Wàshington, Thursday, September 8, 1955 TITLE 7
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VOLUME 20 NUMBER 175 Wàshington, Thursday, September 8, 1955 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Order, as amended. The provisions in CONTENTS paragraph (c) of § 969.309 (Avocado Chapter IX— Agricultural Marketing Order 9; 20 F. R. 5627) are hereby Agricultural Marketing Service Pas® Service (Marketing Agreements and amended to read as follows: Rules and regulations: Orders), Department of Agriculture (c) Effective time. The provisions of Avocados grown in South this regulation shall become effective at Florida; container regula [Avocado Order 9, As Amended] 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., October 3,1955. tion________________________ 6571 P art 969—Avocados G rown in South (Sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 U. S. C. Milk in Tri-State marketing F lorida 608c) area, handling______________ 6571 CONTAINER REGULATION Dated: September 2, 1955. Agricultural Research Service Rules and regulations: Findings. (1) Pursuant to the mar [seal] S. R . S m ith, keting agreement, as amended, and Vesicular exanthema; changes Director, Fruit and Vegetatile in areas quarantined________ 6575 Order No. 69, as amended (7 CFR Part Division, Agricultural Mar 969; 20 F. R. 4177), regulating the han keting Service. Agriculture Department dling of avocados grown in South See Agricultural Marketing Serv [F. R. Docn 55-7278; Filed, Sept. 7, 1955; Florida, effective under the applicable 8:52 a. m.] ice; Agricultural R esearch provisions of the Agricultural Marketing Sérvice. Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 Alien Property Office U. S. C. 601 et seq.; 68 Stat. 906, 1047), Notices: and upon the basis of the recommenda [Docket No. AO-177-A14] Vested property, notice of in tion and information submitted by the tention to return: Avocado Administrative Committee, es P art 972—M ilk in the T ri-S tate Marketing Area Aschenbrenner, Maria et al_ 6602 tablished under the said amended mar Bernardoni, Giacomo_______ 6601 keting agreement and order, and upon ORDER AMENDING ORDER, AS AMENDED Bonwitt, Gustave L., and Mrs. other available information, it is hereby Correction E lizab eth Hartogs-Hij- found that the relaxation of the limita man_______ 6600 tion, hereinafter provided, on the han In F. R. Doc. 55-6991 appearing in the Comotto, Celestino Massimo. 6601 dling of such avocados will tend to effec issue for Saturday, August 27, 1955, on Demo, Calace Carmela et al_ 6602 tuate the declared policy of the act. page 6275, make the following change: Huber, Maria (Mary)_______ 6601 Such relaxation relates to the effective Delete the last paragraph in column 3, Leib, Elise__________________ 6600 time of Avocado Order No. 9 (20 F. R. 20 F. R. 6282, and substitute therefor the Meller, Joseph______________ 6601 5627) prescribing sizes of containers following paragraph: Nakanishi, Akiko___________ 6600 which may be used, effective on and after Issued at Washington, D. C., this 24th Sachs, Gunther and Werner. 6602 September 4, 1955, for the handling of day of August 1955, to be effective on and Simonelli, Pasquale I.../ . __ 6600 avocados. It has developed that some after the 1st day of September 1955. von Johnson, Elise Schmidt_ 6601 avocado handlers have inventories of Waschl, Dora__ ____________ 6601 containers not meeting the specifications Done at Washington, D. C., this 1st prescribed in such order and it is desir day of September 1955. Civil Aeronautics Board able to delay its effective time until [seal] E arl L. B utz, Notices: October 3, 1955, to facilitate disposition Acting Secretary. Hearings, etc.: of such inventories. International freight for [F. R. Doc. 55-7240; Filed, Sept. 7, 1955; warder investigation_____ 6589 (2) It is hereby further found that it 8:46 a. m.] is impracticable and contrary to the pub United States Overseas Air lic interest to give preliminary notice, lines, Inc___________ 6589 engage in public rule-making procedure, TITLE 16— COMMERCIAL Civil Service Commission and postpone the effective date of this Rules and regulations: amendment until 30 days after publica PRACTICES Formal education requirements tion thereof in the F ederal R egister (60 Chapter I— Federal Trade Commission for appointment to certain Stat. 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 et seq.) because scientific, technical, and pro the time intervening between the date [Docket 6287] fessional positions; correc when information upon which this P art 13—Digest of Cease and Desist tion________________________ 6575 amendment is based became available Orders Federal Communications Com and the time when this amendment must L. H. KELLOGG CHEMICAL CO. ET AL. mission become effective in order to effectuate the Notices : declared policy of the act is insufficient; Subpart—Advertising falsely or mis Hearings, etc.: and this amendment relieves restrictions leadingly: § 13.15 Business status, ad American Colonial Broadcast on the handling of avocados grown in vantages, or connections: Personnel or ing Corp., and Supreme South Florida. (Continued on p. 6573) Broadcasting Co., Inc____ 6590 6571 6572 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Pa"e Renegotiation Board Page FEDERALS®ISTER mission— Continued Rules and regulations: \ l»34 Mandatory exemption of con V <«W TtO* Notices—Continued Hearings, etc.—Continued tracts and subcontracts for standard commercial articles Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Alaska coast stations (2 docu and days following official Federal holidays, ments) _______________ 6591, 6592 or services; time for filing by the Federal Register Division, National Citizens Broadcasting Co----- 6592 standard commercial service Archives and Records Service, General Serv Iredell Broadcasting Co. reports_______ 6583 ices Administration, pursuant to the au (WDBM)_________________ 6590 Securities and Exchange Com thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Mooney, Jane F., et al--------- 6591 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as mission amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula Municipal Broadcasting Sys Notices: tions prescribed by the Administrative Com tem (WNYC)________ 6590 Hearings, etc.: mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Radio Broadcasting Service Blue Chip Uranium Corp____ 6599 the President. Distribution is made only by and Dana W. Adams_____ 6592 Southwestern Uranium Trad the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Rules and regulations: ing Corp_:_______________ 6599 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Stations on land in maritime Proposed rule making: The F ederal R eg ister will be furnished by services; station identifica mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Registration statement under per month or $15.00 per year, payable in tion_______ ._________ _______ 6584 Securities Act of 1933_______ 6589 advance. The charge for individual copies Federal Power Commission Rules and regulations: (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Notices : Extending temporary effective the size of the issue. Remit check or money Olin Gas Transmission Corp., ness of exchange plans of order, made payable to the Superintendent American Stock Exchange, of Documents, directly to the Government and Hope Producing Co------- 6593 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Federal Trade Commission Midwest S t o c k Exchange, The regulatory material appearing herein New York Stock Exchange Rules and regulations: and San Francisco Stock is keyed to the Code o f F ederal R eg u la tio n s, Cease and desist orders: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Kaye, Harry of Hackensack, Exchange__________________ 6576 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Small Business Administration amended August 5, 1953. The Code o f F ed Inc., and Harry Kaplan— 6574 eral R egu la tio n s is sold by the Superin Kellogg, L. H., Chemical Co., Notices: tendent of Documents. Prices of books and et al ___________________ 6571 New Jersey; amendment to dec pocket supplements vary. Fish and Wildlife Service laration of disaster area____ 6600 There are no restrictions on the re Withdrawal of request to oper publication of material appearing in the Rules and regulations: Kodiak Area and Southeastern ate as small business enter F ederal R e g ister , or the C ode o f F ederal prise production pool, and R eg u la tio n s. Alaska Area, Clarence Strait District, s a 1 m o n fisheries; withdrawal of requests to additional fishing time--------- 6583 certain companies to par CFR SUPPLEMENTS ticipate in operations of Food and Drug Administration such pool: (For use during 1955) Proposed rule making: Central California War In Enforcement of Federal Food, dustries, Inc______________ 6600 The following Supplements are now Drug, and Cosmetic Act; new Coordinated Manufacturers available: drugs______________________ _ 6584 of Santa Clara County, In c. 6600 Title 32; Parts 400-699 ($5.75) Health, Education, and Welfare State Department Parts 800-1099 ($5.00) Department Notices: Part 1100 to end ($4.50) S ee Food and Drug Administra Administrator of Bureau of Se Title 43 (Revised, 1954) ($6.00) tion. curity, Consular Affairs and Indian Affairs Bureau Personnel; amendment of Previously announced: Title 3, 1954 Supp. Notices: delegation of authority with ($1.75); Titles 4 -5 ($0.70); Title 6 Associate Commissioner et al.; respect to administration and ($2.00); Title 7: Parts 1-209 ($0.60); delegation of authority with enforcement of immigration Parts 210-899 ($2.50); Part 900 to end and nationality laws relating ($2.25); Title 8 ($0.45); Title 9 ($0.65); respect to certain duties and functions___________________ 6590 to powers, duties,