494 Subpart A—Terminology
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§ 2.1 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–15 Edition) SOURCE: 28 FR 12465, Nov. 22, 1963, unless Aeronautical Earth Station. An Earth otherwise noted. station in the fixed-satellite service, EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to or, in some cases, in the aeronautical part 2 appear at 63 FR 54077, Oct. 8, 1998. mobile-satellite service, located at a specified fixed point on land to provide Subpart A—Terminology a feeder link for the aeronautical mo- bile-satellite service. (RR) § 2.1 Terms and definitions. Aeronautical Fixed Service. A (a) Where a term or definition ap- radiocommunication service between pears in this part of the Commission’s specified fixed points provided pri- Rules, it shall be the definitive term or marily for the safety of air navigation definition and shall prevail throughout and for the regular, efficient and eco- the Commission’s Rules. nomical operation of air transport. (b) The source of each definition is (RR) indicated as follows: Aeronautical Fixed Station. A station in the aeronautical fixed service. (RR) CS—Annex to the Constitution of the Aeronautical Mobile Off-Route (OR) International Telecommunication Service. An aeronautical mobile service Union (ITU) intended for communications, includ- CV—Annex to the Convention of the ing those relating to flight coordina- ITU tion, primarily outside national or FCC—Federal Communications Com- international civil air routes. (RR) mission Aeronautical Mobile Route (R) Service. RR—ITU Radio Regulations An aeronautical mobile service re- (c) The following terms and defini- served for communications relating to tions are issued: safety and regularity of flight, pri- Accepted Interference. 1 Interference at marily along national or international a higher level than defined as permis- civil air routes. (RR) sible interference and which has been Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Off-Route agreed upon between two or more ad- (OR) Service. An aeronautical mobile- ministrations without prejudice to satellite service intended for commu- other administrations. (RR) nications, including those relating to Active Satellite. A satellite carrying a flight coordination, primarily outside station intended to transmit or re- national and international civil air transmit radiocommunication signals. routes. (RR) (RR) Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Route (R) Active Sensor. A measuring instru- Service. An aeronautical mobile-sat- ment in the earth exploration-satellite ellite service reserved for communica- service or in the space research service tions relating to safety and regularity by means of which information is ob- of flights, primarily along national or tained by transmission and reception international civil air routes. (RR) of radio waves. (RR) Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service. A Adaptive System. A mobile-satellite service in which mo- radiocommunication system which bile earth stations are located on board varies its radio characteristics accord- aircraft; survival craft stations and ing to channel quality. (RR) emergency position-indicating radio- Administration. Any governmental de- beacon stations may also participate in partment or service responsible for dis- this service. (RR) charging the obligations undertaken in Aeronautical Mobile Service. A mobile the Constitution of the International service between aeronautical stations Telecommunication Union, in the Con- and aircraft stations, or between air- vention of the International Tele- craft stations, in which survival craft communication Union and in the Ad- stations may participate; emergency ministrative Regulations. (CS) position-indicating radiobeacon sta- tions may also participate in this serv- 1 The terms permissible interference and ac- ice on designated distress and emer- cepted interference are used in the coordina- gency frequencies. (RR) tion of frequency assignments between ad- Aeronautical Radionavigation-Satellite ministrations. Service. A radionavigation-satellite 494 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:27 Dec 15, 2015 Jkt 235209 PO 00000 Frm 00504 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\235209.XXX 235209 wgreen on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with CFR Federal Communications Commission § 2.1 service in which earth stations are lo- Assigned Frequency. The centre of the cated on board aircraft. (RR) frequency band assigned to a station. Aeronautical Radionavigation Service. (RR) A radio-navigation service intended for Assigned Frequency Band. The fre- the benefit and for the safe operation quency band within which the emission of aircraft. (RR) of a station is authorized; the width of Aeronautical Station. A land station in the band equals the necessary band- the aeronautical mobile service. width plus twice the absolute value of NOTE: In certain instances, an aeronautical the frequency tolerance. Where space station may be located, for example, on stations are concerned, the assigned board ship or on a platform at sea. (RR) frequency band includes twice the max- Aircraft Earth Station. A mobile earth imum Doppler shift that may occur in station in the aeronautical mobile-sat- relation to any point of the Earth’s ellite service located on board an air- surface. (RR) craft. (RR) Assignment (of a radio frequency or Aircraft Station. A mobile station in radio frequency channel). Authorization the aeronautical mobile service, other given by an administration for a radio than a survival craft station, located station to use a radio frequency or on board an aircraft. (RR) radio frequency channel under speci- Allocation (of a frequency band). Entry fied conditions. (RR) in the Table of Frequency Allocations Base Earth Station. An earth station of a given frequency band for the pur- pose of its use by one or more terres- in the fixed-satellite service or, in trial or space radiocommunication some cases, in the land mobile-satellite services or the radio astronomy service service, located at a specified fixed under specified conditions. This term point or within a specified area on land shall also be applied to the frequency to provide a feeder link for the land band concerned. (RR) mobile-satellite service. (RR) Allotment (of a radio frequency or radio Base Station. A land station in the frequency channel). Entry of a des- land mobile service. (RR) ignated frequency channel in an agreed Broadcasting-Satellite Service. A plan, adopted by a competent con- radiocommunication service in which ference, for use by one or more admin- signals transmitted or retransmitted istrations for a terrestrial or space by space stations are intended for di- radiocommunication service in one or rect reception by the general public. more identified countries or geo- graphical area and under specified con- NOTE: In the broadcasting-satellite service, ditions. (RR) the term direct reception shall encompass Altitude of the Apogee or Perigee. The both individual reception and community re- altitude of the apogee or perigee above ception. (RR) a specified reference surface serving to Broadcasting Service. A represent the surface of the Earth. radiocommunication service in which (RR) the transmissions are intended for di- Amateur-Satellite Service. A rect reception by the general public. radiocommunication service using This service may include sound trans- space stations on earth satellites for missions, television transmissions or the same purposes as those of the ama- other types of transmission. (CS) teur service. (RR) Broadcasting Station. A station in the Amateur Service. A radiocommunication service for the broadcasting service. (RR) purpose of self-training, intercommuni- Carrier Power (of a radio transmitter). cation and technical investigations The average power supplied to the an- carried out by amateurs, that is, by tenna transmission line by a trans- duly authorized persons interested in mitter during one radio frequency radio technique solely with a personal cycle taken under the condition of no aim and without pecuniary interest. modulation. (RR) (RR) Characteristic Frequency. A frequency Amateur Station. A station in the which can be easily identified and amateur service. (RR) measured in a given emission. 495 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:27 Dec 15, 2015 Jkt 235209 PO 00000 Frm 00505 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\235209.XXX 235209 wgreen on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with CFR § 2.1 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–15 Edition) NOTE: A carrier frequency may, for exam- earth station sharing the same fre- ple, be designated as the characteristic fre- quency band with terrestrial stations, quency. (RR) or from a transmitting earth station Class of Emission. The set of charac- sharing the same bidirectionally allo- teristics of an emission, designated by cated frequency band with receiving standard symbols, e.g., type of modula- earth stations, beyond which the level tion, modulating signal, type of infor- of permissible interference will not be mation to be transmitted, and also if exceeded and coordination is therefore appropriate, any additional signal not required. (RR) characteristics. (RR) Deep Space. Space at distance from Coast Earth Station. An earth station the Earth equal to, or greater than, 2 × in the fixed-satellite service or, in 106 kilometers. (RR) some cases, in the maritime mobile- Differential Global Positioning System satellite service, located at a specified (DGPS) Station. A differential RNSS fixed point on land to provide a feeder station for specific augmentation of link for the maritime mobile-satellite GPS. service. (RR) Differential Radionavigation Satellite Coast Station. A land station in the Service (Differential RNSS) Station. A maritime mobile service. (RR) station used