Volta-HYCOS Project

Training module on Hydrological Expertise and IWRM

Design and optimisation of hydrometric networks

IRD - Unite OBHI (Observatoires Hydrologiques and Ingenierie)

Design and optimisation of hydrometric networks

1. Objectives of hydrometric networks 2. Design of hydrometric networks 3. Diagnostic of hydrometric networks 4. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks 5. Application : – Diagnostic of the hydrometric network on the Volta Basin – Definition and Design of the Volta-HYCOS hydrological network 1. Objectives of hydrometric networks

• A hydrometric network is aimed at giving the hydrological information to be used for the following

needs :

– Assessment of the regional or national surface water resources and of their trends (climatic and

anthropogenic impacts)

– Water resources planning for management and utilisation – Estimation of environnemental, economic and social impacts of current or planned management practices on WR – Analysis and forecasting of extreme events (warning) : drought, exceptional floods 2. Design of hydrometric networks

• The design of a network should answer the following questions : – What hydrological variables are to be recorded ? – Where will they be recorded ? – What is the frequency of recording? – What is the duration of the recording programme? – What is the level of quality of the recorded parameters? 2. Design of hydrometric networks

• Definitions : – Minimum density of network: • = 1st step in the establishment of a hydrological network • It enables us to determine the hydrological characteristics at any point in the region • But cannot answer to specific needs of WR management and utilisation • The stations in such networks should be monitored continuously and their data should be of quality – Optimal network 2. Design of hydrometric networks

• Definitions : – Optimal network: Optimal networks enable a good interpolation between the stations at any point in the area covered by the network, with enough accuracy for WRs management and utilisation purposes 2. Design of hydrometric networks

• Types of networks : – National / regional networks – Representative or experimental basins • From a few km2 to several km2 • Measurements are carried out during one year up to several years • All the hydro-climatic variables are measured (Water levels, discharge, evaporation, evapotranspiration, infiltration…) in order to model the relation between rainfall and discharge 2. Design of hydrometric networks

• Types of stations making up a network : – Main gauges Permanent stations and continously and correctly monitored. These are reference stations for statistical analysis – Secondary gauges Maintained for a limitted number of years but sufficient in order to establish good correlation with data at main stations – Special gauges Based on specific needs : irrigation, navigation, flood forecasting, dams management, … 2. Design of hydrometric networks

Minimal Density WMO proposes a norm of per station hydrometric stations Physiographic Units area in km2 per density for a minimal station network :

Costal zones 2750 (Guide of Hydrological Montaneaous zones 1000 Practices, 1994) Interior plains 1875

Hilly Regions 1875

Small islands 300

Polar and arid zones 20 000 2. Design of hydrometric networks

Some rules and criteria

• For transboundary water balance : it is indispensable to have for each international river a gauge at the entrancy and/or the outlet of the country

• Confluence between a major and a minor tributary : it is useful to have a gauge in order to appreciate the discharge variation for the main river, downstream of the confluence

• Along a river, installation of a gauge should consider the other stations available on the river : if the difference between the flows at 2 stations is inferior to the margin of error of flow measurement, it is useless to intercalate a supplementary station 2. Design of hydrometric networks

• Case of dams :

– Station upstream of a dam enable to monitor the flows which enter the dam – Station downstream of a dam enable us to estimate with precision the spilled flows (and/or turbined flow hydro-electric production)

Dam of Toesse-Kanazoe (White Volta, Burkina) 2. Design ofhydrometric networks

• Case of dams :

– Valoriser of the information provided by stations situated on dams : reconstitution of natural flows from the water level in the dams with hydrological balance :

∆V= Qentering * ∆ Tflow + (P * Srandenue) – (Ev * Srandenue) – Abstractions

•∆V:Variation of volume of dam (m3) •∆ Tcrue : Duration of flood (s) •P : Rainfall on the dam (mm) •Srandenue : Surface of dam (m2) •Ev : Evaporation on the dam (mm) •Abstractions : Abstractions of water (AEP, irrigation, …) in the dam

2. Design of hydrometric networks

Some rules and criteria :

• Rivers passing through or near a city where there’s important abstraction from the river : a station upstream and a station downstream of the city are necessary

• Region with large irrigable area with appreciable abstraction from the river : a station upstream and a station downstream of the irrigable area are necessary

Water Supply pomping station at Nawuni () Water Supply pomping station at Nawuni (Ghana) 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

• To optimise a network, is to find the best compromise between the richness and the interest of hydrological information on the one hand, and the cost of acquisition of data on the other hand

• Context in West Africa: important degradation of networks since the 80’s -90’s (reduction of budget of hydrological services / pullout of IRD / ex-ORSTOM in francophone countries)

• Necessity of rationalising existing networks by selecting the stations which must be monitored as priority 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

• Technics of optimisation of networks (complementary) – Survey among users of data on the usefulness of each station of the network ; – Multi-criteria analysis based on indicators which enable us to appreciate the usefulness of each station in the network and to characterize it 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

1. Survey technics

– Objective :Highlight the level of utility of each station on the basis of the use of data by users – Method : questionnaires

– The survey enables us to highlight : A) The type of use of the station : – stations which are used for management and other decision; – station which are used for regional and long-term analysis of water resources – station which are used for design and planning purposes 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

1. Survey technics

– The survey enables to highlight :

B) The use of data at the station: – Flood forecast and warning; – Current Management (navigation, level control, dam management, monitoring of floods and drought,..) – Legal obligation (minimum discharge to be maintained) – Long term statistics (flood frequency analysis, trend analysis, quartiles etc) – Regional hydrological Analysis (Regional regression equation for quartiles, regional parameters of hydrological models,..) 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

1. Survey technics

– The survey enables to highlight :

B) The use of data at the station : – Hydraulic and hydrological design (design of reservoirs, hydro-power infrastructure, hydraulic infrastructure,..) – Planification of water resources (planification for water distribution, ..) – Water quality analysis (quality monitoring, quality modelling, sea water intrution,..) – … 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

1. Survey technics

C) Identify the users of data at the station : – Governmental institutions (NHSs, Agriculture, Fishery, …) – Basin organisations; – Dams managers; – Consulting firms; – environmental monitoring institutes – Research institutes, Universities, – … 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

2. Multi-criteria analysis of network

– Objective : diagnose the stations of a network on the basis of different criteria / indicators

– Mean : Points can be attributed to each criteria in order to determine a global score for the station, which will be monitored in priority

– Criteria of evaluation of stations 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

2. Multi-criteria analysis of network Criteria of evaluation of stations :

- Regional representation of the station : - Is the station representative of a basin and/or of a climatic zone ? – Drainage area at the station – Lengh of time of the series at the station : - Longevity of the station (reference stations with series of data > 30 years) - Regularity of observations of water levels (series with few gaps) – Level of correlation between the station and other reference stations 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

2. Multi-criteria analysis of network

Criteria of evaluation of stations :

- Stability of the station in time - Constructions upstream or downstream of the station can modify conditions of flow - Beware of loss of staff gages or reference pillars (bench marks) (eg : following to construction of bridges, …) - Quality of data at the station : - Quality of water level data (recordings and readings) - Quality of rating curve : number flow measurements, and stability of rating curve 2. Multi-criteria analysis of network

Criteria of evaluation of stations :

- Usefulness of the station (on the basis of survey) : • Forecasting of High and low flows • Evaluation of flows within riparian countries ; • Evaluation of resource at national level for planification, management and la prise of decision ; • Evaluation of change on the long term • … - Accessibility - Economic criteria : - Running cost (depends on type of equipement, frequency of visits, organisations of field missions) - Cost of maintenance of the stations 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

GIS approach for evaluation of hydrometric networks : Example of assessment of Burkina’s national hydrometric network – SNIEau (National System Information ), 2004

- Spatial distribution of hydrological data in the country. Spatial parameters : • Density of hydrometric of stations • Quality and continuity of data • …

« Availability of hydrological data in the sub basins in Burkina » (from SNIEau, 2004)

None Poor Low Average Good Excellent 3. Rationalisation and optimisation of hydrometric networks

GIS approach for assessment of hydrolometric networks :

Example of assessment of Burkina’s national hydrometric network – SNIEau (National Information System on Water), 2004

- Overlapped spatial information on : - Availability of hydrological data - Needs for hydrological data (population density, dams projects, …)… « Population density per - … Helps to better assess the basin and hydrometric weak points of the hydrometric network »(from SNIEau, network and to better plan its 2004) development 4. Diagnostic of hydrometric network on the Volta Basin

Some data on the Volta Basin :

– Transboundary basin shared between 6 countries : • Benin • Burkina • Cote d’Ivoire • Ghana • Mali • Togo

– Superficy : 400 000 km2 – Hydrographic network : • Black Volta (‘Mouhoun’ in Burkina Faso) • White Volta (‘Nakambe’ in Burkina Faso) • Red Volta (‘Nazinon’ in Burkina Faso) • Oti Akosombo dam (constructed in1964) : volume 148 billion m3 (of which 60 Billion m3 are usable) the Volta Basin Touspays.shp Volta delta.shp L_volta.shp Voltal.shp 0 1 2 3 4 Logo.shp Beni n Burki na Faso Ghana Mali Togo


W E 0.002 0 0.002 0.004 Mil es S 4. Diagnostic of hydrometric network on the Volta Basin

Distribution of the Area of the Volta basin between the different counties of the basin

6% 4% 4% Bénin Burkina Côte d'Ivoire Ghana 43% Mali 40% Togo


i t O

ta Vol olta ite ite V Wh Wh a lt o V d e R

lta Black Vo


t l





a l B

network of

hydrographic The Volta basin Digital Elevation Model of the Volta Basin (from G. Jung « Regional Climate Change and the impact on hydrology in the Volta Basin » - 2006) 4. Diagnostic of hydrometric network on the Volta Basin

Some data on the Volta Basin :

• Flow by sub-basin :

Contribution of Area of % of total area of Mean annual basin to Mean basin (km2) Volta basin flow (x106 m3) annual flow

Black Volta 149 000 38 % 7673 20 % White Volta 105 000 27 % 9565 25 %

Oti 73 000 19 % 11215 29 % Lower Volta 63 000 16 % 9842 26 %

TOTAL 390 000 100 % 38295 100 %

From W. Andah, N. Van Giesen, C. Biney – « Water, Food and Climate under changing Environnemnts - Volta Basin Report » 4. Diagnostic of hydrometric network on the Volta Basin

The hydrometric network on the Volta Basin :

• Distribution of stations per countries :

Area of Volta Number of stations in Density of stations Density of stations Countries basin in the the Volta Basin recommended by Area/station country (currently monitored) WMO

Benin 17 098 2 8549 17 (Mountaneous) Burkina 178 000 55 3236 95 Cote d'Ivoire 12 500 3 ? 4167 7 Ghana 167 692 67 2503 89 Mali 15 392 0 - 8 Togo 26 700 9 ? 2967 27 (Mountaneous) TOTAL 417 000 136 ? 3066 222 Distribution of hydrometric stations on the Volta Basin

4. Diagnostic of hydrometric network on the Volta Basin

Hydrometric network on the Volta basin

• Trends in number of stations in the basin :

130 Evolution du nombre de stations hydrométriques exploitées sur le bassin de la Volta 120 110 100 90 80 70 Nombre de stations sur le bassin de la Volta 60 suivies historiquement 50 Nombre de stations sur le bassin de la Volta actuellement suivies 40 30 20 10 Bénin Burkina Côte d'Ivoire Ghana Mali Togo 0 4. Diagnostic of hydrometric network on the Volta Basin

Hydrometric network on the Volta basin

• Trend in number of stations in the basin :

Number of stations on the Number of stations Stations closed countries Volta Basin on the Volta Basin or out of use (currently (before monitored)


Bénin 2 5 3 Burkina 55 128 73 Côte d'Ivoire 3 6 3 ? Ghana 67 124 57 Mali 0 3 3 Togo 9 20 11 TOTAL 136 ? 286 150 4. Diagnostic of hydrometric network on the Volta Basin

Definition and implementaion of the Volta-HYCOS network

Methodology: • Consultation of NHSs and of users of data on the basin • Selection of stations Volta-HYCOS on the basis of following classifcation :

– Classe 1 : Stations essential at regional level (Stations controlling cross-border flows, Stations controlling the operation of dams of regional importance, Reference stations with long periods of historic data – Classe 2 : Stations essential at the national level (Stations for the calculation of the main water balance at the country level) – Classe 3 : Stations of secondary importancespecific local needs (flood forecasting, Water Supply, …)

Station Volta-HYCOS

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S 300 0 300 600 Mil es Karimama


o r k Malanville é

M Kandero Guéné Kassa S a t a

Banikoara PORGA Goumon Kandi i r ja d Porga n Ségbana e P i i ul Kérou r Gogounou o

o B



Matéri A Tanguiéta

iné Basso u s Kobli Kouarfa o r as k é Sinendé T Natitingou M Kalalé KORONTIERE Péhonko Bembéréké Boukoumbé Toumé Guessou Sud Nikki Kopargo Ndali Péréré Djougou Bori O Ouaké u é m Guinagourou é

Alédjo Parakou

Bétérou Aliafiarou Tchaourou






Kilibo O Pim Ouèssè Banté

Otala Z o u Savé Oké Savalou Glazoué Owo

Djaloukou Dassa Okpa



Djidja m Kétou



Abomey O Bohicon Tele-transmitted station Aplahoué Pobé Lalo Bonou Totto Station without tele-transmission Lokossa Allada PORTO Lac 0 50 100 km Nokoué NOVO Comé Ouidah Volta basin catchment boundary Cotonou B Tin Akof éli

Markoy Oursi Déou Koutougou

Gorom Gorom

Baraboulé Aribinda Falagountou Ban Djibo Solé Tongomayé Gorgadji Kain Dori Seytanga Pobé Mangao Titao Tibati Dablo Bani Pensa Ouahigouya RAMBO Yalgo Sampelga Kombori Zogoré Séguénaga Sebba Boundoré Toéni Koala LAC DE BAM Solna Kongoussi Tougo Mani Di Tikaré Pissala Mansila BARRAGE Kaya YARAN Tion Liptougou Mané Bogandé DE KANAZOE Bartibougou PONT DE LERY Bagaré Toéguen TAMPELGA Foutouri i s Piéla Gayéri Botou os K Ziga Siglé Ziniaré Bilanga ou a Kantchari g b on ir m NWOKUY S ia Ouagadougou WAYEN Yamba Matiakoali D Dédougou Ta Tchériba po e TENADO a ir N Sami Koubri a Koupéla k No Koudougou a a m Fada-Ngourma Faramana lt b Zoungou Djabo o Kona é Diapaga V Bona Kayao Garango Dialgay LAHIRASSO Namounou DAKAYE Niago Padéma Bagassi BOROMO Békoui Boromo V o Manga Tenkodogo lta Sili R Satiri Pa o u O SAMANDENI Tô ge u Fara a S l Madjoari ilis é ARLY si BAGRE AVAL Bama Léna Banzo ZIOU Parma Koumbia KOUNOU Djigouéra BITTOU Léo Pô Kompienga Koloko Bobo Dioulasso Orodara Péni Bondigui OUESSA Ouéléni KOMPIENGA AVAL Vigué DIEBOUGOU Oualokanto Banfora Sidéradougou Dédougou Regional hydrological office Ouo DAPOLA

Gaoua V o l 50 t 0 100 km a

N L Tele-transmitted station é o i ra r b Djgoué e a é BATIE o


o C Station without tele-transmission NOUMBIEL

Kpéré Volta basin catchment boundary Tengréla

Ferkessédougou POUON Odienné Boundiali Korhogo Bonna


Dabakala RTE


Mankono Katiola Bondoukou Séguéla

Biankouro Béoumi Bouaké Tanda

Zuénoula Sakassou Vovoua Mbahialara Danané Man

Tiébissou Bakanda Doaukura Agnibilékrou Bouaflé Daloa

Duékoué Dimbokro Simbra Abengourou Bangouanou Guiglo Issio Fourmao Oumé

Gagnoa Bongouanou Tiassalé Diva Soubré Agboville Lakola S a s s a n Alégé d Abaisso ra Dobou

Adiaké Grand Lahou Grand Bassam Grabo Sassandra Bondoukou Direction régionale

San Pédro Station avec télé-transmission Tabou

Station sans télé-transmission

Limite du bassin de la Volta

0 50 100 km YARUGU NANGODI Hamalé Tumu Garu





Bolgatanga t o Han a l


a Walembele Nakpanduri K u lp Finn a w WIASI Wiasi PWALAGU V n V o o Wawjawga lt l a ta Nasia Wa No Pigu Gushiago i r e NAWUNI Ga DABOYA Sekoleg Daboya Tamale Sang Sawla CHACHE Nterso Bole Wangasi-Turu Bimbila

Mpaha N oire D a i ka t O a

t l Kabago o BUI DAM V BAMBOI Banda Bamboi ASUBENDEYeji Kintampo Chindiri Pru Sampa Prang Dumbai N oire Kwadjokrom

in Ta

Lac Volta AFRAMSO Wamanfo Nkenkaasu Ntoaboma

A f o ra Amankwakrom n m Kpandu ia a Jamasi B T Tepa Forifon Agogo Have fin O Bompata Ho Adowso AKOSOMBO DAM Buaku a Pr

im AKOSOMBO AVAL Awaso ir B Kibi V o Dadiaso lta Dunkwa Kade Ayenfuri Oda Nwasam Dawa Jamuro Foso Bawdia Ade Swedru Manso Elubo Krabo

Cap Coast Sekondi-Takoradi Kumasi Regional hydrological office Esiama Tele-transmitted station

0 50 100 km Station without tele-transmission

Volta basin catchment boundary Taoudenni •BAÏ


Abeibara Araouane •GOERE Kidal Ti-n-Zaouâtene

E z g Niger u Bourem e Tombouctou r e t Tidamène Goundam Gourma - Rharous Gao Niafounké •PLETO Ménaka Ansongo Nioro Nara Yélimané Mampala Youvarou Douentza Kayes Diéma Mopti Sévaré Niono BAÏ Bandiagara Bafoulabé Mourdiah Koro

F a l Bankass GOERE é Djenné m Ségou e Kita Banamba ani Kéniéba B Kati Koulikoro San Tominian PLETO BAMAKO Koutiala


l Kangaba u Yorosso o Dioila




Yanfofila Sikasso Kolondiéba Kadiolo

Mopti Regional hydrological office

0 200 400 km Tele-transmitted station

Station without tele-transmission

Volta basin catchment boundary Tohoun Balanka Aného Kpékplémé Vogan Efofami Nava Lom no u Mo

o Gboto

g Kamiha

Tchamba O KARA


o Kopé

Kolo n Barrage

de Nangbetode


POUDA o M Lac Togo Tabligbo Asrama LOME Notsé Tsévié Aléhéridé TITIRA Bafilo Glei


Déssi Z Anié Gamé Kandé Langabou Agbatitoé Lama Sokodé Gapé

n Kara Nadoba a a Haito

r r Sotouboua MANDOURI Niamtougou ié é a n K K A Atakpamé Kévé Noépé Kabou Mô Blitta


o Gadzépé Agou Bassar

g Nyitoé Adéta n BORGOU Yégué

o Amiamé Mogou


u Takpamba Fazao Kpalimé

o Sérégbéné

Batoumé i t K Assoukoko O Kouba Guérin- Baghan Dimori Badou Katchamba KESSIBO Tindjassé Dapaong Nano Kandjo Tandjouaré Sinkassé N'NABOUPI MANGO BONGOULOU KOUMONGOU 40 km 80 Volta basin catchment boundary catchment basin Volta 0 Regional hydrological office hydrological Regional Station without without tele-transmission Station Tele-transmitted station Tele-transmitted Kara Volta-HYCOS stations used for measurement of transboundary flows

# # Pleto (Sourou MALI) # # # Yaran (Sourou BF) # # # # Bagre (White Volta BF) # # # # # # # # # Porga (Oti BENIN) Ouessa (Black Volta BF) # # # # # # # # Mandouri (Oti TOGO) Lawra (Black Volta GH) # # # # # # Mango (Oti TOGO) Dapola (Black Volta BF) # # # # Noumbiel (Black Volta BF) # # # # Saboba (Oti GH) ## # # #

# Tagadi (Black Volta CI) # # Bui Dam (Black Volta GH) # #