Reforming Policy for Single-Parent Families to Reduce Child Poverty
policy for single-parent families Reforming Policy for Single- Parent Families to Reduce Child Poverty maria cancian and d aniel r. meyer We argue that child support, the central program specifically targeting single-parent families, should increase financial resources for children living with a single parent, with a secondary goal of holding parents respon- sible for supporting their children. Current child support policy is substantially successful for divorcing families in which the noncustodial parent has at least moderate formal earnings. However, the system does not work well for lower- income families, especially unmarried couples: far too few children regularly receive substantial support and the system is sometimes counterproductive to encouraging parental responsibility. We propose: a public guarantee of a minimum amount of support per child, assurances that no noncustodial parent will be charged beyond their current means, and a broadening of child support services. Keywords: child support, divorce, guaranteed income, nonmarital births, single-parent families Recognition is widespread that single- parent parent. Efforts to hold noncustodial parents families with children are economically vulner- responsible for their children encounter issues able but less so on the policies and programs related to the relative importance of encourag- to address these vulnerabilities (see, for exam- ing financial support and encouraging noncus- ple, Maldonado and Nieuwenhuis 2015). Poli- todial parents’ active engagement in their chil- cies addressing custodial parent families (those dren’s lives. The response to these challenges who have children who are living with only one has varied over time, and in some cases, for of their parents) confront the fundamental divorced and never- married families, and for challenge of balancing the role of public ben- families who do or do not receive means-tested efits and private support from the noncustodial public benefits.
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