Editors: Detlef Nogala Thomas Görgen 4 Nr. Edition Special Conference Justyna Jurczak Bence Mészáros Peter Neyroud Lucia G. País Barbora Vegrichtová EUROPEAN LAW ENFORCEMENT RESEARCH BULLETIN EDITION NR. 4 – SPECIAL CONFERENCE EUROPEAN LAW EUROPEAN LAW ENFORCEMENT RESEARCH BULLETIN Innovations in Law Enforcement – Implications for practice, education and civil society Editors: Detlef Nogala Thomas Görgen Justyna Jurczak Bence Mészáros Peter Neyroud Lucia G. País Barbora Vegrichtová EUROPEAN LAW ENFORCEMENT RESEARCH BULLETIN Special Conference Edition Nr. 4 Also published online: Current issues and the archive of previous Bulletins are available from the journal's homepage https://bulletin.cepol.europa.eu. (Continues from the previous title European Police Research and Science Bulletin) Editors for this Special Conference Edition: Dr. Detlef Nogala (CEPOL – European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training) Prof. Thomas Görgen (German Police University, Münster, Germany) Dr. Justyna Jurczak (Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland) Dr. Bence Mészáros (National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary) Dr. Peter Neyroud (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) Prof. Lucia G. País (Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna, Lisbon, Portugal) Barbora Vegrichtová PhD (Czech Republic) Published by: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) (Acting Executive Director: Dr. h.c Detlef Schröder) Readers are invited to send any comments to the journal’s editorial mailbox:
[email protected] For guidance on how to publish in the European Police Science and Research Bulletin: https://bulletin.cepol.europa.eu/index.php/bulletin/information/authors Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles and contributions in the European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin shall be taken by no means for those of the publisher, the editors or the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training.