VOL. I, NO. 20. BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN,' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER* 5, 1917 $1.00 A YEAR SPY HAD MILLION TO WORK WITH HAVE MASS OF Haig Keeps Pounding wittiGuns PROOF FOR USE PUBLIC MUST ASSIST GEO. IVES HAIG DIRECTS AGAINST PLOTTER TO DELIVER GIFTS IN DROPS DEAD (Niles, Mich,, October 4) FIRE AT YPRES . MERTON E. LEWIS, STATE ATTORNEY, HAS FRANCE XMAS MORNING George Ives, who was well known (about the city and who was employed AMPLE EVIDENCE THAT GERMAN MONEY WAS Washington, Oct. 4—With the time a happy Christmas at the front,” says as teamster by David Williams, SUPPLIED IN THIS NATION BY BERN- approaching to give thought to bring­ the statement, “are to mail early, ad­ dropped dead this morning at 11:30 near the Big Four freight sheds, on IN BIG STRUGGLE ing cheer to the American soldiers and dress intelligently and pack securely. STORFF TO BOLO PASHA. bailors abroad, Postmaster Gen. Burle­ Every package muBt bear conspicu­ North Front street. son and Secretarys Baker and Daniels, ously the words 'Christmas mail,’ the Mr. Ives had just returned to the FIELD MARSHAL KEEPS GERMANS BUSY IN ENDEAVOR TO *yards after hauling a load of gravel, in a joint statement issued last night, complete address of the person ifor WREST FROM BRITISH THE TERRITORY RECENT­ Iwarh the public that Christmas pack­ whom it is intended, and, in the up­ and was resting while stricken. He U. 8. WAHTS AFFAIR SIFTED ages for the fighting men in per left hand comer the name and ad (toppled over and was dead before Dr. LY TAKEN BY THEM IN FLANDERS OFFEN­ (must be mailed not later than Nov. dress of the sender. (B. D. Giddings, who was immediately New York, Oct. 4— Proof that the German money was fur- 15. " '■ “Every parcel nmol be so packed (summoned, arrived on the scene. SIVE; TEUTON CASUALTIES HEAVY. Arrangements have been made it is Deceased was a sufferer from rheu­ . nished in this country by Count von Bemstorff to Bolo Pasha, and wrapped as to adigjt of easy in­ announced whereby the Christmas spection by the postmaster. No par­ matism and rheumatism of the heart under arrest in Paris as a spy, will be forwarded today to the mail to the expeditionary forces is to cel- will be dispatched to France, was the c-i i— of sudden death: French government, it was announced here last night by Merton be delivered Christmas morning bi^t which has not the postmaster’s certifi­ The body was removed to the Price NOT READY TO MAKE DRIVE (undertaking establishment and Under­ E. Lewis, state attorney general. this can be accomplished only by the cate that it contains no prohibited ar­ fullest co-operation o f the public. ticles.” taker Price has wired a brother o f Mr. Since the middle of last week the German armies in Flanders The attorney general who investigated Bolo Pasha’s activi­ Ives, living in the west, informing him “ The three essential respects in The rate of postage is announced daily have been trying to wrest from the British the territory ties here at the request of Ambassador Jusserand, said that it which the public can aid in assuring at 12 cents per pound. of the death. Mr, Ives boarded at the MrB. C. J. taken froin them in tb.o recent big offensive of Field Marshal was a preliminary report submitted by him to the ambassador at Smith’s place, Short street, and was Haig.: . Washington last week, which resulted in the arrest of Bolo Pasha known as a good and industrious citi- 'zen. He was about 45 years of age. As on privious days Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, on in Paris. , . Ig AWSjAlSlii Wednesday unleashed large numbers of his troops in an attempt “ The conclusion will be substantiated by a mass of .docu­ BUCHANAN HAD WHOLE to recapture te r r ito r y on the Ypres sector, where the British are mentary evidence,” the attorney, general’s statement said, “in­ LIFE PASSES seriously threatening Ills communication line with Ostend and cluding the photographic reproductions of the checks, bank rec­ WAGON OF MEN ARE IN the submarine base at Zeebrugge. Ever watchful, the gunners ords and other proofs of the disposition of the German money fur­ PEACEFULLY AT of Gen. Haig again wrought havoc among the attacking waves nished Bolo Pasha in this country by ex-Ambassador Bernstorff.” WET GOODS OAWN OF DAY and dispersed ti'.e Germans with heavy casualties and retained , Bolo Pasha, “who was in the between Feb. 22 COUNTY JAIL 1 (Niles, Mich., October 4) ill their positions intact. and March 17, 1916, came,, here, according to Mr. Lewis, to ar­ (Niles, Mich., October 4) Another of the pioneers of Niles, There still is no indict iion of the time set by Field Marshal range for the transfer of German money to Paris through New This morning Gus Hides art and Ja­ YOUNG GIRL AN0 Mrs. Mary Power, has passed beyond Haig for the renewal of his effort to press on toward and over the York bahking institutions to further pehce propaganda in France. cob Born of Dowagiac drove into the (Her death was unexpected and those Ostend-Lille railway, but he is steadily keeping.up his pounding He succeeded in getting at least $1,600,000 over to the , French BOY ARE THE city with a wagon load ofhooze, and nearest her were not-prepared for thj all would have w enjaiw igjb. K. and Of the German tnenches with his masses of artillery of all calibres. - capital through J. P. Morgan and Co. and other hanking institu- shock. Her demise has east a deep i •, .. J iff l,' 'j- ■ --1 v- * m f m m jtlioy .. would k a y " ^ o)v»':'^the ’ trip shadow of Sadness oven host of tions, the attorney general's investigation disclosed. Part o f this' Ithrough from SoulSti^ni money, it was revealed, went to Sen. Charles Humbert, owner o? been for a mishap, f$hich started an BOTH OF THEM CHARGED Heaves those to whom sh^f had admin? 'BllMMI E CLAIMS Le Journal, a Paris newspaper, which howe*-er according to ca­ WITH MOST REVOLTING investigation and led to (heir arrest, istered in other times stricken with CRIMES. Ip the south part of the city, near grief. ble dispatches, he refunded after becoming suspicious of Bolo. the city limits, the horse became t A true Christian spirit, a noble wo “Several weeks ago,” Mr. Lewis' frightened and started to run, one of (man, one loved by all who knew her, MNT NO SHIRKERS IN T H E Not Since the Days of the Gar­ statement said, “the Frehch ambassa­ land Affairs Has the Village the wheels was torn off the vehicle hnd a devoted self-sacrificing mother dor sought the asqitance ot Gov. Whit­ C. F. PEARS FAMILY and part of the contents of a box dis* |has gone. The place which she filled Although the German war office as; CHILDREN AWARDED Been Aroused by Dis-~ tributed along ^lie road. The box con­ will evek be vacant, hut the lesson f man in the effort to obtain information 'sorts that in Tuesday's fighting along Both Sons of Banker-Miller Are Vol- closures. tained whiskey, and the matter was her life remains and it will always be the eastern bank o f the Meuse, in the as to the activities of Bolo Pasha in unteers; Letter From ' Buchanan is all agog and the excite-' referred to Chief Francis. a help to those who are now bowed Verdun sector the Germans captured PRIZES YESTERDAY this country. The governor asked the down with sorrow, The wounds may Donald. mont is caused by the revelations in The chief-hurried: to the scene and a comparatively long line of French attorney general to render such assist­ heal in a measure, hut she has depart­ the past few days, of gross indecency took possession of the load of wet trenches, the French official commun­ Niles Mich. Oct. 4 ed. Yet, in this time of bereavement, ance as might be possible and the at­ v C. F. Pears, the well known Buchan and immorality on the pai-t of two cit­ goods, and placed the men under ar­ ication, makes no mention of this and In spite of the rainy afternoon yes­ rest. They were taken before Jus­ it is surely a comfort to those left be­ torney general immediately began an an banker-miller, has the satisfaction izens of the village. Not since the asserts merely that violent artillery terday ( the children of the various tice Rowley, charged with transport- hind to think of her many,-many good investigation. He directed Perley of knowing that there are no slac days of the Garland-Briose affair fighting and spirited patrol engage­ schools marched to the high. school as­ Hng and having in their possession deeds and to know that a useful life Morse of a certified ers in his family. Mr, Pears is the 'which stirred the community and fam­ ments took place. sembly room for the awarding of the has been spent. ■ public accountant, to make an examin dad of two patrir-tic hoys, Richa.11 ilies when, startling disclosures were whiskey which was not .properly la­ While British and French airmen 'garden prizeq given by the garden beled. ; ■ Mrs. Power was a life-long, member continue their bombing operations nr.:or> of the accounts of Bolo Pasha and Donald, both of whom have join1 1 made by young boys,: who were al­ lawns and vacant lot Committee of the Chief Francis confiscated four good of the Presbyterian church and before in the banks of G Amsiick and Co. the criors. Donald, the younger bo-- leged to have boon the Victims against. Germany's submarine base at Woman’s Progressive League, Chair­ sized kegs full of booze, and seven failing health prohibited was an active tbb Royal Bank of Canada, Now York has been very persistent in his deter­ of the lowest and most unnat­ Zeebrugge and points of military im­ man Mrs. Wier. large boxes, three or'm ore of them (worker, but it was outside of the portance behind the lines, the French branch, and J. P. Morgan and Co. Mr. mination to fight for Uncle Sam, and ural crimes, has Buchanan been so A pleasant and enteresting program containing twelve quarts of bonded church that the beautiful qualities of aviators are keeping up their attack Mcrse made such an examination and although he was rejected on accou • aroused to action in a demand fpr pro­ ihad been prepared with the assistance goods, each, the total value of the wet heir life were best exemplified. In her early last week submitted his prelim­ 'of slight physical disability some tection to youth and morals; on German towns and cities in repris­ of Supt. Haisley. After the singing goods is estimated at $500, younger years whatever she could do al for the shelling by German air craft inary report to the attorney general. months ago, he took medical treat- Revelations in two instances in of "America,” by all present, Rev. Kriosert was allowed to go on his good, wherever help- was needed, there of the open town of Bar-le-Duc. More After he had inspected the report Iment and tried out physical culture which arrests have been made in the (Holt gave a talk to the children on own recognizance. He is an old man (she was wont to he and many a homo than 15,000 pounds of explosives are Atty. Gen. Lewis, realizing that the stunts, with the result that he has tri­ past two days, show revolting condi­ "Patriotism” and showed them how and told the court he bought the sup­ ,has been comforted in time of sorrow reported to have been dropped on information should first be submitted umphed apd Is now in training -* Ft. tions. In the Jesse Grice case, Important the production of food was ply with the idea in mind that It by her bright presence and willing numerous German settlements, among to- the state department, requested Thomas, Ky., from which place he Grice, 32, was complained against by to this country and the world. He would be hard to get later. He said- hands. She was ever ready to sacri­ them the famous town of Baden, fa-, • Robert C. Morris of this city, who writes the folks at home, under daie his wife who charges that her hus­ iriade the pupils realize the real ser­ he had to have it to keep him alive. fice herself physically to others and mous as a health resort. has been assisting the attorney gener­ of the 30th ult., as follows: band is guilty of gross indecency with vice they could perform by doing all He was ordered to appear Oct. 12 for In so doing her true Christian spirit al in the matter, to take the report to “Passed the examination all O. K". a seven-year-old lad of the village. they could with their gardens, He 'examination. 'was given emphasis. It pleased her Fred Nickson having sold his farm, Washington and permit the secretary this morning. We were just issued The case is similar to the Garland af­ was followed by the principal of the Bom pleaded not guilty to the ito make others happy and in failing gjtuatod 2% miles northwest of'town, of state to examine it first, and later fair. Grice was unable to furnish River Park ward school of South 41y as anything. W e were just issued 'charge and furnished $500 bonds for health her thoughts seemed to be f°r Expects to take up hl's residence in on, if agreeable to the state depart­ $1,000 bonds when arraigned before |Bend, Mr. Wolff, who is also direc­ ■but mess kits, made up of to-wel, appearance Oct, 12. Chief Francis those who would he left. A noble spir- Bmmanan in the near future. ment, Ambassador Jusserand. Mr. Justice Batchelor, he waived examin­ tor of gardens in that city. He gave brush, comb, tooth-brush and soai.c It has gone and while har passing I Holston, a niember of the ation and was taken to the county jail. locked the booze up in the police a vdty practical talk on "Garden Mak­ Morris submitted the report to the Will get our uniforms in the morning leasts h shadow of gloom, the fact t h a t ! ^ In ^ lrain, afc Gettys. booth and. the men proceeded to Do- ing and Garden Fertilization,” telling ambassador with the consent of See. and will probably leave here for some In the Smith case, Charley O. Smith, (she lived and m adeao muCh of the liv- wa£j home on a furlougll lagt hged 66, is charged with a statutory 'wagiac minus their load of wet gobds. of the things that must be done to se­ Lansing. The ambassador declare 1 (camp, maybe Camp Taylor, Louisville, Jng cannot fail to inspire others to bet- jwe^ bffense by his eleven-year-old daugh­ cure the best results. Every one pres­ that the report provided him with val­ •Ky. Mrs. Huebner continues to Improve. iter things. ter, Alma, and the affair between the ! Lawrence Holston, Who has been as­ ent seemed most .interested and the uable information which would he of "Say, talk about good eats! I’ll tell Miss Marjorie Sparks, Miss Ruth Words fail to express the sorrow of father and his young daughter is al­ sisting his uncle at the Buchanan gar­ decided feeling for better gardens and much aid to his government. He said you what we had £o.r dinner, and 'ev­ Eisele and Miss Orphia Leiter went (those bereaved, sympathy ever falls leged to have been going on for some age, was called home to Mattoon, 111., more of them for the ensuing year pre­ that he wished Atty. Gen. Lewis to Bift erything was good: Soup, roast beef, Tuesday to Kalamazoo to enter Kal­ (far short, but when a life that has (time. Smith was taken from Bttnhnn- (on account of the serious illness of his vailed. the affair to the bottom, no matter (mashed potatoes, gravy, com on the amazoo College, |been filled with usefulness goes out, The names of the children winning whom it might affect. cob, bread, fried onions, butter ana un to St. Joseph and arraigned before |the record awakens the realization Ifour-yearold son. - The K, O. T. M. will have a smok­ the prizes were read by Miss Cham- The ambassador cabled the sub­ last, but not least, ice cream. (rustics Collier, of St. Joseph, who in that living is good if we make it so. The new Moccasin avenue school ier and social Session on Monday evc- (pion and the checks handed them by stance of the report to his government “There is certainly a fine bunch of lieu Of the furnishing o f $1,600 bonds, ■That is what Mrs. Power did, She building was closed a couple of days fcommitted the accused to, the county (ning, the 8tU instant, at their hall. AIL Mrs. Wier, chairman of the League, and Bolo Pasha’s arrest followed. fellows here. T his' place is close to was one of God’s noblewomen and left this week in the absence of stoves, Maccabees invited. committee. ” Newport, ’Ky. The Y. M. 0. A. af­ Sail and set the examination for Oc­ ithe world better for hat- having lived Which are now being installed. The time has come when a load of After the singing of the “Star-Span­ (KILL BELGIAN THOUGHT, fords fine accommodations and the tober 10. hnd been a part o f it. Mrs. Ada Dacy Wood was home Igood beech and maple wood is a cu­ gled Banner” by all the children then I BERLIN PAPER ADVISES hoys all come here to read and write. 1 Mrs. Power became ill about 1:30 from Chicago over Sunday. Harvey Sherwood has returned to riosity, A lnan drove in with a load went home to begin new plans for In the building is a sign: ‘Have you b’clock this morning and died an hour The First National bank Is patriot­ Kalamazoo where he will attend the other day, and When he arrived next spring. The league committee I Washington, Oet. 4—Germany’s in­ written Mother today?’ Tonight, ws Hater. Deceased was 70 years o f age'. ically receiving and transmitting ap­ School for the coming year. in the downtown section his wagon realizes very well the smallness o f the dentions with regard to Belgium, as are off till 10:30, but think I will turn j3hp was horn at St. Davids, Canada, plications for the second Liberty Loan 1 The F. D. I. club met a.t the home ‘was surrounded by would-be purchas­ work done this year in comparison to '’■outlined by the powerful Tages Z-?.- in early. We were sworn in this morn­ b it had resided in Niles for the past without expense to the applicants. ers, and the wood was speedily sold the work which could be done but tung, are given in the paraphrase of of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HeBs Thursday 66 years. Left to mourn her loss are The gates of the Van Buren county ing. ht $4.26 per cord. new work started late in May, when an article published September 27 and afternoon. Pot-luck dinner was en- three sons, one daughter ahd two sis­ fair at Hartford Swung open yester­ "Please give my regards to all, and most garden plans are already in op­ (received in Washington yesterday. If jovOd by all. Miss Halile Boone, cashier at Ar- ters, Robert, of Paris, 111.; Edward day, revealing the 1917 expositions of tell them I am feeling fine except for eration moved slowly. Now that the Germany quits Belgium, the article > The Lady Maccabees spent Wednes­ ney’s ' grocery, is taking a vacation. land Horace, of this City, and Mrs. nature’s bounty for this section of sore arm after my first vaccination. work is begun splendid results are Bays, she will leave behind etemel day at the home of Mrs..Riley Scott. She Is relieved by Mrs. J. B, Jackson. James 'Smith, Of South Bend. The Bis­ Michigan—the finest. productions of “Will write again as soon as we are hoped for in the coming year. Be­ [hate. The only way to create "profit­ IA pot-luck dinner was served and an Edw. Stults dropped The News a ters are Mrs. William McBride and field and orchard, the sleekest speci­ located.” gin to plan and w.ork now.- able relations” between the two peo­ enjoyable time wub had by all pres­ card in Chicago on the 28th Ult., say­ Miss Margaret Park, also of Niles. Fu­ mens of animal kingdom—together ples is to remain and “tear ‘out- and Miss Alene Peck has accepted a ent. ing: “I leave tonight for England neral will be held from the residence with the results of a year’s work in A man who says he doesn’t care (remove absolutely the Belgian order -clerical position at the First Nation­ - Mrs. Chas.. Lyddick has returned with the Canadian infantry contin­ Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, the, public schools and the handiwork who$ people say is als' likely to lie (of thought.” al bank. from a visit at Des Moines, la. gent." Rev. w , H, Phelps officiating. of people of diversified interests. about some other matters, ed from handling hides in a tannery is follows: Pulmonary tuberculosis, 198; as one of the greatest building fea'z STATE SUPREME regarded as a compensable claim. other tuberculosis, 36; typhoid fever, In America, as it was practically first PRICES OF FOOD SHOW EXEMPTS Louise A. Dove, of Alpena, made a 32; diphtheria and croup, 67; scarlet to be completed in readiness to '*■ BENCH MAKES MARK claim for compensation when her hus­ fever, 11; measles, 4; whooping cough,' ceive soldiers, in schedule time. band contracted sceptic poisoning and 59; pneumonia, 95; diarrhoea, enteri­ Every convenience known lo a m 'l- died while handling hides for the Al­ tis under two years, 342; meningitis. am city has been installed and like DECLINE ACCORDING TO MAY STILL IN INJURY CASE pena Hide & Leather Co. The su­ 21; influenza, 3; cancer, 206; violence, Camp Custer, will provide accommc- preme court held that the widow was 299, Among the deaths reported from datlons for a training force of 40,0'J entitled to compensation. violence, were 37 from, railroad acci­ men, Camp Cusler however will °>it Lansing, Mich.,’ Sept. 28—In affirm- REPORT TO D.S. BUREAU BE CALLED dents, 34 from suicide, and 14 mur­ be ready for some time and that is th - 'ing the decision in the Lenavf’ee cir- BIRTHS IN AUGUST ders. reason the third contingent will not cult court ease of Leo Guy vs. the Cin­ commission will complete probably to­ DOUBLE DEATHS IN leave here October 3 as planned. SON OF NILES LADY Retail food prices, reports to the day hn inquiry into the cost of bread WAR M ACHINERY IS W ORK­ cinnati Northern Railroad company, Mr. Crossman, who is a civil and me­ . • STATE OF MICHIGAN HAD CHARGE OF WORK bureau of labor statistics show, i Not every girl has the price of a fox taken by the Cass county draft board above there were 267 stillbirths re­ diet of the average family, l-'lour de­ MAY BE APPEALED jury in the circuit court awarded him lected men for the new national army, skin ’ to wear around her neck when yesterday on the claims for depend­ turned as deaths. creased 10 per cent and potatoes 33 ency exemption filed by 61 of the'150 $36,000. ; . % will be completed by October 15. the mercury is at 90, but almost any per cent on the average. Onions also By ages there were 702 deaths of men who came within the third call This award was approved by the su­ • It is practically completed at this one can cover her ears with a wad of decreased 27 per cent. Investigator in Twin Cities and infants under one year of age; 934 o make up Cass county’s quota in the preme court Thursday. Heretofore, time and the work will go on record hair. Movement of prices for the 12 deaths of children aged one to four new national army. Twenty of those is Looking Over Claims the largest personal injury award ap­ years, and 934 deaths o f elderly per­ months ending. July 16 show an ad entering exemption claims were re­ for Exemption. proved by the supreme court was sons aged 65 years and over. The- vance, however, of 32 per cent. Of fused and 41 were granted. the meats, pork advanced more than $17,000. number of deaths of infants under one In granting exemptions to men with In affirming -the decision of the in­ ^ Business Directory beef, year of age shows a slight increase dependents in this last group the local Possibilities that a number of men dustrial accident board, the supreme as compared with the month immedi­ “ Comparing prices on July- 15 board has made the exemptions “ sub­ JUSTICES OF THE PEACE' of the first district who wore exempt­ court decided for the first time that a ately preceding. EDGAR HAM 1914, just prior to the present war," ject to further-notice of the board.” man who dies from a disease contract­ Important cases of death were as Notary Public—Eire Insurance, the department announces, “with pric­ The public has misconstrued the fie ed by the (l-raft hoard because of mar­ DeedB, Mortgages, Contracts and es on July 16, 1917, food as a whole pendency exemptions, believing’ thai riage and other claims may be called To find what you want when Wills Drawn. advanced 42 per cent. In Tilly, 1917. rnce a man has been exempted on de­ again loomed in the foreground of you want it, look over the Marriage Licenses Procured flour was 125 per cent higher than in pendent grounds he was "exempt for Berrien county national army activi Office 2d floor July, 1914. Corn-meal was 89 per cent all the war.” Only men physically dis ties yesterday. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Next Mich. State Bank higher, lard 78 per cent higher, sugar abled to serve are granted permanent If any cherish the opinion that all '75 per cent higher, and potatoes and exemptions and even, these are sub­ draft activities dealing with the first 'bread each 59 per cent higher.” LIFE INSURANCE ject to change if the board so wills. quota are over and done, and exist When you buy Life Insurance Measures of co-operation to reduc" 'only in records they stand to be en­ you want the very best—then it the price of bread will be recommend AMUSEMENTS The point of a new Soldering iron lightened, for although comparative must be a policy in the old re­ ed by the food administration with­ for electricians can be set at any an­ PRINCESS THEATRE quiet' prevails following the departure ^ x y r d liable Massachusetts Mutual in a short time to bakers, retailers Motion Pictures il r from its handle and is hollow so of the-first 45 per cent of the district's Life Insurance Co., established and. consumers. The federal trade that solder can be melted within It. Much better than, the average number, the war machinery is running in 1851. on—quietiy, but no less powerfully. town of this size. •Ford cars are an important factor in.every GEORGE H. BLACK, Agent A short time ago government agents Opera House Block: 'were in the Twin Cities cheeking up rural community. They help the family en­ ATTORNEYS A. A. WORTHINGTON exemption claims which would be ap­ joy life, bring the pleasures and advantages * Lawyer " LIGHTS— pealed to the Kalamazoo district board ,, INDIANA & MICHIGAN Phone 56—2 ring* through Attorney W. H. Andrews of /e-f-tbe city within reach, and give practical ELECTRIC CO. Benton Harbor, who was appointed to service every day. We pledge Ford owners AUTO LIVERIES . “Do It Electrically” •are for this work in the north end. the reliable Ford service with genuine Ford JAKWAYS & SCHWARTZ Phone 120 CASTQRIA Yesterday another government repre —Go one mile or 1000 . tentative arrived, but his name was parts and standard Ford prices, Touring LIVERIES For Infants and Children. —24 hour service not given out. Car $360, Runabout $345, Coupelet $505, —We never sleep BIRD TRANSFER CO. Co-operating with County Qlerk Town Gar $595, Sedan $465— all f. o. b. De­ PHONE 294 Auto Livery A, Baker of the first district board, he troit. On display and for'sale by Go anywhere—Go quickly Mothers Know That will make a list of married men with­ AUTOMOBILES PHONE NO. 3 out children who have filed claims of DAY’S AVENUE GARAGE exemption. It was announced that ev­ M. UPLINGER l i i i Genuine Castoria (Harry Boyce) ery such claim would bo appealed. Auto Repairs & Ford Salesroom Good Rigs—Reasonable Prices ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. P. B. FRIDAY Phone 69-F2 Phone 28R 121 Day’s Ave. ggfts AVegetableftcparationferAs­ Always Distributor for Niles and Buchanan similating IheJbod by Regular |f McCULLOM’S LIVERY tingtheStomdcks andBowets of n NILES BOY IS General Office at Niles Phone 192 BUCHANAN GARAGE • pgj® Bears tlie E. Frdnt St. Auto Livery & Trucking Repairs and Auto Supplies High Grade Servlc.e IN THE HOSPITAL Day’s Ave. Phone 72 F2 3 Thereby Promoting Digestion; Signature Phone 285 ' Cheerfulness andRestCoiitai® OVER IN FRANCE LUM BER & COAL neither Opium,Morphine nor. BARBERS , BUCHANAN LUMBER t Mineral. ITo t Na r c o t ic . . of , ...... J MtEAb il. J. Wglto''” . - Barber Shop and Bath Room & FUEL COMPANY tr HenderscIfL shop, whoTis i? Next Buchanan State Bank Building Materials, Coal, Wood U. S. Expeditionary forCMty Phone 54 Prance, writes Roy Wilcox of this cTEy NT TO G O ? WATERMAN & WATSON that he is in the hospital in Havre, The O. K. Shop MASON CONTRACTOR W. J. M I L L E R In Prance, where his wounds are being Rear of First Nationa Bank cared for. He declares be has re­ W e’ll Take You! Cement block that Is “water­ ceived excellent care thus far. T 1 e BANKS— proof and ornamental.” Let me AhclpfulRcmedyfor help design your foundation Gonstip auon and Diarrhoea letter which was passed by the cen­ ONE MILE ■When you want to go com­ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Use work. Estimates and prices and Feverishness and. sor reads: OR A 3% on Deposits fortably, quickly and cheaply, free upon application. L o s s o f Sleep Havre, Prance. THOUSAND “ Buy a Liberty Bond” resulting iherefrom-inliifancy-. Friend Roy: call us and we will be on the job Cement, Brick, Lime, Plaater, in a jiffy. Flue Lining, Sewer Pipe m m Fnc-Simlle Signatnreof For Over I suppose that you think It is abort DENTISTS time for me to keep my promise and DR. J. L. GODFREY Retailed 'III :: NIGHT OR DAY When you are ready we are Write that letter I told you I would, Office Hours: 8:30 to 6 ' PHONE ill The Centaot Gohpana Thirty Years but really I did not expect to be lying -ready— night or day. We have PHONES: Office, 44-2 rings Yard, Chicago St. & Day’s Ave. Residence 44-3 rings III • TViTlW TORK a on my back in a hospital so soon, but absolutely dependable Auto Ser­ -I ain here just the same. I don’t miud MUSIC— vice when you want to go Com­ P. M. MOYER It so much for our treatment is iiin:, FARM SUPPLIES fortably, Quickly, Cheaply. Pianos, Player Pianos and they are very kind to tho.sick here. PEARS-EAST GRAIN CO. Talking Machines from This is an English hospital and a :: CARS WASHED Seeds Flour . Let us wash your cars. We the factory to you. CASTORIA beautiful place on the water' front, Poultry Supplies can also polish them so they TWC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY Phone 20-F2 Phone 29 where we can see all the boats as the/ look like new. come and go. We just enjoyed a fine LUNDGREN & ALLEN PAINTERS once.-t this afternoon. Say Roy, write Machines, Tools, Paints, J. E. ROLLF me and let me know where all the Fencing, Everything for General House and Barn Paint­ boys are that left Nile,s and how they Louis C. Jakways the farm. ing. Address Buchanan, Home like army life. ' TAXI SERVICE TRUNKS at St. Joe River Bridge. Tell Fred Cook I will Write him l.r VULCANIZING PHONE AND PARCELS a few days, as I am not very strong OIL & GASOLINE FRUIT— CALLED FOR AND PAPER HANGERS today an'd It takes about all my CARS STORED 294 THE FRUIT STORE WM. R. VAN EVERY DELIVERED Cacaretll Bros. strength to write one letter. I w is- CARS WASHED Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. Fresh Fruits, Candy, Cigars not so badly hurt comparing with the Phone 150 . -Next Princess Theatre many hundreds at the front, but bad enough to suit me. Give my best re­ PUMPS AND WELLS FUNERAL DIRECTORS gards to the boys and tell them I of­ JOHN H PHILLIPS EMERSON & HAMILTON Tubular Wells and Drive Weljs, ten think of them. 1,1 Funeral Directors Don’t fail to write, old boy, as a Wind Mills, Gasoline Engines, Lady Assistant When Desired Pipe Fittings. letter is a lot at the front you know. Announcement! Phone 73-F2 It is war here and not talk. Remem-’ 206 S. Front St.------Phone 843W brance to the kiddies and Alex, and NILES, MICH. FURNITURE REPAIRS family. Yours truly, L. W. JOHNSON * CO. JACK. REAL ESTATE New and Second Hand Furni­ JIM CLARK Address P’ete H. J. Walklin, Co. E. You will find here an extensive selection ture—Upholstering and The Real Real Estate Man 16tli Engineers Ry., U. S. Army, U. S. of diamond jewelry of a true and distinc­ repairing Phone 253 Expeditionary force in Prance. Care 118 Main St. * Phone 247-J tive character. Thesfe pieces are above AdJ. Gen., Washington, D. C. H ., C. EISELE criticism in quality, design and workman­ Farms and City Lota FUT L|D ON AIM OF WAR. HOTELS— ship. , Having purchased the shop HOTEL LEE PHONE 203 of A. L. Barber, the shoe repair­ Buchanan’s Leading Hostelry Our consistent adherence to the policy of maintaining Amsterdam, Sept. 29—Dr. Michael is, SHOES— the highest excellence In our wares has made the German chancellor, in a speech to the er, l am prepared to reader ex­ name of the Clatter Jewelry Store synonymous with all pert service, having had years BUCHANAN INN l.i. GLENN E. SMITH that’s best In Dianond, Pearl and Precious Stone Jew­ main committee of the reichstag, said “ Our Qwti Chill Con Came” “ Shoes for ail the family” elry. Pope Benedict’s peace proposals we:_ ‘ of experience. Try tome that’s rest—Pint 25c Phone 234 • i Many original and exclusive designs, for the most part inspired by moral seriousness, pure Prices Right. Satisfaction PHONE 53-J tplatlwum mountings at prices offering exceptional ad­ BHOE REPAIRS justice and neutrality, -which things Guaranteed. vantages to those who consider true value. ICE CREAM & CANDY A. L. BARBER To those who knew the quality of our stock further were lacking in the reply made by LYDDICKS ICE CREAM (Opposite Buchanan Garage) comment Is unnec -ssary. President Wilson to the Pope. PARLOR “Neolln" Soles— Justifying Germany’s refusal to Our high-grade, home-made Ice Better than leather state her war aims. Dr* Michaolis said cream is good enough tor a Queen. Use it for your party SPECTACLES CLAUEKS e such action would only have a con­ H. P. BINN8 PHONE 204 A Jewelry Store for All the People fusing effect and would injure Ger­ Registered Optometrist 10E 8. MICHIGAN 8T. . Near Washington. man interests. Eyes teBted and properly fitted ■ The chancellor said the announced Joseph Rotlroti 8ANITARY SWEET' 8HOP American military exertions were Let me supply your . UNDERTAKERS awaited by Germany with calm corn! society functions. T. ,D. CHI LD8 deuce. PHONE 283 Phone >21 OPERATORS AGREE FEDERAL FUEL BUCHANAN LOCALS. Mrs. Clyde Baker e ler’ained the “500” club Thursday afternoon at her TO MEET PART OF ADMINISTRATOR TO home in W. Washington street, South Bend. MINER'S DEMANDS OPEN THE MEETING Miss Marjorie Lister, of South Bend, called on Miss Elsie Sellers last Washington, Oct. 2—Central com­ Saturday. Washington, Oct. 2—State fuel ad­ petitive field coal operators, discuss­ ' Mr, and Mrs. Waite- East of South ing with, miners representatives here ministrators appointed up to Sept. 29, Buy your clothes like Bend were over Monday. 18 in number, are to confer in Wash­ of a readjustment of wage scales, Mrs. Mae Roe was hostess to the ington today on methods for definite­ agreed yesterday to meet la part the “600” Club last Saturday afternoon at ly fixing the amounts retailers will he miners’ demands on condition that the the borne o f Mrs. Alfred Richards. permitted to add to the cost of coal in government increase prices fixed for Mrs. J. C. Rough won the prize. De­ order to determine the price to the coal at the mines. Their counter pro­ licious refreshments were served. consumer in various localities. Ways a piece of farm land posal will be submitted to the mines Miss Ethel Jones is booking the Me­ of investigating complaints also will today. tropolitan Singers through the north­ be devised. Both operators and miners have west. Sh left Tuesday for North Da­ Federal Fuel Administrator Garfield placed the situation before Dr. H. A. kota. will open the conference by explain­ Garfield, the fuel administrator, who Harley Perry of Mishawaka, visit­ ing the policy of the fuel administra­ UPPOSE you had a chance to buy a strip of unusually good farm is expected to revise coal prices up­ ed his aunt, Mrs. Esther Parkinson, tion and the duties of the state admin­ ward so wage increases may be paid. this week. He leaves Saturday for istrators. Other speakers wil be Food land for $300— and you knew it was worth at least $400. The chief point of differences now be­ training in camp at Louisville, Ky. S Administrator Hoover, E. A. Snead of tween miners and operators is hov Webb Kent, Robt. French and Geo. At the same time you had a chance to buy another strip for $200— the federal administration; Van H. Even Though much of the increase if granted, shall Wells returned to the M, A. C. this Manning of the bureau of mines, and and you knew the land was not worth a cent more than $200. be added to wages. The operators de­ 'week. J. J. Sparrow of Boston, New England clare that unless price increases more Marjorie Childs remains in about Shoe Prices fuel administrator. than meet wage advances they can­ the same condition, not operate at a profit. Mr. Force is very sick at the home Are Soaring JU R Y IS SWORN IN FOR NEW CASE OF CHILD of his daughter, Mrs, J. Heckathorne. Which strip of land would you buy? You’d pay the extra $100 and LOCAL OPTION TRIAL Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Terry will HERE AT PLAQUE DISCOVERED leave in. a few days for Gulfport, The circuit court reconvened Tues­ buy the $300 strip— of course you would. It’s what you get for'your Berrien Springs Schools and Churches day morning after an adjournment of Miss., where they will spend the win­ Berland’s Fashions ter. ' money that determines a real value— “price" alone has nothing to do with Ordered Closed by Health several days. Before a mo.lora’ ely Mrs. Chas. Lyddick returned Mon­ Women’s Shoe Shop * . Officer. large and interested audience, a jury it. day from a visit in Des Moines, la, was impanelled for the trial of John you can choose footwear of Schools, churches and the Emanuel Mrs. Ida Rice entertained the Sew­ Holland of Benton Harbor, arraigned character and''fineness Missionary College have been ordered on charge of bootlegging. ing Club at her country home last Colored Boots -— Grey, Field closed, no moving picture shows are The following cases were entered Thursday afternoon. being allowed and parents have been Mouse Brown, Tan, New Two- in the minutes as dismissed by the L. B. Stafford was home from Do- Buy your clothing the same way. For example: A Spiro special Toned Styles, High and Low requested to keep their children ■ court: wagiac Sunday. made Hart Schaffner suit for men and young men at $20 or $25 is worth a Heels...... / the streets and not allow them to People vs. George W. Noble, char •• Mrs. C. F. Jennings of Colorado, Is congregate, following the -I'-icovery of ed with taking indecent liberties and visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. lot more than the $20 or $25 as clothes go, while the ordinary $10 or $15 a case of infantile paralysis in the found, mentally unbalanced. B. Currier and othro relatives. Adventist colony at Berrien Springs. $3-95 to $ 7 .95 People vs. Milton Schwartz for al­ Floyd Gardner expects to leave in a suit now is worth only $10 or $15 and at most places usually less; the The case follows closely on the leged violation of the local option lav/. few days for Brooklyn, N. Y. death of Julia Birr of Arden not far $20 or $25 Spiro’s special Hart Schaffner & Mar'x kind outwear three of People vs. John Beieli, same charge Ralph Eggert and George Boone from that village who died with the as above. went to Ann Arbor Friday to enter the ordinary $10 or $15 kind; and what’s more— we guarantee your com­ Now Showing disease on Friday. the University of Michigan. People vs. Freeman Hoalley, same plete satisfaction and give you big and liberal assortments to choose from The latest case is. that of the 13- charge. ' Mrs, Albert Nutt is visiting In Saw­ Evening Slippers in Cloth of months’ old daughter of Mrs. Carro-v People vs. Frank Johnson and der this week. — not just mere handfuls. Child and Silver v.ir.li French of Three Rivers, who arri” ed in Ber­ Frank Scott for alleged, larceny. Dr. Robt. Wells of Chicago spent covered heels to match at rien Springs a few days ago to visit Sunday in Buchanan. at the home, of her mother, Mrs. Hu­ BUCHANAN MAN ARRESTED Mr. and. Mrs. J. A. White entertain­ ber, in the Adventist addition. The ON SERIOUS CHARGE ed at. a breakfast party at the Country $3.95 and $4.95 child liad a well developed case be ' Upon complaint of his wife, Ina Club last- Sunday morning. Next time you’re in South Bend come to Spiro’s; you fore it was reported to Dr. W. A. The Linger Longers and husbands Grice, JeSse Grice, aged 32, residing don’t have to buy a thing. We’ll take a lot of pleasure in Smith, health officer, and apparently in Buchanan, was arrested and taken Vere'entertained by Mrs. E. C. Mog- A lso showing dainty Kid had been siqk before It came from its to the St. Joseph county jail hy Depu­ ford and Mrs. Frank Habiclit last “showing” you and you’ll be glad to “look.” Beaded Evening ■Slipper;. home. Because of the interminglin? ty Sheriff Hulbert of Buchanan, Thursday evening at the. home of Mr. with the other families in the addition charged with gross indecency. and Mrs. Mogford, The evening was the first move the health officer made Grice was arraigned before Justice spent at cards. Mrs. W. E. Shook won was to order the Adventist college of the Peace George H. Batchelor at the ladies’ prize and Dr. Sargeant the Berland’s Fashions closed and stop all public meetings in Buchanan, where he waived eamina- gentlemen's prize. A pot-luck supper Women’s Shoe Shop the village. tion and was bound'over to the No­ was especially enjoyable. The case is mild, the child suffer­ vember term of the circuit court. His The many friends of Mrs. Fred An­ 2nd floor Union Trust Bldg., ing from very little paralysis and is bail was placed at $1,000, which he drews will be pleased to learn that SOUTH BEND, l,m getting along nicely. failed to furnish. she has returned from Ann' Arbor, much improved In health. SAMI Jno. Fowler returned to Fort Myers, Washington, the first of the week. Mr. Fowler was horafv*or a few days’ fur- lOU&lr *V12 ‘tWCUUtW 119-121 S. MICHIGAN ST. S O U TH BEND Miss Carleton was in Chicago Sat­ The Ho. urday and Sunday. Miss Bassett, who was guest of Miss H Carleton last week, went to Benton Harbor Saturday. ■ ■ , Mrs. Maude Peck and daughter, Al- leen, were in Mishawaka Monday. Mrs. L. II. Leister left Friday for her home in Gulfport, Miss., after an extended visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Madge Hunt Myers of New York City, is spending the week with Miss Kit ICingery and Miss Elsie Sel­ lers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Richards have Fall and Winter returned from a visit in Detroit with o y 'their son and family. There were 88 days between ices -—from the ice of last spring to the first ice of September. UN Mrs. Sig Desenberg and her “Aunt Johanna" spent Tuesday and WedneS' $12.50 day in Lawton. B Mrs. Douglass of Seattle, Wash., and sister, Mrs. Alma Morgon of Comparison of Value Kansas, are visiting Mrs. A, F. Pea­ With our new factory price $12.50, and what other stores are showing for $18 to $20, *111 quickly cock, Mrs. Mead and other relatives. prove to.you that the guaranteed saving of $5 to $8 w e offer is bonafide. This is rnado poss'Mo by our Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Best, Jas. Best, factory to you service, saving you the profits of the ordinary retailer. Jr., and .Ruby Hanover of Weesaw, It has never been the price of Sherman’s Clothds that created the great demand by every man in wore guests of Mrl and Mrs. Levi Bat­ : every walk of life, it was the value that we always sold at our price, and will continue to sell no matter ten Sunday. « . wliat our price may bo. Our continued great valup will bring thousands of men and young men to Shev- Sig Desenberg and family were in man’s for their new fall and winter clothes. St. Joseph Sunday. VALUE COUNTS—the very day we. started our first store wo knew it was value the public wanted Frank Miller has been having ton- . that Is our policy—to give value, and vab e alone—to sell a quantity of merchandise at a small margin of silitis. profit tl at accounts for our successful large chain of stores. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ludke and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludke of Three Oaks, spent Sunday at the homo of Geo. Determined to Maintain Quality Black. Starting Monday morning, Oct. 1st, Sherman's Clothes will sell for $12.50. It was'unavoidable that' Mrs. J. Berolviieim of Chicago is we had to raise our price, because everything that c nters in to the making of clothes has advanced from visiting her niece, Mrs. Sig Desenberg 25 per Cent to 100 per cent. and family. We'would not consider cheapening our quality, therefore, determined to always sell our same ex­ Miss Ruby Bulhand' went to Kalama­ Light Six cellency of value, there was no alternative but to ra ise our price as little as possible, and maintain our zoo Friday, where she entered the same standard of value. Conservatory of Music. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanMeter and See Our Wonderful Display Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Morris attended the i: The Buick Aut< Orpheum Sunday. Our complete assortment o f suits and overcoats fo r men and young men—YOUR CHOICE OF ANY Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Wright visited been developed to the liighe $12.50, NO MORE, NO LESS, (representing every new up-to-date style and pattern in sizes 1 .0 fit eve « the former's sister, Mrs. Carolyn Web­ gasoline, oil consumption is man. You should come here and see there for yourself. You owe It to yourself to come anJ convinci ster at Berrien Center Sunday. The Buick possesses those e yourself of the many dollars you can save buying S Herman's Clothes. J. M. Sheldon left Tuesday for Wil- OUR GUARANTEE of perfect satisfaction in ev ery detail or your money refunded assures every man rich upholstery, floors heav mer, Ala., where Mrs. Sheldon will of a square deal—a reputable concern behind his purchase. agree with us after you hai join him later.

Friends don’t care when you get The F back from your vacation, but creditors do. / $. Light Big Si A war lord Seems happiest wheij he Sherm an’s feels his lieel on prostrate humanity’s epiglottis. I Day’s Avenue 122 S. Michigan St. South Bend, Ind. Why live in the past wlHii the prSB- fent is more interesting? NEW WARDEN WILL that one would like to know about the REV. F. RAHN SERVE WITH NO PAY LOVABLE LADY business. The Curtiss make, taken THEY HAVE from the records, is pre-eminently GAVE FAREWELL Auditor Fellows Says Frensdorf Wi|l GOES TO REWARD ahead of all other similar Inventions Have to Resign From and at the war front is certain to Board. make good. “SOME”JOB SERMON SUNDAY Mrs. Frances Lambert Osier, who Here are a few “Flyleaf" abstracts: Jackson, Oct. 1—Edward Frensdorf, has lived in Niles and vicinity since One hundred and fifty battle­ chairman of the prison board of con­ she was ten years of age, died at her planes flew over the parade in Niles, Mich., October 1. trol, who Thursday assumed the war- home, north Fourth street, Sunday Paris, France, July 14th, the na­ E fficien cy AT CUSTER Rev. F. Rahn brought his 29th suc­ denship of the state prison here, War­ neon. Mrs. Osier had been ill for tional French holiday. den Disque having re-entered the ar­ cessful year as pastor of St. John’s some time. One French air raider is credit­ my, is to conduct the business of the Niles, Mich., October 1. church to a close yesterday with too Deceased was born in England and ed with destroying one-eighth of In Banking prison without salary or expense to farewell sermon, “A Final Message of while yet a small girl moved t > the Krupp works. Why not send Qeorge Henkel motored to Battle the state. We take pride in the way a Retiring Pastor." Berrien county with her parents who seven more French aeroplanes? Creek yesterday and took in the build Mr. Fernsdorf has for seven years During Mr. Rahn’s pastorate in s>t. located at Niles. In 1863 at Edwards- German airmen recently made ' our bank is run. Oar deposi­ ing ot the cantonment' tor the housing been a member of the prison board John’s church he has baptized 619 burg she was united in marriage to an attempt to find and bomb the of 40,000 soldiers of the national ar­ and in that time has paid all of his tors include the biggest men in members, confirmed 4B4, married 269 Robert Osier, who died twenty years encampment of the American my work is progressing favorably at own expenses as such member, al­ town. couples, delivered funeral services to ago. Unto the union two children were troops in France, hut they were the home for the boys according to though allowed by law compensation, 2031, handled tor charity purposes born: Mrs. William Apted, Jackson, driven off with loss by the flyers Mr. Henkel, His missions throughout the country Each individual account is , {4,000, building of new church and re­ of the Lafayette escadrille. “It is “some Job to put up build­ in the interest of the prison have been and Fred Osier, Detroit. Deceased is given special attention. pairing property {16,000, Sundr.y Canadian airmen have. recently ings and get things in shape within a borne by himself, including a 10 survived by a sister, Mrs. Ann George school membership 190, Ladies’ Aid of Tacoma, Wash. silenced a gigantic new German We tire opening new ac­ very Bhort time," he said. “ The pav­ weeks' stay in Washington during the nas a membership of 104 and Circle ot gun, throwing shells weighing a ing and heating apparatus is now be­ sisal inquiry, which cost him $100 a Frances Lambert Osier was a splen­ counts daily. Come in and talk Mutual Help 74. There are ’no debts quarter of a ton. The Canadians ing placed in the barracks and there week, it is understood, did type of womanhood, and her de­ on the property. located the new engine of destruc­ over your banking With us. Oar are hundreds of men engaged in con­ clining years were spent in bringing Rev. Rahn has moved into his new tion on their tenth try and de­ officers will be glad to meet struction work. Must Resign From Board. good cheer to the sick and the help­ home at the corner of Sixth and Syca­ stroyed it. "The boys have a pretty good time “If Mr. Frensdorf wants to be war­ less. She will be missed greatly b ' you . more streets. He will take one year’s Sales managers, please note: at camp. They have Wednesday, and den of Jackson prison he will have to those who were used to having her for •eave of absence from the ministry, in M. C. Fubrman of Rochester, a It Is the man with cash in 1 Saturday off and Battle.Creek is the resign from the board before he can a visitor when they were ill, and a ihe hope of recuperating his health. wall paper salesman, landed at bank whose voice is heard. scene of an overgrown city. The be paid any money for his service,” host of friends mourn her departure. Rev. Saffran, of Frostburg, Mary- Penn Yan on July 14th, in a big crowds are so dense that it is impos said Auditor General Fellows on the ,and, will take the place of Rev. Rahn URGE KILLING OFF TUSSOCK Curtiss flyer which carried his Checking and savings ac­ sible to walk on the sidewalks, and it subject raised to the eligibility of Ed­ md wil begin his duties next Sund vy MOTHS BEFORE DAMAGE COMES sample trunks. He landed within counts. certainly is a big thing for the food ward Frensdorf to be acting warden Oct. 7. Rey. Rahn turns over to liis at Jackson prison. a few rods of the store he intend­ city.” successor 470 members. State papers are advising gardeners "As far as I know there is nothing ed to sell, booked his order and . Mr. Henkel stated that some of the and owners of lawns to fight the Tus­ to prevent his being warden as long flew away to Hammondsport. men yere working Sunday, and that 3EEBE & SONS HAVE A sock moth, now showing itself on FIRST NATIONAL BANK a time as is necessary,” continued Mr. the work is being rushed to take on RECORD HERD OF CATTLE shade trees and doing great damage. Fuller, “ but he cannot be paid while the third contingent which will soon Many avoid the prevalence of this pest he is a member of the board. If he BUCHANAN MICHIGAN be called to camp. Probably the biggest herd of cattle by whitewashing their trees with a wants to work for nothing I guess CASTG R i co be seen in Cass county this year nixture suitable for killing them. The there is nothing to stop him.” The For Infants and Children PEACH CROP SHORTER can be seen at the big mint ranch of parent stays under the bark of the question was up once before, when t:ees all winter, unless found by the In Use For Over 30 Years THAN FIRST EXPECTED Beebe & Sons near Glenwood, where Member Backus of the Hospital fo: woodpecker and sapsucker, and by Always bears nearly 100 steers are pasturing on the the Criminal insane at Ionia acted as the irst scraping the trees and applying Nowhere is the shortage of the unoccupied fields of the ranch, all medical superintendent. He had to Signature of he -wash the trees are saved from in- peach crop as well as the lateness of looking fine and in good condition. serve without salary, although lie was Job Priivter.y ury later on when the nests are be­ ripening demonstrated as forcibly as The Beebes do not feed these cattle superintendent until one was duly ing built in the trees and the worms at Millburg, one of the most import­ tor profit—they feed them for the ta­ chosen by the board.” H. LEMONTREE hatch out, usually too high, up to ex­ ant fruit marketing centers in Berrien bles which the two ranches there set terminate. county. tor their many helpers, and on an av­ WARNS HUNTERS NOT TO For Letter Heads, Note Heads, SHOOT BEFORE SUNRISE; • It has been known the peach crop— erage one of the animals are killed “THE CURTIS FLYLEAF.” one of the leading, if not the leading, per week for this supply. In addition FORBIDDEN BY STATE LAW Envelopes, Circulars, Cards Berrien fruit crop—was extremely to this a big drove of hogs are killed Interesting Throughout and a Former “It is illegal to kill a blackbird, and light, but to most people the matter every fall, last year about 70 big ones Niles Boy is Editor. ✓ also against the law to shoot ducks be­ South Bend's Leading Optometrist ended. First hand observation makes being killed at one time for the barrels Stationery of all Kinds fore sunrise,” says State Deputy Game and Manufacturing Optician a deeper impression, and this was for the winter supply. A marksman and Fish Warden Dick Condon. The A new publication in the journalist­ 222% S. Mich. St. Open till 6 p. m striking vivid during the past two shot the libgs as wanted for the clean­ law on blackbirds was changed by the ic field is “The Curtis Flyleaf,” issued Home phone 6504 Bell 347 weeks at Millburg. ers, and out of the number he missed legislature of 1917, it being legal to Sundays from 9 to 10:30 a. m. The slackness of operators, the ab­ but one during the day—but one in the interests. of the Curtiss Aero­ John F„ Lundgren shoot them until then. SOUTH BEND, IND.. sence of the hurry and rush of fruit which he did' not kill at one shot. plane and Motor Corporation of Buf­ Only the big, handsome crow black- packing this season, has been in sharp All this work is done under the su­ falo. N. Y. The editor is Fay I. Faur- 113 So. Oak St Buchanan, Michigan birlt is here now, the other and small­ contrast to the overwhelming volume pervision of Earl Whitmore, manager er Species of this bird having taken ote, a former Niles boy, son of Geo, I. EYES of fruit received and shipped from this of the farm, who has all the other du­ their departure for the South. As to Faurote of this city. Neat in: every EXAMINED, £ point in the fall of 1916. It is also ties consequent upon the management the shooting of ducks before sunrise, particular, the publication is well got­ Glasses Prop­ said the low supply has not resulted of the 1,500 acres to perform. The crop erly Fitted. this is not only a violation of a state ten up and contains valuable informa­ in the usual increase in price to offset this year includes the caring for and DR. J. BURKE & CO. Let the American tailor and cleaner Some people are so busy criticizing law but of the federal law also, and tion on aeronautical subjects. People the shortage. It is perhaps expecting distilling of 400 or 500 acres of mint, 230 S. Mich. St. South Bend, Ind. do your work. Opposite interurban creeds that they have no time left for the violator upon conviction is liable in general are becoming more inter­ too much to have two bumper, yields be.sides the growing of a big acreage NO WAR PRICES ON GLASSES station at Niles. Phone 129-W. tf practical religion. to a trial in the local courts and feder­ ested every day in flying machines in succession. of celery, onions^ and~c°hf~i—"" | and “ The Flyleaf” explains everything haw— ^ iT11, l0 9UUi al courts besides. jeujtBViqg i° Mr. Condon says there has been a ______------‘ s a i^ o io XJBIN % great deal of “daylight” shooting since the open season for ducks began, and while he thinks most of the hunters Free Gold Souvenir were unaware of the law, yet if he should have to make an arrest this Watch Chains lack of knowledge of the law would not help the violator any. There has Will be given to the first 10 purchas­ also been some fox squirrel shooting. ers of Round Oak Stoves. There have been cases where the kill­ ing of one fox squirrel has cost of the price of 20 and the game warden can­ not see how the violator figures there is any money in killing these squirrels, the last of what was once a countless number.


Terrible Tragedy Enacted on Hartford Road— Driver Escapes.

Ethel Shields, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields, resid­ ing one-half mile east of Hartford, died at 10 o’clock Saturday morning at the home of her parents, a victim o f alleged excessive and reckless driv­ ing. In company with a brother and sis­ ter the unfortunate girl was playing Most Efficient in front of her home about 8 o’clock Friday evening. Suddenly a Simplex auto hove into sight, claimed to be running at a fast rate of speed with Least Expensive Fuel no lights. From what can be learned, the driver suddenly turned them on, so blinding the child that she became No Smoke confused, leaping directly in the path on the machine. Leaving the child lying in the road, T H E M ER IT OF T H E suffering great pain from a fractured OLD BUILT INTO No Dust skull, the driver is said to have gone T H E NEW a short distance, turned around to see what was the trouble and then sped Peliaps You Have an away into the darkness of the night. Old Round Oak Officials were notified and a search that has rendered herds service for started. At Watervliet a Simplex ma­ many years. It is still as good as new, on chine was stopped and the driver de­ but you feel that you Would like to tained while several red blemishes on have'a stove “as good as” with new the tires and lights were analyzed. and graceful lines and pleasing orna­ Chemicals, however, disclosed the mentation. fact that they were not blood and the Let Us Tell You About It driver was released, Late Saturday WE HAVE IT. i afternoon no report had been heard of The Round Oak Double Burner re-' the driver’s capture. tains all the genuine goodness of the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. original, with just the right amount Elmer E. Remington and wife to of nickel to please you. Stephen D. Gladwish and wife, n 4 Lay aside the stanch old stove, and rods lot 6, Ross & Alexander’s 2d add. treat yourself and family fo the peer to Buchanan, $1. of ad heating stoves, the Round Oak Mary C. Van Dusen -to Hermann NILES GAS LIGHT C0 Double Burner. Ask for the illustrat Roebeck, lot 111, Jacob Beeson’s add. ed book—It’s free. 'to city of Niles, $1. Benj. F. Vance to Alexander H. Tell us to show you the stove. Hiller and 'wife, pt. of n w % of sec. 35, T 7 S, R 18 W, 4.3 acres, twp. Bu­ chanan, $1. H R. ADAMS Auto Covers 272,625 Miles Ellsworth's Fall Suits Arc ''Different”

You will find our tailored suits for women entirely dif­ ferent from those you see everywhere. __The styles are correct to the last stitch. Genuine Michael models- made on the new lines. ” ~ Our prices for the latest styles are no higher than you pay for ordinary suits. Suits from $25 to $75. Smarter Coat Styles Than Usual

Our'coats are famous for smartness— and their splen­ did tailoring, Last Tuesday there was here a car The “ Hyatt Roller’s” home town is The styles are “different,” whether for practical or which is making one of the most Plainville, Kansas, and it is owned by F. E. Slason, the Buick dealer located dressy occasons. Coats from $12.50 to $100. iinhiuc tours Imaginable. This car is there. Almost anyone in Kansas can ALSO SEE THE NEW the “Hyatt Roller," the World's long­ tell about interesting things which the distance car, it is now increasing its old model 16 has done. It has burned Dresses wcrld’s record by a 12,000 mile tour more than 18,000 gallons of gasoline around the U. S. A. and has worn out over 300 tires, rep­ Skirts '•n. old 1909 model 16 Buick, still resenting a money value of more than equipped with its original set of Hyall ‘IS,'000. It has been used in every sort Quiet Bearings, holds the. world's of motor car service, as a touring car, Sweaters greatest mileage record, having trav­ in motor livery service; In trucking eled 272,625 miles to date. The pres­ and hauling, and as a service car. It Blouses ent tour is being conducted by the Hy­ has won numerous stock car races at att u. Her Bea. ins Company to deter­ the county fairs, establishing a mine for its own satisfaction and all straight track record of seventy miles Furs, Etc. motor sis as veil just what the limit per hour. At present the battered old of timr.rance of Hyatt Quiet Bearings-- car carries its new name, the “Hyatt DRY GOODS OF ALL really is. A distance equal to ten Roller,” on the radiator, and it may KINDS COST LESS HERE Units around the world has no' worn be easily distinguished by the large them perceptibly. On this trip 12,000 electric sign over the hood, announc­ miles more ar.s being added. ing its wonderful mileage record. In many instances we are selling dry goods for less money than these same goods can be bought for today. er calls which the boys profer, they NILES MAN GETS are pay call and mess call. Ifrmtfr (tattjFa Come to Ellsworth’s and save money. I forgot to state we plajed a con­ cert at 12:30 until 1 o’clock, which Is “ FULL” AND SETS difficult to do after eating for we are Great Lots of too full. This is the day’s w o..: of HIS BED ON FIRE the hand hoys. We have about 26 HE big thought of big men is the thought that rules here— SERVICE. Knit Underwear members in our band. Tliey are all ! I from Michigan and Minnesota, We And more and more men are learning and appreciating the service (Niles, Mich., October 2.) are supposed to have the best band of It was pretty cool Saturday night in any of the ships here in Philadelphia. that Society Brand Clothes bring— Service in style that is authentic— South Bend and so, after getting him­ There Is one other Berrien county ! self all "lit up," Charles Baeler of this ServiceT in wide choice of fabrics— Service in workmanship that retains i hoy, Lemont Ewalt, besides myself in city proceeded to get his room at the this band. the style and shapeliness during the life of the garment. The Ellsworth Store Windsor hotel all' lit up, too, and in­ SOUTH BEND, INDIANA ‘ cidentally warming himself. He set NILES LOCALS. ! i fire to his bed. See these suits and overcoats that personify this higher We Pay Your Fare The police were called, and they The price of milk in this city has made it'hot for Kim. He spent the been raised from 10 to 11 cents a service. The season's newest ideas are here— at “Style rest of the night In South Bend behind quart, or six cents per pint. Buy a Headquarters”— and ready for your choosing. i (bars, although the first part of the dollar’s worth of tickets and the price evening he had heed in front of bars— will remain at 10c a quart and 5c a at least, to all appearances. pint. There are those who, if they had ! He pleaded guilty o fin toxica tidn in a' dollar, would Up all night and South Bend city court yesterday, but watch it. Adler Brothers seems to have forgotten that the night Announcements have been received ! I was cold, and the necessity for a-fire. in this city of the marriage of Miss A STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS The customary bond of $25 required in Lydia Foote, a former Niles lady, to ON MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON SINCE 1884 * intoxication cases was raised to $100 Richard Hicks of Se.attle, Wash., t Candy Day SOUTH BEND, IND. ■* because of the fire. Very litle damage which occurred Sept. 26. Mrs. Hicks i was reported, however, at the hotel. has been a teacher at Seattle for sev­ STYLE HEADQUARTERS—THE STORE THAT SELLS SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES eral years. She ip a daughter bf Amos October 6th is, nation-wide Candy Day. SAILOR BOY WRITES Foote, Yankee street ! I AN INTERESTING LETTER The law having expired, hunters went out en masse today in search of * Remember to take home a box of candy Saturday. Carlton Pletcher Tells of Life Aboard * U. S. Battleship. partrdge, woodcock and rabbltts. The First shipments of the Concord ❖ 1915 book of game and fish laws gives grapes, the best,variety of grapes in : Mrs. Harry Boyce, of Buchanan, re­ it that quail may be killed fiom Oct. I < • Remember your soldier friends on Candy Day. We the world, began in the, Twin Cities •» ceived the following letter dated Sept. to Nov. 30, and we have not heard of when three mixed cars of Concords, I » ■have appropriate boxes wrapped and ready for sending by any extension of these dates. While * » * 22, from her nephew-, Carlton Pletch- Wordens and Niagaras left for long * fox and gray squirrels are quite.-nu n- hauls t) Sioux City, Wichita and Den­ * parcel post. They will appreciate the gift when it comes 'er,. formerly of New Troy, who is-a Saturday, Oct. 6, Is * erous, they are protected until 1920. ver. It is expected that Berrien coun­ * * from Lyddick’s. musician on the U. S. S. Ior/a. . Verne Nowah, who is wanted fo' ty will have the largest Concord crop Dear Aunt: threatening his wife and family, has that the county has ever known. Be­ I will tell you a little bit of our life “ skipped” for parts unknown. Nowah ginning today a hundred cars a day Our candies are pure and made by the best manufac­ aboard ship. Of course wo will start learned that there was a warrant out will roll from this section. Nation-Wide for him and so he “ ducked" Niles and turers. With the morning. At 5 o’clock we Buckwheat was caught by the frost have the pleasure of being routed out is now in Indiana. As long as he stays this year about half grown, and . in -of our hammocks, by what is termed ev.-ay the ofilc ,-rs will he Just as well most cases the crop has been harvest-, on the ship, "Jimmy Leg.” He moat Mrs. Sidney Walliok, wi

TAKE EAU CLAIRE sical examination, claiming exemption WHY PAY MORE when Noble se.,s Baptists of Battle Crook are the on­ MAN AS “SLACKER” on the grounds of being an alien resi­ men’s button or lace shoes for dress ly -u.lglonlsts in the city who object NEARLY ALL ARECAUGHT NAVY YARD dent, hot having made application for wear at $3.50? to elf living among the soldiers, Edward Weber, alleged “slacker," citizenship since his immigration to This evening ' he new Friday garage WHY PAY MORE when Noble soils residing on a farm a few miles north the United States from ItUBSia eight will he illuminated for the first time. a ladles’ fine black kid lace shoe, 10- of Eau Claire, wanted by the district years ago. Mr. Friday is invoicing and moving at inch black cloth top for $5? FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE STRIKE IS draft board of Cavalier, North Dako­ the same time and the stock id being The schooner Alice, of Michigan NILES LOCALS. ta, for failure to report for examina­ rapidly transferred to the'new pla o City, departed yesterday for Thomp­ of business. The machinery for the tion, was arrested yesterday morning Rubbers? Yes. All kinds, all son, Mich,, for another load of pul) workshop on the second floor has not SUSPENDED and taken to the county jail in St. sizes. Best grade. Noble. wood for the French Paper Company, THROUGH NEW WAR TAXES yet arrived, * ______Joseph, Miss Mary Laird, domestic science of this city. The North Dakota officials secured WHY PAY MORE wher. you con The $2,700,000,000 war tax bill The person who writes a postal teacher in the Niles high school, has Slater ’Coleman • and Owen Moyer • The navy department Tuesday at­ information as to his location in Ber­ buy children’s school shoes from No­ card will be caught, for cards will sell resigned to take a position elsewhere, went to Ann Arbor today where they which passed the senate last night tempted to end labor disputes in all rien Co., and authorized the district ble made with Neolon soles that wear for 2 cents each by the provisions of This makes the third resignation this will undergo an operation for the re­ and ig now ready for signature^ will draft board to take him into custody. twice as long as leather? the hill. Letters will he 3 cents. navy yards for the duration of the year, and the fifth member to resign, moval of their tonsils and adenoids. He was taken to their, headquarters "catch" almost everybody from the One will be taxed when he goes to war, the other two were drafted for war Noble’s Ladies’ Shoes Spell C-l-a-s-s. They were accompanied by Dr. Carr Monday morning and given his phy­ Priced right. cradle to the grave, and for good a moving picture show, if the admis­ In conference with the internation­ service. and Mrs. Claire Henry, Sr, measure, levies a few new taxes on sion is over 5 cents, one tenth of the al presidents of the 20 labor unions of the l eirs. cost of the ticket. That rate will af­ navy yard workers, the wage adjust­ Baby’s first dash of talcum powder fect all who attend amusements, from ment board sought to reach a perma­ r 1 •------—WATCH U S GROW------will, under the 2 per cent manufactur­ the man in the gallerv to the one in nent understanding that would pre­ ers’ tax on cosmetics, help Uncle Sam the box. A host of stamp taxes de­ clude the possibility of strikes. carry on. the war, and after daa'h the signed to' raise $30,909 also will Strikes that grew out of the dissat­ The foceral collectors will be on 1 >nd to get the-war; with little money in many isfaction of navy yard workers with get the inheritance tax at advance on wavs. His greatest consolation is that the increases recently granted by the the present fate of from 1 per cent on the consun))'ion taxes, which would wage adjustment hoard, have been Printzess $50,000 to 10 per cent on $1,000,090. bav» made him pay oa coffee, tea and suspended pending the outcome of the Between birth and death most of sugar, were stricken from the bill. ' conference. S. W . Com er Michigan Street and Jefferson Blvd, Store man’s activities would be taxed vot­ 7 ho man ( f moderate means as well SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. ing a proxy at a meeting of a ceme­ as tliq Aveaitby is affsitol by the-in­ BENTON HARBOR MADE tery association being one of the fow come tax section. Normal rates have DISTRIBUTING POINT . specially exempted. been doutleO and ex -raptIons low­ FOR BERRIEN COUNTY Those who have profited most by ered to $1,000 for single persons and $2,900 for married ones. A Big Purchase and Sale the war, the recipients of enormous Postmaster Harvey Campbell of excess war profits, will pay the most Surtaxes '.or incomes above $3,000 Benton Harbor yesterday* received to help carry it on. Almost ha.f the range from 1 to, 50 per cent, the maxi­ word that the Benton Harbor postof­ total amount of the bill, or about $],- mum appljirg to. incomes over $1,000, fice had been chosen by the goyern- Women’s and Misses’ Coats, Suits and Dresses 110,000,000, is to be collected from 000 This section is ex i usted to raise hcent as the central accounting office them. $600,000 090. ’for Berrien .county. Mr. Campbell has Special Purchase and Sale of 'also been named accounting agent according to the information. This means that all supplies, such CAMP CUSTER MEN TO as stamps, money order blanks, post­ COATS cards, etc., needed by the various vil­ lage offices of the county will be dis­ - * 500 New Coats Arrived Today. tributed /through the sister city office. GO SOUTH TO TRAIN FOR The village offices so affected are Ba- * The Magic Price roda, Berrien Center, Berrien Springs, Colorna, Eau Claire, Derby, Galien, $19.75 and $15.00 RESERVES DURING WAR Glendora, Herbert, Lake Point, Lake- Side, New Buffalo, New Troy, RIvp-- Fall’s newest models. A most unusual as­ side, Stevensville, Sawyer, Sodus, sortment of the latest Fall styles feature i Camp MacAirthur, Waco, Tex-, Oct, before being distributed among the Union Pier and Watervliet. at this price.- There are coats for every o-, • This will about double the work of 3—Upsetting plans of regimental offi­ guardsmen. the Benton Harbor postoffico and it is casion. All the new style features—huge cers to fill gaps in Michigan infantry When this order is carried out, the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth infan­ now believed new men will be re­ collars, new belts, buttons, etc. Many regiments with selected soldiers from try regiments will be made up of quired to fill the clerical positions. trimmed with rich fur. Camp Caster, Battle Creek, Brigadier guards who are well advanced in their CUSTER TROOPS TO BUY BONDS. General Willis G. Haan, division com­ tiuining, but neither one of the regi­ Battle Creek, Oct. 3—-Every officer Other New Coats at $25.00, $35.00, $45.00 mander, Tuesday issued an order ments will be a Michigan outfit. Both in Camp Custer will become a boos­ and $G5.00. which indicates that the vacancies will have at least 1,000 Wisconsin men ter and every private a prospective will be filled by trained soldiers from each. buyer in the second Liberty loan the Fifty-seventh (Wisconsin) depot 1 he Fifty-seventh depot brigade, .to , Plush Coats at $1&50 to $50.00. drive, under conditions of instruction brigade and that the new army men which it now seems likely all the se­ received by Major-General Joseph ■— ------"T------— — ------— "" ■ will be assigned in a body to the Bad­ lected soldiers from Camp Custer will DIckman from Adjutant-General Mc­ Over One Thousand ger state unit. he assigued, will be used as a reserve SPECIAL SALE Cain today and transmitted by the This means that the 4,500 Battle, unit during the war. It w ill go to general to the offlicers in his com Creek recruits, expected here in less France, but its personnel will be used Wonderful New Suits mand. . $1000 New Fall Dresses than a week, will be trained In a body to fill up gaps. : $65.00, $50.00, $39.75, $25.00 Tile order says that commanders of $15,00, $10.00, $7.95, $5.95 departments in the United States ar­ Smart styles, choice metrials, stylish colors, many luxuri­ my will at once instigate an aggres­ An unn3iiaL opportunity to secure a fine serge, taffeta ously fur trimmed. Splndid new styles in great variety in, sive campaign throughout their com­ or novelty sillfiSocK at a small fraction of the original cost. suits of eliiffon br&&dclotli, tricotine, wool poplin, wool v e-" lour, serge, burella, silvertone, whipcords, twills and tweeds. GOVERNOR THREATEN mands to secure voluntary contribu­ Early Fall models, and all are very desirable for present wear. tions to the loan; that supervising offi-’ Some trimmed with rich furs, others with silk braid. cers will he detailed for the variuus EXTRA SPECIAL SUIT SALE units to stimulate competition and Modish Autumn Frocks $18.50 and $15.00 HAS FEARS EMBARGO that co-operation will be hssid with lo­ Thu most unusual xalues we have ever, offered. Women cal bank and bond committees. An extensive and unusually attractive showing. Charm­ who want a fashionable Fall Suit at a low price should not ing Frocks for street and afternoon wear. fail to see this great collection of suits. In the vast assort­ FUELFAMINE IN GRAIN What has become of the man who ment yon will find was looking for a steady job? Fine Serge, Poplins. Gabardines, Oxfords, Whipcords. ■ Port .Huron, Oct. 3—"Coal famine $19.75, $25.00, $32.75 A little discipline now and then is faces Michigan unless something is Fort William, Ont,, Oct. 3—As a re­ a splendid thing for most men. Dresses of Talrta, Cliarmeuse, Satin, Crepe Meteor, 300 SAMPLE S U ITS $25.00 done,” .declared Governor Sleeper sult of the grain handlers’ strike load­ No man ever achieved great popu­ Serge and Satin, Wool Jersey. * Values up to $45.00 while here “Tuesday in connection ed grain cars are accumulating in larity talking about himself. with the dedication of the new office building of the Woman’s Benefit As­ railroad yards. Unless a solution is sociation of the Maccabees, reached in 48 hours, an embargo will "The state coal committee has no be placed on grain at western points. power to enforce coal prices except The demand for higher wages has to investigate conditions.” been granted, but the men insist on ; The governor scored coal dealers of recognition of their union so that re­ the state for not co-operating with A Great Coat Sale turned soldiers cannot oust them the commission. from their jobs. Former Congressman Henry Mc- Morran, of this city, recommended as BATTLE CREEK ENTERTAINS Fine Broadcloth - Fine Velour - Best Kerseys - Stunning Mixtures fuel director of the state, has Notified the governor that he had no time to MEN OF 33D A T DANCING PARTY devote to the task and suggested. W. Battle Creek, Mich,, Oct 3—All lo­ K. Prudden, of Lansing, as the man cal records for largely attended danc for the place. It is believed that the ing parties were shattered last eve governor intends to offer the place to ning when a battalion of infantrymen, prudden. members of the Thirty-third Michigan, 500 Fall Coats ! LIQUOR CASE BEFORE COURT. were entertained by the community The Kind You Are Accustomed to Pay $25.00 For i The case o f Bean Smith, Buchanan, war recreation board. Some of tbo one of the quintet of alleged bootleg- most prominent matrons .o f Battle Featured in Over a Hundred Smjart, Distinctive Styles, Tomorrow, Saturday, at the Pop- Creek were present, chaperoning sev­ •gers, caught in the dragnet of Sheriff uar Price of Only . . . ’ ...... Hogue a short time ago, was heard in eral hundred of the city’s charming the circuit court Tuesday. Smith girls. Here’s a chance to prove that for $10.00 you can buy the SAME KIND of Fall Coat you was represented by Attorney Charles The first battalion of the Thirtv- had in mind to pay somewhere, perhaps $29.50 or more for. It only takes a few White of Niles, and Frank Sanders of third has 900 members, only 50 of whom were required to remain in a. • minutes to step in and see for yourself whether or not the garments Buchanan. themselves back up our statement. At least it is worth that f In cross-examining John Lyons, Camp Custer last night for guard •'complaining witness, whom the peo­ duty. much time to try to save from $5 to $10. You have . ; ple claim purchased a quantity of heard much about E X O R B ITA N T PRICES, but HOW TO BE UNPOPULAR Hvhiskey from Bean Smith, the de­ ' THE ECONOMY DEPARTMENTS custom- w i t h t h e n a s t y f l ie s fense labored hard to prove he had . ; ers are getting the same big values this made an offer to Smith in which he Flies hate blue. They will avoid a season as before. Come tomorrow “stated he would, for the sum of $50, room decorated in that color. They leave the city. Upon Smith’s refusal and let us prove it to you. will not go through the slats of a blue to pay this- amount the defense claims shutter. Handsome Braid Bound Coats, Fur Trimmed Coats, Plain Tailored Coats, Kerami and Lyons entered complaint against the Flies hate oil of lavender. If this Is defendant. They are featuring this mixed with an equal quantity of wa­ Nutria Fur Trimmed Coats, Button Trimmed Coats, All Colors and Sizes phase of the testimony in an endeav­ ter and sprayed from an atomizer or to acquit the Buchanan man. about a dining room, this will be free 50,000 DETROIT HOMES from files. ARE WITHOUT COAL Flies hate the perfume o f genrani- ums, mignonette, heliotrope, whitn Detroit, Oct. 3—-Fifty thousand De­ ECONOMY DEPARTMENTS clover, honeysuckle and hop blossoms. troit homes are without coal and with­ Bouquets of these upon a table will out positive assurance of being able keep flies at a distance. to secure a winter’s supply of fuel, a Over Geo. Kraft’s 5 & 10c Store condition unprecedented at this time 219-221 GO. MICHIGAN ST. SOUTH BEND’S GREATEST BARGAIN GIVERS of year, is one of the alarming facts The voice of the people doesn't use disclosed by a coal survey, just com­ a magaphone. Take Elevator and Save Dollars. . pleted under direction of the Detroit Some of the reliable information board of commerce. you hear about, isn’t, * i ♦♦lt<«IW W W W W 'W'H'W»W«>W*«M»W***»W f»W W W *H W «W W W H*H‘MWWW ^ ^ W ttW tW W W W W *«W W M»W»WW*WWWWfrH'W M W W '>,M'W W W W W W M't'I'M» t

Is to be the “ Sunshine Town” of Berrien ounty


I Am Calling

Hundreds of Young Men from their office positions to service in the Army and Navy. I Expect You, Young Lady,

to take the place of some Young Man. You can help win the War and- keep business moving by preparing now to render efficient service in the business office. ■■■■»■ :•*■■■■ t You must be trained if you are to render service. Now is the time to prepare. My necessity is your opportunity. I suffer if you do not prepare, because the Nation's business is my business. But you are the chief loser, as you are missing a chance such a s has never before been offered the business woman. Make Your Plans to Enter The South Bend Business College

p This business training school hasvbeen recognized for more than a third of a century as the bti'toXfikind, in the middle West. Your standing as a graduate of the Si B. B. C. will be non assailable; your training highly marketable ana j our success certain.

Leading Citizens of the Town and Rural Community Unite in Bringing’ Buchanan to the Front

What Can Be Bone by Co-Operation


The old town is to be the happy hunting Object: A better, more hospitable Make our stores your, headquarters when ground of those on pleasure and profit bent; in town, use our phones and ask freely for the “Welcome” sign always hangs out. community, with benefits for. everybody. any information desired.

Citizens of Town and Countryside Invited to Share in Pleasures and Bargains the Merchants Will Provide Regularly

t>. L. BOARDMAN, Dry Goods. E. B. W EAVER, Gents’ Furnishings. DONNEY’S VARIETY STORE. H . P. BINNS, Prop. Binn’s Magnet Store. < NILES OAS LIGHT COMPANY. , H. R.'ADAMS, Hardware. CLENN E. SMITH, Shoe Man. 1 • HOME LUMBER & COAL COMPANY. BUCHANAN LUMBER & FUEL COMPANY. ■* • B. R. DESENBERG & BRO., Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes. DAY’S AVEN UE GARAGE, H AR R Y BOYCE, Prop. LUNDGREN & ALLEN , Farm Implements. « 9 CHAS. LYDDICK, Confectionery and Ice Cream. MOYER’S MUSIC STORE. PEARS-EAST GRAIN COMPANY. < * BISHOP CREAMERY COMPANY. J. E. ARNEY, Grocery. M AURICE J. BROOKS, Clothing and Shoes. MRS. E. PARKINSON, Millinery. J. W. H O LSTO N , Prop. Buchanan Garage. EMERSON & HAMILTON, Furniture. RAYMOND & SANDS,--Meats and Groceries. H. A. IAUCH, Jeweler. RAY W. JOHNSTON, Jeweler. W. N. BRODERICK, Druggist. BUCHANAN CASH GROCERY.

>*-if******** BEND OF THE RIVER. about a week ago, remains In a rath­ sen at South Bend, returning hqme er critical condition in the Niles San­ Sunday evening. Last Thursday at noon the school itarium Mrs.’ Elmer Butts remains Wm. Smith is having the interior of children surprised their teacher, Miss about the same but is'suffering con­ nis house remodeled. Ruth Herman, with a pot-luck lunch­ siderably from the burns and broken eon. It was Miss Herman’s birthday. ankle she received. Elmer Butts and ANNOUNCEMENT. Ivoc Hoag and sons and Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geyer escaped Mrs. Wilma Eninger Wiess will Mrs. Guy Burks spent Sunday in La- unhurt. meet those who are Interested in vo­ Buy W ar Loan porte. , Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Tichenor and Mr. cal music at Moyer’s music, store "Oc­ John Mead lost a fine cow Friday and Mrs. Andrew Lyddlck spent Sun­ tober 6, for appointments. " morning. day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gano Mrs. Weiss is a soprano, taking an at Riverside. Wm. Blake was a business caller in active part in the musical clubs of Mrs. Hiram Bunker is not so well Niles Monday afternoon. South Bend and Mishawaka, also has This Bank is Assisting in Task ol Marketing at this writing, Miss Zula McFallon spent Sunday done church work In both cities. Lloyd Fisher of Lydick called in here with her mother. a Mrs. Weiss Is a former pupil of Wil- Mrs. Lillian Hunter has purchased this vicinity Monday evening. Alyca Clemeus spent Friday night* * a m Preston McHenry and is at pres­ SECOND LIBERTY LOAN a pump of Lundgreen & Allen to he ent studying with Mrs.. Jennie Thatch­ put up on her farm. in Buchanan with Ardell Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Proud and three er Beach of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koch and Mr. Renumber- the date, October 6 THIS BANK IS ASSISTING IN THE TASK OF MARKETING $3,000,000,000 UNITED and Mrs. Clarence Huss, spent Sun­ children were in South Bend Friday afternoon. day at the parental home. AUTO DRIVER WHO KILLED STATES OF AMERICA 10-25 YEAR 4 PER CENT Miss Jessie Topash was on the sick Burton Weaver is slightly improved LITTLE dlRL CAUGHT CONVERTIBLE GOLD BONDS. at this writing, list several days last week. Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Clemens of Ed- Bearing interest from November 15,1917 .. Due November 15, 1942 Otis Harding of South Bend was a Chief Actor In Hartford Accident la caller in this vicinity Monday. wardsburg called on Hattie Clemens Wednesday afternoon. Lodged In Jail. Redeemable at the option of the United States, at par and accrued Mrs. Mae Roe and Mrs. Georgia Roe Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Best attended the visited their brother, Chas. Tichenor Thp auto driver who ran down and funeral of an uncle at South Bend on interest, on and after November 15, 1927 and family Sunday. Thursday. killed little 13-year-old Ethel Shields INTEREST PAYABLE MAY 15 AND NOVEMBER 16. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walton and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Tichenor attend­ Miss Blanche Proud and Dorothy near Hartford last Frlfiav has been DEN OM INATIONS: Coupon and registered bonds, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,- ed the County Grange Convention at Burknowski of Buchanan were guests anirebendetl." His nac.c is Dalton Berrien Center Tuesday, of Mr. and Mrs.-M. E. Gilbert Sunday, 0a:i’ : and his business that of fruit 000; and registered bonds of $50,000 and $100,000. Mrs. L. 0. McKee of Niles,, former­ Joe Boyer, Hattie Clemens and chil­ eanner at Bang'iv .Vic'i The Bangor EX EM P T as to principal and interest from all taxation by the United States, any State, ly of Chicago, called at the John Her­ dren called on Mrs. Jas. Clemen. In man is 28 years old and married, but man home Sunday. South Bend Sunday., 1 l as no childre > Wv.'i him in the car or any of the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority, ex­ Mr.' Whetzel and family of Baroda Stella and Alyee Clemens attended Was one passenger, Max Miller, a spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John a Sunday school class meeting Sat­ hardware mpu>h int of Bangor, also 28 cept (a) estate or inheritance taxes, a id (b ) United States graduated additional in­ Herman. urday afternoon at .the home of Nola anil u:u rled. come taxes (commonly known as surtaxes) and excess-profits and war-profits tax- Mrs. Frank Herman and daughter and Wava Miller, of Portage Prairie. Both men hi i been ludgc.l in the Hattie, Mrs. John I-Ierman and daugh­ Verna Coleman of Lydick called at county jail at Paw • »» liv Sheriff es. The interest on an amount of bords and certificates authorized by said act, the ter Ruth and son Lloyd were South the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ih'ai'k of Var Enron t .'unty, whore Wm. Coleman Monday afternoon. principal of which does not exceed in the aggregate $5,000, owned by any individ- Bend shoppers Saturday. th»y cwait'fu',-tbe* in ws'igaiiim Mrs. Studebaker, mother of Milton Beulah Coleman spent the week end rJ lio oar cono me.] in ih" accident ual, partnership, association, or corporation, shall be exempt from the taxes provided Bliss, who was in the auto wreck with her sister, Mrs, Chas. Saubedis- was a six-clyinder Simplex, for in clause fb) above. CO N VER TIBLE-into higher rate bonds if and when higher rate bonds are next issued during the war. . m TERMS OF PAYMENT: MA' Heat Your Home 2 per cent with application. 18 per cent on November 15,1917. Nature Wa y-W ith 40 per cent on December 15, 1917. ' ' ” ’’ — 40 per cent on January 15, 1918 (with acrued interest on both deferred install­ ments). - V-ropt-EV’ ' i n ­ W arm Moistair payment in full of any subscription for an amount of bonds not in excess of $1,000, at face value without interest, may be made with the application, if the subscriber p r - fers, in which case prompt delivery of a bond or bonds dated and bearing interest from November 15,1917, will be made. • 4 V j J v " i ! T3EFQRE you buy your ]| f l new Heating Plant be sure r Treasury Department, tovisitusandseetheRound Washington, October 1,1917.* Oak Moistair Heating System. Let us We receive and transmit applications for the second Liberty Loan without expense give you the facts and figures. Health to the applicants. • _ • T T W I.' w- as well as comfort and saving i s y o u r s Buy a War Loan and you will help your country and our brave troops in t-he fight-- when we install in your home the Ing line. , ■. .* £ . . ROUND OAK Frist National Bank MOISTAIR HEATING SYSTEM BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN The System that is Nationally Advertised Made by the Makers of the Genuine Round Oak STOVE ject for the evening service^ sided in this vicinity since she was Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Richards have Prayer meeting Thursday evening seven years old, passed away Wednes­ returned from a visit in Detroit with The Round Oak warms your home at 7:30. day at her home after having under­ their' son and family. nature’s way, floods it with an ever- A cordial welcome to all. gone a surgical operation in St. Jo­ Sigmund Patz, an Eau Claire meat changing current of warm, clean, fresh air; Club 9/otes Please notice the change of hours seph a few weeks ago. She was 70 dealer and lightning chick >n picker, and automatically hum idifies that air. No for the evening services. years old, and leaves a husband and M has closed out his stock and will en­ Sixteen new members were re­ two children, four grandchildren, one other system does so much. ter military service as a result of the The meeting of'th e “30" Club ceived into the Epworth League last great-grandchild, two brothers and draft. This will leave Eau Claire for tlie^'ars 1917-18 held Monday af­ Sunday evening. one sister and a host of friends to mourn her demise. Funeral services without a meat market. ternoon at the home of the president, Saves Fuel by the Ton !| COLVIN DISTRICT. will be conducted by the Rev. English,- The Stanley steamer which was Mrs. Bertie Smith. This was a. most o f New Troy, at the "Baptist church, damaged in an accident in which, Mrs. Interesting and important meeting on Amos Spaulding and son. Clayton in Glendora, Saturday afternoon at 1 Elmer'Butts was injured a few days Due to t h e account of the desire' of the members were in South Bend on business Mon­ o’clock. Interment at Weesaw ceme­ ago, was taken to Chicago today for hum idifying to introduce patriotic work into the day." tery. repairs.-. „“Nohby” Nolan went with and certain impor­ club in addition'to the regular pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Guthohrlein vis­ the driver in the capacity o f a pilot. tant mechanical gram. Several resignations were re­ ited their sons Ed and Henry Sunday. BANKE-HOLMES NUPTIALS. features, this sys­ ceived but enough new members were Miss Helen Jackson visited her par­ A quiet wedding took place Tuesday Within less than three minutes on Wednesday the senate adopted the tem is guaranteed admitted into the du b to fill the vacan­ ents in South Bend over Sunday. evening at 3 o’clock at the home of the to furnish more conference report on the war urgent cies. After the regular order of bus­ Walter Guthohrlein has come home bride’s parents at 8 o’clock, wheif Miss b eat on same iness the president gave a most pleas­ from work on the Holden and Besson Ruth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. deficiency appropriation bill, carrying 6amount of fuel or ing address of greeting—brief but to farm northwest of Glendora. A. E. Holmes, became the bride f $7,757,434,410 In cash and authorized the same heat on contracts. Today the house is expect­ the point. The cooking committee Fred Weaver of Berrien Springs Mr. Edward Banke, both of Buchanan. less fu el than any served dainty refreshments and the was home Sunday afternoon. They entered the parlor led by little ed to adopt it and send it to President other heater manu­ Wilson. club adjourned to meet Oct. 8 with The threshing machine is once moire Dorothy and Cai-ol Holmes, neices of factured. Mrs. Strayer. In this neighborhood. the bride acting as flower girls, where JUNK PILE. the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. J. Simple, durable, J. Terry o f the» Christian church, the The voice of the people doesn’t use HILL’S CORNERS, f it cleanly —- backed PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ring service-being used. a magaphone. Sunday school rally and promotion »®wivnTHr by 46 years of The bride was daintily attired In Some of the reliable information "Wednesday: Mid-Week service at exerclses’ at the Christian church next experience and white net over pale yellow silk and you hear about. Isn’t. “ 7:30 p. m. Sunday. Rev. Williams of Bangor will "What has become of the.man who preach both morning and evening. carried yellow roses. The groom wore Makers of Good Goods Only Installed by Us with an Assurance o f Permanent Satisfaction Sunday: Divine worship at 10:30 a blue serge. was looking for a steady job? .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell and fam­ m. Communion service. Bible school A little discipline now and then is ily motored to Morgan Park, 111., Sat- The house resembled a summer gar­ Let Us demonstrate one—Ask About FREE Heating Plan at 11:45 a. m, Y. P. S. C, E. at 6 p. a splendid" thing for most men. ■urday and returned Sunday. den with the many flowers. m. Leader, Miss Myra Andlauer. No man ever achieved great popu­ W e are the exclusive Round Oak distributors. On account of the regular meeting The relatives and friends remained Evening service at 7 p. m. larity talking about himself. of the b ed Cross being held on Tues­ for the reception when ice cream and The Christian Endeavor Society of days, the monthly missionary meeting cake were served by Mrs. Stuart and BRIDAL TRIPS VIA THE the Presbyterian church held a very will be held the second Thursday of Mrs, Kenneth Holmes, sisters-in-law W ATER W AY enjoyable social gathering last Thurs­ of the bride. H. R. ADAMS each month. Next Thursday the so­ day evening in the basement of the Bridal trips aboard D. & O. Steam­ ciety will meet with Mrs, Eugene The couple received many pretty church. The guests of honor were ers are becoming increasingly popu­ Boyle. gifts consisting of silver, cut glass, lar. Among the favorite honeymoon the young people of the community hand-painted china, linen and various tours are the lake trips between De­ who are going away to enter'college .Mr. and Mrs. Siegel Stevens and Mr. other articles. troit. Cleveland, Buffalo aid Niagara and Mirs. Geo.. Boyce attended the fair for the first time this fall, ’ Mr. fl&nke expects to leave for Falls. The Two Giant Steamers of at Hartford Thursday. the Great Lakes—City of Detroit III Camp Custer on the 20th of this METHODIST CHURCH. and City of Cleveland III—make dally Miss Barbara Vogel returned to Chi­ month while Mrs. Banke will make trips between Detroit and Buffalo, “A Living Sacrifice” is the theme cago Saturday -after spending two her. home with her parents until he leaving Detroit at 5:00 p. in. Central months at the Bert Mitchell home. returns. Time, and Buffalo at 6:00 p. m., East­ for them orning service. ern Time. Baily service also between Sunday school at 11:45. Mir. and Mrs. A. D. Blackmun and They have the best wishes of all Detroit and Cleveland. Four trips Epworth League meeting at 6 p. in., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Proceus expect their friends. * weekly between Detroit, Macltlnac Is­ in charge of Mirs. H. A. Iauch add Miss to visit Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Sojne people can’t appreciate beau­ land and Lake Huron way . ports. Subscribe for the News next Sunday. tiful weather until, they read about It Stop-overs arranged as desired. Rail Margaret Hall. tickets are honored for transportation ‘‘The Baffled Disciples” is the sub- Mrs. William Hanover, who had re­ In California. on all D. 4 C. steamer* 9