Admin: DONCASTER PHARMACEUTICAL COMMITTEE Alison Ellis Chief Officer Nick Hunter
[email protected] ℡ 07882289083
[email protected] Fax: 0115 8379854 ℡ 07595 069178 Fax: 01455 634800 Doncaster Local Pharmaceutical Committee Meeting LPC MEETING 1 Training Room, Weldricks Pharmcy, Ten Pound Walk, Doncaster On Wednesday 14 th January 2015 at 1pm Present: In the Chair Dave Sharp (DS) Secretary: Nick Hunter (NH) Members: Mohammed Ahmed (MA) (arrived late), Chris Bland (CB), Paul Chatterton (PC), Emily Bellwood (EB), Richard Harris (RH), Catherine Hudson (CH), Seonaidh Innes (SI), Lynn Murrie (LM), Darren Powell (DP), Claire Thomas (CT), Richard Wells (RW) (arrived late) Minutes: Alison Ellis (AE) Attending • Tony Jamieson, Clinical Lead for Medicines, Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network (TJ) • Emma Smith, Doncaster CCG (ES) Observer Dale McVeigh, Weldricks Pharmacy (DM) Apologies • Garry Myers, PSNC Regional Representative • Sheila Barnes, Healthwatch Doncaster • Ming Goh, LPC Member • Richard Wells, LPC Chair (attending late) • Mohammed Ahmed (attending late) Open meeting guest speakers NH welcomed guests to the meeting Tony Jamieson, Y&H Patient Safety Collaborative – Attachment 1, 2, 3, 4 (sent in separate email by NH) Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network – remit implement the government transformation – Patient safety collaborative for Yorkshire & Humber one of the main projects – increase skills in developing safety skills Human factors in healthcare and medicines optimisation Page 1 of 13 Doncaster LPC mins 14.01.15 - Past behaviours / experiences - Understanding human psychology and how affects thinking - teamwork - Engineer safe and efficient practice – redesign pharmacy, medicines packaging etc - Make clinical human factors of routine practice Pharmacy has 95% accuracy rate and still working to increase this.