology, diagnosi therapd san ovariaf yo n disorders post-partu dairmn i y cattle ...........7 12 . A.H. Willemse Productivité et activité ovarienne de la brebis Peule dans le système d'élevage traditionnel au Niger ................................................................3 13 . Yenikoye,A. MarichatouH. Etudcroissanca l puberta e l ed e d t éee che génisses zle racee sd s trypanotolérantes N'dama et Baoulé en Côte d'Ivoire .............................................. 143 P. Yesso, C. Meyer APPENDICES Appendi : xI Validatiomeasuremene th r FAO/IAEe fo th t f no ki f progesteronA o t ARI skin ei m milk and blood plasma ................................................... 151 J.C.B. Plaizier Appendix II: Field validation of an EIA kit for progesterone measurement in milk and blood plasma . 157 J.C.B. Plaizier LIST OF PROGRAMME PARTICIPANTS .......................................... 171 INTRODUCTION J.C.B. Plaizier Animal Productio Healtd nan h Section, Joint PAO/IAEA Division
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