MINUTES Thursday, August 28, 2014, 10:15 a.m. Meeting of the Board of Trustees State Room, Tirey Hall, Terre Haute, Indiana

1. Agenda 2. Schedule 3. Call to Order 4. Remarks Faculty Senate Chairperson (Dr. Guell) Staff Council Chairperson (Ms. Torrence) Student Government Association President (Ms. Finley) President of the ISU Foundation (Mr. Carpenter) President of the University (Dr. Bradley) President of the ISU Board of Trustees (Mr. Baesler)

5. New Business Items 5a For Passage, Approval of the May 2, 2014 Meeting Minutes (Mr. Baesler) 5b For Passage, Candidates for August Degrees (Dr. Maynard) 5c For Passage, Update to Staff Dependent Child Fee Waiver (Ms. McKee) 5d For Passage, Biennial Capital Budget Request, 2015-17 (Ms. McKee) 5e For Passage Updates to Signatory Policy (Ms. McKee) 5f Item Pulled, Cooperative Efforts with the ISU Foundation (Dr. Bradley) 5g Discussion Item, Amendment to the Board of Trustees’ Bylaws to Create Committees 5h Enrollment Update (Dr. Bradley and Mr. Beacon)

6. Items for the Information of the Trustees 6a University Investments 6b Purchasing Report 6c Vendor Report 6d Faculty Personnel 6e Other Personnel 6f Grants and Contracts 6g Agreements and Internships 6h Board Representation at University Events 6i Memorials

7. Old Business 8. Adjournment

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 1

MINUTES Thursday, August 28, 2014, 10:15 a.m. Meeting of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees State Room, Tirey Hall, Terre Haute, Indiana

3 CALL TO ORDER 3 Call to Order

The Indiana State University Board of Trustees met in regular session at 10:15 a.m. on Thursday, August 28, 2014 in the State Room, Tirey Hall.

Trustees present: Mr. Baesler, Ms. Bell, Ms. Cabello, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Minas, Mr. Pease, Ms. Sluyter, and Mr. Taylor. Trustees absent: None

President Bradley, Vice Presidents Beacon, Davis, Maynard, McKee, and Ms Sacopulos, General Counsel and Secretary of the University were present. Also attending were Mr. Ron Carpenter, President of the ISU Foundation, Dr. Robert Guell, Chairperson of the Faculty Senate, Ms. Roxanne Torrence, Chairperson of the Staff Council, and Mr. Rodney Lockman, Director of Campus Life, Student Government Association.

There being a quorum present, Mr. Baesler called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.

The ISU Board of Trustees engaged in two educational seminars just prior to the agenda meeting, consisting of a presentation on data security measures at the university and a presentation on the investment of university operating funds. Both presentations can be found at the end of these minutes.


4 Remarks Faculty Senate Chairperson (Dr. Guell) Staff Council Chairperson (Ms. Torrence) Student Government Association President (Ms. Finley) President of the ISU Foundation (Mr. Carpenter) President of the University (Dr. Bradley) President of the ISU Board of Trustees (Mr. Baesler)

REPORT OF THE FACULTY SENATE CHAIRPERSON (Dr. Guell) (Dr. Guell submitted the following report)

On behalf of the Faculty, I want to express appreciation to Enrollment Management as it extended its unbroken winning streak on enrollment to nearly a decade. This is a testament to John Beacon’s staff, in particular Rich Toomey, Melissa Hughes, and Crystal Baker. What’s more, it appears that a faculty concern regarding preparedness is beginning to be addressed as SATs showed an appreciated, albeit modest increase.

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We met at this table at the last meeting in Spring. Again, I am Robert Guell, Professor of Economics, and Chairperson of the Faculty Senate. Like the Navajo Code talkers of World War II who spoke English, Navajo and Maine Corp, in addition to English I speak two other seemingly incongruent languages: Academic and Republican. So I understand the typically liberal academic’s skepticism of the ramped up demands for accountability that when paired with scaled-back appropriations appears hypocritical at best. I also understand the conservative legislature’s skepticism of a higher education system that has doubled tuition in 12 years and quintupled it in 30 years. This is a rate that is four times that of overall inflation. When coupled with a system where a majority of incoming students fail to graduate, their frustration is also warranted.

Unlike my colleagues, I hold out no hope that Democrats would treat higher education better. If Democrats take over in Indiana, their first priority will be Medicaid expansion and K-12 funding. Higher education is in the dog house of both political parties.

More locally, I understand the Board’s need for departmental accountability. I understand your need to have chairpersons with the responsibility to meet goals that you spell out and the authority to use the resources at their disposal to accomplish those goals. From the perspective of someone steeped in the accountability culture of business, it only stands to reason that many of you would have that view.

Further, you have every right to be frustrated with depressing retention rates in the low 60’s with unbudging four year graduation rates below 22% and equally stubborn six year rates in the low 40’s. The faculty and administration are working together to generate results that you desire within an organizational management style that respects faculty work. Over the Spring and Summer the Taskforce has produced several recommendations that we are already working through. Unlike in previous years, our committees started work two weeks ago. No one will drag their feet on these. I will push my colleagues to have at least some of the Taskforce work completed by the time you meet for homecoming. I will push to get the rest to you for the time we gather for Fall commencement. When the final recommendations come later in the year, first from committees of Deans and chairs and then to the Taskforce and then to governance the Faculty Senate will tackle these issues expeditiously. By May you will have the accountability you need, and it is my expectation that at the end of this process the faculty will have the relationship with their chairs they have come to expect.

Given that, I want you to understand this: I have an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, I am a Presbyterian Elder, I have worked for private business, I have owned a small business, I have served on charitable organization’s boards and for 23 years I have been a faculty member at ISU. Through those experiences, I know that the successful organizational models of one type of institution don’t translate into successful organizational models of others. Your goals for ISU are the right goals but in my view they can only be effectively met by using the organizational structure acceptable to the people of ISU.

Chairpersons will never be effective bosses, because faculty do less for BOSSES than they do for COLLEAGUES. That is who we are. At ISU Chairs have never been, and I hope never are, bosses. Oh, some have tried. They either fail or flame out destined to drive yellow vans. None succeed. Instead, effective chairs are the ones like Drs. Sheets and Lamb and Conant and Olsen who act as guiding colleagues with jobs that include organizing, marshalling, managing, and evaluating faculty. Let’s find the compromise that replicates their success.

REPORT OF THE STAFF COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON (Ms. Torrence) (Ms. Torrence submitted the following report)

The Council has been busy this summer. The standing committees have met and have started working on their goals for the year.

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The Annual Sycamore Staff Award was presented at the Council’s Annual Meeting in May. This is an award that is presented to a staff member who best contributes to the overall mission and success of Indiana State University. Nominations were accepted from faculty and staff from all over campus. This year’s recipient was Susie McNeely, Senior Custodial Supervisor in Residential Life.

I would like to introduce the 2014-2015 Staff Council Officers who were elected at the May Council meeting. Joining me will be Vice Chair, Martha Reed; Secretary, Debbie Jeffries; and Treasurer, Jamie Hays. In addition, Tracy McDaniel is Parliamentarian, Audre Brickey is Communications Officer and Rick Murdock is Grievance Liaison. The Executive Committee had a busy summer establishing goals for the upcoming year as well as planning the annual retreat that was held in July.

The Retreat this year focused on how the Council can communicate better with our constituents. We also reviewed our by- laws and hope to have a revision to the board in the next few months. We concluded our day by recognizing the 2014 Staff Council Scholarship recipients. Four scholarships were given in the amount of $600 each to Pam Chamberlain, Wendy Cox, Debra Rea and Andrea Boehme.

The Events Committee had a photo booth at the Welcome Back picnic. I have to say there were some very interesting photos taken but I think Provost Maynard’s was the best. Welcome back to campus Dr. Maynard.

I would like to congratulate Dr. Guell and Olivia on their elections to their respective groups. I look forward to working with you in the upcoming year.

REPORT OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT (Ms. Finley) (Mr. Lockman, submitted the following report on behalf of Ms. Finley)

It is an honor to be with you this morning representing the 13,183 Sycamores who are proud to choose Indiana State University as their college destination. Indeed it is an exciting time to be a Tree as STATE continues to celebrate our increasing enrollments.

My name is Rodney Lockman and I serve as the Director of Campus Life of Student Government Association. I am pleased to share with you an update from SGA on behalf of the President, Olivia Finley who cannot be here today due to classes. I will also have to leave early today due to a class, but after all academics are priority one. Thanks for your understanding.

SGA has been very busy with the start of classes. Our focus remains acclimating members of the first year class to Indiana State, and during Welcome Week we participated in several University traditions including Sycamore Move-In, Convocation and Sycamore Sunday. SGA also hosted the annual Fountain Party on August 18 at Dede Plaza which was indeed a celebration with more than 2,000 attendees! The students enjoyed the party, food, drinks, and glow sticks while having a fun, safe time.

We are very pleased with the success of the first week of classes which included several new experiences for our students, specifically, the Color Run brought more than 5,000 people together for “the Happiest 5K on the planet” and the ribbon cutting dedication of Reeve Hall ushers in a new era for student housing.

SGA has been working very closely with Dr. Powers and the SuccessX Conference that will take place in mid-October. Our Director of Academic Affairs, Lauren Karcher, and the rest of the SGA Executive Council have been working very closely with Dr. Powers to develop the curriculum, confirm keynote speakers and develop a break out session hosted by SGA. Our Director of Leadership, Jessica Neumann, is also coordinating the nomination process for the influential faculty/staff on ISU’s campus.

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Our Director of Student Engagement, Drew Harvey, is working with public safety and ISU staff to develop ways to promote and recruit students to help during homecoming. And during October – which is Alcohol Awareness Month – Public Safety and SGA will partner to sponsor an alcohol awareness program focusing on education, awareness, bystander intervention and responsible decision making.

The freshmen branch of student government, the Sycamore Leadership Coalition has seen a significant increase in membership interest from new students. Under the Guidance of Director of Leadership, Jessica Neumann, the membership selection process has begun with the expectation of filling a 50 member class and cultivating the future leaders for ISU’s campus.

And The Forest! We all recognize their impact had on student engagement, spirit, and enthusiasm last year. Well, The Forest is growing as we already have 700 members this Fall. And on behalf of Matt Masengale, the Director of Sycamore Pride and Traditions for SGA – he expects to see you in Bloomington this weekend as the Forest cheers on the Sycamores in the first football game this year. And if we don’t see you at IU, we hope you’ll join us at Memorial Stadium for the “Blue Out” at the first home game. We continue to support the strategic initiatives of the University under the direction of President Bradley. We are grateful for the support of the strategic plan and are pleased to announce that we will be able to allocate $70,000 to student organizations during the academic year to enhance the co-curricular experience for students. We believe that putting these fiscal resources directly into the hands of the student organizations empowers them to provide continued services and experiences for all Sycamores. Thank you again President Bradley and members of the Board for placing your trust in us to facilitate this organization funding program.

SGA is looking forward to a great year. We have an amazing group of student leaders who are committed to taking Indiana State to the top. We will continue to seek the counsel and guidance from our advisors within Student Affairs, Mr. Nolan Davis and Mr. Brooks Moore. I believe that as a whole, SGA will accomplish many things this year regarding student engagement, student success, and the overall Sycamore experience that every student at Indiana State should receive. We look forward to working with the Board this year! We are off to a great start and will only keep the momentum going!

REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ISU FOUNDATION (Mr. Carpenter) (Mr. Carpenter made the following remarks)

Welcome back students to campus. We at ISU and Terre Haute have missed you. You have a direct impact on the town and community. It is great to see continued growth.

It has been a particularly active summer for the Foundation. We are working on Phase I of our Strategic Position Plan for 2015-2016 with 5 goals. We will continue our mission to inspire students to become involved with the University and work to enhance their ISU experience. It is important for us to recognize not only what happens on campus but also where they find pride and will stay involved with the University after graduation and move on with their lives.

We are gearing up for Homecoming on October 11 and are looking forward to the parade and football game. We hope to see a big crowd at the game. The ISU/IU football game is this Saturday in Bloomington with kickoff at noon. The alumni tent will be set up by 9:30 a.m. The Ball State game is on September 13 at Ball State. The alumni tent will be up from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. prior to the game.

I am pleased to see that the University is again number 1 in community service engagement. Congratulations to Nancy Rogers and her staff and students for this recognition.

We are looking forward to another great year and hopefully a lot of achievements.

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REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT (Dr. Bradley) (Dr. Bradley submitted the following report)

Good morning. Fall semester is in full swing. Move-in went very smoothly and turnout at the welcome week events was high. It is an exciting and fun time. Faculty and staff are hard at work to get these students engaged during these first critical weeks of transition.

On Monday, the University was informed that we had once again achieved a number one ranking from Washington Monthly for the community service hours performed by our students. This year, we made the announcement at the Wabash Valley Health Clinic, one of more than 100 agencies where our students volunteer and extend their education. Congratulations to Nancy Rogers, Heather Miklozek and the entire Center for Community Engagement staff as well as the faculty and staff who work with them to provide these opportunities for our students.

Later in today’s meeting, Vice President John Beacon and I will be providing an update on enrollment but I thought I would steal John’s thunder and announce the official headcount for this fall. As of the fifth day of classes, our enrollment stands at 13,183, the highest level since1972.

There have been a few significant personnel changes this summer. Provost Biff Williams is now the President of Dixie State University in his home state of Utah. We wish him and his family all the best. Fortunately, former Provost Jack Maynard agreed to return as Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs during this transition. Thank you, Jack.

I am also pleased to introduce Nolan Davis as our Interim Vice President of Student Affairs. Nolan has served as the associate vice president for students affairs since 2010 and been instrumental in driving several initiatives within the strategic plan related to student affairs. I would like to call upon Nolan to say a few words and introduce his interim associate vice president Brooks Moore.

Mr. Davis said the success over the last four years put is in a strong position to continue to build on the work we do in Student Affairs. We will continue our work in student engagement. Brooks Moore has expertise in student engagement in reaching students most difficult to reach. Brooks thanked everyone for their attendance at the Reeve Hall dedication. Your support meant so much to the students. Thank you, Nolan, President Bradley and Board for your confidence and trust in me in my new role. I look forward to working with everyone.

Thank you, Nolan and Brooks.

The University also has a new dean of Library Services. I would like to ask Jack Maynard to introduce her.

Dr. Maynard said Robin Crumrin joined us this summer. She has 2 degrees from ISU. She served as Associate Dean of the Library at IUPUI before coming here. Ms. Crumrin said she is delighted to be here and is a very proud alum. The educational experience I received at ISU allowed me to go out in the world and achieve what I intended to achieve. I am so excited to be here. I would like to invite you all to come and visit the library. We have lots to show you.

Lastly, I would like to ask Melony Sacopulos to introduce our interim compliance officer in the Office of Equal Opportunity.

Ms. Sacopulos said Channon Brown is serving as the Interim Director in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance. She has an M.S. degree from Indiana State and has worked as a graduate assistant for the last 2 years in that Office. Channon

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 6 said she received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from ISU in criminal justice and has worked with 2 of the past directors in the Equal Opportunity Office. Thank you for the opportunity to serve in this position.

Thank you, Melony and Channon.

In closing I would like to note that today’s agenda includes approval of the Biennial Budget Request. The University is requesting $64 million for the renovation and expansion of the College of Nursing, Health and Human Services Building. In 2007, the Board of Trustees approved the creation of the College of Nursing, Health and Human Services to help address the state’s critical shortage of health care workers. The College immediately began plans to expand its health-related degree programs and has added six new graduate level programs with a seventh currently waiting state approval. The renovations and addition will support these growing, high-demand degree programs.

The capital budget request signals the beginning of the state’s biennial budget process. During the coming months, I will be making several presentations to the Commission and various legislative committees advocating for Indiana State University and for additional funding for higher education. The outcome of these efforts will not be realized until next spring when the budget is finalized.

REPORT OF THE BOARD PRESIDENT (Mr. Baesler) (Mr. Baesler made the following comments)

Good morning and welcome to this new school year.

Thank you all for your reports and going forward I would like tell Ms. Torrence, Dr. Guell and SGA that on agenda action items you are all welcome to get involved in the discussion if you would like to. You will not be able to vote but we appreciate your input. Your input is valuable and it is welcome.

The enrollment news is phenomenal with what has been accomplished. Retention has to be much better than it was. We appreciate all the work being done by the enrollment management staff.

The University was again named number 1 in community service hours performed by our students. Congratulations and thanks to everyone for their participation. What you are doing makes ISU and Terre Haute better. This is evident with the work being done with organizations. Last evening Trustees attended the Terre Haute Chamber Annual Meeting where ISU received the Vision A Level Above Award. A few years ago dealing with Terre Haute and ISU is not what it is today. A common bond is good.

I had the opportunity to attend the State Board of Accounts audit on July 29. The field examiner said we are doing the things that need to be done, and she has no concerns with our audit. Thanks to all for your good work.

I want to thank Lisa Spence and Diann McKee for the seminars on data security and investment procedures and controls earlier this morning. They were both informative and timely.



The Indiana State University Board of Trustees met in Executive Session at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 2, 2014 in the State Room, Tirey Hall.

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 7

Trustees present: Mr. Baesler, Ms. Bell, Ms. Cabello, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Minas, Mr. Pease, Ms. Sluyter and Mr. Taylor. Trustees absent: None

5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) (2) (B) 5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) (2) (D) 5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) (6)

The Indiana State University Board of Trustees hereby certifies that no subject matter was discussed in the Executive Session other than the subject matter specified in the public notice.

Recommendation: Approval of the Minutes of May 2, 2014 and Certification of Executive Session.

On a motion by Mr. Pease, seconded by Ms. Bell, the recommendation was approved.

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 8


Recommendation: Approval of the candidates for degrees subject to completion of the requirements.

On a motion by Mr. Lowery, seconded by Mr. Campbell, the recommendation was approved.

Candidate for Degree Doctor of Philosophy 8/7/2014

AlNajdi, Sameer Mosa Allen, Reuben James Alsman, Cathy Jean

Bauer, Renee Lynn Noel Brown, Roderick Steven Freeman, Andrew S Friesel, Eric Green, Mark Stephen Hartman II, Burr Dyral Jensen Jr., Louis Stanley Oliver, Abbigail Suzanne Osipitan, Osileke Odusanya Railoa III, Joseph Anthony Rynearson, Alison Kristine Taylor, James Vemulapalli, Bhargavi

Candidate for Degree Doctor of Psychology 8/7/2014

Dell, Adam David Greene, Erin M. Lacy, Sara Bourne Monahan, Kerry Alissa Wierwille, Jena L. Young, Ashleigh Caroline

Candidate for Degree Educational Specialist 8/7/2014

Benson, Nicole George, Jessica Rita Hoke, Christopher Michael

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 9

Ingram, Tuere Chioneso Staley, James Eugene Wenzel, Jordan Leah

Candidate for Degree Master of Arts 8/7/2014

Jaggard, Charles Edward Jones, Ann Elizabeth Kennedy, Neal Ryan Ren, Enqi Walters, Paige Allison Ward, Jamie Lynn

Candidate for Degree Master Business Administration 8/7/2014

Anderson, Alivia Claire Boyer, Adam Michael Hayes, Jonathon A Keister, Stacy Jo Mitchell, Corlisha Shala

Candidate for Degree Master of Education 5/3/2014

Alajmi, Hadi Salem Alamri, Sarah Sagr Anderson, Kylee Gail Brosey, Kelsey Alice-Jeanne Newport Clutter, Jeffery M Haldeman, Kimberly Rae Martindale Hemmings, Ashley Michelle Jackson, Christina Lynn Moore, Jeffrey Glen

Candidate for Degree Master of Fine Arts 8/7/2014

Augustine, Carley

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 10

Candidate for Degree Master of Music 8/7/2014

Boone, Jennifer Lynnette Ellison, Paul Allen

Candidate for Degree Master of Science 8/7/2014

AlHarbi, Shaimaa Mohammad AlOrifan, Mariam Albalawi, Mane Felah Rahel Aljehani, Tagreed Maatiq Alrshed, Abdulaziz Saleh Alsheibi, Abdullah Zaini Alzahrani, Samirah Saeed Arnette, Deirdre Kaye Arroyo, Phillip Anthony Atakora, Adams Ballinger, Amber Marie Bird, Kara Borkowski, Stephen Edward Carpenter, Amanda Lynne Crumbacher, Kendra M Dean, Jason Christopher Edwardson, Dana Nicole Foxx, Heather A Franke, Jennifer Marie Graft, Lindsey Renee Hobbs, Tommy Wayne Huffman, Jason Scott Ishman, Zachary Scott Isles, Brandon Thomas Janovitz, Aaron Keating, John Francis Key, Mickael N Kinnett, Seth Allen Lange, William John Lauer, Katherine Wallace Litherland, Cheryl Flory McCahill, Colin James McDonald, Cherea Louise Morse, Timothy Kyle N' Cube, Cephas Bruce Nagabirva, Venkatajayaprakash Nering, Teresa Ann

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 11

Nicholson, Scott Matthew Ray, Justin Tyler Rosauer, Joseph Charles Smitley, Brandon James Spalding, Kayla Michelle Stevens, Dana Marie Sweck, Andrew Philip Unger, Caleb M Whitfield, Whitney Anthony

Undergraduate Degrees August 2014 Al Sultan, Mohammad Ali Bachelor of Science Alameri, Mansour Alramli Bachelor of Science Allen, Michael J, Jr Bachelor of Science Allen, William David Bachelor of Science Arnes, Samantha Jane Bachelor of Science Arop, Mangisto Amour Bachelor of Science Ayer, Lindsey Raquel Bachelor of Science Ballard, Brooke Ann Bachelor of Science Barboza, Rafael Adrian Bachelor of Science Batbold, Sosorburam Bachelor of Science Bedwell, Taylor Renee Bachelor of Science Beeler, Thomas Eugene Bachelor of Science Bird, Jacob Michael Bachelor of Science Bizjak-Turner, Jacob William Bachelor of Science Blair, Ericka R Bachelor of Science Bosworth, Joseph Albert Bachelor of Science Branch, Harold Debron Bachelor of Science Brower, Alexia Shane Bachelor of Science Caceres, Heidy Bachelor of Science Cardosa, Stephanie Rynae Bachelor of Science Cassel, Chelsea Miriah Bachelor of Science Childress, Natasha Nashawnda Bachelor of Science Christian, Tanner Curtis Bachelor of Science Cook, Casey Jean Bachelor of Science Cox, James Howard Bachelor of Science Cummings, Dawon M Bachelor of Science Cunningham, Clinton Ray Bachelor of Science Demps, Marques A Bachelor of Science Dix, Ashley Renae Bachelor of Arts Dix, Ashley Renae Certification Only Epple, Jared Michael Bachelor of Science

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Epple, Jared Michael Certification Only Ewing, Darryl Patrick Bachelor of Science Fields, Emili Gail Bachelor of Science Fitzpatrick, Blake Pearce Bachelor of Science Forsti, Christopher Paul Bachelor of Science Foster, Jared Anthony Bachelor of Science Foster, Michael David Bachelor of Science Fowler, Corben Najee Bachelor of Science Frymire, Daniel Kennedy Bachelor of Science Furr, Jayci Anne Bachelor of Science Gary, Allison Nicole Bachelor of Science Gaston, Brandon Joel Bachelor of Science Gray, Lucas Marshall Bachelor of Science Gray, Shanel Joyce Bachelor of Science Harvey, Othniel W Bachelor of Science Hatch, Alexis C Bachelor of Science Hawkins, Charles Edward Bachelor of Science Heath, Lesli Daniele Bachelor of Science Humbert, Elle Leone Bachelor of Science Jensen, Emma Marie Bachelor of Science Johnson, Sharon Yolanda Bachelor of Science Johnston, Kassandra Annette Bachelor of Science Julius, Daniel C Bachelor of Science Jung, Da Young Bachelor of Science Kellogg, Melanie Carol Delores Bachelor of Science Kennedy, Catherine Elaine Bachelor of Science Key, Kendra Nicole Bachelor of Arts Key, Kendra Nicole Certification Only Klein, Brock Robert Bachelor of Science Koll, Kristopher Mathew Bachelor of Science Lavoine, Hunter Cole Bachelor of Science Lawshe, Demory Larry Bachelor of Science Leonard, Lindsey Leigh Bachelor of Science Little, William Allen Bachelor of Science Loucks, Matthew Tyler Bachelor of Science Lowery, Shawn Aaron Bachelor of Science Marvin, Kelsey Aleda Bachelor of Science Matheis, Evan Michael Bachelor of Science Maxwell, Scott William Bachelor of Science McCoy, Sabrina Cheri Bachelor of Science Mitchell, Carl Bachelor of Science Moore, Desirea N Bachelor of Science

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Moser, Lucy Bachelor of Science Muhammad, Ayesha Latifah Bachelor of Science Newton, Ashley Rose Bachelor of Science Parkman, Ryan N Bachelor of Science Peterson, Mariel A Bachelor of Science Petrowski, Robin Lee Bachelor of Science Price, Alexis Marie Bachelor of Science Puckett, Rebekah Lynn Bachelor of Science Reeves, Erin Ashleigh Wheeler Bachelor of Science Roy, Andrea Lynn Bachelor of Science Rumple, Christina Marie Bachelor of Science Samuels, Michael Laurance Bachelor of Science Shawver, Gavin L Bachelor of Science Short, Bailey C Bachelor of Science Siokos, Shawn Allen Bachelor of Science Small, Chelsea Elyse Bachelor of Science Stevens, Melody L Bachelor of Science Stowers, David Keith Bachelor of Science Strickler, Chelsey Nicole Bachelor of Arts Swinford, Dana E Bachelor of Science Tchebeya, Ali Prince Bachelor of Science Terry, Vershon Lee Bachelor of Science Thielking, Lauren Marie Bachelor of Science Thorne, Jennelle Lisbeth Bachelor of Science Traub, Jill Marie Bachelor of Science Twitty, Regina Latrese Bachelor of Science Volkert, Kalli Fay Bachelor of Science Waling, Ashlee Nicole Bachelor of Science Walker, Nathan Geoffrey Bachelor of Science Wallace, Daniel R Bachelor of Science Waltz, Kaitlin Abigail Bachelor of Science Washington, Sherron Marie Bachelor of Science West, Jessica Diane Bachelor of Arts Whitlock, Desiree Bianca Bachelor of Science Wilhite, Christian Bachelor of Science Wilson, Rachael Jayne Bachelor of Science Wright, Dana Shakela Bachelor of Science Abbas, Imran Bachelor of Science Al Mansoori, Marran Obaid Bachelor of Science AlDarei, Mubarak Ali Mohammed Bachelor of Science Albrecht, Amy Jo Bachelor of Science Albreiki, Salem Abdulla Bachelor of Science

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Alqudaymi, Hamoud Shabib Bachelor of Science Arnold, Shea William Bachelor of Science Beasley, Benjamin Robert Certification Only Beller, Rebekka Ann Bachelor of Science Brown, Jelisa Janae Certification Only Bula, Jessica Lynn Bachelor of Science Cline, Daniel Arthur Bachelor of Science Cosey, Nigel Shane Pre Bachelor Cottle, Kimberly Dawn Bachelor of Science Craig, Clint Collin Bachelor of Science Desser, Natalie K Bachelor of Science Firestone, Brian Allen Bachelor of Science Foster, Joshua Lamont Bachelor of Science Gard, Megan Jo Bachelor of Science Gauer, Andrew Lee Roberts Certification Only Greene II, Reuben Montgomery Bachelor of Science Hamilton, Bridget Kathleen Bachelor of Science Hancock, Andrew Joseph Bachelor of Science Hernandez, Guadalupe S Bachelor of Science Horn, Robert T Bachelor of Science Jones, Clarissa Bachelor of Science Jones, Lindy Jo Bachelor of Science Jung, Daegun Bachelor of Science Lagrone, Nicole Michele Bachelor of Science Landwer, Steven Michael Bachelor of Science Little, Kelsey Diana Bachelor of Science Lloyd, Logan Tyler Bachelor of Science Nicoson, Cole Garin Bachelor of Science Overpeck, Kaitlynn Joy Certification Only Pimentel, Dorothy M Bachelor of Science Powell, Jayton Raymond Bachelor of Science Rhode, Steven Drake Bachelor of Science Roush, James Travis Bachelor of Science Schaefer, Chad Matthew Bachelor of Science Singh, Saminder Bachelor of Science Summitt II, Richard Lee Bachelor of Science Traficante, Steven Raymond Bachelor of Science Tucher, Kira Lynn Bachelor of Science Valandingham, Sydney Paige Bachelor of Science Walls, Zachary Garrison Bachelor of Science Wang, Gan Bachelor of Science Weisgerber, Christopher P Bachelor of Science

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Wellinski, Alan Robert Bachelor of Science Wilson, Patrick Michael Bachelor of Science Znika, Ivan G Bachelor of Science Gardner, Krista Marie Bachelor of Science Hallett, Valerie Elaine Bachelor of Science Hoagland, Leigh Ann Bachelor of Science Larimer, Olivia Jo Bachelor of Science Wilson, Ashley Cierra Bachelor of Science ALmuwallad, Heidar Mohammed Bachelor of Science Abuzaid, Nezar Abdulraouf Bachelor of Science Adjei, Joseph Kwesi Bachelor of Science Afrej, Bouchaib Bachelor of Science Al Junaibi, Obaid Saeed Bachelor of Science Al Thahli, Naser Ahmed Bachelor of Science Al ameri, Mabkhout Ahmed Bachelor of Science Al-Irq, Hamad A Bachelor of Science AlDosary, Saud A Bachelor of Science Alburaidi, Yasir Abdelaziz Bachelor of Science Aldawsari, Naif Munahi Bachelor of Science Alderson, Kyle Allen Bachelor of Science Aldossari, Abdulhadi Bachelor of Science Aldossary, Mohammed Faleh Bachelor of Science Aldossary, Rashed Eid Bachelor of Science Alkaibi, Abdullah Abbas Bachelor of Science Alkhaldi, Ajran Bachelor of Science Almahasnah, Moyied A Bachelor of Science Almakhalas, Jaber Mesfer Bachelor of Science Almeheiri, Abdulla Bachelor of Science Almousa, Abdulaziz Mohammed Bachelor of Science Almsarir, Abdulrahman Huwaiml Bachelor of Science Alorayf, Ibrahim Bachelor of Science Alqahtani, Mohammed Abdulhadi Bachelor of Science Alrawili, Musaad Atallah Bachelor of Science Alresheed, Abdulrahman Nasser Bachelor of Science Alsomali, Abdulrahman Ahmed Bachelor of Science Altuwayjiri, Mohammed Ghadeer Bachelor of Science Alzamel, Omar Abdulaziz Bachelor of Science Anderson, Austin Ross Bachelor of Science Bailey, Chevelle Crystal Bachelor of Science Bishop, Tyler Wade Bachelor of Science Boyd, Tyler Joseph Bachelor of Science Brown, Ethan Robert Bachelor of Science

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Bunton, Natalie Nancee Bachelor of Science Burrell, Jenna Elise Bachelor of Science Burrell, Jenna Elise Certification Only Contreras, Hector Bachelor of Science Cook, Nicholas Lee Bachelor of Science DeSantis, Mary A Rathbun Bachelor of Science Eubank, Kyla B Bachelor of Science Fallatah, Mohammed A Bachelor of Science Foy, David Aubra Bachelor of Science Garcia, Carlos Bachelor of Science Garcia, Carlos Certification Only Gilbert, Holly N Bachelor of Science Gilbert, Holly N Certification Only Golden, Christian Devon Bachelor of Science Gooch, Suni Nichelle Bachelor of Science Gooch, Suni Nichelle Certification Only Gray, Jordan Austin Bachelor of Science Hawsawi, Emad Idris Bachelor of Science Helming, Kristin Lynn Bachelor of Science Hennecke, Logan M Bachelor of Science Johnson, Ryan Dirk Bachelor of Science Jones, Clarissa Bachelor of Science Jongkind, Simon David Bachelor of Science Jude, Robert Nicholas Bachelor of Science Keers, Kody Daniel Bachelor of Science Kesner, Jordan Robert Bachelor of Science Keys, Jordon Mayo Bachelor of Science Krupa, Kyle M Bachelor of Science Lane, Kelsey Shae Bachelor of Science Lane, Kyle Bachelor of Science Larrabee, Patrick J, II Bachelor of Science Lewis, Brett A Bachelor of Science Little, Matthew Wayne Bachelor of Science Lockerby, Wade Edward Bachelor of Science Madani, Mostafa Bachelor of Science Mahoy, Steven A Bachelor of Science Miller, Kimberly L Bachelor of Science Moore, Sean Craig Bachelor of Science Mosier, William Nicholas Bronston Bachelor of Science Neal, Daniel Wayne Bachelor of Science Nelson, Taylor Anne Bachelor of Science Neuenschwander, Amber Taylor Bachelor of Science

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Neuhoff, Kyle Bachelor of Science Niles, Cody Allen Bachelor of Science Nolte, Nathan David Bachelor of Science Oberle, Jessica Lynn Bachelor of Science Paulose, Ann Kakkuzhi Bachelor of Science Perry, Braylon Lassana Bachelor of Science Pflaum, Michelle Renee Bachelor of Science Phillips, Ashley N Bachelor of Science Pratt, Jonathan David Bachelor of Science Ross, Brittany Bachelor of Science Ross, Brittany Certification Only Schonegg, Samantha Leigh Bachelor of Science Shorter, Jonathon Mark Bachelor of Science Sinnari, Abdulrahman Bachelor of Science Sion, Flavien Nseke Bachelor of Science Skaggs, Katherine Bachelor of Science Smith, Aaron C Bachelor of Science Smith, Josh Taylor Bachelor of Science Stamper, Justin M Bachelor of Science Starnes, Mackenzie E Bachelor of Science Swift, Joshua Dylan Bachelor of Science Terry, Jacob William Bachelor of Science Fleenor, Jake Stephen Bachelor of Science Brown, Rachel Turner Bachelor of Science Hodskins, Nathaniel Andrew Bachelor of Science Lindsay, Sarah Jane Stringfellow Vinyard Bachelor of Science Mimms, Lana Jean White Bachelor of Science Akpuaka, Amarachi Bachelor of Science Alakhdhair, Zahra Ali Bachelor of Science Aldridge, Matthew Eugene Bachelor of Science Alkire, Kyleigh Renee Bachelor of Science Amaning, Christel Akosua Bachelor of Science Amos, Lelia Bachelor of Science Anderson, Alyson Bachelor of Science Anderson, Dustin Jerome Bachelor of Science Anderson, Shanice Lenay Bachelor of Science Arora, Shalini Bachelor of Science Avary, Christina Louise Bachelor of Science Bambo, Magdalene O Bachelor of Science Barnhart, Jordan Jessica Bachelor of Science Bartow, Kevin Lee Bachelor of Science

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Beasley, Benjamin Robert Bachelor of Science Beckman, Leah Renae Bachelor of Science Belansky, Jessica Dawn Bachelor of Science Beliles, Khrista Lynn Bachelor of Science Bell, Carlee Janelle Bachelor of Science Beverly, Mariah Lequel Bachelor of Science Binnie, Stephanie Hope Bachelor of Science Blackwell, Zachary Sutch Bachelor of Science Boehm, Christina Marie Bachelor of Science Bonds, Anthony Edward Bachelor of Science Branneman, Brittanie Chanel Bachelor of Science Braun, Conrad Nicholas Bachelor of Science Brooks, Rukiya Bachelor of Science Brown, Jelisa Janae Bachelor of Science Bruner, Amanda Marie Bachelor of Social Work Bruner, Vanessa Lynn Bachelor of Science Burrell, Evan Bachelor of Science Cannaday, John C Bachelor of Science Cheeseborough, George Lamonte Bachelor of Science Clark-Pizzo, Cynthia Louise Bachelor of Science Cole, Creshawn De'Andre Bachelor of Science Conley, Erin L Bachelor of Science Cornelius, Philip Nathaniel Bachelor of Science Cornwell, Nichole Greenlee Bachelor of Science Courter, Tanya Marie Bachelor of Science Crook, Gabrielle Rose Bachelor of Science Cross, Kyle Dean Bachelor of Science Daniel, Nathan Grant Bachelor of Science DeStefano, Carrie Jo Bachelor of Science Derrick, Zachary Paul Bachelor of Science Dixon, John Taylor Bachelor of Science Dooley, Patrick Martin Bachelor of Science Dugan, Deirdre Annette Huff Bachelor of Science Dyar, Eric Cameron Bachelor of Science Earls, Brittney Carrissa Bachelor of Social Work Eberly, Trisha Renee Bachelor of Science Edington, Kaylee D Bachelor of Science Elms, Alicia Callie Bachelor of Science Ely, Brittany S McNulty Bachelor of Science English, Courtney Beth Bachelor of Science Escalera, Albaro Bachelor of Science Fanella, Amy Michelle Bachelor of Science

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Fields, Matthew Steven Bachelor of Science Flater, Kaylea Dianne Bachelor of Science Flemings, Kendall Lydell Bachelor of Science Garcia, Laura Medina Bachelor of Science Gauer, Andrew Lee Roberts Bachelor of Science Gehrich, Austin Michael Bachelor of Science Gerteisen, Brittany Nicole Bachelor of Science Gilbert, Jessica Michelle Bachelor of Science Gilland, Sarah I Bachelor of Science Gilland, Sarah I Certification Only Gorman, Sharon Sue Bachelor of Science Goss, Jalyne Leigh Bachelor of Science Gottsche, Emilie Mae Elizabeth Bachelor of Science Grider, Morgan Jane Bachelor of Science Griepenstroh, Lance Virgil Bachelor of Science Griffin, Kiara Bachelor of Science Griggs, Evan Andrew Bachelor of Science Hanna, Matthew Douglas Bachelor of Science Harding, Megan Nicole Bachelor of Science Hardy, Lindsey Dawn Bachelor of Science Harvego, Andrea Marie Bachelor of Science Haviland, Marissa BreAnne Bachelor of Science Hawes, Jodi Michele Bachelor of Science Hawthorne, Audrey Kae Bachelor of Science Henderson, Candice Anita Bachelor of Science Hensley, Harley Davidson Bachelor of Science Hicks, Amy Bradley Bachelor of Science Horrall, Angela Gail Bachelor of Science Hunter, Jonathan Bachelor of Science Hylton, Haley Elizabeth Bachelor of Science Jacobs, Jameson Lee Bachelor of Science Jarboe, Kellie Ann Bachelor of Science Jones, Jenae Marie Bachelor of Science Kang, John Bachelor of Science Kaufman, Kyle Adam Bachelor of Science Kaur, Jasmeen Bachelor of Science Kay, Kara Ashleigh-Elizabeth Bachelor of Science Kern, Elizabeth Anne Bachelor of Science Keser, Jill D Ann Bachelor of Science Kim, Gweon Il Bachelor of Science Kim, Su Jung Bachelor of Science Koressel, William G Bachelor of Science

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Langdon, Kayla Leeann Bachelor of Science Liffick, Kayla Brooke Bachelor of Science Loebker, Rachel Ann Bachelor of Science Loera, Danielle Arrieta Bachelor of Science Madarang, Nicholas Ronald Bachelor of Science Magana, Clara Bachelor of Science Marietta, Christopher James Bachelor of Science Markle, Britney Leean Bachelor of Science Martin, Brittney Nichole Bachelor of Science Mason, Jeffery Wayne Bachelor of Science May, Michaela Lynn Bachelor of Science Mayfield, May-Gan Michelle Bachelor of Science Mayfield, May-Gan Michelle Bachelor of Science Mbe, Quinta Abo Bachelor of Science McCallie, Zachary T Bachelor of Science McCardle, Robert Alan Bachelor of Science McCormick, Jared Craig Bachelor of Science McCoy, Maria Elena Bachelor of Science Miller, Megan Christine Bachelor of Science Miller, Tyler M Bachelor of Science Morrow, Kaylee Ann Bachelor of Science Munn, Anna Marie Bachelor of Science Niewinski, Amy Jo Bales Bachelor of Science Norman, Spencer Lee Bachelor of Science O'Neill, Erin Kathleen Bachelor of Science Obaseki, Benjamin Olu Alan Bachelor of Science Ongeri, Elizabeth Moraa Bachelor of Science Osborne, Tracie DeAnn Bachelor of Science Ourand, Jennifer Brooks Bachelor of Science Overpeck, Kaitlynn Joy Bachelor of Science Overpeck, Kaitlynn Joy Certification Only Payne IV, Nathan Darnell Bachelor of Science Pearson, Peggy Melissa Stepp Bachelor of Science Pearson, Rakelia Alicia Bachelor of Science Pethtel, Amber Marie Bachelor of Science Pettiford, Brandon Leon Bachelor of Science Pettit, Samone M Bachelor of Science Pope, Briana La'Quienta Bachelor of Science Pritchett, Shelby J Bachelor of Science Ratcliff, Cynthia J Bachelor of Science Rayner, Matthew Richard Bachelor of Science Reid, Kendall Anthony, Jr Bachelor of Science

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Richardson, Quanay Demeta Bachelor of Science Richmond, Kasha Ja Kara Bachelor of Science Richter, Tyler Cole Bachelor of Science Riddell, Daniel Lee Bachelor of Science Rieker, Julie Otte Bachelor of Science Ritter, Beth Ann Oliver Bachelor of Science Roach, Wayland Brunson Bachelor of Science Royer, Rachelle Lynn Bachelor of Science Sanford, Lora Melissa Bachelor of Science Santay, Don Robert Bachelor of Science Scher, Eric Bachelor of Science Scott, Charisa G Bachelor of Science Sculfield, Whitney Elizabeth Bachelor of Science Setter, Shannon Marie Bachelor of Science Shields, Jessica S Bachelor of Science Shushlyakova, Yelena Bachelor of Science Sisson, Taylor Renee Bachelor of Science Skowron, Valerie Marie Bachelor of Science Smith, Breana June Bachelor of Science Smith, Jerry Bachelor of Science Sonermann, Stephanie Lynn Bachelor of Science Springer, Kelly Bachelor of Science Sullivan, Natali Michele Bachelor of Science Swoboda, Stefanie Lois Bachelor of Science Tan-Birket, Chiline Joey Bachelor of Science Tellez, Dusti Robin Whitaker Bachelor of Science Templeton, Heather Marie Bachelor of Science Thompson, Brooke Alison Bachelor of Science Thompson, Elliot Jay Bachelor of Science Treat, Gabrielle Malee Bachelor of Science Vaeth, Allison M Bachelor of Science Weston, Quental Dewayne Lamar Bachelor of Science Whaley, Lindsey Morgan Bachelor of Science Wiley, Elizabeth Morgan Bachelor of Science Williamson, Cinda Colleen Bachelor of Science Worman, Taylor Michael Bachelor of Science Wortman, Shelby Lynn Bachelor of Science Zeedyk, Joseph Robert Bachelor of Science Zeleny, Stacy Renee Bachelor of Science Ramp, Rachel Leah Bachelor of Science

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The current fee waiver for dependent children of University employees waives 80 percent of qualified tuition per semester for a maximum ten (10) semesters, To be eligible the employee must be in a benefit-eligible position for at least one year prior to the first day of classes of the semester for which the waiver is sought.

It is proposed the service qualifications found in section 555.5 of the Fee Waiver and Awards policy be amended to include employees who are working in a benefits-eligible position on the day before classes begin for the semester in which the waiver is sought. All other guidelines currently in force will remain unchanged.

A side by side comparison of the proposed change in policy is shown below.

Existing Change

555.5 Dependent Child Fee 555.5 Dependent Child Fee Award. Dependent children of Award. Dependent children of full-time, benefits-eligible Staff full-time, benefits-eligible Staff members and qualified retirees are members and qualified retirees are eligible for a fee waiver in the eligible for a fee waiver in the amount of 80 percent of qualified amount of 80 percent of qualified tuition per semester for a maximum tuition per semester for a maximum of ten semesters. The staff member of ten semesters. The staff member must be in a full-time, benefits- must be in a full-time, benefits-eligible eligible position for one year prior position on the day before classes begin to the date a semester begins in in order to receive the benefit for that order to receive the benefit for that semester. This fee award will be semester. This fee award will be extended to full-time extended to full-time undergraduate students and limited undergraduate students and limited to children enrolled full-time in an to children enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program who undergraduate degree program who are claimed as a dependent for are claimed as a dependent for federal income tax purposes. federal income tax purposes.

Recommendation: Approval to modify section 555.5 of the Fee Wavier and Award policy, effective with the beginning of the 2014-15 academic year.

On a motion by Mr. Pease, seconded by Mr. Taylor, the recommendation was approved.


The Capital Improvement Budget Request for the 2015-17 biennium is to be submitted to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education and the State Budget Agency on or before September 5, 2014. State funds are requested for the following capital project:

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Special Repair and Rehabilitation

Renovation and Expansion of the College of Nursing, Health and Human Services Building $64,000,000

Recommendation: Approval of the Biennial Capital Budget Request for 2015-17 as outlined above.

On a motion by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Ms. Cabello, the recommendation was approved.


The 2014 session of the Indiana General Assembly adopted legislation modifying certain dollar amounts required for state approval of capital projects and purchase of real estate as contained in IC 21-33. It is recommended sections 620.1.1.1, 620.1.1.2, and 620.1.11.2 of the Contract Approval, Signatory, and Reporting Policy be amended to reflect these recent legislative changes.

A side-by-side comparison of the changes to these sections is shown below.

Existing Change

620.1.1.1 Rehabilitation and 620.1.1.1 Rehabilitation and Repair Contracts. Contracts for Repair Contracts. Contracts for rehabilitation or repair of ISU rehabilitation or repair of ISU facilities with a total cost under facilities with a total cost under $750,000 require approval of an $2,000,000 require approval of an ISU Purchasing Department ISU Purchasing Department representative or Treasurer. representative or Treasurer. Contracts for rehabilitation or Contracts for rehabilitation or repair of ISU facilities with a total repair of ISU facilities with a total cost of $750,000 or higher require cost of $2,000,000 or higher Board of Trustees and State of require Board of Trustees and State Indiana approval, as may be of Indiana approval, as may be required, and signature of the required, and signature of the Treasurer. Treasurer.

620.1.1.2 New Construction 620.1.1.2 New Construction Contracts. Contracts for new Contracts. Contracts for new construction with a total cost under construction with a total cost under $500,000 require approval and $2,000,000 require approval and signature of an ISU Purchasing signature of an ISU Purchasing Department representative or Department representative or Treasurer. Contracts for new Treasurer. Contracts for new construction with a total cost of construction with a total cost of $500,000 or higher require Board $2,000,000 or higher require Board of Trustees and State of Indiana of Trustees and State of Indiana approval, as may be required, and approval, as may be required, and signature of the Treasurer. signature of the Treasurer

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620.1.11.2 Purchase or Sale of Real Estate. Contracts for the purchase 620.1.11.2 Purchase or Sale of Real or sale of real estate with a total sale Estate. Contracts for the purchase amount of less than $250,000 of real estate less than $1,000,000 require the approval and signature require the approval and signature of the Treasurer. Contracts for the of the Treasurer. Contracts for the purchase or sale of real estate with a purchase of real estate equal or total sale amount of $250,000 or greater than $1,000,000 require the higher require the approval of the approval of the Board of Trustees Board of Trustees and signature of and signature of the Treasurer. the Treasurer. Sale of real estate requires approval of the Board of Trustees and signature of the Treasurer. Real estate cannot be sold for less than the appraised value.

Recommendation: Approval to modify sections 620.1.1.1, 620.1.1.2, and 620.1.11.2 of the Contract Approval, Signatory, and Reporting Policy as shown above.

On a motion by Mr. Lowery, seconded by Ms. Bell, the recommendation was approved.



The Indiana State University Foundation has entered into an agreement with Formula Four Beverages, Inc. to help promote and market the F4 Product, an oxygenated water beverage. This agreement includes participation in various promotional activities by the University, as well as use by the Foundation and/or Formula Four Beverages, Inc. of university-owned facilities (athletic venues, scoreboards, etc.) for promotional purposes. These activities are detailed in Schedule A.

Recommendation: Authorization of the University’s participation including the use of its facilities subject to availability, University policies, and NCAA rules and regulations. Authorization is contingent upon receipt of written confirmation from PepsiCo that this participation will not violate PepsiCo’s contract with the University. Schedule A Certain Services

SportsCo promotion activities shall include the following:

1. Category exclusivity – oxygen supplement

2. Product display, sales and sampling opportunities

3. F4 Brand ID on print and digital collateral materials, including event tickets, onsite signage, SportsCo’s team websites, etc., as allowed by the NCAA

4. Opportunities for corporate and client hospitality – seat access, field access, tickets (all events) ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 25

5. Access to NCAA sponsored events, as allowed by the NCAA

6. Reasonable VIP access and exclusive photo opportunities, with VIP’s being described as retail and/or Formula Four customer account executives

7. Opportunity to create co-branded promotions, as allowed by the NCAA

8. Product education campaigns

9. Social media postings, Email, TV, Commercials, Podcast, Radio, Events, Website, Mobile App, Advertising, as allowed by the NCAA

10. News and Press Releases, Articles, Interviews, as allowed by the NCAA

11. F4 apparel sales & advertising (F4 base layer exclusive use by teams for warm up), as allowed by The NCAA

12. Advertising: Stadium signage, field, on-field equipment, game clock, banners, as allowed by NCAA

13. Cheerleader advertising/appearances

14. Half -time event participation, as allowed by NCAA

15. Player/coach/team appearances, as allowed by NCAA

16. Carry F4 in all food service areas on the campus

17. F4 rights to set up promotion events and booths within the stadium at any time, with reasonable prior notification, and as allowed by NCAA

18. F4 rights to participate in community outreach events SportsCo undertakes

19. allotted number of specified F4 media references per year, as allowed by NCAA

20. minimum of 6 seated tickets per game, inclusive of field/court pass per ticket

21. special occasion access to team charter flights/buses for key F4 customers/VIP's, as allowed by NCAA

22. SportsCo. to introduce F4 to existing key corporate partnerships, for retail, marketing & publicizing F4

23. SportsCo agrees to implement F4 Product into their standard training program and game day program for Teams

MT DOC 3074675v5

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Mr. Baesler said that at the Trustees Retreat in June the idea of having committees was discussed. A number of universities do not have committees and some that do are eliminating them. One advantage for committees would be that more Board members would be engaged. A disadvantage is that Board members might try to run the university.

Mr. Lowery said he had the opportunity of listening to the discussion at the retreat regarding the committee structure approach by the Board. If we are going down that path I think we need to remember committees exist to assist the Board and not replace it. If we elect to have committees I would like to see a written charter that outlines duties and authority they have approved by the Board as to form and oversight. I think if the Board wants to go down that path we need to maintain the proper amount of restraint. If the Board is in favor of committees, I will probably go along with it.

Mr. Taylor said to have a committee to devote more time to certain issues might save the Board time. If we are getting everything we want to get, then there is no reason to have committees.

Mr. Pease said we have a seminar structure and that in some respects we are fully informed. What do we want to achieve and do we have a structure on how we want to get it done. If we decide on some model we all need to be very clear of what we want.

Mr. Campbell said our responsibility as a Board has increased in terms of audit and internal control. We passed a very large budget without much deliberation. It seems that it would be appropriate to have a committee to work with finance to spend time on those issues. We could put those on a calendar schedule to make sure the Board visits issues on a regular basis.

Mr. Lowery said those in favor of committees could provide some outline or recommendation for it. We need to specify committee or committees. We can have an unlimited number of committees.

Mr. Campbell thought a committee that deals with finance and budget.

Mr. Baesler said that finance and budget are what some feel we do not have all the information we need.


Vice President Beacon reported that the fall enrollment for 2014 is 13,183 the highest level since 1972. Overall enrollment is up 5.9 %. There is a 3% increase in new freshmen; graduate enrollment increased by 5.6% and enrollment in international students increased by 18.5%. We also have increases in online classes. This represents a lot of work by many people working together across different divisions. We are very proud of the work being done by everyone in helping in the enrollment growth.


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In accordance with the Board of Trustees approved investment policy, the University Treasurer is responsible for management and oversight of all investments. The University Treasurer is to provide a quarterly investment performance review of all funds to the Board. Below is the quarterly report for the period ending June 30, 2014.

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Purchase Order Activity for Period April 17, 2014 to August 6, 2014

Purchases Over $50,000 Sole Source, Direct From Company Adobe Systems Incorporated P0076137 Acrobat Professional Software $57,755.00

Sole Source, Campus Standardized SimplexGrinnell P832849 Fire Alarm Systems $127,004.00

Sole Source, Direct From Manufacturer & Matches Existing Equipment Redbird Flight Simulations Inc P0075486 Redbird Flight Simulations, Flight Academy $218,337.00


The following vendors have accumulated purchases from the University for the time period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 (Fiscal Year) in excess of $250,000:

Vendors with Purchases Exceeding $250,000 April 1 - June 30, 2014 US Postmaster $ 260,497 Postage Expenses MMS A/E Incorporated $ 263,172 Science Lab Renovation HMSU Towers AV Project, Exterior HEF Services Inc $ 273,650 Lighting on Cherry Street, and Miscellaneous Projects Workman's Compensation JWF Specialty Co. $ 296,846 Reimbursements Woodburn Graphics Inc $ 305,950 University Printing Services Vectren Energy Delivery $ 316,424 Gas Utility Payments Lyrasis $ 334,032 E-Library Database Licensing Fees Manpower Incorporated $ 338,457 Temporary Employee Services Re-Roof Career Center, Lincoln Quad Associated Roofing Inc $ 341,298 with Scupper and Downspout, and other Roof Work Ebsco Subscription Services $ 475,987 Library Subscription Services Banner Software Maintenance and Ellucian Company LP $ 507,143 Purchase of Travel and Expense Management Module Forrest Sherer Inc $ 641,600 Insurance Premiums

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Indiana Department of Corrections $ 654,576 Academic Courses

Previously Reported Vendors with Purchases Exceeding $250,000 Technology Integration Group $ 267,925 Software Licenses and Maintenance Parker Executive Search $ 270,979 Administrator Searches Bell Techlogix Inc $ 282,211 Microsoft Software License Payment Operating and Simulation Center Rural Health Innovation Collaborative $ 299,145 Expenses for the Rural Health Innovation Collaborative Refreshment Services Pepsi $ 302,960 ISU Dining Soft Drinks Contract Otis Elevator $ 305,195 Elevator Maintenance and Repairs University Loft Company $ 327,931 Central Housing Furniture Purchases Consulting for Web Development ImageX Media $ 358,838 Services Purchase of Furniture for Erickson Hall RJE Interiors Inc $ 369,981 Remodel and Miscellaneous Furniture Purchases Student Housing Fire Damage, Bird ST Construction Inc $ 376,909 Statue, Parking Lot 9 Repairs, and Various Other Repairs Root Hall for Remedial Math and HMSU Neff Construction Inc $ 394,813 for Student Counseling Center Remodeling and Various Other Repairs Indiana Department of Education Effect Scholastic Incorporated $ 465,201 Compliant Grant Licensing Fees Barnes & Noble Booksellers $ 481,631 Textbook Scholarships Statesman Towers Telephone Line Sycamore Engineering Inc $ 497,364 Relocation and Various Building Utility Metering Hulman Center Sound System ESCO Communications Inc. $ 532,596 Replacement Indiana-American Water Company $ 584,090 Water Utility Payments Energy USA-TPC $ 599,466 Natural Gas Purchases Ivy Tech $ 617,547 Remedial Math Instruction Staples Business Advantage $ 625,806 Office Supplies and Equipment Purchases Flight Academy Insurance and Old National Insurance $ 638,369 Commercial Insurance Premiums Welcome Center Parking Lot, Science CDI Inc $ 653,277 Building Elevator Project, Baseball Press Box, and Various Other Projects InsideTrack Inc $ 682,795 Freshman Mentoring Services ReliaStar Life Insurance Company $ 722,727 Life Insurance Premiums

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Sycamore Towers Chilled Water Piping B & S Plumbing & Heating Inc $ 808,027 Extension and Dreiser Theater Improvements Delta Dental Plan of Indiana $ 949,594 Dental Claims Reimbursements Normal Hall Renovation and Various arcDESIGN $ 1,010,225 Other Design Work University Advertising on Television and Michael Walters Advertising $ 1,039,807 Billboards Sycamore Towers Phase I, Multi-Propose Ratio Architects Inc $ 1,073,602 Track & Soccer Venue, Dede Renovation, and Various Other Projects ISU Bus Service, Fire Protection, and City of Terre Haute $ 1,282,605 Sewage Charges Technology A 2nd Floor South, Evan and Ryan Electrical Contractors $ 1,363,168 University Apartment Unit 1 Day Care, Tirey Hall Art Storage and Sycamore Outdoor Center Restrooms Renovation Erickson Hall Renovation, Root Hall C H Garmong and Son Inc $ 1,684,577 Classroom Renovation, and Rankin Patio Roof Repairs AmWins/NEBCO Group Benefits $ 2,239,931 Retiree Insurance Coverage Lenovo Inc $ 2,273,184 Faculty, Staff and Scholarship Computers Medco Health Solutions $ 2,335,556 Prescription Drug Coverage North Residence Hall Electrical Crown Electric Inc $ 2,766,948 Construction EDF Trading North America LLC $ 3,374,982 Natural Gas Purchases North Residence Hall Mechanical A A Huber and Sons Inc $ 3,737,949 Construction Duke Energy $ 6,621,186 Electricity Utility Payments TIAA-CREF $ 9,421,386 Retirement Contributions North Residence Hall Construction, Hannig Construction Inc $ 12,610,827 Arena Locker Room West Renovation, 3rd Floor Student Services Building, and Science Lab Renovation Sodexo Inc and Affiliates $ 12,988,532 Dining and Catering Payments CIGNA Health Care $ 15,170,572 Medical Claim Payments

The following vendors have accumulated purchases from the University for the time period July 1, 2014 through July 31, 2014 (Fiscal Year) in excess of $250,000:

Hulman Center Elevator Renovation and Otis Elevator $ 406,385 Elevator Maintenance and Repairs ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 35

Duke Energy $ 555,633 Electricity Utility Payments CIGNA Health Care $ 1,125,646 Medical Claim Payments Mills Hall and Science Lab Renovation and Hannig Construction Inc $ 1,487,747 Reeve Residence Hall Construction

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Appointments (Effective August 1, 2014 unless otherwise noted)

Olabode Ayodele; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Health Sciences; Ph.D., Walden University; salary $58,000 per academic year.

Yongsheng Bai; Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington; salary $60,000 per academic year.

Charles B. Barnett; Assistant Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; Ph.D., Indiana University; salary $52,870 per academic year.

Matthew M. Blaszka; Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport; M.S., Georgia State University; salary $57,578 per academic year.

Kyu Hong Cho; Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; salary $60,000 per academic year.

Roxann Coleman; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; M.S., University of Indianapolis; salary $83,000 per academic year.

Christopher Drew; Assistant Professor, Department of English; M.S., University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; salary $46,000 per academic year.

Kellee Hanigan; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; Ph.D., University of Southern California; salary $90,000 per academic year.

Margaret Ladyman; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; M.O.T., Concordia University Wisconsin; salary $83,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date June 4, 2014.

Amanda Lubold; Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; M.A., University of Arizona; salary $55,000 per academic year.

Arash Rafiey; Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; Ph.D., Royal Holloway University of London; salary $74,000 per academic year.

Carly A. Schmitt; Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign; salary $53,500 per academic year.

Tatsiana Singh; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; M.P.A., University of Nebraska Medical Center; salary $78,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date June 1, 2014.

Cathleen Thomas; Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; salary $59,000 per academic year.

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Instructor Appointments of 2-5 years—2014-2015 Academic Year (Effective August 1, 2014 unless otherwise noted)

Marilyn Bisch; Instructor, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; M.A., Indiana State University; salary $38,205 per academic year.

Derrick Bowman; Instructor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $45,000 per academic year.

Chester Burton; Instructor, Department of Art and Design; M.F.A., Indiana State University; salary $36,414 per academic year.

Bridget Butwin; Instructor, Department of Political Science; J.D., Depaul University; salary $50,000 per academic year.

Emanuel Cohen; Instructor, Department of Accounting, Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management; M.B.A., Indiana State University; salary $42,000 per academic year.

Ruth Fairbanks; Instructor, Interdisciplinary Programs and Department of History; A.M., University of Illinois Champaign; salary $36,000 per academic year.

Elaine Farrugia; Instructor, Department of English; M.F.A., Arizona State University; salary $36,000 per academic year.

Adrienne M. Gilbert; Instructor, Department of Chemistry and Physics; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst; salary $42,000 per academic year.

Faith Hudnall; Instructor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $43,000 per academic year.

Shawn Huisinga; Instructor, Department of Elementary, Early and Special Education; M.S., Eastern Illinois University; salary $42,000.

Amila K. Jeewandara; Instructor, Department of Chemistry and Physics; Ph.D., University of Nevada-Reno; salary $42,918 per academic year.

Melissa Ketner; Instructor, Department of Social Work; M.S.W., IUPUI; salary $50,415 per academic year.

Stephanie Krassenstein; Instructor, Department of English; Ph.D., Louisiana State University; salary $36,000 per academic year.

Andreas Kummerow; Instructor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Completion; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $49,850 per academic year.

Lee Anne Luttrell; Instructor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $44,000 per academic year.

Caitlin Martin; Instructor, Department of English; M.A., Miami University; salary $36,000 per academic year.

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Donald McNabb; Instructor, Department of Built Environment; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $63,985 per academic year.

John D. Moody; Instructor, Department of Chemistry and Physics; Ph.D., University of Georgia; salary $42,000 per academic year.

Somer Nourse; Instructor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $48,000 per academic year.

Amanda C. Solesky; Instructor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $46,661 per academic year.

Jackie Thurner; Instructor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $48,000 per academic year.

David Valdez; Instructor, Department of Theater; B.S., University of Southern Florida; salary $45,000 per academic year.

Sara Williams; Instructor, Department of Marketing and Operations; M.M.R., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; salary $44,803.50.

Amber N. Young; Instructor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; M.A., San Jose State University; salary $39,929 per academic year.

Amanda Ward; Instructor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing; M.S.N., Ball State University; salary $48,000 per academic year.

Jeffrey Wireman; Instructor, Department of English; M.A., Easter Michigan University; salary $36,000 per academic year.

Temporary Appointments of 1 year—2014-2015 Academic Year (Effective August 1, 2014 unless otherwise noted)

Joshua Akens; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of English; M.A., Indiana State University; salary $30,000 per academic year.

Rev. Terry M. Clark; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of History; B.S., Xavier University; salary $30,600 per academic year.

Kathleen Clifford; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $42,000 per academic year.

Aimee Jacobs; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Operations and Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education; Ph.D., University of Reading, UK; 2014 Spring Semester; fifteen hours; salary $25,000; effective January 1, 2014 through May 31, 2014.

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Sandra Kohler; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago; salary $36,720 per academic year.

Volodymyr Lazar; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; M.S., Minnesota State University; salary $36,000 per academic year.

Kareema Maddox; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; M.A., Indiana State University; fifteen hours; salary $15,000; effective January 1, 2014 through May 31, 2014.

Mark McInerney; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Applied Health Sciences; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $49,000 per academic year.

Gary Patterson; Full-Time Lecturer, Center for Science Education in the Department of Biology; M.A.T., Northern Arizona University; salary $40,000.

Donald Shorter; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; Doctor of Religion, Indiana Christian University; salary $37,455 per academic year.

Robin Voll; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of English; M.A., Indiana State University; salary $30,000 per academic year.

Jared Wuerzburger; Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $51,250 per academic year.

Yadi Ziaeehezarjeribi; Instructor, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology; Ph.D., Indiana University; salary $50,980 per academic year.

Temporary Part-Time Appointments—2014 Spring Semester

David Harris; Student Teacher Supervisor, Department of Education Student Services; M.S., Indiana State University; supervise fourteen students; salary $8,568 prorated from March 1, 2014.

Peter Mikolaj; Professor Emeritus, Department of Accounting, Finance, Insurance and Risk Management; Ph.D., Ohio State University; three hours; salary $5,000.01.

Erika True; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport; M.Ed., University of Nebraska at Omaha; two hours; salary $2,000.

Temporary Part-Time Appointments—2014 Fall Semester (Effective August 1, 2014 unless otherwise noted)

Athmane Antara; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics; M.A., Indiana State University; six hours; salary $6,000.

Tanya Baker; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $3,060.

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Michael Ball; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Aviation Technology; M.A.S., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; three hours; salary $3,075.

Joseph Biggs; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $3,060.

Errett Bozarth; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Aviation Technology; B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; six hours; salary $6,150.

Cory Campbell; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education; M.B.A., Eastern Illinois University; three hours; salary $3,060.

Dawn Castner-Rector; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Indiana State University; one hour; salary $3,000.

Malea Crosby; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $3,000.

Deborah Flurkey; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education; M.Ed., Clemson University; nine hours; salary $9,000.

Cynthia Gloye; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.Ed., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $3,060.

Tracy Goff; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $4,590.

Karla Hansen-Speer; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems; A.M., Washington University in St. Louis; three hours; salary $3,000.

Denise Harden; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; Ph.D., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $3,060.

Angela Hayes; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $3,060.

Robert Hunter; Professor Emeritus, Department of History; Ph.D., Harvard University; three hours; salary $3,060.

Stephanie Jefferson; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Illinois- Champaign- Urbana; three hours; salary $3,000.

Marc Keilman; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; D.P., Purdue University; three hours; salary $3,000.

Katherine Lindner; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Psychology; M.S., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $3,060.

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Christine Love; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Indiana State University; one hour; salary $3,000.

Tresa Makosky; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Theater; M.F.A., University of Iowa; three hours; salary $3,000.

Dave McCarter; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Iowa; nine hours; salary $9,180.

Sherryn Miley; Student Teacher Supervisor, Department of Education Student Services; M.S., Indiana University; supervise five students; salary $2,860.

Stephen Moore; Student Teacher Supervisor, Department of Education Student Services; M.S., Indiana State University; supervise three students; salary $1,716.

Michelle Morahn; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of History; M.A., Indiana State University; nine hours; salary $9,180.

Christina Panaggio; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics; M.A., Kent State University; three hours; salary $3,000.

Charles Peebles; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; B.S., Capella University; three hours; salary $6,120.

Eric Petenbrink; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of History; M.A., Indiana University; nine hours; salary $9,180.

Rachel Rasley; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Psychology; M.A., Indiana State University; six hours; salary $6,120.

Douglas Sperry; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; M.A., Catholic University of America; three hours; salary $3,060.

Douglas Timmons; Professor Emeritus, Department of Built Environment; Ph.D., West Virginia University; three hours; salary $3,744.

Brandon Wentz; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Theater; M.F.A., University of Georgia; three hours; salary $3,060.

Jalal Zreba-Dover; Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Aviation Technology; B.S., Indiana State University; six hours; salary $6,000.

Change of Status and/or Pay Rate

Esther Acree; from Associate Professor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Completion, to Director of Continuing Education, College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services, and Associate Professor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Completion; stipend of $5,000 for additional duties; effective July 1, 2104 through June 30, 2015.

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M. Affan Badar; from Chairperson and Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Technology Management, to Interim Associate Dean and Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Technology Management; surrenders chairperson supplement of $10,000; stipend of $5,000 for additional Interim Associate Dean duties; effective August 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

Richard Baker; Associate Professor, Department of Aviation Technology; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $81,772.90 per academic year; effective August 1, 2014.

Laura Bates; Professor, Department of English; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base and salary floor adjustment of $2,317; salary $68,725.56; effective August 1, 2014.

Linda Behrendt; from Associate Professor, Department of Applied Health Sciences and Director, Leadership ISU, to Associate Professor, Department of Applied Health Sciences, Faculty Fellow, Center for Community Engagement, and Faculty Fellow, University College; stipend of $6,000 for additional duties as Center for Community Engagement Faculty Fellow; two course reduction each semester for additional duties as University College Faculty Fellow; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Cheryl Blevens; Associate Librarian, Library Services; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $59,494.60; effective July 1, 2014.

Kimberly Bodey; Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base and $667 floor adjustment; salary $68,725.56; effective August 1, 2014.

Michael Chambers; from Chairperson and Professor, Department of Political Science, and Special Assistant to the Provost, to Professor, Department of Political Science, and Special Assistant to the Provost; surrenders chairperson supplement of $5,000, effective August 1, 2014; annual stipend of $7,000 per academic year and summer stipend of $3,000 for additional duties as Special Assistant to the Provost; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2016.

Denise Collins; Associate Dean, Bayh College of Education, and Professor, Department of Educational Leadership; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $114,258.93; effective July 1, 2014.

Lindsey Eberman; Associate Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; change in salary to $76,000; effective August 1, 2014.

Barbara Eversole; Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Development and Performance Technologies; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $89,120.90; effective August 1, 2014.

Roseanne Fairchild; Associate Professor, Department of Advanced Practice Nursing; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $86,639.30; effective August 1, 2014.

Alfred Finch; Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport; supplemental instructional stipend of $2,000 for teaching an additional two hours; for the spring semester of the 2013-2014 academic year.

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Carroll Graham; Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Development and Performance Technologies; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $89,120.90; effective August 1, 2014.

Robert Guell; Professor, Department of Economics; base salary adjustment of $250 for service as 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Secretary; salary $96,773; effective August 1, 2014; stipend of $6,000 in lieu of a course release for service as Chairperson of Faculty Senate Executive Committee, effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015; stipend of $3,000 for duties as Chair of Faculty Senate, to be paid $1,000 on November 1, 2014, $1,000 on March 1, 2015 and $1,000 on June 1, 2015.

Lea Hall; Associate Professor, Department of Advanced Practice Nursing and Executive Director of Nursing, College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services; change in supplement to $20,000 per fiscal year; salary $127,277 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014.

Eric Hampton; from Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology, to Acting Chairperson and Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; stipend of $4,000; effective August 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

Kara Harris; from Interim Associate Dean, College of Technology, and Associate Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Technology Management and, to Associate Dean for Students and Student Success, College of Technology and Associate Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Technology Management; end of stipend for Interim Associate Dean effective May 31, 2014; salary $112,000 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014.

Rosetta Haynes; Associate Professor, Department of English; supplemental instructional stipend of $3,000 for teaching an additional three hours; prorated for the appointment period March 24, 2014 through April 15, 2014.

Matthew Hutchins; Associate Professor, Department of Applied Health Sciences; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $62,416.20; effective August 1, 2014.

Debra Israel; Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Interim Chairperson, Department of Philosophy, and Interim Director of Interdisciplinary Programs; stipend of $5,000 for additional duties as Interim Chairperson in the Department of Philosophy; stipend of $5,000 for additional duties as Interim Director of Interdisciplinary Programs; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Michael Jackson; Associate Professor, Department of Theater; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base and $3,601 floor adjustment; salary $58,237.92; effective August 1, 2014.

John Jakaitis; Associate Professor, Department of English; supplemental instructional stipend of $3,000 for teaching an additional three hours, prorated for the appointment period March 26, 2014 through April 28, 2014; from Associate Professor, Department of English, to Professor, Department of English; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $81,464.90; effective August 1, 2014.

Maureen Johnson; Associate Professor, Department of Applied Health Sciences; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $62,416.20; effective August 1, 2014.

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Steven Lamb; Chairperson and Professor, Department of Accounting, Finance, Insurance and Risk Management; base salary adjustment of $500 for service as 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Chair; salary $132,080; effective August 1, 2014; stipend of $750 for additional duties as 2014-2015 Faculty Senate Vice Chairperson, to be paid $375 on November 1, 2014 and $375 on March 1, 2015.

Xiaolong Li; Associate Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $72,848.60; effective August 1, 2014.

Christine MacDonald; Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; base salary adjustment of $250 for service as 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Vice Chairperson; salary $79,370; effective August 1, 2014; stipend of $750 for additional duties as Secretary of Faculty Senate, to be paid $375 on November 1, 2014 and $375 on March 1, 2015.

Kand McQueen; Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $60,708; effective August 1, 2014.

Jill Moore; from Assistant Professor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing, ten month position to Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Practice Nursing, 12 month position; salary $83,500 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014.

Leah Nellis; from Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology, to Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology and Project Director for the Effective Evaluation Grant, Blumberg Center; stipend of $14,061.40 for additional duties as Project Director; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Somer Nourse; Instructor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing; supplemental instructional stipend of $500 per semester for teaching an additional .5 hours; 2014 Fall semester and 2015 Spring semester.

Yong Park; Associate Professor, Department of Elementary, Early and Special Education; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $60,707.90; effective August 1, 2014.

Catherine Paterson; Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $77,829.40, effective August 1, 2014; stipend of $5,000 for additional duties as Faculty Fellow, Center for Community Engagement; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Yasenka Peterson; Associate Dean for Academics, College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services, and Professor, Department of Applied Health Sciences; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $117,010.67; effective July 1, 2014.

John Pommier; from Chairperson and Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport, to Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport; surrenders chairperson supplement of $8,000; salary $97,081; effective August 1, 2014.

Diana Quatroche; from Chairperson and Professor, Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education, to Professor, Department of Elementary, Early and Special Education and Interim Chairperson,

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Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education and Department of Curriculum Instruction and Media Technology (to become the newly formed Department of Teaching and Learning by July 1, 2015); surrenders Elementary, Early and Special Education Chairperson supplement of $8,000; stipend of $12,000 for Interim Chairperson duties of the Department of Elementary, Early and Special Education and the Department of Curriculum Instruction and Media Technology (to become the newly formed Department of Teaching and Learning by July 1, 2015); effective August 1, 2014.

Don Rogers; from Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport, to Chairperson and Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport; chairperson supplement of $8,000; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base, salary $82,772; effective August 1, 2014.

Christopher Roman; from Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation, to Assistant Professor, Clinical Coordinator, and Interim Program Director for the Physician Assistant Program, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; stipend of $4,000 for additional duties; prorated for the appointment period of January 1, 2014 through February 28, 2014.

Eulsun Seung; from Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics, to Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics and Director, Center for Science Education; stipend of $1,500 for additional duties; effective August 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.

Ali Mehran Shahhosseini; from Associate Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Technology Management, to Associate Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Technology Management, and Interim Director of the Ph.D. program in Technology Management; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $80,569.50, effective August 1, 2014; stipend of $10,000 for additional duties, effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Stephen Shure; Assistant Professor Emeritus, Department of Aviation Technology; phased retirement stipend of $33,163; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Thomas Steiger; Professor, Department of Psychology and Director, Center for Student Research and Creativity; supplemental instructional stipend of $1,000 for teaching an additional one hour; for the 2014 spring semester.

Stasia L. Tapley; from Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation, to Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; B.S., University of Southern Alabama; salary $87,000 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014.

Jan Weust; from Instructor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing, to Assistant Professor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing; M.S., Indiana Wesleyan University; salary $73,500 per academic year.

Kelly Wilkinson; from Professor, Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education, to Chairperson and Professor, Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education; supplement of $7,000; salary $103,699; effective August 1, 2014.

Franklin Wilson; Associate Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $66,778.80; effective August 1, 2014.

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Stephen Wolf; Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $71,216.20; effective August 1, 2014.

Dorothy Yaw; Professor Emerita, Department of Human Resources Development and Performance Technologies; phased retirement stipend of $22,426; for the Fall 2014 semester.

Bassam Yousif; from Associate Professor, Department of Economics, to Associate Dean for Curriculum, Personnel, and Budget, College of Arts and Sciences and Professor, Department of Economics ; ten percent promotion increase to 2014-2015 base; salary $106,000, prorated from effective date August 1, 2014.

Leave of Absence Changes

Valentine K. Muyumba; Associate Librarian, Library Services and Chairperson, Technology Services; from leave, with pay, August 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015, to leave, with pay, August 1, 2014 through November 30, 2014; surrenders chair supplement during leave.

Leave of Absence with Pay—2014 Spring Semester

Robert Johnson; Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; from April 3, 2014 through May 31, 2014.

Leave of Absence with Pay—2014 Fall Semester

Laura Bates; Associate Professor, Department of English.

Boris Blyukher; Professor, Department of Built Environment.

Paul K. Bolinskey; Associate Professor, Department of Psychology.

Gaston Fernandez; Professor, Department of Political Science.

Swapan Ghosh; Professor, Department of Biology.

Timothy Hawkins; Associate Professor, Department of History.

Jacqueline Shin; Associate Professor, Department of Psychology.

Linda Sperry; Chairperson and Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; surrenders chairperson supplement during leave.

Mary Tucker; Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology.

William Wilhelm; Professor, Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education.

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Leave of Absence with Pay—2015 Spring Semester

Kathryn Bauserman; Associate Professor, Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education.

Kimberly Bodey; Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport.

Aruna Chandrasekaran; Professor, Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education.

Gail Gottschling; Assistant Professor, Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education, and Director, Early Childhood Recreation Center.

Jennifer Inlow; Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Leah Nellis; Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology.

Eulsun Seung; Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Michael Shelden; Professor, Department of English.

Steven Stofferahn; Associate Professor, Department of History.

Leave of Absence with 60% Pay for the 2014-2015 Academic Year

Thomas Johnson; Professor, Department of Psychology.

Elaina Tuttle; Professor, Department of Biology.

Cheng Zhao; Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Leave of Absence with 60% Pay for the 2015 Calendar Year

Lisa Phillips; Associate Professor, Department of History.

Leave of Absence without Pay

Yuetong Lin; Associate Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Nancy Obermeyer; Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

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Judith Barad; Professor, Department of Philosophy; effective May 31, 2015.

Leslie Barratt; Chairperson and Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; effective May 31, 2015.

William Barratt; Professor, Department of Educational Leadership; effective May 31, 2015.

James Buffington; Associate Professor, Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education; effective May 31, 2014.

Steven Connelly; Professor, Department of English; effective December 31, 2014.

George Graham; Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; effective May 31, 2014.

Thomas Harris; Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management; effective May 31, 2015.

James Jacobs; Professor, Department of Elementary, Early and Special Education; effective May 31, 2014.

Linda Janosko; Associate Professor, Department of Theater; effective May 31, 2015.

Richard Kjonaas; Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics; effective May 31, 2015.

Betty Phillips; Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; effective May 31, 2015.


LaKesha Anderson; Assistant Professor, Department of Communication; effective May 31, 2014.

Laura Carpenter; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; effective May 31, 2014.

Henry Davis; Professor, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology; effective June 30, 2014.

Christopher Dolle; Instructor, Department of English; effective May 31, 2014.

Mattea Garcia; Assistant Professor, Department of Communication; effective May 31, 2014.

Carl Klarner, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, effective May 31, 2014.

Sheila Marks, Assistant Professor, Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Completion; effective May 31, 2014.

Amy Murphy-Nugen; Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work; effective May 31, 2014.

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Peiman Naseradinmousavi; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Technology Management; effective May 31, 2014.

D. Thomas Ramey; Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership; May 31, 2014.

Arthur Sherwood; Associate Professor, Department of Management, Information Systems, and Business Education; effective May 31, 2014.

Wendy Thompson-Taiwo; Assistant Professor, Department of History; effective May 31, 2014.

Carolyn Wallace; Associate Professor, Department of Biology, and Director of the Center for Science Education; effective May 31, 2014.

Robert Waugh; Instructor, School of Music; effective May 31, 2014.

Ryan Weir; Assistant Librarian, Library Services; effective June 20, 2014.

Marissa Wiley; Instructor, Department of Communication; effective May 31, 2014.

Yadollah Ziaeehezarjeribi; Instructor, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology; effective May 31, 2014.




Christine Haraburda; Administrative Assistant I, Blumberg Center; $14.00/hr; effective June 11, 2014.

Amanda Hastings; Custodian II, Hulman Center; $9.92/hr; effective April 28, 2014.

Brittani Lee; Membership Services Assistant, Student Rec Center; $13.34/hr; effective July 28, 2014.

Patricia Lee; Administrative Assistant I, Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; $12.24/hr; effective July 14, 2014.

Sara Loudermilk; Communications Officer, Public Safety; $15.88/hr; effective June 23, 2014.

Crystal Myers; Administrative Assistant I, Community School of the Arts; $12.24/hr; effective August 4, 2014.

Leah Myers; Administrative Assistant II, Department of Communications; $13.35/hr; effective June 23, 2014.

Zachary Reel; Admissions Processing Specialist, Admissions and High School Relations; $12.14/hr; effective June 2, 2014.

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Lorri Schuster; Administrative Assistant I, Dean, Bayh College of Education; $12.24/hr; effective August 4, 2014.

Jennifer Stutler; Student Services Assistant II, Dean, Bayh College of Education; 13.25/hr; effective May 22, 2014.


Nick Barnhart; Assistant to the Curator, Permanent Art Collection; effective July 11, 2014.

Heidi Buchanan; Membership Services Assistant, Recreational Sports; effective July 25, 2014.

Donel Curtis; Custodian II, Sandison Housing; effective June 17, 2014.

Susan Denny; Student Services Assistant III, Admissions and High School Relations; effective July 15, 2014.

Stacey Greene; Office Assistant, Intercollegiate Athletics, Football; effective June 25, 2014.

Rita Hendrix; Administrative Assistant I, Accounting, Finance, Insurance and Risk Management; effective August 29, 2014.

Brenda Leturgez; Budget Coordinator, Hulman Memorial Student Union – Operations; effective August 29, 2014.

Carolyn Montgomery; Custodian I, Facilities Management; effective June 5, 2014.

Patrick Parker; Custodian II, Sycamore Housing; effective July 7, 2014.

Janette Pinkerton; Overnight Library Supervisor, Library Services; effective July 11, 2014.

Cari Riggs; Student Services Assistant I, Psychology; effective July 17, 2014.

Jacob Wooden; Student Services Assistant I, Admissions and High School Relations; effective August 12, 2014.


Enrique Andrade; Custodian II, Lincoln Quad Housing; effective August 29, 2014.

Robert Elson; Athletic Equipment Attendant, Athletic Operations; effective June 30, 2014.

Edward Fischer; Maintenance Coordinator, Central Housing; effective August 20, 2014.

Harriett Kelley; Employee Benefits Administrator, Staff Benefits; effective July 25, 2014.

Kathy Kintner; Custodian I, Sycamore Housing; effective August 15, 2014.

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Thomas Reagin; Custodian I, Facilities Management; effective July 15, 2014.

Change in Status and/or Pay Rate Promotion

Faron Glenn; from Groundskeeper, Facilities Management; $10.12/hr to Gardener, Facilities Management; $12.22/hr; effective July 7, 2014.


Yolanda Barnhill; from Executive Assistant, VP for Student Affairs; $18.39/hr to Budget Coordinator, Hulman Memorial Student Union – Operations; $18.39/hr; effective August 30, 2014.

Mary Grayless; from Administrative Assistant I, Sycamore Housing; $15.62/hr to Administrative Assistant I, Lincoln Quad Housing; $15.62/hr; effective July 1, 2014.

Linda Horstketter; from Lead Custodian, Sycamore Housing; $12.13/hr to Custodian I, Sycamore Housing; $11.53/hr; effective April 12, 2014.

Sharman Woll; from Administrative Assistant I, Sycamore Housing; $13.31/hr to Administrative Assistant I, Central Housing; $13.31/hr; effective July 1, 2014.


Barbara Austin; from Library Associate II, $16.02/hr to Library Associate III, $18.54/hr; Library Services; effective June 21, 2014.

Lori Davis; from Administrative Assistant I, $12.24/hr to Administrative Assistant II, $13.92/hr; Department of Educational Leadership; effective June 21, 2014.

Carey LaBella; from Library Associate I, $11.64/hr to Library Accounting Associate, $14.14/hr; Library Services; effective May 10, 2014.

John Light; from Senior Maintenance Mechanic, $16.77/hr to Maintenance Mechanic, Hulman Center; effective May 10, 2014.


Andrew Piske; skill assessment from Police Officer; $17.98/hr to Police Officer, Public Safety; $18.47/hr; effective July 11, 2014.

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Michele A. Barrett; Assistant Police Chief, Department of Public Safety; B.A., Purdue University; salary $70,000 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of August 1, 2014.

Channon Brown; Interim Equal Opportunity & Compliance Officer, Office of Equal Opportunity; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $38,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of August 11, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Brian Buening; Athletic Trainer I, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; M.S., University of Alabama; salary $37,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of May 23, 2014.

Tracy Chapman; Assistant Registrar, Office of Registration and Records; B.S., Kinnesaw State University; salary $37,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of May 19, 2014.

Ryan Hanigan; Rehabilitation Clinic Director, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; M.P.T., University of Nebraska Medical Center; salary $82,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of September 8, 2014.

Danielle Jena; Rehabilitation Specialist, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; D.P.T., University of Indianapolis; salary $62,424 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of June 30, 2014.

David Kelty; University College Advisor, University College; M. Ed., Indiana State University; salary $31,181 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014.

Loni A Mantooth; Program Coordinator; New Student Transition Program; April 28, 2014 through June 30, 2014; salary $31,181 per fiscal year. Reappointment required.

Matthew Mosley; Admissions Welcome Center Counselor, Admission and High School Relations; Bachelors, Ball State University; salary $22,500 for 9 months; effective September 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Ryan Payonk; Admissions Welcome Center Counselor, Admission and High School Relations; B.S., St. Louis University; salary $22,500 for 9 months; effective September 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Christine Strong; Study Abroad Program Director, Center for Global Engagement and International Programs; M.S., Illinois State University; salary $53,000 per academic year; prorated from the effective date of April 23, 2014.

Katie Sutrina-Haney; University Archivist, Library Services; M.A., Northern Illinois University; salary $42,500 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of June 16, 2014.

Zachary Turner; Residential Life Area Coordinator, Residential Life; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $35,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of June 30, 2014.

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Temporary Appointments

Valerie Allen; Program Coordinator; New Student Transition Program; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; salary $32,640.

Michelle R. Bennett; Program Coordinator, Office of Extended Learning/OLLI Program; B.A., Indiana State University; salary $40,880 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Michael Caress; Veteran’s Services Coordinator; Admissions and High School Relations; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; salary $16,801.

Samuel Bunch; Information Technology Analyst, Residential Life; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $33,293 per fiscal year; prorated for the appointment period June 5, 2014 through June 30, 2014; reappointed effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Kelly Hall; Program Coordinator, IU School of Medicine-Terre Haute; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $52,020 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Louise Jackson; Phased Retiree, Office of Budget, Payroll, and Risk Management; salary $12,750 per fiscal year; quarter time appointment effective June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Amy Kingery; Career Services Employer Relations Coordinator, Career Center; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $41,000 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Linda Laffoon; Enrollment Services Coordinator; Admissions and High School Relations; effective August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015; salary $39,106 for 10 months.

James Lance; Career Services Employer Relations Coordinator, Career Center; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $40,000 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Loni A Mantooth; Program Coordinator; New Student Transition Program; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; salary $31,181.

Kathryn Melendez; Admissions Welcome Center Counselor; Admissions and High School Relations; B.S., The George Washington University; salary $22,500 for 9 months; effective September 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

Tamara Morris; Student Union Operations Manager, Hulman Memorial Student Union; stipend of $6,000 for additional Duties; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

JoEllen Ornduff; Student Support Services Adviser, Student Support Services; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $32,000 per fiscal year; prorated for the effective dates of May 5, 2014 through August 31, 2014.

Brandie Perry; Financial Aid Counselor; Student Financial Aid; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; salary $30,000.

Christopher Pfaff; CBSEI Program Director, Center for Business Support and Economic Innovation; B.A., Indiana University; salary $93,423 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

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Troy Phelps; Business Advisor, ISU/Wabash Valley Small Business Development Center; B.A., Anderson University; salary $38,240 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Matthew Porter; Field Campus Manager, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $31,212 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Michelle Reeson; Professional Development Program Assistant Director, Networks Financial Institute; M.A., Indiana State University; salary $66,300 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Mark Schaffer; Contract Coordinator, College of Nursing, Health and Human Services; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $46,186 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Jack Schroeder; Twenty-First Century Scholars Program Coordinator, Center for Student Success; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $29,652 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

James Snapp; Budget Specialist, IU School of Medicine-Terre Haute; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $49,899 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Heather Strohm; ISBDC Program Director, ISU/Wabash Valley Small Business Development Center; M.B.A., Mercer University; salary $68,820 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014.

Raymond Thomas; Web Content Developer, Networks; British General Certificate of Education, Hengrove Comprehensive School; salary $39,651 per fiscal year, effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Brianne Walters; Program Coordinator, Department of Biology; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $42,340 per fiscal year; effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Elizabeth Warner; Admissions Operations Coordinator; Admissions and High School Relations; B.S., Indiana State University; salary $30,000 per fiscal year; effective June 2, 2014.

Melissa Wolter; Career Center Employer Relations Coordinator, Career Center; M.S., Indiana State University; salary $40,000 per fiscal year; prorated for the effective dates May 12, 2014 through June 30, 2014; reappointment effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Yong Xue; Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemistry and Physics; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago; salary $39,535 per fiscal year; prorated for the appointment period July 1, 2014 through August 14, 2014.

Change of Status and/or Pay Rate

Stacey Bocard; from Senior Programmer Analyst, Office of Information Technology, to Application Systems Manager, Office of Information Technology; salary $61,045 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date May 1, 2014.

Nolan L. Davis; from Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, to Interim Vice President and Dean of Students, Student Affairs; salary $151,000 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of July 22, 2014.

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Alexander Dresen; from Housing Officer II, Maehling Terrace University Apartments, Office of Residential Life, to Residential Life Area Coordinator, Maehling Terrace University Apartments, Office of Residential Life; salary $35,527 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date April 9, 2014.

Ashley Gard; University College Adviser, University College; change from full-time professional appointment to part-time professional appointment; $20.40 hourly rate; effective July 1, 2014.

Randal Hargis; from Help Desk Coordinator, Office of Information Technology, to Information Center Consultant, Office of Information Technology; salary $44,049 per fiscal year; prorated from effective date March 1, 2014.

Steven Hayward; from Senior Programmer Analyst, Office of Information Technology, to Senior Software Engineer, Office of Information Technology; salary $62,128 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of May 1, 2014.

Marie Humpolick; from Admissions Counselor to International Student Credentialing Coordinator; Admissions and High School Relations; salary $32,212 per fiscal year; effective June 23, 2014.

Amy Kingery; from Welcome Center Counselor, Admissions and High School Relations, to Career Services Employer Relations Coordinator, Career Center; salary $41,000 per fiscal year; prorated for the appointment period May 12, 2014 through June 30, 2014.

Jeffrey Kortman; from Housing Officer I, Sandison Housing, Office of Residential Life to Residential Life Area Coordinator, Sandison Housing, Office of Residential Life; salary $36,524 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of April 9, 2014; from Residential Life Area Coordinator, Sandison Housing, to Residential Life Assistant Director- Residential Education, Central Housing; salary $44,776 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date June 11, 2014.

Linda Laffoon; Enrollment Services Coordinator; Admissions and High School Relations; (10) ten month employee no work period from June 1, 2014 through July 31, 2014.

James Lance; from Admissions Counselor, Admissions and High School Relations, to Career Services Employer Relations Coordinator, Career Center; salary $40,000 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date May 12, 2014 through June 30, 2014.

Brian Lewis; from Programmer Analyst, Office of Information Technology, to Web Application Server Administrator, Office of Information Technology; salary $49,521 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of May 1, 2014.

C. Jack Maynard; from Professor and Provost Emeritus, to Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President and Provost Office; salary $269,052 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of August 1, 2014.

Kathryn Melendez; from PT No Ben Temp Host Counselor to Admissions Counselor; Admissions and High School Relations; salary $30,000 per fiscal year; effective June 23, 2014.

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J. Brooks Moore; from Associate Dean of Students/Engagement, to Interim Associate VP Student Affairs, Associate VP Student Affairs; salary $101,000 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of July 22, 2014.

Tracy Osborne; from Program Coordinator to New Student Programs and Testing Director; New Student Transition Programs; salary $51,000 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of August 1, 2014.

Loreal Patterson; from Housing Officer II, Sycamore Housing, Office of Residential Life, to Residential Life Area Coordinator, Sycamore Housing, Office of Residential Life; salary $35,527 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of April 9, 2014.

Lindsay Peck; from Housing Officer II, Burford Housing, Office of Residential Life, to Residential Life Area Coordinator, Burford Housing, Office of Residential Life; salary $36,524 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of April 9, 2014.

James Pond; from Assistant Program Coordinator, Center for Student Success, to Student Success Coordinator and LEAP Advisor, Center for Student Success; salary $43,744 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date of June 1, 2014.

Franci Rubin; from Student Services Assistant III; Dean, College Nursing, Health, Human Services; to Scholarship Systems Coordinator; Admissions and High School Relations; salary $32,961 per fiscal year; effective July 23, 2014.

Aaron Slocum; from Housing Officer II, Sycamore Housing, Office of Residential Life, to Residential Life Area Coordinator, Sycamore Housing, Office of Residential Life; salary $36,524 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date April 9, 2014.

Kevin Smith; from Application Systems Manager, Office of Information Technology, to Institutional Computing Services Director, Office of Information Technology; salary $83,378 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date April 1, 2014.

Tara Thomson; from Admissions Welcome Center Counselor to Admissions Counselor; Admissions and High School Relations; effective May 12, 2014; salary $30,000 per fiscal year (prorated).

Dale Tryon; from Senior Programmer Analyst, Office of Information Technology, to Application Systems Manager, Office of Information Technology; salary $56,990 per fiscal year; prorated from the effective date May 1, 2014.

Rebecca Wray; early end of stipend as Interim Gongaware Center Director, effective February 16, 2014; from Gongaware Center Assistant Director, Gongaware Center, to Gongaware Center and Networks Financial Institute Director, Scott College of Business; salary $110,000 per fiscal year; prorated for the appointment period February 17, 2014 through June 30, 2014; reappointed effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.


Melissa Benningfield; University College Adviser, University College; effective July 31, 2014.

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Kwesi Bentum; Blumberg Center School Psychologist, Blumberg Center, Bayh College of Education; effective August 1, 2014.

Leslie Engelland; Academic Associate, College of Arts and Sciences; effective May 14, 2014.

Tyler Herbst; Interim Athletic Studies Assistant Director, Athletic Academic Advisement; effective July 11, 2014.

Mary Kennedy; CSHRS Director, Center for the Study of Health, Religion, and Spirituality; effective June 30, 2014.

Merry Lucas; Career Services Coordinator, Career Center; effective June 30, 2014.

William Eric Louk; Scholarship Systems Coordinator; Admissions and High School Relations; effective May 2, 2014.

Paula Meyer; Media Relations Coordinator; Communications and Marketing; effective August 1, 2014.

Cynthia S. McClain; Payroll Systems Analyst, Department of Budget, Payroll, and Risk Management; effective September 5, 2014.

Timothy Morgan; Systems Integrator, Office of Information Technology; effective June 13, 2014.

Christopher Pfaff; CBSEI Program Director, Center for Business Support and Economic Innovation; effective August 8, 2014.

Janet Rose; Program Coordinator, Indiana Area Health Education Center; effective May 30, 2014.

Carmen Tillery; Vice President and Dean of Students, Student Affairs; effective July 21, 2014.

Joseph Thomas; New Student Programs and Testing Director; New Student Transition Programs; effective July 1, 2014.

Mitchell Wasik; Co-Head Athletic Trainer, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation; effective June 30, 2014.

David Williams; Technical Support Specialist, College of Nursing, Health and Human Services; effective May 31, 2014.

Richard “Biff” Williams; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President and Provost Office; effective August 10, 2014.

Jason Winkle; Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Nursing, Health and Human Services, and Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Management; effective May 16, 2014.

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Jason Wray; Information Technology Analyst, Central Housing, Office of Residential Life; effective May 14, 2014.



Luke Harris; Assistant Coach, Strength-Conditioning; annual salary $24,000 effective July 21, 2014.

Samantha Heinzman; Assistant Coach, Softball; annual salary $24,000 effective June 22, 2014.

Terry Parker; Assistant Coach, Men’s Basketball; annual salary $65,000 effective May 2, 2014.

Nick Young; Athletic Equipment Manager; annual salary $30,000 effective July 28, 2014.


Shane Bouman; Head Coach, Softball; annual salary $67,830 effective July 1, 2014.

Dennis Darke; Athletic Facilities/Operations Assistant Manager; annual salary $32,640 effective July 1, 2014.

John Gartland; Head Coach, Women’s Cross Country; annual salary $45,354 effective July 1, 2014.

Erin Gilreath; Assistant Coach, Track; annual salary $35,374 effective July 1, 2014.

Mitch Hannahs; Head Coach, Baseball; annual salary $92,000 effective July 1, 2014.

Sean Mang; Athletic Facilities/Operations Assistant Manager; annual salary $32,640 effective July 1, 2014.

Angela Martin; Head Coach, Women’s Track & Field; annual salary $44,511 effective July 1, 2014.

Jeffrey Martin; Assistant Coach, Track & Cross Country; annual salary $33,000 effective July 1, 2014.

David McMannus; Head Coach, Strength-Weight Training; annual salary $61,200 effective July 1, 2014.

John McNichols; Head Coach, Men’s Track & Cross Country; annual salary $76,363 effective July 1, 2014.

Ronnie Prettyman; Assistant Coach, Baseball; annual salary $28,540 effective July 1, 2014.

Tamara Schaffer; Spirit Program & Community Relations Coordinator; annual salary $25,562 effective July 1, 2014.

Justin Short; Part-Time Video Specialist; annual salary $25,000 effective July 1, 2014.

Brian Smiley; Assistant Coach, Baseball; annual salary $38,460 effective July 1, 2014.

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Gregory Towne; Head Coach, Women’s Golf; annual salary $42,865 effective July 1, 2014.

Michael Roberts; Part-Time Assistant Coach, Track; annual salary $9,600 effective May 1, 2014.

Amanda Zust; Assistant Coach, Softball; annual salary $33,456 effective July 1, 2014.

Change in Status and/or Pay Rate/Promotion

Marcus Belcher; Assistant Coach, Men’s Basketball; annual salary increased from $70,482 to $74,082 effective June 1, 2014.

Louis Gudino; Associate Head Coach, Men’s Basketball; annual salary increased from $99,751 to $103,350 effective June 1, 2014.

Jeff Mills; Assistant Coach, Football; annual salary increased from $49,000 to $65,000 effective July 1, 2014.

Teri Moren; Head Women’s Basketball Coach; annual salary increased from $112,376 to $127,376 effective July 1, 2014.

Matthew Murphy; Part Time Assistant Coach, Football; annual salary increased from $24,480 to $32,282 effective July 1, 2014.


Lucas Hileman; Assistant Coach, Softball; effective June 30, 2014.

James Menser; Business Coordinator; effective July 31, 2014.

Daniel Millington; Assistant Coach, Strength-Weight Training; effective June 20, 2014.

Teri Moren, Head Women’s Basketball Coach; effective August 9, 2014.

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1. Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Fund No. 548921, Proposal No. 14-084 An agreement in the amount of $2,875.00 has been received from Wabash Valley Community Foundation for the project entitled, “African Drum Program,” under the direction of Petra Nyendick, School of Music, for the period March 27, 2014 through March 27, 2015.

2. Parke County Community Foundation, Fund No. 548925, Proposal No. 14-094 An agreement in the amount of $2,250.00 has been received from Parke County Community Foundation for the project entitled, “Rivers & Roads Artisan Trail Traveling Exhibit,” under the direction of Steven Pontius, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems, for the period April 25, 2014 through April 24, 2015.

3. Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Fund No. 548926, Proposal No. 14-085 An agreement in the amount of $1,500.00 has been received from Wabash Valley Community Foundation for the project entitled, “Women on the Move to Healthy Eating,” under the direction of Darleesa Doss, Department of Applied Health Sciences, for the period April 16, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

4. Vigo County School Corporation, Fund No. 548923, Proposal No. 14-049 A sub agreement under the Indiana Department of Education in the amount of $19,436.00 has been received from Vigo County School Corporation for the project entitled, “Indiana Math and Science Partnership Program,” under the direction of Susan Powers , Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, for the period March 1, 2014 through August 31, 2014.

5. Indiana Academy of Science, Fund No. 548930, Proposal No. 14-107 An agreement in the amount of $2,600.00 has been received from Indiana Academy of Science for the project entitled, “Does Moonlight Affect the Movement and Foraging Behavior of Bats in Indiana Flyways?,” under the direction of Robert Arndt, Department of Biology, for the period April 24, 2014 through April 23, 2015.

6. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Fund No. BAT, Proposal 14-147 An agreement in the amount of $1,760.00 has been received from Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore for the project entitled, “Acoustic Bat Survey at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore,” under the direction of Joy O’Keefe, Department of Biology, for the period May 13, 2014 through July 31, 2014.

7. Purdue University, Fund No. 548927, Proposal No. 14-068 A sub agreement under U.S. Geological Survey in the amount of $15,000.00 has been received from Purdue University for the project entitled, “A History of Metal Pollution in the Wabash River, Vigo County, Using Geochemical Records from Pond and Wetland Sediments,” under the direction of Jennifer Latimer, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems, for the period March 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015.

8. ISU Foundation, Fund No. 548935 & 548936, Proposal No. 14-134 An agreement in the amount of $147,250.00 has been received from the ISU Foundation for the project entitled, “Fannie & Ben Blumberg 2014-2015,” under the direction of Carol Wetherell, Blumberg Center, for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

9. Purdue University, Fund No. 548937, Proposal No. 14-090

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A sub agreement under the Indiana Department of Natural Resources in the amount of $59,545.00 has been received from Purdue University for the project entitled, “Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment,” under the direction of Joy O’Keefe, Department of Biology, for the period May 1, 2014 through April 30, 2016.

10. Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Fund No. 548932, Proposal No. 14-139 An agreement in the amount of $2,500.00 has been received from Wabash Valley Community Foundation for the project entitled, “Launching Your Own Business Seminars,” under the direction of Heather Strohm, Indiana Small Business Development Center, for the period March 16, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

11. Purdue University, Fund No. 548934, Proposal No. 14-130 A sub agreement under the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through the Indiana Space Grant Consortium in the amount of $341.53 has been received from Purdue University for the project entitled, “Support to Attend Annual Meeting of Indiana Space Grant Consortium,” under the direction of Dawn Underwood, Office of Sponsored Programs, for the period April 1, 2014 through April 30, 2014.

12. Indiana Association of Career and Technical Education Districts, Fund No. 548940, Proposal No. 14-053 A sub agreement under the Indiana Education Roundtable in the amount of $57,259.00 has been received from Indiana Association of Career and Technical Education Districts for the project entitled, “Indiana STEM Teacher Recruitment Fund Grant Program,” under the direction of James Smallwood, Department of Applied Engineering, and Technology Management, for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015.

13. Vincennes University, Fund No. 548942, Proposal No. 14-128 A sub agreement under the US Department of Labor in the amount of $9,213.00 has been received from Vincennes University for the project entitled, “Youth Summer Camp,” under the direction of Barbara Lucas, West Central Indiana Area Health Education Center, for the period June 23, 2014 through June 27, 2014.

14. McCullough Archaeological Services, LLC, Fund No. ANTHLB, Proposal 13-153 An agreement in the amount of $975.00 has been received from McCullough Archaeological Services, LLC for the project entitled, “Levi Coffin House Geophysical Survey,” under the direction of Russell Stadfford, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems, for the period June 1, 2013 through August 1, 2013.

15. BIOMET, Fund No. IPRDC, Proposal 05-013 An agreement in the amount of $625.00 has been received from BIOMET for the project entitled, “Package Testing and Consultation Program,” under the direction of Marion Schafer, Department of Applied Engineering & Technology Management, for the project period of January 12, 2005 through January 11, 2006.

16. Purdue University, Fund No. 548931, Proposal No. 14-135 A sub agreement under the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through the Indiana Space Grant Consortium in the amount of $1,500.00 has been received from Purdue University for the project entitled, “INSGC – 2014-15 Scholarship Program,” under the direction of Jeffrey Latka, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems, for the period May 17, 2014 through May 16, 2015.

17. Indiana University, Fund No. 548933, Proposal No. 13-164 A sub agreement under the Indiana Department of Natural Resources in the amount of $196,898.00 has been received from Indiana University for the project entitled, “Determining Survivorship in Wild-Bred Captive-Raised Crawfish Frogs,” under the direction of Michael Lannoo, Terre Haute Center for Medical Education, for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016.

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18. Moore Family Farm, LLC, Fund No. BAT, Proposal 14-148 An agreement in the amount of $2,500.00 has been received from Moore Family Farm LLC for the project entitled, “Mist Netting Bat Survey at the Moore Family Farm in Montgomery County, Indiana,” under the direction of Joy O’Keefe, Department of Biology, for the period May 19, 2014 through October 31, 2014.


Nursing Agreements

Agreements have been reached with the following facilities to provide internships for nursing students.

Access Community Health, Chicago, IL Allegheny County Health Department, Pittsburgh, PA Arlington County Public Health Division, Arlington, VA BJC Health Care Services d/b/a Barnes Care, St. Louis, MO Capital Hill Group Ministry, Washington, DC Cedar Village, Mason, OH Central Florida Regional Hospital, Sanford, FL Charlotte County Homeless Coalition, Port Charlotte, FL Cheyenne Health & Wellness Center, Cheyenne WY Clayton County Board of Health, Jonesboro, GA Community Family Practice, Clanton, GA Cornerstone Assistance Network, Fort Worth, TX Family Health Centers of San Diego, San Diego, CA Florida Department of Health Okaloosa County, Ft. Walton Beach, FL Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center, Daytona Beach, FL Gibson Area Hospital, Onarga, IL Hawai‘i Pacific Health, Honolulu, HI Holy Spirit Health System, Camp Hill, PA Inspira Health Network, Vineland, NJ Intermountain Medical Group, Salt Lake City, UT Lincoln County Public Health Department, Hugo, CO Linkages Catholic Charities, Tinton Falls, NJ Madison County Community Health Center, Inc., Madison, IN Major Hospital-Major Health Partners, Shelbyville, IN Marie Canine Cancer Center, Crawfordsville, IN Mental Health Association in Vigo County, Inc., Terre Haute, IN Mercy Medical Center, Dubuque, IA Midtown Community Health Center, Ogden, UT Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms, Twentynine Palms, CA Northern Hospital Surry County, Dobson, NC Orange County Health Department, Paoli, IN Physicians East, P.A., Greenville, NC ProHealth Care, Waukesha, WI Providence Health, Seattle, WA Regional Center for Border Health, Yuma, AZ Riverside School of Health Careers, Newport News, VA Robeson County Department of Public Health, Lumberton, NC

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San Angelo Hospital, LP d/b/a San Angelo Community Medical Center, San Angelo, TX Scott County Health Department, Scottsburg, IN Shawnee Early Childhood School, Cincinnati, OH Shawnee Health Systems, Carterville, IL Shepherd’s Table, Inc., Silver Spring, MD Southwestern District Health Unit, Dickinson, ND St. Luke’s Health System, Boise, ID Tanner Clinic, Layton, UT Texas Heart Hospital, of the Southwest (Baylor), Dallas, Texas Union Hospital, Terre Haute, IN VA Loma Linda Healthcare System, Loma Linda, CA Valley Health, Winchester, VA Whitehouse Independent School District, Whitehouse, TX YWCA Family Center- Columbus, Columbus, OH XLHome, Elkridge, MD

AMR Agreements

Agreements have been reached with the following facilities to provide internships for students in the Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Amedisys, Baton Rouge, LA American Senior Communities, Indianapolis, IN CarDon & Associates, Inc., Carmel, IN Centrum Surgery Center, Greenwood Village, CO Clay County Podiatry, LLC, Brazil, IN Easter Seals Crossroads, Indianapolis, IN Elkhart General Hospital, Elkhart, IN Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, Evansville, IN Exceptional Children’s Co-op, Jasper, IN Front Range Internal Medicine at Swedish, Englewood, CO Hamilton-Boone-Madison Special Services, Noblesville, IN Harsha Autism Center, Terre Haute, IN Incremedical, Chesterton, IN IU Health Physicians, Indianapolis, IN IVY Tech Community College of Indiana, Terre Haute, IN Marion County Public Health Department, Indianapolis, IN Marshall High School, Marshall, IL McLaren Bay Region, Bay City, MI Memorial Hospital Health Care Center, Jasper, IN North Central Parke Schools, Marshall, IN OLIMG Joint Services, Bedford, IN Presence Health, Evanston, IL Primary Health Network, Sharon, PA Progressive Health, Evansville, IN ProRehab, Evansville, IN Putnam County Hospital, Greencastle, IN Rehab Strategies, Greenwood, IN

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Riverton Park School, Montezuma, IN Rochester General Health, Rochester, NY Sarah Bush Lincoln High School, Mattoon, IL Sarah Bush Lincoln Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, Mattoon, IL Select Rehab, Northfield, IL Signature HealthCARE, Terre Haute, IN South Vermillion Community Schools, Clinton, IN Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, MI St. Anne’s Clinic, Terre Haute, IN St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital, Effingham, IL St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI St. Mary of the Woods, St, Mary of the Woods, IN Terre Haute Rex, Terre Haute, IN Union Hospital, Terre Haute, IN University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL Vigo County School Corporation, Terre Haute, IN West Central Indiana Special Services Cooperative, Crawfordsville, IN

Greencastle Schools, Greencastle, IN

The purpose of this agreement between the Greencastle Community School Corporation and the Department of Communication Disorders, Counseling, School and Educational Psychology is to provide school psychology services to the Greencastle Community School Corporation.

St. Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center, Indianapolis, IN

The purpose of this agreement is to provide internships for students in the Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School and Educational Psychology.

KRS Agreements

Agreements have been reached with the following facilities to provide internships for students in the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport.

Jewish Hospital and St. Mary’s HealthCare, Louisville, KY Larue Carter Hospital Southern Indiana Rehab Hospital, New Albany, IN

Nexstar Broadcasting Group

The purpose of this agreement with WTWO is to provide an internship opportunity for an ISU student.

Liaoning Normal University The purpose of this agreement is to provide a mechanism whereby students who have completed their first two years of study in Physics at Liaoning Normal University would be eligible to complete two years of study in Physics at ISU and receive a dual B.S. degree in Physics from both institutions. Such eligibility is subject to conditions detailed in the agreement and in the appendices of this agreement.

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Franciscan St. Francis Health The purpose of this Clinical Laboratory Science Affiliation agreement with Franciscan St. Francis Health and Indiana State University is to provide qualified senior students with an educational clinical program culminating in a certificate of completion from the clinical laboratory science program and a Bachelor’s degree from the University upon satisfactory completion of the prescribed courses at the University and the Program.

Inside Track, Inc. The purpose of this agreement is to provide coaching to enrolled students to help them in meeting their educational goals.

College Transition Consortium The College Transition Consortium is a group of researchers and universities working together to create, evaluate and disseminate information. The focus is on increasing success and decreasing drop out among at risk undergraduate students, specifically first time (non-transfer), full time, degree seeking students.

International Studies Abroad The purpose of this agreement between International Studies Abroad and Indiana State University is to provide Indiana State University students greater opportunities and incentives to study abroad.

Center for Community Engagement Agreements Agreements have been reached with the following facilities to provide community engagement activities for students.

Candles Holocaust Museum, Terre Haute, IN

Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indianapolis, IN -- Fundraiser for students to participate in for fundraising for Alternative Spring Break trips.

National Student Clearinghouse -- Participation authorization for National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement


Events Requiring Board Representation

September 24, 2014 3:00 pm President Bradley’s Fall Address and Reception, Tilson Music Hall and (Wednesday) Heritage Lounge and Ballroom, Tirey Hall

October 10, 2014 11:30 am Board Of Trustees Activities and Meeting, State Room, Tirey Hall (Friday)

October 11, 2014 9:00 am ISU Homecoming Festivities, Parade, Tent City, Football Game (Saturday)

Optional Events

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 66

October 9, 2014 6:00 Athletics Hall of Fame Dinner, Sycamore Banquet Center, HMSU (Thursday)

If you are planning to attend any of these events, please contact Kay Ponsot so that the appropriate arrangements can be made. Contact Kay at (812)237-7768 or [email protected].


IN MEMORIAM: Mr. Warren H. Gardiner

WHEREAS, Mr. Warren H. Gardiner, Associate Professor Emeritus of Business, University School, died on the sixteenth day of May two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Warren H. Gardiner had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty seven years and had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him as a scholar, teacher and friend;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

IN MEMORIAM: Reba Jean McPherson

WHEREAS, Reba Jean McPherson, Pastry Cook in Sycamore Dining Services (retired), died on the twentieth day of May two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Reba Jean McPherson had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty-six years and had gained the respect and affection of those who knew her as a co-worker and friend; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to her family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the service which she gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to her family.

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 67

IN MEMORIAM: Dorothy Mae Roth

WHEREAS, Dorothy Mae Roth, Cook in Sycamore Dining Services (retired), died on the twenty-third day of May two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Dorothy Mae Roth had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty-four years and had gained the respect and affection of those who knew her as a co-worker and friend; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to her family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the service which she gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to her family.

IN MEMORIAM: Milford Don Jones, Jr.

WHEREAS, Milford Don Jones, Jr. Stage Tech, (retired), died on the twenty-sixth day of May two thousand fourteen and;

WHEREAS, Milford Don Jones, Jr. had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for sixteen years and had gained the respect of those who knew him as a dedicated co-worker and friend;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the superior service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

IN MEMORIAM: Franklin V. Blakeman

WHEREAS, Franklin V. Blakeman, Senior Custodial Services Supervisor (retired), died on the seventh day of June two thousand fourteen and;

WHEREAS, Franklin V. Blakeman had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for fifteen years and had gained the respect of those who knew him as a dedicated co-worker and friend;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the superior service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 68

IN MEMORIAM: Dr. David J. Kim

WHEREAS, Dr. David J. Kim, Professor Emeritus of Business in the Analytical Department, died on the eleventh day of June two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Dr. David J. Kim had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty five years and had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him as a scholar, teacher and friend;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

IN MEMORIAM: Robert Kent Wright

WHEREAS, Robert Kent Wright, Assistant Director and Facilities Manager of Recreational Sports, died on the nineteenth day of June two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Robert Kent Wright had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for thirty-nine years and had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Robert P. Steinbaugh

WHEREAS, Dr. Robert P. Steinbaugh, Professor Emeritus of Management and Finance, died on the third day of July two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Robert P. Steinbaugh had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for thirty-four years and had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him as a scholar, teacher and friend;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family. ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 69

IN MEMORIAM: Mr. Adron W. Barbee, Jr.

WHEREAS, Mr. Adron W. Barbee, Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics, died on the fourteenth day of July two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Adron W. Barbee, Jr. had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty four years and had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him as a scholar, teacher and friend;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

IN MEMORIAM: Thomas H. Dawson

WHEREAS, Thomas H. Dawson, Director of Facilities Management, died on the eighteenth day of July two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Thomas H. Dawson had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for sixteen years and had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Paul D. Hightower

WHEREAS, Dr. Paul D. Hightower, Professor Emeritus of Communication, died on the fifth day of August two thousand fourteen; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Paul D. Hightower had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty-eight and a half years and had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him as a scholar, teacher and friend;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 70




Mr. Baesler adjourned the meeting at 12:55 p.m.

ISU Board of Trustees Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 71 Office of Information Technology

Data Security at Indiana State

Mr. Bob Barley – Director, Technology Infrastructure Services and Interim Information Technology Security Officer Dr. Lisa Spence – AVP for Academic Affairs and Chief Information Officer Board of Trustees Seminar Presented On August 28, 2014 Agenda

1. External Security Landscape 2. Higher Education: Target 3. Internal Security Landscape 4. Security Challenges 5. Meeting Those Challenges 6. Current Priorities/Activities 7. Summary

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External Landscape

Data breach at Indiana University: Are colleges being targeted? (2014) While information on 146,000 students and graduates may have been exposed . . . .

Data Breaches Put a Dent in Colleges’ Finances as Well as Reputations (2014) The costs of a cyberattack on the University of Maryland that was made public last month will run into the millions of dollars . . . .

Higher Ed Data Breaches at Near-Record High in 2012 (2013)

. . . [C]olleges and universities that have experienced a notable data breach in 2012: . . . University of Nebraska (654,000 records) . . . University of North Carolina (350,000 records) . . . Arizona State University (300,000 records) . . . Northwest Florida State College (279,000 records)

External/Internal Landscape Higher Ed = Target

• Generally open environments • Large concentrations of computers, many of which are personal devices • Data of interest • Complex, constantly changing environment • Resource restrictions • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts to standardize, manage, and thus protect

External/ Internal Landscape: What Are We Protecting? Data • Financial operations involving credit cards • Student records with Social Security Numbers and other Personally-Identifiable Information (PII) • FERPA data • HIPAA data • Other data of possible interest

Systems • Mobile devices • Campus computers • Distributed servers • Central data centers

Internal Landscape: Security Challenges at Indiana State

• Generally open environment • Large concentrations of computers • Data of interest • Complex, constantly changing environment • Resource restrictions • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts to standardize, manage, and thus protect

Internal Landscape: Meeting the Challenge

 Board policies  Information Technology • Generally open environment Security Officer • Large concentrations of computers  Supportive administration • Data of interest • Complex, constantly changing environment • Resource restrictions • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts to standardize, manage, and thus protect

Internal Landscape: Meeting the Challenge

• Generally open environment  Monitoring tools  Management tools • Large concentrations of computers (e.g., SCCM) • Data of interest  Audits (e.g., PCI) • Complex, constantly changing environment • Resource restrictions • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts to standardize, manage, and thus protect

Internal Landscape: Meeting the Challenge

• Generally open environment  Monitoring tools, • Large concentrations of computers (e.g. IdentityFinder)  Management tools • Data of interest (e.g., SCCM) • Complex, constantly changing environment  Audits (e.g., PCI) • Resource restrictions • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts to standardize, manage, and thus protect

Internal Landscape: Meeting the Challenge  Board policies  Internal collaboration  Steering committees • Generally open environment  Collaborative environment  Education/ Awareness • Large concentrations of computers  Audits • Data of interest  Research/contacts • Complex, constantly changing environment • Resource restrictions • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts to standardize, manage, and thus protect

Internal Landscape: Meeting the Challenge

• Generally open environment • Large concentrations of computers  Creative/flexible • Data of interest application of • Complex, constantly changing environment staffing/$$  Collaborations • Resource restrictions  OIT budget • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts process to standardize, manage, and thus protect  Direct lines to Provost/ President’s Cabinet  Audits

Internal Landscape: Meeting the Challenge

• Generally open environment • Large concentrations of computers • Data of interest • Complex, constantly changing environment  Education/ • Resource restrictions Awareness  Tools and practices • Attitudes and practices that defy attempts  Advisory to standardize, manage, and thus protect committees  Transparency, communication  Galloway Rule

OIT/IT Security Officer: Current Priorities And Activities

• Hire a new IT Security Officer • Expand implementation of SCCM • Complete/Implement new incident response protocol

• Identify generalized security audit partner • Purchase new tools to accommodate additional bandwidth • Prepare for this year’s Cyber-Security Awareness Month • Expand/augment use of workstation support team as extension of ITSO

Information Security at Indiana State: Summary • Human resources are a concern

Information Security at Indiana State: Summary • Human resources are a concern

. . . But . . .

• A continuously-improving environment for awareness, monitoring, tools, and practices • Solid partnerships with key stakeholders • Important “tweaks” and additions in process for this year

Information Security at Indiana State: Summary • Human resources are a concern

. . . But . . .

• A continuously-improving environment for awareness, monitoring, tools, and practices • Solid partnerships with key stakeholders • Important “tweaks” and additions in process for this year

. . . But . . .

• Information security will never be a sure thing

Board of Trustees

August 28, 2014 Investment of University Operating Funds Investment Policy • Approved by Board of Trustees in May 2010 http://www.indstate.edu/adminaff/policyindex.htm

• Article XI, Section 12 of Indiana Constitution prohibits equity investments.

• Investment portfolio is comprised of fixed income securities.

• First Financial Bank serves as centralized custodian. Investment of University Operating Funds

ISU Operating Funds Service Provider and Organizational Structure

First Financial Global Master Capital Cities, LLC Custody Account SEC Registered Investment Adviser Manager Manager ManagerManager Manager 1 2 33 4

Board of Trustees

Indiana State University Operating Funds (Investment Committee)

Government Agency Regulated 1 Investment of University Operating Funds University Investment Committee • Vice President for Business Affairs/Treasurer

• Budget Officer

• University Controller

• Assistant Treasurer

Provides oversight of investment portfolio including structure, selection of fund managers, custodian, and investment consultants. Meets quarterly with Capital Cities to review performance of fund managers. Investment of University Operating Funds Structure of Investment Portfolio

• Tier 1 – Money Market Securities to meet daily liquidity needs (Cash/Active Cash)

• Tier 2 – Limited Duration Securities to provide sufficient level of reserves for unanticipated liquidity needs (Defensive/Intermediate)

• Tier 3 – Long term investments designed for income maximization (Core/Core Plus)

Investment of University Operating Funds Investment Managers • Tier 1 – target allocation $10mm to $25mm . First Financial

• Tier 2 – target allocation $25mm to $30mm . Fifth Third 1-3 Year Govt/Credit . Old National Intermediate

• Tier 3 – target allocation remaining balance . Mesirow Core Total Return . Reams Asset Management Core . Loomis Sayles Core Plus

Investment of University Operating Funds Investment Controls

• Investment Policy is written in accordance with Indiana Prudent Investor Act and Uniform Management of Institutional Funds.

• Utilization of custodian (First Financial) ensures all assets are kept in a centralized location.

• No investment manager has access to University funds (all trades are settled by custodian). Investment of University Operating Funds Investment Controls continued • Investments must meet certain quality standards regarding ratings.

• Maturity constraints for each investment Tier.

• Utilization of an independent Investment Advisor (Capital Cities) to monitor on a regular basis investment manager adherence to policy and material changes in managers organization, investment philosophy and/or personnel.

• Portfolios are marked to market.

Board of Trustees

August 28, 2014