David M. Garcia, PhD Assistant Professor University of Oregon Department of , Institute of Molecular Biology, Center for Genome Function [email protected] https://www.garcialab.org/

Education and Training Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford, CA Ford Foundation/NIH NRSA/Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013—2018 Advisor: Daniel Jarosz

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Biology, Cambridge, MA Ph.D. Molecular Biology, 2006—2012 Advisor: David Bartel

University of California, Santa Cruz B.S. and Molecular Biology, with College Honors, 1998—2002 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2003 (study abroad)

Pre-prints Garcia, D.M.*, ‡, Campbell, E.A.*, Jakobson, C.M., Tsuchiya, M., DiNardo, A.L., Kaeberlein, M., Jarosz, D.F. ‡ A prion accelerates proliferation at the expense of lifespan. bioRxiv (Under review) https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.10.196584

Byers, J.S., Garcia, D.M., Jarosz, D.F. Epigenetic regulation of genome integrity by a prion-based mechanism. bioRxiv (Under revision) https://doi.org/10.1101/152512 *equal contributions ‡co-corresponding authors

Research Publications Chakravarty, A.K., Smejkal, T., Itakura, A., Garcia, D.M., Jarosz, D.F. A non-amyloid prion particle that activates a heritable gene expression program. Molecular Cell ePub: Nov. 19, 2019 • Preview: Yeast Sporulation and [SMAUG+] Prion: Faster is Not Always Better, Molecular Cell 2019, 77(2)

Garcia, D.M.*, Dietrich, D.*, Clardy, J.‡, Jarosz, D.F.‡ A common bacterial metabolite elicits prion- based bypass of glucose repression. eLife 2016, 5:e17978 • eLife Insight: An acid tale of prion formation. Tuite, M.F., eLife 2016, 5:e22256 • Editor’s Choice: Bacteria stop fermentation with lactic acid. Science Signaling 9,457:ec288 • Stanford Medicine Scope: How prions help yeast feast. Spector, R., December 1, 2016


Chakrabortee, S.*, Byers, J.S.*, Jones, S., Garcia, D.M., Bhullar, B., Chang, A., She, R., Lee, L., Fremin, B., Lindquist, S. ‡, Jarosz, D.F. ‡ Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Drive Emergence and Inheritance of Biological Traits. Cell 167, 369–381, 2016 • Remembering the Past: A New Form of Protein-Based Inheritance. Tuite, M.F., Cell 167, 369–381, 2016 • Science Daily: Revising the meaning of ‘prion’. October 4, 2016 • Stanford Medicine Scope: DNA dethroned? Spector, R., October 6, 2016

Garcia, D.M. and Jarosz D.F. Rebels with a cause: molecular features and physiological consequences of yeast prions. (Review) FEMS Yeast Research 14 (1): 136–147, 2014

Garcia, D.M.*, Baek, D.*, Shin, C., Bell, G.W., Grimson, A., Bartel, D.P. Weak Seed-Pairing Stability and High Target-Site Abundance Decrease the Proficiency of lsy-6 and Other miRNAs. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 18 (10): 1139–1146, 2011 *equal contributions ‡co-corresponding authors

Research Mentoring Ethan Shaw, PhD student, June 2019—present Stanley and Lucille Adamson Award (2019) Abigail Vaaler, Research Assistant/Lab Manager, July 2019—present Zack Basham, undergraduate, January 2019–June 2020; Research Assistant, July 2020—present UO SPUR/OURS Summer Fellowship (2019) Mikala Capage, undergraduate, February 2019–present UO VPRI Undergraduate Fellowship (2020) Jacob Evarts, undergraduate, March 2019–present UO VPRI Undergraduate Fellowship (2019) UO SPUR/OURS Summer Fellowship (2020) Rotation PhD students: Natanya Villegas (W2020); Acadia DiNardo (F2019); Zac Bush (S2019)

Grants as independent investigator Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation, $100k, 6/2020–5/2021 Medical Research Foundation of Oregon New Investigator Grant, $40k, 9/2019–8/2020 University of Washington Nathan Shock Center Pilot Award, $10k, 9/2019–8/2020

Service as faculty member Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Department of Biology, 2019–present Founder, Oregon RNA Club. Awarded mini-grant from RNA Society to support club activities.


Center for Genome Function. Awarded mini-grant from UO CAS for hosting Symposium in ‘20–‘21. Ad-hoc reviewer: Frontiers in Microbiology (2020)

Teaching as faculty member (forthcoming) Molecular Genetics, Bi 320 – first assignment is Spring 2021 (proposed) Systems Genetics, Bi ??? – first assignment in 2021–2022 year

Scientific Teaching Fellow, Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching, Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, Regional 4-day Workshop, summer 2019

Oral Presentations (selected) Yeast Genetics Meeting (Genetics Society of America), 2018

Poster Presentations (selected) Cold Spring Harbor Labs Yeast Research: Origins, Insights, Breakthroughs, New York, 2019 Cold Spring Harbor Labs 84th Symposium: RNA Control and Regulation, New York, 2019

Memberships Genetics Society of America (ID#: 362026), 2018–present RNA Society (#1322085), 2019–present ORCiD iD: 0000-0003-0600-9527

Websites https://www.garcialab.org/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=svSKbSIAAAAJ&hl=en linkedin.com/in/david-m-garcia-76737a54

Twitter handle: @UdPrfrNAgo

NCBI MyBibliography: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/1zArUNKdFMyAI/bibliography/53457122/pu blic/?sort=date&direction=ascending


Pre-faculty training Postdoctoral Fellow Grants and Fellowships Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Program Award, $60K, 2015—2018 Stanford Medicine SPARK Grant (PI w/ 7 co-investigators), $100K, 2015—2017 NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, NIGMS, $112K, 2014—2016 Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Academy of Sciences, $42.5K, 2013—2014

Awards and Honors during training Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, 2015 Poster Award, Gordon Research Conference: Epigenetics, 2015 Poster Award, Stanford Chemical and Systems Biology Retreat, 2015 MIT S. Klein Prize for Science Writing, First Place, 2012 Phi Beta Kappa, 2004 UC Santa Cruz Alumni Association Scholarship, 2001

Patents “Use of a Small Molecule to Robustly Alter the Metabolic Program of Fungi” (US Provisional) 2016 Garcia, D.M., Dietrich, D., Clardy, J., Jarosz, D.F.

Science writing for the public Garcia, D.M. Extreme Tissue Regeneration. OZY magazine, 2014 ozy.com/fast-forward/need-a-new-heart-make-like-a-worm-grow-your-own/30298

Garcia, D.M. Great Adaptations: A versatile bacterium provides insight into multicellular microbial life and tackling deadly infections. Natural History Magazine, 2012 naturalhistorymag.com/perspectives/212397/great-adaptations

Garcia, D.M. You’d Prefer An Argonaute, a blog about RNA research and biomedical science. >50,000 views. youdpreferanargonaute.com

Oral Presentations (seminars, symposia, conferences, etc.) Third Rock Ventures, San Francisco, 2018 Stanford Department of Biology Think & Drink, 2017 Nuclear Dynamics Seminar Series, Institut Curie, Paris, France, 2017 Bay Area Stress & Chaperone Symposium, UC Berkeley, 2017 Stanford Microbial Molecular Biology Seminar Series, 2017


Stanford Microbial Molecular Biology Seminar Series, 2015 Stanford Department of Chemical and Systems Biology Retreat, 2015 Ford Fellows Conference, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., 2013 Stanford Department of Chemical and Systems Biology Retreat, 2013 Stanford Department of Developmental Biology Retreat, 2013 5th Small RNA Microsymposium, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria, 2010 UC San Francisco Hematopoiesis and Leukemia Super-Group Meeting, 2006

Oral Presentations (faculty candidate talks) NYU School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, 2018 University of Oregon, Institute of Molecular Biology, 2018 The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute/University of Toronto, 2018 Sloan Kettering Institute, Molecular Biology Program, 2018 University of Chicago, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, 2018 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Life Sciences Institute, 2018 University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2018 UC Santa Barbara, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, 2018 Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL), Vienna, Austria, 2018 Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Ctr. for RNA Science and Therapeutics, 2017

Poster Presentations (selected) 3rd Stanford Microbiome Symposium, Stanford, CA, 2017 1st Symposium on Nucleic Acid Modifications, IMB, Mainz, Germany, 2017 Bay Area Stress & Chaperone Symposium, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 2017 EMBO Conference: Experimental Approaches to Evolution and Ecology using Yeast and other Model Systems, EMBL ATC, Heidelberg, Germany, 2016 EMBO Practical Course: iCLIP, Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz, Germany, 2015 Burroughs Wellcome Fund New Awardees Networking Meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, 2015 Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Chemical and Systems Biology Annual Retreat, Santa Cruz, CA, 2015 Joan Mansour Poster Award Sixth Indo-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, Irvine, CA, 2015 Invited presenter


Gordon Research Conference: Epigenetics, Waltham, MA, 2015 Poster Award (1 of 4 awardees out of 133 posters) EMBO Workshop: Macromolecular Assemblies at the Crossroads of Cell Stress and Function, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2015 EMBO Symposia: The Non-Coding Genome, EMBL ATC, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010 Keystone Symposium: RNAi, microRNA, and non-coding RNA, Victoria, Canada, 2009

Teaching during prior training Postdoc Mentor, Stanford Biosciences ADVANCE Summer Institute (URM PhD students) 2016, 2017. TA, MIT Biology, Experimental Molecular Biology (7.16), Professors M. Hemann and J. Saeij, 2010. Intensive lab course for 12 advanced majors. Pre-ran course experiments, presided over lab, lectured. TA, MIT Biology, General Biochemistry (7.05), Professors M. Yaffe, D. Bartel, G. Brown, 2008. Core course for multiple majors, ~200 students (6 TAs total). Attended lectures, presented weekly discussion sections, office hours, exam reviews, graded exams. Group Tutor, MIT Office of Minority Education, General Chemistry (5.111) 2007. Attended lectures, presented discussion sections twice weekly, answered questions about homework and exams.

Research mentoring during prior training One graduate student at Stanford, National Science Foundation GRF recipient, 2015—2018. Three undergraduate students at MIT and Stanford, presently: (1) Medical Resident at Stanford; (2) Master’s Student, Stanford Biomedical Informatics; (3) Research Assistant at Novome Biotechnologies.

Service and Outreach during prior training Journals refereed (w/ Daniel Jarosz) - eLife, Science, 2017; Molecular Cell, 2018 Discussion Session Moderator, Science Communication Camp, Malibu, CA, 2016 #SciCommCamp Speaker introduction - Oliver Rando (University of Massachusetts Medical School), Keynote Speaker, Gordon Research Seminar: Epigenetics, Waltham, MA, 2015 Speaker introduction - David Bartel (MIT/Whitehead Institute/HHMI), Cutting Lecture, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2015 Career Mentor - Harvard Medical School SHURP (summer undergraduate research program for women and under-represented minorities), 2007—2011

Research Courses Completed Workshop on small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC, 2016.

6 iCLIP: Genomic views of protein-RNA interactions, EMBO Practical Course, Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz, Germany, 2015. Instructor references: Prof. Julian König, [email protected]; Prof. Chris Sibley, [email protected] Yeast Genetics and Genomics Course, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2013. Instructor references: Prof. Maitreya Dunham, [email protected]; Prof. Marc Gartenberg, [email protected]; Prof. Sue Jaspersen, [email protected]

Research Experience Prior to PhD Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, Dept. of Hematology. Research Asst., 2004—2006 Advisor: Prof. Corey Largman, Treating mouse models of myeloid leukemia Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Dept. Neurology. Summer Undergraduate, 2000 Advisor: Professor Frances Jensen, Ion sensitivity of AMPA receptors in epilepsy cell models UC Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. Summer Undergraduate Intern, 1999 Advisor: Professor Steven Beckendorf, Screening mutant fly collections NASA Ames Research Center, Department of Exobiology Summer High School Intern, 1997, 1998