
Para la tarea de las vacaciones, debes ver una de estas películas. Todas tienen descripciones para que puedas mirar algo que te guste o evitar algo que no quieras ver. Todas son buenas; son diferentes, pero buenas. Algunas tienen temas difíciles o controversiales y por eso debes investigar con cuidado antes de escoger.

Después de mirarla (¡o las, si quieres ver más de una!), necesitas reflexionar sobre lo que viste; busco unas dos páginas escritas a mano saltando líneas. ¡NO ME DIGAS LO QUE PASÓ EN LA PELÍCULA! Ya las he visto. En vez de esto, dime lo que crees tú de lo que viste. ¿Cómo te hizo sentir? ¿Cómo relacionas a la película? ¿Qué conexión existe entre la película y otra obra de arte, literatura o cine que has estudiado? ¿Cómo comparan la cultura de la película y la nuestra? Estas NO son preguntas que debes contestar, sino ideas para que puedas empezar tu propia reflexión.

¡Que te diviertas mucho!

Amores perros. 2000. 154 minutes. R. * hay bastante violencia con perros * A horrific car accident connects three stories, each involving characters dealing with loss, regret, and life's harsh realities, all in the name of love.

Cautiva. 2004. 115 minutes. NR. Cristina's life is thrown into turmoil when she is suddenly escorted from her strict Catholic school in Buenos Aires and told that she is really Sofía Lombardi, the daughter of activists who disappeared in the '70s. Questioning everything she once thought true, Cristina embarks on a journey to find her true identity. Meeting others like herself, the young girl soon discovers the real-life horrors of Argentina's relatively recent past and the nightmare that claimed tens of thousands of lives during the country's "dirty war."

Como agua para chocolate. 1992. 105 minutes. R. YOU MUST WATCH THE SPANISH VERSION. This movie is about how life used to be in Mexico. It is a love story between Pedro and Tita, and why they couldn’t get married because Tita’s mother wanted her oldest daughter to get married first, and have Tita to stay and take care of her. It shows how marriage was imposed on those times, and how a love between two people can change everything. This picture set a new epoch in Mexican movies all over the world.

El laberinto del fauno. 2006. 118 minutes. R. YOU MUST WATCH THE SPANISH VERSION. In the fascist Spain of 1944, the bookish young stepdaughter of a sadistic army officer escapes into an eerie but captivating fantasy world.

Entre nos. 2009. 80 minutes. NR. ** A story based on facts which offers a fresh take on the issue of new immigrants in the United States. Mariana totes her two children from Colombia to reunite with her husband in Queens, New York. Her life is devastatingly turned around when her husband abandons the family. The woman and her kids have to fend for themselves in a foreign country. Mariana desperately searches for work. In the end, she resourcefully navigates a surprising avenue for making some money, the city's recycling.

La Historia Oficial. 1985. 112 minutes. R. After the end of the Dirty War, a high school teacher sets out to find out who the mother of her adopted daughter is.

Innocent Voices / Voces inocentes. 2004. 120 minutes. R. A young boy, in an effort to have a normal childhood in 1980's El Salvador, is caught up in a dramatic fight for his life as he desperately tries to avoid the war which is raging all around him.

Instructions not included. 2013. 122 minutes. PG 13. A man who has made a new life for himself and the daughter left on his doorstep 6 years ago finds his family threatened when the birth mother resurfaces.

Machuca. 2004. 121 minutes. NR. , capital of during the Marxist government of elected, highly controversial president . Father McEnroe supports his leftist views by introducing a program at the prestigious "colegio" (Catholic prep school) St. Patrick to allow free admission of some proletarian kids. One of them is Pedro Machuca, slum-raised son of the cleaning lady in Gonzalo Infante's liberal-bourgeois home. Yet the new classmates become buddies, paradoxically protesting together as Gonzalo gets adopted by Pedro's slum family and gang. But the adults spoil that too, not in the least when general Pinochet's coup ousts Allende, and supporters such as McEnroe.

Mar adentro. 2004. 125 minutes. PG-13. This is the real-life story of Spaniard Ramón Sampedro who fought a 30 year campaign in favor of euthanasia and his own right to die.

No. 2012. 118 minutes. R. An ad executive comes up with a campaign to defeat in Chile's 1988 referendum.

El Norte. 1983. 141 minutes. R. Mayan Indian peasants, tired of being thought of as nothing more than "brazos fuertes" ("strong arms", i.e., manual laborers) and organizing in an effort to improve their lot in life, are discovered by the Guatemalan army. After the army destroys their village and family, a brother and sister, teenagers who just barely escaped the massacre, decide they must flee to "El Norte" ("the North", i.e., the USA). After receiving clandestine help from friends and humorous advice from a veteran immigrant on strategies for traveling through Mexico, they make their way by truck, bus and other means to Los Angeles, where they try to make a new life as young, uneducated, and illegal immigrants.

Sin nombre. 2009. 96 minutes. R. Fleeing retaliation from the violent Central American street gang he's deserted, a young hood boards a northbound train, where he takes refuge atop the moving freight cars and hopes for a fresh start in a new country.

También la lluvia. 2010. 103 minutes. As a director and his crew shoot a controversial film about Christopher Columbus in Cochabamba, Bolivia, local people rise up against plans to privatize the water supply.

Valentín. 2002. 86 minutes. PG-13. An 8-year-old boy, raised by his grandmother, is surrounded by problems in his family he finds only himself capable of solving.

Viva Cuba. 2005. 80 minutes. NR. In a tale akin to Romeo and Juliet, the friendship between two children is threatened by their parents' differences. Malu is from an upper-class family and her single mother does not want her to play with Jorgito, as she thinks his background coarse and commonplace. Jorgito's mother is a poor socialist that is proud of her family's social standing. She places similar restriction on her son. What neither woman recognizes is the immense strength of the bond between Malu and Jorgito. When the children learn that Malu's mother is planning to leave Cuba, they decide to travel to the other side of the island to find Malu's father and persuade him against signing the forms that would allow it.

Volver. 2006. 121 minutes. R. After her death, a mother returns to her home town in order to fix the situations she couldn't resolve during her life.