ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY NEWTON D. BAKER - CLEVELAND CHAPTER WITH JOINT VETERANS COUNCIL OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY Army and Navy Union Paralyzed Veterans of America Association of the U.S. Army Polish Legion of American Veterans Catholic War Veterans Reserve Officers Association Italian American War Veterans Southwest Asia Veterans Jewish War Veterans Special Forces Association Korean War Veterans Association Ukrainian American Veterans Marine Corps League United Spanish War Veterans Military Officers Association of America Vietnam Veterans of America Military Order of the Purple Heart Waves National Navy Seabee Veterans of America 82nd Airborne Division Association Invite you to attend LEADERSHIP DINNER “LEADER DEVELOPMENT IN A COMPLEX WORLD” GUEST SPEAKER General CARTER F. HAM, United States Army (Ret) CHAIRMAN - NATIONAL COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF THE ARMY ********** Friday, September 25th, 2015 Dinner 7:00 p.m. - Social 6:00 p.m. John Carroll University, 1 John Carroll Boulevard, University Heights Ohio 44118 (Murphy Room in the Recreation Complex) Dinner: $35 per Person - Reservation Deadline – September 15, 2015 or Sold Out Note: After deadline price is $40.00 each, need to reserve online by September22nd 2015 Sit-down Dinner – Garden Salad, Main: Dual Entrée, Chicken Pialio, Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes and Fresh Green Beans and Carrots, Vegetarian/Vegan Option, Dessert. Cash Bar. All tables seat 10 and are available. Mail form stub & payment or pay Online at For further information e-mail
[email protected] or call JVCOCC [216-373-7799]. PLEASE NOTE – NO REFUND If your order does not fill a table of 10, we will be adding other guests to your table Ads & Congratulatory: Artwork and Payment Deadline – September 15th The ads and congratulatory artwork to be provided in both color & gray scale or b/w as JPEG and PDF files.