THE LONDON GAZETTE, 8 DECEMBER, 1933 8013 Miss CHRISTINE MARY STOCKDALE, Distribute the Assets of the Said Elizabeth Jones, Deceased
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 8 DECEMBER, 1933 8013 Miss CHRISTINE MARY STOCKDALE, distribute the assets of the said Elizabeth Jones, Deceased. deceased, .amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims or de- Pursuant to Trustee Act, 1925 (Section 27). mands of which he shall then have had notice; OTICE is hereby given that all creditors and and he will not be liable for the assets of the said N other persons having any claims or demands Elizabeth Jones, deceased, or any part thereof, - against the estate of Christine Mary Stockdale, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose late of Alma Clocolan, Ladybrand District,, Pro- claims and demands he shall not then have had vince of the Orange Free State, in the Union of notice.—Dated this 5th day of December, 1933. South Africa, Spinster, who died on the 24th day STAFF URTH and BRAY, York Road Cham- of February, 1933, at The Old Manor, Salisbury, bers, Bognor Regis, Sussex, Solicitors for Wiltshire, England, and to whose estate letters (183) the said Executor. of administration (with the Will annexed) were granted out of the Principal Probate Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 23rd day of November, 1933, to Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Over- ALICE LOUISE SLADE, Deceased. seas), the lawful Attorney of Fanny Odling (Sister Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. of deceased), and Henry Walter Stockdale OTICE is hereby given that all persona (Brother of deceased), the executors named in the N having any claim against the estate of Alice said Will of the deceased, are hereby required Louise Slade, late of 27, The Oval, Bethnal to send particulars, in writing, to the Trustee Green, London, Widow, deceased (.who died on the Department, Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial 31st October, 1933, and letters of administration and Overseas), 37, King William Street, London, of whose estate were granted out of the Principal E.C.4, or to the undersigned, on or before the Probate Registry on the 28th November, 1933, to ninth day of February, one thousand nine hundred Alfred Ernest Nicholson), are hereby required to and thirty-four, after which date the said adminis- send particulars, in writing, of their claims to us, trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the the undersigned, Solicitors for the said adminis- said deceased amongst the persons entitled trator, on or before the 12th February, 1934, after thereto, having regard only to the claims or de- which date the administrator will distribute the mands then notified j and will not be liable for assets of the deceased amongst the persons the assets of the deceased, or any part thereof, entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims so distributed, to any person of whose claims or of which he shall then have had notice.—Dated demands they shall not then have had notice.— this 6th day of December, 1933. Dated this sixth day of December, 1933. CROSSFIELD, GUSHING and WHELDON, DTJRRANT COOPER and HAMBLING, 70-71, 354, Hackney Road, London, E.2, Solicitors Gracechurch Street, London, E.C.3, Solici- (139) for the Administrator. (138) tors for the Administrator. CHARLOTTE MARGARET BRACE, Deceased. Re The Right Reverend Monsignor RICHARD Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. BARRY-DOYLE, Deceased. OTICE is hereby given that all persons having Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. N any claims against the estate of Charlotte OTICE is hereby given that all creditors and Margaret Brace, late of 51, St. Mary Abbots N other persons having any debts, claims or Court, Kensington, in the county of Middlesex, demands against the estate of The Right Reverend formerly of 3, Thurloe Court, in the said county, Monsignor Richard Barry-Doyle, late of St. Spinster, deceased, who died on the 17th day of Peters, 8, King Richards Road, in the city of September, 1933, and whose Will was proved in Leicester, Roman Catholic Priest, deceased (who the Principal Probate Registry on the 25th day died on the 8th day of March, 1933), and whose of November, 1933, by National Provincial Bank Will was (proved in the Leicester District Registry Limited, the sole executor therein named, are of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High hereby required to send the particulars, in writ- Court of Justice on the 10th day of October, 1933, ing, of their claims to us, the undersigned, as by Joseph IFrancis Moore, the sole executor Solicitors for the said executor, on or before the therein named, are hereby requested to send in 9th day of February, 1934, after which date the the particulars of their debts, claims or demands said executor will proceed to distribute the assets to us, the undersigned the Solicitors for the of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled said executor, on or before the 15th day of thereto, having regard only to the claims of which February, 1934, after which date the said execu- the said executor shall then have had notice.— tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Datf.d this 5th day of December, 1933. said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, CORBOULD RIGBY and CO., 50, Welbeck having regard only to the claims and demands of Street, London. W.I. Solicitors for the said which he shall then have had notice; and he will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, (184) Executor. or any part thereof, so distributed, to any per- son or persons of whose debts, claims or demands he shall not then have had notice. ROBERT ALEXANDER CRESWALD SMITH, HERBERT SIMPSON and CO., 11, Bowling Green Street, Leicester, Solicitors for the Deceased. (126) said Executor. Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. OTICE is hereby given that all persons having N any claims against the estate of Robert Alexander Creswald Smith, late of 4"00, Park Re ELIZABETH JONES, Deceased. Avenue, New York, in the United States or L'ursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. America, Retired Company Director, who died OTICE is hereby given that all creditors and on the 27th day of July, 1933, are hereby required N other persons having any debts, claims or to send particulars, in writing, of their claims to demands against the estate of Elizabeth Jones, us, the undersigned, on or before the 12th day late of No. 2, Argyle Terrace, Argyle Road, Bog- of February, 1934, after which date the estate npr Regie, in the county of Sussex, Widow, who will be distributed among the parties entitled died on the 16th day of July, 1933, and whose thereto, having regard only to the claims of which Will was proved in the Principal Probate Registry notice shall then have been received.—Dated thi& on the 1st day of September, 1933, by Charles Rth day of December, 1933. Reynolds, the surviving executor therein named, LINKLATERS and PAINES, 2, Bond Court, are hereby required to send particulars, in writ- Walbrook, E.C.4, Solicitors for Roland ing, of their debts, claims or demands to us, the Herbert Oxley and Arthur William Mellows, undersigned, on or before the 15th day of both of 26, Old Broad Street, in the city February, 1934, at the undermentioned address, of London, the Administrators of the after which date the said executor will proceed to (240> Estate. No. 34003 B.