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The Ledger and Times, April 2, 1964

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Largest The Afternoon Circulation Daily Newspaper Both In City For Murray and And In County Calloway County

Our Murray Population 10,100 [ United Press International In 85th Year Murray, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, April 2, 1964 Vol. LXXXV No. 79

Miss Bailey To Be Soloist Tonight With I MSC String Orchestra MP" Space Shot W1411 Work Continues Miss Joyce Ann Bailey, organist. sod Professor Neale Mason, 'cellist, will appear as soloist during the ontemporary Arts Festival Or- Test Big Capsule chestra Conceit tonight at eight On Camp Sites • rri ae the Rental Hall. Doyle sedan Fine Arta Building. Bailey, a keyboard music ma- °OLDEN POND, Ky. en - Wait CAPE KENNEDY en - The Unit- and the Apollo men-to-the moon Miss Lakes section for the project. One wider the tutorship of Profes- continued today in the Rushing S!7 -1 ed States °vette As second man-in- venture. jor Agin read -Barry Do You Read John Wmter and Rowell Tnr- Creek area on the Kentucky Ten- space program next week with an No Recovery Attempt sors Me" a reference to Sen., Harry hone, is the of Mr. and nessee State tine in an effort to unmanned Gemini space shot thitt The first Gemini spacecraft. a daughter Goldwater, R- Ariz.. who has said Mrs Ma.lcolm V. Bailey. '718 Car- complete a tent-camping and picnic must meet seven obtectives to fore- production model stripped of life he favors selling the TVA to private Sedan enoe Drive. Hopkinsville. Kentucky, area of the Between the Lakes Na- 4-Dr. stall further delay in the pronctts support gear. la to be hurled into utilities companies. Bailey, scheduled to receive tional Recreation Ares by mid- factory air con- schedute. an orbit ranging from 99 to 183 Miss The women were accompanied by Bachelor of Music degree in June. latching interior The primary goals of the orbital miles above earth No attempt will the male members of a group opposing will perform Sowerby's Class- W. El, Milliken &eastern to the grain. ... $1475 !WIC set for Ineeday, were ven- be made to recover the craft June, the purchase of private property foe- Concerto For Organ with the Tennessee Valleye Authority (TVA), ni out Wednesday by the Nation- The upoomtng shot was originally ic the recreation area. Orchestra She will be at the prtject mirage/ who was picketed al Aeronauttcs and Space Atinero scheduled for lam fall Any troubles String "They were a very sweet green a of the Recital Hall Wicks earner this week by 10 women at rdtop titration NASA. in the flight would push the rest console old ladies," MiLliken said today. He Organ, Tulin Lakes. said interviewing of on, 4- Dareel car- Gemini, designed to keep two men manned intstrion well into 1966 Pipe chatted briefly with some of the Mason, teacher of 'cello, property owners is going Maid as in orbit for up to two weeks to NASA's main objectives for the Professor women before they took down their and theory at Murray scheduled. prectice rendezvous anti other teah- firs nen are: bass. viol, signs and drove away r, 1949. is a graduate of Milliken entArnated he interviewed toques for moon mission., is the -To prove that the Titan-2 rock- State since Two of them stayed behind and Columbia Universities Ac- 85 to 100 property owners Tuesday bridge between the suct-ensful Mer- et and its 7,000-pound spacecraft are Yale and talked to him while he lunched at Ian Symphony Or- and Wedneoday in the Twin Lakes spacethght program able to work together property on companied by the his motel, he added. ssion, radio and -ury manned the the ex minute climb into orbit, abeam, Mason will perform Colonel Harry Douglas (right), who operates a resort near Murray, congratulates two new area, where the picketing occurred. "The people are interested in wakes. Blue with Concerto on' an The women carried signs opposing -To measure the heat caused by Milhaud 'Cello Kentucky Colonels at the recent Chicago Boat, Travel and Outdoors Show. Douglas was knowing the moue: facts, timing V More When you century Bernadei acquisition of land in the Twin air friotton on both the booster and one representative of the West Kentucky Lake Land Region of the Kentucky Travel Coun- of the projects and its relationship $550 Under the direction od' Profettsor Murray commie during launch; at the show and helped host a Kentucky re- to them." Milliken said. He eapkon- Former Or- who manned the Kentucky Lake exhibit To prove that the modified le- David J Governs. the String cil ed that every affected property the included (from left) H. Fred Parker, Rock- tan-2 rocket performs as planned chestra will present n suite by ception for some 120 outdoor writers. Guests Gene Landolt Heads owner in the area will be treated and accom- of the GlOat Lakes Outdoor zdtop ond does not pioduce conditions late Paul Hindemith ford, Ill., and James Lockharte, Springfield, Ill., both members Kennedy Library Fund fairly, Man Honored Miss Bailey in the Sowerby or Power steer- unauttabie for manned flight. pany Writers Aeso Milliken said he missed MCkle of good You'd ex- 41 (Meek Guidance Systems Organ Concerto. the picketing because he was con- Richard Farrell, Head, at Taylor Motors -To glow that the rocket and Its Professor Gene Lanclok has been named as ferring inside the mote/ with an of Fine Arta, will con- Ten Charged With $3511 By Engineers ground guidance systems are idle Department Funeral For Mrs. the chairtnan of the Calloway Co- elderly landowner at the tilme. Symphony Orchestra in to achieve the proper orbit neces- duct the In County unty John F Kennedy Appalachian The assistant Project manager Creston. Benjamen Mattie Hughes Today Gambling sary for future manned mustang. works by Paul Memorial rund These fundo will maid that front 45 .to 50 men now and accompany Professor semi the -To check the rocket's flight Britten. Ten Negroes were el-rested over be used to construct a librory, and are eel on the Between 'Cello Con- Funeral services for Sir,, Maetie le control try-steins, Mason in the Milhaud in Lakes projeot, largely' on road- A Towner elurrayart and a 1602 Huotts are being held today at the weekend and charged with community center building West buildIng in the Rutting Creek area. , contrasting School. -To test a unique trvuble de- certo gambling in Callosity County. Liberty Kentucky county seat of gratkiate of Murray High orchestra concert is 2 p m at the °Wester Methodist tecting dei tee destgried to love asteo- This April 2 trig are those arrested ac- Morton County thite accent Has Bruce Tucker has been named the Content- Church with Rev Orville IllasleY Follow nauts eiteogh winnow to abandon part of the Sixth Annual Big 6 Overhead egen of the Year- in the Mints- and Rev Larry Breedlove officia- cording to the court record and Mbrgata County is one of six- Ap- event of an im- Arts Fennel sponsored by the Anima- their craft in the pory chspontion of the oases James palachian counties the ate Fred- rice Clean sporty sippl Vailey read Control Deg:tart/neat of the col- tes pending failure Pine Arts fined $1 00 and coati dent planned to Mat on Dec. 6, to Lion attend. Mrs Hughes age 88, passed away Stubblefield. Session Cost ht like this One public is invited to • -To prove Mat the 19-foot space- lege, The of W50, Doyle Moneehee. pied see for Mennen the ravages there The son of one of Murray's be- charge. Tueeday at 2 30 p m at the Mead- .... $1875 craft and its equipment section is There is no admision to appear of cluonic loved and outstanding citizens. Mrs oirview Rest Home near Fannitg- not guilty, out on bond of constant floods and capable of withstanding suet's's - not It A Tucker. 100 South Ninth ton She was the widow of the late Aprt 11. Wailes Orogen. pled and acute depreeston State Over - during Ass trip into orbit, April is at least Street. Tucker is Executive Vice- once Hugh's of the Bacteraburg guilty. out an bond to appear The state-wide goal ertible In addition, the shot ate be used On not guilts. Preodent of the liditmaampi Valley Lacture-Recital rtimunay. 11, Robert Young. pled 520 000. tte top All vinyl to theck out ground equitment. April 11. provide $10,- Flood Contrel Association with Of Chopin Survivors irclude two dsughters, out, on bond to appear Morgan County will 8 olivine. Auto- Itusch hicelatias and to provide 24 Etudes D Gammons, continued to April 000-$15.000 in goal matching funds Half Million lisedipainters in the Prabodt HoUd, Mrs. Opha Carlton of St Peters- training foi later flights did not individual .000 miles. Cost Memphis The Voted States Army Planned Sunday bum. rk.. and Mrs. Bernice Mut- 11. Augustus Williston. Jr.. from large numbers of . ---- sah. appear. Pete KIE11101, fueled $1.00 donors and frost Income front a $1475 Eriginegra Corgi selects a pens= ton of Ihme Thereto Inch.: one fir CAROL, • • • of Mt Mt Therm Imre, feendetelecal sew ler ride for IMAM tn be honoi ed The award m'e . . Jim HellhelitMolsone Cledn foe/ nee/ and • me. Zi letUdell of Chopin. a lect- on bond to ap- am sergies. A Called Tress bitarnansaal Cruiser presented bla) 26 in Memphis dur- Multi-Million $S The ers. Mrs. Sally Adair of Hose Mrs, pied sot guilty. out library o book/mete by Elvin Schmitt. emi- Muse:wow fined worth over PRANKYORT. Ky leg - The • • ing the annual inspection of the ure-recital Myrtle Stewards of Kinney. Mos. pear April 11. Jerry lot will be provided It re clean car with Plant Is Begun teaoher and roneert Monte and charg- Board of 1064 General Amsembes oat the amortaition This association includes nent Mae Fulton of Clarksville Tenn.. 530 00 and costa of $22.50 115.000 from the County is in. If 3:00 p. m. on Res ft Lim Cr. state 8880.183--about 84.500 lees bashed Will be presented at of Al-no; ed with peuy larceny. trial set for Fgamstron. and Mrs Lotto Wrather than the 1982 session. ere's a real chal- ( on United on Page 2 Sunday. April 5 in the UTMB Mu- Bumphis. two cleys funds. front the according to 16 grantichilcit en, 31 great grand- May 4, Buten With its Muted Auditorium in Martin. W. D. Lowery are pos- figures released Wednesday miles Rig 8 with JACKSON. Tenn eel - Details sk Building children Rev. oi County Jail local lax, matching funds The concert. which is with re- not fi- Although some leseslators Mal $775 of a new multi-million dollar power Tennessee Pallbearers are Rot Hughes. Just- Evangelist ilusitrow was charged sible, bit the county can co-sponsorship of the Revival from the U- pirtned about the number of ap- tools pant here were revealed Wed- motet the Hughes. William Terry Johnston. moving scene brass (Kings nance an entire building The Department and in pointed letrialative employes hired nesday night following ground- UTMB Music James Carlton, and site of the new girl's dormitory. nion will, however be full of a Tennessee George Maser. Reviv-al services will begin at the after the 22 elective employes al- 4 members of the West. collection of excellent -Dr. Sedan bresinng ceremonies Bob Carlton Baptist Church Sunday. growing Teachers Aseociatton, will be Kidney lowed by the Constitution were .rhauleti Six cyl Seen & Heard E. Lawrence Tabat vice president Music is being held in Aabury bootoi. mince It partates in the the -11A1M111- Burial April 5, and will continue through Students added to the payroll, salaries were of the Rockwell liarniacturing Co. open to the public at Ohurahill Calloway Instern Kentucky Library Revon, Priced to move mal Cemetery with the J H. April 12 Services will be nightly M down from 1962 told about 160 ion fees of it 50 for adults is in Floyd Co- power t00111 diviaon. Funeral Horne in charge of the ar- 7 00 o'clock Boost Easter Fund whose headquarters . $495 students During the past legislature $117.- Around city and county officals West Ten- 75e for of the unty, So head of the rangements Rev W D Lowery pastor 706 was spent on salaries for ap- • bualnenimmen and Rockwell Prof Schmitt who is With Contribution Jacqueline Kennedy will be neamee New Harmony Baptist Church in Mrs pointed employes, compared with deparunent at Drake Uni- in regiresentatives the& ooristruction piano the evange- invited to dedicate the building prevent time has de- Marshall county will be Calloway County High $123,176 in 1962 The 1964 figure wail start in June on an Mitts' por- versity at the Studersts of 1966 Funds for the building will be automatic, with MURRAY teaching, arid Carl Kingins Has lise. • contribution of included $61319 for House-appoull- tion of the plant at a cost of a- voted his studiete School made presented to Morgan County April al must of the The music will be under the di- Seal Sale. ed employ amidee $66.386 for Se e servant carry- perforrntng primarily to $00.56 to the Easter aay of National round 9500.000. Major Surgery rection of W A Erwin, church 18. 1964- the last reeds repair $375 Century Romantic Era. and boosting the total received thus -appointed employes. Tlatat did not release estimates 19th Wiliam Library Week. John eeubaser. Chicago realer* particular . He nrst choir devotee. and Mrs. $1406 48, an House Clerk Troy &until end Ihe the of the ennre plant but to Chopin in Kingine. who underwent ma- ter in the eamPaiitzt to wishing to make a con- County of cost music- Oari Edwards, church pianist Those believed the figure was lower be- with interests in Calloway the attention of the all time high for the fund drive K la expected to be seteral million Mille to jor surgery at the Baptist Memor- and the tribution to tens fund nay send it he owns some lake property and Nouns student, Terry M. Sills piustor, of this money will cause appointed ernteoets tired for dollars al world when, as a Homeital, Memphis, Tenn, on Practecatly all tendon or leave it at the oor lives here durtng the in ial church erbend a cordial invitation to Gene the last week or two of the sesktn prniticsily an important contest be recover- be used in Kentucky with a small Production is expected to start he won Tueedat. Is repoted to these services. bowl public largo. $9511 SUMITIeT, sent io a clipping from Wtchita, Kontos At the to attend being sent on to national were paid only for the time they In September or October and will piano In ing satierfactor It amount a Chicago miter eleventh; which h* parents took for research purposes. worked and not for the entire ses- be !Muted at first to motors for the age of fourteen In • telephone conversation with headquarters 0 gave. the results of a survey made York City for further The contribution made by stu- sion has had been done previously Pittaienth timed firm's line of port- him to New Mrs. Kingins Wednesday afternoon. No One Injured In or there. age of eighteen Calm/ay County High Jame; Brow is. payroll cleft for table eientric power tools. Tana study. and at the Hal Boyd of Peoples Bank said that dents of irgaln price $575 transoontinentaa Forward Signs purposes Car Accident the Legislative Research Canines- first the used for several Three said He said employment will begin he had his he was reported to still be in could be 711,01141 questionalres -we-re-malled out every state of the for 20 speech therapy skin LRC. said Use (*wog covered at about 90 persona and reach 200 tour playing in intensive care area but was expect- It will pay with 16.000 being returned Schmitt then embark- for children with a speech No one was injured yesterday the period from Jon 7 through the to 400 when the plant is nonPletttd U S. Young ed to be moved to a pronto room 813bal01111 of study covering it will pay for 12 morning in • three car collision on end of this week when the last of In two to three yams ed on a period today. For Luther difficulty. Or The ourvey was revealing two of the great- especially made US 641 South near the 641 Slaughter the checks will be mailed to legisla- Dale T Dole. special projects several years with Kinglets was acknitted to the Mem- pair of crutches - — -- teachers of piano of all child House tive empioyes. engineer at Rockwelle Tupelo. Miss.. en master phis tekviA/All Tuesday. March 24. for a crippled Follft0/1111 questiona were wend and of London could pay for Mrs Mary Miller Green was driv- The cost of pro.ting bills anti named superintendent of time. Tobias Matthey surgery was ordered for lies- Their contribution plant. wee and Buick south and slowed resolutions inteeduced during the here are some of the resins Alfred Certot of Paris Dallas Thorn ton . all-state for- six hearing aid evaluations for hard ing • 1968 the plant here Willard F Rock- and day Howie Good mechanly Schmitt toured widely. at Male High School In Lou- children or it could buy to turn left into the Slaughter 1864 newton thus far has reached well. president of the company, Later. Mr. The Murray men us the executive ward of hearing Do you favor Federal civil righta the United signed a bibaketball road. W. D. Shoemaker, driving be- $7,019; 01023 was Went for sop- Lone green the first shovel of earth at playing throughout vice-president of the Peoples Bank Mine. has three leg braces turned Zea- in a 1956 Plymouth, swerv- plies and 911.508 was for the LRC gray, V-8, leeteation - Canada, nil-OPE. New and has been grant-in-aid with Murray State Col- Their contribution would also pay hind her auto. the proposed site He told those at- States, of Murray. Ky. Inc.. swerv- To protect the right to vote yes 87 He has appear- lege, °ouch Cal Luther has announ- child to spend two full ed to avoid a collision, then payroll. The LRC Mat( does mot P. tending a banquet that the finite land acid Australia with the bank for sixteen years. for one per cent, Iti) 10 per cent, no opin- the N. Y. Phil- Camp KYSOC. the camp ed back and caught the right rear of the paperwort and research dur- I, haa been largely due to its ed as soloist with ced. weeks at overdrive. growth De- of the Buick The left aide ing a megaton. ion 3 per cent harmonic, Cleveland Sympnony, Thornten, who has been called especially designed for use by crip- bumper matte, runs good' various operation and distribut ton of To enforce grhonl integration yes and others. In ad- 5ervice For Mrs. one of the best players ever to play ohikiren, including blind chit- of his car was &imaged. Total expenses for the 1964 Sen- more than one product troit Symphony pled 04 per cent, no repuatition as weighs 165 divn. Donald Lee Houaden of Hazel. ate. Inchaling expenees, per diem 38 per cent, No &non he has built a Garrett Today for Male. a 6-4 aid Go 8 per cent having taught at Samn 16.5 points and driving a 1962 Plymouth behind and travel allotments for members at opinion a teacher of note, pounds He avenge to the University of Mate which was , thoemaker. struck the fear of Shoe- and stettonary costs was $152.712 To give permanent stAtue Oberlin Corlege. the 14 rebounds for Righte Corrintlon yes 31 I V erslty, and Sam top team in Kentucky maker's oar, but caused little dam- compared with $146.760 the Pre- Mignourt Syracuse U Graveside services for Mrs rated the , Firemen he now Hazel ponce mid vious wronon. automatic. per rent. no 51 per cent, no opinion Drake Univeinty where Garrett were held today at one most of the season age cent department. He Fu- Gene Rhodes, Ken- Fire Call The incident occurred at 11:99 The lame expenses accrued by w engine Job. le per BULLETIN hest the piano p m, at the Hazel Cemetery Man Coach Answer have det- Memphis. of the Year." said a m with all participants going the House of Representatives touted To ten the interstate commerce has many students who neral services were at Lucky's -Coach , standard, By DENNY DAVIS hold- and inch Department ans- $376 201 this year. compared with clause of the Oonstitutton to en- tingutshed thennelves and are Tenn.. this morning at tine o'clock. that "pound-for-pound The Hazel Fire south, mechanically. force public acconxila- [United Press International in' all parts of at a Thornton is the beet re- wered a nall early Wednesday $364.737 in 1962 atoms to ing important pate Mrs Garrett mated away foroinch standard. Rio DE JANElle0 col - The to ertingiamb a house fire Capitol employes, such as elevator tiros yes 27 per cent. no 00 per the world Memphis hospital on Tuesday. Bhe bounder in Kentucky" morning Stolen War Ministry announced today happy of Hazel. Hubcaps operators and janitors, accounted IContinued on Page 21 was the former Grace Denham. Luther saki he was most for miles southwest that rebel troops had won con- the own- for 4 Survivors include two daughters. that Thornton. wno was highly re- Sheitry Feiraphreys was From Local Cars about $6.500 this year--approxi- trol of Porto Alegre *here Presi- some tenants HS for the I Can Group Mrs HIPLIICC Lassiter of Hunting- commended by Coach Rhodes. lad er of the house but motels the same previous Buy dent Joao Goulart pledged • last- Advisory home. Olhe ton, Tenn, and Mrs. Jim Steelman decided to play for Murray. The were rending at the The !Reuling of hubc-ape ties been Renton ditch fight against his ouster. of to the attic Meets Yesterday of Memphis. Tenn.. one Miter. Mrs Thoroughbreds were champions damage was confined reported to the Murray Police De- Weather The finical statement booed at last Brodie White of Hazel. the Ohio Valley Conference and roof. • partment. 2:30 p m. 12:30 p.m (ESTI, made the league Mrs. Myrtle Farmer Advisory commit- season and represented Jimmy Nix said two hubcaps were op. Report no mention of the late of eistaart , A pnaegatonai the WAX Tournament. losing Ford and Dan Health Center In taken off his 1903 Suffers Attack tonne Body Illittrioseiestal of that of his anti-U. it, brother- tee fo the Mental' champion Loy- Home In County OK Utilise Peed the 101-90 to defending Parker repotted three hutment's itol- — -- Leone It Bri - met yesterday afternoon at Cal Luther Will ransMisslon. In -law Federal Deputy ola. Burns Last Night en from ha 1964 Chevrolet parked Mrs Myrtle Farmer, Weed Main Onaloway County Health Center ler. Kenturoky Lake: 7 a. m. 389.9. toll. Address Coaches at LovettO Service Station on South Street. suffered a severe heart at- tittei Moe C. C Lowry as chair- down 0.4, below dam 327.4, down 4th Street last night tack last night while In a St Louts 34. 12 gates open. man. Hospital She had been In the /me- the group a-as In OVC Coach of the Driver's License A home burned last night about 3303. down 3,1. Meeting with Cal Luther. Barkley Dam and one mile west of South Pleasant COX GUILTY ntal for several days undergoing SULLIVAN AWARDS SET Harold Conran Pstchoutrist. Year, will speak to Kentucky High By Twenty Sunrise 5 41, sunset 6.20. Is Lost Howard Kuykenclall is treatment for • blood clotting con- e Wallace Baggett, Psychiatric Social School Coaches Aminciation next Grove James Welcome house. however Mx. LOUISVILLE i,tlt - Robert Lee dition, and suffered two tight at- Wednesday al '1 30 in Looisville. owner of the Western Kentucky - Mostly LEXINGTON, Ky. en - Sulli- Worker. was sentenced then the severe one yester- aug- while in too icated has and Mrs Lloyd McKinney were liv- Cox, 42, Louisville, tacks, mirmer today van Medallions honoring two as yet Purpose of the group Is to Receiving awards as high school Driving cloudy. windy and it to a 5-year prison term Wednes- day. Univereity of Ken- ment local forces in the mental Coach of the Year will be Gene caused the revocation of driver's es in and tonight with mhowere and sat- unidentified reported the day In U. S District Court after Mr Farmer flew to St. Louis to OAT — ant to devise ways and Rhodes, Louisville Male coach arid licensee for twenty persons In the The Sheriffa office tered thunderstorms this alternoom. tucky undergraduates will be a- heath drive of procuring bedside • full by the Department of fire started from a coal oil stove. he was found guilty be at her e to- warded to • man and woman in the means to bring to fruition a Fred Clayton. football coach at state fisted li—WOUld Like becoming mere numerous late caught fire from a person to commit perjury. The Mrs Fanner is at the Jeseth Hos- health program here, Caldwell County High. Public Safety. FranIdort, Surrounding fields ntght. High today 73-74 Low to- 1964 graduating class today. The sale mental 1902 rob- St Louis. 216 S. Kings Room Among those lotted were James the blaze bit were extinguished. charge stemmed from • pital of windy and will be made by US The advisory group will meet the The meeting will be held In night 82 Finlay cloudy. presentations Rescue Squad answer- bery of • Liberty National Bank & highway, St. Louts. hflesoure Zap $1275 Os- Wednesday in each month at 110 at Convention Center. Louis- Norman Coursey of Almo and Lewis The Murray ahouerx ending and turning (tooter ad K President Dr, John W. first bank. is 63110 Todd of Eirksey. ed the oall. Trust Co. branch code Trimmings. by late afternoon. wald, 4 00 to in ville,

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.p PAGE TWO THE La•OGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY THURSDAY — APRIL 2, 1964 0 THE LEDGER dk TIMES SEEN & HEARD PUBLISHED by LEDGER & TIMES PUILISHING COMPANY. Inc. Coldwater News Dodgers Manager Al Lopez Could Be Consolidauon of the Murray Ledger, The Caalaway Tones, and The (Centinued From Pagel) Tunes-Herald, October 20, 1928, and Kentuckian, anuary the West J Mr. and Mrs. Harlon Black and ;Ars nem] Pendergrass were Bro. 1, 1942. cent, no opinion 13 per cent. children. Mr Early Youngblood and and Mrs. Ooleman Crocker and Circles Round Right /lout Sox This Year JAMES C. WII.LIA.NIS, PUBLISHER Mr and Mrs Ted Youngblood and daughters. Mr and Mrs. Theansi Wilk* of the following $ farm pro- children were Sunday afternoon Crouch and son, Mr. and We reserve the Mrs. Jerry right to reject any Advertising, Letters to the Editor, grams do you favor- callers of Mr and Mrs Herman Pendergrass and Mr. (111)ITORS NOTE: This is the because they felt sure that rookie or Public Voice Items which, Hyland H. Twins, in our opinion, are not for the best in- (al Rigid controls and quotas on Roach and children. Damien. 7-3 12th of '20 dispatches on the 1964 Don Buford was ready to take his terest of our readers. Individual produotaon. mandatory Sunday afternoon callers of Mrs. Mrs Newman Cooper rerrMin.s very prospects of the major league place. NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: W ad reznj a strictly rege- Lovie Finney were Mr. and Mrs. Iii at her home at Coldwater. By TIM MORIARTY baseball teams The rest of the infield 18 set with • Madison Ave.„ Memphis Tenn.; Time ieJedieliaaj, .. ay7 yes 6 per cent: Lee ,Rogers and children. Mrs. Ches- Mrs. 'Jeas Darnell spent United Pros International Joe Cunmaighani at first. Ron Han- no Monday Stephenson Bldg., Detroit, Mich. r 77177 no opinion 8 per ter Barxell anti daughter. Mr. and with Mrs. Maggie Glass. Are the L o s Angeles. Dodgers By LF.() H. PETERSEN sen at short, and at third. 11111 tent, training Entered at the Post Office, Mrs Billy Las:alter and daughters, Mrs. (aphelia Bazzell spent Thurs- ter the start of another UPI Specie Bilker Ward is the big man of that trio, Murray. Kentucky, for Ilmosanssion as Ibi Moderate And flexible Castilian Second Class Matter. price Treat Crough Mrs. Thelma Beare day night with Mr. and Mrs. Carl season o; for the Olympic SARASOTA, Fla. ,Uffi - There is having .296 in his rookie year supports. voltuitery large-stale land and daughters and others. Chrtstenberry. track team. some ground for suspicion that for with .32 home runs and 84 runs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Gamer-in latirray, per week 20e, per retirement --a giadual withdrawal Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Nate what the Minnesota Twins the third time in 13 years manager batted in. month 85e. In Calloway and adeezung counties, per year, $4.50; else- of goaernatelit from the farm econ- Lester Black were Mr. and Mrs. Don were asking Wednesday after the Al Lopez could be right when he High On Nicholson where, $8.00. omy, Yes 91 per cent: no 3 per Black and children and Mr. and World Champions literally ran cir- predicts his Unmet° White Sox will In outfielder Dave Nicholson, the cent, no opinion 6 per cent. cles around them win the 1964 pen- `TIse Outstanding Civic Asset oi • Community is the Mrs. Robert N. Black. Afternoon in scoring a 7-3 White Sox feel they have one of -- callers were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Homes Needed victory at Vero Beach. Fla baseball's future greats. The 37-year Integrity at Us Newspaper" D. you favor medical care for the Black. Mr. and Mrs. Hyion K. Stack The Dodger "sprinters" collected Its club appears to have the old Nicholoon, a failure as a bonus aged by- five of their pitching may, however, THURSDAY — APRIL 2, 1964 and atuldrata Mr. and Mrs. Wayman 15 nee on dreg bunts, It fall short player with Baltimore. was given te' Ulcerate:1g Social security taxes Greer and Lawry Black. For Adoption stole four bases and clicked off five in hitting and catching and have an every day job by Lopez last year to Imam* IT'S UP TO THE BUREAU OF ROADS such care. Yes 28 per Mrs. Hattie Watson spent Tues- succeneful hit-and-rim plays Dash- a problem at second base. and responded by driving in 70 cent. no ft per cent; no opinion 6 day night and Wednesday with Attie man Maury Wills was in mid-season The Gay Senor doesn't think so. runs ausd hatang 72 home runs. al- per cent. and Carlene Lamb FRANKFORT - Kentucky f,,4". form as he awed the Twine with a "We have a great chance to best though his batting average was only ALTHOUGH highway officials of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mis- t b. Expanding present Federal- Mr. and Mrs Robert L. Hawn a critical need of homes for adop- . two bunt singles and • stol- the Yankees and everyone else," .209. He also struck out 175 times. State Kerr -Mills souri and Illinois still insist that Interstate 24 should go al- legalatron. Yei Were Monday evening callers or Mrs. tion of children, State Child Wel- en base. he predicts When reminded that Nicholson has the left field Job. IS per cent; no 58 per cent; no ()sahebs Hisaell. fare Cumrmasioner Richard J Olen- A three-run burst by the Dodgers he has predicted each spring since The other outfield eson are open. most due north from Nashville to Princeton, Ky., rather than opinion 18 per cent. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and drain has pointed out in • general In the third Inning featured a suc- he became an American League It will be either Jun Landis, a fine through West Tennessee and tc) Or do you favor Kentucky, the Federal Bureau private. vol- Mrs. Novil Pendergrass were Mr. appeal for public interest in the cessful drag bunt by Wills, a single manager In 1961 that his club would fielder but erratic letter, or Mike untary medical of Roads has not yet approved such a route. This is most en- plans with no Fed- and Mrs. Leon McOary. Mr. and problem. by Tommy Davis. a sacrifice fly win the pennant, he smiles and Herabberger ui center. Whichever eral ma aivement. Yes 78 per cent; Mrs. James McOary and sons and Since the current fiscal year be- by Ron Fairly and three stolen one 10605 out could share the right couraging, and indicates the Bureau may not be in accord no 17 per cent, no opulicsi 5 per Mrs. R•y burn Pendergraas and gan bast July 1. Glendenen and. bases Three bunts, including a safe "Well. I was right twice and I field spot with Floyd liotemon. with the recommendations of the cent. four states. daughters. the rate of adoptions has run slight- squeeze by pitcher Larry Sherry, honestly believe this will be the There are two catchers - Cameo Highway officials of the four states met in Washington Mrs. Lottie Pendergraza and Mrs. ly higher than in the previous 12 helped the chimps add • pair in third time." Oarreon. who did most of the heavy In our opinion is the United Na- Bun it. Hughes spent Tuesday with months, when the Department the sixth. Wins Two remnants duty last year. and J C. Martin, again Monday to confer with the Bureau of Roads about the of the tion. enecuve. Yea 42 per cent; au Mr. and Mrs. Rex Watson Child Welfurea 368 adoptions broke The only two tames the Yankees converted infielder, routing of 1-24, and all agreed that the matter should be set- 51 per cent; no amnion 7 per cent Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. all records for Kentucky. But. unless Pitches One-Hitter have lost the pennant since he be- 1 Martin is Lopez' leg hope there. pan managing in the league was tled by July 1. Henry Mack. honoring Mrs. Black's more homes are found and approv- Merry turned Idertin hit only 265, but Lopez B. you fever Federal funds in his top per- in 1054, when he led the Cleveland It should have been settled for- birthday. were Mr. and Mrs. Lester ed. the commissioner reported, the formance of the says that was because he was con- a long time ago, and would te) Plunk elementary spring by limiting Indians, and in 1969 and high Black Mrs Fred Karkbind, Mrs. rate is Likely to be slowed and the the Twins to when he skip- centratuig too much on mastering have been if the four states had followed the original recorn- isehooi consulicuon. Yes one hit over the final pered the White Sox, 39 per gem; Ophella Bazzell. Mrs. Loris Pinney. Deparunenta goal of 480 adoptions four innings the art of catching. mendation of the Bureau of Public Roads. sa per cent, no opinion 2 per Mr. and Mrs. James Bieck and thas year defeated. Pitching is his ace In the hole. "He's a better hitter However, the water I n° -- Tracy Stallard of the New York than that," cent daughters. Mrs Harlots Black and "Now as always," Clendenen "It will be the best in the league Lopez cootend.s. e' has been muddied considerably by certain selfish politicians pubne elementary wad high said, Mets turned in the spring a first sons and Mrs. Ruford Black and "the special need is again," insists Lopez, "just as it was He'd better be or the that of homes victorious complete game by blank- White Sox who demand that the super highway follow a certain route achooi tt &cher s salaries Yea for in 1963." nay 20 brother. Mr. Henry Dalton Jr. Mrs. the hard-to-adopt children - ing the Cincinnati Reds. tall short 111 the power de- per cent; no 77 per cent, 3-0, on MX John Buthartit didn't pitch to fulfili their own personal ambitions. no °pin Hilson Black was an afternoon cal- the older ones of five years and hits. The fast-balling at all partment ion 3 per cent. righthander after mid-season because of a shoul- It looks like the matter in entirely ler up into the teens, the groups of struck out eight, But not according to Lopez He now up to Mr. Rex M. ci Aid to private walked one and der injury, Juan Piatrro eitmentary and Mrs. James Adams and son were brothers and asters who should be didn't allow a misted sees only the Amentan League pen- Whitton, administrator of the Bureau of Public Roads in nigh ashools. Yes it per Cincinnati runner the last five weeks: Frank cent; nta79 Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hill held together, the Negro cluldren. to reach second base Beaumont' nant ahead. per cent, no opintun was sidelined for almost Washington. We believe him to be an able and fair adminis- a per cent': Adams and faultily. In the afternoon and children with special emotional The Meta scored two mon- all their runs ths. and Joe }erten trator and predict that will they visited relatives at %meanie. and physical problems. Just now In the first five and Dave he over-rule the politicia.n.s of the There were innings off rookie Dentisachere each nusned se%eral other queataoris, Sunday dinner guests; of Mr. and there are at least 75 children of southpaw John a couple HOG MARKET four states involved. We sincerely hope that he will deny but enough Flavin. It was the of weeks Yet the %lute hair been printed above the croups in the Department's Reds' fifth straight Sox hurl- to uidic.eie that be. and their ing staff showed an earned their request for routing 1-24. The hignway should go the way Stn.:rail) View's ere FOOD WASTED care_ ready and wistfully eager for 10th in 17 eichibitione. run Federal State Market News Serv- to keep govern/nem average of 2.97 and two of its 4, it. was. originally recommended by the me of treiat permanent homes of their own. other Ice. Thurattay, April 2. Kentucky Federal Bureau of as much Se patellae Bob pitchers finished one-two and te elimitaate WASHINGTON 175 -Prom maven "In addition to this ever-present Friend also went the route in the Purchase-Area hog market report Roads, because that is the best route and would serve the the word for the earned run departanent "cernpuleory- from the to ten per cent of the calories in need, there is now an unueuel pres- Pittsburgh Pirates but drop- Including 10 buying station& Deci- many regulatio,. ped a 4-0 Gary Peters led with '2.33 and best interests of the most people throughout the United that control us. househokl food supplies are thrown sure also to enlarge the list of ap- verdict to the Baltimore his mated receipts 400. barrows and Orioles Robin 19-8 record won his rookie of the States. away, fed to antennas or used for proved homes for adoption of in- Roberts faced only gilts 10 to 26c Metter U8 1. 2 and 3 22 batters year honors in the AL. Puarro. like non-food purposes. reports the U.S fants" over the first seven in- HID to 240 lbs. $13.86 to $14.10 Few nings and Peters a left handers was second at I)epartmnent of Agriculture The condition in Kentucky was mopped the Pirates with U.B. 1 180 to 220 lbs. $14.50 US two singles. 2,39. He won 16 games while losing 2 descnbed as part of a national Harvey Haddix blanked and 3 e46 to 270 lbs. $12_50 FORMER • 11 • his old eight. to $13.86 MURRAY - discarded food amounts to about trend. While the number of chil- Pittasurgh mates in the U.S. t, 2 and 3 100 to 175 Quotes From The News last two Lopez admits the White Sox lbs $12.26 200 calories per person per day. dren available for adoption general- frames. took to $13.115. US. 2 and 3 sows ttttt kurd from l'.ge I, a chance when they traded away 400 to By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL ly increases. or at best remains at e100 lbs $1050 to $11 15 US 1 WASHINGTON—Sen. Win 11th Straight second baseman Nellie Fox and and 2 Thomas J. Dodd (1).-Conn.), charg- a level. Olendenen said, the number 250 to 400 lbs $11 00 to 812 35 RUSK VISITS FORMOSA of says the only reason they did was ing that those who would revise American foreign policy to persons asking for children to The Milwaukee Braves won their Include **passive acceptance" terittories frost Si Louts to New WASHINGTON ETD - fieereemay adopt falls behind in relation to 10th straight of communism were retreating Orleans game against Miler- isoiationlan of State Dean Rusk will nail For- population growth usul League opposaion KENTUCKY COLLEGE FOR to - Knee a by riding CORRECT Audent at Murray Raga ma Apra 16-17 to Mecum "matters The oomnussioner attributed this Hank Aaron's fifth home SPRING SPORTs Rtaiirl.Te "They appear to believe that our security and our freedom &heal Teter was run of pe sews-in of ran of mutual interest including the condition to changing patterns of the training beaten to • 5-3 TIME aid would not be affected even if the major part of the hemi- claw and voted triumph by United heat All R,ounn maintenance of peace and security life and social custom, and also over the Ctucago White Sox Press International sphere and, for- that matter, of the free world were to go student H.s father. the late His. in the Par mat" to tisditional rigidity of rules gov- Baseball TEMPERATURE Comm unisit.- E. A. Tucker lkinIS pester of ale Post Before !topping In ?ramose Rusk erning adoptions of chlklern. Many However. the other half of the Cincinnati 8 Eastern Ky 1 DAY OR NIGHT Meta:rest Church in Murata, Ib will attehd k southeast Ages Tread of these rules have been relaxed White Box split squad emerged with Morehead 20 Kentucky St. 2 tarsala appeal a 12-7 victory 7516363 BUDAPEST, Hungary — Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush- to &Lamy in lirau. Organazation conference in Manila in Kentucky since the Department over the Washington Track DIAL served ae atinlarlf..atIVe April 13-15, the State Department of Child Welfare created Senators. on a seven-run WIsoonsin 86 Murray chev, criticizing Red China's militant interpretation of Com- WSW in rally in 54 11.911stail.t. to Senator ittaseu Lang almounced Wednesday. mid-19190. and the processes the eighth inning Charlie Golf munist ideology. in of study Maxwell Wasturieton. U. C. st vett years ue- and approval speeded up by months. drove in four Chicago runs with a Aqusrets 16.1 Bellarnune as PEOPLES "There are some in the world, who while ailing them- fore :us electren to tins present and a single W Mich 11 4 BANK MRCSS UP Mita Marge Friend. supervisor of of selves Communista and adherents "to Marxist-Leninist prin- poet He anG his family ore in JOLIET. Ill. In other exhibitions ciples, deny the necessity of striving for a better life. They Memphis. He. ton Mike is a stu- in - The vacuum the Department's section on adop- the St Louis Murray, cleaner is helpful in caring for the tions and foster Cardinals edged the Kentucky radi only for revolution, revolution.' dent at Mastairest State and hi, care, said only Philadelphia fanaly's wardrobe, says Mrs Anne around approved Pretties. 6-5. the Rea daughter Bch ail graduate in 100 homes were York Yankees Sterling. of the American Institute available as January clowned the Detroit , June troni St. Agnes A.:adieus itt of 1. If the Tigers., 4-2; the fiGH ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. -- Mayor Joseph Shelley, objecting of Laundering The small brush at- 450-adoptions goal even atentiens. Sile waa cleated to ha- is to be moored a come- to Mrs. Malcolm E. Peabody, mother of inc Mii.%acnicsetts tachment is Ideal for cleaning out approachesi by June JO. at least 100 beet 10-7 victory over the San Honr_kr Society P'rtnruito MUSCULAR governor, viosatang trespaalung laws in attempting to inte- A Weal suppos pockets and relater the nap on pile approved homes should be available Chants and the Mingo ter of Murray Hien, Oubs turned grate a restaurant. Tucker as fabrics every two months. she said. tuck the Boston Red weal resninmered by h • Sex. 8-7. 0YSTROPiff "If sne started a bloody race riot. I wonder whom she friends and former tracheas • would blame." sant h-s Unsay t asat an Murray lit- - -A merely. NEW YORK — Civil Court Jaclue Maurice Wahl, poetical-. Bucys R. FINE FINISHES ly ckpoutiding on the impossibility of judicial remedy for the RECORD 115CDGICT THERE IS ONLY ONE prubsem of nude models who complained tne landlord didi.t Building DO YOUR SHOPPING proviaa enough neat fur them ,,to work in the altogether: FORMICA "How shall your chemiseless pelts and pink rumps MOREHEAD. Ky in - The Supply Rest By legal writ and judicial fiat be warmed' Moretateto State College Board of LAMINATE PLASTIC! Regena. Wednesday approved a re- We have a large stock. We also Blue cord SO 1 nuilatan Loudest for the 62 S 4th Street DOWNTOWN Jean have Wilson Art in stock. We 1364-1986 sthool year. Trw budget 9 me:lades 11.78 meson for instruc- - Phone 753-5712 think it is next to Formica. Ten Years Ago Today tion cola& Brack 1.1111.11t a 1INIEN S let SHOP UNTIL 8:00 P.M. ON White

T. O. Turner was the recipient yesterday of a paque. pre. At The Following Stores: malted by Briggs Lawson. president of the Kentucky Sociee. LOOK FOR THE for Crippled Children The plaque honored Mi. Turner for hi thirty years service with the society After Joe Tarry. Buddy Farris. Murray High FRIDAY NUTS and Peggy Kipp. Pr students reached the first division ratings yesterday-tan the District Music Festival They are drum students of Chuck's ON Music Center. • THE HEEL! • Mrs George Creat of East St. Louis, Ill.. is pictured hold- Kiddie korner „41,. ill ing the 71-pound bass she caught while fishing at Kentucky EASTEE 1 11 Lake near Irvin Cobb Resort Murray State College will be host April 2 and 3 to a forum Factory of Student Affiliates of the Arnerica..6 Chefs-17FM Society aho Outlet other Chemistry students fi - Kentucky colleges. Close Out $3.99 I) On A Special Belks 1.1 Flyers Murray Lumber Co., Inc. Group of with inetiolv• Dollar . 'Psitler, Felmidefios OLDEST AND LARGEST LUMBER CO. IN MURRAY General Store 104.East Maple St. Tel. 753-3181 * Pastel Knit Suits Now EVERY FOOT A SQUARE DEAL * Coats Lerman Bros. The P on the heel stands for POSTURE FOUNDATION -- the * Wool Dresses 'rigid wedge that decretnes foif and leg strain ... helps yourig. Variety' sten run their fasten loricierf CANCER PUMP-A new de- Bring in the children for P-F TERMITE ve e to aid liver ram or vic- Flyers today! WARD CO. tims Is demonstrated at the Family LAhey Clinic in Breton. where LIIMMIt Shoe Store Located at Five Points Phone 753-6019 It was developed by Dr. Rab- JORDAN ert D Sullivan It is a pump, B.FGoodrich Murray,, Kentucky carried In the brenst 'pocket and attached surgically by SHOPPL Everett's MP Store — LICENSED and INtifRED — Vibe to the artery whale pimps blood into the Special During Month of April . . . liver. The pump automata ally Parts Highway Ph ('H 7-255? ANY Sal: HOME (Work Guaranteed) $70.00 Ben sends a diluted anticancer Mayfield, Kerittieks Franklin • 30 _Years Experience Free Estimates d into the liver. The tier FAMILY SHOE STORE vain ts it every eight hours. *51.7... Murray,.,


a 4ot

• I

— APRIL 2, 1984 0 •

TIMBR — MURRAY. REPTUOKT PAGE Be THURSI)AY - APRIL 2, 1984 Tint LEDGER 1•1•1116 .4.111•1■106. •••••••••91111•1011.111* Year

felt sure that rookie rus ready 1.0 take his PLAY THIS MAMMOTH • the infield is set with un at first, Ron Han- id Pete Ward at third. rig man of that trio, 15 in his rookie year t. runs and 84 runs "SPELLING BEE" On Nicholson • Dave Nicholson, the Hazel Highway Murray, Ky. el they have one of re greats The 21-year a failure as a bonus laltimore. was given ob by Lopez last year GAME dby driving in 70 ng 22 home runs, sil- ting average was only truck out 175 times. as the left field Job. ,field spots are open or Jim Landis, a fine ratio hitter, or Mike ii center. Whichever could share the right • Floyd Robinson. m catchers — Ournilo Sid 11108t of the heavy and J C VV1Nvs50,000 Martin, the .1der per big hope there. only 159, but Lopez bes.ause he WAD con- much on in,astering dung. er hitter than that," *. ft S&H GREEN tie or the White Sox STAMPS tus the power de- ("riding to Lopez He HERE IS HOW THE merman League pen- 50.088, GAME IS PLAYED... tvIL:W&Itn-i 9et awe ticede When You Visit Our Store There is no purchase required, simply visit i.k1*Sfampt A MARKET our store ... we will give you one SPEL- -'1,i,111, Nothing To Buy LING BEE card each time you do. ts-P • Tkt Wolf * Adults Only Market News Serv- .5 each card by removing April 2. Kentucky Look at the letter on REMEMBER hog market the black dot with plain water. report BEE'0 There is No Purchase uying stations. Esti- When you heve collected the correct cards "'SPELLING , 400. barrows and H required. There is to spell either of these three words: G A NI E * tartlet US. 1. 2 and 3 tr k.. 110 No Limit to how many $13-86 to $14.10. Few L-I-B-E-R-T-Y S-U-r-E-R ao lbs. $14.50 U13. 2 M-A-R-K-E-T-S, you are a WINNER! 'Spelling Bee' Cards lbs $1250 to $13.86. NA. 1.• L•••••••••• you may receive 100 to 175 lbs $1226 For spilling s.t_..•••• 2 and 3 sows 400 to ... you get one , $l126 GREEN you win 50,000 frog stamps. US 1 and 2 everytime you visit 11.0010 $12.16. STAMPS For spilling our store. • • so • •. you win 5,000 fru stomps. come in today and )1t COMM •••••••••• rift • Own wow MI For spelling M-A-R-K-E-T-S aw•••• MI pm. •••..••• • •••••• • .••••• ••••• • everyday and get your aid OW awl.Iwo ma.Iwo ••••••e. wt. la••••• ••••• you win 1,000 fres stamps. •we card ... cards will be WINN limoro Ma ww.awn. Bring your winning combinations to our a...* •• .** • Oar *a...• ow •••1 issued to Adults Only. IY OR 14141H1 — — . store for verification and, upon answering MANY,MANY WINNERS 153-6363 it simple question, you will be awarded the courtly number of FREE STAMPS you won. 'Winners' names will be prominently WINNERS' NAMES will be displayed in our store. Join your friends and neighbors in playing ES BANK this exciting game. If you receive duplicate prominently displayed in our store! of Employees and immediate families of the store are ineligible. cards, you may trade them with yuur Kentucky neighbors and friends. Saistmlaa. This offer expires two weeks after we discontinue giving the cards. w SUGAR BISCUITS ROAST PICNICS GODCHAUX OLE PLANTATION RETLFOOT SMOKED U.S. CHOICE Average lb. 10 79c 8 Or ( can 5c First Cuts 6 to 14 I.b. With oupon 25c, MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT - In FREE Coffee Maker REELFOOT SLAB HOUSER VALLEY SLICED RAGS - 16-02. Cans bog Food 4 25c COFFEE jar $1.69 Bacon lb. 39c Bacon lb- 119 111‘111t1 lit ( -L.ab. 590 l'.S. CHOICE ROUND & SIRLOIN SNOWDRIFT 3 SAUERKRAUT 8Nuola30 10 C FOR THE Meat 3 lbs. $1 Pride of Illinois 6 No. 303 Si Hy- )4- -Lb. , lb. 79c 9c CORN Cans Steak .CHEESE FOOD Grade Z,Box sidP Itt.sil (CENTER CUTS . 49e lb.) First Cuts IE HEEL! U.S. CHOICE RIB YELLOW SOLID OPLN FRI. TISSUE Peak Toilet 10 ROLLS 69c• 8 Chops 39`1:b P.M_ Pork Large c Steak ib.69c lb. EGGS Grade" Dozen 49 Oleo 15c T-BONE SAUSAGE cosutr 3lbs 11P Blue Plate 6110 c Boneless 89 MISS LIBERTY - Half-Gallon 1;RAPE JELLY 111--oz. Jar op op Steak lb. 99c RUMP ROAST — — lb• Reelfoot Skinless 'demo Blue Plate 2 MILK 39c FRANKS 12-oz. Or. ICE APPLE JELLY 18-0z. Jar 5' 38T TRADE WINDS BRAND - 8-0z. Pkg. Morrell Pride AB-Meat • heel stands far S RAMENTO - No. 24 Can GOLDEN INN PINEAPPLE - 46-0z. Cans BOLOGNA lb49 iNDATION the iat decrebses Sticks 31$1. . . helps yourtg- Fish STEW MEAT Brixtet _ — lb. 19(. ir fastest longerf 29c . •1.00 PEACHES JUICE 3 F STORLEY - 20-or. Bottle children for P•F esTiCiasmusananimAtttzwik;,1Aigai LIBERTY COUPON e GOLDEN RIPE RADISHES Fresh, Crisp — cello bag 5' CATSUP 411.00 1 GO6CHAUX )odrich Fresh, Green 4111 ' BANANAS 1CPb ONIONS Air Bunches 49c --_101:;79 BIALA STAR CREAM - Cho, oi it. ,I111311 SUGAR With This Coupon and $5. Additional Purchase (Cigarettes and Tobacco Excluded) HOE STORE Void After April 77'1964 . Murray, 20 lb. 79c PIES 3 1.00 r POTATOES 1/111/11111111111211111WIEFIWINIMMIWINVIIIIIWIIIIIIII

• THE LEDGER az TIMES — MURRAY. KENTUCKY THURSDAY — APRIL 2, 1964 40CIETY .anseheimelowasevwmmleshRliewel..... Miss Elizabeth Ann Reid Becomes Bride Of Lt. Jerry T. Shroat In Church Ceremony

Misi isabeth Ann Read and bass Judy Dowdy of Msdisonville Lieutenant Jerry Thomas Shrum SC she sang "Ave Maria." erre married in a sinapte double The brides mother were a Amalie nog ceeernony on Saturday. March green alk Minter* sheath with a 14. at eleven o'clock in the morning boat neckline and elbow length at St. Leo s Catholic Church in ueeves. Her Moves and hat were Murray. I belay and her rioaers were bronze Father Martin Matting', read 'he soluoinium orchids. impress:ate ceremony before the altar I Mrs. Mania, mother of the groom. decorated with baakets of sinte chose to sear a Meath of beige gladioli and onryisanthemunis with brocade and an orange petal hat. :1-branched wrought iron eaan- liar corsage was of a-bile gardenias. • I utatora flanking each side. Zereptim flat bride is the daughter of Mr IsemedMtely to.rowum the coil- LEAN, MEATY BOSTON BUTT - ALMOST BONELESS and Mrs. James H. Rena of Render- the brwe s parents were hosts • and Lt Stiroat LS the sun a for a reception at the Murray Wom- Mr alai Mrs Jonn Stir:at of Mur- an'. Club House. Ta}. 111e detour was banked with ciiven in marriage by her father,1 magnolia leaves with a groopmg of the bride woo lova>, in a gown of 'tames Si one end and white *ed- Unite Satan pew oe sole in modi- am4 tiern case...rung clown the other fied protect& style with a brief I ans. onapel train accenting the gracerui I Ilse tables were covered In white col.rnalea mart. line nueo tIOIDOe moths oteraud with clue net. The • featured mow length sleeves and a:pawn tame resumed an althinge- boat nocturne mast ot white tulips in a loveiy Dainty appliques of fragile lace Wear bowl Willard by alfver cm- menalions. sprinkled With seed deeibra • alter punch bowl was PORK ROASI't REELFOOT NO. 1 - 1-1b. pag. ware. tughlignted UseMum Sty- at one end where punch was served erss ot the Mria44.40015 in graduated by Mos Lynette L't ans 01 Pauucah uses casmicira hum the wananne and Mass Leila Ann Uentry of Ow- 1,"AMB SHOULDER ROAST alai at ninon= clown the front of ermaro. Slim Jean %wpm of Mur- the sari wan more /galling down ray pouseo coffee from a lovely the funnem of Me bac4 of the skirt. uiver service at the ocher end. LAMB BREAST Her shoulder length veil of Im- A beautaful three uered wedding Sliced Bacon 49). , ported illub1011 was atiached to a oake was served from a table fest- cap of Me petals encrusted ering an arraameness of large white LAMB CHOPS sequins and anartaaa with corpssathenawas and meeuery in a sv.ats of uny seed pawls. The petal salver compote flanked by triple panta worn to Me lace, were ac- bran.cheo girt( candesebra. T ti e cented by trasple amnia teardrops CaiLe a serven b> sLe. Lucy Ana- the near emic am Also .5.1.1Let, aata 29c at Mae. The bead pear was NV141.1 BREAST lb. 49c WINGS lb. materea with a tiny up-aurned et Owensboro, alter me thatunamat crown effect. hrst it oy the ohne wad gnash Her bouquet vas a los el) arrange or bet- goingaway element Mrs. Men: ul %nate i.e buds and trees- &arm sore a stew suu linen in Her ocuy MOM, ems an heir- Mae silk snantung with • Muse to lb. 39c BACKS lb. 19c, Swan aems•ds to her musk inue ours, ana bag and a LEGS basseiguag Ma:en:ea great mansmouser Mita straw Me. Her ours/Awe waa ahas Jou) fiammt. Murray. WM Rom her brim bouquet.. of the groom, was themaaa at Bow Mrs Snrcat is a graduate os or. Her other satenuanis were Miss a5n0salize:1 Ingn hchou. and Murray 49c GIZZARDS 19L miter of man a lb. Kathy Heart Hammon. tiosege nere else was . THIGHS the bride. Mize Lusby bleColicea. eleillassr ot Marna Beams mama FRESH TENDER PORK FIELD'S PRIMROSE LEAN BONELESS PORK lieriaeraon. Mai Jeannie bummers. semi &runt) Silt le a loisser REELFOOT - 12-oz. pkg. lienaerson son Louswilae, and Mass mainbar col toe Henderson Jr. aou Lana Hooertackt Pasatinal. fir. Owls Cotaium Caen and is now lney we Motacal dresses Of • Meaner at Wimiusighan haled U. blue mutton over manta etyma antis Onnineberel. 39fi, •littaa ounce, elbow length aims 11. hOritsat is also a graduate of Wieners 39'Bologna 391 Cutlets 491 Steak and ortocktmeo and mule caught with Murray State Coalege mere he was a Lim Dow at tat bad of tne waist- preahent 01 the hesznan ChM. ea kne. Ilarnbang head pieces of the .:ue id the leaf Stuesa, and hsteo -oz. boa same iniszertai myted a. a aounse %nu • iabe u. Coaches GODCHAUX MORTON - 26 flat boa with • came 'cal were ana oniteradma He is presents) worn by all Me pre Mao art, oar- sub-morn at kart austas. Va. nee mamma aompieta ot white oar- Mrs. Mama will Culatiede to teacta MUMS Magic won blue in Use 01 uteenesurc wean ta. Shrut at- 10-1b. bag esigum IWO MOO& Lena/. shwa in Aneineent. Mary- Salt 10' Joillia Lissa inurelit at Clarden 1041, alLeS 0iiL1 Lacy Inat be as- ! CAR $1.13 Mach.. ste awl as beat man Jams awned mu Loewe tor a tour at outy I JUICY &arum oi terrace' City, Carus Oelit Rebmanal Damn SUNKIST Glan-Ct 4°6-roz.gcean — raft 11 Fresh, Tender New Crop Green — lb 19° DRINK - - 3 of Paola:am Jerry nevarns cm Fa- Mr. am Maw Jena Moult. parent.t Emo BEANS anemia. auci U. Ituanard Easerbars atimam.the siusnisuaes ono a. I N S doz.29 of Ton SomaVa..served as imam rabsarsai dinner at tbe iftilthaalt — — giant 46-oz. can TCvystai"ll QuitatrtLsIquid 69° As the gurus sawidiaed Mrs. Stastaurant tar raesty-aht ausesbera JUICE Aloha Pineapple 29 DETERGENT Size Clarence Bortv.enaer at Use organ et the *nouns par‘y imad oqg FRESH WHITE - Large F0 and Min 10 I. Chian. vecolum, both Pride of III. White or Yellow 19* of Murray played and acompasied. — , No. 303 ( an — — 2 Fc'f =fir ""nLna. CAULIFLOWER 2W CORN — — — 29' PIE FILLER Jet ••alleakosiineklallsishomellirokshisnalledensehasnialimaiiiiimia U.S. NO. 1 REP - 16-Lb. Bag 61. PEANUT BUTTER 12-ea jar 35C MARGARINE -2 29° Dear Abby, .. INSTANT NESCAFE - Giant 10-oz. Jar POTATOES 390 GREER YELLOW FREESTONE - Large No. 2i Can

FRESH. TIE Mit R _les AOT_Emenletarx!lailsirl - 3ears 2 90 Peaches 4 for 89c COFFEE $1.49 Abigail an imam 1 CAMPFIRE 16-oz.b ag DEAR ABBY. Our autictren go LO the corner a fest steps from the db? ALLOWS :erne-mar) mahout ili a state a here boa atop Whig named 1 mARsHIRA ...arise are low inn there is a , BAD BACK gc -nonage of tmiLners A leUMMILI 1 1 DIAZ BAD. (I Yea cowed ask AMA oaL Mrs. X is a supply :cadmic ether the -day" er the transporta- cenepelley ao previtie a shelter -vale is also a crown guard, and ties DEL MONTE EARLY aunt excuse herself in order to ler that MIS @MO. t 2, 1 iet I OUld SARA LEE - II -Ouni e -areal ira114 Mrs X amulets' at 14 ear lose your perch and put a lurk ..nd had her first chnd at She ea Lae gate. i1) You uuld tatck • not even laumiti JUNIOR ZiLCH your bead est thie door and remand lot ae hoar that the folks that they are trespassing on is mating her a hail-time private property. Number Iwo oould 19c ,..ricspal PECAN ROLLS 69c June Peas ...haler next year When we cum- he my choice. Ill - No. 303 ('an • eiained, the principal said be • • F SEYF .uought" Me Wok a correspondence DEAR ABBY A very cute boy .y.aria and fu-shed tugh achoul Is shouted across the campus to me. .k.b Mir, Mans high mime grads C. I K' I datea t know what he take to forego the expense Meant so Use next tame 1'saw bun 25c 25c — TAIL CAN and go right I suited ham sad be told Me to lug for work et uoilege. Corn on Cob pkg. Spaghetti 3 duo tau:bang Mrs X must have you M./ I am asking 12-0,.. ( a wee mer uus pruxapaL What DIIIIIRIE STOKILEIrb FORDHOOK (sHI.I.N - No. 303 ('an GREEN WAN" NIRI.Fri be tame? Dl. tIt DEBBIE: It seam `Cos- 339 AMORY PARENTS alder yourself linsed.." • • • DS SR I'%RENTS : Qualifications ,,r leaching vary vastly ha the M- Get 11 off your chest For a per. VAN . Waal mama. Om apparently Mrs. VOCAL italpUbilailed reply write to CORN 2 for 29c CAMP be nom& in yours U she ABBY. Box 3366, Beverly Hills, Calif, 25c . quadding LIMA BEANS ...n't aloe "cart • spell over Me Enclose a ,stamped. self-addre.sea .perintesident aad the taboo( board. envelope, 1-1b. box Brothers to, t 11 2 • 39` • • • Nabisco 39( VIENNA SAUSACtEm; .. can enplatn It to you. RITZ CRACKERS Tor Abby', booklet, "How To Have 21) Buster Nuts 5' 1 -OZ. pkg. 25e TUNA ./LAB ABBY What make, a 57- A howdy Wedding." send 30 cents ta ALCOA FOIL VIRftINA PEANUTS gin mon stidslergy deride to Abet. Bust 3366. Beverly HUM. Cant — 16-wg. can c• • diet, and .&o take an interest • • • _ ,„... r.,„ 29` TONY DOG FOOD F0• 49` BUT STEW %.,,,, Regular She Cali L.ealles arid grooming 'I Fo qyIn* I CuRztrus PERSONALS CANS I ge STRAINED BABY f Heins 6 R DEAR CCIUOts: A woman MVO MEAT ..,...,. 2 • • • Let MAI Mr, Jezio, ,41:t• and • front ponti is ch.kiren .Im Jan. vivito.. and Mary 3 for ./EAlt ABBY My Ann. tier.' 'he Easter holidays ith .* timed for a public bie, stop. opEN EvERy FOOD parents. Mr arid Mrs. ..en it reins my numb ih, mowded C.0.11t h and brothers. C are uniting for E E CSAlhe pilisullEcrs ii stranrer. ail', .••••1 Leor, and famines LS Collie Bono. of them leave news- blab III arid even find bdaehes at IBU l'Iormal, MARKET pers on the floor. and I ye been aLsoooscluo. basketball •rette butts that ha • • • 4stied by their heels My porch Vt e reserve the right to Mr and Mr. Boyd Riley of De. 'TII. 8 prielee pe, I hate to troll fiLich have been visitinv her 9c mean but I am getting tired Binh einiintItlea. mother-. Mrs Homer Fannet. . .eaning up after ths pubtic. other relatives. help iny house a right ou

5 • - • eel*,


THURSDAY — APRIL 2, 1964 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY. KENTUCKY PAGE fly, !, 1964 State College with the presentation of 33 awards to 20 students whose Exhibition works the jury felt were of profes- sional quality. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Yesterday's Those students who won more ""-°"° P"''' Now Open than one award were: ACROSS 3-Hindu QOM garments OMMOR BOO C. James Wright, sophomore, Ful- 1-Vessels 11 Nearly OWO - — MOOMM MOO ton, eight awards; Howard Trout- 6-Cover 10 Pintail duck mmeamm 30MMUO The 27th annual Student Art 8-Satlat• 11 Lampreys man, junior, Paducah, three awards. 2-Oz Ceiebes 16 Actual =ROM MOM opened Frith), at Murray Exhibition John Turner, junior, East St. 13-Number 18 Above OOMM MMM COMO 14-Toward the 22 Man's name WM3M0 00.0 NOM Louis. Ill, three awards. June sheltered 23-Twists OM MOM 0O0 MO Middletown. two aide 34 Parent Smith. sophomore, 15- I iistinetIve (colltsy) ROM 3MM 00MMO NOTICE awards. Jerry' Wallace, senior, Mur- tone 115 Female ruff MOO WOO MOOR I?.Standard" 27-Sunburn ma ray, two awards. 19-Vapid 29 Organ of maim 30- Musical UMMORM OMMOMZ FOR ALL TYPES POWER TOOL Those winning one award were: hearing MOM at instruments 30 Beverage MMMOO MOU i"Master Cualuons" made by C. C. $8500. repair, such as electric saws, drills, Sara Dante, junior, Dawsati Spr- 21-Lifeless 23 liwarfs OMO BROOM 60 ACRE FARM LOCATED five sophomore, 23-01res 36 COO (:7--FOR SALE Steepleton. Co. Table needs felt rEMAlE HELP WANTEU sanders, buffers, grinders etc. Bee ings, Bobby Falwell, Unwanted house. nick name plant cover, otherwise in good condition. miles east on blacktop. No I Murray; Mike Ford, senior. Hender- 24-Prefix: Iff Perform Rd., 753- Dill Electric, New Concord 42-Pointed at 46-Solar disk ' Rack, wall nick included. $125 00. Well fenced and is ideal for a build- son. before alone RESTOCKING MOBILE HOMEa RURAL WOMEN - EXCELLENT 2930. tic 24-Anon U Fleet of target 47-Melody Plume 753-3060 after 5:00. David ing site and cattle birm. All mown In Michael Jankowski, sophomore, u-Afternoon 43-Supercumns 49-3 urf arriving daily. 52 model 28" 4896.016 earning opportunity for rural wom- ships poimm 50-Number stip fescue. WE COMPLETELY REBUILD elec- Evansville, Ind.; Lana Lewis. junior, out 56 model 35 $1,450.00, 57 model 2F en selling to their farm neighbors. 2-Krrt: 40 Wive 114-Clrl's name 63-Pronoun 3 BEDROOM BRICK NEAR college. tric motors. See Dill Electric, New Russellville, Alex McCord, sopho- $1,596 00, 42 , 45, time. Also, col- Islands 4rxICY, 45'xItY FARM FOR SALE. 96 ACIF1328 level All city taillites. 1700 square feet. 2 Choose wan selling whirlwind -• 10 ii Concord Dr., 753-2930, Lie more, Murray: Wilbert Marti n, 1 2 3 4 it4.4 3 6 -7 :•:e. 11 homes as well Thew are selling fast 20 acres ored route available. Write Puller 32-Large truck • land, in woods. 14 story full ceramic baths. Large lot. Plenty freshman, Norris City, III. 33-Man's •:•:. so come early. Matthew Mobile Brush Co., 608 W. Central Avenue, Station. 12 2:13 ;'001.14 frame house. Loceted CO Shady of built-ms. A bargain at $16,500. MODERN 2-BAY SERVICE Gag Mowe, Junior, Effingham. III.; nickname •:•?.. Homes. hwy. 46 N., Mayfield. a17p Grove Reed By owner. Mrs. W. It. Mayfield, Ky. Phone 3174013. alOc Excellent location. Phone) 753-6010 84-Woo4en pin VERY NICE TWO Bedroom frame Better Pedersen. senior, McKenzie, 36-Intertwiaes 15 16 17 1r - - Allen. Route 3, Pans, Tenn. sec i147,16 CO high- for details or write Box 682, Pa- SS-Exist oOMPLIFFE IDEAL on large lot :a east Thin . Kenneth Pullen, senior. Pa- . -. APARTMENT. LADY WITH CAR WANTED. $1.25 alk 119-Want ITS' way 94. Walk in closets Hardwood ducah. Ky. Julia Ruffell, junior, Mc- 41-Float .V.,:-;.'",. 20 for lake site. Will move by arrange- per hour plus ear allowance. If ducah. In air FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW three flours. Built-in range. Electric heat. lenn. 43-Tally ments. Dill Electric, 753-2930. tfc Interested write Box 614, Murray, DUE TO SEVERAL REQUaStb we Kenzie. 46-Kind of bean 22 ,...... i/f23 bedroom brick with one and one- E1500 Mary Beth Sawyer, senior. Manta tpl.) ;$:•,..: 2? :P S.::::::: Kenthery for interview. a2c are continuing our Easter Special. 45- wanderer* ONE 0001) FRESH JERSEY milk half baths Large faintly room. CA11 3 BEDROOM FRAME NEAR col- pelier. Ohio, Nancy Sexton, senior, 24 25 "..f 20 27 N 2$ 29 30 Get 12 billfold or post card photo- SO-Fruit ....? cow and 10 stalk cows with calves be bought for only $460 down. Also lege with all city utilities. This home NO Hopkinsvilaa Jerry Speight. senior, 111-Nativ• metal • -: ! SHORT HOUR WAITRESS. graphs, 1 8x10 and the choice of 2 31 • ' a • -"32 :,..' by aide Phone 753-4581. a3c new three bedroom red brick home has many extras and naust be seen freshman, • Sundays and no holidays. No phone proofs for only $4.95. Love's Studio, Murray, Anthony Zaleski. 52-13e in debt e A.4.../.f: • • with den-kitchen combination. Pric- to be appreciated $7500. 54-Paradise 37 •:, 311 calls please. Apply in person at sec Newark. N. J. 34 35 .•-.'„ 30 CH- OICE BUILDING LO9FS in Rich- ed at only $12,800. You must see this 503 Poplar an 33-Foundation .. 3 BEDROOM BRICK ON Miller , Whity's Cafe. skt 611-LaIr tv. 1 12 ' land Subdivision ma off South house. Also three bedroom house on HAS JUST 67-Euphemism 40 Ave This is a very mitre home In an I RAILROAD SALVAGE NOW YOU KNOW oe,.. r 16th. City water and sewage. In South Sixteenth Street on lot 9(1 x WANTED AT ONCE LADY TO excellent lora/ion. Owner will con- received a large shipment of grills, DOWN 43 4.4 46 17 city school cast-nat. Contact C. W. 220. This house can be bought operate tailoring shop. Must be ex- sider any reasonable oiler. rubber hose, electric fans, outside By United Press International Jones at 753-4580 or Tucker Real through FHA for minimum down perienced in altering men's olothing. 1-Household 48 WE HAVE ONE GOOD 4 ROOM White paint, $2.00 per gallon. a3c Highway Act of pet' Estate 753-4342. The Federal-Aid payment of MOO. For further infor- frame -se located on good road If you are doing men's and women's talanakt thing -A's e 1. hue 1916 piov.des for the sharing of 3 31 sa., 52 53 ss mation about these houses call '753- alterations in your home, you may IF YOU NEED YOUR YARD Mow - -Perfumed west of Murray. Owner is sacrificing highway construction coats between ointment :•:* GAS elec- 3903. rn28c have this privilege in our store. ed tall 753-5066. We guarantee a 4-Klnd of tar 54 57 1003 MAYTAG DRYER, at 83200. the s.a.t.ns i.nd the federal govern- 4iPedal digit mos. Re- - -- Everything furnished. Splendid op- good job. a4c t J. Valid controlled. Used 6 ment with the Initiative retained 6-Prepaishlogi • 100 ACRE PARM LCCAIED 2 miles INS. az 7-Writing Lunt i •• it. Yee_ a tailed NW 00 Will sell for 0150.00. PURDOM & THUFtMAN portunity for right party. Contact That of Dexter. Alt oliCer good BOAT OWNERS: WE HAVE splat- by each :late for choosing projects Implement p.m. ale Real Estate. 753-4461, Prank Ryan, Frank Lancaster, Factory Outlet Pisone 753-6860 after 4:00 Insides of your and carrying them out, according to fence. Avers„. rjea i eiprove- Pete Purdone Bel Thurman Real- Store, 510 W. Main. a3c ter paint for the Auto Parts, the Statistical Abstract of the Unit- 1963 RIC. AIR 4 DOOR Chevrolet. !tient!. All teanale... 31)800. tors. sAc boats. All odors. D & W 49t ed States, • Phone 763-3319. a3p 167 ACRE FA:LM 3% East RESPONSIBLE PERSON WANTED N. 7th Eft. sec of DritLr, t i mile off of backtop. to keep child, age five months, in by Don hhetwood COME IN AND COMPARE PRICE As.rageimprovements. Wet..., fenc- WANTED TO RENT my home. Phone 753-6679. a2c rEANTJTsa and qpkarity. Our sofas start at ed. 80 acres tendable sawn in :•escue. I $169.00. chairs start at 4 A Occasional ponds and spring fed creek. steal LADY DESIltES NICE FURNISH- AUCTION SALE 059 96. Ent! Interior, North Side at $10,000. TriE ed apartment for 2 ur 2 years. Write I ..J HOU. X I BALL AND 29c Shoppuw Center. Oall 753-1474. a3c 270 ACRE FARM 5 MILM3 North- P.O. Box 32-J. a2p PITCk 10 11415 HI DE 3:.M IND • st of Earksey. Two good dwelLnes SATURDAY, APRIL 4 AT 10 A.M. ONE SDI ROOM HOUSE AND 5W,CRARUE TriE 6) !one new). 80 anrca in __krottelh 00 .located IQ milm gaat (A Bentoti 413,_ bath. A23012 one acre lot. 314 miles' acres In - grass. 2.6, mere air cured , Jonathan Creek, two miles south of east of Murray. Price s3600. rOR ROO 1 tobseco bzee. Thla farm is priced to Fairdealing, four miles north of t HAVE 2 FIVE ROOM HOUSES' _ 19c, sell quick $33,500. Highway 80, on Highway 1364. Reg- South 10th St Price $4100 each.: ab 80 ACRE FARM UNDER excellent THREE PRIVATE ROOMS FOR istered hereford cattle, 22 cows, nix REAL ESTATE, Office ph aoNES ience with good improvements 10- college boys with kitchen privileges. one year old registered heifers, two 'll83-11173. home ph. 753-1486 a4p,, ...kited It's miles these of Murray on Located 100 S. lath. Phone 753-3914. extra nice young Poll bulls, ax one year old graded heifers, eight sows POOL TABLE SIZE es'idY WITH milk school and bus route. A bargain tic most with pigs, one ton 1962 Chev- 19fb DAN FLAGG rolet truck, one wheat drill. All by Charles M. Si-hub' rattle have been tested and approv- ed. CAvt12 can be seen on farm I*I4OTSILJR0 MIKE SAVAGE? YOU'RE OFF after 4 pm. Terms of aale oseh. Not SIR. i T)4INK 7 (This YOUR ROCKER, CRAWFORD! M1zrcsAT 1 responable in Mat of accident. John THESE ARE PHOTOS MIGHT BE WE PULLED TWO HITCHES OF ALL THE ONE OF F. Rayburn. Benton, owner, Joe Pat NON-COMS TOGETHER, HE'S ACES ALL THE Noe ON THE BASE. EXAMINE THEM. WAY The 149/1* By THE Limb, auctioneer. a3c DOWN THE GORDONS I THEM CLOSELY AND UNE! cor,;, 1“,:ci,,7a,„0:a....szi SEE IF YOU CAN /'•-- -...., 39% Surprising Igent FIND MIN MEN. IT'S A LEAC GUNNY. HELP WANTED SOMETHIN WE I HAVEN'T HAD, LETS LOOK INTO IT! MAN WANTED: CONTINUE Raw- under'least she had a chance, a small C'H A PTF.P. her right side, her arm teeth Service to consumers in Callo- from the pil- dna. IN HER bedroom l'atti Ran. her head to tilt It way Co A profitable busineas ot low. In the living room Dan and I her body balked, con- I deli tound Zeke Kelso walk- Cut your own. Nt.: oreaacius eaaerience quite tow whimn ing aimlessly about. aarwy were talking, trolled by het reasoning, long or motel investment needed. Mx LI:C. mad moved from the beigi letIMIN loud enough tot her to,prompted heir -to breathe slowly, as information see or ante Bill John- to the chest of drawers. where catch the conversation. and slowly, long and 10 to son. Box 352, Rama' Springs, or enough room to Earlier, they had switched it she were sound asleep, he nad barely write Rawlenth. Dept. KYD 1090227, Fo. $1. ner co:i- conditioning, decal• keep her eyes closed no matter 3 place the body between oft the air open Freeport, n1 a2,16,30c nlet!. a. He never yet had ang the night was too cool to bow much they wanted to and she knocked a bottle over He was oper,ate it without someone The step receded, wantoa NANCY my Ernie Busluniller washing his white-coated tail thuitifig it strange_ sagged. One of them had tsLiquid 69, still lumsell she was It be had any one outstanding , A half-hour ago she had come to assure perseverance. I sleeping. HAVE virtue, it was to tecl and been so exhausted DO YOU THINK CWHY DID SHE asked. "Doesn't be ever tensed again at the sound Zeas that she nail bad to struggle to She MY CAP IS TO USE So anything hut take Oaths?" k stay awake. But she had mi. of Dan's ware, "I don t like any YOUR CAP IS S.TA RCH ? F°, 19° She laughed softly "Not OD noted steep, thinking the might,part of IL" FILTHY-- LET DRY YET? 2 She crossed to \ I - loud, please." overhear them. For the first ten "She'regottcn under your skin. ME WASH IT the closet to get a dress . minutes she pretended she was That's bad." GUESS "You've given me quite a repu restless, which was normal for "Knock it off, Sammy." Dan's -2 Ib 29( tate:in. Our next door neighbor her, and then had turned as tone was deadly. "You know we so overheard us talking Mat night usual from her left to her right play it my way. That's now we and told everyone I had • man side before Emulating sleep. set It up. My way Real el me. bedroom." close. hi my Now Dan was saying, "You "A guy who plays It too concerned. "I'll have He was don't part lose a watch I've got maybe he s Just plain ..." Sam- her when this is • talk with a smell for these things. You my thought better of it. over." remember the Johnaoa Job. how "Plain what, Sammy?" What about the others? Mr. - we cleared out of there two "Nothing, nothing." again. 1.49 Baiter?" She laughed the "1 asked you. Sammy, plain hours before the bulls broke you. You can hang • "fl eau door down, because I smelled what?" across the house, It was banner them coming?" "Cripea, If I could lust get a Only an FBI Agent, Not a you. I'm stir crazy. Sammy coughed: he smoked drink. I tell Man." I could punch • hole in that ears are too much. "Big thing. The Zeke said. "If her wall, like a guy I knew once. the broad tones a watch So what? that sharp, I'd better move He punched a hole clean I lose things and don't find 'ern ABBIE AN' SLATS by Raeburn Van Buren equipment into the closet so she • wall. We got all this for weeks." through can't hear me talking over the !money, and for what? No •of know where clew we radio," "I don't dames, no liquor, no golf, no click. could've looked." She could womiwie The cuckoo peeked out, fresh air. Dammit, we're in a walking about thump- -THAT WILD To my WAY 0'THINK/N; \IL,POOR. 19" ooed eight times, and shut the , hear Dan lousy pal. And her in CHARLIE TALK stinking, IC chair, the wall the way 0'SLATS ABOUT BUMP CHARUE -THERE A1NT No OLD St ATS - - door after himself ermined ing a there, she's going to nave the he was disturbed. WRECK DOWN THERE NEITHER.. and. after nevermi yawn...jumped he did when screaming willies. You taken n INTO A GORGEOUS GAL Yeatked to the I could just figure it. . . UNDER WATER -THAT POOR SLATS IS GETTIN' to the bed and -It good look at ner eyes' What're alde to tOok Sammy was striking a matt*, STRIKE YOU AS KIND THE STAGE WHERE tIE window at the far you going to do when she Starts kind; he didn't like the k„ .cMAGINES, HMOS. out Not • bad night, not bad the box yelling? Yeah, what you going 01000 packets. "That dame up front at all to do? Put a shot through her hind leg as will be nosing around soon, sure 1..1 His stretched one like some goofed-up kid who go, then the hell." far as it would as loses his head?. And get his bark. "I'll stall her." other, and arched knocked off making a break?" There was nothing like a good "You're kiddin' yourself. Once Dan said slowly, "Maybe you 1 day's sleep to tone your muscles. one of those dames gets started a point there." lie yawned again Ile might as -I tell you we got to move fast got Sammy continued, "It's not well tnke a swing around the and Without Jenkins We got there'd be any blood. Few neighborhood, see what he to get her off our backs. You like minutes after she's asleep I'll L CAP, tee could mooch. and cheek Greg's sit around thinking. talking, W- her away, and we'll have service porch. And if he found ing nothing, and we're going to lay hours before they find her. another duck, he would keep It get messed up for sure." ten tell the landlady ahead of for himself this time. tie coughed hard, then con- You time we got a }rib in another lie looked at Patti out of tinued. "It's easy. Nothing to it. so she won't get all 390 liquid amber eyes an meowed We drop her in one of those town, stirred tip when she finds us !softly. He might be an old roue bins I was telling you about, gone. We can make five, six by Al Capp going out on the town, but he over in the alley, back of the LIL• ABNER hundred mites.,,." Carried It off with a nice touch stores. What can happen driv- CAMP "What If she screams?" of-innocence Patti stooped to ing over there? Four blocks. BUT,IPAFTA. never had one yet.". HE'S SEE'N' rub his ears and roe moved No stop signal. No cops hiding "I've GIVE HIS fingers, they move on A BUSINESS away. around at that time of night. These should see 'em. And AUNT 01041E. Affection was something to The newsstand closes et eleven, fast. You ASSOCIATE You wouldn't believe IL be exchanged at the proper the theater • block up the street strong. OFF ON A strangle a horse. time and In the proper place, empties about the same time. They could --DON'T I ? ton making me TRIP!! such as after a good meal, but We'll pile a lot of cartons on Comes from my piano. She used to say, ) not when he was going out and her and nobody'll know until take you good learnin'. had other matters on his mind. they pick up tae boxes at Moe 'I'll give Dan, she Prittl followed him out of the the next morning." ptart you right.' free - room. One thing he had taught She broke into a sweat and Won't scream." never knew how close them well was to open. doors on a roar lined her head. A step They that second. command. tapped softly on the Soca, com- she came to it at Zeke whispered lath the mike, ing her way. She clenched her "Zeke had barely gained for "All unite, all units. Informant Seta so tightly she was like a %heal, when • leaving house. Will follow and board. She sensed that the step the cover of a blast roared through advise." stopped in the doorway.. She shotgun • • • battled a compulsion to make-a the night so rinse by that the his Vie:LEN JENKINS extended dash for the front door. If they explosion deadened " The story continues • her hearing as tar as pos- shot tier down. wouldn't It be tomorrow. sible. She was stretched out on better than waiting here? At here 9e

• a.

4 P1 M'. SIX THE LEDGER & TIMES — KENTUCKY • ile*Mitiovvidill menus


• PORK ROAST TENDERI° t •d161 , •1•0031111 wwlIealma• th 59 STEAK lb. 39c


-CENTER FRYERS whole •SLICES, lb. 6 39!

TOPPI' SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON 39Fb BACON ii -i01' BUTT PORK 49g, ROAST lb. 29c FIELD'S Cat Fish 69n Wieners 491 0 II t ' • N'S'IRTIED cHT F 1-0s. NI' N II) i0WA SWEET Dessert 39', Hi-Ho 25' CORN Quart V %NH I 10' - Pickles 35c Waffers 19' FOLGERS JUMBO 0 14.11 - T .1! I 3,1 Crackers19' Ft COFFEE '!T I INK 4 07 Milk 3 39' PIES ( %RN •T)(IN . Hi 4 1 lb 69c -C 29 12 39c I INIC SIZE Miik3k 39c RED SKIN PINK HIJNZ Ivory Snow 29', Mackeral 19' SALMON 49c BLUE - Reg. DUI, %IONTE PINEAPPLE - Sim Baby JOAN OF ARC Food 325 TOMATO - 46-0g. SF % ISLAND - No.! Can Juice 31 $1.00 Cocktail 21 Cheer 25' WEITH'S 49' APPLE-GRAPE - Quart (IQ( ID King •17C Pineapple 2149 STOK LEV CUT RED I %RON! or Juice 29' Green Beans Swan MIRACLE 19' WHIP - Quart Spaghetti VAN CAMP It EG ULAR SIZE • 9c Salad Dress Pork& 49'. Beans 2129' Lux Soap 12 i 89', Radishes GREEN YELLOW_ Frosts' Acr Pole _ BANANAS - FISH STICKS 29' lb. 10c Beans CREAM Squash PIES - 3 F°. $1 TUBE flirilteye • 5. 19! 'JOINERS 39` TOMATOES 10c,


the only toothpaste with s proved effective s FineF:rood WE RESERVE against cavities In homes like yours... THE

