
CZECH POLAR REPORTS 8 (2): 260-274, 2018

Landscape-dynamic aspects of formation in the Lena River Delta

Vyacheslav Polyakov1,2,3*, Ksenia Orlova1, Evgeny Abakumov1*

1Saint Petersburg State University, University Embankment, 7/9, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia 2FSBI “Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute”, Beringa 38, Saint-Petersburg, 199397, Russia 3Department of and Agrochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Petersburg Highway 2, Pushkin, Saint-Petersburg, 196601, Russia

Abstract This article provides data on the study of and pecularities of and their spatial distribution in the territory of the Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia). Special reference to geogenic factors of soil formation in the pedoenvironment are made. The main patterns of soil distribution in different geomorphic positions for Samoilovsky, Arga-Belir-Aryta, Kurungnakh and Hardang islands are discussed. The soil catenas of the 4 investigated islands are given as a reliable representation of the formation of soils and the development of soil-forming processes in various types of relief and geo- morphological features. Soils are represented mainly by the following groups: , , , Cryosols, , , which are closely related to the geomorphic terraces of the delta.

Key words: soil catenas, pedodiversity, soil , Lena River Delta

DOI: 10.5817/CPR2018-2-22


About 60% of the Russian land surface geochemical cycle with the global climate. is underlain by permafrost. Degradation of Permafrost-affected soils have to be con- permafrost is affected by climate change sidered as a globally important element of but also results in important feedbacks to the cryosphere within the global climate climate change. The characterization of system (Zubrzycki et al. 2013, 2014). The permafrost-underlain areas, permafrost- investigation of soils catenas is the right affected soils, and their soil organic carbon tool to understand the distribution of soils (SOC) and (N) stocks are impor- in space. It can provide the data of main tant to understand interactions of the bio- soil-forming processes on wide areas. ——— Received August 2, 2018, accepted January 30, 2019. *Corresponding author: Polyakov , Abakumov Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant of Saint-Petersburg State University "Urbanized of the Russian Arctic: dynamics, state and sustainable development" and Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No 16-34-60010. 260 V. POLYAKOV et al.

The Lena River Delta is covered by a flooding of territories annually happens. network of numerous small and large chan- Zonal cryogenesis (cryogenic mass ex- nels and has more than 1000 islands. The change) includes such processes as cryo- Lena delta can be defined in three different genic mass exchange (also called cryotur- geomorphic terraces and an active flooded bation), gleying, redistribution of humic level. The active flooded level and the first substances along the profile, thermokarst, terrace (1-12 m) is the very young part solifluction. formation and peat accu- of the river delta. The first terrace was mulation are also inherent in these soils. formed during the Middle Holocene and is A high rate of biological activity and the mainly represented in the eastern part of formation of organomineral compounds the Lena delta (Bolshiyanov et al. 2013). that include mobile forms of ferrum and The second terrace (11-30 m) formed in aluminum are determined here. The signif- the interval between the late Pleistocene icant influence of delta soils on exchange and the early Holocene and includes about processes in the ocean-atmosphere system 23% of the delta territory and is character- is noted, due to the receipt of a large ized by fractions and a small amount amounts of humic substances from the soil of ice. The polygonal relief is less pro- into the Arctic Ocean. A high content of nounced, a large number of thermokarst carbon is obtained in soils confined to the lakes is typical for this territory. The third Arctic subzone. The soils are confined to terrace (30-60 m) is the oldest terrace in the area of continuous permafrost, which the Lena delta. It is not a river delta block, is a biogeochemical barrier in the soil it is the eroded remnant of the late Pleis- where the accumulation of organomineral tocene fine-grained glacial material that ac- compounds occurs (Nechaeva 1994, Anto- cumulated in front of the Chekanovo and nov 1957, Pesterev 2013, Cauwet et Sido- Kharulakh mountain ranges. The surface rov 1996, Lara et al. 1998). of the third terrace is a polygonal terrain, The aim of this study is to investigate due to the formation of ice veins and a net the spatial distribution of soils in the delta. of permafrost tundra polygons with devel- For this purpose, the following tasks were oped thermokarst processes (Bolshiyanov set: 1. Investigating soil diversity in differ- et al. 2013). ent geomorphological positions. 2. Identi- Soils form under the influence of zonal fication of patterns of soil distribution in factors and alluvial processes. River proc- different geomorphological positions. 3. esses are associated with the formation of Topographic soil profiling of the investi- Fluvisols where fresh alluvium deposits and gated islands.

Material and Methods

Study area

The study area is located in the delta of since a large amount of fresh water from the Lena River (Fig. 1). The study areas the delta flows in the least salty ocean of are located in the central and south-eastern our planet. The delta was formed by the parts of the delta. geomorphic activity of the river: removal The Lena River Delta is the largest of sediments, erosion, abrasion under the northern delta in the world; it is located in influence of sea level fluctuations and the Arctic zone and has an area of about movements of the earth crust (Bolshiyanov 29,630 km2. It has a significant impact on et al. 2013). the water regime of the Arctic Ocean,


Fig. 1. The investigated area. The Lena River Delta.

The Lena River Delta is located in a year are slight and insignificant. However, zone with an Arctic maritime climate. The the course of extreme temperatures has a climatic characteristics are given from ob- significant trend, during the observation servations from the polar meteorological period the maximum air temperatures de- stations Tiksi, Stolb, Ust-Olenek and NIS crease, which is associated with the effect "Samoilovsky Island". The average annual of cloudiness on the radiation heating of temperature is -13°C, the average January the lower atmosphere layer. This indicates temperature is -32°C, the average July tem- that in winter the grounds are less cooled perature is -6.5°C. Analysis of the data and in summer they are less warmed up. showed that the trends of surface air tem- The annual amount of precipitation is perature and pressure in all months of the 190 mm. Averaged daily summer evapora-

262 V. POLYAKOV et al. tion rates of 1.3 mm day−1 are comparable The investigated islands are confined to to those for other sites in the Arctic (Boike the 1st and 3rd geomorphological terraces. et al. 2013). Most of the landscape is char- We selected several islands for research. acterized by the presence of permafrost- Samoilovsky Island (72.370 N; 126.467 affected soils from a depth of about one E), where the research station "Samoilov- meter, the depth of the seasonally thawed sky" locates, is situated in the area of the active layer is variable, on silty it can first terrace and is periodically flooded reach 30 cm at the end of August, and on with river water. The island covers an area sediments of the fine texture class reach up of about 5 km2. Recent erosion and eolian to 1 meter (Bolshiyanov et al. 2013, Gala- processes formed the western part. Ice bala 1987, Ivanov 1963). wedges and small thermokarst lakes rep- The tundra of various types resent the eastern part. The island consists covers the land ecosystems of the Lena of heterogeneous deposits typical for the River Delta. The main components are Lena delta (clayic, siltic, loamic, arenic grasses, forbs, sedges, mosses, lichens and patterns), which indicates a changeable con- shrubs. A characteristic feature of the tun- dition of sedimentation. dra is the absence of . The vegetation Arga-Belir-Aryta Island (72.382 N; cover is not continuous ("spotted tundra") 126.427 Е) is located slightly west of Sa- – clustered in space. The grass-sedge-mossy moilovsky Island and has a height of up to communities prevail, in the depressions of 10 meters. It is composed of sandy depos- the relief there are the grassy polygonal its and the relief is characterized by hum- marshes. The bryophyta communities pre- mocks and depressions within 10-20 cm. It dominate on loamy soils, and lichen groups also belongs to the first terrace and experi- predominate on coarse stony soils. Near ence seasonal flooding. There is also sec- lakes cottongrass-sedge communities often ond terrace on this island, it is composed replace moss-lichen vegetation. On the the (Bolshiyanov et al. 2013). warm southern slopes on drained light tex- Kurungnakh Island (72.476 N; 126.279 ture soils and in the valley of the river there Е) is located the central part of the Lena are areas with grassy vegetation (tundra River Delta and is composed of sediments meadows and floodplain meadows). Сertain of the ice complex and underlying sands. types of vegetation associate with different In terms of soil formation, the island con- positions in the relief, so to the wet tundra ditions are similar to Samoilovsky Island, (with wet centers in polygons, negative the first terrace experiences seasonal flood- forms of relief) are confined - Drepanocla- ing, and on the third terrace with ice com- dus revolvens, Meesia triquetra, Rhizo- plex, zonal processes of soil formation are mnium punctatum, Calliergon giganteum, developed. Carex chordorrhiza, Comarum palustre, Hardang Island (72.46 N; 123.56 E) Pedicularis sudetica. Dry tundra (well locates in the western part of the delta, up drained positions) - Hylocomium splendens, to 45 meters high, on top is composed of Dryas punctata, Peltigera, Polygonum the ice complex, with a poorly developed viviparum, Saxifraga punctata, Astragalus moss cover; the thermokarst basins and frigidus, Luzula tundricola, Lagotis glauca, local erosion-thermokarst valleys character- Saxifraga hirculus, Valeriana capitata. ize the relief. The ice complex is underlain Floodplain meadows - Salix glauca/reptans by horizontal layered quartz sands and /lanata, Equisetum sp., Alopecurus alpinus, containing plant remains, there are inclu- Festuca rubra, Deschampsia. Flooded sions of ice veins, in some layers pebbles, areas of small lakes - Arctophila fulva small particles of quartz, jasper, carnelian (Boike et al. 2013, Kutzbach et al. 2004, are accumulated, as a result of fluvial proc- Schneider et al. 2009). esses of destruction of sands.


Field methods

Material of this investigation are the da- Soil profiles were located in various ele- ta collected during two expeditions within ments of the landscape. They were express- the project "Lena River Delta" in 2015- ed in following forms: micro depressions, 2016 and 2018, organized by Arctic and hills, flooded areas and slopes of terraces. Antarctic research institute. The soil sam- The investigated soils were classified ac- ples were taken to represent the spatial pat- cording to the WRB ([1] - World reference tern of the vegetation cover and the posi- base for soil resources, 2014). Soil trenches tion in the landscape, the total number of were prepared in various geomorphologi- soils samples is 150. Soil samples were se- cal positions, depending on the terraces lected in various elements of the land- and meso- and microrelief. Thus, we were forms. Several profiles were made in the able to cover the greater part of the study areas subject to annual flooding and the area and describe the soil diversity. The flo- places of the already-released conditions. ra of the study areas was also investigated.

Laboratory methods

The dried samples were grounded pass- uate the volumetric content of carbon in ed through a 1 mm sieve. Soil samples were the fine earth we had used data of “dry selected for each horizon to analyze phys- combustion” (Ссо2). The determination of ical and chemical properties. Analyses were Cco2 is based on sample direct combus- conducted in the certified laboratory of St. tion and further evaluation of emitted CO2 Petersburg State University at the Depart- by chromatography. During oxidation all ment of Applied Ecology, Russia. Soils the organic carbon turns into carbon di- were analyzed according to the following oxide. Further on, in resulting products of methods: determination of actual acidity combustion utilized from chlorides and (pHH2O), potential acidity CaCl2), by a sta- other halogens, the measurement of carbon tionary pH meter in aqueous solution and dioxide takes place (Abakumov et Popov 1N CaCl2 solution, respectively. The micro- 2005, Polyakov et al. 2017). Cco2 and N biological activity of soils, the basal respi- content were determined using an element ration, using incubation chambers was de- analyzer (Euro EA3028-HT Analyser, Italy) termined (Kimble et Follett 2001). To eval- with dry combustion procedure.


We conclude from our study, that the are presented in Table 1. soil catenas of the Samoilovsky, Arga- The soil diversity of Samoilovsky Is- Belir-Aryta, Kurungnakh and Hardang is- land is represented by Fluvisols, Umbri- lands are organized complicatedly. sols, Podzols, Cryosols, Histosols, Gley- Soil catenas laid from the edge of the sols. There are remnants of the ice com- water and passed inland of the islands. plexes with evident features of erosion and Thus, it is possible to describe and com- surface transformation (Bolshiyanov et al. pare the soils of both the first and second 2013). The spatial distribution of soils is geomorphological terraces. Soil description shown in Fig. 2.

264 V. POLYAKOV et al.

Soils with Depth Soil Group Horizon description Qualifers (cm) Samoilovsky Island Fluvic(1) 0-5 7,5 YR 7/3 sandy loam, roots Stagnic Fluvic(2) 5-46 7,5 YR 6/3 loam, roots Fluvisol Stagnic 46-71 7,5 YR 4/4 red spots, loam Fluvic Fluvic 0-9 7,5 YR 7/3 sandy loam, roots Umbrisol Umbric 9-17 5 YR 6/6, loam O 0-4 10 YR 4/3 organic matter Umbric Entic- Umbric 4-16 5 YR 6/6, loam Podzol Spodic 16-28 5 YR 4/4 loam, red spots Umbric O 0-10 10 YR 4/3 organic matter Cryosol Cryosols Umbric 10-15 5 YR 6/6, loam (Fluvic) Cryic 15-17 10YR 6/1 loam, oxidized Histosol Histic 0-14 10YR 3/2 organic matter (Fluvic) Folic 0-10 10YR 3/2 organic matter Folic Gleysol Gleyic 10-30 Gley 2 6/10BG loam, rusty spots Arga-Belir-Aryta Island Stagnic Fluvic 0-18 7,5 YR 6/3 arenic, roots Fluvisol Fluvisol (arenic) Stagnic 18-52 10 YR 6/1 arenic, rusty spots Umbrisol Umbrisol Umbric 0-14 7,5 YR 7/1 sand (arenic) Umbric Umbric 0-12 7,5 YR 7/3 sandy loam, roots Cryosol Cryosol Cryic 12-39 7,5 YR 6/1 sandy loam, rusty spots Kurungnakh Island Umbrisol O 0-6 10YR 3/2 organic matter Umbrisol (loamic) Umbric 6-11 7,5 YR 7/3 loam Stagnic Entic- O 0-13 10YR 3/2 organic matter Podzol (1) Podzol Spodic 13-22 10YR 6/3 loam, oxidized Umbric Entic- Umbric 0-10 7,5 YR 7/3 loam Podzol (2) Podzol Spodic 10-32 7,5YR 6/4 rusty streaks O 0-10 10YR 3/2 organic matter Umbric Cryosol Umbric 10-15 7,5 YR 7/1 sand Cryosol Cryic 15-17 10YR 6/3 loam, rusty spots Subaquatic Histosol (1) Histic 0-13 10YR 3/2 organic matter Histisol Histosol (2) Cryic Histosol Histic (1) 0-15 10YR 3/2 organic matter Histic (2) 15-18 10YR 3/1 organic matter


Cryic 18-22 7,5YR 4/3 loam, rusty spots Gleysol O 0-5 10YR 3/2 organic matter Gleysol (loamic) Gleyic 5-30 Gley 2 5/10BG loam, rusty spots Hardang Island Fluvic 0-5 7,5YR 6/3 loam, roots Gleyic Fluvisol Fluvic(1) 5-31 7,5 YR 7/4 sand, roots Fluvisol Gleyic(2) 31-65 Gley1 3/10Y loam O 0-7 10YR 3/2 organic matter Gleyic Umbrisol Umbric 7-30 7,5 YR 7/1 sand Umbrisols Gleyic 30-60 7,5 YR 5/3 loam, wet, rusty spots O 0-7 10YR 3/2 organic matter Umbric Turbic Umbric 7-16 7,5 YR 7/1 sand Cryosol Cryosol Turbic 16-27 7,5 YR 8/3 stratified sand of Cryic 27-35 10 YRdifferent 6/1 loa sizes,m, rusty roots spots Folic 0-3 10YR 3/2 organic matter Gleysol Folic Gleysol Gleyic 3-18 Gley 1 2,5/N loam

Table 1. Soil description from study island from the Lena River Delta.

Fig. 2. The soil catena of Samoilovsky Island.

266 V. POLYAKOV et al.

This distribution is quite typical for riv- ical for zonal environment and could be er deltas, areas subject to the influence of considered as a zonal ones (Polyakov et al. the alluvial and flooding processes are 2017). characterized by the accumulation of river The next investigated island is Arga- alluvium, here the soils of the Fluvisols Belir-Aryta, the soil catena is shown in group form, the stratification of soil hori- Fig. 3. zons develops, the organic horizons change On the island, three groups of soils with lenses of sand and clays, also buried were encountered, this is possibly related organic horizons present. The Umbrisols to its recent formation. Here the youngest group locate mainly on an island in an area soils prevail, in our opinion, this is due to that has been recently subject to a flooding a poor developed organo-accumulative ho- processes in the recent past, it retains the rizon in all types of soils. During the spring features of a soil precursor - Fluvisols. In moving ice and subsequent flood cuts the terms of the physical properties of the soil, upper horizon, this action occurs annually these soils have identical characteristics, and adversely affects soil formation. The but within Umbrisols group accu- height of the island is up to 16 meters, mulation is more pronounced they are not without big sharp increases and depres- under the influence of annual flooding and sions. The island is located in the zone of alluvial processes, which allows the accu- the first and second flooding levels. The mulation of organic matter. The soils of depth of the permafrost-affected soils rath- the Cryosols group form on the tops of the er high, up to 60 cm, this is due to the fine hills and also on drained positions, a char- texture of the local rocks and high aera- acteristic feature of this group is cryogenic tion, the water here does not stagnate and mass exchange, the depth of the active lay- the soil, which is mostly devoid of vegeta- er is extremely small and reaches an aver- tion cover, warms up well in the summer. age of 30 cm. These soils are zonal in the Kurungnakh Island is one of the largest delta landscape and spread on the third islands in the delta, it has been studied in geomorphic terraces. Also the zonal type detail in the north, east and south parts, of soils are Histosols where a significant which allows to determine with great ac- amount of organic remnants accumulate. curacy its soil diversity. The western part The delta soils contain up to 20 kg/m2 and is unexplored due to the low water level in up to 40 kg/m2 in permafrost. A large num- the anabranches and remained inaccessible. ber of small thermokarst ponds allows to The soil catena of the southern part of the develop marsh ecosystems. Peat, in turn, island is presented in Fig. 4. has a low thermal conductivity, which does Kurungnakh Island is one of the oldest not allow the formation of a thick active islands in the delta with a very diverse re- layer in a short summer period, so new or- lief, the maximum height of the island is ganic residues come in the soil year after 66 meters, this figure is confined to moun- year and are then deposited in permafrost. tain America Haya in the north of the The last type of soils that was described on island, where the graves of George De the island of Samoilovsky is Gleysols. This Long and members of his crew is located. group develops on the middle and upper On the island, 7 types of soils belong to flood levels, on rocks of heavy texture, or 5 groups were found. The high elevation near in places where permafrost spread. The of the coast does not allow the formation group is characterized by a changing of of the Fluvisols, instead of it Umbrisols oxidation-reduction reaction, an anaerobic are formed near the shore, which indicates environment is formed due to constant that the coastal zone in the past was waterlogging where the ferrum valence flooded. changes (Fe3-Fe2). This type of soil is typ-


Fig. 3. The soil catena of Arga-Belir-Aryta Island.

Fig. 4. Soil catena on Kurungnakh Island.

268 V. POLYAKOV et al.

In the coastal zone two subtypes of the per positions. This is directly related to the Podzols group spread, the main difference level, in the depressions it is between them is the thickness of organo- quite high due to the permafrost melting accumulative horizon, its formation may be and water stagnation in depressions. Also associated with more favorable conditions Gleysols are presented. These soils locate for . near the occurrence of permafrost and have Another type of soil that was observed reducing reaction. is Cryosols. It locates on drained positions, Hardang Island is also one of the most near the occurrence of permafrost. Two sub- ancient islands in the delta. It is located in types of Histosol were found, they differ the zone of the first and second flooding in the degree of of organic levels and third terrace, composed by the residues, in depressions the degree of de- sediments of the ice complexes terraces. composition is much lower than in the up- Fig. 5 illustrates the soil catena.

Fig. 5. The soil catena of Hardang Island.

Hardang Island was investigated in the by Cryosols and Gleysols soils. The active southern and western parts, the soil diver- layer near the coastline reaches 60 cm, in sity here is low, 4 soils types are represent- the area of the third geomorphological ter- ed. According to their genesis, they are race it decreases to 25 cm. similar to the soils of Samoilovsky Island, The soil diversity of the Lena River Del- Fluvisols are distributed only in a small ta is given on Fig. 6. coastal zone. The island is mostly occupied


Fig. 6. Soil diversity of study islands of the Lena River Delta. Note: A – Fluvisols, B – Umbrisols, C – Podzols, D – Cryosols, E – Histosols, F – Gleysols.


Soil formation in the Arctic is closely last studies, the soils of the Fluvisols group related to the organic carbon deposition, ac- form in the large and small northern riv- cumulation and stabilization (Zubrzycki et ers’ basins, they occupy about 42 million al. 2013, 2014). The Lena River Delta soils hectares, 20 in Siberia and the Far East accumulate up to 20 kg/m2 in the active (Dymov et al. 2013, Zubrzycki et al. 2013, layer mostly within the Fluvisols group Abakumov et Popov 2005, Dobrovolsky (Table 3). The annual inflow of alluvium 2005, Dobrovolsky et al. 2011, Pipko 2010). and organic matter in the form of DOC Data of the laboratory analysis is presented cause the accumulation of a significant in Table 2. amount of organic material in the soil. In Previously, data on soil organic matter the alluvial soils buried organic horizons stocks has been published for soils of the are frequently presented. According to the same study sites (Polyakov et al. 2017).

270 V. POLYAKOV et al.

BR, mg CO * Soil Group pH pH 2 C (%) N (%) C/N ratio H2O CaCl2 100 g-1 soil*h-1 Samoilovsky Island Fluvisols 6.99 6.2 75.4±3.77 1.39±0.06 0.11±0.005 12.6 Umbrisols 6.41 5.85 27.5±1.37 0.33±0.01 0.05±0.002 6.1 Podzols 6.9 6.25 69.1±3.45 0.53±0.02 0.06±0.003 8.8 Cryosols 5.75 4.84 49.5±2.47 3.21±0.16 0.18±0.009 17.7 Histosols 6.45 5.32 150±7.5 5.29±0.26 0.3±0.015 17.4 Gleysols 5.94 4.6 143±7.15 0.89±0.04 0.08±0.004 11.2 Arga-Belir-Aryta Island Fluvisols 5.49 4.39 50.3±2.51 0.59±0.03 0.06±0.003 10.2 Umbrisols 6.83 5.67 31.4±1.57 0.33±0.01 0.04±0.002 7.22 Cryosols 6.32 4.93 62.9±3.14 2.23±0.11 0.13±0.006 17.1 Kurungnakh Island Umbrisols 7.41 6.68 38.5±1.92 2.47±0.12 0.19±0.009 12.6 Podzols (1) 7.1 6.23 66.1±3.3 1.69±0.08 0.13±0.006 12.3 Podzols (2) 5.33 4.35 44.1±2.2 0.16±0.01 0.03±0.001 4.69 Cryosols 5.59 5.7 38.5±1.92 2.93±0.15 0.22±0.01 13.1 Histosols (1) 5.84 4.37 54.3±2.71 3.41±0.17 0.23±0.01 14.5 Histosols (2) 5.46 4.37 69.9±3.49 3.11±0.15 0.19±0.009 16.4 Gleysols 5.76 3.79 25.1±1.25 2.47±0.12 0.15±0.007 16.3 Hardang Island Fluvisols 7.18 6.38 62.9±3.14 1.8±0.09 0.14±0.007 12.8 Umbrisols 6.95 6.05 38.1±1.9 0.93±0.05 0.08±0.004 11.6 Cryosols 6.61 5.53 81.7±4.08 2.62±0.13 0.19±0.009 13.8 Gleysols 6.14 5.01 69.1±3.45 4.47±0.22 0.36±0.01 12.4

Table 2. Chemical characteristics of soils from other islands of the Lena River Delta. Soils were -1 analyzed from upper layer (0-20 cm). Note: BR – basal respiration, mgCO2/100g*day , with mean ±SD for BR, C and N content.

An accumulation of various form of or- mation of soils in the areas of distribution ganic matter transported by river is a key of rivers primarily depends on the age and pedogenic process in large northern deltas. sediments. Deltas and its soils are dynamic Depending on the speed of the water flow in time. Alluvial and flooding processes re- during flooding, either particles or placed by the process of zonal soil forma- sandy deposit, in connection with this for- tion. It should be noted that most of the mation of stratificated soils occurs. The for- soils in the areas of northern rivers are oc-

271 SOILS OF THE RUSSIAN ARCTIC cupied by Cryosols, this is due to the pres- ganisms activity. With the water flow a ence of permafrost. In the depressions peat large number of biogenic elements enter soils and soils with signs of gleying form. the soil, which positively affects the humus The formation of soils with a thick organ- formation (Pereverzev et Litvinova 2010, ic-accumulative horizon can be linked with Tigeyev 2014, Dyukarev 2005, Motorin et the income of available for decomposition Bukin 2012). Cryoturbation and related organic residues with river waters, as well cryogenic mass exchange appear maingly as with favorable conditions for microor- on the places of ice complexes prevailing.

Soil Group Estimated carbon stocks, kg/m2 Fluvisols 20±1 Umbrisols 18±0.9 Podzols 16±0.8 Cryosols 12±0.6 Histosols 13±0.65 Gleysols 15±0.75

Table 3. Carbon stocks in different soil group. Mean ±SD.

The profile distribution of soils in space et al. 2013, Wagner et al. 2007, Evgrafova is closely related to the influence of the et al. 2010). river . Peat soils are formed in The mild maritime climate and the ac- depressions; activity of zonal processes tivity of the river direct the process of soil and the formation of Cryosols are observed formation into the podzolization type, in at well drained positions. Depending on the connection with this, the accumulation of distance from the river, the implementa- aromatic compounds in the soil and, ac- tion of zonal processes of soil formation is cordingly, the stabilization of organic mat- higher. In areas prone to flooding, sinlitho- ter. Depending on the degree of manifes- genic soils formation takes place with a tation of the zonal processes, the processes pronounced stratification of soil horizons. of podzolization become cryogenic (David- As a result of stratification of soil horizons son et Janssens 2006, Lodygin et al. 2014, in soils, a large amount of organic carbon Dziadowiec et al. 1994, Abakumov et al. is deposited (Bischoff et al. 2013, Kutzbach 2015). et al. 2004, Knoblauch et al. 2013, Preuss


Topographic soil profiling is the most and characterized for 4 islands of the Lena convenient way of studying soil formation River Delta. Soils are represented by the fol- in case of tundra ecosystems because soils lowing groups: Fluvisols, Umbrisols, Pod- in this type environment are very depend- zols, Cryosols, Histosols, Gleysols. They ent of geogenic factors. As a result of our are closely related to the flooding levels of research, conducted profiles were obtained the delta. The first flooding level (flood

272 V. POLYAKOV et al. meadows) includes soils associated with within the Podzols group and their ac- alluvial material accumulation and the most cumulation on the boundary with perma- developed soils here are the Fluvisols. The frost occure within the Podzols group. soil cover of the second and the third geo- Cryosols are characterized by the develop- morphological levels are characterized by ment of cryoturbation, thixotropy and cryo- increased pedodiversity. In the depressions genic mass exchange. Soil development and there is evident development Histosols and landscape formation are interrelated proc- Gleysols. These soils are in a hydromorph- esses that take place in space and time. ic condition for most of the time. The soils The study of landscape positions can shed of the Podzols and Cryosols groups are light on the laws of development of soils common on drained sites. The process of and vice versa. migration of iron and aluminum oxides


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