District Census Handbook, Chhimtuipui, Part XIII-A & B, Series
CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-31 MIZORAM PARTS XIII A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CHHIMTUIPUI DISTRICT P. LALNITHANGA Of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations Mb:orfl,m CONTENTS PAGES Foreword (iii) Preface (v) Map of the District (vii) Important Statistics (ix) Analytical Note 1-16 0) Census conceptsofrural and urban areas and other terms namely, Census house, household, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, literates, main worker, marginal worker, non-worker. (ii) Brief History of district and the District CenSus Handbook (iii) Scope ofVilIage Directory, Town Directory Statements and Primary Census Abstract (iv) Physical Aspect Highlights or Geophysical Aspect (v) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic reSOUl'ces namely, forestry, minel'als and mining, electricity and power, land and land-use pattel'n, tenancy, agri culture, animal husbandry, and veterinary services, fishery, industl'Y, trade & commel'ce, transport. (vi) Major Social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments and miscellaneous activities of note during the decade (vii) Brief description of places of religions, histotical or archaeological importance3 in Villages and places of tourist interest in the town of the district (viii) Brief analysis of the Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract data based on inset tables Part A-ViJlage & Town Directory Section J-Village Directory 19-58 Note explaining the codes used in the Village Directory Explanatory Note on Village Directory Each Community Development Block, Map Alphabeticallist of Villages under Chaw ngte Community Development Block Village Directory App;mdices ([-IV) to the Village Directory Section II-Town Directory 59-68 Note explaining the codes used in the Town Directory Explanat01'Y Note on Town Directory Town Directory Statements (I-VI) Part B--Primal'Y Census Abstract Explanatory Note OD.
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