1.05.2020 1 Drug / Substance

 Drug: Substances or products used to alter or examine physiological systems and pathological conditions, or to prevent the occurrence of a disease. They show pharmacological activity.

 Addictive substance: They are products that show pharmacological activity but are not used as drugs and have the potential to create addiction.

1.05.2020 2 Drug / Substance Addiction

 Feeling the delightful psychic effects of the substance resulting from an interaction between a psychoactive substance/drug and CNS,

 To prevent the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the substance is not found or discontinued,

 It is a behavioral disorder characterized by continued use of the substance despite the psychic and physical ill effects.

1.05.2020 3 Addiction criteria

 To increase the dosage and duration of use

 Failure to reduce or discontinue to use

 Excessive time spent on obtaining, using, or getting rid of its effects

 Symptoms of poisoning or withdrawal

 Neglect of social and professional activities

1.05.2020 4 Addiction criteria

 Continue to use despite the substance's bad effects.

 Development of significant tolerance to substance.

 Frequent use of the substance to get rid of withdrawal symptoms.

1.05.2020 5  Gradually increasing amount of substances despite problems.

 Unsuccessful attempts to quit.

 Spending so much time in supplying, consuming or quitting a substance.

 Reducing or leaving social, vocational or leisure activities.

An addict is a person who has at least three of the following list within 12 months.

1.05.2020 6 Features of addictive substances / drugs

‘Psychotropic’ Psychoactive’

 Psychic stimulation or depression.

 Perception, temperament and behavior disorder.

 Mental and motor dysfunction are observed.

1.05.2020 7 Addictive substances / drugs

 Euphoria (enjoyment)

 Rewarding effect

 Reinforcer effect

 Psychic (psychological) addiction may occur.

 Physical (physiological) addiction may occur. Abstinence syndrome

 Sleep disturbance, insomnia

 Hyperactivity

 Increased sensitivity to pain

 Increased sympathetic activity (tremor etc.) 1.05.2020 8 Rewarding/Promoting effetcs

 The positive effects of the drug on mental state and behavior encourage the desire to use the drug / substance again. The unpleasant effects that occur when not used also force the person to take drugs / substances.

 Anxiety

 Discomfort, ailment

 Tachycardia

 Other symptons related with abstinence

1.05.2020 9 Tolerance

 Tolerance occurs to most addictive substances / drugs

 Morphine

 Amphetamine

 Barbiturades

 Volatile solvent


 Hashish

 Cocaine

 Khat 10 Tolerance

 For Morphine

 Tolerance develops for analgesic effect.

 No tolerance was observed for myosis

 For Cocaine

 Tolerance to euphoria, sympathomimetic and cardiovascular effects develops.

 Tolerance to psychotic effects (anxiety, paranoid behavior, stereotypical movements, visual and tactile hallucinations) does not develop.

1.05.2020 11 Cross tolerance

 If tolerance to one of the drugs in the same pharmacological group has developed, tolerance will develop against other drugs in that group.


 Cross-tolerance can also occur between drug groups and substances.

 Alcohol-Barbiturades--Other hypnosedatives

1.05.2020 12 Psychic addiction

 It is seen in all drug/substance addictions.

 * Psychic craving against medicine and unhappiness when it can't get it

 * drug seeking behavior

 If there is only psychic addiction, withdrawal syndrome does not occur when the drug is stopped (hashish, LSD, Khat).

1.05.2020 13 Physical addiction

 It is the psychic and somatic symptoms that occur as a result of the reduction, discontinuation or administration of the pharmacological antagonist.

 It usually accompanies psychic addiction.

 It is a separate event from psychic addiction.

 Withdrawal syndrome occurs when the drug is stopped.

1.05.2020 14 Abstinence syndrome

 It encourages the drug to be taken again.

 The severity of withdrawal syndrome indicates the degree of physical addiction.

1.05.2020 15 Abstinence syndrome

 Anxiety, dysphoria, sleep disturbance

 Drug seeking, concentration impairment

 Lacrimation, rhinore

 Hyperpyrexia, sweating

 Irritability, overeating

 Seizures

 Delirium

 Mortality1.05.2020 in some cases 16 Addiction types (WHO)

1- Morphine (Heroin, 5- Amphetamin phentanyl, codeine) 6- Cocaine 2- Alcohol 7- Hashish/Marihuana 3- Barbiturades 8- Halusinogen / Psychedelic (hypnotics, 9- Khat tranquilizing) 10- Volatile solvent 4- Tobacco

1.05.2020 17 Very Strong Addicitive Substance

o Morphine (Psy/Phys) o Heroine (Psy/Phys) o Cocaine (Psy/Phys?) o (tobacco) (Psy/Phys)

1.05.2020 18 Strong Addicitive Substance

o Alcohol (Psy/Phys) o Barbiturades (Psy/Phys) o Volatile solvents (Psy/Phys) o Amphetamins (Psy/Phys)

1.05.2020 19 Medium Strong Addicitive Substance

o Benzodiazepines (Psy/Phys) o Metaqualon (Psy/Phys) o Glutetimid (Psy/Phys)

1.05.2020 20 Weak Addicitive Substance

 LSD (Psy)

 Mescaline (Psy)

 Hashish (Psy)

 Caffeine (Psy)

1.05.2020 21 Morphine type addiciton

 Strong psychic addiction

 Physical addiction and tolerance

 Develops Abstinence syndrome

 Morphine

 Heroin (diethylmorphine-lipophilic)

 Oxicodon

 Codeine

 Meperidine

1.05.2020 22 Psychic effects

 Euphoria

 Lethargy and sedation

 Stupor (= numbness, drowsiness)

 Analgesia

1.05.2020 23 Abstinence syndrome

 Yawning, lacrimation

 Runny nose, sneeze

 Restlessness, tremor, sweating

 Anxiety, sleep disturbance, anorexia

 Vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration

 ‘Cold turkey’

 Heart and breathing acceleration

 Abdominal and muscle cramps 1.05.2020 24 Cocaine - effects

 Cocaine is obtained from leaves of Erythroxylon coca plant.

 Euphoria

 CNS stimulation

 Increnet of heartbeat

 Hypertension, arryhtms

 Increment of sexual activity

1.05.2020 25 Cocaine – Effects of in chronic use

 Various infections

 Skin abscess

 Nasal septum perforation

 Epileptic seizures

 Migraine

 Tics

1.05.2020 26 Hallucinogen/Psychodelics

 LSD (Lisergic acid diethylamide)

 Psilocin, psilocibin

 DMT, DET (triptamin derivatives)

 Mescaline

 Biperidene (Akineton®)

 Phencyclidine (PCP; angel dust)

1.05.2020 27 LSD / Effects

 Hallucination

 Impairment of time perception ability

 Visiul impairment

 Thinking difficulties

 Sympathetic hyperactivity

 Use: Oral route

1.05.2020 28 Cannabis/Esrar (hashish; cannabis)

 Marijuana, Hashish oil  Active stuff: Cannabinoidler- 11 derivatives

 delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (psychoactive + antiemetic)

 Oral administration  Inhalation route in the cigarette

1.05.2020 29 Cannabis/Effects Lethargy, sedation Euphoria, uncontrollable laughing Disappearance emotional exhaustion (disinhibition) Decrement in psychomotor performance

Use by oral or inhalation Strong psychic addiction Abstinence symptoms (low grade): Anxiety, depression, sleep distubances, anorexia, irritability1.05.2020 , tremor, sweating, nausea, restlessness30. Synthetic cannabinoids

 Illegal products such as «Bonsai» and «Jamaika» .

 These products are marketed under names such as “legal highs, herbal highs, designer drugs, party pills”.

 They are available in the form of powder, christal, tablet, capsule, liquid, cannabis cigarette, mixed cigarette, herbal mixture, products impregnated on blotter paper.

1.05.2020 31 Toxic effects

 Euphoria  Nausea, vomiting,

 Increased curiosity sweating

 Over empathy  Agitation, confusion

 Social interaction  Respiratory depression

 the sedation  Acute renal failure

 Hypothermia, analgesia,  Hypokalemi to catalepsy and immobility  acidosis

 Acute MI 1.05.2020 32 ECSTASY (EXTACY)

 It was used as an adjunct in psychotherapy in the 1970s.

 It started to be used by addicts in the 1980s.

 They resembles to the amphetamis as chemical structure.

 Chemical name: MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy methyl amphetamine)

1.05.2020 33 Ecstacy

 Ecstasy is available in the form of white, brown, pink or yellow tablets or capsules.  Ecstasy causes the release of substances called dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain. Ecstasy also leads to release of serotonin.  It can cause hyperthermia, dehydration and arrhythmia in the heart.

1.05.2020 34 AMPHETAMIS and derivatives

 Metamphetamine (Methedrin,‘speed’, ‘crystal’)

 Dietilproprion

 Phenthermine

 Phenmetrazine

 Chlorfentermine

 Phenfluramine

1.05.2020 35 Pharmacological effects

 Euphoria

 Increased energy, attention and concentration

 High self-confidence

 Decrement of starving and tiredness

 Exibition of sexual desires

 Increment of systemic blood pressure

 Hypereactivity, restlessness, anxiety

1.05.2020 36 Volatile substance addiciton

 Liquid general anesthetics (ether, )

, gasoline of lighther

 Benzol and (vehicle of adhesive substance) Thinner

 Carbon tetrachloride

 LPG (liquid petrol gase) and other volatile solvents

1.05.2020 37 Psychic effects

 Inhalation in amounts without losing consciousness, can create a state of euphoria and relaxation, similar to alcohol intoxication.

1.05.2020 38 Thinner

 Legal substances/products.

 Cheap and easy to find

 Therefore, it is frequently used by the poor and young people.

 %90 toluene + %9 ethylacetate + <%1 benzol

1.05.2020 39 Secondary diseases

 AIDS (Acquired Immun Deficiency Syndrome)

-kidney diseases

 Anxiety-depression

 Psychosis

 Cancer

 Permanent brain damage

1.05.2020 40 Treatment

 There is no rational and definitive treatment for drug/substance addiction.

 Treatment

 Isolation

 Detoxification

 Rehabilitation

1.05.2020 41 Treatment (alcohol addiction)

 Disulfiram (Antabus® tablet) Inhibits aldehyde dehyrogenase and causes nausea.

 Oral administration.

 Uses in motivated persons.

 No alcohol comsuption during therapy.

 Acamprosate (Campral® tablet) (analog of GABA)

 Oral administration.

 Uses in motivated persons

 No alcohol comsuption during therapy.

 Naltrexone1.05.2020 (opioid-alcohol addiction therapy) 42 Treatment

 Methadone (replacement treatment of opioid addiciton)

 Buprenorfin + Naloxon (replacement treatment of opioid addiciton) ®  Suboxon sublingual tablet Buprenorfin+Naloxon (2 /0,5 mg)

 Naltrexon (opioid-alcohol addiction therapy) ®  Nalplant Implant Pellet (1000 mg naltrexone) ®  Ethylex film coated tablet 50 mg

1.05.2020 43 Treatment


 Benzodiazepines (in various addiciton type)

 Diazepam

1.05.2020 44 Nicotine addiction therapy

 Varenicline (partial nicotinic )

(antidepresan like effect)

 Nicotine replacement treatment (NRT)

 Gum (Nicorette® Gum, 2 mg) 8-12 gum/day .

 Lozenge (Niquitin® pastil 2/4 mg)

 Sublingual tablet (Nicorette® SL tablet, 2 mg)

 Flaster (Nicorette® Transdermal flaster, 2 mg)

1.05.2020 45