High Density Areas for Harbour Porpoises in Danish Waters
16th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Meeting Document AC16/Doc.40 (P) Brugge, Belgium, 20-24 April 2009 Dist. 20 March 2009 Agenda Item 5.4 Implementation of the ASCOBANS Triennial Work Plan (2007-2009) Review of New Information on Population Distribution, Sizes and Structures Document 40 High density areas for harbour porpoises in Danish waters Action Requested • Take note of the information submitted • Comment Submitted by Denmark NOTE: IN THE INTERESTS OF ECONOMY, DELEGATES ARE KINDLY REMINDED TO BRING THEIR OWN COPIES OF DOCUMENTS TO THE MEETING National Environmental Research Institute University of Aarhus . Denmark NERI Technical Report No. 657, 2008 High density areas for harbour porpoises in Danish waters [Blank page] National Environmental Research Institute University of Aarhus . Denmark NERI Technical Report No. 657, 2008 High density areas for harbour porpoises in Danish waters Jonas Teilmann 1 Signe Sveegaard 1 Rune Dietz 1 Ib Krag Petersen 1 Per Berggren 2 Geneviéve Desportes 3 1 National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark 2 Stockholm University, Sweden 3 GDNATUR, Denmark Data sheet Series title and no.: NERI Technical Report No. 657 Title: High density areas for harbour porpoises in Danish waters Authors: Jonas Teilmann1, Signe Sveegaard1, Rune Dietz1, Ib Krag Petersen2, Per Berggren3 & Gene- vieve Desportes4 Departments: 1Department of Arctic Environment, 2Department of Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity, 3Depart- ment of Zoology & 4GDNATUR, Denmark Publisher: National Environmental Research Institute © University of Aarhus - Denmark URL: http://www.neri.dk Year of publication: February 2008 Editing completed: February 2008 Referees: Jakob Tougaard, Frank Riget, Jesper Madsen Financial support: The Danish Forest and Nature Agency, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Fjord&Bælt, Kerteminde, University of Southern Denmark, Odense and National Environmental Research Institute Please cite as: Teilmann, J., Sveegaard, S., Dietz, R., Petersen, I.K., Berggren, P.
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