
By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

(Facial bones) At the end of the lectur you must be able to : *Identify the facial . * Identify the outer bony features and land mark of bones of the . • • There are 14 bones that make up the facial bones 6 of which are paired and 2 single bones: and • . The facial bones contribute to the shape and form of a person’s face. They also serve as • protective housing for the eyes.

• 1. : The 2 maxillae are the largest immovable bones of the face. The two maxillae are united at the midline below the nasal septum. Function of maxillae : • *Support upper teeth • *Form inferior orbital rim • *Form lateral margins of external nares • *Form upper and • *Contain maxillary sinuses (largest sinuses) • *Articulate with frontal, ethmoid and all other facial bones except the mandible. • Each maxillae assists in forming three cavities: mouth, , and one . Each maxillae consists of 4 processes: 1) Frontal process projects superiorly along the lateral border of the nose toward the frontal bone. 2) extends laterally toward the zygoma on each sided. 3) is the inferior aspect. Along the inferior margin of each alveolar process are 8 upper teeth. 4) Palatine process lies horizontally, can only be demonstrated inferiorly and form the anterior portion of the mouth called the hard, or bony palate.

1 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

2 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

Other features of maxilla: * - slit-like opening between the maxilla and sphenoid in the orbit. • * - opening that penetrates the orbital rim. • * - largest sinuses in the . Lightens the maxilla superior to the teeth and produces mucus that drains into the nasal cavity. * - openings through the palatine process behind the central incisors (front teeth).

3 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

2. : This bone is small and L-shaped bones. It has a horizontal plate and perpendicular plate. Very • difficult to visualize because they are internally located. Articulates with 2 cranial bones: •

4 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

1) Sphenoid • 2) Ethmoid • Articulates with 4 facial bones: • 1) Maxilla • 2) Inferior nasal conchae • 3) Vomer • 4) Adjacent palatine • Features associated with this bone include: • * - opening between the horizontal plate and palatine process of • maxilla. * Lesser palatine foramen - smaller openings behind the greater palatine foramen

5 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

3. : • Small paired bones that articulate with frontal bones and frontal process of maxillae. • Fused and form bridge of nose ,vary in size considerably .The point of junction with the frontal • bone is the nasion . Articulates with 2 cranial and 2 facial bones.

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6 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

4. Inferior Nasal Conchae: are thin, narrow and extremely thin bones on the lateral • wall of the nasal cavity. Which curl laterally and look like miniature scrolls. The inferior nasal conchae articulate with the ethmoid bone , maxilla, lacrimal and palatine • bones.

Inferior nasal conchae

5.Zygomatic Bones : Sometimes called malar bones. • The zygomatic prominence is a landmark on the zygoma and refers to the prominent portion of • the zygoma. *Forms lower outer margin of orbits • *Articulates with 3 cranial bones: • Frontal • Sphenoid • Temporal • *Articulates with maxillae •

7 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

Features include: • *temporal process - articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to form the • zygomatic arch. * - opening on anterior surface of . •

6.Lacrimal Bones : • Lacrimal means “tear” and is appropriate because the lacrimal bones along with the maxilla form • the lacrimal fossae which accommodates the lacrimal sacs. The lacrimal bones articulate with the frontal and ethmoid bones. • They also articulate with the maxilla and inferior nasal conchae .It is the smallest bones of the • skull located in the medial wall of the orbit it contain lacrimal groove .

8 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

Lacrimal bone

7.Vomer : • A bone that forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum. Articulates with the sphenoid and ethmoid • bones of the cranium. . • Clinical Note : • *A deviated nasal septum describers the clinical condition where the nasal septum is displaced laterally • from the midline of the nose. This deviation occurs at the site of the septal cartilage and the vomer. If there is a severe deviation the nasal passageway can be blocked not allowing the patient to breathe from their nose. * The vomer has small furrow-like depressions for blood vessels. In a trauma this can be a source for nose bleed

9 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad

10 Facial Bones

By Dr.Hassna B. Jawad