Billy Lysaght
ORAL HISTORY INTERVIEW #293 WILFRED JOHN “BILL” LYSAGHT USS DOLPHIN, SURVIVOR INTERVIEWED ON DECEMBER 7, 1998 BY JEFF PAPPAS TRANSCRIBED BY: CARA KIMURA OCTOBER 11, 2001 USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ORAL HISTORY COLLECTION Jeff Pappas (JP): The following oral history interview was conducted by Jeff Pappas for the National Park Service, USS Arizona Memorial, at the Imperial Palace Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 7, 1998 at one p.m. The person being interviewed is Bill Lysaght, who was aboard the submarine Dolphin on December 7, 1941. Bill, for the record, would you please state your full name and your place and date of birth? Wilfred John “Bill” Lysaght (WL): My full name is Bill Lysaght. I was born in Detroit on September 13, 1924. JP: Is Bill your full name or is it William? WL: It’s Wilfred. JP: Wilfred? WL: Yeah. JP: You have a middle name? WL: John. JP: Okay. So you grew up in Detroit. WL: Yes, I did. JP: Tell me what it was like growing up in Detroit. WL: Well, like any youngster, I got into a little mischief here and there but going back in those days, we had an old playing field where we played baseball and football. We made our own diamonds and things like that. And of course my father was just a mechanic and there was five of us and we [went], going to Catholic school, and when I went to elementary school, I helped the janitors sweep the rooms and do all the chores of getting our tuition paid for through school.
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