TOP SPEAKERS AT NAT'L CONVENTION MAY 1989 There has been an excellent response to the advance registration package offered by BACK TO THE CAMPUSES! our 1989 National Convention hosts. More than 300 are In the 1960's, the Libertarian expected to attend the four day movement started on the campuses. event in Philadelphia from Aug. Twenty years later, it is time 31 to Sept. 3rd. Top draws are to recruit another generation of Dr. Charles Murray, the campus libertarians. The LP has nationally renowned sociologist, set this as a priority for this and Dr. Walter Williams, the Fall. nationally prominent economist and libertarian author. Also, Don Ernsberger and Andre Marrou Nobel Prize nominees Leon Louw have started work on a plan to and Frances Kendall, from South have at least 150 campus Africa, are going to be there to literature tables this Fall. By speak on Thursday. The Gala the end of the year, the target Banquet will feature awards and is for 50 official "Young Cong. Ron Paul, while three Libertarian" clubs to be special breakfasts will feature operating on campus, with another Jim Lewis, Russell Means, and 50 in the formation stage. Andre Marrou. Do you know of a libertarian See the latest copy of your LP student willing to set up an NEWS for convention details and information table on a campus? prices, or write to "Proclaim Please have him/her get in touch Liberty Associates," P.O. Box with the LP's national office for 338, Warminster, Pa. 18974 full information on how to proceed. There will be no cost TAX PROTESTS SCORE to the students (thanks to your on-going generous support) for April 13-17 was Tax Protest time this table. around the U.S.A. for the Libertarian Party. LP activists, BUDGETS RESTORED TO COMMITTEES organized and coordinated by Andre Marrou, came through with At the last NatCom meeting, the at least 86 separate protest LNC restored funding to several events, with several picked up by projects that had been defunded UPI. On page 4, see the UPI in December 1987. Outreach, photo in a California paper of Media Relations, Affiliate the Pennsylvania LP's "Lady Parties, and Campaign '90 Godiva" ride in Philadelphia! received backing. Outreach has acquired 10,000 REASON subscriber PLEDGES SHOW BIG INCREASE! names for a test mailing; the Media Committee is going to A big reason for the financial survey 1,000 media contacts health of the Libertarian Party regarding the lack of reporting is the support shown by our on LP vote totals last year; the Pledgers. Pledges rose from a Affiliate Party Committee is total of $7700 in January '89 to sponsoring an Eastern tour by more than $12,000 as of May 20th. Field Coordinator Paul Jacob to The number of pledgers rose from revitalize several weak state 488 to over 700. We appreciate parties; and Campaign '90 is the confidence shown in the LP's planning candidate workshops for leadership and projects! an early start on 1990 campaigns. • ing the major decisions in their lives. the majority party on Capitol Hill and Libertarians plan registration drive Senator Alan Simpson, the premier Re- Mr. Thomas will not. FIVE CITIES TIMES/Arroyo Grande, CA/c: 15,800 At a news conference here this morn- publican in the state, says a sense of per race — more than aounie tne Deflates the Political Experts powerlessness exists here along with ing, Mr. Thomas called Mr. Vinich "a LOS ANGELES — A Libertarian NEW YORK TIMES/New York, NY/c: 1,080,000 "a fierce provincial pride." candidate who owes his life blood to the voter registration drive will be the percentage increase of any other Mr. Vinich, while conceding that his "Out-of-state power brokers are unions," which have contributed heav- Focus of the party's annual tax pro- California party." By R. W. APPLE J r. ily to Mr. Vinich's war chest. Sensing A special House ad "hits hard," refused to pull it off the trying to decide out future for us test this year. Vernon said, "Roughly one-quar- Special to The New York Times air. Partly as a result, most top politi- again," Mr. Vinich said, sounding like an opening in the troubles of the Demo- ter million Californians voted CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 24 — the populist he has always claimed to cratic Speaker of the House, Mr. The goal is to double Libertarian cians here, as well as those in Washing- Libertarian last year. Our job will be George Bush got a lot of mileage out of race teaches ton who have been following the race, be. Thomas said that the election of Mr. Vi- Harty voter registration by the 1990 his Willie Horton commercial in 1988, expect Mr. Thomas, the 56-year-old "Rollins talks too much," Mr. nich would represent "a sharp ideologi- general election. to double the number of registered so John Vinich, who's involved in an outsiders some general manager of the Wyoming Thomas said, and he made it clear that cal turn toward the Jim Wright majori- At a recent meeting of the party's Libertarian voters by locating and ty." election in Wyoming this year, thought Rural Electric Association, to win a it was time for the heavy thinkers in Long Term Planning Committee, registering those folks who sup- he'd try something similar. lessons. relatively narrow victory. Washington to get their hands off. The Democrats had their turn ported Libertarians in the election." Mr. Vinich, a Democrat seeking the Frank Greer, Mr. Vinich's media But no sooner had that flap begun to shortly afterward. Gov. John Vernon, newly elected Chair- state's lone seat in the House of Repre- consultant who designed the crime ad- fade when another one began. Mr. Vi- said the state "can go nowhere if we man of the Libertarian Party of Cali- To start the registration drive. sentatives in a special election Wednes- vertisement, is not the only strategist nich was hurt in an automobile acci- don't have a route into the power struc- fornia, said, "California congres- Lib,..:tarians erected tables at various Mr. Vinich, the 38-year-old minority day, ran a television commercial that to be accused of costly blunders in this dent on April 8 and had to spend five ture" in Congress. , a 73- sional races in the 1988 general locations last weekend. leader in the State Senate, also oper- year-old former Congressman, said sought to picture his opponent as soft contest. It has not been a good cam- days in the hospital. Republican poll election showed a vote increase over Founded in 1971, the Libertarian on crime. It focused on the opponent's ates a bar and a restaurant in the small paign for the Washington "experts," takers, hired by the Republicans, Mr. Vinich was young enough at 38 to mining town of Hudson in central Wyo- Party is America's third largest and vote for a law allowing some felons to who have learned the hard way how began to tell people they interviewed build up a lot of valuable seniority. And 1986 of 28 percent for the Peace and serve part of their sentences in county ming. He is considered an able legisla- much Wyoming resents big shots from by telephone that there had been three State Treasurer said he Freedom Party, 24 percent for the fastest growing political party. More jails rather than in the state peniten- tive operator, but he also has a reputa- far away. people, not two, in the Vinich car, and had "matured and moderated" in re- Democrats, and 18 percent for the than 400 Libertarians ran for elec- tion as a political wild man. Until the tiary, which was full. The first victim was Edward J. Rol- that the "mystery man" was a union cent years. Republicans, while the average vote tive office in 1988. Persently, more commercial started running, he lins, the co-chairman of the National boss or politician from the East Coast. It didn't work. The problem was that seemed to have moderated his image, 'Evolution of Sleaze' for Libertarian congressional candi- than 100 Libertarians hold public Craig Thomas, Mr. Vinich's Republi- Republican Congressional Committee. Issues Take Back Seat office in the . but the ad stirred up old liabilities. Stung by losses in special House elec- But The Star-Tribune, the only state- dates was up a whopping 69 percent can rival for the seat vacated by Dick Mr. Thomas disavowed the rumor Cheney when he became Defense Sec- tions in Alabama and Indiana, Mr. Rol- wide newspaper, is so disgusted by the A Handy Symbol lins, new to his job, said he was staking campaign, but it left him squarely on campaign that it refused to give its retary, is a rugged ex-marine with no the defensive, until the Vinich commer- known record as a coddler of crimi- "Vinich is the of Wyo- his reputation on winning the race in support to either of the major party ming," said Scott Farris, the top politi- this state. He added, to Mr. Thomas's cial gave him a chance for a comeback. candidates. "The acid of negative nals. Almost no one in this spectacu- There has been almost no real cam- larly scenic but thinly populated state, cal reporter for The Casper Star-Trib- horror, "Wyoming is something I've campaigning,"it said in an editorial on une. "He's the guy who all the Republi- had my hands on since Day One." paigning on the issues, of which there Sunday, led it to endorse Craig Simplified Tax Form Choice Ahead? where most people know most other are plenty in a state in chronic eco- PRESS COURIER/Oxnard, CA/c: 19,715 people, believed Mr. Vinich's charges. cans like to use as a symbol of every- McCune, the Libertarian Party nomi- 'Fierce Provincial Pride' nomic trouble. Mr. Thomas says he is nee. Remember all the problems you Line 1: What was your total income Ed Herschler, a Democrat who is a for- thing that's evil. It's hard to see, after had determining what was supposed from all sources? this episode, how he can overcome the For generations, people in Wyoming like Mr. Cheney and Mr. Vinich is not; Condemning what it called "the cor- mer Governor, said he did not think Mr. Vinich says he will give the people to go on each line of your federal Line 2: Send in 10 percent of total Mr. Thomas was at all soft on crime, high negatives that he shows in all the have had to put up with railroad barons rosive and destructive movement to- of Wyoming a voice in the counsels of (1040) and state (540) tax forms? for city, county, state and federal and other leading Democrats agreed. private polling." and grain traders and oil sheiks mak- ward nationally dictated 'assassination politics,' " the paper declared: "The Very' confusing language and obscure governments, (if God can operate on destructive process feeds on itself. references to a hodgepodge of in- 10 percent, why can't government? ) Each ugly election encourages the next structions are the norm for tax return Third Option — Libertarian 1040/ in an evolution of sleaze. Ultimately, if forms. 540 Tax Form : this corrosive trend is not reversed, it Or did you spend a lot of money to Line 1: What was your total income CLOSE-UP: WYOMING HARDBALL will undermine democracy. It will have all that confusion done by a tax from all sources? (Optional answer. ) drive good and constructive people preparer? It's not going to get better Line 2: Keep it! from public life, leaving an America or simpler. Which 1040/540 tax form do you House race's Live tactics run by political hitmen." Sometime in the future, Congress is prefer? Do nothing and you will gel could preview campaign The ultimate irony would be a strong going to pass the ultimate tax the first option. enough run by Mr. McCune to throw simplification act and we will end up the election to Mr. Vinich. An unortho- with one of these three 1040/540 tax Better do something about it today, Candidates like to call because tomorrow will be too late. If dox sort of Democrat who favors the forms. Which one will be up to you. them "comparative ads." nothing else, send this letter to your Everyone else calls it neg- death penalty and opposes gun control, First Option — IRS Ultimate 1040/ ative campaigning. "It's ac- Mr. Vinich showed last year, when he representatives in Washington, D.C.. 540 Tax Form : and Sacramento. cepted now," says Demo- Issue will get hearing came within 1,322 votes of beating Line I : What was your total income Senator , that he is cratic pollster Alan Secrest: from all sources? Or do nothing and "send it l all l in!" "Chop the other guy's legs If we're unhappy with what we get from capable of an upset. But no Democrat Democrats and Republicans, maybe we Encouraging third-party candi- has won a seat since Line 2: Send it in! out before he does it to you." should make it easier for other parties to get Second Option — Optimum 1040/540 Jay C. Wood That was certainly the 1970, and no Democrat has held the on the ballot and show us what they have to dates and their ideas is worth de- l'ax Form: Oxnard case in Wyoming where, af- offer. bating. House seat since Mr. Roncalio retired ter a nasty campaign, only 56 in 1978. percent of registered voters On the other hand, would this chop the AP turned out Wednesday to fill voting public into so many small segments THOMAS: Wins Dick that no one gets a majority, and we stumble access restrictions in the country. For the state's House seat example, we require 51,157 petition Cheney's old seat The winner, Republican through some of the comedies that we have seen in France and Italy? signatures to qualify a third-party candidate Craig Thomas, blamed the for a major statewide office. Washington loser, Democrat John Vinich. But Wyoming Demo- In any case, encouraging third-party candidates and their ideas is worth debating. state requires 187. California requires 76,172. crats may have been copying the hardball President but, of course, it has a much bigger Bush's team played against Democrats last fall and The Legislature offers the forum at 8:30 a.m. today in Room E at the Capitol when the population. Reward offered in hooker's killing previewing attacks to come in 1990 congressional House State and Federal Affairs Committee races. Explains state Democratic Chairwoman Muffy The pros and cons of opening the ballot to Reginald Smith said yesterday "We city office. Neither Ms. Williams- Moore: "Everybody says, 'We hate negative cam- holds a public hearing on House Bill 3230. choices other than Democrats and This bill, supported largely by the By Mike Folks welcome any assistance in closing Godfrey nor Sobin could he reached paigning.' It's equally true they respond to it" Republicans are worth debating. It must be a THE WASHINGTON TIMES Vinich's campaign manager, Rodger McDaniel, Libertarian Party, would make it easier for public issue, however, because it's not likely the case. We don't have any problem for comment yesterday local and statewide third-party candidates to that the two parties controlling the with any assistance we can get." National officials of the San blames the race's $1 million cost — almost $10 per get on the ballot in Oregon. A group representing prostitutes voter. "That amount of money breeds this kind of Legislature would show much zest for is circulating fliers around the Dis- The flier, which displays a picture Francisco-based group also were un- Oregon has some of the toughest ballot stuff." Wyoming Secretary of State Kathy Karpan allowing other parties into their club. trict offering a $1,000 reward for in- of Ms. Sullenberger, promises a re- available for comment. says people told her office, "I don't want to vote be- formation leading to the arrest of a ward offered by COYOTE, or Call Off Lt. Smith said investigators have cause I don't like how the campaign was conducted." Your Old Tired Ethics, a women's no suspects in the killing and are still Wyoming's feisty statewide newspaper, Casper's suspect in the April 2 shooting death Star-Tribune, was so disgusted by what it called "the of a Pennsylvania woman who police rights organization focusing on the investigating possible motives. corrosive and destructive movement toward nation- say worked locally as a prostitute. rights of prostitutes. According to police reports, Ms. ally dictated 'assassination politics,' " that it endorsed Metropolitan Police said they wel- According to the flier, the reward Sullenberger was found about 5 a.m. Libertarian candidate Craig McCune. come the help in solving the slaving is being offered by a local chapter of April 2 in the 1000 block of 12th But he may be among the best indications of why of Mary Ellen Sullenberger, 20, of COYOTE led by chapter president Street NW, near L Street. She had the situation exists: McCune ran a positive, issues-ori- Prissy Williams-Godfrey and Denis been shot and was pronounced dead ented campaign — and won 4 percent of the vote, Lancaster, Pa. "We don't have any knowledge of Sobin, a project coordinator in the on arrival at George Washington a reward,' police spokesman Lt. chapter and perennial candidate for University Hospital. Fire, up your calculators DAILY STAR PROGRESS/La Habra, CA/c: 6,036 Be careful, ladies and gentle- specific rate of pay. These pub- system, or NASA. In any case, men — the pick-pockets are out lic employees, however, claim rest assured that all of the in force again. But this time, the need to increase their wages current waste, corruption and guarding your handbags and and benefits, at public expense, fraud will continue, while taxes wallets won't solve the problem, regardless of the growing will certainly be eyed by the because it is the criminals in budget deficit, foreign trade def- greedy as the easiest way to Washington D.C. who are after icit, defense contractor fraud, perpetrate all of our problems. us. pork-barrel projects, and con- If our current crop of profes- Their last bid for a 51 percent stant tax increases — of one kind sional politicians and bureauc- payraise — through the back or another. rats are having difficulty living door — was a bit extreme, and Even if, by the wildest stretch on a salary over FOUR TIMES "we the people" had to get nasty of the imagination, this Congres- the national average, then so about it. Now, less than two sional pay hike can be justified, I what? Their inability to handle months later, all they want is a am wondering just where the the Federal budget simply points scant 20 percent boost to their necessary $275 MILLION PER to personal irresponsibility as income. Surely, such a meager, YEAR is going to come from. well. This cannot be the fault of absolutely paltry raise shouldn't Maybe Social Security funds will the taxpayers, so it is THEIR get them into trouble again, be stolen (again), or some problem, not ours. They obvious- right? "Reaganomics" legacy can be ly can't do their jobs, so why Well, fire up your calculator, blamed for further cuts in wel- encourage 'them •to • stay in and shed some light on this fare, food stamps, AIDS re- office? proposal. Twenty percent of the search and education, Medicare, Clark R. Marley, Region 65 current $89,500 annual pay is environmental clean-ups, energy Chairman, Libertarian Party of $17,900 — an increase of research, the criminal justice California, Santa Fe Sprii►gs. $1,491.67 monthly, for a total of $107,400 per year, or $8,950 per month. Perks not included. With the average American earning in the neighborhood of Friday, April 14. 1989 A3 $22,000 yearly, or $1,833.33 People • THE FRESNO BEE gross per month, we take home about $1,433.56 after buying off the Internal Revenue Service. The working men and women of this nation manage to survive at this level of income — paying rent, light and heat, food and clothing costs, child care, medi- cal bills, gasoline, auto insur- ance, and even State and Local sales taxes on virtually every- thing that we need. In the private sector, a work- er's pay is based on the em- ployee's experience, past perfor- mance, education and level of responsibility needed in each position. Wage increases are the result of proven value to the employer, as an incentive to work harder, take on more re- sponsibility, and to remain loyal United Press International to the company. Professional politicans and Baring her political feelings in Philadelphia on Thursday, Lib- bureaucrats earn the same wage, ertarian Party member Lisa lezzi recreates the horseback ride regardless of experience or per- of Lady Godiva, who rode through Coventry, England, to pro- formance, and we — the tax- test her husband's taxes. Philadelphia's Libertarians were pro- payers — are their employers, testing Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey's new tax plan. hiring them through the election THE BEE/Fresno, CA/c: 134,964 process, for a specific term at a