Title 3— the PRESIDENT Taffls S I ? 'He Pubuc Interest
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„ \ o N A L ^ FEDERAL REGSTER VOLUME 24 \ 1 934 NUMBER 113 * ^A/ITED ^ Washington, Wednesday, June 10, 1959 DONE at the City of Washington this CONTENTS Title 3— THE PRESIDENT first day of June in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty- THE PRESIDENT Proclamation 3297 [ seal] nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America Proclamations Pase DETERMINING CERTAIN DRUGS TO the one hundred and eighty-third. Determining Certain Drugs To Be BE OPIATES Opiates____________ 4679 D w ight D . E isenhow er Immigration Quotas__________ 4679 By the President of the United States By the President:" of America EXECUTIVE AGENCIES D ouglas D illo n, A Proclamation Acting Secretary of State. Agricultural Marketing Service WHEREAS section 4731(g) of the [F.R. Doc. 59-4854; Filed, June 9, 1959; Notices : Internal Revenue Code of 1954 provides 9:44 a.m.] Jonesboro Stockyards et al.; in part as follows: posted stockyards__________ 4702 OPIATE.—The word “opiate”, as used in. Proposed rule making : this part shall mean any drug (as defined in Poultry and poultry products the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; inspection; miscellaneous 52 Stat. 1041, section 201(g); 21 U.S.C- 321) Proclamation 3298 amendments______________ 4699 found by the Secretary or his delegate, after IMMIGRATION QUOTAS Rules and regulations: due notice and opportunity for public hear Apples; color requirements___ 4681 ing, to have an addiction-forming or addic By the President of the United States Cucumbers; termination of im tion-sustaining liability similar to morphine port regulation___________ 4694 or cocaine, and proclaimed by the President of America to have been so found by the Secretary or Cucumbers; termination of limi his delegate,* * *; A Proclamation tation of shipments________ 4694 Elberta peaches; grades and AND WHEREAS the Secretary of the WHEREAS under the provisions of section 202,1a) of the Immigration and sizes____________________ _ 4693 Treasury, after due notice and oppor Split peas; grades, grade re tunity for public hearing, has found that Nationality Act, each independent coun try, self-governing dominion, mandated quirements, and grade des- ' each of the following-named drugs has ignations______ .__________ 4682 an addiction-forming or addiction-sus territory, and territory under the inter taining liability similar to morphine,, national trusteeship system of the United Agriculture Department and that in the public interest this find- Nations, other than independent coun See also Agricultural Marketing should be effective immediately: tries of North, Central, and South Service; Commodity Credit Cor America, is entitled to be treated as a poration ; Commodity Stabili (1) 2'-Hydroxy-5, 9-dimethyl-2-(2- separate quota area when approved by zation Service. Phenylethyl) -6, 7-benzomorphan. the Secretary of State; and Notices; <2) Ethyl 4 - phenyl - 1 - [3-(phenyla- WHEREAS under the provisions of Removal of liquidating agent mino) -propyl] -4-piperidinecarboxylate. section 201(b) of the Immigration and and substitution of agent of (3) 3 - Hydroxy - N-phenethylmorphi- Nationality Act, the Secretary of State, the secretary to continue “an, its racemic and levorotatory forms, the Secretary of Commerce, and the At liquidation under terminated 2 * its dextrorotatory form and its torney General, jointly, are required to milk order No. 47, as determine the annual quota of any quota amended_________________ 4705 fX; THEREp°RE, I, DWIGHT D. area established pursuant to the provi Atomic Energy Commission &SENHOWER, President of the United sions of section 202(a) of the said Act, Notices:' thai f,oi America» do hereby proclaim and to report to the President the quota Westinghouse Electric Corp.; found +t Secretary of the Treasury has of each quota area so determined; and reopened hearing ______ 4705 drug« e^ach of the aforementioned WHEREAS under the provisions of Bonneville Power Administra 3-?vdl!XCe? the dextrorotatory form of section 202(e) of the said Act, the Secre tion its caH^r^'P^H^hylraorphinan and tary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, Notices: addiction an addiction-forming o r. and the Attorney General, jointly, are Land Branch chief; redelega- mornhin:S“ g lability: similar to required to revise the quotas, whenever tions of authority__________ 4701 tafflS S i ? ‘he PubUc interest necessary, to provide for any political Civil Aeronautics Board Mediately. be effective im- changes requiring a change in the list of Notices : quota areas; and Accident occurring near Chase, unto setm ^hif ^ HEREOP>1 have here- WHEREAS the State of Guinea was Md.; hearing.______i ____ _ 4706 the U n i t e d ^ a5d caused the Seal of on November 1, 1958, recognized de jure Commerce Department -ed States to be affixed. (Continued on p. 4681) See Maritime Administration. 4679 4680 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Commodity Credit Corporation Page Interstate Commerce Commis- page FEDERALWREGISTER Notices: sion— Continued V, »a* ¿y Certain commodities; June sales Rules and regulations: list_____________ _________ 4703 Freight rate tariffs, schedules, Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following official Federal holidays, Commodity Stabilization Service and classifications; emer- by the Office of the Federal Register, National Rules and regulations: . gency transportation of prop- Archives and Records Service, General Serv Tobacco; b u r le y , flue-cured, —erty (2 documents)________ 4598 ices Administration, pursuant to the au fire-cured, dark air-cured, Land Management Bureau thority contained in the Federal Register Act, and Virginia sun-cured; 1959- Notices: approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as 60 marketing quota regula amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regula . Idaho; proposed withdrawal and tions prescribed by the Administrative Com tions____________________ 4682 reservation of land________ 4702 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Customs Bureau the President. Distribution is made only by Notices: Maritime Administration the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Iron pipe fittings from Japan; Notices: m ent Printing Office, W ashington 25, D.C. purchase price and foreign American President Lines, Ltd.; The Federal R egister will be furnished by application and hearing,.... 4705 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 market value_____________ 4706 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Federal Aviation Agency Narcotics Bureau advance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations: (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Adjudication and licensing pro the size of the issue. Remit check or money Minimum en route IFR alti order, made payable to the Superintendent tudes; miscellaneous altera cedure; cross reference____ 4698 of Documents, directly to the Government tions (2 documents)____ 4694,4697 Securities and Exchange Com Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Federal Communications Com The regulatory material appearing herein mission is keyed to the Code op F ederal Regulations, mission Notices: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Notices: Hearings, etc.: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Hearings, etc. : Acme Tool & Engineering amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed Doughty, Frederic C________ 4708 Corp_____ _____________ 4721 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin Hirschberg, Sanford L., et al_ 4706 Union. Electric Co_________ 4721 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and New Jersey Exchanges, Inc_ 4708 pocket supplements vary. Specified non-broadcast activi-. Treasury Department There are no restrictions on the re ties on multiplex basis______ 4706 See Customs Bureau; Narcotics publication of material appearing in the Bureau. F ederal Register, or th e Code op F ederal Federal Power Commission R egulations. Notices: Hearings, etc. : CODIFICATION GUIDE Bel Oil Corp. et al_________ 4709 A numerical list of the parts of the Code CFR SUPPLEMENTS Hunt Oil Co. et al_______ 4709 of Federal Regulations affected by documents Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line published in this issue. Proposed rules, as (As of January 1, 1959) Co____________ 4708 opposed to final actions, are identified as such. The following supplement is now Federal Reserve System A Cumulative Codification Guide covering available: Rules and regulations: the current month appears at the end of each Title 26 (1954), Part 222 to end Credit by brokers, dealers, and issue beginning with the second issue of the ($2.75) members of national secu m onth. rities exchanges; transactions Previously announced: Title 3, 1958 Supp. in restricted accounts under 3 CFR ■ p*8' ($0.35); Titles 4-5 ($0.50); Title 6 amended withdrawal rules__ 4697 Proclamations : ($1.75); Title 7, Parts 1-50 ($4.00); Parts Loans by banks for the purpose 2980 (revoked by Proc. 3298) _ 4679 51-52 ($6.25); Parts 53-209 ($5.50); of purchasing or carrying 3147 (revoked by Proc. 3298)- 4679 Parts 210-899 ($2.50); Parts 900-959 registered stocks ; purchase- 3158 (revoked by Proc. 3298)- 4679 ($1.50); Part 960 to end ($2.25); Title 8 and-sale substitution on same 3188A (revoked by Proc. 3298) _ 4679 ($0.35); Title 9 ($4.75); Titles 10-13 day__________________ ;__ 4698 3206 (revoked by Proc. 3298)- 4679 ($5.50); Title 14, Parts 1-39 ($0.55); 3298). 4679 Parts 40—399 ($0.55); Part 400 to end Food and Drug Administration 3248 (revoked by Proc. ($1.50); Title 15 ($1.00); Title 16 ($1.75); Rules and regulations: 3297-— ................................4679 Title 18 ($0.25); Title 19 ($0.75); Title 21 Labeling of drug preparations 3298............................... ........ 4679 ($1.00); Titles 22-23 ($0.35); Title 24 containing salicylates; revo ($4.25); Title 25 ($0.35); Title 26, Parts 7 CFR cation_________ __________ 4698 4681 1-79 ($0.20); Parts 80-169 ($0.20); Parts 51________ _ 170-182 ($0.20); Part 300 to end, Title Health, Education, and Welfare 68________ 4682 27 ($0.30); Title 26 (1954) Parts 1-19 Department 725__............. 4682 ($3.25); Parts 20-221 ($3.00); Titles 28- See Food and Drug Administra 936___ _____ 4693 29 ($1.50); Titles 30-31 ($3.50); Title 32, tion.