Flora Fauna Survey

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Flora Fauna Survey Appendix F – Flora and Fauna Survey (Feb. 2019) Proposed Motorsport Park Lot 5780 Down Road, Drome WA 6330 Reconnaissance Flora and Level 1 Fauna Survey Report Bio Diverse Solutions FINAL V1 07/02/2019 MSC0137-002 7 February 2019 i Lot 5780 Down Road, Drome WA – Reconnaissance Flora and Level 1 Fauna Survey DOCUMENT CONTROL Title: Reconnaissance Flora & Level 1 Fauna Survey, Lot 5780 Down Road, Drome WA Author (s): Bianca Theyer Reviewer (s): K. Kinnear, K. Bain, E. Hickman, C. Cramer Job No.: MSC0137-002 Client: City of Albany REVISION RECORD Revision Summary Revised By Date DRAFT ID V1 - 4/12/2018 Internal Technical Review K. Bain & E. Hickman 7/12/2018 DRAFT ID V2 - 11/12/2018 Internal QA K. Kinnear 12/12/2018 DRAFT ID V3 – 13/12/2018 Updates as per Internal reviews B. Theyer 13/12/2018 DRAFT ID V3 – 14/12/2018 Submitted to Client for review B. Theyer 14/12/2018 DRAFT ID V4 – 06/02/2019 Updates as per client review B. Theyer 06/02/2019 DRAFT ID V4 – 06/02/2019 Internal QA C. Cramer 07/02/2019 Updates as per internal QA and FINAL ID V1 07/02/2019 submitted to Client as final. K. Kinnear 07/02/2019 Bio Diverse Solutions 29 Hercules Crescent Albany WA 6330 08 9842 1575 www.biodiversesolutions.com.au ABN 48 138 824 272 © Copyright: This document has been prepared by Bio Diverse Solutions for use by the client only, in accordance with the terms of engagement, and only for the purpose for which it was prepared. Disclaimer This document may only be used for the purposes for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the Terms of Engagement for the commission. Unauthorised copying or use of this document in for whatsoever is prohibited. Any Representation, statement, opinion and advice expressed or implied in this document is made in good faith, and on the basis, that Bio Diverse Solutions is not liable for any damage or losses whatsoever which may occur as a result of action taken or not taken (as the case may be) in respect of any representation, statement, opinion of advice referred herein. MSC0137-002 7 February 2019 i Lot 5780 Down Road, Drome WA – Reconnaissance Flora and Level 1 Fauna Survey TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction, scope and background information ....................................................................................... 1 1.1. Site location and Development Proposal ................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Geology and soils ...................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3. Climate ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4. Water ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.5. Existing Land use ....................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Desktop Flora and Vegetation Values ........................................................................................................ 4 2.1. Remnant Vegetation .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2. Albany Regional Vegetation Survey (ARVS) ............................................................................................. 4 2.3. Survey Methods ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.4. Threatened Flora ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.5. Threatened Ecological Communities ......................................................................................................... 5 2.5.1. Subtropical and Temperate Coastal Saltmarsh ......................................................................................... 5 2.5.2. The Proteaceae Dominated Kwongkan Shrublands of the Southeast Coastal Floristic Province of Western Australia ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.6. Survey Limitations and constraints ............................................................................................................ 6 3. Flora and vegetation survey outcomes ...................................................................................................... 7 3.1. Vegetation types ...................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1.1. Vegetation Type 1 - Jarrah/Marri/Sheoak Laterite Forest ........................................................................ 11 3.1.2. Vegetation Type 2 - Jarrah/Sheoak/Eucalyptus staeri Sandy Woodland ................................................. 12 3.1.3. Vegetation Type 3 - Homalospermum firmum/Callistemon glaucus Peat Thicket .................................... 13 3.1.4. Vegetation Type 4 - Melaleuca preissiana Low Woodland ...................................................................... 14 3.1.5. Vegetation Type 5 - Miscellaneous Drainage Woodland/Shrubland ........................................................ 15 3.1.6. Vegetation Type 6 - Open paddock / agricultural land ............................................................................. 16 3.2. Extent and Conservation Significance of Vegetation Types ..................................................................... 16 3.3. Vegetation Condition ................................................................................................................................ 19 3.4. Weeds and disturbance ........................................................................................................................... 19 3.5. Priority and Threatened Ecological Communities .................................................................................... 22 1.1. Threatened Flora ..................................................................................................................................... 22 4. Fauna ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 4.1. Desktop Assessment ............................................................................................................................... 28 4.2. Habitat Connectivity ................................................................................................................................. 28 4.3. Potential Breeding, Foraging and Roosting Black Cockatoo Habitat ....................................................... 28 4.4. Field Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 28 4.5. Survey Limitations and Constraints .......................................................................................................... 30 4.6. Non-Threatened Fauna survey outcomes ................................................................................................ 30 4.7. Threatened fauna outcomes .................................................................................................................... 34 4.8. Significant tree outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 42 5. Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 57 5.1. Vegetation, Threatened Flora and Threatened Ecological Communities ................................................. 57 5.2. Fauna (including threatened) ................................................................................................................... 57 6. References ............................................................................................................................................... 59 7. Appendices .............................................................................................................................................. 62 MSC0137-002 7 February 2019 ii Lot 5780 Down Road, Drome WA – Reconnaissance Flora and Level 1 Fauna Survey LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Flora species recorded within survey area. Table 2: Condition Rating Scale (Keighery 1994). Table 3: Weed species recorded from the survey area. Table 4 Potential Priority and Threatened Ecological Communities within 15km of the survey area. Table 5 Potential threatened flora located within 15km of the survey area. Table 6: Fauna species recorded within survey area (presented in alphabetical order of family, then scientific name). Table 7: Risk assessment and survey outcomes for potential threatened fauna within 15km of the survey area. Species are presented alphabetised under their relevant class. Table 8: Significant (>500mm DBH) habitat trees with hollows, potential hollows, nests or evidence of fauna activity located within the survey area. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Survey Area Locality. Figure 2: Photographic representation of the land uses present within the survey area. Figure 3: Photographic representation of the ARVS 12
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