First Class Namaste from Judith

Free for New Hello, Unity Woods community. the transition. By way of introducing myself and helping all of you to get to As many of you may know, know me, here is a little bit Students the long-time Administra- of my history. Newcomers to Unity tor of Unity Woods, Esther Woods may take their Geiger, is retiring from her My introduction to first class free anytime position here. I will be tak- was serendipitous. One during the session. ing the reins, although it has day in 1975 I came home Contact us for details. been noted that I cannot to my apartment in Phila- (and will not try to) replace delphia and announced to 301-656-8992 Esther. But I will try to fill my significant other (who her shoes in a role as gen- became my husband and eral caretaker for John and then later my ex-husband) all the teachers and to guide “I’m going to take a Yoga and support the administra- class”. I found a class at a tive staff. I have been with Unity Woods practically local cultural center; the teacher was Joan White. Inside since its inception, as a student and friend, and now I could say here that “the rest is history” but there I will truly be part of this family as John, Esther, and is so much more to tell. Joan’s enthusiasm, knowl- John’s Workshop everyone at Unity Woods welcome me and ease edge, and precision in teaching was so infectious Schedule ...... 2 See Namaste, page 2 Special Events...... 4–5 Class Schedule...... 6–7 Teacher Information...... 8–9 Studio News...... 9 Unity Woods Yoga Center Course Descriptions...... 10 one of the best known and most widely re- All of our classes are based on the teachings Boutique Information...... 10 spected yoga centers in the country. We offer of B.K.S. Iyengar. Named by Time magazine as Fees and Policies...... 11 classes for students at all levels in posture () "one of the 100 most influential people in the and breathing (), special courses for tar- Registration Form...... 12 world", Mr. Iyengar was widely regarded as geted needs and interests, workshops with some of the 20th century's foremost yoga teacher. His the world’s finest teachers, and programs covering approach develops self-awareness through various aspects of the science and art of yoga. precision in movement and attention to the ©2017 Unity Woods subtleties of body, breath, mind, and spirit. Yoga Center, LLC. At Unity Woods, our purpose is to offer uncompro- 4853 Cordell Ave, PH9 mising, expert yoga instruction to as broad an au- Bethesda, MD 20814 dience as possible. Our teaching staff is the area’s Phone: (301) 656-8992 most experienced, comprised of highly trained, Fax: (301) 656-7792 certified instructors who help guide you to im- proved health, serenity, and expanded awareness.


Namaste (continued) John’s that I very quickly became a devotee and was The 1980’s were great yoga years! Unity Woods Workshops soon completely immersed in a world where Yoga Center was born in 1979 and grew to a confronting physical boundaries allowed ex- thriving resource and center of excellence—a December 20, 2016 ploration of the mind and the spirit. I remained paragon of yoga classes and teacher training Centers of the Joan’s student for another four years, also being in the Washington area with John Schumacher Palm Beaches Delray Beach, FL exposed to Iyengar teachers from all over the as a dedicated teacher driven by his love for world… most notably Angela Farmer, Victor Van yoga and giving to us his natural talent and en- Kooten, Kofi Busia. thusiasm as a mentor and yogi. Now yoga has January 6, 2017 experienced huge growth in the community at Santosha Yoga Studio I spent almost all of 1979 living and traveling large, including Unity Woods. Wheat Ridge, CO in Europe. And doing yoga, of course. I trav- eled to Molivos, Greece in the spring to take My trip to India in 1982 was life-changing. I classes with Angela Farmer and a memorable recall the challenges I had physically (in head- January 13–15, 2017 Yoga Institute of Miami group of students from Holland, Philadelphia, stand, for example—“Lift your sacrum, Judith!”) Miami, FL Washington, Boston. Our venue was a 12th I can still feel BKS Iyengar’s swat on my back as For experienced students. century castle at the top of the hill overlooking he exhorted “There is the fear!” Perhaps you’ve the town. We climbed the hill each morning for heard stories about Mr. Iyengar’s fiery personal- ity. It’s all true, and his adjustments were always February 6–19, 2017 and each evening for inversions in that 34th Annual sunny, arid place. I would later travel to India delivered with love, encouragement, and the Yoga Vacation in Jamaica for a three-week session with Mr. Iyengar with most intense insight. And completely unforget- Negril, Jamaica some of the same students I met in Greece. table in every detail! I remember him walking John and Barbara Benagh con- tinue the decades old tradition of welcoming students to their annual yoga vacation in Ja- maica. As always, the top notch yoga classes, easy camaraderie, warm sun, turquoise sea, and unique Jamaican culture weave a tropical spell that will enchant you in ways you can’t imagine.

April 28–30, 2017 Teacher Training SERENDIPITY Berkeley Springs, WV The Art of Staging Asanas: How to Teach the Basic Poses Step by Step

May 26–27, 2017 The Yoga Space Vancouver BC, Canada Weekend workshop sponsored In 1980, I moved to the Washington area. One by me in Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana as he by the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga of my first tasks upon arriving here was to find grunted “huh” when he saw me lift my shoul- Association Vancouver a yoga teacher, and I found John teaching small ders. And I remember my sobbing breakthrough classes in his home in Thurmont and at loca- when I felt shooting bursts of energy from the tions in the Bethesda area. We’ve been friends center of my chest during seated pranayama since then, and I have continued with John as and Mr.Iyengar’s challenge to me, “She can’t do my primary teacher, as well as many classes pranayama!” I knew he didn’t mean it literally. and workshops with Victor, Angela, Kofi, Mary See for details Dunn, George Purvis, Joan White and others. WINTER 2017 - 3 -

Namaste (continued) John Schumacher is the founder I knew he meant that I can do pranayama, and strong sense of organization, business acumen, and director of I needed more study and refinement. My chal- self-motivation, and technology orientation. Unity Woods. lenges today are so much more difficult than And most of all, I care about Unity Woods. I’ve He has prac- those of a progressing young student—aging been so lucky in my own career. When I first ticed yoga for has brought along with it herniated discs, sci- came to Marriott, I found a diverse and welcom- over 40 years atic pain, and physical limitations. I continue to ing environment where people have respect and has taught practice yoga to work with and improve these for each other. Now, coming to the next major in the Washing- conditions. phase of my work life, I find myself in a welcom- ton area since 1973. John studied ing place where diversity is celebrated and we in India with B.K.S. Iyengar for 33 Another central focus in my life has been my have a common interest. I consider myself lucky years and is a Certified Advanced professional career. With another type of ser- beyond belief to be involved with Unity Woods Iyengar Yoga Teacher. He also spent endipity (there’s that word again) I embarked and the people who make it an enjoyable place many years studying with interna- on a career in Information Technology, starting to be. And finally, for my luck in coming to Unity tionally acclaimed teacher Dona as a computer programmer and progressing in Woods as Administrator, I must say a special Holleman. line with my natural proclivities to positions thanks to my dear friend (family, really) Suzie as a manager of technical staff and projects Mann. She knew I needed to find a new work John’s clear, precise style and his implementing technical solutions for business situation, and she knew the changes about to engaging sense of humor have problems. Specifically I’ve worked on telecom- happen at Unity Woods. Serendipity. Once the made him one of the country’s munications billing systems, government pro- idea was out there, everyone supported it—for leading yoga teachers. Yoga curement programs, tracking of federal entitle- this I am again so very grateful to receive such Journal cited him as one of "25 ment programs, and most recently and for over a warm welcome from old friends and new. I Americans who are shaping 16 years, at Marriott International supporting hope to get to know all of you as we embark on yoga today." He has written for the loyalty program and reservations systems. the new year and new administration. a variety of publications and has With Esther’s retirement, Unity Woods faces a appeared in numerous local and Namaste. career transition of its own. How will UWYC national media, including U.S. adapt to her departure? So many of you have News and World Report, Yoga said that I am the “perfect person” for this job. Journal, Washingtonian Maga- From my point of view it is the perfect job for zine, the Washington Times, the me. Dear friends, yoga vibes, nurturing environ- Washington Post, PBS and others. ment. I have been a part of Corporate America John speaks about the practice for many years, and really look forward to a and benefits of yoga on radio and new career! I bring with me to Unity Woods a television and at conferences and organizations around the country.

Over the years John has taught thousands of students and trained "Change is not something we should fear. Rather, it hundreds of teachers. He contin- ues to travel across the U.S. and is something we should welcome. For without change, throughout the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, East and the Caribbean, where he conducts workshops for students and no one in the world would ever move forward to and teachers of all levels. become the person they're meant to be." Read John’s essays from earlier newsletters on our website: B.K.S. Iyengar And look for digital downloads of John's classes and discussions at - 4 - UNITY WOODS YOGA CENTER Workshops, Short Courses See for detailed descriptions. Bethesda Workshops

Sunday, December 4 • 3:00–5:30pm Sunday, March 12 • see below for times All Levels Yoga for two Advanced Pranayama (Levels V & VI) With Carolyn Bluemle and Rocky Delaplaine With John Schumacher Explore one of the most difficult of all: the yoga Level V: Completion of Level IV or extensive of relationship. The focus is less on the pose and more training in the Iyengar approach to pranayama. on what your interactions teach you. . Level VI: Two years digital pranayama practice. No Prerequisite: Open to all $60/pair Level V 2:30–4:00pm $30 Level VI 4:15–5:45pm $30 Saturday, December 10 • 1:00–2:30pm Benefit Workshop: Celebrating Sunday, March 12 • 6:45–8:30pm Mr. Iyengar's Birthday Discussion Group: Topic TBA With Amy Van Mui With John Schumacher This class is dedicated to BKS Iyengar, who spent his All are Welcome. FREE Unity Woods life devoted to sharing yoga. Share your gratitude and Annual benefit Mr. Iyengar's Bellur Trust. Saturday, March 18 • 1:00–3:00pm No Prerequisite: Open to all Donation Balance and Stability Holiday Party Checks only, to IYNAUS [for Bellur Trust] With Amy Van Mui It is never too early to work on fall prevention. Im- Sunday,December 18 Saturday, December 31 • 10:00–11:30am prove your balance by strengthening and opening 6:30-9:00pm Benefit Workshop: strategic areas. Learn an effective practice sequence Receiving the Dark for enhancing balance. Bethesda studio With Rocky Delaplaine No Prerequisite: Open to all $38 Join us for our yearly Slow down, relax deeply and turn inward in prepara- celebration of the season tion for the New Year. Sunday, March 19 • 3:00–4:30pm and of the Unity Woods Reduce Your Spinal Curve: community. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I $35 Cash or checks only, to Hope Springs Institute. Focus on Vasisthasana We provide food, drinks With Rocky Delaplaine and decorations. The Saturday, January 28 • 3:00–6:00pm Explore ways to approach this powerful pose, which dessert table is open to Backbends at the Ropes can help reduce a spinal curve if practiced regularly. contributions. Friends and family welcome! and on the Chair Prerequisite: Completion of Level I $35 With Doerthe Braun In this three hour journey through backbends you will Saturday, April 1 • 1:00–3:00pm explore how the chair and the ropes can move you Strong and Flexible Shoulders with ease and playfulness more deeply into vigor- With Amy Van Mui ous asanas. (No back or shoulder problems, please.) Having strong and flexible shoulders is essential for Prerequisite: Level II and up. $50 overall movement health. Explore key principles to develop a strong and flexible shoulder girdle. Saturday, March 11 • 12:45–3:15pm No Prerequisite: Open to all $38 Advanced Asana: Arm Balances With John Schumacher For dedicated practitioners can perform Bhu- japidasana and Bakasana; push up into Urdhva Dhanurasana; and do Salamba Sirsasana II in the middle of the room for three minutes. No therapeutics, please. Prerequisites: See above $50 WINTER 2017 - 5 - and Special Events No refunds or credits/credits/changes from 14 days prior. Bethesda Short Courses Arlington Workshops

Fridays, January 13–27 • 4:00–5:00pm Sunday, December 11 • 1:00–3:00pm Kids and Teens Yoga Toning Up and Tuning In with Twists With Doerthe Braun With John Schumacher A fun-filled, fast-paced yoga sequence, followed by Twists tone spinal muscles, massage internal organs, restorative poses and relaxation will help children to and lubricate the spine. focus, build up strength, improve body awareness Prerequisite: One year of asana practice $45 and reduce stress. Prerequisite: ages 9–15 $51/course Sunday, February 5 • 1:00–3:00pm Yoga with Osteoporosis Thursdays • 12:15–1:30pm With Megan Bowles January 19, February 9, March 9, April 6 Do yoga for bone health! Learn what’s essential and The Gems of Patanjali's what to avoid as you take care of your bones. Yoga Sutra No Prerequisite: Open to all $30 Special Guest With Doerthe Braun and Nazli Weiss Delve into the wisdom and teachings of Patanjali’s Workshop: famous Samadhi and Sadhana Pada (Chapter on Self Lois Steinberg Realization and Practice) during this Lunch (brown Arlington Short Courses bag) and Learn Series Wednesdays, January 4–25 • 5:00–6:00pm Friday, April 7– Sunday, April 9 No Prerequisite: Open to all Donation Jump Start! Checks only, to IYNAUS [for Bellur Trust] In Bethesda With Juliana Fair Fridays, Jan 20, Feb 10, Mar 10 • 8:30–9:30am Jumpings offer a sense of lightness, strength and con- Lois returns for another informative and Maintain and Deepen your fidence, of body and mind. Throw off the sloth that inspiring workshop at Unity Woods. Pranayama Practice creeps in during the colder months and free yourself Her teaching is infused with enthusiasm With Doerthe Braun from SOME of gravity's pull. to share the knowledge and acumen that have come through her sustained These classes will support you on the path of your Prerequisite: Completion of Level I $80/course Pranayama practice and further deepen and refine it. practice and study of the work of the Wednesdays, February 1–22 • 5:00–6:00pm Iyengar family. Lois is the author of Prerequisite: compl of Pran IV $60/course Stand on Your Own Two Feet: Part 1 numerous books and articles and is Sundays, Feb 26–Mar 19 • 3:00–5:00pm With Juliana Fair widely respected for her understanding Yoga with Osteoporosis “Stand on your own two feet” is a simple statement, of therapeutics. With Megan Bowles but after one yoga class it takes on a new meaning, Fri 6:00–8:00pm asana $50 Yoga is good for bone health! Improve balance, which we will seek to understand in the first part of strength, posture, and well-being. this course. Sat 9:30am–12:00pm asana $70 No Prerequisite: Open to all $140/course Prerequisite: Completion of Level I $80/course Sat 3:30–5:30pm asana $50 Sun 9:00am–12:30pm pran $80 Fridays, March 3–31 • 5:30–7:30pm Wednesdays, Mar 15–Apr 5 • 5:00–6:00pm Moving Anatomy Stand on Your Own Two Feet: Part 2 With Esther Geiger and Laura Cox With Juliana Fair Prerequisite: Get to know your bones! Learn how they connect in With a renewed understanding of how to stand on At least two years of Iyengar yoga. kinetic chains that support movement and balance. two legs (Part 1), we move on to one-legged asanas. Each class offers an anatomy lesson and related Balance is complex. Using judgment and reasoning yoga practice. (Vijnanamaya Kosha), breath (Pranamaya Kosha), and mind (Manomaya Kosha), see how these affect what No Prerequisite: Open to all $125/course we do with our anatomical bodies (Annamaya Kosha ). BALANCE! more ways than one. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I $80/course - 6 - UNITY WOODS YOGA CENTER Class Schedule Community Classes Bethesda, MD Every Friday, 6:00–7:00pm 4853 Cordell Ave, Penthouse 7 In Bethesda Mondays Fridays

am 3 8:30–9:30am Adv Pranayama Doerthe December 2 Maggie 10:00–11:45 Level II/III Jill am (Short Course: Jan 20, Feb 10, Mar 10) December 9 Suzanne 10:15–11:45 Level I/II Suzanne pm 10:00–11:30am Level II Laurel December 16 Rocky 12:00–1:30 Level II Anne pm 10:00–11:30am Osteoporosis Megan December 23 NO CLASS 12:15–1:15 Level I Suzanne pm 4:00–5:00pm Kid/Teen (9–15) Doerthe January 6 Rocky 5:45–7:15 Level I/II Anne pm 3 (Short Course: January 13-27) January 13 Doerthe 6:15–7:45 Level II/III Doerthe pm 5:30–7:30pm Anatomy Esther/Laura C January 20 Megan 7:30–9:00 Level II Anne (Short Course: March 3-31) January 27 Megan 6:00–7:00pm Community Class varies February 3 Maggie Tuesdays (January 6–March 31) February 10 Rocky 10:00–11:30am Level I Doerthe February 17 Suzanne 4:15–5:45pm Level I/II Rocky Saturdays February 24 Rocky 5:00–6:30pm Level II John * March 3 Maggie 6:00–7:30pm Level II Linda SG 7:30–9:00am Level II Steve March 10 Doerthe 6:45–8:45pm Level III 4 John 7:30–9:00am Level III Mary * March 17 Rocky 9:15–10:45am Level II/III 3 Steve March 24 Maggie Wednesdays 9:30–11:00am Level II Linda SG * March 31 Maggie 11:00am–12:30pm Level I/II Steve 9:00–10:00am Pranayama I 1 Doerthe April 7 NO CLASS 11:15am–12:30pm Level I Megan 3 10:15–11:45am Level II/III Doerthe 12:00–1:30pm Gentle Suzanne Sundays 12:00–1:15pm Level I/II Megan 5:00–6:15pm Back Care Rocky 8:00–9:15am Level I/II Steve $8 drop-in fee, cash only * 6:00–7:30pm Level I John 9:00–10:30am Level II/III 3 Anne 6:45–8:15pm Level II Linda McR 9:30–11:00am Level II Steve * 7:45–9:15pm Level I/II John 10:45am–12:15pm Level II Anne 11:15am–12:30pm Level I Steve Thursdays 3:00–5:00pm Osteoporosis Megan 9:00–10:15am Seniors Suzanne (Short Course: February 26–March 19) 9:00–10:15am Level I/II Doerthe 10:30am–12:00pm Level II Doerthe 12:15–1:30pm Level I/II Suzanne 12:15–1:30pm Sutra Study Doerthe/Nazli (January 19, February 9, March 9, April 6) *NOTE: 5:45–6:45pm Pranayama II John Steve's Saturday classes do NOT meet on April 8 6:30–8:00pm Level I/II Megan Anne's Sunday classes do NOT meet on April 9 7:00–9:00pm Level II/III 3 John 8:15–9:15pm Level I Megan

Prerequisites: 1 completion of one year of asana 2 Level I/II and up 3 5 minute freestanding Sirsasana 4 10 minute freestanding Sirsasana WINTER 2017 - 7 - Class Schedule IMPORTANT DATES Arlington, VA Washington, DC Registration is now open: 4001 N 9th St, Suite 105 at Epic Yoga, 1323 Connecticut Ave NW Winter Session: Monday, Jan 2–Sunday, April 9 Mondays Saturdays

3 Please Note: 5:45–7:15pm Level II Lori 8:30–10:00am Level II/III Joe Bethesda studio A only: 7:30–9:00pm Level I Lori 10:10–11:40pm Level II Joe No Classes 11:50am–1:05pm Level I/II Joe Saturday, April 8–Sunday, April 9 Tuesdays Classes WILL Meet: 12:15–1:15pm Level I Carol Monday, Jan 16 (MLK Day) Monday, Feb 20 (Presidents' Day) 6:00–7:15pm Level I/II Giulia 7:30–9:00pm Level II Giulia Spring Session Begins: Monday, April 10 Spring registration opens March 13 Wednesdays

5:00–6:00pm Jumpings Juliana THINGS TO KNOW (Short Course: January 4–25) ABOUT TAKING CLASS 5:00–6:00pm Standing Poses Juliana Attire (Short Course: February 1–22) There are changing rooms at each 5:00–6:00pm Standing/Balancing Juliana studio. Wear clothing you can (Short Course: March 15–April 5) move in (no baggy clothes—they obscure alignment). Bare feet are 6:15–7:15pm Level I Fritz essential. No perfume, please. 7:30–9:00pm Level II Fritz Props are provided, but you are Thursdays encouraged to bring your own mat.

6:00–7:30pm Level I/II Joe Food 7:45–9:15pm Level II/III 3 Joe Come with an empty stomach.

Special Physical Needs Fridays Let your teacher know about any injuries, physical problems or 10:30–11:45am Level I Lori medical conditions. 12:00–1:15pm Level I/II Lori Please be on time Teachers begin each class with Saturdays preparatory practices. You may be turned away if you arrive late. 9:00–10:30am Level II/III 3 Lori 10:45am–12:15pm Level II Lori Do not come to class * 12:30–1:30pm Pranayama I 1 Lori if you have any contagious condition. You share the floor, props, and air with many other Sundays students!

9:00–10:30am Level II Maggie Children 10:45am–12:15pm Level I Maggie Minimum age for asana class participation is 16. Unity Woods cannot provide childcare for younger children. *NOTE: Class Cancelations Lori's Pranayama I class will NOT meet on for weather or other emergencies January 21 are posted on our website and our voicemail 90 minutes before class time: or 301-656-8992. - 8 - UNITY WOODS YOGA CENTER

STAFF The Teachers at Unity Woods

Unity Woods Office (301) 656-8992 Joe Adlesic, CIYT Intermedi- Carol Cavanaugh has taught [email protected] ate Junior I, mentored by John Iyengar yoga since 1977. Schumacher since 1982, has She made five trips to study John Schumacher taught at Unity Woods since with B.K.S. and Geeta Iy- Founder/Director 1990. Joe studied in India with engar between 1980 and ext. 102 the Iyengars several times and 1995. She directed the Iy- has trained extensively with Senior Iyengar engar Yoga Institute of San Judith Fried teachers, particularly Patricia Walden. Francisco from 1977–1988. She has practiced Administrator Vipassana meditation since 1999. Outreach Coordinator Winnie Au, CIYT Intermediate ext. 101 Junior I, first traveled to Pune Rocky Delaplaine, CIYT, is in 2003 and continues to study interested in exploring how Suzanne Y. Sigüenza regularly with the Iyengars, the practice of yoga promotes Assistant Administrator with John Schumacher (her peace, fosters creativity and Website Manager first teacher) and with Manouso cultivates reverence for the Boutique Manager Manos. Winnie is committed to serving students natural world. She is certified ext. 300 by teaching the Iyengar method. by Elise Browning Miller to teach Yoga for Sco- liosis. She has taught at Unity Woods since 1991 Debra Monaco Megan Bowles, CIYT, trained and is on the yoga faculty of the Casey Health Financial Administrator with senior teachers John Institute. ext. 104 Schumacher and Patricia Walden. Her style is warm, Juliana Fair, CIYT Intermediate Annick Milde humorous, and precise. She Senior I, began her yoga journey Registrar enjoys helping new and ex- in 1974 in her native Australia, ext. 105 perienced practitioners access the benefits of and has taught Iyengar yoga yoga. She also teaches Bone Builders, for those since 1981. She travels to Pune Steve Mitchell with osteopenia and osteoporosis. to study with the Iyengar family bi-annually. Her Arlington Studio Coordinator straightforward, humorous teaching encourages ext. 201 Doerthe Braun, CIYT Interme- students to understand their own bodies. diate Junior II, began practicing Lori L. Ritland in 1999, apprenticed with John Laurel Goeke, CIYT contin- Special Projects Schumacher and has studied ues to study regularly with ext. 500 with the Iyengars in India. With John Schumacher, her primary a degree in acting and move- teacher. In addition to her Cathleen Scott ment, she enjoys sharing yoga’s gifts with all classes at Unity Woods, she Brandi Erickson Tracy Koretsky ages, inspired by her own four children. enjoys teaching teens through- Anjali Sarkar out Bethesda. Receptionists Jill Pollet Cahn, CIYT, has stud- ext. 500 ied at Unity Woods since 1980 Giulia Mainieri began studying and taught since 1987. Jill has yoga with BKS Iyengar directly. a B.S. from U.C. Berkeley and She has studied with senior an M.A. in Special Education. Iyengar teacher Kofi Busia for She teaches special workshops over 30 years and completed on Yoga and the Energy Field. his teacher training program. She is an experienced teacher who finds each class different and fun. WINTER 2017 - 9 -

Becoming a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) requires years of dedicated practice, training and experience. This rigorous preparation for the national certification exams produces highly quali- STUDIO NEWS fied and knowledgeable yoga teachers. Unity Woods is proud of our expert and inspiring faculty.

Linda McReynolds, CIYT, be- Alyson Ross, CIYT, PhD, RN, Maggie's October 16 workshop, gan practicing at Unity Woods has taught since 1996. A re- Cool Yoga Tricks for Pretzebility, in 2003 and apprenticed with searcher at the NIH Clinical raised more than $1,000 for the John Schumacher. She believes Center, she has published ex- Nepal rebuilding fund. Many thanks that dedicated yoga practice tensively on the health benefits to all who participated and for con- provides energy and equipoise of yoga. tributing to such an important cause. to enjoy a full life. Linda San Gabriel has practiced Rocky will co-lead a weekend art Steve Mitchell, CIYT, has been since 1989 and taught since and yoga re¬treat with artist and with Unity Woods for over 20 1996. She apprenticed with arts/educator Lauren Rader Friday, years, and has studied with John Schumacher, studied with June 3—Sunday, June 5, 2017at Sev- many senior teachers. He has the Iyengars, and travels to study enoaks Retreat Cen¬ter in the Blue maintained a devoted, steady with Iyengar teachers world- Ridge Mountains. See www.seveno- yoga practice for 23 years, wide. She holds an M.Ed. in Applied Linguistics. for information. teaching since 1995. Suzanne Y. Sigüenza offers the John was invited by IYASE (Iyengar Mary Pappas-Sandonas, CIYT practice of yoga as a steady Yoga Association of the SouthEast) Intermediate Junior I, B.S. Psy- foundation to develop compas- to create the first Home Practice In- chology/Neurobiology, M.S. sion, benevolence, awareness, termediate Level sequence for their Exercise Physiology, and Mom, and the fortitude to “run with online Home Practice Plan. You applies joy, intuition and com- perseverance the race set out can go to iyase sequences passionate precision to help before us” (Heb. 12:1). She is an artist. and click on John Schumacher to students explore living from the true nature of download the sequence. the heart. Ann Thomas, CIYT, appren- ticed with John Schumacher Fritz Partlow, CIYT, began and began teaching at Unity teaching in 2007. She is enthusi- Woods in 1996. An M.A. astic about helping students cre- in health education with a ate balance in the body which graduate certificate in theol- Iyengar said “is the foundation ogy, she teaches yoga at a holistic medical for balance in life.” When not practice in Leesburg, VA “on the mat” Fritz runs her own graphic design business. Amy Van Mui, CIYT, has taught since 2000. Her focus on func- Maggie Rhoades, a certified tional and efficient movement Yoga teacher, has studied with is supported by her study of the Iyengars, and has taught biomechanics and background classes for cardiac and cancer in Pilates. Amy’s classes journey patients in area hospitals. She is beyond the physical to cultivate a certified Pilates instructor and a vibrant sense of well-being. Her ongoing ap- has developed yoga and Pilates DVDs. prenticeship with John Schumacher enriches her practice and teaching. Lori L. Ritland, CIYT Interme- diate Junior III, has studied Anne Wutchiett, CIYT, has with John Schumacher since taught for over 25 years and 1998 and with the Iyengars in has studied in India with the Iy- the U.S and India. She dedi- engars. Her teaching is precise, cates her teaching of asana and caring, and inspired, acknowl- pranayama to those seeking greater balance in edging the vitality, strength and their busy lives. harmony yoga brings. - 10 - UNITY WOODS YOGA CENTER Course Descriptions Beyondananda Boutique ASANA (POSTURE) SPECIAL CLASSES Information Gentle classes are for students who are less Seniors’ Yoga (Bethesda), a gently paced class flexible, not so strong, have a particular limita- designed specifically for seniors, approaches At our Bethesda studio, we offer tion, or would prefer a more slowly paced, less asanas in ways that enhance strength, supple- a convenient source for supplies rigorous class. ness and balance. to enhance your yoga practice. Level I classes introduce beginning students and Back Care (Bethesda), for those with back inju- We sell yoga DVDs, CDs, books students new to Unity Woods' approach to the ries/conditions, focuses on strengthening weak and props, along with John’s au- fundamentals of posture and breath. muscles, stretching tight muscles and creating dio CDs, plus our unique Unity traction in the spine. We correct postural imbal- Level I/II classes are for students who have Woods and Dog Pose t-shirts, and ances and use breath awareness to reduce stress completed Level I and prefer a gradual transi- beautiful batik clothing designs and pain. Physician approval recommended. created exclusively for us. tion to Level II. This level is also ideal for those with previous yoga experience who are new to Yoga with Osteoporosis (Bethesda): come to this Unity Woods or Iyengar Yoga. Gift certificates are available for fun, challenging, effective class to learn the dos Beyondananda Boutique items or Mixed Levels is for students in Level I/II and up. and don’ts of yoga with osteoporosis. for classes. Call to inquire or Modifications will be made according to level e-mail [email protected]. and/or need. PRANAYAMA (BREATHING)

Bethesda Boutique Hours Level II classes are for students who have com- Level I affords those interested in working with Mon–Thurs: 10:00am–9:00pm pleted the introductory (Level I) course. The the breath an opportunity to move beyond the Friday: 10:00am–4:00pm basic poses are refined with an emphasis on all elementary levels incorporated into regular Sat–Sun: 8:30am–1:00pm the standing poses. Inverted poses (headstand, asana classes. Prerequisite: one year of study plow and shoulder­stand) are introduced. and practice of asana in the Iyengar method.

For Boutique information call us Level II/III classes are for students firmly es- Level II, III and IV classes are for students who at (301) 656-8992 or visit tablished in their practice and ready to move have completed the preceding levels. beyond the basics. Must be able to do a five Level V classes are strictly for students who have minute freestanding Sirsasana. completed Level IV or have received extensive Keep an eye out for Level III classes are for students with previous Iyengar training in pranayama elsewhere. Iyengar training who are strong in all the basic our annual end of year Level VI classes are for students who have exten- poses, can do a ten minute freestanding Sirsa- sive Iyengar training and have been practicing sana, and can do Sarvangasana and Halasana Inventory Sale! digital pranayama for two years or more. with confidence.

throughout the boutique Advanced Asana classes are offered periodically and are limited to students who meet the listed prerequisites for each topic.

D i s c o u n t e d d r o p - i n s For those enrolled for the full session: extra classes for $12 each (except two-hour classes: drop-ins $15). Fees and Policies Registration form on reverse -- or register online at

WINTER SESSION DATES: January 2–April 9 SESSION TUITION DROP-IN FEE NOTE: Per-class amount If fully enrolled If not enrolled For most classes, ASANA (POSTURE) CLASSES if fully enrolled in another class winter will be a 14-week session. 1 1/4 – 1 3/4 HR CLASS $19 $12 $22 Please register online for accurate 1 HOUR CLASS $17 $12 $20 pricing, or check with us before 2 HOUR CLASS $24 $15 $25 enrolling.

Full-session tuition COMMUNITY CLASSES N/A $8 $8 includes a $40 non-refundable, SHORT COURSES (see pages 4–5) prices vary N/A $18–38 non-transferable registration fee per class. PRANAYAMA (BREATHING) CLASSES $19 $12 $22

SENIOR DISCOUNT: 10% for age 65 and over, on full-session enrollments only (no discount on drop-ins or Short Courses). STUDENT DISCOUNT: 10% with current student ID, on full–session enrollments only (no discount on drop-ins or Short Courses). MILITARY DISCOUNT: 10% for personnel/families with valid ID, on full–session enrollments only (no discount on drop-ins or Short Courses). MAKE-UP POLICY: Make up missed classes any time during the current session, at any of our locations, in a class of the same level or lower than your own. DROP-IN POLICY: Drop-ins permitted any time during the session, at the discretion of the teacher.

REFUND POLICY: For full session classes: If we receive notice of your withdrawal before January 2 you will receive a full re- fund. If we receive notice between January 2 and January 22 we’ll refund tuition minus the $40 registration fee. No refunds after January 22. For workshops: no refunds or credits from 14 days prior to the event. SHORT COURSE POLICIES: Students are encouraged to enroll for the series, but drop-ins are accepted. No make-ups. No discounts. No refunds. Short Courses may not be used as make-ups for regular classes. SCHOLARSHIPS/WORK EXCHANGE: We have a limited scholarship fund and an active work-exchange program. Please call for information. CLASS CANCELLATIONS for weather or other emergency circumstances are posted on the voice mail (301) 656-8992 and at

o n l i n e registration • Registration Form for Classes OFFICE USE ONLY (Or register online at DATE RECEIVED

 Check box if this is new or corrected contact information. NOTES:





EMAIL  Check here to receive monthly e-bulletins Please register me for the following Classes:

Location Teacher Level Day Time RECEPTIONIST INITIALS:

Total Class Fees ______

(check one if applicable) Minus 10%  Senior or  Student or  Military Discount ______Make checks payable to: Unity Woods Yoga Center, LLC  Cash  Check #______Amount Enclosed ______4853 Cordell Avenue Suite PH9 VISA OR MASTERCARD ACCEPTED. CARD # EXP. DATE SECURITY CODE Bethesda, MD 20814-3036


 Please check here to agree to liability waiver below.

I understand that yoga includes physical movements as well as an opportunity for relaxation, stress re- education and relief of muscular tension. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, adjust the posture and ask for support from the teacher. I will continue to breathe smoothly. Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Certain yoga practices are not recommended and are not safe under certain medical conditions. I affirm that I alone am responsible for deciding whether to practice yoga. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or hereafter may have against Unity Woods Yoga Center.

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