PCT Gazette, Weekly Issue No. 33, 1999

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PCT Gazette, Weekly Issue No. 33, 1999 33/1999 19 Aug/août 1999 PCT Gazette - Section I - Gazette du PCT 9177 SECTION I PUBLISHED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS DEMANDES INTERNATIONALES PUBLIÉES (51) Not classified / non classée (54) • DEVICE WITH REGULATING BAND (81) AL AM AT AU AZ BA BB BG BR BY CA WIDTH FOR PRECISE DISTRIBUTION CH CN CU CZ DE DK EE ES FI GB GE (11) WO 99/40771 (13) A2 OF SCATTERING MATERIAL GH GM HR HU ID IL IN IS JP KE KG KP KR KZ LC LK LR LS LT LU LV MD MG (21) PCT/US99/03226 • DISPOSITIF A LARGEUR DE BANDE DE REGLAGE IMPORTANTE POUR MK MN MW MX NO NZ PL PT RO RU (22) 16 Feb/fév 1999 (16.02.1999) REPARTITION PRECISE DE MATIERE SD SE SG SI SK SL TJ TM TR TT UA UG A REPANDRE UZ VN YU ZW; AP (GH GM KE LS MW (25) en (26) en SD SZ UG ZW); EA (AM AZ BY KG KZ MD RU TJ TM); EP (AT BE CH CY DE (30) 09/023,354 13 Feb/fév 1998 US (71, 72) HÖLZL, Hans [DE/DE]; Rauhöd 2, DK ES FI FR GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT (13.02.1998) D–83137 Schonstett (DE). SE); OA (BF BJ CF CG CI CM GA GN GW ML MR NE SN TD TG). (43) 19 Aug/août 1999 (19.08.1999) (72, 75) LEEB, Theodor [DE/DE]; Plattlinger (54) • CONCURRENT FLOW MIXING ME- Strasse 21, D–94562 Oberpöring (DE). Published / Publiée : (c) THODS AND APPARATUSES FOR (74) KLEINSCHMIDT, Michael; Vorderer An- THE PREPARATION OF GENE THE- (51)6 A01D 55/00, B26B 27/00 RAPY VECTORS AND COMPOSI- ger 268, D–86899 Landsberg (DE). TIONS PREPARED THEREBY (11) WO 99/40774 (13) A1 (81) CA US; EP (AT BE CH CY DE DK ES FI PROCEDES DE MELANGE DE FLUX (21) PCT/US99/04026 • FR GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE). EN PARALLELE, APPAREILS DE PRE- PARATION DE VECTEURS POUR LA (22) 4 Feb/fév 1999 (04.02.1999) Published / Publiée : (c) THERAPIE GENIQUE ET COMPOSI- (25) en (26) en TIONS PREPAREES DE CETTE MA- (30) 60/074,652 13 Feb/fév 1998 US NIERE 6 (51) A01D 34/00, B29C 53/14 (13.02.1998) (71) SELECTIVE GENETICS, INC. [US/US]; 11035 Roselle Street, San Diego, CA 92121 (11) WO 99/40773 (13) A1 (30) 09/241,865 2 Feb/fév 1999 US (US). (02.02.1999) (21) PCT/US99/03392 (72) CHEN, Xian; 4646 Bryson Terrace, San (43) 19 Aug/août 1999 (19.08.1999) Diego, CA 92130 (US). D’ANDREA, (22) 17 Feb/fév 1999 (17.02.1999) (54) • COMBINATION WEE- Mark, J.; 7772 Rocio Street, Carlsbad, CA DER/EDGER/TRIMMER 92009 (US). (25) en (26) en • COMBINAISON DE DESHERBEUSE, (74) MAKI, David, J. et al. / etc.; Seed and DE COUPE–BORDURES ET DE TON- Berry LLP, 6300 Columbia Center, 701 Fifth (30) 60/074,899 17 Feb/fév 1998 US DEUSE Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104–7092 (US). (17.02.1998) (71, 72) HINSON, Victor, H. [US/US]; 1005 (81) AL AM AT AU AZ BA BB BG BR BY CA West Lucas Street, Florence, SC 29501 (US). (30) 60/103,549 8 Oct/oct 1998 US CH CN CU CZ DE DK EE ES FI GB GE (08.10.1998) (74) LITMAN, Richard, C.; Litman Law Of- GH GM HR HU ID IL IS JP KE KG KP KR fices, Ltd., Crystal City Station, P.O. Box KZ LC LK LR LS LT LU LV MD MG MK 15035, Arlington, VA 22215–0035 (US). MN MW MX NO NZ PL PT RO RU SD SE (30) 09/243,786 3 Feb/fév 1999 US SG SI SK SL TJ TM TR TT UA UG UZ VN (03.02.1999) (81) AL AM AT AU AZ BA BB BG BR BY CA YU ZW; AP (GH GM KE LS MW SD SZ CH CN CU CZ DE DK EE ES FI GB GE UG ZW); EA (AM AZ BY KG KZ MD RU (43) 19 Aug/août 1999 (19.08.1999) GH GM HR HU ID IL IN IS JP KE KG KP TJ TM); EP (AT BE CH CY DE DK ES FI KR KZ LC LK LR LS LT LU LV MD MG FR GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE); OA (54) • SELF–CONTAINED FLEXIBLE AERO- MK MN MW MX NO NZ PL PT RO RU (BF BJ CF CG CI CM GA GN GW ML MR DYNAMIC CUTTING ELEMENT SD SE SG SI SK SL TJ TM TR TT UA UG NE SN TD TG). WITH MATCHING HEAD UZ VN YU ZW; AP (GH GM KE LS MW • ELEMENT DE COUPE AUTONOME SD SZ UG ZW); EA (AM AZ BY KG KZ SOUPLE ET AERODYNAMIQUE MD RU TJ TM); EP (AT BE CH CY DE (51)6 A01C 7/08, 15/04 MUNI D’UNE TETE ADAPTATIVE DK ES FI FR GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE); OA (BF BJ CF CG CI CM GA GN GW (11) WO 99/40772 (13) A1 (71, 72) MORABIT, Vincent, D. [US/US]; 1230 ML MR NE SN TD TG). (21) PCT/DE99/00388 Wendy Road, Rock Hill, SC 29732 (US). MORABITO, Michael, Z. [US/US]; 136 6 (22) 10 Feb/fév 1999 (10.02.1999) Reid Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (US). MO- (51) A01G 27/04 RABITO, Christopher, J. [US/US]; 654 (11) WO 99/40775 (13) A1 (25) de (26) de East Main Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (US). (21) PCT/CA99/00096 (30) 198 05 489.0 11 Feb/fév 1998 DE (11.02.1998) (74) VANDERHYE, Robert, A.; Nixon & Van- (22) 12 Feb/fév 1999 (12.02.1999) derhye P.C., 8th floor, 1100 North Glebe (43) 19 Aug/août 1999 (19.08.1999) Road, Arlington, VA 22201–4714 (US). (25) en (26) en 33/1999 9178 PCT Gazette - Section I - Gazette du PCT 19 Aug/août 1999 (30) 60/074,604 13 Feb/fév 1998 US (54) • LIQUID FEED FEEDING DEVICE FOR (74) ELIEZRI, Zohar; Borochov, Korakh, (13.02.1998) LIVESTOCK Eliezri & Co., P.O. Box 58100, 61580 Tel DISPOSITIF POUR NOURRIR DES Aviv (IL). (43) 19 Aug/août 1999 (19.08.1999) • ANIMAUX D’ELEVAGE AVEC DES (81) AL AM AT AT (Utility model / modèle (54) • IMPROVEMENTS IN PLANT HUS- ALIMENTS LIQUIDES d’utilité) AU AZ BA BB BG BR BY CA BANDRY (71, 72) SCHUMACHER, Jochen [DE/DE]; CH CN CU CZ CZ (Utility model / modèle • AMELIORATIONS RELATIVES A LA Hofstrasse 20, D–23919 Behlendorf (DE). d’utilité) DE DE (Utility model / modèle CULTURE DES PLANTES SCHUMACHER, Ingrid [DE/DE]; Hof- d’utilité) DK DK (Utility model / modèle strasse 20, D–23919 Behlendorf (DE). d’utilité) EE EE (Utility model / modèle (71, 72) VALIQUETTE, Marc, Andre SCHUMACHER, Johannes [DE/DE]; d’utilité) ES FI FI (Utility model / modèle [CA/CA]; Appartement 19, 4995 de la Hofstrasse 20, D–23919 Behlendorf (DE). d’utilité) GB GD GE GH GM HR HU ID Cote Ste–Catherine, Montreal, Quebec H3W IL IN IS JP KE KG KP KR KZ LC LK LR 1M5 (CA). (74) GLAESER, Joachim; Diehl, Glaeser, Hiltl LS LT LU LV MD MG MK MN MW MX & Partner, Königstrasse 28, D–22767 Ham- NO NZ PL PT RO RU SD SE SG SI SK (74) FINCHAM, Eric; Suite 104, 1991 Perigny burg (DE). SK (Utility model / modèle d’utilité) SL TJ Boulevard, Chambly, Quebec J3L 4C3 (CA). TM TR TT UA UG US UZ VN YU ZW; (81) US; EP (AT BE CH CY DE DK ES FI FR AP (GH GM KE LS MW SD SZ UG ZW); (81) AL AM AT AU AZ BA BB BG BR BY CA GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE). EA (AM AZ BY KG KZ MD RU TJ TM); CH CN CU CZ DE DK EE ES FI GB GE EP (AT BE CH CY DE DK ES FI FR GB GH GM HR HU ID IL IS JP KE KG KP KR Published / Publiée : (b) GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE); OA (BF BJ KZ LC LK LR LS LT LU LV MD MG MK CF CG CI CM GA GN GW ML MR NE SN MN MW MX NO NZ PL PT RO RU SD SE 6 TD TG). SG SI SK SL TJ TM TR TT UA UG US UZ (51) A01K 29/00, E01H 1/12 VN YU ZW; AP (GH GM KE LS MW SD (11) WO 99/40778 (13) A1 Published / Publiée : (a) SZ UG ZW); EA (AM AZ BY KG KZ MD RU TJ TM); EP (AT BE CH CY DE DK ES (21) PCT/IL98/00079 FI FR GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE); (51)6 A01K 61/00 OA (BF BJ CF CG CI CM GA GN GW ML (22) 17 Feb/fév 1998 (17.02.1998) MR NE SN TD TG). (11) WO 99/40780 (13) A1 (25) en (26) en (21) PCT/AU99/00082 Published / Publiée : (c) (43) 19 Aug/août 1999 (19.08.1999) (22) 10 Feb/fév 1999 (10.02.1999) 6 (51) A01K (54) • EXCREMENT COLLECTING DEVICE (25) en (26) en • DISPOSITIF DE RAMASSAGE (11) WO 99/40776 (13) A2 D’EXCREMENTS (30) PP 1783 11 Feb/fév 1998 AU (11.02.1998) (21) PCT/US99/03204 (71) GIORA ROTHMAN & MOSHE RAZ, (43) 19 Aug/août 1999 (19.08.1999) (22) 16 Feb/fév 1999 (16.02.1999) ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNERS [IL/IL]; Hayarkon Street 109, 63571 Tel (54) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR LIF- (25) en (26) en Aviv (IL).
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    FEDERAL EGISTER 9 ^ 1 9 3 4 ¿ y VOLUME 19 NUMBER 140 Washington, Wednesday, July 21, 1954 Authority: §§ 524.375 to 524.388 issued CONTENTS TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE under sec. 32, 49 Stat. 774, as amended; PERSONNEL 7 U. S. C- 612c. Agricultural Marketing Service Page § 524.375 General statement, (a) In Proposed rule making: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission order to encourage the exportation to Handling: Part 6—Exceptions F rom the eligible countries of honey produced in Milk in Central West Texas— 4499 Competitive Service the continental United States, the Sec­ Prunes, dried, produced in retary of Agriculture, pursuant to the California_______________ 4503 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR authority conferred by section 32 of Rules and regulations: Public Law 320, 74th Congress, as Honey Export Program VMX In Federal Register Document No. 54- 66a (1954 marketing season) _ 4491 5051, filed July 1, 1954, (19 F. R. 4011) amended, offers to make payments to the word “Appeals” was omitted in sub- exporters of such honey, subject to the Agriculture Department paragraph (1) of § 6.113 (b). Effective terms and conditions set forth in this See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ upon publication in the F ederal R egis­ subpart. ice; Commodity Credit Corpora­ (b) Information pertaining to this ter, subparagraph (1) of § 6.113 (b) is tion; Commodity Stabilization subpart and forms prescribed for use Service; Forest Service. amended to read as follows: under this subpart may be obtained from § 6.113 Department of Labor. * * * Alien Property Office the following: Notices: " (b) Office of the Secretary. Erwin M. Graham, Fruit and Vegetable Vested property, intention to (1) Chairman and two Members, Em­Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, return: ployees’ Compensation Appeals Board.
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