
PAGE 8 THE BEATTLE STAR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 192f. Along Seattle's auto row WHAT TYPE OF ZEROLENE MAKERS SHOW USE ON BUICK HAVE YOU? 'Em Over and Figure FREE!! 1Re-cover n Look It Out

If you would be a motorUt of the flrrt elaaa. you ehould t>* *bln to "talk automobile" of tha hlshaat I Your OldV typa Vor Inatanoa, what good mo (orlit would think of aalllnc a cloaed ?mall ear with cullapalbl* top a couplet? Thar* ar* *o many distinction* In \u25a0y jn motor ear* that John J. Ida, auto mobile body deaUmor. propoaa* th« foliowin* lUrt of nam** for tha varloua typo* of automobile* *aan on tha road*: a te Buy : Body with parma |J] nent **al*for two or thra* paraona. Witt or without auxiliary aaat In JHlU^Ne*Need> New Oae roar. N B : Body with front and r*ar permanent aaat* for four paraona. \u25a0U a HKOTnuna oitttt hiko a raw top |1 or mora ! I AT IKAU COST 7" 1 II : Kncloeed ear far tw* or i B If rmir lop ku bwom« ««?. I \u25a0 thro* paraona Hifd tog, : Maa front and rear M | (tlckl; rut»r« both Lfl permanent \u25a0<*!? fnr four or Ihora IXMn-d. Dally, er every It* mltu. pour froth ZtrMont He. I lot* crepkceee thra filter pip* **UI *ll level indi- ?fllcuoi'r and appearance I people. *ll enelnned In ona compart cator |* rrenbte** tbowt full,'* er te h*i(ht ef ell try *eek ** aide ef or*jikc**a Av*ld oxrftllia*. Dally, ar *v*ry Ml (Hutted tap This mile* ?baft* ef Touring I I *«rj upon KJ VALVE HK'tU turn 1. tot fill tka FORD 111 until top. r***rvoir*I* rocker arm ea ea- CAR ment. Fixed kje putt in* os oae JIAI I \u25a0 (tat alt* £*rol*a* No. t, utln* ell iqairt *vn far Ihlt purpaee. kM4)r-Ht4< Top I \u25a0 BROUGHAM: Rear only anetoaad * \u25a0 I B*-covar- . rAM?d. Ktery l.ltt nlle* rema«* pia* in fe* k*k to 4 lajeet nail latul *fKaraleae Kt V Be ewe la >\u25a0*!*\u25a0\u25a0 pie* IIJ lie Outfit*. No pormanent cover om front Hnr*l>. and TtMINd Mill 1 te* me4ttt prior te entr). Veery |tt nmatt \u25a0\u25a0>*" rMk FkN wW»I n«ih .....) r.i* I Fixed top no *lda window* be- 111 l mllee wtn§ pte* n Itfl-haad Ma ef Halaf **ar Intf\u25a0 Makbn CMt r«H IMlta* Mint I A-T» I hind rear door*. tee*, ml with *ll ***Intert ekeut eee-ktlf pint of freek t*'«liM tr***ml**lea lubricant "A." BIJKTBjr * M laiuttn Onia Uilln wiitw oartflt § M* I I Broupti OSmATOk Wvery It* mile* IriJH f*« drop* at Korolon* Nn. I tore otter e* tide ef *letrfk«ter beaeta*, IIIbIUUm etala UMIMfInH*i wWH Ill* Ml QUARTER A Koery l.ttt rillm fill heutl** tarreundm* 4leinkuier ln«« *eer* with (roan tereleee cue freaee, lejeetle* tame thr* an with *l«\u25a0*.«. .IIUC I 1 I thr* etlor on reer tnd of pentraler. It UilWf ,MM \u25a0 I door*. I \u25a0 IMirmriu. will ?minu UIUI HOt llHO?lt. »*eey It* mOa retaeot en *ap tap a* kancle* **4 |***rt tr*ek Zereleaa UaJttntlt Mb Huntll Mrtii.Snli Iwltw Wl ni Quarter Bmuftiam tlea lakrtoent "A" eatll peelUire that kewtm* It fall. with ftxad top over front seat. TkAKMIMIOX?Ii Ivery Itt mllee remove ell level pie* o* tt*e ef Ivantmlate* nee*. aeA If aa efl taaa aat aaa oU LIMOUSINE; An an (iie to ln)e*i (roth Kteelta* trenemieMon luprlrenl "A" *at to epealn*. 1 I WMMWHiP I I In double I It *e*tee overflew thr* eloaad. Front and raar aa pa rated \u25a0 \u25a0A» AII.B MOI'IIKO-11. e«erv I*l mllet remove ell levtl plu* In rear ef heuein*. en*. If \u25a0« efl rone eat, ***en (1 by dlvlelon. ruad I"P. tun te injeal fr**h Kerulent iroorrnleoloo lubrtrent "A" *ntl| it fcaflnt to thru opoein* men roptave ptu* At Klaea \u25a0he eerne time rvmeve ro»er on plalo* IT, enjr * *ire wick thru tho bolta %

    "aaort- cloaed one compartment. Vor BP. A H Akl.K mitin *BAT*?if, 11. Kvtry Itt mtlte lift tap ef efl eupt tad fin with Zereleaa Ka a.lee tee tfea felt 1 B . In A h "toe45c fl to po.hoto to horvmt oel ?,.Bt of IB four or mora. Raar collapsible. Ml thurvlr ura ted. In brougham, WHSKI, *?. B»«ry I,MI mtlot remove ahoola aad week hotrtn** ta* babe thereto with Pearl ol} rkere. Laudaulet Like eonai. Hot**4 h boko with frv*h rap r«e*e en 4 bMrtn*t Karole** ( aad rvpler* wbv.it. bol** cartful to *m proper *4 nd f.. whteh W I I except raar U collapatbl*. juoKuoni e* wbvol peerlnca \u25a0 UfWH r" '.l c»" aopplr r»q at s ta*- IU LAUDAULET Laa nriUMO IfAtM?II. H Bvory It* or eprtny* tqaoek, *pply I «' par ef *t*ade>nu*ohold lubrtceat bandy tan with aKecbod. ocm rmicM. liaXA.l* fir*. Daily, or o »ry lit mlloa tan. |.w> all *rv*ee cupe from one te two eetaplett twaa rwpe wttk MtaSS Limousine-Laudaulet: Quar cup tafim** PU W] frvoh A#r«lont *roeo* wtion empty Pent lubrto*ted by rre«te cupo ero ea foiiewt; Mteennt «"ar dm* nob. II: at*orla* ter landauJat with ftxad lop over crno* ll*rod. It. vprtn* b*l'*. I, 11. 11. 11, |a. ft. It. It. breh« and clutch pedal* II: etutofe rwtreee fora pi*. II; chiteb rw- c)' r*t*ta*r $5O Ip leaee b*arln* Hi brak* \u25a0b*tla. It. 11. 11, II; aiartvr aiidm* evert. 10. tp..d.ui.cto* eetvel Joint. A CASH B J $B.BO !\u25a0< front aeat. IN MONTHLY 130 "II Bj double limousine PRIZES axeapt Let: Uke double limouata* let with *tda window* bahlr.d door* rear la onllapalbla. CABRIOIJCT; dou couplet. Uk* coup* excapt DOI'HJK Uke 9 WESTERN AITO SVPPLY CO. N whole top la colUptrtbla. bla Umouabl*, top enUraly oullapal sedan-cabriolet Uk* a* Ma. Auto talk Hj & "VMS" 'ln% except 1* ootlap*!- j M M»*«u Ptka lu-u m. nka WaMlafc* At*, I dan. top entirely ||* ?( IgnlUan LA* brcmftiam, lap Mm Hm Ml Im ROAD AN ARKANGKMKNT ku ba>an Cabriolet: perfected (or ad- entirety troabl* ma*n* that ipark plufa arc I imkmi the brakes oolUpatbte. ihrmttlfM. rljtii. just QUARTeR CABRIOLET: Oikrt» not work In* ? ? ? BtftlElfN mm m parts use* water- king county road bulletin cooled automobiles are not uMd on air cooled cara> , a ? a Wmk Sag* gas*! It, lltl. THKRJTS KNOIGII raw material OUVB. KOAOI In Uiia country to provide gasoline MaOwMeae for HI ran. Uae IMaaa Ttaaaaa Mlghtta#?*eag% a ? ? g«a«aa gataai Jmtlaa Kaa e»w ale 4>laa« Tlfll TOTAI< raloa of eutorao bUaa ana acoaaaorlaa exportad from rJ"f"«!aftd aeMTrm. the I'm tad tftataa In lttt was 1371.- Maeia Miaal nir. 040,000. Kaal Maali Vellsr?Clseed. Use «a- ? ? ? --< 'our io aortfc la Xe'r In roMi* oar b« youra. (Ml Now r«nrr*to po*omo«>t ?V 4ml 100 A OOAT of uttana *tnWi win Tops ?Tires train RiatN to O?op*n OfftVll ?Electricians top and win- ' .»Md for ro«;nf l)*ifk«ir vim elaan curtain* celluloid r««4 rvsnlnf »i«t ot aM of ?orommt dow*. a a a *»** for #l»« inlln; thooo north to Iwtquth. Umlmb hwi r>m«ri|T McCtolUn Put IILACK KXHArST *en Ota w.swan high**?. #«rril"«»t roadltlmi 0pgft to uii c nfmvl H.rr.rt u< rik«. hMM la too In gaaollne; iIMLr-vvMT 11 ims ncs e3 i\h\r »«.k» /»s\ \ Itolnlor Natlonol por* l»o«t t«n ihllm mixture rich gray $5O Cash WW \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 / N ?« rl»or.) eghauat, Prizes \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 iB root* flavmclft* te Oroon Wotor too much oil. a * SvlvWMw v |i | |i J Vm r i | jf| k.\ #isa Illm 1 WILL BE AS I I All modo o round Knt|tnc.l««r ?»r«|ltnt ? ? ? AWARDED FOLLOWS: in King BU*«« f*MMiftiMf?*»ort»©n rraiWTltlAMt Washington Fbat 0 V ... pwit,m abov* fnrioa folr. I>uo to 10000 Prize . , ? iL?jir r«nnlf 125.00 Is Wl|| In ploroo. w«« ? U«nL Lomi the oppoalta direction. Sixth Prize J. JL C*. ? MUM ? ;So TTrTc grovol b«r<>iu| Hough. a I S \Jllo ALL FAVKP ItOADfl IH GOOD at of monthly contest yon NKARLY OXK million tana of ir the close the hare the moot votes to your Chorry T COMDITIOSV credit, yog will prise 700 12th Are., Cor. 1431-33 BROADWAY nMw Mmta ««n stael were need In the construction reoelve the ftrst of »js.oo In eosh; tf yon have the *- tlAwwlBw* Bee*?lfew fifwntfil you u? \u25a0\u25a0 - V *? _' aeoond mo»t votes. will receive the prtie J O| of autoroobitaa In lUO. second of fi.oo In |UB««M miiIBW (HMI We>-lr ? ? a and eo on until the s£o.oo in c**h prlaea have boon awarded. croto ptvtinanl op«»n for Continu- TIIKkE 18 a little over one auto- ous oonoroto rood from Hon too to Mnuni> nr»t of an, r' *ho coupon below - mobile death to every 1,000 la and mall the roteo to the Contest 6 qUw ri§ Xont and Auburn. Manager, care 1 deettie Star, give ' which will you | 11 vn?«»oniM' VMlioa lolMK)Now poromoat opon. th'a oountry. a dandy atari. Then IDEALREPAIR crSKS-T Tm Cm MMIt all l®""*® TmmH In INI, read of the advertisements on these two pajres I \u25a0a I For furtbor loformotlon oall Mill e a and see if there something you Then go your tait LoooJ 31 WAR need. to friends who own automobile* and THE department turned hnve them do all of their buying through CO., Inc. GRINDING over is.too motor trucks to the these advertisements and set WS,Z£\ their votes You will be wurprtred how quickly you A- O. aCOTT. Mmr. GIAH UTIHO Jcll^HlWl^arf poatal department will have several frri PMMMHmLmKmm a a a sand votes to your credit and be among the leader*. Don't Get Soaked I «-i-« LOOSEN'EM ALWAYS CVRJtT a spare bnlb This la an opportunity yoq cannot afford to overlook, and by an Every Time i for the headlights. ? mall the coupon today and get in on the ground floor. It Rain. \SZXZL I I a a e ?"'?nrfr^TMcSllil _ »?»otnKre-i... .. I CRAMP pickard & traill aan b« loosraod without much effort ing the car at the cnrK \u25a0\u25a0at««.Er«sr.u MACHINE WORKS by pLuclng two wrvnnhM on the part a a a r. "*? M#l ** pike _\u25a0»?»\u25a0 n«t««a. w«r **j; -1 FAIR ELL LIMIEK THERE ARB motor uprne 1000-ioii b. BT. «» 60. 44 \u25a0\u25a0 Plfca in. PM«. &rt W PETTKK. W LKH « J | Wwllakt KllfM l

    Blm nt" \u25a0 ", ?| ,* u t Kendr?, l.aaipa, Via. vjlmb QA M 19 H 4697 Mr ib .. ...» i*i"®» lI#e 106 *eauw MovMnicil SEATTLERI DlATOR & rl eA' and Like Electrical Miehiae Co. .... ????*? ADDRESS. \u25a0*«>?* DLP LfiS. JJSJT * ...... * FERRER WORKS UH Wcallakc S. Garflalg ?^^i ilMtroplatioc 00. AalMWtltt lUMtrldau. OMi NoUra: Contutuu ara atlowad anly eo» Mm coupon and «IO ut . ha ,