Trgi.Nlutiur 3Juufuul TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1972

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Trgi.Nlutiur 3Juufuul TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1972 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA trgi.nlutiur 3Juufuul TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1972 Session of 1972 IS6th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 126 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at Denton Hill, Potter County, Pennsylvania, as The James S. Berger Lumber Museum. The House convened at 1:30 p.m., e.s.t. Referred to Committee on State Government. THE SPEAKER (Herbert Fineman) IN THE CHAIR SENATE BILL No. 1308 An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P. L. 343), PRAYER entitled "The Fiscal Code," providing for issuance of re~ REVEREND DOCTOR DAVID R. HOOVER, chaplain of placement checks in lieu of outstanding checks. the House of Representatives and pastor of St. Paul's Referred to Committee on Health and Welfare. Lutheran Church, McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: SENATE MESSAGE Almighty God, we humbly beseech Thee that we, who worthily deserve Thy punishment for the evil deeds we HOUSE BILL CONCURRED IN BY SENATE have brought to maturity, may by the comfort of Thy The clerk of the Senate being introduced, returned bill forgiving grace be mercifully relieved. from the House of Representatives numbered and entitled Grant us a full measure of Thy abounding love, bestow as follows: upon each of us the abundance of Thy indwelling spirit, and send us forth with the ringing challenge of Thy truth HOUSE BILL No. 1747 as our watchword. An Act amending the act of November 27, 1970 (P. L. o God, our Father, we lift these stewards of Thine to 809), entitled "Capital Budget Act for Fiscal Year 1970­ Thee in love and devotion. We pray that in the tensions 1971 Public Improvement Project Itemization Supplement and stress of this hour they may keep their calm, and -Department of Property and Supplies," reducing the au­ thorization for equipment and furniture for one of the labor diligently for Thee: in Thy blest name. Amen. projects and adding the purchase of equipment for an ad­ ditional project. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED With information that the Senate has passed the same The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the without amendment. Journal for Monday, March 13, 1972, will be postponed until printed. SENATE MESSAGE SENATE MESSAGE AMENDED HOUSE BILL RETURNED FOR CONCURRENCE BILLS FOR CONCURRENCE The clerk of the Senate being introduced, returned bill The clerk of the Senate being introduced, presented for from the House of Representatives numbered and entitled concurrence bills numbered and entitled as follows: as follows: SENATE BILL No. 1190 HOUSE BILL No. 517 An Act amending the act of June 1, 1959 (P. L. 350), An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P. L. 90), entitled "Public School Employes' Retirement Code of entitled "Liquor Code," authorizing Sunday sales by city­ 1959," further regulating payments on account of social owned stadium licensees and holders of permits in certain security deductions from appropriations and making edi­ stadia or arenas and further limiting the number of retail torial changes. licenses to be issued in each municipality. Referred to Committee on Education. With the information that the Senate has passed the SENATE BILL No. 1241 same with amendments in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives is requested. An Act providing compensation to certain persons who served in the military, naval or air forces of the United The SPEAKER. The bill will appear on the calendar. States or any of her allies during the Vietnam conflict and were taken as prisoners of war; imposing certain duties on the Adjutant General; making an appropriation and NORTHSIDE SCHOOL STUDENTS WELCOMED providing penalties. Referred to Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs. The SPEAKER. The Chair is pleased to welcome to the House today a group of sixth-grade students from the SENATE BILL No. 1282 Northside School of the Central Dauphin School District An Act designating the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum in Dauphin County. They are accompanied by their teach- 2504 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE March 14, ers, Mrs. Kandare Foltz, Miss Constance Cibart and Mrs. Foster Kowalyshyn Rowe Yohn Fox Kury Ruane Zearfoss Pat Blake, and their principal, Mr. Beard. Frank LaMarca Ruggiero Zeiler These students and their teachers are here today as the Frankenburg Lederer Rush Zimmerman Gallagher Lee Ryan Zord guests of the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Zimmerman. Gallen Lehr Rybak Geese,. Letterman Saloom Fineman. VISITORS WELCOMED Geisler Lutty Savitt Speaker The SPEAKER. One hundred ninety-four members The SPEAKER. The Chair is pleased to welcome to the having indicated their presence, a master roll is estab­ hall of the House Miss Sarah Heckel and Mr. Alan Mc­ lished. Candless. They are guests of the gentleman from Butler, Mr. Kennedy. MEMBERS ATTENDING FUNERAL Also, the Chair would like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Albert Ibarguen, who are the guests of the gentleman from from Montgomery, Mr. McClatchy. Montgomery, Mr. Scirica Mr. McCLATCHY. Mr. Speaker, for the record, a num­ ber of members from Montgomery County are absent this LEAVES OF ABSENCE afternoon. They will return by 4 or 4:30 p.m. They happen The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority whip. to be attending a funeral in Montgomery County. They Mr. PRENDERGAST. Mr. Speaker, I have no requests are Mr. Butera, Mrs. Fawcett, Messrs. Dager, Yohn, Pan­ for leaves of absence. coast, Mebus and Beren. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Hepford. Mr. HEPFORD. Mr. Speaker, I have no requests for CALENDAR leaves of absence. The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the gentlemen. BILLS ON SECOND CONSIDERATION The Chair would advise the membership that the at­ Agreeable to order, tendance record for Journal purposes is being compiled The House proceeded to second consideration of House on the basis of the master roll as it is manually being bill No. 992, printer's No. 1105, entitled: taken by the clerk and not by the electronic voting board. An Act amending the "Public School Code of 1949," ap­ The use of the electronic voting board is simply for the proved March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30), specifically providing information of the members, but the master roll that for the request and payment of municipal or township special school police. appears in the Journal is based on the roll that is being manually taken. And said bill having been considered the second time and agreed to, MASTER ROLL CALL Ordered, to be transcribed for third consideration. Alexander Gekas Lynch. Francis Scanlon Agreeable to order, Allen. F. M. Gelfand Lynch. Frank Scheaffer The House proceeded to second consideration of House Anderson. J. H. Gillette Malady Schmitt bill No. 1075, printer's No. 1200, entitled: Arthurs Gleason Manbeck Schulze Barber Gleeson Manderlno Sclrlea Bellomln1 Good Martino Seltzer An Act amending "The Insurance Company Law of Bennett Goodman Mastrangelo Semanotf 1921," approved May 17, 1921 (P. L. 682), further providing Beren Greenfield McClatchy Shane for the acquisition of stock by business or insurance cor­ Berkes Gring McCue Shelhamer porations. Berson Halverson McCurdy Shelton Bittle Hamilton. J. H. McGraw Sherman And said bill having been considered the second time Bixler Hamilton. R. It. McMonagle Shuman Blair Harrier Mebus Shupnik and agreed to, Bonetto Haskell Meholchlck Smith Ordered, to be transcribed for third consideration. Brunner Hayes. n. S. Miller Spencer Burkardt Hayes. S.lI:. Moore Steele Butera Hepford MorrIs Stemmler Agreeable to order, Caputo Hetrick Mullen. M. M. Stone The House proceeded to second consideration of House Cessar Hill Mullen. M. P. Stout bill No. 1836, printer's No. 2609, entitled: Cornel' Homer Murtha SullIvan Coppolino Hopkins Musto Taylor Coyne Horn Myers Tbomas An Act authorizing the Secretary of Environmental Re­ Crawford Horner Needham ToU sources, with the approval of the Governor, to transfer Crowley Hovis Novak Ustynoski certain Project 70 lands in Bucks County to the Depart­ Dager Hutchinson O'Brien Vallcenti ment of Transportation for a highway project under cer­ Davis. n. M. Irvls O'Connell Vann tain conditions. Davis. E. B. Johnson. G. R. O'Donnell Walsh Davis. R. O. Johnson. J. J. O'Pake Wansacz And said bill having been considered the second time DeMedlo Jones Pancoast Wargo D1nlnnl Kahle Parker. B. L. Weidner and agreed to, DombroWllk1 Katz Parker. H. S. Wells Ordered, to be transcribed for third consideration. Dorsey Kaufman Perry Westerbe1w Doyle Kelly. A. P. Pezak WilllllnUl Dreibelbis Kelly. J.B. Piper Wilson Agreeable to order, Early Kennedy Prendergast Wilt. R. W. The House proceeded to second consideration of House Eckensberger Kester Rappaport Wilt. W. W. Fawcett Kistler Renninger Wise bill No. 1847, printer's No. 2610, entitled: Fee Klepper Renwick WoJdak Fenrlch Klunk Reynolds Worrllow An Act authorizing the Secretary of Environmental Re­ Fischer Knepper Rieger Wright sources, with the approval of the Governor, to transfer cer­ Foor Kolter Ritter Yahner tain Project 70 lands in Centre County to the Department 1972. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 2505 of Transportation for a highway project under certain in the affirmative, the question was determined in the conditions. affirmative. And said bill having been considered the second time Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the Senate and agreed to, for concurrence. Ordered, to be transcribed for third consideration. QUESTIONS OF PERSONAL PRIVILEGE BILL ON FINAL PASSAGE The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Agreeable to order, from Mercer, Mr. Bennett. For what purpose does the The House proceeded to consideration on final passage gentleman rise? of House bill No. 1807, printer's No. 2641, entitled: Mr. BENNETT. I rise to a question of personal privilege. An Act amending "The Administrative Code of 1929," The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. approved April 9, 1929 (P. L. 177), authorizing the De­ Mr. BENNETT. Mr.
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