YOGA IN THE IYENGAR TRADITION SINCE 1979 WINTER 2017 • JANUARY 2 – APRIL 9 First Class Namaste from Judith Free for New Hello, Unity Woods community. the transition. By way of introducing myself and helping all of you to get to As many of you may know, know me, here is a little bit Students the long-time Administra- of my history. Newcomers to Unity tor of Unity Woods, Esther Woods may take their Geiger, is retiring from her My introduction to yoga first class free anytime position here. I will be tak- was serendipitous. One during the session. ing the reins, although it has day in 1975 I came home Contact us for details. been noted that I cannot to my apartment in Phila- (and will not try to) replace delphia and announced to 301-656-8992 Esther. But I will try to fill my significant other (who www.unitywoods.com her shoes in a role as gen- became my husband and eral caretaker for John and then later my ex-husband) all the teachers and to guide “I’m going to take a Yoga and support the administra- class”. I found a class at a tive staff. I have been with Unity Woods practically local cultural center; the teacher was Joan White. Inside since its inception, as a student and friend, and now I could say here that “the rest is history” but there I will truly be part of this family as John, Esther, and is so much more to tell. Joan’s enthusiasm, knowl- John’s Workshop everyone at Unity Woods welcome me and ease edge, and precision in teaching was so infectious Schedule ......................2 See Namaste, page 2 Special Events ...............4–5 Class Schedule .............6–7 Teacher Information ......8–9 Studio News .....................9 Unity Woods Yoga Center Course Descriptions .......10 ...is one of the best known and most widely re- All of our classes are based on the teachings Boutique Information ......10 spected yoga centers in the country. We offer of B.K.S. Iyengar. Named by Time magazine as Fees and Policies ............11 classes for students at all levels in posture (asana) "one of the 100 most influential people in the and breathing (pranayama), special courses for tar- Registration Form ............12 world", Mr. Iyengar was widely regarded as geted needs and interests, workshops with some of the 20th century's foremost yoga teacher. His the world’s finest teachers, and programs covering approach develops self-awareness through various aspects of the science and art of yoga. precision in movement and attention to the © 2017 Unity Woods subtleties of body, breath, mind, and spirit. Yoga Center, LLC. At Unity Woods, our purpose is to offer uncompro- 4853 Cordell Ave, PH9 mising, expert yoga instruction to as broad an au- Bethesda, MD 20814 dience as possible. Our teaching staff is the area’s Phone: (301) 656-8992 most experienced, comprised of highly trained, Fax: (301) 656-7792 certified instructors who help guide you to im- www.unitywoods.com proved health, serenity, and expanded awareness. HEALTH • SERENITY • AWARENESS - 2 - UNITY WOODS YOGA CENTER Namaste (continued) John’s that I very quickly became a devotee and was The 1980’s were great yoga years! Unity Woods Workshops soon completely immersed in a world where Yoga Center was born in 1979 and grew to a confronting physical boundaries allowed ex- thriving resource and center of excellence—a December 20, 2016 ploration of the mind and the spirit. I remained paragon of yoga classes and teacher training Iyengar Yoga Centers of the Joan’s student for another four years, also being in the Washington area with John Schumacher Palm Beaches Delray Beach, FL exposed to Iyengar teachers from all over the as a dedicated teacher driven by his love for www.icypb.com world… most notably Angela Farmer, Victor Van yoga and giving to us his natural talent and en- Kooten, Kofi Busia. thusiasm as a mentor and yogi. Now yoga has January 6, 2017 experienced huge growth in the community at Santosha Yoga Studio I spent almost all of 1979 living and traveling large, including Unity Woods. Wheat Ridge, CO in Europe. And doing yoga, of course. I trav- www.santoshayogastudio.com eled to Molivos, Greece in the spring to take My trip to India in 1982 was life-changing. I classes with Angela Farmer and a memorable recall the challenges I had physically (in head- January 13–15, 2017 Yoga Institute of Miami group of students from Holland, Philadelphia, stand, for example—“Lift your sacrum, Judith!”) Miami, FL Washington, Boston. Our venue was a 12th I can still feel BKS Iyengar’s swat on my back as For experienced students. century castle at the top of the hill overlooking he exhorted “There is the fear!” Perhaps you’ve www.yogamiami.com the town. We climbed the hill each morning for heard stories about Mr. Iyengar’s fiery personal- ity. It’s all true, and his adjustments were always February 6–19, 2017 asanas and each evening for inversions in that 34th Annual sunny, arid place. I would later travel to India delivered with love, encouragement, and the Yoga Vacation in Jamaica for a three-week session with Mr. Iyengar with most intense insight. And completely unforget- Negril, Jamaica some of the same students I met in Greece. table in every detail! I remember him walking John and Barbara Benagh con- tinue the decades old tradition of welcoming students to their annual yoga vacation in Ja- maica. As always, the top notch yoga classes, easy camaraderie, warm sun, turquoise sea, and unique Jamaican culture weave a tropical spell that will enchant you in ways you can’t imagine. www.yogastudio.org April 28–30, 2017 Teacher Training SERENDIPITY Berkeley Springs, WV The Art of Staging Asanas: How to Teach the Basic Poses Step by Step www.unitywoods.com May 26–27, 2017 The Yoga Space Vancouver BC, Canada Weekend workshop sponsored In 1980, I moved to the Washington area. One by me in Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana as he by the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga of my first tasks upon arriving here was to find grunted “huh” when he saw me lift my shoul- Association Vancouver a yoga teacher, and I found John teaching small ders. And I remember my sobbing breakthrough www.theyogaspace.ca classes in his home in Thurmont and at loca- when I felt shooting bursts of energy from the tions in the Bethesda area. We’ve been friends center of my chest during seated pranayama since then, and I have continued with John as and Mr.Iyengar’s challenge to me, “She can’t do my primary teacher, as well as many classes pranayama!” I knew he didn’t mean it literally. and workshops with Victor, Angela, Kofi, Mary See www.unitywoods.com for details Dunn, George Purvis, Joan White and others. WINTER 2017 - 3 - Namaste (continued) John Schumacher is the founder I knew he meant that I can do pranayama, and strong sense of organization, business acumen, and director of I needed more study and refinement. My chal- self-motivation, and technology orientation. Unity Woods. lenges today are so much more difficult than And most of all, I care about Unity Woods. I’ve He has prac- those of a progressing young student—aging been so lucky in my own career. When I first ticed yoga for has brought along with it herniated discs, sci- came to Marriott, I found a diverse and welcom- over 40 years atic pain, and physical limitations. I continue to ing environment where people have respect and has taught practice yoga to work with and improve these for each other. Now, coming to the next major in the Washing- conditions. phase of my work life, I find myself in a welcom- ton area since 1973. John studied ing place where diversity is celebrated and we in India with B.K.S. Iyengar for 33 Another central focus in my life has been my have a common interest. I consider myself lucky years and is a Certified Advanced professional career. With another type of ser- beyond belief to be involved with Unity Woods Iyengar Yoga Teacher. He also spent endipity (there’s that word again) I embarked and the people who make it an enjoyable place many years studying with interna- on a career in Information Technology, starting to be. And finally, for my luck in coming to Unity tionally acclaimed teacher Dona as a computer programmer and progressing in Woods as Administrator, I must say a special Holleman. line with my natural proclivities to positions thanks to my dear friend (family, really) Suzie as a manager of technical staff and projects Mann. She knew I needed to find a new work John’s clear, precise style and his implementing technical solutions for business situation, and she knew the changes about to engaging sense of humor have problems. Specifically I’ve worked on telecom- happen at Unity Woods. Serendipity. Once the made him one of the country’s munications billing systems, government pro- idea was out there, everyone supported it—for leading yoga teachers. Yoga curement programs, tracking of federal entitle- this I am again so very grateful to receive such Journal cited him as one of "25 ment programs, and most recently and for over a warm welcome from old friends and new. I Americans who are shaping 16 years, at Marriott International supporting hope to get to know all of you as we embark on yoga today." He has written for the loyalty program and reservations systems. the new year and new administration.
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