„ \ o N A L ^ FEDERAL REGSTER VOLUME 24 \ 1 934 NUMBER 113 * ^A/ITED ^ Washington, Wednesday, June 10, 1959 DONE at the City of Washington this CONTENTS Title 3— THE PRESIDENT first day of June in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty- THE PRESIDENT Proclamation 3297 [ seal] nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America Proclamations Pase DETERMINING CERTAIN DRUGS TO the one hundred and eighty-third. Determining Certain Drugs To Be BE OPIATES Opiates____________ 4679 D w ight D . E isenhow er Immigration Quotas__________ 4679 By the President of the United States By the President:" of America EXECUTIVE AGENCIES D ouglas D illo n, A Proclamation Acting Secretary of State. Agricultural Marketing Service WHEREAS section 4731(g) of the [F.R. Doc. 59-4854; Filed, June 9, 1959; Notices : Internal Revenue Code of 1954 provides 9:44 a.m.] Jonesboro Stockyards et al.; in part as follows: posted stockyards__________ 4702 OPIATE.—The word “opiate”, as used in. Proposed rule making : this part shall mean any drug (as defined in Poultry and poultry products the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; inspection; miscellaneous 52 Stat. 1041, section 201(g); 21 U.S.C- 321) Proclamation 3298 amendments______________ 4699 found by the Secretary or his delegate, after IMMIGRATION QUOTAS Rules and regulations: due notice and opportunity for public hear­ Apples; color requirements___ 4681 ing, to have an addiction-forming or addic­ By the President of the United States Cucumbers; termination of im­ tion-sustaining liability similar to morphine port regulation___________ 4694 or cocaine, and proclaimed by the President of America to have been so found by the Secretary or Cucumbers; termination of limi­ his delegate,* * *; A Proclamation tation of shipments________ 4694 Elberta peaches; grades and AND WHEREAS the Secretary of the WHEREAS under the provisions of section 202,1a) of the Immigration and sizes____________________ _ 4693 Treasury, after due notice and oppor­ Split peas; grades, grade re­ tunity for public hearing, has found that Nationality Act, each independent coun­ try, self-governing dominion, mandated quirements, and grade des- ' each of the following-named drugs has ignations______ .__________ 4682 an addiction-forming or addiction-sus­ territory, and territory under the inter­ taining liability similar to morphine,, national trusteeship system of the United Agriculture Department and that in the public interest this find- Nations, other than independent coun­ See also Agricultural Marketing should be effective immediately: tries of North, Central, and South Service; Commodity Credit Cor­ America, is entitled to be treated as a poration ; Commodity Stabili­ (1) 2'-Hydroxy-5, 9-dimethyl-2-(2- separate quota area when approved by zation Service. Phenylethyl) -6, 7-benzomorphan. the Secretary of State; and Notices; <2) Ethyl 4 - phenyl - 1 - [3-(phenyla- WHEREAS under the provisions of Removal of liquidating agent mino) -propyl] -4-piperidinecarboxylate. section 201(b) of the Immigration and and substitution of agent of (3) 3 - Hydroxy - N-phenethylmorphi- Nationality Act, the Secretary of State, the secretary to continue “an, its racemic and levorotatory forms, the Secretary of Commerce, and the At­ liquidation under terminated 2 * its dextrorotatory form and its torney General, jointly, are required to milk order No. 47, as determine the annual quota of any quota amended_________________ 4705 fX; THEREp°RE, I, DWIGHT D. area established pursuant to the provi­ Atomic Energy Commission &SENHOWER, President of the United sions of section 202(a) of the said Act, Notices:' thai f,oi America» do hereby proclaim and to report to the President the quota Westinghouse Electric Corp.; found +t Secretary of the Treasury has of each quota area so determined; and reopened hearing ______ 4705 drug« e^ach of the aforementioned WHEREAS under the provisions of Bonneville Power Administra­ 3-?vdl!XCe? the dextrorotatory form of section 202(e) of the said Act, the Secre­ tion its caH^r^'P^H^hylraorphinan and tary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, Notices: addiction an addiction-forming o r. and the Attorney General, jointly, are Land Branch chief; redelega- mornhin:S“ g lability: similar to required to revise the quotas, whenever tions of authority__________ 4701 tafflS S i ? ‘he PubUc interest necessary, to provide for any political Civil Aeronautics Board Mediately. be effective im- changes requiring a change in the list of Notices : quota areas; and Accident occurring near Chase, unto setm ^hif ^ HEREOP>1 have here- WHEREAS the State of Guinea was Md.; hearing.______i ____ _ 4706 the U n i t e d ^ a5d caused the Seal of on November 1, 1958, recognized de jure Commerce Department -ed States to be affixed. (Continued on p. 4681) See Maritime Administration. 4679 4680 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Commodity Credit Corporation Page Interstate Commerce Commis- page FEDERALWREGISTER Notices: sion— Continued V, »a* ¿y Certain commodities; June sales Rules and regulations: list_____________ _________ 4703 Freight rate tariffs, schedules, Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following official Federal holidays, Commodity Stabilization Service and classifications; emer- by the Office of the Federal Register, National Rules and regulations: . gency transportation of prop- Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Tobacco; b u r le y , flue-cured, —erty (2 documents)________ 4598 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ fire-cured, dark air-cured, Land Management Bureau thority contained in the Federal Register Act, and Virginia sun-cured; 1959- Notices: approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as 60 marketing quota regula­ amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regula­ . Idaho; proposed withdrawal and tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ tions____________________ 4682 reservation of land________ 4702 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Customs Bureau the President. Distribution is made only by Notices: Maritime Administration the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Iron pipe fittings from Japan; Notices: m ent Printing Office, W ashington 25, D.C. purchase price and foreign American President Lines, Ltd.; The Federal R egister will be furnished by application and hearing,.... 4705 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 market value_____________ 4706 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Federal Aviation Agency Narcotics Bureau advance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations: (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Adjudication and licensing pro­ the size of the issue. Remit check or money Minimum en route IFR alti­ order, made payable to the Superintendent tudes; miscellaneous altera­ cedure; cross reference____ 4698 of Documents, directly to the Government tions (2 documents)____ 4694,4697 Securities and Exchange Com­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Federal Communications Com­ The regulatory material appearing herein mission is keyed to the Code op F ederal Regulations, mission Notices: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Notices: Hearings, etc.: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Hearings, etc. : Acme Tool & Engineering amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Doughty, Frederic C________ 4708 Corp_____ _____________ 4721 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Hirschberg, Sanford L., et al_ 4706 Union. Electric Co_________ 4721 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and New Jersey Exchanges, Inc_ 4708 pocket supplements vary. Specified non-broadcast activi-. Treasury Department There are no restrictions on the re­ ties on multiplex basis______ 4706 See Customs Bureau; Narcotics publication of material appearing in the Bureau. F ederal Register, or th e Code op F ederal Federal Power Commission R egulations. Notices: Hearings, etc. : CODIFICATION GUIDE Bel Oil Corp. et al_________ 4709 A numerical list of the parts of the Code CFR SUPPLEMENTS Hunt Oil Co. et al_______ 4709 of Federal Regulations affected by documents Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line published in this issue. Proposed rules, as (As of January 1, 1959) Co____________ 4708 opposed to final actions, are identified as such. The following supplement is now Federal Reserve System A Cumulative Codification Guide covering available: Rules and regulations: the current month appears at the end of each Title 26 (1954), Part 222 to end Credit by brokers, dealers, and issue beginning with the second issue of the ($2.75) members of national secu­ m onth. rities exchanges; transactions Previously announced: Title 3, 1958 Supp. in restricted accounts under 3 CFR ■ p*8' ($0.35); Titles 4-5 ($0.50); Title 6 amended withdrawal rules__ 4697 Proclamations : ($1.75); Title 7, Parts 1-50 ($4.00); Parts Loans by banks for the purpose 2980 (revoked by Proc. 3298) _ 4679 51-52 ($6.25); Parts 53-209 ($5.50); of purchasing or carrying 3147 (revoked by Proc. 3298)- 4679 Parts 210-899 ($2.50); Parts 900-959 registered stocks ; purchase- 3158 (revoked by Proc. 3298)- 4679 ($1.50); Part 960 to end ($2.25); Title 8 and-sale substitution on same 3188A (revoked by Proc. 3298) _ 4679 ($0.35); Title 9 ($4.75); Titles 10-13 day__________________ ;__ 4698 3206 (revoked by Proc. 3298)- 4679 ($5.50); Title 14, Parts 1-39 ($0.55); 3298). 4679 Parts 40—399 ($0.55); Part 400 to end Food and Drug Administration 3248 (revoked by Proc. ($1.50); Title 15 ($1.00); Title 16 ($1.75); Rules and regulations: 3297-— ................................4679 Title 18 ($0.25); Title 19 ($0.75); Title 21 Labeling of drug preparations 3298............................... ........ 4679 ($1.00); Titles 22-23 ($0.35); Title 24 containing salicylates; revo­ ($4.25); Title 25 ($0.35); Title 26, Parts 7 CFR cation_________ __________ 4698 4681 1-79 ($0.20); Parts 80-169 ($0.20); Parts 51________ _ 170-182 ($0.20); Part 300 to end, Title Health, Education, and Welfare 68________ 4682 27 ($0.30); Title 26 (1954) Parts 1-19 Department 725__............. 4682 ($3.25); Parts 20-221 ($3.00); Titles 28- See Food and Drug Administra­ 936___ _____ 4693 29 ($1.50); Titles 30-31 ($3.50); Title 32, tion.
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